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Full text of "Some feudal coats of arms and others, illustrated with 2,000 zinco etchings from the Bayear tapestry, Greek vases, seals, tiles, effigies, brasses and heralcic rolls. Some chart pedigrees"

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3  1833  00855  8063 

n-igg«ys»'»«W5r  /&:t^amiJkiUsseiaBc::siiisJXasK!s^asiisaiie'KXise^^*^^*rti  --iksiijiM3tsX'''s^*'^ssrstF^'vw 

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£  i  ■ 

sonic  jfeu(5al_^  \   \"\'^^   ^1^   ^l^i-^V%^^ 

V J  J',  i,  j».,« 


2  000    ZINCO   CrClilNGS 


f    '^i|    !'  THC  BA^LUX  TAirSTkY 

J    [J  QRECK    V/Sl  S 


S  '\f  SFALS    TILhS     EPFIGIPS    BRASSES     , 


lOSEPH  rOSTFR  Hon  Ai  A  Oxon 

^  -  ^t —  rcn 



TTii  ■'  iTflpg-ii-n""  ^""'^^^ffniia'g'Mriu-Ti  irm  rnwrf  irmr^  *^  '■ 

.  O^  . 



Foster,  Joseph.  IS-i  l-l'JO.j. 

Som.'  iVu.Ua  co;it,  uf  ;inii-,  ;ni.l  oth.-i-,  illuhU;U..'a  wiih  -."■"' 
zin...  puljin--  tr..iu  llio  B;iveiix  t:ilM-try.  Gnvk  \:i~'-.  -c-;\4=. 
till-,  dli-a-.  b.■a~<c^  nii.l  li.>ral.lic  roll-.  .Soniu  cliart 
15y  Josf'pli  Fo-lrr  ...  Oxford  and  l.^ndun.  J.  Tarlcr  .<:  co.. 

xxxviii.  ■2i«  [>.  ill"-.  (iMd.  f.R-iMH..  wu.  Of  avuis;  p.i"  col.)  l;l.. 
fokl.  st'iH-al.  tall.    32  X  ■-'.".=, 

Title  wilhin  nrunuK'  boviler. 

I    lU'iv.ldr.v— Ct.  Blit.        I.  Title. 





XT'        •■''^-*'^'i-**f ""A  **•'        -i' I 


THEREOV    THE   OUTlINr:    OF     A     HOAR,    THE    NATIONAL     SYMBOL.       KcKbk's   " IlorS   fftalfs"  fai;c 

'  A  P,  O  ~::^i^y^:fc'-i':~ 


1344  i:.  1 

I3'J9  K.  1 

137S  K.  1 

13S2  R.  II.  S; 

1405  II.  IV.  S 

1424  II.  VI.  J< 

1461  E.  IV.  Jc 

1462  K.  IV.  W 
1472  K.  IV.  Jo 
I47Z  i:.  IV.  W 
1476  1;.  n.  Tl 

3    l'KIDE.4t 

3  Penmsc 

4  GKtM.Ll 

5  CoLviif 

6  Coltkik: 

9  I    LUMLEV 

2  Salvin. 

3  «ALr,E<; 

4  Dic.BV. 

5  Trve. 

John,  3Rn  Lord  Ne 

iKii,  K.G. 

KTON,    K.G. 

L  Brva: 

:  John  Sianlev,  K.C. 

IN,  Lord  TaI-Boi,  K.G. 

IN,  5TH  Lord  Slroi-k  of  Hoi. 

LI.IAM,   Lord,   K.G. 

N,  Lord  Howard,  K.G. 

LTEK.   6ill    Lord   lERREKs   n|. 

3  lUi 

4  Wo 

5  Lin 

3  Bracrbridge. 

4  Chetwvm). 

5  Strickla-M). 

il,  the  foures  Ihe  oidc 



w:  :i\ 

1  ;f.. 



the  year  1895  our  aristocracy 
suddenly  startled  by  what  may  be  des- 
cribed as  a  feint  on  its  Heraldic  status,  delivered  in  a 
work  hailing  from  Scotland,  entitled,  too  cjuaintly,  "Arniori; 
Families";  its  very  raison  d'clre  being  to  the  contrary,  y\/..  the 
inclusion  of  a  host  of  families  who,  on  the  advice  of  certain  olTicers 
of  arms,  were  inferentially  disclaimed  as  non-armorial;  and  who,  thus  being 
almost  "  made  infamous  by "  publication  would  in  some  cases  be  headed  to 
the  Heraldic  fold  for  armorial  salvation.  Nor  were  the  italicized  persons  long 
left  in  doubt  as  to  the  meaning  of  the  equivocal  distinction  conferred  upon 
them  ;  they  were  chivalrously  informed  in  the  "  Saturd.ay  Review  "  by  X.,  who 
has  not  so  far  disclaimed  identity  with  "  the  Editor "  of  "  Armorial  Families," 
that  "  one  has  to  insult  (a  man)  publicly  in  black  and  white  before  he  can  tie 
induced  to  make  the  least  imjuiry  about  the  arms  in  question.'*  This  tnodus 
operandi  oi  "the  Editor"  himself  was,  however,  reproved  in  its  turn  by  the  same 
"Saturday  Review"  in  a  weighty  article  entitled  "The  Black  Dncik  of  an 
Amateur  Herald,"  written,  it  is  understood,  by  Windsor  Herald.  The  following 
are  the  terms  of  his  rebuke  ; — 

"Those  who  decline  to  take  steps  which 
.  .    .  are  periodically  to  be  flescrihed  by  ' 
be  done  officially.     In  an  amateur  it  is  n 

Windsor,  in  the  same  article, 
of  his  brother  Heralds,  for  he  thu.s 

"  No  individual  Herald  or  Pursuivan 
man  is  entitled  to  coat  armour  or  not." 

As  it  is  admittedly  upon  the  authority  of  a  Herald  and  a  Pursuivant  that  the 
procedure,  amounting  to  an  "  insult  publicly  in  black  and  white,"  was  evolved, 
"the  Editor"  and  "X."  sink  into  the  insignificance  of  irregular  Agents  of 
His  Majesty's  Office  of  Arms— no  other  official  protesting  against  these  dis- 
credited devices. 

These  unchivalrous  and  apparently  unwarranted  proceedings  provided  just 
the  necessary  incentive  to  commence  a  long-cherished  design  to  produce  an 
Armorial  which  should  give  the  authority  for  each  coat.  The  com[)ilation  of 
this  work  from  original  sources  has  involved  several  years'  unremitting  applica- 
tion ;  the  mere  accumulation  and  classification  of  the  various  Heraldic  Ki>lls, 
Visitations,  and  Manuscripts  constituting  arduous  and  almost  a  forbidding 
task,  single-handed.  The  Heralds  having  sold  practically  all  their  ancient 
manuscripts  or  copies  of  them,  I  ho|ie  ultimately  to  complete  from  the  unrivalled 
Heraldic  MS.  authorities  (wholly  outside  the  College  of  Arms)  in  the  British 

of  fees  to  profes; 
This,  if  done  al 

ill,  should 

■.■ddling  1  it  is  a  kind  of  s 

goes  on  to  reprove   this   irregular  procedun 

writes  : — 

has  any  authority 

I  decide  «  helhci 

,  Enflish- 

on  this  procedure  see — 

(1)  "The  llU-k  Book  of  an  Amaleur  \Un\A."  Salurd^y  Rtvinv,  Febniarj- 

(2)  "  Arms  and  the  Gentleman,"  Cmuciuporary  Kaiuw,  .\ugu5t  1899  i 

(3)  "  Older  .Arms."  the  World,  August  l5,  1S99;  and 

(4)  "  A  Reformed  College  of  Arms,"  the  Conlemporary  Review,  July  1900. 

15,  1S99: 


■'<~^  I ^' v,.J  a.a  »_i  U«/  vJ  1=./  s_«  t. 


vi  i'rt/l/A"   FEVHAL   COATS   OF  ARM S.- I'REFACF. 

Museum,  the  Kodlcian  Library,  and  the  Colleges  of  Oxford  and  Camhridge  •  a 
trubtworthy  account  of  tlie  arms  of  tliose  famihes  who  have  borne  them  (i)  by 
ancient  user  since  I''eudal  times,  that  aue  of  Chivalry,  long  anterior  to  a  Heralds' 
College  ;  (2)  by  ancient  grant  or  other  right  heraldic  ;  extending  it  (3)  to  those 
men  of  family  and  to  county  gentry  who  bear  arms  by  a  user  of  three  genera- 
tions, giving  them,  as  in  Ireland,  a  prescriptive  ownership,  providing  it  does  not 
conflict  with  any  pre-existing  rights. 

^Vith  some  sense  of  satisfaction,  though  of  shortcoming  withal,  I  now  in  all 
modesty  place  the  first  instalment  of  my  labours  in  the  domain  of  Heraldry 
before  the  Student  and  Man  of  Family  under  the  title  of  "  Some  Feudal  Coats 
of  Arms,"  together  with  some  preliminary  streets  relating  (i)  to  "  Men  of  Coat 
Armour,  their  Hearings  and  Badges,"  front  ancient  and  modern  examples,  and 
(2)  to  "Ancestral  Families,"  which  will  be  issued  under  counties,  or  groups  of 
counties,  of  which  Yorkshire  (see  page  ::4o)  will  be  the  first,  rather  than  under  a 
single  alphabet  as  originally  intended. 

"Some  Feudal  Coats  of  Arms"  is  primarily  a  collection,  from  the  Heraldic 
Rolls,  of  the  names,  with  the  personal  insignia  dibplayed  on  their  banners  or 
vestments,  of  the  combatants  at  the  battle  of  F.ilkirk,  r^gS,  and  at  the  siege  of 
CarKiverock,  1300,  at  the  tournaments  of  Dunstable  in  r3oS  and  1334,  at  the 
battle  of  Koroughbridge,  13:2,  or  at  the  siege  of  Calais,  1345-S,  and  before 
Rouen,  141S.  With  these  have  been  incorporated  the  names  and  blasons  in  the 
so-called  Heraldic  Rolls  or  Lists,  some  of  which  I  have  re-named  (see  pages  x.xx, 
xxxi),  concluding  with  the  Arundel  or  Military  Roll,  emblasoncd  circa  Hen.  VL 

How  far  these  Heraldic  Rolls  or  Lists  were  compiled  from  originals  and 
added  to  by  Heralds  or  Herald-painters  of  later  date  must  remain  a  moot  point. 
Of  those  which  are  generally  accepted  as  contemporary  with  the  persons  whose 
arms  are  blasoned  therein  I  may  at  least  refer  to  the  Military  Rolls  before 
mentioned,  129S-141S.  The  copy  of  the  IJering  Roll,  which  is  considered  to 
be  the  earliest  of  the  Rolls  assigned  to  the  reign  of  Hen.  111.,  agrees  to  a 
remarkable  extent  with  the  Howard  or  Planche  Roll.  The  Ashmole  copy  of 
this  same  Dering  Roll,  No.  11 20,  made  by  that  notorious  Elizabethan  Herald 
Ralfe  Brooke  (when  Rouge  Cross,  15.S0-93),  is  by  him  recklessly  described  as 
"  the  names  and  amies  of  those  K.nightes  as  wcare  w'  Kinge  Richard  the  firste  at 
the  assigge  of  Aeon  or  Acres,"  1191  (sec  Black's  Ashmolean  Cataloguel,  another 
noteworthy  instance,  I  am  afraid,  of  the  malpractices  displayed  by  the  officious 
Elizabethan  Heralds,  secure  in  their  re-incorporation  of  1555.  For  the  con- 
venience of  the  student  I  h.ive  distinguished  the  majority  of  these  "  Dering  " 
blasons  by  a  double  dagger,  J  ;  and  those  interested  in  the  Roll  will  find  a  short 
article  thereon  in  the   "  Reliquary,"  vol.  xvi.  p.  135. 

Probably  the  most  interesting  of  the  series.  Historically  and  Her.aldically,  is 
the  Boroughbridge  Roll  (1322),  long  in  the  posression  of  the  family  of  Colonel 
Williams-Wynn,  of  Cocd-y-Maen,  to  whom  I  am  gratefully  indebted  for 
permission  to  reproduce  the  examples  on  pages  xxvi,  xxviii,  and  so  also,  in  the 
case  of  the  Camden  Roll  (page  xxix)  I  am  similarly  indebted  to  the  distinguished 
Director  of  the  British  Museum,  whose  cosmopolitan  encouragement  of  the 
reproduction  of  object  lessens  from  the  vast  storehouse  under  his  guidance  and 
control  is  as  highly  esteemed  as,  indeed,  it  is  essential  to  our  progress,  The 
student  and  Man  of  Family  will  no  doubt  be  further  interested  in  the  accom- 
panying expert  tracings,  as  well  as  in  the  facsimile  of  the  Boroughbridge  Roll  and 

'  Iti 

1  thci 

that,  ihoufrh  Canibridpe  Uni\ 

CTsitv  accepted  the  author 

at  Oxfonl  thev  were  sluuvn    I 

>  the  duur.      See  Oxfurd 

fly  cdnion— preface  by  Turner 

cf  tlie  Ilcmlil 





I    r. 

r  't 


k.  \ 

••1. -. -j.-vdr.q 


De  Roo 

the  corresponding  reading  taken  from  the  appendix  to  "the  Parliamentary  Writs." 
As  is  the  case  noH-adavs  their  compilers  are  to  be  caught  tripping— in  the  Horougli- 
hridge  Roll  the  arms  of  Sir  Edmond  and  Sir  Geoffrey  Cornwall  are  correctly 
assigned  to  them,  but  the  same  arms  are  also  ascribed,  though  erroneously,  to 
Sir  Edmond  and  Sir  (leoffrey  Curteny,  as  in  the  facsmiile,  page  xsviii.  Other  slips 
have  been  detected  in  the  Falkirk  and  Carlaverock  Rolls,  even  the  simple  coot, 
De  Vere  was  a  notable  stumbling-block  to  the  early  arniorists.  A  volume  of 
facsimiles  of  these  Rolls  which  have  all  been  edited  and  printed,  some  many  a 
time  and  oft  (the  Parliamentary  Roll  half  a  dozen  times),  would  be  more 
welcome  to  the  Heraldic  student  who  is  unable  to  consult  the  originals  than  a 
riiluniffce,  on  modern-antique  lines,  with  which  we  seem  to  be  thn:atened. 

In  addition  to  the  Roll  authority  for  each  coat,  the  Christian  as  well  as  the 
Surname  of  its  original  holder  is  here  given,  information  not  to  be  found  in  any 
of  the  printed  Books  of  Arms  ;  the  blasons  and  tricks  of  the  various  Rolls  have 
been  collated  and  the  whole  alphalietically  arranged,  as  in  my  other  works. 
The  voracious  hack-editor  of  kindred  works  will  doubtless  calmly  appropriate, 
"  out  and  out,"  for  any  new  edition  of  his  armoury  what  I  have  a-rranged  at 
infinite  pains,  in  precisely  the  same  way  as  all  the  original  matter  in  my  I'eerage, 
and  more  especially  in  my  Baronetage  of  iSSo,  was  appropriated  in  iSSi  and 
later  years,  and  that  without  a  breath  of  acknowledgment,  unsuspected  and 
therefore  unnoticed  by  their  reviewers  and  the  public. 

Annotation  or  identification  was  no  part  of  my  original  plan  in  producing  a 
series  of  blasons  referring  for  the  most  part  to  well-known  persons  of  ancient 
repute,  the  identity  of  whose  coat  armour  has  hitherto  been  carefully  obscured  in 
the  published  armouries,  in  perpetuation  of  the  occult — and  the  inex.act.  in 
order  to  minimise  repetition  it  will  be  noticed  that  I  have  combined  under  their 
respective  names  those  who  arc  named  at  Falkirk,  i  29S,  and  at  Carlaverock,  1 300, 
and  those  who  sealed  the  celebrated  Letter  from  the  Barons  to  the  Pope,  1301, 
which  will  be  found  at  pages  ,\.\iv.  sxv.  Those  who  accompanied  Prince  Kdward 
(E.  i.)in  the  last  of  the  crusades,  1269-70,  are  distinguished  with  a  cross,  +  ;  the 
Dering  Roll(J;),  which  is  (sceptically)  said  to  refer  to  the  siege  of  Acre,  1191,  has 
already  been  mentioned.  The  asterisk  denotes  those  whose  descendants  are 
singled  out  by  Mr.  Shirley  in  "  Noble  and  Gentle  Men  of  England,"  and  those 
(Shirley)  names  whose  ancestors  do  not  occur  in  these  Rolls  are  included  in 
square  brackets,  so  '[  ]  Shirley.  For  any  who  wish  to  annotate  further  much 
valuable  information  may  be  readily  found  in  (i)  the  alphabetical  section  of  the 
"  Pailiamentary  Writs,"  by  F.  T.  Palgrave,  and  in  (2)  the  "Seals  in  the  British 
Museum,"  published  by  the  Trustees,  under  the  editorship  of  Dr.  de  Gray  Birch. 

As  "  Hungry  time  hath  made  a  glutton's  meal  on  this  Catalogue  of  Gentry  " 
I  have  compiled,  for  read)  reference,  a  somewhat  tentative  list  of  those   named 

M,.MI1I.R«IR,    1325. 

/    .  1,   ,..      A:'\  \ 

'  '  ■■  \ 



V    V    \/     V    V    \/    V    V    V    V    V    V     ^     V     -^^    'i  .       \ 





n  Sltipl 



ik-y,  1405. 

I'ot.  1424 



of  Shrev 



Slh  S 


cof  liollon. 




d  Il.iu.i.d 


:?  Hi 

;  Duke 

ol  N 


irro,  'jf  C 
<'(  l>uiset 




imd  oil  Ihc 


-  P'i 

u  1,1  this 



uke    of    Leins 

cr   ( 

304)   tL 


nt    Itit 


on  the  Rolls  who  are  still  represented  in  the  male  line.     These  families  are  in 
very  deed  the  Ancieiine  Noblesse  of  this  realm.     See  p.ige  xxnIv. 

Perhaps  more  remarkable  still  is  the  exhaustion  of  the  lineal  descendants  of 
the  Knights  of  the  Garter,  for  of  all  those  (about  270)  created  before  the  reigu 
of  Henry  VIII.  only  13  are  now  represented  in  direct  male  descent. 

(1)  Lord  Wroltcsliry  reiircscnts  Sir  Ilunh  Wrottcslcy,  a  fminricr,  1344  ;  a  unique  distinction. 

(2)  Marquis  of  Al.eri;avenny.  K.C...  represents  |ohn.  Lord  Neville,  of  K.-ibe,  1369. 
(31   Lord  of  Chu.lleich  reprc^enls  Sir  Levi-is  Clifford,  137S. 

(4)  Rev.    l'n!.f  M;'.     '.- :,i....     !:.    ■    ,     M    ,i„,,r 

(5)  The    I     ,,1       ■    !•    :l^,    K    ^.    ,   ,     :   ,  :■      -,;    I     •.     v 

(6)  The  1   III  !■!  '■  .■•  .■  .11  111-       •,      I.  ■  I.,  [     I  ■ 

(7)  Smv.ii  I    MM.,  -   I.,.    .  I  1',,  I    -    I,,-    I..M 

(S)   The  I..11I  III  lliuiliiie.iii  .e|ii.,M,,.  Wiliii.  I.    1... 
(9)   The  iMikc  of  K.G.,  npre-eiil.,   I 

(10)  The  Viseouut  Hereford  reprewiu,  W.iher.   l.nril 

(11)  The  Karl  of  Slamford  represents  Tli.iiiiiis.  .Mnr.| 

(The  arms  of  their  knightly  ancestors  mil  lie 

(12)  The  Duke  of  lleaufort  (c.   1490)  and  (13J  the 

creations  of  Henry  VIL 

The  earliest  of  those  genuine  Monumental  Effigies  and  Brasses  on  which 
coat  armour  is  disiilayed  are  some  of  the  most  striking  Heraldic  evidences  in  the 
country.  'J'heir  importance  is  such  that  I  have  not  hesitated  to  include  cojiies 
of  all  the  illustrations  that  I  have  seen,  giving  the  authf)rity  for  each.  Kxcellent 
rubbings  can  be  consulted  in  the  Department  of  MSS.  in  the  British  Museum. 

My  interest  in  the  art  s!de  of  Heraldry  (so  littlt;  appreciated),  derived  to 
some  extent  from  my  relative,  the  late  liirket  Foster,  has  led  me  critically  to 
investigate  and  examine,  for  the  best  examples,  a  host  of  Heraldic  MSS.  in  the 
British  Museum,  which  contain  the  work  of  the  older  Herald  painters  ;  and  I 
trust  that  my  critics  and  supporters  will  agree  that  my  labour  has  not  been  in 
vain  ;  indeed,  I  shall  be  well  pleased  if  this  work  but  afford  a  starting  point  for 
future  emiuirers.  How  often,  alas  !  has  a  manuscript  suffered  by  its  change  of 
owner,  exquisite  tricks  all  but  obliterated  by  the  coarsest  daubs  of  colouring,  so 
much  so,  that  the  ordinary  consultation  of  a  MS.  for  aught  but  the  art-Heraldic 
would  probably  fail  to  reveal  the  artistic  gems  beneath.  The  chief  among 
modern  Heraldic  art  students  was,  without  doubt,  the  late  Mr.  James  E.  Uoyle, 
examples  of  whose  e.xquisite  work  may  be  seen  in  "  the  Ofificial  Baronage."  I 
am  fortunate  in  being  able  to  include  a  few  unpublished  drawings  (p.  iSS)  of  the  late 
Frater  Anselm,  of  Mount  S.  Bernard  Abbey,  whose  pencil  so  greatly  enhanced 
the  attractiveness  of  my  "Peerage  and  Baronetage,"  1SS0-3.  Of  what  is  now 
the  old  school  of  Heraldry  Mr.  John  Henry  Metcalfe  alone  remains,  his  delicate 
physique,  as  with  Mr.  Doyle  and  Fr.  Anselm,  precluding  continuous  work  ;  the 
drawings  of  the  arms  of  the  Oxford  Colleges,  made  for  "  Alumni  0.\onienses," 
page  i^i,  quite  fit'teen  years  ago,  are  his. 

I  have  been  anxious  that  the  illustrations  should  cover  a  wide  period,  and 
thus  become  a  more  useful  feature  than  is  usual  in  a  work  of  this  nature,  for  1 
consider  it  of  capital  importance  that  the  student  should  have  tit  his  elbow, 
within  the  covers  of  a  single  book  for  instant  reference,  worthy  representations 
of  the  art  of  each  available  period.  To  this  end  I  have  included  examples 
from  the  following  list  of  authorities,  which  I  have  here  endeavoured  to  arrange 
in  somewhat  chronological  sequence  : 

(1)  Greek  Vases,  by  H.  II.   Walters,   puhlished   by    the  T 

reproduced  tiy  the  special  permission  of  the  Ltircclo 

(2)  Anglo  Saxon-Bronre  Shield  found  in  the  be^  of  the 

badge  of  a  boat  ;  KeniLle's  "  llor.c  Feralcs  "  (plat 

of  the   British   Mu 

-  PP- 









I>l£   BARliNTY 

(3)  The  Bayeux  Tapestry  fur  Hcadpii 

theedllion  puL>li,l>e<I  un;kr  'ht 
and  ediled  by  Frank  Ueile  Fo« 

(4)  The-  Seals  of  the  Barons  who  sis^n, 

:s,  taken  fr. 
!m  is'75'-' 

he  C.i 


of  the  Co 
M  ,.f  COIltl 


rd\  II 


:  riches  l)y  any  ecdesiastieal  editke  in 

Incised  Slabs  from  such  well-known 
GouRh,  Carter,  Richardson,— the 
ind  ("Sculptured  Monuments"),   and 

,ded    the 

si:;ne.l  the  letter  tf 

;.  Julius  C.  VII  )- 
pp.  xv.xxii.  On  page  > 
and  facing  page  73  will  I 
Kngland,  including  the 
treaty  of  Bretigny,  8  .\h 
of  Kinu  of  France.  1  h 
continued  to  King  Kdwa 

(5)  Inlaid  tiles  and  borders,  &c.,  from   ••  .Neath  Abliey,"  en. a  1300-1330,  "  which 

been  as  a  whole  probably  unsurpassed  in  artist 
the  kingdom,"  pp.  v-x,  \c. 

(6)  Monumental  Eftigies  and    Bra.sses,  as  well  as  soini 

authorities  as  Slothatd,  Waller.  Mollis, 
"  Arch;eologia,"  Cotman,  Boutell,  Kite,  Drumm 

(7)  The  Marginal  Coats  of  Arms  have  been  drawn  fn.m 

Uollsof  Arms  and  other  Heraldic  MSS.  in  the 
are  unsurpassc-d,  and  perhaps  unsur[Kiss,il)le. 

(8)  The  Arms  of  the  Inns  of  Court,  page  xxxv,  and  of  the 

and  Cambridge,   page  40,  am!  of  those  Colleges  foi 
century,    will,    I    hope,    be    coiisiilered   a  justiliaMe   ir 
illustrations,  together  with  some  typical  Heraldic  .\tchic 
been  incorporated.      I  rather  regret  that  there  has  not 
more  ;  I  shall  be  at  all  limes  to  receive  plates  or  p: 

(9)  The  Heraldic  title  page,  which    to  some  extent  was  sug^ 

Abbey,  calls  for  slight  remark,  beyond  the  fact  that  e 
the  eleven  knights  of  the  Garter  before  referred  to  (set 
shields  on  the  lower  part  represent  some  of  those  per^ 
male  descendants  still  carry  on  the  nation's  work  and  polity  ;  see  page  xxxiv. 

It  may  sound  strange  the  war  in  South  Africa  should  have  affected  the 
fortunes  of  my  book,  but  as  tlie  artist  whose  Heraldry  I  admire  above  all  others 
—  Mr.  Perceval  Landon— was  ordered  to  the  front  as  a  special  correspondent  of 
the  "Times,"  I  was  unexpectedly  deprived  of  my  most  valued  art  contributor. 
The  principal  drawings  from  his  pencil  ai:e  those  of  Lord  Crawford,  Lord 
Howlh,  Lord  Wolseley,  the  late  Bishops  of  Oxford  and  Limerick,  and  Major 
Lysler ;  all  too  few.  Mr.  Mather  has  done  yeoman  service  in  reproducing  all 
the  Heraldic  and  other  facsimiles  which  fortn  so  important  a  part  in  the  orna- 
mentation  of  its  pages  ;  the  larger  Heraldic  atchievements,  those  of  the  Duke  of 
Norfolk  (three  shields),  the  Marquis  of  Northatnpton,  the  Earl  of  ^\"inchilsea, 
the  Countess  of  Halifax,  Mr.  I'rideaux-Brune,  and  many  others,  are  by  him. 

It  may  also  appear  singular  that  a  work  such  as  this,  dealing  with  the 
beginnings  of  Heraldry,  can  be  compiled  quite  outside  the  College  of  Arms,*  and 

•  "  The  present  movements  in  favour  of  the  intelligent  study  of  the  science  (Heraldry),  of 
the  pure  and  artistic  design,  and  of  the  new  honest  genealogy,  have  all  originated  not  within, 
but  without,  the  walls  o'f  the  Heralds'  College."  Sli:dies  iii  Feera^e  and  Family  Hillary,,  XXVI,  by  J.  H.  Round. 

iculars,  of  Aichicvemt;[it 

cd  bv  the  Hcraldrv  of 


the  upper  pan  are  the 

mis  of 

3age  IV),  and   that  the 


IS  named  in  the    Kolls 


\\M  Warken,  r.  1313-16. 

SiK  Thf,oiiai.1)  de  Vbruon,  133 

Sir  Kobkrt  FitAV 

Sir  William  de  Montaccte,  1316. 

r ,  5-i 



witliout  the  assistance  in  any  shape  or  form  of  a  Herald  or  Officer  of  Arms.  That 
the  period  covered  is  prior  to  the  incuhation  of  the  College  is  an  insufficient 
retort,  the  fact  really  being  that  the  older  Heralds,  as  already  stated,  sold  their 
books  of  arms  and  pedigrees,  now  in  tlie  British  Museum  and  elsewhere,  and  thus 
the  piesent  Heralds  are  [lerforce  largely  indifferent  to  this  early  period  ;  more- 
over, is  it  not  ultra  ofticial,  and  therefore  outside  the  pale  of  easily  gotten  fees? 


.a,  I.a 

r  and  dccayu  uf  the 

.  N,„r„vs  Kin-,  of  ArnK's,  iwn 
Vorl-c,  duceassMi,  have  iluhc  llie  like  to  the  great  sc 
present.' "-Colt.  MS.  i-aiistina.  E.  I.,  fo.  263. 

I  frankly  appeal  in  this  work  to  those  who  belong  to  our  old  families,  or  who 
t.ike  an  intelligent  interest  in  the  history  of  our  nncicnue  vo/ileae.  My  stand- 
point is  the  very  opposite  to  that  of  those  who  seek  to  foist  on  the  newly - 
armigerous  person  a  "nobility  "  obtained  by  him  in  return  for  a  cash  payment. 
Nothing  I  know  could  be  more  grotesquely  repellant  to  those  to  whom  I  appeal 
than  this  debased  altitude,  this  absolute  levelling  of  the  claims  of  ancestry  and 
high  breeding  in  order  to  complete  a  business  deal.  Surely  in  the  times  in 
which  we  live  these  efforts  to  c.\alt  the  iniviis  /wmo  because  he  has  paid  fees  to 
the  heralds  as  not  only  the  equal  of  all,  but  actually  the  superior  of  some  of  our 
old  tenitorial  families,  whose  social  position  is  undoulited,  and  whose  history 
is  entwined  all  through  the  centuries  with  the  story  of  their  country,  calls  for 
an  official  protest,  and  invites  the  publication  of  such  a  work  as  this,  in  which 
those  who  are  descended  from  our  older  houses  will  at  least  have  heraldic  justice. 

The  toil  in  such  a  work  as  this  is  as  nothing  to  the  pleasure  which  is  evoked, 
as  one  Heraldic  milestone  after  another  is  passed  ;  and  with  an  enthusiast,  is  not 
the  fail  airoMip/i  his  sole  reward?  I  boast  no  publisher,  nor  sponsor  in  any 
shape  ;  as  with  the  "  Alumni  O.xonienses,"  the  costs  as  well  as  the  toil  are  wholly 
mine,  but  even  so,  without  outside  aid,  I  could  never  have  produced  this  book 
in  its  present  form.  It  is  my  most  agreeable  duty  gratefully  to  acknowledge 
the  very  highly  valued  privileges  and  assistance  I  have  received  officially  from 
Sir  Edward  Thompson,  Director  of  the  British  Museum,  fiom  the  Keeper  of 
the  MSS.,  and  the  chiefs  of  the  Reading  Knom,  For  literary  help  and 
guidance  I  have  been  almost  hourly  indebted  to  the  ever  courteous  Mr.  F.  B. 
Bickley,  of  the  MSS.  Department,  whose  knowledge  and  experience  of 
ancient  documents  are  probably  unrivalled.  My  thanks  are  also  due  to  1  Ir. 
Piirch,  whose  unsurpassed  Heraldic  knowledge  has  ever  been  available  and  of 
the  utmost  value  in  clearing  up  many  abstruse  points.  It  is  indeed  diliicult  to 
avoid  being  invidious  where  all  are  so  uniformly  courteous  and  helpful. 

Even  though  'tis  "forty  years  on  "since  the  appearance  of  my  first  Genea- 
logical work,  and  I  have  been  responsible  for  many  volumes  in  the  interval,  I 
must  still  claim  indulgence  for  errors,  which,  in  spite  of  every  care,  I  feel  sure 
must  have  been  committed,  as  any  one  who  knows  aught  of  tlie  babel  of  blazon 
will  most  re.idily  understand  and  condone.  Let  me  at  least  pray  to  have  been 
delivered  from  the  snare  of  the  fotger.* 







F  Akms  ox  Titi.c 
and  Heraldic  llluM 

Aits,   550,   500  B.C. 

,  from  TilL-s  and  Holders  in  Ne.ith  .Al.l)cv 



ic  iNlEOlil'CTloN,  and  Illuslrations  of  Ihc  Bnrcins'  Seals 

kON^'    LlTTER   to  TIIK    i'OPE,   I3OO-I        

nURriKiE  RoLl,,  1322— Fac>imiles  and  I'rinls      

Roll,  temp.  E.  I.— Facsimile      

IfCBirr    REKF.RF.M.ES   " 

IRATIONS,  List  of 


I  HE 



AVNE,  of  Burghwallis,  Yorkshire,  I'cd.gree, 

AruNUELI.  of  VVardour,  John  Fkaxcis,  12th  Baron,  Heraldic  Acrhieveincjil 

Beilasyse  ArcHfEVEMENT  AND  Hlaso.s",  borne  by  the  Earl  Marshal 1 

Bl.ENKI.NSOPP,  of  KUnkinsopp,  XorthiimherlaMd,  redigree  : 

BOVNTON,  Sir  GRlfFlTll  Hesrv,  :2lh  Ban.,  Heraldic  Alchievement 

Bkune.  C.  G.  PKinEAUX,  of  I'ri.leaux  I'lace,  Cornwall,  Heraldic  Alchievement 

Cecil,  Robert,  3rd  .\lar<iuis  of  Salisburj,  K.C,  Heraldic  Alchievenienl  

Co.MlTO.N.  Wn.IIAM,  5lh  .M.uquis  of  Nnrlhampton.  Heraldic  Alchievement       

CulIKTENAY  AlCini:\  FMIN  I,  hnrr.e  by  Agnes  i:ii7:d.elh.  Lady  Halifan 

CUEYKE,  RaI-FII,  of  RawclifTe  Hall,  V..rl.s,   IJer.ildic  .Mcliievemelil         

DackeAtchievement  AND  K1..AS0.N,  burne  by  the  Earl  .Marshal  I 

Darcy,  extinct  Ilarls  of  Holdernesse.  Heraldic  Alchievement       

Englanii,  EnWARD  VIL,  King  of;  Sase-Coburg  Dynasty         ; 

Eyre,  of  Lindley  Hall,  CO.  Leic,  .Ic,  Pedigree     I 

Eyre,  Thomas  John,  of  Upper  Court,  Kilkenny,  Heraldic  Atchievement         

FinCH-HaTTON,  H.  S.,  Earl  of  Winchilsea  and  Nottingham,  Heraldic  Atchievement  ... 

GRESI.EY,  Sir  Robert,  nth  Bart.,  of  Drakelow,  Derbyshire,  Arms         

Grevili.e,     Francis    Richard,    5th    Earl    of    Warwick    and     Brooke,     Heraldic 


Haig,  of  Bemersyde,  Co.  Berwick,  Pedigree  ...         ...         ...         ...         ...  10, 

Hatton,  Sir  Christopher,  K.G.,  Lord  Chancellor,  Heraldic  .Atchievement  i_.  .  ,"e.l.. 
HiLDYARD,  John  Arundell,  of  Hutton  Bonville,   Vorks,  Heraldic  .Uchicvement     ... 
Howard,    Henry,    K.G.,    15th     Duke     of    Norfolk,   Heraldic     Atchieve- 
ment    16-17,60-61,  II. 

Howard,    Henry,  F^arl  of  Surrey,  Heraldic  Atchievement,  for  which  bearing  he  was 

attainted  and  executed       ...  ...  ...  

Hcnter-Weston,  of  Himterston,  Ayrshire,  N.B.,  Pedigree        

LegH,  of  Norbury  Booths,  Pedigree,  see  PeNNINOtON      15; 

Lindsay,  James,    26th   Earl  of  Crawford  and    Sth  -Eail    of    Baharres,    K.T.,    Arms, 

drawn  by  Mr.  Perceval  Landon 

I.ORAINE,Rcar-Admiral  Sir  Lambton,  Bart.,  Heraldic -Vtchitvemenl 

Lyster,   Major  Byrie.  of  Waye,  Devon,   Arms,   drawn  by  Mr.   Perceval 

Paulett  (William,  3rd)  Marquis  of  Winchester,  Heraldic  .Atchievement,  after  Cooke, 


Pennington,  Baron  Muncaster  of  .Muncaster,  Pedigree 15 

St.   Lawrence,  Sir  William  U.  T.,    4th    Larl    of  Howth,    K.P.,   Arms,   drawn 

by  Mr.  Perceval  Landon 

ScROPE,  Simon,  of  Danby  super-Yore.  Com.  Ebor.,  Heraldic  Atchievement,  169S 
SiAPYLTON,  of  Carlton,  Yorks,  now  of  Lolworth,  co.  Cambridge,  I'edigrcc       ...  iS 

StaRKIE,  late  Col.,  of  Huntroyde,  Lanes,  Heraldic  Atchievement  

Walpole,  Robert  Horace,  5th  Earl  of  Orford.  Heraldic  Atchievement  

Welby,  Reginald,  Lord,  G.C.B..  Heraldic  Atchievement  

WOLSELEY,  Viscount,  K.P.,  Heraldic  Alchievement,  drawn  by  Mr.  Perceval  Landon  .. 
Wroileslev,  Baron,  of  Wrotlesley,  Pedigree 



I —  . 






I'lJ---'    1 1 


».  gaaviwwsi  ii>^aaaas-'»»j:<eaa,w:w3acK.  -r  i*  .v-^:;- 


DESCRIPTION    OF   THE        , 


Erom  thf.  liRETisir  MfsKUM  Catalocuk,  i:v  Dr.  Birch. 


Ienky  de  Al'DlTHEl.F.GA,  c,f  Chorshury  in  West™,  S.iIo|i,  Knight  c.   12]}— /r, 

L-aHtonaems pallk.        'SIGILLVM   :   HENRICI   :   DE  ALDIT E. 

Charter,  xi.  38.       [7017.] 

TOMAS  ■   DE  ■   BOLLESDVNE.       [7576.1 

,  thyce,  two  and  0 

3.  Margery  up.  Crfk.  «ij.,«,  of  HiMon.  .SutToll;,  12.S0  - ///Mr/^Wr  12  niimll.s  /.;  m,V. 

m/rallahfiid.     ■  SIGILLVM   :   MARG   .  .  .  E     DE     C   .   EC.     b;i..wc  Chanel,  30S. 

4.  Stmo.n  Dr.DF.NE  [I2lh  century] -/)rf<y^ihoughperhap5/«v-/a/< /«//)■  n«rf  .  .  .     'SIGIL- 

LVM  :  SIMONIS  :  DE  :  DENE,     .additional  Ciwnei,  21,  lS3-used  by  Roiikri    '. 
Paui.i.nus  /  Geoffrev,  lord  of  Westjcle,  Great  Oakley,  Norfolk.     [9232.] 

5  &  6.  Am  avricus  or  Almaric  [D'Everei'X],  4th  Earl  of  Gloucester,  ob.  circa  \22(i~h,iriy 
fily  cfsix  Ir.tvirse,  E\EKEUX  of  Normandy.  .  .  .  ILLVM  ALMAR.  No.  6  cunier- 
seal  same  arms.  *SECRETUM  •  A  COMITIS  GLOVERNIE.  llarleian  Charier, 
45  c.  2S.     [9538.] 

7.  William  de  Filgf.ehs,  \2m~a  hmt  tdr. 
the  shield  diapte  fouetic.      Ilarleian  Char 

iitpiUs  cf  seen  Joints  wary  piiited  — 
.  15.    [9701.] 

10.  RoEERiusyf/.  D.  Will  ml  Kfrrariis  :  Roiiert  he  Ferrers,  Sth  Earl  of  IV-thy 
1254-127S  — iniX  "ROBS  •  FIL'  ■  ET  HERES  •  DNI  ■  WILLI-  DE 
FEkRAR'  ■  QODA'  ■  COMITIS  •  DERBEYE,  N,..  10  counterseal  same  arms. 
ditional  Charter,  20,  459.      [5908.] 

9.  Sl.MON  DE  Kyma,  of  CO.  Line.  temp.  John— j  thr.'ton  hcl-.o 
cresccni.     «  SIGILL IS  .  .  .  MA.     Harkian  Ch:i 

<  tkT-a  csloilcs,  in  Ms/  a 
:r,  52  0.  42.      [11.154.] 

RlCH.lRD  TE  Waren  [late  I2lh  cent.]  -r; 
RICARDI  DE  WAREN.     Cotton  Cha 

1  /j'om  passant  ^ardant  in  pale. 
cr,  xvi.-9  .1.      (14.270.) 


13.  ROGEX  UE  LascI,  Constable  of  Chester    1179-121 1— ./«u/Yr</l,  ,1  Itndltt  and  a  lal <    oj 

scivn points.     'SIGILL    [RO]GERI    DE     BV(LA]RII  CESTRIE. 

II.  Counterseal.  Reims  on  the  name  of  Lacy.  'SIGIlL'  ROGERI  DE  ■  LASCI  ■ 
CONSTABVL'  ■  CESTRE.     H.arleian  Charier,  56  K.  43  A.      [11,198.] 

14.  Alicia,    wife  of  Simon  de  Saxcto  Licio  (S.    Liz),    3rd    Earl    of  Northampton    and 

Huntingdon,  dau.  of  Gilbert  de  Gant,  Earl  of  Lincoln  circa  iioo-oti  an  oval 
thnnnelly,    though    perhaps    cigltt    chevrons.        ...    IE     ,     COMITISSE  .   .   IE 

COMITIS ILEBERT   .   .  .    Julius  C.  vii.  fo.  1S9'.       [13.239] 

15.  Robert  de  Pinkeini  al.  F'inkeni,  /  Henry   db  Tinkeni,  of  co.   Northants.   late 

12th  century—de.xtcr,  I'.vo  fnsils  in  Jess  for  Flnkenev:  impaling  — sinister,  time  Kirs 
■nav/,  SlFREWAsr?  ■SIGILL'  :  ROBERTI  :  DE  :  PINKEINL  Charter, 
86  B.  55.     [12.646.] 




.y«-,.-»-^yri.pi|fMji»y^f.y^y«.,»«.^oh.»Mgj.j-.^^.g»t*a,T   ■ 



!.:  1!/  ■  / 

\i  I 



I -■#^4r^'^^     H^'Mviii   m^c<'i(K 




'i'-;]    VJWAH 

VA    ;\. 

I  ■■■      '  1 

HiiKAi.nic  iNTi<i)uicTiu.\-oni:EK  \ASE.    wnii  n/j-icK. 




/^cre  6^w_v  seized  Harold.     After  the  Bayeux  Tapestry, 

AliOMAR   DE.    VaL 


[,Wilh  Ilhistrationmf  Ihe  Seal!  of  Iht  Barcti!,  130O-I.) 

CONFUSION  of  the  symbols  and  devices  of  the  ancients  with  Heraldry  as 
an  exact  system  has  led  to  much  aimless  discussion  as  to  its  origin  and 
history,  and  also  to  much  vague  theory,  as  if,  forsooth.  Heraldry  were  really  an 
occult  science. 

Surely  in  the  nature-worshipper  we  detect  the  Heraldic  protoplasm,  the  king  of  arms.  He  it  was  who  painted  the  object  of  his  veneration  on 
his  skin  as  a  charm  against  the  evil  one  when  at  peace,  and  on  his  shield  in 
defence  of  his  person  when  at  war  ;  the  presence  or  whereabouts  of  his  chieftain 
or  tribal  head  he  distinguislied  by  a  standard,  ensign,  or  banner,  as  all  writers 
testify,  from  Moses  downwards  ;  in  this  simple  statement  may  not  the  Heraldic 
prototype  be  surely  discerned  ?  Further  down  the  ages  it  may  well  have  been 
the  bards  of  every  clime  who  handed  down  in  turn  these  mystic  emblems  in 
their  own  weird  way,  inventing  as  they  went  the  almost  forgotten  chimera  and 
other  monstrosities  which  were  to  strike  terror  into  the  hearts  of  the  adversary. 

Later  still,  the  vases  of  the  Greeks  (550,  500  B.C.)  are  eloquent  in  examples 
of  the  Hellenic  equiv.alent  of  our  Heraldic  system.  Some  of  these,  by  consent 
of  Sir  E.  Maunde  Thompson,  Director,  I  am  permitted  to  reproduce  from  the 
Illustrated  Catalogue  of  Greek  and  Etruscan  Vases  in  the  British  Museum, 
edited  by  H.  B.  Walters,  M..^.  ;  they  may  be  thus  described  : — 

(1)  Vase— represenlalion  uf  Heracles  and  Gcrj-on,  who  bears  on  his  shield  an  eagle  or  other 

bird  displayed — two  examples,  pp.  xiv,  xxxvii. 

(2)  Vase-representalion  of  Achilles  lying  in  wait  for  Troilos  beyond  the  foiinlain,  on  his  shield, 

2  lyons  gardanc  [the  edge  of  Oe  shield  foieshadowing  ihe  bordure  of  later  limes],  p.  xwvii. 

(3)  Va-'C— "  CaereLin"  Hydria,  found  in  a  tomb  which  belongs  at  Ihe  lalest  to  the  end  of  the 

sixth  century  B.C.      Representation  of  favir  warriors    in   combat.      On  the  shield  of  one, 
a  demi-boar  salient,  p.  xxiii.     See  also  enlargement,  p.  xxiii. 

(4)  Vass— representation  of  combat  of  Heracles  and  Kyknos.      On  the  extreme  right 

thrusiing  with  a  spear,  bearded,  hein  '  " 

rampant  regardant,  p.  xxxvi. 

■s.      On  the 
Bttotian  shield  black,  i 
black  and  purple,  all  between  two  white  lyo 

Edm.  de  .Mortimer. 

Rob.  Fitz  Walter, 

John,  Earl  of  Warren  and  Su 

Richard.  Earl  of  Arundell. 

THE  BARONS'  SEALS,   1300-1301. 

Guy  de  Beauchamp,  Earl  of  Warwick. 

Humphrey  de  Bohon,  Earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex. 

John  de  St.  Joh.n,  of  Hasak. 

Seal  not  known.    Used  by  John  de  Hastings,  Lord  de  Bergaveny. 


Passing  over  the  f«fl«-Heraldic  aspect  which  some  attribute  to  Totems  and 
other  personal  distinctions  so  commonly  employed  among  nations  of  imperfect 
civilisation,  I  may  instance  the  usage  of  the  Celtic  tribes  of  Gaul  and  Britain 
who  carried  symbols  or  badges  on  thci:  shields.  Their  national  symbol— the 
boar — occurs  on  one  such  shield,  found  in  the  rivei  Witham  (see  Frontispiece), 
and  dates  froin  the  beginning  of  our  era,  see  "  Archseologia,"  xxiii.  95. 

The  symbols  of  the  Normans,  at  the  Conquest,  represented  in  the  much- 
debated  Bayeux  Tapestry  next  claim  our  notice.  Mr.  Fowke,  the  latest  historian 
of  the  Tapestry,  recites  at  length  the  opinions  of  Bolton  Corney,  M.  Thierry,  Dr. 
Lingard,  Mr.  Freeman,  and  many  others,  with  whom  he  agrees  in  regarding 
it  as  a  contemporary  work,  but  in  no  way  associated  with  Queen  Matilda,  though 
probably  made  under  the  orders  of  Bishop  Odo  by  Norman  workpeople  at 
Bayeux  for  their  church  of  Bayeux.* 

Of  its  pre-heraldic  devices,  represented  in  the  Pleadpicces  of  this  work,  I 
may,  perhaps,  be  allowed  to  quote  Mr.  Fowke's  own  words  : — 

"As  a  nearer  approach  is  made  tu  ihe  ag-5  of  Chivalr>"  the  rtalislic  represectations  of 
natural  olijects  give  place  to  tlio.-e  of  geomeirical  figures  Mhich  were  soon  systematized  as 
ordinaries,  wliilst  the  animals  assume  the  more  conventional  form  in  which  they  were  subse- 
quently borne.  Thus  the  place  of  the  wild  beasts  is  taken  by  crosses,  roundles,  or  besants, 
interlacing  bands,  and  simple  tinctures,  and  th's  stape  is  most  clearly  shown  in  the  lape?try. 
We  do  not  here  find  any   particular  or  disiin^-ished  person   represt.nted    twice   as    bearinc; 


are  not  intended  to  reprt 
appropriately,  but  their  iq\ 
bearings  by  which  the  wcai 


rnis  of  any  individual,  c 
at  all,  of  course,  implit 
wn.  And  this  we  gather 

:  only  i. 
i  the  ex 
ilso  fron 

Ki  Norman  alter  conust 
EI  ke  I'auUe  poriLier  neueL' 

S'orrran  from  another,  ; 

These  were  cognizances  to  dislingui 

another's  — showing  that  the  at.sumftion  of  arms  was  not  tin 
"The   flags  which   are    shr-xvn  in   the  tapestry  are   of 
Pennon,  and  by  them  is  the  rank  of  the  bearer  determined. 
'  Li  barons  oureni  gonfanons 
Li  chevaliers  ourtnL.penons. 
The  Gonfanon  was  a  peculiar  standard,  generally  borne   n 
;  occurs  thrice  in  the  tapes,tr^-,  and  is 

conclude  that  they 
e  cases  and  tliat 
c  of  a  system  of 

an  dared  to  use 
nfanon  and  the 

Hugo  BjUiDOLF. 

r  the  person  of  the  commande: 
ivariably  Argent,  a  cross  or, 

triparted,  a  style  of  orraniem 
considered  by  Mr.  French  cs  em' 
the  germ  of  the  pile,  a  bearing  of  c 

vcrj-  prevalent  with  Christi 
?matic  of  the  Blessed  Trir 
ch  disputed  origin." 

Robert  de  Tateshal. 

•  See    The  Bayeux    Tapestry:  a  Descripion   avd  Hhlory,    bv  Frank    Rede  Fowke,    first 
published  by ^he  Arundel  Society  in  1S75,  under  ;he  sanction    of  the  Science  and  Art  Depart- 
:ation,  and  secondly  by  George  Bell  iS:  Sons 

Robert  de  Toni. 

THE  BARONS'   SEALS,   1^00-1301 

Sir  Wn,UAM  de  Cantilupe. 

Theobald  de  Verdon. 

John  de  Segrave. 

William  le  Latimer.  Philip  de  Kyme. 

John  Fitz  Keginald. 

Alan  la  Souche. 

Ralph  de  Nevile.  Fulke  de  Kit7.  Warren.  h 

Roger  Morti 

Thomas  de  Moi'lton. 


Brian  Fitz  Alan. 

John  de  Moiiun. 

Thomas  de  Berkei.e. 



Henry  Teiheis. 

Henry  de  Tregoz. 

John  de  Lancaster. 

Walter  de  Faucomjl 


Walter  de  Hu.ntlrcombe. 

With  the  spread  of  Feudalism,  then,  came  the  introduction  of  the  linear 
or  geometrical,  and  from  the  imaginary  per  pale,  per  fess,  per  chevron,  per 
saltire,  S:c.,  would  naturally  be  evolved,  the  pale,  the  fess,  the  chevron,  the  saltire.* 
Out  of  this  fortuitous  combination  of  some  of  the  elements  of  Euclid  with  the 
objects  of  the  nature-worshipper,  sprang  that  system  we  call  Heraldry. 

Although  there  is  evidence  that  Heraldic  bearings  were  assuming  a  defmite 
form  in  the  reign  of  Stephen  (1135-54)!  it  is  not  a  little  remarkable  that 
Richard  I.  is  the  first  English  king  who  is  known  to  have  adopted  an  heraldic 
bearing.  On  his  great  seal  {1189)  he  bore  the  two  lyons  for  the  Duchies  of 
Normandy  and  of  I'oictou  or  Maine.  In  his  second  great  seal  (1 198)^  he  added 
a  third  lyon  for  the  Duchy  of  Aquitaine,  or,  as  some  say,  for  Anjou  ;  this 
since  been  our  national  arms  of  dominion  ;  according  to  Sir  Henry  Spelnian 
("  Aspilogia,"  page  67),  the  earlier  kings  of  England  had  marks  and  tokens  painted 
on  their  shields,  which  they  altered  at  pleasure.  In  this  connection  it  would  be 
interesting  to  know  on  what  authority,  if  any,  Brooke,  York  Herald,  described 
the  Dering  Roll  as  "  the  names  and  amies  of  those  Knightcs  as  weare  w'  Kinge 
Richard  the  firste  at  the  assigge  of  Aeon  or  Acres,"  iigi  (Ashmole  MS.  1130). 

Early  instances  of  these  symbols  or  badges  are  generally  found  on  standards 
or  banners,  and  it  is  worthy  of  note  that  in  the  Crusade  of  (2  and  3  K.  i.)  1191, 
Richard  "  had  a  stand.ird  of  y'  Dragon  which  he  delivered  to  Peter  de  I'reaus 
to  beare  notwithstanding  y'  Robert  Trusbut  chalenged  y"  carrying  thereof  as  his 
hereditary  right"  (Ro.  Hoveden,  fo.  397,  n.  10). 

"These  symLols  or  badges  were  net  only  borne  on  shields,  but  were  also  paj-nted  on  silken 
surcotes  worne  over  their  shirts  of  mail "  (and  also  upon  the  caparisons  of  their  hi  -rses). 
Arundel  or  Militarj'  Uoll  and  seals.    "  But  these  surcotes  of  silke,  being  at  firstc  made  w 
girt  close  to  them  at  ye  waist,  did,  by  rcison  of  their  ple.ites,  nftimes  confound  the  ni 
paynted  on  them,  which  beini;  discerned  Ihoy  were  afterwards  made  straight  and  pl;iine. 

A-hich  stood  eniineiuly  to  l.e 
both  before  and  behind,  and  licing  thus  depicted 
cotes  of  armes"  (Stowe  .MS.  662,  fo.  16). 

1  the  shield  v»as  als< 


I  gave  ye  first  occasion  of  calling  th< 

William  JIaetyn. 

Does  not  this  defect  of  the  early  "  pleates "  supply  a  cue  to  the  origin  of 
many  of  the  variations  in  Heraldry?  The  appearance  of  a  plain  fess  or  a  plain 
bend  on  a  standard  would  vary,  according  to  the  point  of  view  or  the  strength  of 
the  breeze,  from  different  directions  ;  it  might  suggest,  even  if  it  did  not  appear 
as,  undee,  wavy,  or  dancettee  ;  add  to  this  the  proclivities  of  each  arms  painter, 
or  the   momentary    illusion  of,    say,  an    engrele  for  "a   lozenge,    fusil,    dancel, 

*  St^DX'.o  ^•iliqintif!  r///er,,ldry.hy\V.  Smith  Ellis,   and   "  Heraldr)-.  its  Laws  and  its 
Humours,"  by  Jane  MacNeal,  .Uiimey's  Magazine,  September  1901. 
t  Ceaffriy  Mtznde-.ille,  by  J.  H.  Uound,  .\ppendix  .K,  pp.  3SS-3g6, 
X  Richard  the  First's  change  of  Seal,  see  Feudal  England,  by  J.  H.  Round,  page  545. 

JO'iN  LF.  Strange,  of  Knockv.s. 

:':;>-.  t 


Nicholas  Poynz. 

John  de  Suleve. 

Robert  de  la  Ward. 

John  Lovell. 

indent,  and  even  a  niascle,  and  their  evolution  therefrom  may  be  readily 
accounted  for.  In  Cole's  copy  of  the  Parliamentary  Roll  occurs  the  ominous 
note  of  warning,  "Take  Hede  of  his  wordes  endented  and  engrayled,  and 
examine  such  cotes  with  older  Prcsydcnts."  Nor  must  we  omit  to  mention  the 
cross  molinc,  p.itonce,  patiie  and  flory,  which  are  often  confuted,  or  imperfectly 
drawn,  by  the  Her.ild-painter.  So  with  the  cross  rnoUne,  cercelle  and  recercelle, 
which  are  equally  confounded  in  blason  and  in  trick  ;  even  crosses  crosslet 
are  often  drawn  as  crosses  botonnOe  in  early  tricks,  probably  because  it  was 
easier  so  to  do.  In  a  less  degree  the  bend,  bendlet  or  baston,  the  quarter  and 
the  canton,  fret  and  frctty,  flory  and  florettije,  often  represent  the  caprice  or 
indifference  of  the  Herald  or  the  I  lerald-painter  of  each  particular  roll.  So, 
too.  whether  a  mullet  had  5  or  6  pomts,  pierced  or  not,  whether  a  label  had  3 
or  5  pendants  ;  and  yet  the  theory  has  gone  forth  that  the  label  of  three  denotes 
a  son,  and  that  a  label  of  five  denotes  a  jrandson. 

Perhaps  a  more  interesting  feature  of  these  early  Rolls  is  the  quaint  Norman- 
French  blason  ;  I  specially  except  such  illiterate  jargon  as  obtained  under  the 
Gartership  of  the  two  Dethicks,  and  of  some  succeeding  kings-of-arms.  The 
rising  generation  of  Heraldic  editors,  whether  of  a  Family  Armorial  or  of  a 
County  History,  hardly  seem  to  justify  the  "  out  of-the-mouths  of-babes-and- 
sucklings  "  theory  by  their  eagerness  to  adopt  in  lieu  of  universally  recognized 
formula  the  A-B-C  of  the  "Acccdens  of  Armoury."  With  equal  intelhgence 
might  they  rehabilitate  the  author  of  "Little  Jack  Horner,"  and  present  him 
to  their  admirers  as  the  superior  of  Rudyard  Kipling.*  But,  to  be  serious,  who 
will  solve  the  blasons  of  Berkeley  and  Cromwell  in  the  Boroughbridge  Roll 
(see  facsimile  and  type,  pp.  xxvi,  xxvii),  or  explain  the  "wyfers,"  which  occur  not  f. 
only  in  the  arms  of  Eenhale  and  of  Crek,  but  also  in  the  arms  of  Sir  Edmond  ; 
de  Mauley  ;  for  Meyrick,  in  the  "  Archa;ologi3,"  vol.  xxxi.  page  247,  unable  to  \ 
resist  a  thrust  at  the  expense  of  the  Heralds  and  their  College,  supposes  them  to  'y 
be  vipers'  nests  ?  "  Tertoleres  "  in  Crid,  "  voyderis  anabeles  "  in  Dolerd,  "  p'my  " 
in  Constable,  Dacre  and  Raynsford,  "amptie"  in  Wellesby,  or  the  "  temoyles," 
"feuilles,"  "mailles,"  tS;c.,  of  Bosville,  are  also  curiosities  in  their  way  and 
consideration.  The  "undce  en  lung"  of  the  Boroughbridge  Roll  and  "ounde 
de  longe"  of  Jenyns'  Roll  seem  to  have  bifurcated  and  become  sometimes  palets 
nebulee,  and  at  others  the  modern  emasculate  wavy,  in  lieu  of  the  bold  undulating 
lines  of  the  old  tricks.  In  this  connection  the  blason  of  Theobald  de  Valoines 
suggests  further  complications.  The  "  chevron  et  demi,"  of  Strecche — "  une  barre 
et  demi "  of  Twyford,  and  "  une  fees  ct  demi  "  of  Pipard,  suggest  the  accommo- 
dation of  the  size  of  a  repetition  of  charges  to  artistic  effect,  2  chevrons  or  2  bars 
to  be  equal  to  i  \. 

•  See  "  Arch.tological  Nomenclature,"  Literature^  Nos.  194,  5,  6,  July  6,  13 

lAM  Paynell. 

Walter  ue  Eeauchamp. 

John  de  Havering. 

Walter  de  Teve, 


Nicholas  i>e  C, 


Walter  de  Mou 

Thomas  de  la  Roche. 


An  early  instance  of  a  quarterly  coat  occurs  in  the  Falkirk  Roll,  129S  ;  the 
coat  of  Sir  Simon  de  Montagu  quartered  with  Monthermer,  which  may  be  con- 
sidered coeval  with  the  oft-quoted  coat  of  Castile  quarterly  with  Leon,  borne  by 
Eleanor,  Queen  of  Edward  i.,  who  died  in  1296. 

The  last  point  to  which  I  will  here  refer  is  the  ancient  practice  of  adopting 
the  arms,  though  not  the  name,  of  an  heiress,  and  with  the  further  object  of 
drawing  attention  to  this  interesting  point  I  append  the  few  instances  that  occur 
to  me  of  old  families  who  do  not  bear  the  arms  of  their  original  paternal  family: 
Abncy   assumed    Ingwardby;    disallowed    to 

Lord     Mayor    Abney    (1701),    Had.    MS. 

6179,  fo.  66. 

Congreve  aisumcd  Campion. 
Cotes  assumed  Knijjhtlcy, 
Croke  assumed  IJlount. 

(Crokc  claims  male  desccn 
Fleming  assumed  lludlesto.i. 

flarpur  (Hart.)  assumed  Kushall. 

Hesketh  (Uatl.)  assumed  1  ylton. 

Leigh  assumed  Lymme. 

Lumley  (E.  Scarborough)  assumed  Thwen"e. 

PriJeaux  assumed  Orcharton. 
I    Stanley  (E.  Derby)  assumed  B.nmville. 
from  Blount. )  Wallop  (E.  I'orlsmouth)  assumed  Barton. 

I     Wrottesley  (E.)  assumed  Basset. 

Contemporary  with  the  early  Rolls  of  Arms  are  the  Seals  of  the  Barons  who 
signed  and  sealed  the  famous  letter  to  the  Pope  (12  Feb.  1300-1)  on  his  pre- 
tensions to  the  crown  of  Scotland.  These  hundred  seals  present  the  earliest  and 
most  authentic  evidence  of  the  armorials  used  by  the  Barons  of  England  in  the 
fourteenth  century,  or  perhaps  in  the  thirteenth  century.  From  the  plaster  casts 
in  the  British  Museuin  it  would  seem  as  if  many  of  the  seals  had  been  engraved 
by  the  same  man  for  the  very  purpose  of  this  sealing  ;  that  used  by  John  de 
Hastings,  lord  de  Bcrgavenny,  is  supposed  to  be  hypothetical,  or  perhaps  a  very 
early  example  of  the  fictitious  in  Heraldry  ;  that  of  Brian  Fit2.\lan  is  not 
heraldic,  and  that  of  John  de  Botetourt  is  of  the  nature  of  a  b.adge  or  her.aldic 
emblem,  while  Edmond  de  Hastings  evidently  adopted  for  the  occasion  the  terri- 
torial or  baronial  arms  (?)  of  Drummond,  encircling  them  with  a  Hastings  legend. 
As  will  be  seen  on  reference  to  the  engravings  the  majority  of  the  shields  are  of 
the  triangular  or  heater  shape.  de  Paynell  affords  the  earliest  e.xaniplo 
of  arms  on  a  lozenge,  and  Robert  FitzPayne  bore  his  arms  on  an  oval  shield. 
On  fourteen  seals,  those  to  whom  they  belonged  are  represented  on  horseback 
in  complete  armour,  but  only  three  of  them— namely,  Thomas  Plantagenet,  Earl 
of  Lancaster ;  Ralph  de  Montheriner,  Earl  of  Gloucester  and  Hertford  ;  and 
John  de  St.  John — are  represented  as  bearing  crests  on  their  helmets.  The  first 
named  was  of  the  blood  royal  ;  the  second  married  Joan,  the  King's  daughter, 
widow  of  Gilbert  de  Clare,  Earl  of  Gloucester,  &c  ;  the  last  named,  "john 
de  St.  John,  had  distinguished  himself  in  the  wars  of  Gascony,  France,  and 
Scotland,  and  was  therefore  in  high  military  repute.  From  this  fact  it  is 
supposed  that  the  bearing  of  a  crest  on  a  helmet  was  originally  limited  to 
those  connected  with  the  blood  royal,  or  of  the  highest  military 
renown,  and  was  in  effect  the  precursor  of  a  much  greater  honour, 
eventuating  in  the  Order  of  the  Garter  itself.  See  the 
'  Archffiologia." 

Hugh  Fitz  Hekky. 

John  Fitz  M.^rmadck 

Mathew  Fitz  John. 

Edmund  Hasti.vgs. 

Ralph  de  Gresdos. 


Robert  Hasstasg. 

John  de  Kingestox. 

\VlLLlAM  DE   LeyB 

John  de  Grevstok. 

Will.  Touchet. 

"These  great  commanders  in  the  wars  in  France  and  Scotland,  who  held  of 
the  King  in  cnfite,  had  numerous  tenants  who  served  under  them,  and,  for  the 
regular  marshalling  of  their  marks  and  badges,  had  each  a  peculiar  Herald  to 
see  that  each  (tenant)  had  a  full  and  clear  distinction  from  the  other.  These 
heralds  had  their  titles  either  from  some  of  the  great  seigniories  belonging  to 
the  crown  or  from  those  unto  whom  they  were  retained."  See  also  the  "Com- 
plete Peerage,"  by  G.  E.  C,  vol.  ii.  p.  270,  note  b. 

Notwithstanding  these  precautions  some  heraldic  improprieties  seem  to  have 
occurred  subsequent  to  the  battle  of  Agincourt,  for  in  5  Hen.  v.  it  was  pro- 
claimed that  "all  such  who  had  taken  ye  liberty  of  wearing  cotes  of  armesin  any 
former  e\peditinn  where  neither  they  nor  their  ancestors  had  ever  used  any  were 
thenceforth  prohibited  y*  farther  enjoyment  of  them  unless  they  could  produce 
a  title  thereto  by  Grant  from  some  person  who  had  authority  for  that  purpose, 
excepting  those  only  who  had  been  with  that  warlike  King  in  battell  of  Agin- 
court (1415),  did  then  bear  them  in  that  memorable  service."  Close  Roll  5 
H.  V.  (141 7),  in  dorso  m.  15. 

This  brings  us  within  measurable  distance  of  that  ill-starred  incorporation 
of  the  Heralds'  College  by  Richard  ur.,  six  months  after  he  was  crowned.  The 
King  gave  the  Heralds  a  sometime  royal  residence,  Tultency  Inn  or  Cold 
Harbore  in  Thames  Street,  built  by  Lord  .Mayor  Pulteney,  temp.  E.  ill. 
H.-irdly  was  the  incorporation  complete,  when  Garter  Writhe  attempted  to  deprive 
his  brother  officers  of  the  advantages  of  the  Royal  gilt  by  claiming  the  house 
as  personal  to  himself.  As  a  result  he  resigned  his  Garter-ship  Janu.-iry  4, 
i4l>4-5.  3nd  the  property  once  more  reverted  to  the  Crown.  The  battle  of 
Bosworth  sealed  the  fate  of  the  Heralds  .as  a  Corporation,  until  the  reign 
of  I'hilip  and  Mary,  when  it  was  re-incorporated,  July  18,  1555.  But  this 
interregnum  failed  to  allay  the  spirit  of  strife  inaugurated  bv 
Writhe,  engendered  of  personal  gain  at  the  expense  of  his  fellows, 
a  spirit  which  cannot  be  said  to  have  become  extinct. 

In  ".Ancestral  Families"  I  shall  incidentally  show  from  the 
more  ancient  MSS.  in  the  British  Museum  that  the  History  of 
official  Heraldry  is  written  and  embodied  in  the  petty  commercial 
jealousies  of  the  Heralds,  in  their  utter  lack  of  esf'ril  de  carpi,  as 
proved  by  the  sale  of  their  records,  and  in  their  unscrupulous 
Heraldic  and  genealogical  work,  which  seems  10  have  culminated 
at  that  time  in  the  person  and  name  of  Lee,  Clarenceux  King  oi 
Arms,  to  whom,  according  to  Segar,  Queen  Elizabeth  said,  that 
"  if  he  proved  no  better  "  than  his  predecessor  Clarenceux  Cooke, 
"  y'  made  no  matter  yf  hee  were  hanged,"  such  is  the  Heraldry  of 
histor)-,  and  alas  !  the  Heraldry  of  to-day.» 

•   Criital'gisI  {ti.S.\  xi.  63  ;  the  Ccnlrmfvrafy  Rcvinv, 
No.  404,  p.  25S,  August  1S99. 

Trick  temf.   \l. 

,  fo.  59<- 



b^.b.«^ £.^^L*Sk, — Jl^iu:. 






Greek  Vask,  b.c.  550,  500:  "Caerctaii  "  Hydria,  found  in  a  tomb  which   belongs  at 
tlie  latest  to  the  end  of  the  sixth  century  B.C. 

Four  warriors  in  combat,  on  either  side,  fully  armed  with  shield-s,  spears,  and  high 
crested  helmets.  'I'he  warrior  on  the  extreme  right  has  a  demi-boar  salient  sable 
on  his  shield.  On  the  cuirasses  of  those  in  the  centre  are  volutes,  and  in  one  of 
them  also  a  palmette.  See  enlargement  below. — From  "  Greek  and  Etruiuin  Vuscs, 
by  H.  B.  Walters,  page  68. 


u  A 




f  .5  J 













ii;f «  ^o 


i  ■-' 


^  V   V   \f   V    V   V    y    V   V   V    V  "^z    V    'v^    V   V  _      J 

lACSTMIl.K   OF   THE    l;OROrr.I{nRlIKlK    Rtil.[,   (13J2). 

i;  [^.-e--  c-\  :■■■■■    -■  I  ^^  ■■■*"•' 

It'v,-  ^  f 

■••h   1^..,,..  .W-. 


.".-'     Sir  .'T  :-.  .t' •   -s^  j- ."  >;^^•'•t ;? '■?  -  {Vrt™^ ':*  .T'l ■..'<:■  •..,^;,.i  •  V    .  „- 
■•    •  :     ^--  .■:■.-.  '  ■    Jv-(''    ,..  .  U  ..,  VT;v-r      .,,;!,    ■■•.;,     ■   V'l 






1/.  \/.  M  ^■^  JiLii          J 



./  vv  ^  V  W  V  \/  VVV  V  V  V  V  V  V;.. 

;  dor  '\  da  J 


PARLiAMtMAKV  Wkii>,  Vol.  2,  Div.  II.  p.  197. 

Sir  Uyft  de  Saunford  q'^nWt  endente  dazure  X  dermyne. 

Sire  Mavcit  dc  Basin^^hourm  qYtile  dor  t  de  gut  cue  qatre  cressauntz  de  lun  't  laulre. 

Sire  Richard  de  Egebastoun  dargent  oue  j.  lyoun  de  sable  j.  bastoun  j.  qnlfoii  demiynt 

Sire  Richard  dc  MiiudcvUle  dazur  frettee  dor  one  j.  label  de  gut. 

'Six c  John  de  Cromlnvelie  queynty  dargent  frettee  de  ses  armes  dermyne. 

Sire  Richard  Chamtmoun  de  gui  oue  line  sauf  de  veer  bilettce  dor. 

Sire  Richard  de  Moiiucavesy  daigent  cue  j.  cheueroun  "t  iii.  billettc-  da/ur. 

Sire  Richard  de  Crp //ihfe//  dar^tni  oue  le  chief  de  goules  oue  j.  bastoun  gobun 

Sire  Roger  de  Clifford  Raneret  eschekere  dor  \  dazur  oue  j.  fesse  de  gut. 

Sire  71un7t   Wake  de  BUthci-ivorthe  dargent  oue  ij.  barres  de  gut  oue  iij.  ptlotz  de  gut  en  ch .^-f,  o 

bordure  endente  de  sable. 
Sire  S\moun  de  Bereford  dar^i^nt  oue  iij.  tlurs  de  Hz  de   sable   poudrc  de  croiseletz  potcn:e  de 

oue  la  bordure  endente  de  gut. 
Sire  /oh n  de  Hardeshulle  dargent  oue  j.  cheueroun  de  sable  poudree  des  niles  de  gut. 
Sire  Robt  de  Murle  dargent  oue  j.  lyoun  de  sable  coronee  dor. 

Sire  Anketxn  Salveyn  dargent  oue  j.  cheueroun  de  gout  iij.  testes  de  senglt-r  de  gut. 
Sire  Richard  de  Perers  q''rtile  dargent  T:  de  sable  oue  j.  molet  de  gout. 
S\xQ  John  de  Eiiylc  de  gut  oue  j.  lyoun  dargent  fiurettee  dargent. 
Sire  U'i^  7>tf^.jc/ dargent  oue  j.  croiz  [pate]  tlurette  de  gut. 

^utjohfi  de  Bavent  dargent  oue  j.  cheueroun  de  gut  oue  la  bordur  de  sahle  besaunte  dc  ic. 
Sire  Richard  dc  Houland  dazur  oue  j.  leopard  dargent  poudree  des  escak>pes. 
Sire  Witt.  Latymer  Bochard  les  arines  Latymer  oue  j.  label  de  sable  oue  j.  merlot  dargent. 
Sire  Robt  Duffurd  de  sable  *  eng'^ele  dor. 
Sire  Berth  Daueiers  dargent  oue  iij.  escuchuns  de  gut. 

Sire  Btrth  de  ffanaucourt  de  sable  oue  j.  croiz  patee  dargent  la  bordure  t-ndentec  dur. 
Sire  Wit  Latymer  Baneret  de  gut  oue  la  croiz  pate  dor. 
Sire  Wiit  Hauward  ^q  gut  oue  j.  bende  dargent  croiselee  dargent. 
Sire  Thorn  Buchard  At  gut  oue  j.  label  de  sable. 

Sire  Gyies  de  Beauchamp  de  gut  uue  j.  fesse  vj.  mles  dor  la  bordure  endente  dargent 
Sire  Wary  ft  de  Latymer  de  gut  oue  la  croiz  patee  dur  oue  les  de  gut. 
Lc  Seigil  de  Hasting  dor  la  niaunche  de  gut. 

Sire  Robt  de  Da/ton  dazur  oue  j.  lypard  dargent  poudree  des  croiseletz  dor. 
Sire  IIu<r  de   Turpintoh  dargent  oue  j.  bende  de  sable  oue  liij.  moles  dor 

escuchoun  les  amies  le  Mo/tym. 
Sire  Thorn  Bouttour  oue  j.  saut'  de  sable  eng'elee  oue  j.  label  de  gut. 
Sire  Geff'r  Hattteville  A'ii  sable  oue  j.  lyoun  dargent  croiselee  dargent. 
Sire  Tlwm  de  Berkele  de  gut  queyntee  de  la  mermounde. 
Sire  Adam  de  Hodelestoh  de  gout  frettee  dargent  oue  j.  label  dazur. 
Joh'n  de  Latymer  de  gout  oue  la  croiz  patee  dor  oue  j.  label  de  ff\mct. 
Sire/y/i//  dc  Mauf'vers  de  sable  frettee  dor  label  dargent. 
Sir   Witt  de   Wytje/d  dQ  sable  oue  j.  bend  eng'ele  dor. 



utys  Jf  b^bli;  ouc  j. 

.'   / » ' 

-f'    • 


'  a.-^<^vvcf|.^(<)^'>'T  ^"^^"^  ""c  jf  J^iw;^""  •  "1  -ray  Sft . 
ar  ^« p|:fio"iar-ar  t'ong-emfVir^t  S^S.^  ''"e |'  WtiSb  S^jTcnt-  ti'OiAfi.j  fyj^nir  • 

B='5V^  (P.cJ^-&  (EWc,m.snisrti<r.o,ie/r.|sa„f^?a3iir'B0>'Pat2iiP- 

^-(^►Vt  (VjFcvs*  8t-(ft»-  SJi^orir-^He  ■  i.|  Qii^..^^  Se-angf^  . 

'^(S.»*(\la,K^pnj|l(2l^  a?^,^,(P^.     at^a:fn,e-^,,^/n./r    fN  r> 

.->■  ■■•■I'  ■  •■> 


At  iin  firc  ^<iW  picclic  Itfni  tor^ d unf  ft1Tt'''tc  ijiiloy  o^  J\ntr c^cu^n n  trorutcs- 

<x)  iinfitvcruv«  Pocjicfo.-Mca-ncfqn-clcrt;;  •j-iVCnr[cv..(iitt  Wbrfi"svur- 

rti  tin  iti-c  Mfii'ol'jcCuIa'U-Ccii  twa^o;!"  \xi\v^  rcgiilcg 

cT>  iMi  r.i-c  2toEH-Ka,oKitnTcrcu  fc  vT^i'^s  accuCbaiTcrucrra' W;un- sirirmr- 

<x7  uti  Ore  wu,.  tcja-f:.\tim!e  Icfni  c&Ta'fc  .^:  ^ta:in-'.-lun  touisxl  wpiTfcs.Ues 

cp  unCuc; (Itlt'^cfacrsk'fnt  i^M-fC  ro:  e  ir^clfSct.  UbcrDua^cX'fjt.u:  oMcf  ti-Zwr^vJ 

of>  uti  firc  tiirlMiiaicmei-iif  letoi  ^:^o^u(fi;  dtivif  nuvuf^tirircrir 

9  Li n  Cire-  Ifi iir ba I N3 II e  u-fru  ti,7 u r' a nc iC  q nte foilC}^  Co; . 

m  iin  fll•e^o7;n  tcOinMfnf  leini  tc;  oMff  entente  N\:ur ' 

cV  un  fire  wLhh(jt;1*  icfcu  iar?airo£>  unt>fOTc  i^fJbleatmfeCcaiDp^-cfjWc. 

o)  im Cti-e polk  JCla  (faiti? Icfcu  l^crrc  Jjirgcc/ih  tc fable- 

^  untax  H.r!;^^!olcfcucX'  a^nrf-fKniunf  jcyulc'cficq^T^fulL^dunL^a^-ffanK 

a;  c«i cu-ecrcfrep  ^c>^cncuac  icfai  ^^a:ur  06  cre,C  W^kg  :x,:  o.>  lerfjcC ccernu.K 

a  tin  leun  rccfujx  .-^  g-iilcii,. 
a)  un  fnc  :;,fI>-arL-  Cj^ufUat-c icfcu  k fabU'  o5  uncat..; Mr^cnr  flo:ctit'. 
^  itn  f,reT~08n->x- UnJkenoje-lcfm  ie  Ayn v o*  tmf cWitn/^dtvd  a  unlabel  »z 
v^^  un  Cut  f«  ^-c?  icfcu  bdrrf  CiUnr  t  iar^rctir  ■ 
^  un  Cux^Oj.Uran  fCftninreincfnu^Uijti  o.^  luK-baicccv;  fable - 
n)  iinf.rr  n^ilVfaTancfn  lcfcua;iir'oMn-cifi,",oU-tJt:s  Jov 
(I  iinrc  .>.iai<t  icfcii  fMc  to?  z  jc  Oil.le-  '' 

C  ""'*^«^f^>4tTllaffcu^eGlb(eo^traCtW{\„XcfK>^ 
«i  nn  fue  ^f^ltlcfvi^anerci-ifrcu  cf4mlc  Wi^n-rfclblc- 
C  unu-  «^.i3i  Wcu&BTilcj  aun  egte  tarcm.K  cojcKtr-- 
^r,  un  fav.  C6,ir  w  a^,„bcrie/iff  Wcvi  rv,  a: tu^  ot,  ttcf  dcff  to-  • 
a;  vm  arc  {oI,„  comf  u Uf«i  EC  juics annf o-ark-fi  w,.       ' 
^  ire  K  bjimclcrlcfm  Wi^nn  Mnn.rttcrukv). 

^  uiff'^'d.c^^ol  £tIu,^.halcfc«cc,Tui«aunctx^lT.:at^ci-  o6trcXlofmpSUn«\ 

^^  im  fircT-ol^  aojnfrcgny  K(tu  toj  a  un  Icun  ram^nr  tf  ^jiilo  • 

.V  ttnf,r&aic^,3bfbcrI»rt,'icfcujcgtjlc8aund.cuornujiii^air.  ^-^g^.ies 

«^  unCirc^.ncflvn  JetetcTcf.nGrGltfcu  MriTcntoSuntfcflt  re<nae9a^./h^ 

^  un  air'wuf  acwnr itv-cc'icfcu a.^ur'ftvrtc^atxjcc  oi> It rf-cf  ^. 

<v)  "'^f«nMo!;nlpuclUfruunwrjoii:^ymecaun  label «::^:ur;  ^ 

?  unCut-(&<Uif  ft-yc.-niann.rifau  H^uk?,  anneftflt  Mrg^co&>ntCliftcs  Jurget. 

cp  un  fixc(Hctx:frcv  tei^clxin  icitn  tcCibka  unkun raiiint  ^  oC^unel-eJeteffuIcf 

a?  w Ore {g.irteflant^esicfcutaamj Icun  lamf^tofawc  n^nm-b^^ct^tf^.te• 

r-«i-.w  ■:!..-'■  f 

ikJ  L^'^.J  tw'Xj  i -/>v  J  t^v.1  Ly  vj  i^^-vi  LjO  E.-.^.J  L/vJ  C/VJ  L  .'VJ  ^ 

':7C.^  D^j  V:D  orj  C3  r::]?  r:  j  e.:i  rrj  c-j  i-  d  c 


^  n 


Jucorporakd  in  tl 
in    which    they 


Volume,   unth  rc/,rcnics  to    British   Miisa.m    Maiimcr 
■e   ather   trukcd  or  bhsoimi ,    kiscd  on   the  Hit  groeii  . 
the  "  Genea/oi^/st." 

The  maladroit  naming:,  h'  J"r":er  editors,  of  many  of  these  Rolls 

has  led  me  to  substitute  Arden,  Arundel,   Ashmole,  Hi'ward, 

Norfolk  and  Surrey,  for  such  names  as  Charles,  Militarv, 

rianchi;  Powell,   IValforJ  and  WilUment—my  re-ret 

is  in  not  luiving  carried  substitution  still  further. 

Anku  (laic  Charki),  II.  IH. 

11.6137,  fl.  43(■o)-37(■5)■ 
.\dcl.  4965  I),  10(1)^25(5). 

Aruiulcl  (\M.e)  .Mililary,  II.  VI. 
H.  4205,  (f.  9.40^,  in  colours 

Ashmole  (late  Peniiells,  E.  ill. 
Ashmole  S04,  in  colours  on  vi 
Add.  26,677,  in  colours. 

AlUnsoH,  H.  VI. 

H.  140S,  fl.  105-109  (B). 

Coll.  Cleop.  C.  111.  if.  201», 
Ballard,  E.  IV. 

H.  2076,  ff.  : 

i'-Sj.     T. 

Horou^hhriii^e,  E.  111. 

A.  W.  \Villiams-Wynn(B). 

Ashmole  Sjl,  ff.  Ioc-106". 
Calais,  E.  111. 

11.  246,  fl.  6-.n<:      T. 

H.  3968.  ff.  112-127.      T. 

H.  65S9,  ff.  SIMB). 

H.  6595,  ff.  1-15",  colours. 

Coil  Till.  E.  ix.,  ft.  Si,  S9. 

Ashmole  1 120,  ff.  I50'-162'-. 

C'rt/«u  (knii^'liled  there),  E.  III. 

H.  106S,  ff.  156-163",  183  (B 

H.  1156,  ff  S2-S3(B). 

11.6589,1.  11  (B). 
C"(i/<2/j  (slain  there),  E.  111. 

Arid.  29,502,  fragment,  colon 
Camdeit,  E.  I. 

Cotton  Koll.  XV.-81B). 

H.  61-37,  ff  66»(ll,  72M13)- 
Cartaverofli,  E.  i. 

H.  106S,  ff.  1-6  (»). 

II.  1408,  ff  142-143MB). 

II.  2213,  ff  28-29'.     TanU  ; 

II.  4033,  ff.  58-60,  coloured  a 

II.  4'70,  ff.  28.30-.     Tand  i 

II.  6137,  ff  37''  (6)  40(1 

asau.  (e:)=ctitoureJ, 

Carlavcroel:,  E.  I.— continucl. 
H.  65S9,  ff.  13",  50,  51  .Bi. 
Cotton,    Calif.    .\.    ■iiiii..  ff.  j:-. 

"The  I'oem." 
Lansd.  209,  ff.  257-271.     T. 
Add.  5S4S,  pp.  155-151/  (c|. 

Charles  (here  called  Ar,/eo,. 

Cot^rai'e,  incorpor.iterl  \\\Jlu\h/  (V. 

Deriitg,  II.  111. 

Harl.  6137.  ff  S9''(i;l   07''  1 16)- 
H.  65S9.  B.  52.  53,  fragment.      T. 
Lansd.     260,    ff.     216-220    (h). 

Ashmole  1120,  ff.  171"- 174.     T. 
Dunslahle  (I).  E.  II. 

H.   lOOS. 


,       .      44-147"  IB). 

H.  2213,  ff  24-27". 
H.  4033.  ff.  53-57,  coloured  and  (Kl. 
H.  4270,  ff  24-2S.     T,  unnamed. 
H.  6137.  ff  3i>-(3)-37"M).     T. 
11.  614S.  ff.   I44''-14q. 
H.  658Q,  ff.  S",  41-43"  (B). 
.Vid.  5S4S,  ff.  145-154  IC|. 
Dtimlnhtc  (2),  E.  111. 

H.  65S9,  ff.  49-49",  frtujinent  (li). 

Colt.  Olho.  D'4.'. 
Lansd.  860  A.,  ff. 


.  frai! 

H.  65S9,  ff  9.  9"(B). 
CI<roer,  11.  ill. 

11.  05S9,  f.  II"  IB). 
.\dd.  29,796,  part,  coin 

Crimaldi,  E.  III. 

.Stacy  (irimaldi,  colours 

Ciiiltim.  E.  1. 

H.  6137.  ff   57  (iq)  61 
11,  6589,  ff.  44.  45.      T 






J  u 







r .;  I  i 




f/arleian,  E.  I.  or  II. 

Par/,  E.  11. 

H.  337,  ff.  12-31,  in  colnurs  on  vclliim. 

11.  lo6,'>.  II.   lS-2r  and  IT.  25 

H.  13S6,  ff.  3S-52'.      T. 

IMlMid,  E.  I.  or  11. 

H.  2ic6,  IT.  95-1  4  IB). 

H.  106S,  ff   22  24  (»).■ 

H.  21 16.  IT.  23-57,  colours. 

II.  2213,  (T.  29--30  (111. 

11.  2210.  ff.  XI-I07'.       T. 

H.  4033,  ff.  ec-ei,  clound  and  («). 

H.  2il3,  ff.  1-23''  (11). 

11.  4270.  IT.  3o'-3i".     T,  imn^mc.l. 

II.  4033.  IT.  30  52,  colours  J 

H.  40(141-41  (-m-     T.- 

H.  4270.  ff.  1-23.     T.  unna 

Add.  5S4S,  ir.  159-161  lc|. 

H.  5S0;.  ff.  272-283  |B). 

H^iL'irii  (latt  t'taittlu). 

11.  6137,  ff.  1-11"  12).     T. 

H.  106S,  fl".  136   1S3  («). 

II.  65Sw.  ff  l-S(Bi. 

Cott:  Calii;.  A.  xvill.  3-21 

fcfiyns^ —       Ordinary. 

Koll—Jcnriis  . 

Lansd.  S^S  (Bl. 

n.  872  (B). 


Add.  5S4S,  pp.  100-144  (c) 

H.  106S,  (T.  79-130" 

IT.  136'-155'  (B). 

/'/u«r///(here  callcil  /I.':.;nJ). 

11,  1577-     T. 


/Vzw//(hL-rs  callc.l  .h/uiio!,). 

}|.  6569,  IT.  21"  34" 

ST.    37.40,     4S-4S 

Koiitii,  H.  \. 


Add.  12,224,  IT.    ■- 


ff.  39-51.    T. 

H.  1580.  ff  S4''  II)  S,'.  112) 

39.     T. 
Ci.u.  Tib.  K.  ix.,(r. 

H.  613;.  ff.  41''  (2)   44  (11) 

fl.      133-13S,    251 

.Ashmolc  I120,  H.   175,  176. 

23,'.   251   IB). 

iV,  Georg..  11.  III. 

.\tililary  Ko  I  (here  called  An,iiJ,l). 

H.  246,  ft.  22i'  1  11-43"  (51. 
H.  6137.  ff.  73  ||6|,  S9"  no 

X.f'Vity  Hot!,  v..  1. 

H.  6589,  ff.  13-20.     T. 

H.  65«9,  f.  10  (B|. 

Sigar.  E.  1. 

N.hilily  Aolls,  E.  I.  and  11. 

H.  6137  ff.  61  (6)-66  117). 

I.  to  v..  Mr.  Huven.lcn-s Collision.     T. 

Si,rr,v[U{f  n-u:,iutiir\,  K.  11 

V/.  Noh.     Add.  29,505,  colours  on  vellum 

Ncwhnj;  Collection. 

A's-Ai/^  dale  ll'a!foni),  II.  iii. 

n-a(frr,l  Ihere  called  Xorfolk) 

li.  6589,17.  12,  12" 


Wtlitiiioit  (here  called  Siirrc) 







y  cJ 





n  V 





«.j  i^ 











"^  n 






^f"^  b^^ 

■  jf  •': 

TTT?:AiTrTrr.'^  f '?a  (m  t'^'h  t^m  m^^  i;m  r 

,<'»  r-iAi  rvpg  rvg  l'"^  r^<ra  r^"«^i  f:^..'^  r 

tr--"'--    "I  ■ ' —— . — 


ic.  from  Nc'uli  AM.iy,  see  I 
KiTlgy,  1 1 50,  afler  Stotbiird 


eMal  liffigy,  c.  13J. 
u-ntal  Effigy,  1407, 


rli.i.lell       ... 
;.    1406,  .\l..niin 

al  Effigy, 

i.  from  Couon  MS.  Julius  i:.  iv. 
369,  Kubbing  from  ihe  ll.isUngs 

r  Ilriiil 

afler  Walle; 
ond      ... 
er  Carler 

Anglo-Sason  Hronzc  Shield 

Heraldic  Alch-evemems,  see  ( 

Heraldic  Title  I'age 

Heraldic  .Seals-early  Ijlh  O 

Encauslie  Tiles  and  Pavemenl 

Greek  \'ases,  550,  500  1J.C. 

Batons'  Seals,  1300 

.\.xjou,  Geoifrev,  CoiNl  r 

Ai.DEHfRiiii,  Sir 

Kaco.n,  Sir  Henry,  .\loiuin 

Badges  and  Banners        ... 

B.MIOT,  Sir  WlllUM,  .\Ionm 

Bkauomamp,  Thus.,  4th  E 


BEAfLHA.Ml'.  Richard,  Eap.i.,  juslying  at  Gynesc. 

KKAi'diAMi',  Thomas,  3rd  Earl  ov  Warwick,  k 
Brass  in  Elsing  Church       

Berkelev,  T110.MAS  l.E,  .Monumental  Eft'igy,  1243 

BlTlON,  Sir  JOH-N-  de.  Incised  Slab.  I227,  after  llo 

Ble.vkinsopp,     ,    Monumental  Slab,  after  ll.nit. 

BOHU.V, ,  wife  of  Sir  I'KTEK  ArlibRNF,,  1465,  .- 

HoilI.EK,  Sir   roHN-   DE,  Incised  Slab,  13S5,  afler  Itoulel!  . 

Bourchier,  iIenrv,  Earl  ok  Essex,  Monumeni.d  li.,.,s, 

Bkaose,  Thomas,  Lorh,  M,,nunienlal  Klligy.  13..1.  afler  T 

Bray,  Sir  Kec.i.vali.,  I'.c,  H.  Vll.,  fr.jni  .\lemorul  Wind 

Bruce,  Sir  William  de,  .Monumental  Elflg>,  c.  iJlsS,  afler  Drummond 

Bryan,  Sir  Guv,  K.c.  C.1391,  Monumental  Effigy,  after  Stolh.'.rd  

BURES,  Sir  Robert  de,  c.  1302,  .Monamental  Ktiigy,  afler  Waller  

Calveley.  Sir  Hugh,  temp.  E.  in..  Monumental  EITigy.  afler  Su.ihard 

CAM«RlDCE-..^rnis  of  the  Lniversiiy  and  of  its  oilier  Colleges       

Cawne,  Sir  Thomas,  temp.  E.  111.,  Monumental  Eftigy,  afler  Stothard 

Clare,  Gilbert  de,  Lord  of  Clare  1230,  .Monumental  Effigi ,  after  Carter   ... 

COBHAM,  Sir  John,  1407,  Monumental  Effigy,  after  tioegh  

COMITON,  Sir  VViLLlA.M,  of  Complon  Wyny.i'l-,  ILmner.  temp.  II.  MIL 

Cornwall,    Earl  of,  John,  of  Ellham,    1334.  .M.mumental  Effi.jy,  after  Stothard 

Creic,  Sir  John  DE,  1325,  Monumental  Efligy,  after  W.dler         

D'Arernon,  Sir  John,  1277,  MonumenlaM.ltig>,  afier  Waller 

Daubexy,  Sir  John,  1346.  Monumental  Slab,  alter  lluuicll         

D.U.YNCJRUGOE,  Sir  ,  1595,  Monumemal  ElV,gy,  after  Hot  ell  

Denton,  John  de.  Incised  Slab,  after  Boutell  

Desi'Encer,  Edvyard,  Lord,  1375,  Mo..umental  Effigy,  afler  Carler      

Disney, ,  c.  1330,  Monun,enl.d  Slab,  after  Houtell       

Drummond,  Sir  John,  1301,  Monumental  Effigy,  afler  Ilrummond        

A  Tournament  c.  1500,  British  .Museum,  Add.  MS.  24,098 

St.  George  and  the  Dr.tgon,  from  the  Hastings  Brass  

England,  Reverse  of  Great  Seals.  Edward  I. -VI J 

Edward  III.,   Rubbing  from  the  Hastings  Bra,ss      

Edward   ihe  Black  I'rince,  1376.  Monumental  Effig>-,  after  Stothard 

Felbrigc.e,  Sir  George,  1400,  .Monumental  Efligy.  after  Boulsll  

Felrrigge,  Sir  Simon  de,  k.g.  1416,  Monumental  Efngy,  after  Boutell 

KiTz  Alan,  John,  Earl  of  .\rcndel,  1434,  Monumenlal  Etii,-y,  afler  Stolliard 

FITZ  RaLI'H  (Sir  William),  1323,  Monumental  Kffigy,  after  Waller        

FoLi.lor'r,  Elizabeth,  »l<love  of  Richard,  1361,  Monumental  Effigy,  afler  Stothard 

FOXLEY,  Sir  John  DE,   137S,  Monumental  Effigy,  after  Boutell 

Gerard,  Peier,  1492,  Monumenlal  Effigy,  after  Waller 

Gloucester,   Robert,    Earl    of,  sumamed  Consul,    1 147,    Monumental  Effigy,    af 


.  Ur 

Roger,  Lord,  1352.3.  Rubbing  from  the  Hastings  i 

...     o_^ 















T305,  Monmcmal  SI.1I1,  afler  Domcll      

K,  Sir  John.  13S4,  Momimeiiul  r-Igy,  aflorBuiacU       

KT,  Lauv.  \li)  Etiijjy,  slio  ving  ihi:  Order  of  the  Garter,  after  Ai 
;s,  Laurence,  Earl  of  rii.MiiKOKF.,  1348,  Monumental  Efi'igy,  rt..i 
lings  lirr 

1347,  >rcinumenta1  Efligy,  from  the  Hastings  Bras^         

Holland  anil  Ciiarlf.ton  Arms,  Joice,  widow  of  Sir  John  TifTOH,  1446,  Monu- 
mental Brass,  after  Buutell 

Inns  of  CoL'Rt,  Arms  

Lancastf-R,  Heskv,  Duke  ot,  K.o.  1347,  Rubbing  from  the  Hastings  Brass 

Lancaster,  Edmund,  Eari.  of,  1295,  Efilgy,  from  the  "  Arch.euli.gia"... 

LiTTELBURY,  Sir  HCMPHRF.Y,  Monimienlal  Effigy,  after  Stothard  

LoNGESptE,  William,  Karl  of  SALlsilUilY,  1226,  Monumental  Klligy,  aftc-r  Sluihard 

Lowthek, ,  Incised  Sbb,  after  Koiitell 

LovEDAVEor  Bassett,  imiiknlilied  Eflisy,  i'lcr  UicliarJson  

Maclean,  of  Duart,  from  I)rainin,.nd's  '■  S:  jlpliired  M.imuntnts  in  loiia  "         

Maclean,  of  Ross,  from  Uruiumund's  •■  S.  1:  jlured  M.jnun.cnls  in  lona'  

Marshall,  William,  Earl  of  rEMHROKt  1:19,  Monumental  Efligy.  after  Richardson 

Maulfy,  Sir  Robert  df,  temp,  E.  it.,  Mcaumeutal  Etligy,  from  the   "  Archa'ologia " 

•Mowbray,  Thomas,  Duke  r-F  Norfolk.  1400.  Heraldic  Atchievement  doubtfully 
attributed  to  him  instead  of  Hen.  IV.,  fruu  the  "Archxologia  "         

Nevill,  Ralph,  Earl  of  Westmorland,  1435,  Monumental  Efiigy,  after  Stoihard  ... 

Northwoode,  Sir,   1361,   Monumental,  after  Stolharil  (his  wife  page  91) 

O.XFORD— Arms  of  the  University  and  of  its  cder  Colleges 

(,)UARTERMAYNE,   Ul<  HARD  and  SiBlLLA,  c:  Rycotc,  Oxon.,  Monumental  Brass 

I'embkiuge,  ,  Monumental  Efilgy,  after  Mollis  

RuHMOND,  Earl  OF,  Peter  of  Savov,  i2cS,  from  the  "  Archa'ologia "  

Rods,  Robert,  Monumental  Elhgy,  brougr.t  from  Vork  to  the  Temple  Church  16S2, 
after  Richardson      ...  ...  ...  ...        ■... 

Royal  Quarterings,  Atchicvements  by  the  late  Fratcr  Ansclm  '      ... 

Ryther,  Sir  William  DE,  130S,  Monumen-al  Eftigy,  after  Hollis  

St.  Amand,  .Ai.maric,  Lord,  I3.'^2.  Rubbin-  from  the  Hastings  Brass  

Say,  Sir  John,  1473,  Monumental  Elfigy,  after  Waller      

Seitvans,  Sir  Robert,  1306,  Monumental  Lfligy,  after  Waller 

Siielton,  Sir  Ralih,  1423,  Monumental  K-rigy,' after  Cotman 

Shuri.and,  Sir  Robert  DE,  Monumental  E-igy,  after  Stothard 

Stafford,  Ralvh,  Lord,  1347,  Rubbing  fr-  m  the  Hastings  Brass  

Staunton,  Sir  William,  132O,  Monumenla-.  Effigy,  afier'stothard       

Thori-e,  Sir  Edmund  de,  141S,  Monumenia  Effigy,  after  Stothard       

Trumpixgton,  Sir  Roger  de,  12S9.  Monu^  enlal  Effigy,  alter  Waller 

Valence,  William  de.  Earl  of  Pembrokl.  1296,  Monumental  Efiigy,  after  Gough... 

Vaux,  ,  Cumberland,  Incised  Slab,  after  Boutell  

Vere,  Robert  de,  E»rl  of  Oxford,  1221,  Monumental  Effigy,  after  Sioihard 

Wantley,  John,  c.  1424.  Monumental  Efiigy.  after  Stothard        

Whatton,  Sir  Richard  de,  temp.  H.  lll.,  Monumental  Effigy,  after  Sluthard 

WiLLINGTON  {?),  temp.   R.  II.,  Monumenlal  Eiigy,  after  Stothard  

Wingfield,  Sir  John,  1400,  Monumental  Erigy,  after  Boutell 


Sir  Bernard  Brocas,  in  Westminster  Abbey—Stoihard 

Robert  Fitz   Hamon,  ob.    1107  {Robert  FitzRoy,  the  Consul,  and  others),  in  the 

Ablnry  Church  of  Tew  kesbury— Carter     ... 
Richard    Weli.ysburne    de    Montfort   and    de   Montfort    Wellesbcrne,    in 

Hitchendon  Church,  Bucks— Stothard 

Geoffrey  de  Macnaville,  in  the  Temple,  i'  an  erroneous  identification  bj  Sioihard 

and  others.     See  Lovedaye,  page  134 

also  Boutell's  *'  Heraldry,"  3rd  edition,  page  25S. 





IN    THIS    WORK. 

•  Arms  eitp-aved  on  the  title  page. 




St.  lohn. 



Buckinghamshire  — 


Gloucestershire  — 








Hants - 










Leicestershire - 

De  Grey. 

Notts - 









Staffordshire  - 

•      Bagot. 

Sussex  — 


!  Warwickshire— 

1  *Chetwynd. 

!  Stanton. 


I  Lowther. 


I  Worcestershire- 

j  Talbot. 
















(.  'i 



f  » 




(<        '11 




t    i     I. 
03    p    ■:=; 


Greek  Vase  :  Amphora  :— Heracles  and  Geryon.     Heracles  seizes  the  centre  head  of 

Geryon,  who  is  winged  and  triple  only  from  the  waist  upwards  ;  first  and  second  bodies 

wounded   (one  full  face),    on    his    shield   a   bird  volant  ;    on    left    Athen.-e    holding    out 

Clip  to  Heracles. — From  "  Greei  and  Etruscan  Vasis,"  liy  H.  B.   Walters. 

Greek  Vase:  Achilles  lying  in  wait  for  Troilos  behind  the  fountain.     In  centre  a  rock  — 

emitting  from  a  lyon's  head  into  hydria — surmounted  by  a  crow  regarding  Achilles,  on 

whose  shield  are  two  lyons,  that  in  base  reversed,  counter  passant  gardant.     Polyxena  looking 

towards  Troilos  on  the  left. — From  "  Greek  and  Etruscan  Vases,"  i>v  H.  B.  Walters. 


>''.  iri'jA   .   I?>  V    .IJ.M.'J 


GEOFFREV,    COUNT    OF    ANJOU,    pAiHtR    of    HENRY     II. 

Died   7th   September,   1150. 

/'rori  an  enamelled  tablet  in  the  Museum  at  Mans,  formerly  in  the  Church  of  St.  Julien.     After  Stothard. 

The  lyons  on  the  shield  are  perha^^s  the  earliest  specimens  of  armorial  bearings. 



F=  Facsimile,     "f  =  /oo/:  up  lite  Cress,  i.e.,  fl 

}  Deriiig  Roll,  see  fre/aee,  page  ' 

= probable  ancestors  of  exlaitt  Xol'ic  ami  Ceiille  F 


Abbehall,  Sir  ( — )  de  (.Xkiimiai  r  1     n 
G.--Jcesler5hire-(E.  ir.  koll    boic.  or.  a  liis- 
!r-:-.s  ;  Parli.imemarv  Roll. 
Abberbury,  Hichard-(R.  ii.  Roll)  bore 
or.  a  fcss  crenelk^i.'  ('■embaltlcd  on  Ihc  top  ' 
s;:i.  ..•;  Sum-y  Roll.     Scc.Siitjf.rhlkv. 
Abbetot,  sfe  D'.\BnETOT. 
-  Abell,  Sir  John.of  K<.nt-(E.  u.  Roll)  bore, 
ar,-.:il,  a  s,lllire  engrailed  azure;   Pari)!  Roll! 
Abell,  John (-Vnr  1 1-  iK.iir.  Kolllljorc.  sable 
o  ,  r.ars  or,  in  chief  three  torleau.v  (plates,  in 
h.^^ii) ;  Jeiijns'  Ordinary.     K. 
Abelyn,  Nicholas  !  hi.  Roll) 
I'f^     gules,  on   a  cross  patoiice  art'ent  five 
e;.     , ops  azure  ;  Jenyns' Ordinary.     F. 
JAbelyne,  Nicholas-(H.  iii.  Rollibore.  or. 
i  s.ible  fiv  e  eaglets  argent ;  Dering 

bore,  gyr 

).  an  Ksscs  Knight-i 

my  (i2)  .argent  and  gul 


"tt.gule ^ 

lops  OI"  the  field  ;   .\ruildel  Roll. 

AtJton,  Sir  John  de  f.AKET.i\)-borc 
the  biltle  o(  Itorouglibridge  1322.  qiiar 
indented  azure  and  artjent ;   prolj.ihly  per 

Acton,  Sir  John  de  -bore,  at  the  sieg 

talai,  1345-8,  quanerU-  |,,  r  fess  indei 
argent  and  sable  [vcl  azure),  also  ascribe-  \vu>s  m  .Surrey  Roll  K.  11.  V 
•;Acton,  Edward  de,  of  .Mdenham.  .Sa 

337  -b 

1  pale 

;Acton,  Sir  Roger,  of  .suuoi,,  i4ro-b.-ire. 
a  bordure  engrailed 

Re.  ic 


,■]     F. 

Abernoun  :■  Dabernon. 
JAbmgdon,  Philip  de— (H. 

U'r.-.g  Roll. 


gules   thri 

,  Le  Sr.  (llK.iiTiiAMi-i- 
^  ■  of  Rouen  1418.  guli's.  erusil\ 
1  a  fess  or,  a  crescent  (sable)  for  difterence.' 
on,  Henry-(K.  Itl.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  a 
-zch  between  six  cinquefovles  argent 
-Mied.  giiles.  a  niaunch  ermine) :  Jeiiyus' 

Achard  :■  Archard. 
Achard,  Piers -iK. 


1  Roll. 

.  III.  Roll)  bore,  und^e 
■gent  and  gules.  Jenyns 
(6)  and  a  label  (3)azure: 

Acherton,  William  de-(R.  11.  Rollibore 

arg:-i,  two    bendlcts   and  a  bordure  sable 

.Su—y  Roll.  also  AthISKTOV. 

•AckJand,  John-iR.  11.  Kolll  bore,  ehecqu 

arg.-I  and  sable,  a  fess  gules  ;  .Stirree  Roll.  |- 

Acworth  ( ),  a  SutTolk   Knight-(H. 

R'.lli  tore,  argent,  a  gn  ph,,ii  se^'reant  per  fess 
sable  and  azure  ;  .\ruiidel  Roll. 
Adam,  Sir  John  ap,   liaron    isc^g-bore    at 
the  battle  of  Falkirk  1298.  argent,  on  a  cross 
gules  live  mullets  or  ;    1  pierced  vert,    lenvns' 
Ordinary).     (F.|     The  n.inie  is  often  v^riUen 
K.idhani.      He  signed,    but  did  not  seal,   the 
Rrrons  letter  to  the  Rope  1301.  page  x\iv. 
Adderbury,  Sir  John— slain  aT  the  siege 
ot  Cal.i.s  1347.   bore,  argent,  a  fess  crenellik- 
sable,     ^ee  also  .AliKKRBLKV. 
Aglionby,  John-lE.  tl.  Roll)  bore,  argent. 
t«o  bars  and    in  chief  three   martlets  sabie- 
Jenyns  Ordinarv .     F. 
JAguillon,  Robert  {Ar.n.\x>.  Ar.L-ins-  or 
Autl.o\)-|H.   111.   Roll!  bore,  gules,  a  lieur- 
de-lys  argent.    (Fl-Wii  i.i.vm  iJ)  boreitwiih 
an  azure  field  ;    Dering  and  (Jlover  Rolls.  .<ec. 
de  Akeny  :.  Dakeny. 
Alanby,  Thomas- iK. 

Tf-c^  Jle-t 

^^  ^J)^ .  ^  ^  j[^^  ^^  /i^^u.^.   'K/^'  43^«« 



>    .^_  f. 

K    -^>^^ 


^O^iWoAfttt^UtA,     "^f^xi  A-nimiefh^e^ 

aiBboroual)    Cl)urtl), 
Sort  SI)irc. 

After  Stothard. 

^u^  </l»n»<j^?So: 





.^»l    .SV.,< 

l.^.^,»4    M 


Pctrigrcc  0f  ^unc,  of  33urrj:!TlD«nni« 

9rmS  :— Cu    three  buck^'  heads  cabushed  arg. 

CrcSl :— A  woman's  heaJ,  coupcd  at  the  should 


Fnckky.     (Arg.  on  a  ba 

marlUii  of  tkt  field.) 

of— Margaret,  dau.   of 

■£i  I      Sir      W.:iiam      St. 

George,  Knt. 

^ir  eZIilluim  faimr,  constable  of  the^AucE. 

casili.-  of  "Iickhill, /<,■//:/.  tdwardll..  (      and  c 
and  4  Edward  in. 

of  WoodhalL         ~ 

NE.  of  Fnckley=^-\CNES. 

■ntiontid'in  the  will  of  Roberta 
n  of  York,  d,ited4Sept.. 1432.  I 

r  cf  Sir  Richard  Goldsborough.  Kn 

of=ELriABKTH.  dau.  of  Jolin  Uosvile.  of  Ne ..  Hall,  in  Dai 
I      2nd  wife.  Isabel,  dau.  of  Ptrcival  Cresr.cre.     {See  thoE 

E.  of  Fricklry,  and  of  Preston  and  Rowhall.  7.  w.=CATaERrNE.  dau.  and  co- 
ntionedas  jotin  the  elder,  in  wtU  dated  18  March.  |      of     Thpmas      Preston, 

1503-4,  of  Edward  t 

;,  sub-dean  of  York. 

—John      Anne.=Catherine      {itA  Anne. 

I      of     Fnckley,  I      wifc).dau.  of  John  Jane  (?) 

-I      Inq.  p.  m.  36        Hotham,  of  bcor-  John    Pecxe. 

H.  VIII.          I      borough,  co,  V.  ofWakefield. 

Henry  Gramer 
and  had  [br< 
daus.  his  co-heir 

ELIZABETH  (isl  wife),  dau.  of  Robert=:M 
Nevile,  of  Ra^nall,  co.  Notts,  and  ' 
widow  of  Thos.  Bosvile,  of  Ardsley 



and  heir 


■■RANCES(2nd  wife), 
dau.     of      Ralph 

'  An<i/r  {?  Auciierf, 
of  Redness,  by  his 
wife  Alice,  dau.  of 
\Vm.  Hungate,  of 
Saxion  {1572). 

bd.  at  Darrir.^- 
ton,4  Februarv. 

rrl?Auch?r),     Willi- 

Dorothy, mar  1 
John  Anlaby.  ■ 

Isabel,    mar.    ' 


of  Frickley  ; 
living     1585 ; 

.  ISt(.lS  2nd      DOKOTHY. 

sole  heir  of 
Fen  ton,    of- 

of  the  last  Sir  William 
Gascoigne,  of  Gawthorpe  ; 
and  znd  to  Marm^duke, 
third  son  of  Sir  William 
Tirwhit.   of    Kettleby,  co. 

Wakefield),  and 

John  ElLs. 
S,r  J„o. 


of  Frickley, 
Esq.,  eldest 
22  m  .6.3, 
died  1647. 

Ellen,  dau.  and  cc 
heir  of  Hugh  Shci 
bum,  of  Esholt,  c( 

JoH.-J  Anne,  died  young. 

George  Anne.  d.  unmar. 

Thomas  Anne.  ofSutton. 

CO.  Wilts,  mar.,  and  had 


KN  Av 


Eleanor  (i 

St  wife) 

dau.   - 





Frickley  — 


-       (=r.d 






of   Robcn 


n,  of 

and  Eu 




Lsq..  SOD 


dau.     of 








and  he 

'.  iV 



7  Apnl, 

Sir  Francis  For- 



Yoik.  Esq 





heir,  aged  12,  7 
April,  1666.  ' 

rion-  Jane   Lancdale.    dau.    of  George  Anne.   of=MARGARET,   w^dow    of   Jo 

Marmaduke.  the  2nd  Ixird  Lang-  Burghwallis, Esq.,         Roundel!. ofHuitonWansl 

dale,  of  Holme.  Uving  a  widow  ia  2nd  son,  aged  10,        and  dau.  of  Thomas  Fitz\ 

1723.  1666.                           liam.  of  DoQcasier,  gent 

Pudsey.  of   Barford.    by 

"       2nd  wife.  Jane  Wii- 

ion,  and  d.  s.  p, 

,  di-^d  unmarried 

iLTZABETH,  mar.  to  Anthony  Saltmarsh,  Esq  , 
ofbirubb>.co.  Line.  She  died  =8  Mar..  i0;2. 
He  died  9  June,  1675.  ^t-  34- 

daughter      of  Marmaduki 

ward,  of  Corbv  of    Frickle 

son  and  heir  appar-        Castle.     Esq.,     widow    of  2nd  son.  he 

en t.  died  before  his        WiniamEmnglon.of  Beau-  faiher.died 

father,  and  without        front,     co.      Nonhumber-  ley,  18  Aug 
issue.                                   land.  Esq. 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Robert; 
Plumpton,  .of  Plumpton, 
Esq..    and  co-heir  to  that 

tficHAEL  Anne, 
of  Frickley  and 
Esq.  eldest  son. 
sold  Frickley, 
and  died  un- 


ist  «Tfe),  dau.  ofz=G; 
Thomas  Walton,  of  Winder- 
mere. CO.  Westmoreland,  wi- 
dow of  Thomas  Cholmley, 
of  Bransby,  E^q  ,  marriage 
seltlemem  dated  17  ■  Apnl, 
1745,    she     being     then     at 

3EORCE     ANNE,    of  =   FrA 

Burghwallis,  Esq..  Tf- 

eldest  son.  died 
without  issue.  27 
July,  1802,  aged 
27, and  was  buned 

Lincoln,  and  had 
Alexander,  father 
of  S;r  .Arnold 
Knipht.  M.D..of 

a  n--n.  died 
prison, T791. 

Edward  Krllingbr:< 
Esq..  of  Chapel  All 
ton.  He  died  3  No 
1746.  ^hc  died  ^ej: 
1751.  leaving  issue. 

and  co-heir 
of  Willia 
Gage,      Qf 

jBORGE  Anne  (which  pairo- 
tiymic  he  retained),  01  Burgh- 
wallis Hall,  co  York,  Esq..  J  P. 
for  the  West  Riding,  eldest  and 
only  surv'ving  son,  Corn  37  July, 

I  Paris.  4  Apnl,  1827. 

Anne,  afterwards  Tas-  : 
BtRGH,  of  Burghwallis,  Esq., 
brotherandheir.  bom4  0ct.  1777. 
married  23  April,  jSio.  when  he 
assumed,  "by  royal  sign  manual. 
dated  20  June.  50  George  1 11..  the 
name  and  arms  of  Tasburgh.  He 
d.  at  Calais  10  lulv.iS';^.  at.  75- 

Tasburgh.     mar.    28     Fra 
Feb..  1837,  to  Charles  Gre- 
pory  Faiti^ax,  Esq..  of  Gilling 
Castle.  CO.  York,  who  died 
31  April,  1871,  Bet.  75,  j.  p. 

^r.\RiA  ACGUSTA  RosALtA  As'NE,  dau.  and  heir 
of  George  Cnsr.ome,  Esq  .  and  of  B.^^bara,  his 
w  fe.dau.  of  Tr.:imas  Fii::Herbert.  of  Swmnenon. 
Esq  .  widow  of  Gforge  Tasburgh,  Elsq  ,  of  Bodney, 
in  Norfolk,  who  i:ft  h;s  estates  to  ihc  sajd  Barbara. 
and  her  issue  ty  any  future  husband,  enjoining 
th-em  to  take  the  name  and  arms  of  Tasburgh.  She 
<.-.''A  May.  1844. 


I  lie: 

.7jan.,     Ba 


4  Tas 

Esq  .cf  Hainion.  D.L  .  MP  for 
CO  Lincoln,  and  died  J3  Nov., 
1842.  £t  31.  He  d.  II  May, 
1864,  KL  64.  = 

Northumberland  ;r= 

i,£.  •■  .l\  .  .■'"    'i-V 


Apr(e)'aby,  Christopher  de-l  R.  it.  Roll 
lx>re,  sable,  a  cross  .ir.<l  in  ihc  first  quarter  r 
cinquefoyle  pierced  .irgent  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Sir  Alexande 

UuUl    bore,    sal.l.-, 
;  I'iirlv.  Roll.     H-M 

first  Dunst 

at  the  * 
cribeil  t 



Archard,  Sir  Robert  ■  t 

kolll  bore,  OI-,  a  bend  eni:i.i  i-l    -i!'-.   Tit- 
lianicnlaiy  Roll. 

Archat,  Sir  Richard— il".  i.  Roll  l>ore. 
argent,  on  a  b.-n(i  cotl.seil  i;ules  three  fieur^-cle- 
Ivs  or,  a  bordure  of  the  second  ;  Xativitv  Roll. 

(II  to  .■\l..\M  C)  in  the  Howard  and  Deri 
Rolls,  and  U)  to  Sir  TnuMAS  or  Cornuall 
the  Parlv.  Rolll  Gf.kikkv.  dilTerenee.1  «itl 
lab*-!  U)  gules,  .\rden  and  St.  George  Rolls, 

Arderae,  Rauf  de— (H. 

er:nine.    on   a    feSs    gules    lb 
.Krilen  Roll.       I'. 

^-Arderne.Randulph  de- 1 
Arderne,  Wakelinede 

bend  gules;  Deriiig  Roll. 
Arderne,  William  de— (H 

Arfois  or  Arforce 
argent,  three  cast 
.Ashniole  Roll. 



^iJZkJ^^        crri^^LA.rUk^       A^-/ /cJ^cA.. .         34^^S.J}rh^^         ^^J^l^UrJ. 



i-                     -i 

\.                     J 

^^    ^A<i*rw  ^o^  J/^J. 

'^op'  S*  i/lrJe^-n* 


■<      f 

!      r 

•  ^  "^-^ 

^1       ! 

"       -1 


,„V.>  1.   -.«        w.-.(,-i^:  .-,;.;:f^ 


Argentine,    Sir    Gile 

l.wc.  .It  llic  lir.t    Dun,!,-! 

!;.ik-».  trusily.ii.tlllii,-.   . 

Argentine,  Sir   Jolm 

Ashebaston.  Sir  Eicharrt  i 

(K.)     Will.,  VM  („,„., I„.„v,. 
Argentine,   Reynold  do 

1.  Xoljility  R, 
luj.  SL-e  f.ic^ii 

Armine,  :■.  Ayrmins  and  Ermine. 
Arnes,   Robert   de  -i  H.    in     Roll,   bor. 

rv.?uri,  uvo  U'ndsor;  Roll. 

Arras,  Hafede— (H.  in.  R..ll|  I),. 

;fi>L-  tifi 

.  arg.-in 

Arthur,  Sir 

,                      ,.1-    Rn,„.„     ,4 

>^*i               l»e.n  Ihr™  t 


8.  gnWi.  :i 


Artoys,    Jai 

tjiiles.   four    1 
1  F. )     .Sec  1 1- 

lico  de 

K.  ill. 
gem  ;  J 

Arundel,  E 

uhai-l.   E 

111  ,.r. 

f                      .i.;Si-of  C.i.l 

i30i.].p  x>   . 

^,.,    !.,.„„ 

,„.,„,  1 

Asihiton,  Richard  do    iK.  iv.  R.ilhVire 

|)cr    dR-vrn„    ,.,blc    :„,d   .•,rt,.,:m -« ilh    ,.-v,l  | 
mil.ird  Rull. 

Aake,  Conan    de-il-:.  in    Roili  borv    or 

din-,- b.irs  ..aire,    Grim.ddl  Roll.      V. 

Askeby,  Sir  Robert— (I-:,   in.  Roll),  Wre. 

.nrgcnl.   .1    Ivoii    raiiipam    sable  biUctlt-c  or  : 

..\ahmoJe  Roll.     I-'. 
Aspall,   Sir   Robert    of  Suffolk-(E.  in. 

Rolllhore,  a/iire,threrchcvroiiolsor:  .Vread.-t 

.ind  I'arliaminurv  Rolls,     'i'lic  field  g\ilri  in 


■  Roll. 

Asse,  John  de,  ; .  \^i  iii 

Aisflea.  Alan  de    iH,  in   K,,li,b,.re  .-.w- 

.1   s.illiic   ,ii.d  a   cluef  arseui;    .\rdOii   aill   .•- 
(juors''  Koils.      See  L A^M  l.l.-,. 

*  Assheton,  Sir  Robert  de,  K.  in.— v,r, 

ari;enl.  a  nuillel  pierced  s.ible,  -Mlirley, ,     1-. 

Assi,  Sir  Robert  de  -  1 1-:,  in.  Roll)  !,.^^■ 

'■,_ArundeU,  Reinfred  de,  temp.   H.  ni.- 

bore,  sable,  si\  niarllets(z,7hirondelIesl  argeii 
-Shirley.;     V.  * 

Asdale,  Thomi 

a  eyguet  pas' 


-\slii..ole  Roll. 
Astinn( ? 

■il  Uii 


).  Knijlit-(H. 
uore,  argent,  a\ron  between  tlire 
de-lys  sable  ;  .-Xnimlel  Roll. 
Astley,    Sir    Andrew,    a    baron 
f«)iB.  at  the  battle  of  lalkirk   1298.  a 

J^  ■^^)»*M»i  /lf«^y 

J  ! 

«A  4>-*- 


„  v\,  • .,.,..;, -v; 

\_  ■■  ■  / 

50.1/^  fF.UllAI.   COATS  OF  ARMS 




■' . '   "i! '  r 


J-if  -^fi^ 

(f^MUri  ^tOic 


Astloy,  Giica-borc,    i^ulcs,    a  cinqii.-fn\k 
picrccil  erniim?  Iictwocn  time  niullas  or  :  H.irl, 
M.S.  m8i  fo.  75I..J 
Astley,  Robert— (R.  in.  Roll)  bore,  nzurf, 
irnisily  or  .^riil  a  lyon  passant  gnrdaiu  argent  ; 

Aston,  Sir  John  do,  of  Northants-IK.  11 

K'nlll  bore,    sable,    a   saltirc  argent;    Karlia- 

nic-nt.iry  Roll. 
Aston,  Sir  Richard  de,  of  Gloucestershire 

— fli.  II,  Rnlll  bore,  giiles.  a  lyon  r.ampant  or. 

debruised  by  a  bend  \air ;  Parlianienlary  Roll. 
Aston,  Sir  Richard  of  Hants  or  Wilts.— 



and  , 

Aston,  Roger  de— (R.  111.  Roll)  bore. argent 
adancelte(cniU.-lif)sable:  Joiiyns' Roll.     F. 

Atherton,  (E.    iv.    Roll)  bore,    gules. 

Hirer  li,TOl,s  or-«illieresl;  ll.all.ard  Roll. 
Atherton,  William,  see  .AcnnRro-N-. 
fAthol. 'David'  Earl  of  .IH.  iir   RolDbore 
.'       o.ilv  ...    Ji.d   <.l.l,,     !„    \-,.r(..U:   ,in,l   GrMi.aldi 

Aton,  Sir  Gill.. 

\\  11  I  1  \M,  r. id  baron,  m  ,Astiniolel;  and  gules, 
a  c^.,^s  p,vt,,nce  argent  (R. ),  in  Parlianientarv 
Rnlt.   \c.,  another  {?  platey  at  the  points)  in 

Atte  Hethe  v.  Hetlie. 

Attwater,  William,  of  Lincoln 
lb  H.  viu.  1515)  bore,  untk-e  (barry  wave  of 
six)  ermine  and  gules,  on  a  chevron  between 
three  shrimps  elnbowed  or,  a  rose  gules  seeded 
arirentand  leaved  vert  enclosed  by  two  flowers; 
Nobility  Roll. 

Attewode,  John— (R.  11.  Roll)  bore,  gules  a 

Ivon  tail  toiirehee  argent  ;  Surrev 
Roll,  and  as  .Arwi...l.  in  .\shn,ole  Roll, 

Aubemarle,  Sir  Geffrey  of  Devon  and 
Hants-(E.  11.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  cm.s,lv  or 
and  ,1  bend  lozengy  ermine;  Parlianieiitarv 

Aucher,  Henry— (H.  111.  RolI)bore,  ermine, 
on  a  chi.-f  .azure  three  lyons  rampant  or ; 
.\rden  Roll. 

Audloy,  Hughe  de,  Rarl  of  Gloucester, 
13,^7-47— bore,  or,  three  ehevronels  Pul.-s, 
Nobility  Roll  H.  VI.     .See  also  Cl.  \KI. 

N'icholas   de,   of   Hihgh, 

■u    the    l,,„ilo  of  F,ilkirk 

i    -  :-i  freltvl  or  ;  so  borne  ,ilso 

:el  of  the 
,>here  ,Sir 
ini;  th.; 



J.VMLs  look  up  the  c 

Auke,  Gregory  de— (K,  111.  Roll)  lx.r. 
gules,  two  bars  and  in  chief  three  annulet 
all  argent ;  Jenyns'  Ordin.ary,     F, 

Aunsell,  Alexander- i l:,  hi.  Roll)  bore 
or:  Jenyns- 'Ordn,arv."F."^  "°^'"  "°"  ' 

Auntesheyo,  Sir  Richard  (Dmntsrv 




■  gule 

fess  or  and  arg... 
Parliamentary  Roll. 
Austre(y I,  William  de-(H,  111.  Roinix.r, 

lal«.-l  I 

len  Ro 

Avenbury,  Osbernde-(ll.  111.  Kollibure 

gules,     thn.T    lyons    rampant     tails     fourehee 
argent ;  .\r»ien  Roll. 
Avene,  Sir  Leyson  de  (Dwf.m-v),  of . 
(Jloue.— (K.    II.     Roll  I      bore. 


Avenel,Sir  John  di. 

Awger,  Sir  Thomas  (.Vlger)  of  Kent- 
ill.  VI.  Roll  I  bore,  ermine,  on  a  chief  aju 
three  lyoncenx  rampant  or;  .Arundel  Roll. 

Avrillers :-.  Davelers. 

Ailesbury.  Sir  Robert  de— bore,  at  tl 

battle  of  Boroughliridge  132=  azure  a  cio 
argent  and  a  I,ib.l  (il'gules.  ;oH\,  bore 
undifl-erenced,  and  Joiix,  vvitha  l.astc 
gules,  in^itcad  of  the  label;  Jenvns'  Ordinal 

Ayrmyn,  Willi 
argent,  a  saliire  e 
Jenyns'   Ordinary, 

chief  of  the'hist  ; 
.Surre.  Roll. 


dV  yCi.*  I  0**vy 

a^Of^.lAi^    Vu.^'AMy   ^^h^S.f^      ^JU^fOl     ^^A f   ^^J),.^j 



•I  1/ 

:.|  i' 

v...,r  .,^-    %. 




/?^/  I  Liep^J 

In  f.OKLE^TOx  Church,  Suffolk.      R^c  J  Sa.^p^y.Jenr        ITsa^Jr^/X.^ 
c.  n;5.     After  Stothard.  ' 


'  '.     I 

I  >■ 

I   i    /         /    N 

'    "A 



an  orle 

■William de-(H.  iik  k. 

vair,alabel(5)  gules.  Anotht 
or.   an   orle  ajure,   a  labe 
and  St.  George  Rolls. 

■  bore,  or. 
-  (51  S"tes- 


,  William 

an  eagle  di 
red  guies.     ' 




cd  azu 
s  Ord 


Roll)  bore, 
:-eakcd  and 
.     F.     See 

also  Bii 
tBalun,  Jolin,  and  Walter  de— ( H.  i  ir.  Roll) 

bore,  barrv  dancett<?e  (6or  8)  argLT.:  and  gules 

(F.)  St.  Gcorce.  Howard  and  D^-ng  Rolls; 

Thomas,  gules  and  dr.  in  Jenyns'  Crdmary. 
Balun,  John— (1l.  hi.   Roll)  borr.    per  fess 

indented  argent  and  guk'S.     Jenyns    Roll.     F. 
Bam  (me),  .  a  Konti^h  Kmsh:— iH.  vi. 

Roll)  bore,  ermines  on  a  chief  pilv  urgent  two 

trcfovles  sable  ;  Arundel  Roll.  F." 
Bamnye  :•  Bawnd  or  BowTid. 
Bampfylde.   John  iH.\l  mum  :■.  K.    i.— 

b-jre,    or,    on   a    bend    gules,    tlirr-c    niullctb 


who  V 




s  knighted  at  iK-r  capiti 
lion  of  Calais  1348,  and  by  Sir  Thon 
K.G.  1376 ;  the  cross  is  variously  irieked 
blasuned,  pat^,  patonce,  and  ftorv.  accord 
lo  the  humour  of  the  Herald  or'hi^  pain' 
for  ihey  were  evidently  iiitcrthangeabie.  or  < 
and  the  same.     V. 

Banaatre,  Sire  William- 
ardent,  three  chevronds  gul 
and  the  revers.^  in  the  I'.irliar; 

Banbury,  Gilbert  de, 

de,  of  0.x. 

,  Roll)  bore. 

Roll)  bore, 
-lini  Roll. 
y  Roll, 
id  Sir  Thomas 

r  nor\\  pules,  betw 
L.-irv  ku" 

Banbury,  Thomas  de— (F.  i.  Roll)  bore. 
ar,[;ent.  a  cross  biiween  four  mullets  16)  pierced 
gules;  Roll.      F- 

Band,  Sir  Walter  Ie-{E.  ir.  Rolll  Iwre. 
piles,  three  pairs  of  eagles'  wings,  or  ;  Parlia- 
metitary Roll.    See alic  riAiDE, 


8  Hen.  iv.   1407. 

Bagin-ton  Church,  Warwickshire. 

.■1//er  Boft/c-//. 


g.  ia^«T*/^    5F-^-  i^  ^i 

jfx^^  <WBa'k;     'r»itt/13e>^'no»£^ 

Banke,  John  de-iE.  ir.  Roll)  (^ore,  suhle  a. 
cross  l>etween  four  fieurs-de-lys  ar.^enl,  quar- 
■(B^  argent 

gules.  Je 


Bardolf,  Sir  Hugh,  a  b.\ron  i -39— Se.iled 
the  Harons' letter  to  the  Pope  13-:  i,  pp.  .wii, 
xxiv;  bore,  at  the  baf.le  of  Fatkir;-;  1298.  and 
at  the  siege  of  CarUiverock  1300,  vzure,  three 
cinquefoylos  or;  as  also  did  (i)  :S  r  Thomas 
at  the  first  Dunstable  tourname-i  130S.  (2) 
Le  Sr.  Barholphe  at  the  siec-  of  Rouen 
'  1418,  and  (3)  William  Oin  the  t'cringRolI. 
A  rfardolf  coat  w  thin  a  bordure  engrailed 
argent  in  the  Ashniol':  Roll. 

Bardolf,  John— bore,  atthesecor  i  Dunstable 
tournament  1334,  anjre,  three  cioquefovles 
argent  (as  did  Sir  William,  of  Norfolk'  in 
Parly.  Roll.  K.  IL),  but  his  cousin  joiiN.  also 
of  Norfolk,  bore  a  red  field. 

Bardolfe,  Sir  Thomas,  banne-ei— (E.  11. 

Kollj  lK>rc,  or,  three  cmquefoyle?,  .i.TUre.  (F.) 
Parliamentary  Roil;  the  Surrey  :-<oll  (R.  11.) 
ascribes  argent  three  cinquefoyles  pierced  or, 

Glover  and  Norfolk  Rolls. 
Bardwell,  William— bore,  at  ;he  siege  of 
i3.  gulei.  a,y;/a/-i'c/-/>' 



.IS  IVd^ell. 

Bare,  Sir  John  de— Iwre.  at  the  battle  ot 
hall. irk  1298.  and  at  the  siege  of  t-\irla%erock 
1300,  azure,  crusily  and  two  ba.-bes  or,  a 
tiordure  indented  gules,  engrar>d  in  the 
Carl.iverock  Roll  —the  '  ■  barbes  blasoned 
"  poiss<jns  "  ill  Karl.  0589  fo.  3''.  and  "  bar- 
Ix-aux  "  fo.  50;  correctly  tricked  f 'Ay  in  Add. 
5848  fo.  79,  as  two  barbt'ts  addorsed  em- 
bowed  or;  in  all  other  MSS.  erroneously 
blasoned  or  tricked  as  Heraldic  bars.  V. 
Ralph  Bahry  look  up  the  cros.^  in  the  last 
Crusade  1270. 


-  r        \ 


50.1//;  FEUDAL   COATS  OF  ARMS. 

3  trr-^Mlt)ori^ 


ZJitt   3«r«M<w. 

atfh^    >B 

(nartirm    Xi<rrCTVf- 

Jo^n   iSorry 

Bare.  John  de— ii:.  in.  Roll)  Iwrc.. 




Ordinary.     I F. )    -Sw  also  li 
Barkeworth,  Robert   (lixitciuoKTii)  — 

IK.  III.    koll)   Ijore,  arKCiit,    a  sallire  satric  a 

laW  (3)  i;ulcs;    JenvtiV    Ordiiiarv  and    Koll. 

|F.)      Sec  also  BK.lkWuKTilK. 
Barkswrorth,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  Suffolk — 

I  E.  II.  Koll  1  Ijorc.  rlHM|.iy  argent  and  .gules,  on 

a  bend  ai;ure  three  I\  uneeux  passant  of  the  lirsl 

(F.):  rarliamentary  Roll. 
Barlow,  (H.    VI.    Roll)  tore,  sable,  a 

double-headed  ea.glc  displayed  argent  ;  .\ruudel 

(Barlye  ?).    of    Ksses- —  (H.  vi.    Rolll  bore-. 

unde*;  I6lsableandermine(i.t'.  barry  nebuleel ; 

.\rundcl  Roll. 
Barnake,  Sir  William,  of  CO— (F.  n. 

Roll!  bore,    argcm   a   fcs  l»lne,-n  three  Uar- 
n.acles  sable  ;  l'arl>.  Kr.ll  ^  .mil  in' Roll. 

Henry  le -(H.   in.   Roll)  bore. 
France,  and  a  chief  palv  argent  and  gules ; 
Norfolk  Roll. 
Sarnartl,  John  -IH.  vi.  Roll)  bDre.  argent,  a 

hear  passant  s.^ble  mu/zled.  or.  ^imrterly  wilb 
gules  three  lucies  naiant  |?argcnt|.  .Arundel 
1 1  giil'-s,  thre-'  chevronels  ermine,  (2)  argent  a 
1  chief  gules  three  mullets  or. 


Barnastone,  Tho 

♦Barnes.  Rauf  de— iH.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
quarterlv  or  and  azure;  Uering  Koll -or,  and 
vert  in  St.  George  Roll ;  called  also  HSK.VKKS. 
see  that  name, 

Barre  -■.  Bare  and  Barry. 
Barre,Robert-iR.  ii  Roll)hore,  gules,  three 

bars  erenellee  argent:  Surrey  Roll. 
Barre,  Thomas-lR.  ii.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 

three  barsconiponyargent  and  azure,  tjuarlerly 
with,  bany  (6)  or  and  azure,  abend  gules; 

Barre,  William-IR-  ii.  Roll)  bore,  azure 
t'\o  Ivons  passant  g.ardant  and  a  bortlure 
engrailed  or  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Barres,  ( 1  de-(H.  in.  Roll)  bore,  lozengv 

or  and  gules  ,  .\rden  Roll. 

Barrett,  John,  of  Suifolk-(Hen.  vi.  Rolli 




or  ;  .\rundel  Roll. 

other  Jij 



^  bon 

de-lys  s.ible  «iihui  a  burjure  engrailed  of  llic 
second.     K. 

Barrentlne,  Sir  Drew  de,  of  Bucks  — 
(K.  II.  Rolll  bore,  sable,  si.t  e.iglets,  3,  2.  i, 
argent  :  Farly.  Roll.  Three  eagles  in  the 
Sogar  Roll  .  e.-.glets  or,  in  the  (ilover  Roll.  Y. 
Sec  also  Tiles,  Neath  .\bhey.  p   i\. 

Barrington,  Sir  Nicholas  de,  of  Ess 


the  shoulde 



Parliamentary  ; 
Sir  Philip,  of    co.    Leii 


1  fourc 


Barowe,    -William- ii;.    iii.     Roll)    I'ore 

argent,     on     a     fess    daneettee     sable     three 

besants  :  (  F.  I  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 
Barry.  John -IE.  iit.  Roll)  bore,  gules  l«o 

geiuclles  argent,  en  maurrt  A'   kirn-s  ;    (F  1 

jenyns'  Ordinary. 
Barry,  Sir  Robert,  of  Kueks-(K.  11.  Rolh 

b<jre,   azure,   two    lyons    passant  gardanl  or  ; 

.\rden,  St.  George,  and  I'arly. -Rolls'^     F. 
*  Bartelott,  Adam  de.  1423-borc,  sabic, 

three  sinister  gloves  .argent. 

tasseled  i.r    -Shirley,]  ^F. 
Barton,   GeofFrey,  of  T.atton-is   hiiir  i., 

the  coat  of  Sir  GKOt-lKV  M.vssv    of  Talt.ui 

and    also    of    M.\s5V-(Kd.    IV.    Roll)    bore. 

t|u.irterlv  gules  and  argent,  a  label  (5)  azure. 

Ballard  Roll. 
•Barton,  John  de— {R  11.  RoU)  bore,  argent, 
blc  ;  Surrey  Roll.    St^e  Rkh.\k;i 

.  W-i 


Barton,  John,  of  Fntoi 

ermine,    on     a    fess  gules    three 

(Jrimaldi  Roll  and  Jenyns  Ordiii 

Bartram,  Roger,  baron  of  Mi 

-  Rolll   bore,    gules,     crusilv  and 

Jenyns'  Ordinary.     See  also  Bkk 

Barwiok,  see  IIekwk  ic. 
Basan,  Stephen- (H   in.  Kol 
.irgentand  gules,  a  ([uartersable 
♦Basemes.  Godfrey  de 

lied   als< 

kollii«ire,  gules  an  inescr 

ardent    within    an    orle  of  cint|uefov)e: 

Dering  Roll. 

Basford,  Sir  John,  knighted  at  the  ca 

tion   of  Calais    ,348- gules  a    lyon   ra 

Basynges,  John— IR. 

,  Rolll 

^.IP  J  :S-rr.-  ^«.  /v^«/^         -«;-3fB«/^^  'fiv^^  UB-ffoJ 

Jc-n,  d    B^iktT^U, 

— 1 

;>  / 

.V.f      r.rPf 

\.  ?    '■       \X  •*-  •'*■.   V    ,;.; 






/yPUTB^   H- 

^Po^    OSapoOrv^ 


A*<^^  "B^ffA     '^"f'^afC^  ■V'^ffB^ff^ 

Basing,   Sir   John,  of  Mi, 

ille,  Andijw  du 

'Basset,  Sir  Willii 

-  Ixirc,  at  the  second  Dui 


ille.  SirEiohard  do. 

lore,  .11 

-e  de— (M.  III.  Rotlt  bore,  pules 
Ihr.c  palcls  v.iir,    oi,   ,i  chief  or  n  denii  licur- 
dc-l>s  isMiani  sable:  Deriiig  Roll.     F. 
Basset,  Eauf— IH.   iii.   Roll)  l»re,  or,  three 
piles  ffulcs  ;   .\rden  Roll. 

BasBett,  Richard,  of  Weldon,  n  baron 
i299~bore,  or,  three  palets  gules,  and  a 
bordure  azure.  R.VLKF,  .itso  baron,  bore  the 
bordurc  bes.intee  ;  .Surrey  Roll. 

Basset,  Raufif,  of  Dravlon.  1st  baron  1261- 
(E.  I.  Roll),  or.  three  piles  meeting  in 
base  gules,  ,a  canton  ermine.  and  St. 
lieorge  Rolls  ( K. )  —  and  so  ,ilso  Kai.i'H 
4th  lliron  K.c.  1360.  R.M.eH  and  baron 
bore,  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk  1298,  paly  (6) 
or  and  gules,  a  canton  ermine.  F.,  profiabK 
father  of  the  ncM  named. 

Basset,  Sir  Rauf,  banneret  -bore,  at  the 
tirst  Dunstable  tournament  1308,  or.  three  piles 
meeting  in  base  gules,  a  canton  ernnne.  sir 
Slvion  l)ore  them,  with  a  lal»el  (ji  a/ure  at 
the  siege  of  Calais  i34_;-8.  and  k  \i  K  1  1,  Frrz 
also,  at  the  second  Dunstable  toiirnainent 
In  tricks  for  Sir  Rukkri  or  Rucik  of 

Bassett,  Sim   tonrnai 

gules,  a  mullet  r,r  ;  Collect,  and  Top,,  IV.  . 
Baesett,  Sir  Lawrence  and  Thomas  o 
Cormvall— IK.  ill.  Rolllbore.  b,irry  ilaneetle 
(61  argent  and  gules  ;  .\shmole  Rolf,  t'ic. 
Bassett,Philip-lH.  III.  Roll)  bore, quarterlv- 

Bassett.  Sir  Richard,  of  Rutland,  and 
Sir  Willinm-iE,  11,  Roll!  bore,  .argent. 
two  b,irs  .i/ure,  in   chief  three  chnplets  gules; 

jBasastt.  Anscel— ( H.  rit.  Roll(bore, 
a  chief  dnncettOe  gules  :  Derinij  Roll. 
Bassett,  Sir  John- '■■■r.-    ■•  'he 
Carlaverock  1300,  erunn 1,  ,  ■  , 



isiingbourne.    Sire    Mayeu    de- 
bore,  at   the   battle   of    Horout:hbridge    132J 
quarterly  or  and  gules,  four  crescents  counter 
changed.     F. 
+Bassingbourne,  Baldwin,  or  Jordan— 


.  R.J 



;ershire  the 

able;    r'.irlv    Ro 

jBasset,  SirRauf— I  H 

armed  or,;  Surrey  Roll.  ' 
Basset,  Lord,  slain  at  the  siege  of  Calais  1 147 
— iKjre,    gules,    three    piles    meeting  in    bKse 

Basset,  Rauff— (H.  111.  Rolll  bore.  p,aly  (61 
or  and  gules,  on  a  canton  argent  a  cross  patce 
s.ilile,   Norfolk  Roll. 

Basset,  Sir  Richard— bore,  at  the  first  Dun. 

Basset,  Sire  Rauf -lE  1. 

tiir,  e  bars  undee  s.ible  ;   timi 

Basset.  Rauf,  of  Sancme 
Simon-iH.  111.  k..;l  ;,o' 

John  bore  the  ^im  .r 

Basset,  H,— in   r 

Basset,  Lawrence— iH, 

inid.?e  16)  argent  and  gule> 
(ieorge  Rolls,  I'llll.le  bor.-, 
Ceorge  Roll;  and  Wll.l  I  \ 
Jenyns' Onlm,irv.  Svmum; 
azure  m  Howard  Roll ;  and 
Dcring  Roll, 

.\rden    R,,ll  ;   for  \\   tKi  :  ■    :  k,,|l 

and  for  R,M  n.  ni  .le.u 1,1   •,, 

Bassingbourne,    Gilts    /     M 

(K     111.    Rolll    bore,    t, ■,    ,„,    ,„^,,,,  ant 

gules,  a  baaton  a/ure  ;   (...ii^rave  koll. 

Bassingbourne,  Sir  Humphrey,  of  eo. 
Cambridge — 1 E.  11.  Rt-lll  boiv,  g\ronv  18; 
argent  and  gules,  Farhanient.irv  Roll;  trickeii 
also  6  and  12  for  ether  Humphreys. 

Bassingbourne,  Sir  John,  of  Herts- 
IE.  II.  Rolll  bore,  gyronylS)  or  ,in<l  gules; 
I'arliamentary  Roll. 

Bassingbourne,Sir  "Warren,  of  CO  Lines. 

— I  E.  II.  Rolll   gjrony  18,  sonietiincs  12 
and  16I,  or  and  mure,  Parly,  Roll  and  Jcnyns' 

a  chevron  .azure. -Shirlev'.l     F. 
Battott,  iH,     VI.     Roll)    bore,    gules,    a 

gi\  phoii  segreint  or,  a  bordure  engrailed  sable  ; 

.Arundel  Roll, 
Bause,  Siro  William,  see  Gal  sk. 
Baud.  Sir  Thomas  le— |K,  111   Rolh  bore, 

azure,  a  It  on  pass„nt  or  ;  Ashniole  Roll. 
Baud,  Sir  Walter  le,  of   Essex— (I;.    11. 
ingles'   wings   or ; 

Bavent,  Sir  Roger,  a 

(F,l  S-c  Bamnvk 
her  KocKi:  bore  it  w 

,Rir:' Jolindc     1«- 





lYvavm  ^•{ylr<c£ifrTM» 


/JVoU-f.'^  0-n(*nr^ 


^        ,0' 


\   / 


Beaiichamp,  Si 

(3ra  son  of  l 
EIniflcy) -Sealed 
the   Barons'  lettei 

x\iv.  bore,  al  the  battle  of  Falkirk  lai^ _ 

.It  llie  siege  of  Carlav  crock  noo.  gules'  a  fcss 
between  six  martlets  or  ;  a  Sir  Walticr  bore 
Burnuphbriilge  I322. 

■  aN( 

,  the 

ir  Gir.Ksl  who  was 
ion  of  Calais  1348, 
5),  pendants  gobony 

■cdal  ihefir-i  \^■ 
■  W  ;l 

iiullct  pierced 

■■■^l.T,     difflT. 



r  le  nielol  de\.iu[U,'  ihrec  che\  runs  gules; 
Sloane  MS.  1301  fo,  260''. 

(7t  Sir  WAt.TKR  (/  2)  John-  of  Powick 
bore  Sir  Wai.tkk.s  coat  within  a  bordur'- 
argent;  Harl.  MS,  1481  fu  41. 
Beauchamp.Ouy,  211,1  tirl  of  Warwick— 
•ant-,  at  111-  iMiili-  .,f  nikirk  1208,  at  the  sieije 
nf.-.irl  ivirn,  I.  ,  ;-o    1 11  l   it  t'l- firsl  Dunsl 

■rly  u;ll,  ■  Lc  VevI 

•  (de  Wa 
ns'  letter 

^ttrj  Si^^ehartrp 


4TH    Eakl    of    Warwick,  K.G.   1406. 

In   S.  Mary    Church,  Warwick. 

A/ler    Walkr. 

•t? — T" 


V,  ,.'.;■. .  .^^ 

i, -^    ^   •   M 



iScs*  ) 




Richard,  Erie  of  Bcauchamp,  jusiying  at  Gyncs ;  he  'cast  to  the  grounde  at  his  sperc  foynt 

behynde  the  horse  talk,  tite  Kvyght  called  the  Chevaler  Riige  c.  14 1  o. 

Cotton  Ms.    Julius  E.  iv.     British  Museum. 

^^'■■'■\   t^ 


3RD  Eari.  of  Warwick,  K.G.   1361). 

In  Elmng  Church,  N'orkilr. 

From  the  Hastings  Brass. 

Beauehamp,  Sir  John,  ki.,   Iin.tlur  ..f 

Gui.    .-nil    l-.ul  -  I ,    .11    ll.r    .    _.    ..I   •  .l',l  . 

.li.l    Rii  II  Vk'n,    \.n.\     V,' .[■   >.  .     ,         !     I'lr 

3  []  a  a 


np,  Sir  John  de,  of  Hncho 

l;..i'.ns'K>tu-rtrrii,',.'r,„x.",,oi.  i 

th..'  L"ipiti 

iip."Willinmde,ofI-.ton— (H. 

Kuli's  a  bend   of  the  la 
l',irv,     Norfolk,     and     M.     Gmri;o 
Rolls  I  F,  I  ;   in  other  M^.s.  n  bend  s.ible  otturs. 

Boauchamp,  John  de— (H   111.  kolll  bon  , 

«lbk-,  m>  -asl,.  nrfent.  beted  ,,nd  I.  .,-.;..d 
or:  GloMT  Roll.  A  se.ond  lollx  bjt... 
H,  lu..  undee  (6)  argent  and' a2ure  ;  St. 
George  Roll.      V . 

Beauohamp.  Sir  John,  of  Fvfield  in  Kss-x 
— lE.  II.  Roll  I  bore,  argent  (--■.■/ or). n  Iron  ram- 
paiu  sable,  crowned  ynles:   I'arly.  Roll. 

Beauehamp,  Sir  John   (Rt-st  ii.\mi'1,  of 

Somersetbhire-(II,  VI.   Roll)  bore,  vert,  three 

besant-s  ;  .\rundei  Roll. 
Baauchamp,  William,  of  Cumberland— 

ir.  111.  kolli  bore  argent  on  a  bend  gules  three 

plates  :    lenyni-  Roll.      F. 

Beauiitz,    Hsnry- 1  E 

Wv.    li^a^M-L 


^  "B,^^^  .  -^^/f^,«„,/,»»;,e 

ff  ■■  Oituxju-ft 



,.,:  .    v,  ■T-'" 

v?W     jMiM  \\    ,M   r.i,.  V 

5(1.1//:  FEUDAL    COATS   OF  AKMS. 

(PcdJ-J-'  Betumond 



2tr  «'*A' 

J^  «— j-f 


Riilll    l,..r 

•Baa'uiniond,  Le  Sr 


,  lloi 


banded  or ; 
(  llie  siege  of 
.rec  In™  ""' 

Bedford,  John,   Duk,- 
1-r.ioti-   .ina  lOn^l.ind    :ii 
I«_r  pnk-  irniinu   .ind  niui 
or;  K.  400  fo.  6. 
•Bedingfeld,  Pii 

.  Ihc 

r  riorel 

5  the  lirsl 

....,.■>  ■  ■hcpr«c-iday. 

Be  0  uT,o;:^l,  t^,..ilVoy  dc-'H.  ni.  Roll) 
l-ir.'  -  I  .  .%  iii'.'  •I,),2.1,>-.lllSl.Gt■orse 
Koll  I  V  i  ;  Mblf  11. ni'  m.irUels  i"  oric  urgent  m 
Ai-den  Roll. 

Beiaiumond,  Sire  Henry  de 


Ih.-    kmic 

i,(    llf.i 



Jenyiis'   Ord.ii.iti 

IngtoSurrei   R.i 

Beaumont.    Kr 

8-  IH.  III.  R.illUioru, 
;    How.ird    Roll  ;    the 
reierse  11  now  borne  by  the  baronet  s  fanillv. 
Bseston,  John-(K.   ni.    Rnlli  bon.-,  vert.  .1 

Ortliiwry.     F.     The  same  .as  Mkw  li!t.. 
BeSBton,  W.-lK.  1.  or  11.   Roll  1  bore,, 
cmsilylilch&ar.d  a  b<-ndor;  Harl.  Roll. 
IBeices,   Haineris    (Lkkks   nr  Ij..iTKs — 
ill.  Ml.  R..II1  bore,  or  a  l)on  rampant  gul.s 
ernvMn  il    azure,     a    borrliiie    sable     Ix-saiuee. 
.Ashmnle  Roll  ;  tile  field  argent,  ,llid  thebordnie 
plaley  111  the  Uering  Roll. 
4.Bek,  Antony  de,  lii->hiipof  Durham  — bore. 


Beiaiumond,  William  de-iH.  111.  Roll) 

Beaupell,  johnlor  Hi.  Mi'ii  >    iK..  111.  Roin 
bore,  giiles.   a  bend  cotised  a- 
Ordinary.      K. 

Beaupeyl,  Sire  Robert— br.-.i,  at  the  battle 
of  Boroughbridge  1322,  gtilei.  a  bend  vair 
(F.):  another  Sir  RdliKttr  fiF.M  fl.K,  of  Corn- 
wall (Ell  1  bore  the  same  Ut«  ^-n  si.<  escallops 


■  Roll. 

Beaupr^,  Ralph  de— iF-  1::.  Roll)   bore. 

vert,  a    l>'.n    raiiipaiu   or,  a    baslon    gules; 

Jenyns"  Ordinary, 
Becard(Sir)Piers-iF.  11.  K..|l)bore.  or  a 

saltire  between  four  eaglets  azu-e  :    the  saltire 

is  gules    in  some   tricks  (F. );  Parliamentary 

in  the 

1  bend  gules  thr( 

ell  a  martlet  sable  ;  Parlia 

Beche,  John  de  la,  a  baron  i  ;u2  —bore,  vai 
argent  and  gules  ;  Nic mil.  bore  the  same,  ar 
on  a  canti-n  of  the  first  a  ;nartlet  sabli 
Jenyns'  Ordinary.     F. 

Beck,  Sire  Philip  de  (IV-k— bore,  at  thi 

battle  of  Boroughbridge  1322,  a*' 
gules  three  bucks'  heads  cabos?'d  or  (F.  | ;   h 
son.  .Sir  JullAN,  bore  the  same  with  a  martle 
sable  for  ditTerence,  but  hinds'  couped 
in  ,\shmole  Roll.     .See  also  ilEK. 
Beokebury,  Sir  'William-  1:.  111.   Roll 

bore,  arure.  an  eagle  or ;   .\.hn-  .i,-  Roll, 

Beckham,  Roger  de,  =.i  Pi   ^,1.1.11. 

1  the  -Vrden 



Bokeyring,  Thomas  di)-i  1'..  1.  Roini^jre, 

cheeqny  argent  onl  eules;   X.ilmly  Roll. 

Bskering,  Sir  Christofcr  de,  kniglueii 

at    the   eapiluLitinii    ,.('    ( '.il.ns    1348  —  Ixire. 

checquv  argent   and  gules,  a   lieiid  sable  I  F,  I ; 

TJIOM.AS,    "bore  it    with   the  baston    \ox  bend) 

azure ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary, 
Bekering,  "Thomas— (R,    11.    Roll)   bore, 

checquy  argent  and  gules,  on  a  chevron  sable 

three   escallops    of    the     first  ;     Surrey    Roll. 

..\nothcr  TlloM.\s,    Ixjre,    F,.   ill,,    same  as  a 

Jiitl.N    liF.  I..V  RiVKK,  lozcnpy  or   anil   gules; 

blasoncd  "  mascl^e,""  in  Jenyns'  Ordinary.     F. 
Bekuna,  Walter-i  K.'lll.  Roll  1  liorc.  argent, 

a  bend  engrailed  sable,  a  lalx'l  of  tlir 

.'  Ordir 

Bekynham,  Sin ),  a  Kentish  Knight— 

(H.  VI.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  chevron  gules 
between  three  bucks'  heads  caliossed  of  the 
last,  atlires  or  ;  .\riindel  Roll. 

Bolchamp,  Geffryde- (H.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
(jiiarterlv.  argent  and  sable;  Glover  and 
Howard'  Rolls. 

Bolet,    Sir   Ingram,    of   Vnrfolk-IK.  11. 

Roll)  boi 
einqucfoyles      argent; 
\\'ll.l.l.\Mtook  up  the 

thief   gulei 
rhaiiientary     Roll, 
in  the  l.TSl  Crusade 

Belett,  Michael-IF.  111.  Roll)  bore,  argent. 

Iiief  1 



















Cf-tir.  'B  *^*t:  mM 

3«~     A    :B^tk  Pli('A:Ba4-  '^afUr'St^^^rJ. 

•  r^^lSs^^ 

;  ■■  ,'■■/ 





(Shield  III.  brol-ghi  in  p.v  Bellasvse) 

HENRY     FITZALAN    HOWARD,    K.G.,    15™    DUKE   OF    NORFOLK. 

See  also  Paces  60  and  114. 

:!  H 


It  i,  hoped  that  the  k-i 

the  shield.  wiW,  uilh  the  accompanying  r 

Bellasis  . 

Sl'RING  . 
BiLLlNGHAM      . 

Errington    •■ 

Barton  . 
Davenport  {i) 

burneshead  . 

Sutton    . 
Sutton— Augm 




Su no rove 

St.  Ci.ere 


Darcv  (E.  Kivi 

FitzLanglev  . 


Weston  . 
Kitson    . 
Broughton     . 
Danby  of  Yaffoe 
Con  VERS  . 

PVE  . 

Tankerville  . 




ECKNEV    . 

St.  John  of  Lagi 

Abell  v.  Locher 


■Grome     . 


gules,  on  a  beild  bctwi:en  six  . 

honorable  augmentation  fc 

I  Feb.,  1513-14 
quarterly,  I  and  4  ardent,  a  p; 

plain    sahl..      2    and    3. 

three  ficur^-iiL--tys  azLirc 

r  argcn:,  an  inescnchcuii  and  an 

.f  Mod. 

two    pallc 

,  thrt 

'  head 



rle  of  martlets  sable     . 

1  a  bordure  enyrailcd  sable 

on  of  the  second,  a  lyon  | 

or,  a  bugle-horn  strnif 
argent,  a  mullet  s 

argent,  three  bendlet^ 
rampant  or 

ar^^.n.acKwoi,  .uv 

Lho  held  tor  difterence 

1  stringed  sable  — with  AssHEfOS 
lullet  sable  pierced  or 

lies,  on  a   canton  of  the 



ulletoftlie  sc 
,  onacliiefi;>i 
an  rMuiI,.  .,r  !■ 

ringed  sable  . 
ba,e  a  garb  • 

1  double-headed  eagle  displayed  sable 
d  or  three  saltorellcs  bendways  gul< 


1  fess  betwc 

chief  or  . 

luUets' gules  . 
e,  on  a  chief  gulea  three 
laced  in  base,  in  chief  ihn 

ermines  cotised  sable     . 

.■bulee  or  and  gules 
argent,  a  chevron  sable,  an  annulet  of  the  last 
argent,  on  a  chevron  sable  three  leopards'  faces 
gules,  a  goal,  salient  ai 
sable,  three  fish  hauri; 
argent,  a  chevron  bet\ 
paly  of  six  argent  and 
argent,  three  chevrons 
gule>,  a  fess  wavy  or.  .  . 

azure,  a  nuunch  or  in  chief  a  cinquefoyle  argent . 
argent,  on  a  fess  azure  three  escallops  of  the  field 
gules,  an  escocheon  argent  eighi»martlcts  in  orlc  1 
gules,  a  chevron  between  three  escallops  or 
azure,  six  lyonceux  rampant  3,  2,  i,  or 
ermine,  a  chief  dancetiee  gules  .  .  .  . 
azure,  two  lyons  passant  guardant  or  a  label  of  thi 
argent  on  a  chief  gules  two  niulli 

(H.  S07,  f,  4S' 
(H.  S07.  f.  59) 


bordure  indented 
I  bend  argent  cotised  or  three  saltorelles  in  bend  gul 
argent,  a  saltire  engrailed  azure  ...... 

(Thomas,  of  the  family  of  Sir  Rafe,  H.  I4S0,  f.  23"  and    1557, 

93')   argent,   a   cross   engrailed   gules   between  four  wate 

bougets  sable,  all  within  a  bordure  gobony  or  and  gules 
per  chevron  argent  and  sable  in  chief  two  moor-cocks  ppr.  . 
per  pale  danceltee  argent  and  azure  ..... 
argent,  a  fess  gules  between  two  greyhounds  courant  sable  . 
or,  three  piiea  to  the  base  gules,  on  a  chief  indented  azure  two 

closed  helmets  in  protile  of  the  first 
per  saltire  or  and  sable  four  griffins"  heads  erased  counterchanged 

all  within  a  l)ordurc  azure  * 

argent,  a  chev.-on  gules  between  three  boars  passant  sable     . 
ermine,  a  chevron  between  three  boars  passant  sable    . 
azure,  a  slag  trippant  ermine,  attires  or.  a  chief  of  the  last    . 
azure,  on  a  chevron  engrailed  argent  (jetween  three  lyons  passant 

guardant  or  as  many  crosses  nioUne  sable,  a  canlon  ermine 

Cciiiludid o>t  pas^e  19- 

!i)  Davenport  probably  brings  in  Wetter 

anil  Hn 

ockley  brings  in  Flewe 
( 4)  Casey  should  come  here, 
p  through  « 

d  Alprahain  bcforo  Dromlii 

rings  should  not  be  uphcl 

..-tl  Hul 

;tn  added  to  Fo»  ler  (s  0  for  Ca' 

Cott.  jid.  c.  VII.  r 

Lansdo\\nc872,ft'.  1 
Harl.  117S,  f.  45 

II.  1535,  ff.  iiS",  249'', 

2094.  f.  IQI 
1426,  f.  67 

H.  14S0,  f.  r3" 
H.  1556,  f.  93" 

1394,  f.  341 
1167,  f.  125 

167,  f-  18 

H.  1563.  Ms" 
H.  2T13.  f.  S4 

^OMi;  FEVDAL   COAT:>    01-   ARMS. 

^^3#4/^  T^»3*. -B»/^/3.  -26^ -3*^:^;  ^cfnt^t3i/U^  ^.k.^J  J  BelUj, 




Belhoiis,  Sir  John,  of  ! 

saltirc  ^Itis  another  vair.     F. 

Belliusa,  Roger  d3— (E.  III.  Roll)  bore,  or, 
on  :i  salt  re  gules  live  l»e^an^^  i  K.  1 :  another  bore, 
s.ililc.  .1  i..jt  eiilruct  or  (I-'.  I ;    leiiyns'  Ordinary. 

BolhU5(?,Tebaud  de-(H.   m.   Roll)  bore. 

St'  ( iu.ji  ,-i;  koll.' 

Belkamoro,  John  de— (E.  iii.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  a  bortiure  engrailed  .irtjent.  over  all  a 
tiendofihe  last  (F.):  Jenyns'  Ordinary.  Sec 

BellasyEe,  John,  of  Eltoftes-(E.  \\\.  Roll) 
lX)re,  ar^-ent.  three  chess-rooks  sable  {K.  J-; 
Jcnyns'  Roll. 

Bellenden.  Sir  John  de.  .f  co,  Glouc.- 

iK.  11.  R,-.:ii   1.  ,.            •.  ,    ,      .  Mr  <,f  martlets 
(3.  3,  =.  l..u„     .      i                        .V   Roll. 
Bsllers,  Janie- re,  per  pale 

Surrey  R'jII. 

*Bellewe,  John— IE.   in.   Roll)  bore,  sable, 
freliy  or  ;  Jenyns'  Roll.     F. 
Belliston, (K.    in.    Roll)  bore.  or.  on  a 

chevron  gult-'S,  ihrct 
Ashmok  Roll. 





argent ; 

[Bellomont.  Robert, 
"FiizPeniL-U"  SKAL.  ac 






Belsede.  Sir  ( ).  of  Norfolk- 
bore,  arccnl,  four  bnrs  sable,  a  c 
first  :   Parlv,  Roll.     Harl.  M^.  6 


1.  Roll) 
1  of  the 

BeItoft,ljes  Arm 
or,  frettv  and  a  chit 





Beltoft,  Sir  Roge 
Roll)  bore,  argenl 

r  df 



entailed,  in  Jenyns'  Ordinnrv.      ]■'. 
Beltoft,   Symon  de-(E.    in.    Roll)   bore. 

r.alph,  of  Rar- 

Benhale,  Robert  de -bore. 
Uunslabic  louniainciu  1331. 
deux    wvTres     argent  — Stowc  ; 

For  wyfres  =  vi]>crs'  nt-sts  !  sw  ' 

vol.  31,  p.  247;  sec  alsoCKKK 

Bsnhale,  Sir  Robert  de, 

knighted  al  tiic  capilulatiuii  of 

Benhallo,  Robert  - 

"Bennes  df  Ha.mpton-'-— (H.  hi.  Roll) 
tjorc,  azure,  three  lyons  p.issanl  gardant  or; 
Howard  Roll. 

Bennet,  Sir  John,  uf  Norfolk -(P.,  11.  Roll) 

bore,  arijent,  a  chevion  <;liIus,  a  Imrdure  sable 
bezant^-:   Pari    Roll,  H.iri.   MS.  6137, 

Benet,  Sir  Richard-' I::,  m.  Roll)  tjorc. 

g-ulcs.  a  lyon  rampant  erniine,  a  bordure  en- 
grailed of  [he  last ;  Ashmole  Roll. 

Benstede,  (H.  vi.    kuii)    bore,  gules, 

three  bars  argent ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Benstede,  Sir  John  de,  a  Justice  Common 

Fieas  1309-20-bore,  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk 
1298  '.  .  -  .]  a  cross  pierced  and  patt-e  and 
bolonn^  arf^eni.      F. 

Benstede,  Sir  William,  of  Kssex-(E.  11. 

Roll)    bore,    azure,   a   fess   between   two  chev- 

roneis  or;  Parliamentary  Roll.     K. 
JBerbling,    Walter    or    William    de— 

iK.  1(1.   Roll)  bore,  argent,   three  ricurs-de-lys 

sable;  Dering  Roll. 
Berbroune,  Thomas— (E.  ni    Roll)  bore. 

or.  a  cross  patee  tlorv  gules  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Berdone,  Walter  de-(E.  m.  Roll}  bore, 

ardent,  an  eagle  azure  beak  and  claws  gules  ; 

Jenyns  Ordinary.  F. 
Bere,  see  Dt-:  la  Bere. 
Bereford,  Robert  de— bore,  at  the  second 

Dunstable  lournamciit    1334,    sable,  a    bend 

engrel^c  argent.      F. 

Bereford,  Sir  Symon,  of  co.  Warwick— 

(E,   II.    Rail)  t)ore,    argent,   three   fleurs-de-lvs 



rjbcd  1 


I  the 

ghbridge  Roll,     .See  Dk  BoRKrti.i). 
.^  Bereford,  Sir  Symon— bore,  at  the  battle 

""      of  Boroughbrid,i;e  1322.    argent   cru-iily  potent 
and   three  Heurs-dc-lvs  sable,    a   bordiire   en- 
grailed gules  ;  crusily'fitcliec  in  Ashniulc  Roll, 
Hereford,  Sir   William,   of   Northnnis- 

.  (E.  II.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  crusity  and  three 
fieurs-de-Iys ;  P.arly.  Roll.  Hauduin 
and  John  -bore  crusily  fitch^e  (F. };  Surrey 
Roll  and  Iciivns-  Ordinary. 

7t^  3f^^a4fi^ 

%>eerh  "B^f^ 

'^^  ^^/o/?-    d^jJt^x  ah[^ 


'^-^^^  d^Bt^HyS^        "^o^rB^^^     ^^'B^^-r 




W              : 

,    .v-.;;.''J',/    "  "...v 

,,  ,    'V ,,  ■•;,,:...;:-. 

'1.  -    'J.'f    :     .T 

'       ■    'i       ,,A       ,,       ;                 ,-i,,},;: 


*     ■                                    1        ■ 

'i    >  r 



NAMES    AND    BLAZONS    OF    BELLASYSE    QUARTERINGS--^'"-/"*^/"""/-  't- 


Barton   .        .        .        . 

Inglekikld     . 
Clarke  .        .        .        . 


Gernon  .        .        .        . 
Lee,  or  Leigh 
Gawsford,  or  Trollopf. 

Rice  ap  Theodor  . 
OwB^  Keveliok 
Sir  Rocer  Po  wes  . 

YOi^AS,   or  /OXAS 

Edwy.v  ap  /oxas  . 

OlVElf  AP  EdIVYX    . 

per    pale    argent  and  sab! 

ermine  on  a  cantun  gules  r 
argent,  three  bars  gules,  o 
argent,  a  chevron  sable  be 
argent,  three  wolves'  heacih 
vaire  argent  niui  i;iik-. 

tgle  displayed  cfcnter-changed 

passant  5 

a  chieforaly,..  ^.._, 
\  errn  three  Cornish  chi 
;rased<'ules,  a  bordure 



vert,  three  -;  .  1 

gittes,a  l}Cn  I  :  :::  ,  ,;  rdms  il 
or,  a  lyon's  gniiih  in  hcnU  cr^i<d guUs 
vert,  t'MO  boars  passant  or  ,  .  . 

azitn,  three  boats  passant  in  pale  ardent    . 
argent,  a  cross  eiigrailedjlorettee  at  the  points. 

mullets  sable 
gales,  three  legs  conjoined  at  the  thigh  argent 

ire  billet 

coiinter-compony  or  and  gules 

rdintajure,  a  mullet  sable       . 
igraiUJ  of  the  last 


Berflelcl  :'.  Borftfi.d. 
Berhalgh,  Richard -(E, 

I- Roll 

■  Ordiii 

Beringhara  -'.  Bsrmingham. 
•[Berington,  Thomas  d3~(l;.   ii 
sable,    three     t;reyliouiitIs    courant 
argent,  collared  gules,  uitliin  a  bordu 
last. -Shirley.]     I-'. 

tBerkeley,  Morris  and  Thoma 
(H.  ill.  Roll)  bore.  ^iles.  a  ehevroii 
Ardea  and  St.  Oorge  Rolls. 

Borkele,  Sir  Thomas- bore,  at  tli 

York  Herald  of  that  day. 


xxiv.  and  tjore.  at  the  b.attlc  of  Falkirk  isgS. 
gules,  cnisily  patee  and  a  chevron  anient. 
Nobility  Rolis :  and  so  borne  by  Sir  MoRkls  or 
THOM.4S  at  the  siege  of  Calais  1345-8.  and 
ill  Surrev  and  other  Rolls.  See  Monumental 
Effigy.  '  Baron  ThijM.vs  was  father  of  Sir 
M.\tJklcE  and  Sir  John,  in  the  ne.\t  par.,  .and 
of  Sir  Tho.mas  1303. 
Berkeley,  Sir  Maurice  de,  banneret, 
baron  1-508  -  bore,  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk  1398. 

,,„.!    11    111.-    «.,»■■    nf   |-nr|-,vni-nrk      llnO,     !;uleS. 

Berkeley,  Maurice  do    bore,  in  the  second 

Dunstable    touniaiiieiit    133-1.    gules,    crusily 

)   bore.        argeni    and  a  chevron  ermine  (F.) ;    In  Surrey 

zled  or        Roll  ( k.  ii.|.  cru-sily  patonee.      TmiM.vs  bore 

the  che\TOn  argent  in  Segar  Roll  iVe.     F. 
-IE  II.    Barkeley,   Sir    Maurice,  ol    L'ley,    co. 
S^l«.        Gloue..     a    biron    1308-bore.    gules,    crusily 
■'•*'■  forniee.argeiil.aclicvronerMune;. Atkinson  Roll. 

Berkeley,  Sir  Maurice  ot-  Om'  III.  vi. 
)  bore.  Roll)  bore.gulei.  crusily  forniee  and  a  ehevro 
a  pale  ;u-;cnt.  .ill  lulhjn  a  bordure  of  the  last 
e  of  the        ..\ikmson  Roll. 

,  Berkley,   Sir   John— bore,  at   the  siege  1 

!_"°r"        <^'^l-"us  ii43-8.  gules,  a  chevron    bct«een  tc 
scribed  to  anothi 

rkoley.  Sir  Thoraab  -bore.  ,it  the  fin 

Berkeley,  Giles  de-(H.  in.   Roll)   bore, 
qu.irtcrly   or  and  azure,    a    bendlet  gules   ii 
.Arden  ftoll  (purjiure  in  St.  George) ;  tiu; 
per  fess  indented  in  Harl.  MS.  6137  fo.  79.    I- 

Berkrolls,  Sir  Roger  and  Sir  William 

de.  of  CO.  Glouc— (E.  III.  Roll)  bore,  azure, 
a  chevron  between  three  crescents  or  ;  .Ashmole 
and  Par-iy.  Rolls.  Sec  also  I'lles.  Xeath 
.Abbey,  p.  i.v. 

Bsrley,  John— IE.  in.  Roll)  bore 
three  mullets  pierced  or.  a  quarter 
lenyns'  Ordinary.     F. 


^■^IB  &n»f(^\ 

1308).  of  CO.  Gloue.. 

the     P.irlv.    Roll  ;    he 

Berlingham,  Sir  Richard— (E.  11.  Roll) 
bore,  g-j'es.  three  bears  unmuzzled  passant 
argent ;   Parliamentary  Roll. 

B3rmingham,  Sir  Richard  de  (ISfring- 
n,\slE)-i.ore.  at  the  rirst  Dunstable  tourna- 
ment 130S.  gules,  three  owls  or.     F. 

Bermingham,  Sir  Foulke  and  John 

de-(R.    II.    Roll.    bore,    per     pair    danotiee 
argent  and  sables  Surrey  and  .\5h1nole  R..lls- 

■n.  2113,  f.  84 


In  the  Wall  of  the 

South  Ai-^le  of  the  Choir  of 

Bristol  Cathedral. 

From   Goush. 


r-         >■ 




v-    / 


<   / 





,t  7\:' 


g.l.   J  BcrLU.t    ^^3arM^       ""^t^i^      ^^'^'^'B^^    r^^^^ly^ 



iMJAM,  haiiiieret 

^\   th"  Imtile   of 

.1  lni-ki'(]  nsfusily 

^1      <,.■  T,'.'    Rolls 

giilL'5  for  differ 

*Bemay  (- ).  a  Suffolk  Kt— (H.  VI.  Roll) 

\>OT\:.  per  pale  gules  and  airure  a  cross  engrailett 
ermine  ;  Armidel  Roll. 

Bernere,  John  ami  Raufde-(H.  mi.  Roll) 
bore,  quarterlv  oi  and  vert  (F.);  Ardcti,  Si, 
Georsc.   and   Howard    Rolls.     Another  Joh.m 

Berouut  Sire  John  de— boic,  ai  the  battle 
of  Boroughbridce  1322,  argent,  three  bendlets 
gules—and  Sir  Jamks  also,  in  Parly.  Roll. 

Beron,  Nicholas,  of  CIaiton-(E.  iv.  Roll) 

bore,    argent,    tlirt-e    bendlets   enhanced  gules 
and  quarterly  '^■ilh.  argent   on  a  bend   azure 

Beronden,  Sir  Walter  de,  of  Northumber- 
land—iK.  II,  Roll)  bore,  argent  three  roses 
sable;  Parly.  Roll. 

Bsrtto,  Hamont  de,  slam  at  the  siege  of 
Calais  1347  -bnie,  ari;cnt.  on  a  chief  gules  a 
de.Mer  and  sinister  hand  appaunie  pilcways  of 
the  field.     F. 

Berwicke,  Hugh  of— (E.  iv.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  three  bears  heads  couped  sable  muzzled 
or:  with  crests;  Killard  Roll.  One  of  these 
names  took  up  tlie  cross  in  the  last  Crusade 

Beschamp,  Sir  John  (or  Bealcuamp). 
of  Sonierseishire— (H.  vi.  Roll)  bore,  vert 
three  be/ants  ;    .Arundel  Roll. 

Besille,  John  de-(H.  in.  Rolh  bore,  argent 

three  torteau.x   (F. );     Ardeu   and    St,    George 
Rolls    [John,  thenepheiv,  borethesanie within 



mullet  of  I 
jle  Roll. 

Beslingthorpe,  Sir  Richard,  of  co.  Line. 

-(i;.  ir.   Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  chevron  gules  a 
chief  indented  sable  ;  Parli.imcmary  Roll. 
Besonn,  Sir  Thomas  de,  of  i,unilx?rland-- 

Roll)  bore,   lo/eiigy  argent  and  sable  ; 

Parlv,  Roll. 

:  H*.v 

i  sable  ;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

of  the  field  ;  Ho^vard  Roll.     See  Bfrtra 
Bertram,  Sir  Roger,  feudal  baron  of  Boihal 

~IK,  II.  Rolb  bore,  or,  'a  false  escocheon  " 
voided  (an oriei.uurc;  Parlinmentarv  Roll  (F.). 
Sir  loHN  bore  the  same.  H    vi.,  ./ua'rurly-vit/t. 

Bertram,  Robert-(H.  111.  R( 

Ivnn  rampant    vert    \V .)  ■     St.    ■ 
crowned  azure  in  Howard  Roll. 

*LBetton,  "Walter  de,  oi  S.ilop— bore,  argent, 
two  palets  sable.  e.icJi  charged  with  three 
crosses  crosslot  fitchee  or. — Shirley.]  F. 
Betune,  Baudewyn  de,  lord  of  the  manor 
of  Skipton  in  Cra\en.  brother  of  the  Count  of 
Flanders  and  Count  of  All^emarle  and  He; 
who  married  Hawisia,  Countess  D'Albemarle 
— E.  in.  Roll.  bore,  bendy  (6)  argent  and 
gules  [sic)  a  chief  or  (F. ) ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

JEetune,  John  do— (H.  in.  Roll)  bore,  azure, 
on  a  chief  argent  a  lyon  passant  gules  ;  Denng 

Betune,  Robert  de-(E.  1.  Roll)  bore,  or,  a 
lyon  rampant  sable  (F\) ;  Camden  Roil. 

Bstune,  William  de— (E.  i.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  a  fess  gules  and  in  de.xter  chief  point  a 
lyon  passant  regardant  sable  (F.);  Camden 

Beulee,  Richard  de— (R.  11.  Roll)  bore, 
quarterly  argent  and  gules  a  rose  counter 
changed  seeded  or;  Surrey  Roll.  See  also 

Bevercote,   Sir  John  de— bore, 

battle  of   Bornughbridge   132J.   argent  across 
patije  (patonce)  azure,  a  label  (3)  gules.      F- 

Beynham,  Edmund  de— (R-  "■  Roll)  bore, 
■'       '  ..----     .^^    Qj^g    argent; 



■  Roll.  Sec  also  Rky: 
1,  Sir  William  de  (Bovt 
uN)-lF.  11.  Roll)  bore,  a/ure.  si: 
,  2,  ii  or  ;  Parliamentarj"  Roll. 


-R.IP   £€rtr. 


Jcin   d     UtriU 

1«t*  8fr  s»i>-n* 





/    ■■ 



■^ — :rr 

/    '    ^v- 



n  !     -   -V! 


Pirli.Tmencnrv  Roll' 
•[Biddulph  (Th 
(H.  Iir.)— bore,  vm,  a 
another    coat — argeii 
sable.— Sliirley.l     F. 

Bigod,  Roger  le,  (4th)  Earl  of  .Vorfolk— 
(H.  III.  Rolf)  bore,  or,  a  cross  gules:  Glover 
and  St.  George  Rolls. 

Bigod,  Roger,  Karl  of  Norfolk,  E.arl  Marshal 
of  Engl.incl—  bore,  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk 
1298.  per  pale  or  and  vert  a  lyon  rampant 
gules,  and  so  sealed  the  Barons'  letter  to  the 
Pope  1301,  pp.  .\v,  \xiv.  (F.)  R.MK  bore  it 
oppressed  by  a  baslon  argent ;  .Arden  Roll. 

Bigod, Hugh— (H.  lll.Roll)bore.  s.'ulcsalvon 
Norfolk  and  Glover  Rolls. 

Bigod,  Rauff,  of  Settrington.  Yorks— (H.  iii. 
Roll)  bore,  or,  on  a  cross  gules  five  escallops 
argent.  Glover  Roll,  &c.  .Ascribed  also  to 
John  (F.)  in  the  St.  George  Roll,  and  10  Sir 
R.iFFE,  of  Norfolk, '    "' 

Bigod,  John  {Y^\< 

|H,  VI.  Roll)  bore,; 
s  of  the 

Billemorc,  Robert  de— bore,  at  the  second 
Dunstable  tournament  1334,  argent  a  bend 
gules  a  bordure  engrel^  or.  (F. )  See -John 
DE  Belk 

BiUynge,  Nicol— (R.  11.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
three  fish  naiant  (in  pale)  or,  a  bordureengr.ailed 
argent ;  .Surrey  Roll. 

Bilney,  Sir  Roger  de,  of  Norfolk— bore, 
at  the  first  Duiist.ible  tournamrat  130S,  argent 
an  eagle  vert,  borne  also  bv  William  ;  ^{F. ) 
Jenyns' Ordinary-.     See  also  Balwe. 

Binchestre,  Robert  de— (F.  iii.  Roll)bore. 
gules,  a  chief  batta\  le  argent,  tricked,  gules  a 
fess  crenell^e  argent :  (F.)  Jenyns'  Roll. 
•[Bingham,  Robert  de,  of  Melconibe. 
Somerset  ( H.  lit. )— bore,  azure,  a  bend  cotised 
between  sii  crosses  pati!e  or, -Shirley.]     F. 

Bingham,  Sire  Thos.  de,  see  Bengham. 

Blaen,  Sir  Raffe  (or  Bloa.m)  of  Cornwall— 
Ik.  II.  Roll)  iK-e,  sable,  a  saltire  engrailed 
argent;  Parliani- ntary  Roll.     See  Bl,OYO.>I. 

Blakeburne,  John  de — ^  H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
St.  George  Roll.    F. 
Blaked,  Sir  John,  of  Backs— (R.  11.  Roll) 
brire.  gules,  a  ch-vron  vair  ;  Parly.  Roll. 

Blakenham,  Bsnet  de— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
barrv  (0),  sable  and  or.  .-nother  sable,  two 
bars  or.  (K.)  St.  George  Roll :  called  Beges 
DE  Blakelig  in  .Arden  Re  .1. 

Blakenham,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Suffolk— 

(R.  II.  Roll)  bore,  aiure.  crusily  and  two  bars 
or  ;  Parly.  Roll. 


12  Hen.  III.,  IJ27. 

In  BiTTON  Church,  Somer.setshire. 

After  Boutdl. 

Blanchminster,     Sir 
Richard  and   Willii 

bore,  argent,  frei'.v  gules  : 
Rolls.     F. 

Blande,  John-  F.  111.  R 

bars  and  8  mar.  ets  m  o 
jenyns'  Ordinar},     F. 

Renaud,     Sir 

m-(H.  HI.   Roll) 
jlover  and  Nativity 

crusily  argent  and  six 
.Arden  and  St.  Giorge  Rolls  iwhich  latter  gi 

Roll)  bore,  sable. 

ems,  3,  2.  I,  01  ; 

w  hich  latter  gives 

sily  fitchiJe);    (F.)    Howard 

I    ■ 

.-..;>'.5.  cir-'A 

V.  .(■.f.rt.l.'itt;- 



o.  Hi  f 

O         6i-&    Jo 

«  V) 



.«v         u  £ 


=  4°  H  = 



5oj        !  5J! 



c    PS      o      2: 

%a  Eg 


;a  id.2=i 



r<)if^  It  Bl*"^*- 



I     V 



-V  Is 

X       / 





.  Bloyon,  John 

Robert -(E. 
rt- engr.ulcd  sah 
Ordm.iry.     F.     S^cc  Bi.AKN. 
Bloya,  the   Castellan  of—fH 

bore,  gull 
Roil.     F. 
Bluet,  Sir  John,  of  Hiints- 

Dunstablc    tournament    1308, 
headed  e.iglo  gules.     K. 
Bluet,  Sir  Walter,  of  co.  GI 
Roll)  bore,  or,  a  chevron  betwi 
vert  ;   Parluimentary  Roll. 

Bluet,  ■William -(H.  iii   Roll)  bo  1 

wings  cDiiji-infd  in  fcss  gule 
Blunde.    William-(H.     iii.     Roll)    h 

masculrt  or  and  sablu  ;  Grinialdi  and  Gl. 

Rolls  ;    Io^en5y  in  Howard  Roll  and  Jenyns" 

Ordinary.     F. 
Blundell. Robert— (H.  in.  Roll)hore, 

billtttic  or.  on  a  canton  of  the  second  .i 

ppr.  ;  Arden  and  St.  George  Rolls.     F. 
Blondeville,  Randolf,   I'arl   of  Chester, 

/Hugh  Kevtlioki-.  Earl  of  Chester  {luh^ 

1180-1231,  b'-jre  on  his  seal 

3.aliant;  journal  Hrit. 
but  the  Rolls  (temp.  H,  III 
three  garbs  or  banded  gu  le' 


on  a  t»end  sable  tlirec  plat 

Bocking.Johnde— (E. 
crusily  (12)  and  a  bend  undi?e 
Ordinary.      F. 

tBocton.  Stephen  de— (H  11 
azure,  on  a  chief  daiiceltee  (4) 
teaux  ;  Dering  Roll.     F. 

*[Bodenhani,  Hugh  de,  lord  of  Ilodenhar 

in   Herefordshire  -borr',  a^ure.  a  fess  betwee: 
thn-c  chess-rooks  or.— Shirley. ]     K. 
JBodiham,  William  de-('H.  III.  Rolllbor* 

n  the  last  Crusade  1270. 
Bodiham,Williamde-{H.iii.  Roll)  bore. 

argent,  a  bend  indented  per  bend  indented 
or  and  azure,  \uthin  a  bordure  gules;  Howaid 

Bodrugan  :■.  Botringham. 

Bodrugan,  Sir  Henry,  and  Otes.  of  Corn- 
wall-! K.  11.  Koi;i  bore,  argent,  three  bendl-Ms 
gules;    Parly.   Roll  unci  Jeiiyns' Ordinary,      F. 

Boer,  Robert  le  (H.  111.  Roll)  bore,  azure, 
three  boars'  heads  or  ;   Howard  Roll. 

Bohun,  Humphrey  de,  Farl  of  Hereford. 

of  Kng 

Lud, ' 

he  I'opt 

I  the  B.-II 
\.      He  I 

■  P-  235 

assign  hi 

St.  G*'orgeRolI.  F 

.  Roll)boi 

;  Surrey  Roll, 

RoIDbore.  argent, 




sised  or  .      Sir  MLMl'iiKllYof  Hereford- 
.Te   the    bend  erniim:    eolised  argent ; 
;ntary  Roll. 
Sire  Edmund  de— bore,  at  the 

if     Horoughliridge     1322,     "  Hereford 
the  tolises"    t.e  ,  azure,  a  bend  argent 

Edward   de— bore,  at    the  second 

Oiinsiable  lournameiu  1334,  the  arms  of  thr- 
Earl  of  Hereford  with,  un  enisele  (an  ines- 
cocheon)of  the  arms  of  England.  Wii.LiA\[ 
HK  B-)llL-N  —bore.  at  th;it  tournament 
(t334t  the  arms  of  Hereford  (with  threeniu! 


tho  bend) 

and  ! 

albO  did  William.  K.irl  of  Norihanii 
.11  the  siege  of  Calais  IJ45-8,  \Mth  tin 
(6)  uiipierced. 

.  .  .  BOHUN,    WIFE    OF   SIR    PETER 
Chief  Justice  tlmp.  H.  vi.  and  E.  iv.,  ani 
King's  Bench. 
In  L.\tton  Church,  Essex,   1465 — 
Afier  Dm. 

RotP  ^y^ 

!-<^>-  y 

>*'S  \.W...>1   '"'-^ 


k3  nml  Tranke,  sec  Bui-x. 
vortho.    Sir   William   ds    (or 

"'"'""" l-l>ori-.  al  Ilie   first   Duiislahle 

iLiiiriinmLtil  i  (od.  or,  a  lyoii  rampaiu  purpure 

BoUle.  Sir  Henry,  n!  nold.  Lanc;nhirf.  Kt. 

Booth,   Sir    William,     in 

capitulation  t', 113  134_.  — l..jt._-.  t.,in- 
ailj  gales,  a  lieiullul  sahk'.      i. 

Bordeux,  Peter  de,  ;■.  Burdeux. 
Bordelya,  Sir  G-eoffrey  de,  of  co. 

—[¥..  II,  KoHl  l.niv,  tTiami-.  on  a  chirf giilra 
h-oii  p.„s,,iit  !,Mr.l:iiu  or.  Party.  Roll. 

Bordon,  >.o, 

Bordonn,  Sir  Waltei-— (E.  ill.  Roll)  bort 

jod  sable 



Bolesbv.    William    lie  -|R  a  Slim  -..r,   Mirr,.v-  Roll. 

Bolmer,  M-c  111  i..mi:r.     ' 

Bolron, iV.   iv.  Roll)  tore,  argt-nt.  a  bend 

salilc  betuccn  five  lozenges  in  chief  and  three 

picks  in  Iwst  sable  ;  « ith  crest  ;  Mallard  Koll   F. 
Bolron,  Thomas-(Ii.  iii.  Roll)  bore,  sable. 

on  a  chief  ardent  a  fer-de-moiilin  of  the  first : 

Jcnyns'  Roll.     F. 

Boltesham,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Rutland - 
(E.  II.  Roll)  bore,  sale,,  three  besons  or  bird- 
bolls  erect  arfeiit  ,    I'.irliamenl.iry  Roll. 

Bolton,  Johnde  -|K.  i.  Roll  i  bore,  argent  on 
a  bend  sable  three  e.ii;lets.  or;'Segar  Roll.     F. 

Bolton,  Robert  de  |K.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  on  a  chevron  gules  three  Ivons  passant 
gardant  or  ;  bnyns  Ordinarv.  '  Borne  also 
b>-  TH(.M.\s  I!i>L  VKroN. 

Bond,  John  de    iH.  in.  Rolll  bore,  gules. 

billette.,  r,r.  ,,|,(1   thrre  Ivons  rampant  argent; 
'.Bond,  Robert, of  rieauchamp  Hachc,  Somer- 

Borges,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Kent— (H.  m. 
Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  less  counter-conipony  or 
and  gules  in  chief  three  crosses  crosslet  of  the 
last ;  .Urundel  Roll. 

Borhont,  Sir  John,  of  Hants— bore,  at  the 
of  Calais   134 5-S.  argent  a  fess  between 



I'.arlv.  Roll 

(9    H. 



J>"7,    J       jBSi,J 

Bonetby,  Nicol   de-(H.   111.    Roll)  bore, 

azure  three  estoiles  argent ;  Glover  Roll.    F. 

tBonett,  Hamon   da-(H.   111.    Rolll  bore, 

eheequy  or  and  gules  on  a  chief  azure  uvo  spur- 

[P'^'jl's  argent  ;    Howard  and    Dering   Rolls. 

Bonevile,  Sire  Niohol-bore.  at  the  liattic 
of  Horoughliri.lge  1322,  or,  on  a  b,-nd  sable 
three  nilillets(6|  argent.     ¥.     See  Bkskvu.e. 

Wilts..  Iiore  the 
[Borowe,  Robert  de, 

bough  erect  and  eradicated  argent.  Shirlev.  i 

Borowell,  ( )    Kt.-(H.    Vl.    Roll)    bor 

paly    (6)    argent    and    ivure    a    bend    gulei 
.\rundel  Roll.     See  Bkuw  tr.l.  or  Btjmvi.1.1.. 
Bo'rwaya  tj.  Burgherah. 
•[Bosoawen,   John   de  (K.    111.)  —  Ixir 

vert,  a  bull-dog  argent  ! — Shirle\-.^     F. 
Bosco,  Sir  John  de  (1=97)— bore,    sabl 
cnisily  and  three  leopards'  faces  or  ;  Xobihi 

Boson,  Sir  John  and  Sir  P: 

-e.  argi 

f  Norfolk 

three  besons  (or 

Ashniole.   Farliamen- 


bird-bolts)    .     ..  ^ 

tary.  and  Surrey  Rolls, 
Boson, Raf— (II.  in.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  thi. 
bird-bolu.  one  in  pale  erect  between  two  pil 
ways  gules  headed  sable ;  .\rden  and  S 
George  Rolls.     F, 

3  (nn^a-y  i 


£^^£y  ^iS^^      r^O^B^        ^l.J-..X         W'%-"        -K^-ihi^iUr 

I      ,  V 

s  ./ 

,s^i-  -•<^v<y 



four  fu5i 

Bosvile,  Thomas,     i  i 

(E-  III.  Rait)  bore,  .m,      ■ 
infcssgulcs.  acrestfiii -^.i.l    .|.>nr,.    I 

Bosville,  Thomas— (IV  m.  Koii 
argent,  five  fusils  ii)  fiss  gulfs,  in  th 
leaves  (fouillcs  in  Cotgr.ivL-  nnd  temi 
Jenvns'  Ordinary}  slippt:tl  sable  (V.);  t 
-        foylc; 

maiUs  in  H.irl. 
Bosvill.  John 



Ordinary      F.     Scl-  als< 
Boteler,  Andrew  (li 

siege  of  Rouen    1418,  ar 

bort  the  U-iid  ari;ci 
not  theusu.iliy  ac^rj 

Boteler,  James,  '-<■ 

and.  (tore   three 
Ballard  Roll. 

mullets  gpales  on  the  c 
Boteler,  Sir  William  le,  nf  Warrington, 
a  baron,  27  K.  1. — bore,  gulei,  cru^^ily  or  a  fess 
counter-compony  (cliect|Liv  in  H.  40-^^1)  argent 
and  azure;  Parliani.-ir.irv  F-^Mii  N\i-KbK)re 
this  argent  and  sablr    n;  ■-;    > c    I '    !! 

Boteler,  William  '•■"'■  r.  1308. 

bore,  gules,  a   fess   i.l<'.'  I  -^ilile 

between  six  crosses  iku—  (.;-:.-  .a  [|,r  fo-n 
argent;  Xobility  Roll.  Anf^hur,  giik-s.  a  foss 
chccquy  (counter-compony  in  trick),  argent  and 
sable  between  three  crosses  potent  of  the 
second  (F. );  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Boteler,  William  —  bore,  at  the  second 
Dunstable  tournament  1334.  gules,  crusily 
argent,  a  fess  checquv  of  the  last  and  sable. 
RaL'F  bore  this  crusily  or.  in  Glover  Roll.     F. 

Boteler,  Edward  and  Sir  William— 

(F,.  I.  Roll)  bwre.   gules,  crusily  argent  a   ft-ss 
counter-comp<5ny     or     and     sable;     Arden, 
Guillim,  and  Surrey  Rolls. 
Boteler,  Sir  Raffa  le,  of  Salop— (E.   11. 

Roll)  bore,  gules,  a  fess  chectjuy  or  and  sable 
laziire.  somclinies).  in  chief  two  mullets  ol 
the  second;   Parliamentary  Roll. 

Boteler,  Sir  William-(E.  111,  Rolltbore. 

dules.  a  chevTon  counter-compony  sable  and 
.11  gent;  Ashmole  Roll. 
Bottler,  Theobald.  Karl  of  Ormond— (F.  i. 
Roll)  l>ore.  or.  a  chief  dancetlee  (3)  azun-  ■ 
Segar  and  .\shmole  Rolls,  i:c.  (F.)  J.\mks. 
;th  Farl.  KG.,   bore  it  at  the  siege  of  Rouen 


1  the  battle 

Botiler,SirHenryle-(K  1.  Roll)  bore, 
two  bends  guks  a  chief  sable  :  (luillini  Ro 

Botiler,  Sir  John  |Ho\i.kk   or   Hovi.i 
knighted  at  the  capitulation  of  Calais  134 


SIR  JOHN  DE  iiOTILKR,   12S5. 

In  S.  Bride's  Church, 

Co.  Glamorgan. 

After  BoutelL 

.  crosses  crosslet  or.  inH.  iofc3. 
Lys;  le— {F.    I.    Roll)  bore. 



111.  R. 

lit.  bore,  gules. 


V.    n 

1  u  c.iiilon 


11   cinqucfovlc 



c- ;  Ar.leil  .UK 

.Si.  Li- 

orqc  Rolls.    K. 




de  and  Sir 


ol    \ 

orf.)ll (11.  1 

1.  Kol 

bore,  tirmiue. 

jr.iil..d  i;uk.i 

:    \xA 

n    and    I'ar'.v. 




ol     \ 

.rfolk.    bore   a 


or    t 

)r  dift.jroiKC 

It  Ihe 

rir^t  Dunstable 



130S  (F.);  a 

nd  Sir 

R.M.l-',  also  of 


k.    1- 

11.,    borf. 
Pirlv.  Rull. 

n   1.1b 

1  13)  vert,   for 


Sir  John. 

.1  b;ir 

.It  \\  K 


.>!   Kilkirk 

=c,S.   . 

nd  at  the  siege 

'A     '_',! 


...k    ,3..x,.   0 

Itire  engr.ii!ed 


a  t> 

„n.r..t   Ml   Ih 


riii-jiitary  Roll. 

iT. )  S 

^W[h   .1 


[h.     1.  LIOIIS 

llL.r  t. 

the  Pope  1301 
each  (foyle,  a 



Sir  Til..;!. 


N'orfolk— bore, 
ion.  1308,   and 
-J    1322.    or     a 

51   gules.     .■-  re 
_■    .11    Horou^h- 


Jenyns'  Ordinar 
Botreaux,   William   (Buir 
Roll  I  bore,  .trgent.  a  gryphon 



nd  argen 

3  de— |E.    I.  Roll)boi 

0  and   one  ....    a 

1  gules;  DeringandC- 


Botringham  ;■   Bodrugan. 
Botringhani,  Sire  Otss  de — bore,  at  il 

battle  of  lliiroiiglibndge    1322,    argent    tbn 

bendlets  gules(l".).    Sir  Hi-NKV  bore  the  sann 

Harl.  Roll. 
Botringham.WilliamdeiFii  TrHiNT;H.\' 

—bore,  at  ihc  second  Dunsl.ible   lournanie 

'334.  arsenl  a  Ijcnd  gules. 

Jl^j^-n.i^^^      Ji;:i/B^t^     ^Xv^^^o^ 





V'  \i  'J  7 

\  .-•/ 



••i»-  }tl,5:«.-V{■ 









\                   / 

zoiit    :b 

Bourt,  William  de-IH.  ici    R, 

sal.k-  .1  cross  p.iiMnti-  argdnl ;  Anlci 

Boutevilain,  Sir  Kobort,  of  No 

Boys,  Six-  John, :   Bosco. 

Boys,  Sir  Robert  do,  of  Suffolk— boro. 


1308,  argent    ttirt-f   crescents  gules,    and    Sir 
■U'lLMAM  hore  lliesanie;  Ashmole  Roll  and 
Jeiiyiis' . 
Boutevilain,   John-(R.    11.    Roll)   bore. 




Kull.'    I 
[■  Willi 

i  Roll. 

second  Dunst.iblc  tournament  1334.  :,i  rlid 
Jull.N,  ofthe.Soull,.  (I.)  Jenvnb  Roll.  • 
Boys,  Ernald  de,  Henry,  and  James 
— (H.  Ill,  Roll)  bore,  .irgent.  t»o  b.irs  and  a 
quarter  (or  canton)  gules  :"Xorrolk  Roll.  Jenvns 
Ordinarv,  ie.  V.  Ascrilwd  also  to  JollsC)  in 
Dering  Roll. 

Boys,  Nicol  de-(H,  111.  Rolll  bore 

ble  :  P.! 

I  Rn 


Bovile,  Sir  John,  le  fvs— (E.  111.  Roll)  Irare 

Btilc,,  lour  b,ii.i!a>  argent ;  ,\shmole  Roll, 

Bowes,   Robert    de,    .ind    William  — 

(K     111     Roll)  l«re.  criinne,   three    loin;  bo»s 


.■  Roll! 

Bo wett,   Thomas  ~  (K.    111,    r„i|)  bore, 
.'  heads  cabossed  sable  ; 

lis,  and  John 
■  chevron  sabk 
ary    Roll    and 


•  Roll. 

Bowles,    Sir   John-lH.    111.   Roll)  Iwrc. 

gules.  .1  fess  ermine,  a  bordure  engrailed  or : 

-Aslinioie  Roll. 
Bownd,   Sir   Roger  —  bon 



ented  sable. 

,  Birllpm- 



escallops  of  tile  s-  t.ii.i  ,   i    m 

Boys,  Sir  Nichol  do,  "f  I 

-(E.   111.    Roll)  bore,   arseni 
be^anty    (3    or   5)1    Karliam 
Jenvns'  Ordin.iry,     K. 
Boys,   Richard   de— H    111.    Rolli  i„,i.. 

MOKTIMI  K^irni,  viM.    u,d  r.r.  ilie  in,  ., .  ,,J„.,  .V, 

'aiid  lIuuardRolk  "  cli.e  of  d'l.' 'e-inines  "tXk 
up  the  cross  in  the  last  t_rasade  1270, 
Boyton,  see  Mi;VTn\-. 

JBoyville,  William  de  (E,   1,   Rolli,   and 
SiK    W'liMVM,    of    Xurthaiits-(E,    11.    Roll) 





Boxhull,  , 

Boxworth.  Sir  William  de,  o(  co 

bn.lsc  -iK,  11,  Rulli  bore,  or.  a  Ivon  r; 
gules,  collared  .areent :  I'arlianieii'tary  F 

Boyvile,  Jolm— .r<  1 
Brabason,  Sir  Rog< 

Roil  I  bore,  gules,  on  ;  I'arlv.  Roll  ( 
these  .arm,  .ilun  .-,.  1 

*Bracebridge,  Sn-  .1 


Roll.      Hor 
Rouen  >4,1 

Bracebridge,  John- 



Id,    Sir   John,    of   Norfolk- 
>ore.  a/iire,  a  s,tltirc  engrailed  o 


Sir  John,  see  Botem 
n,  Thomas  de-(R. 

,  Roll)  bore,  or. 
a  cross  azure  ;  .-st.  ijcorge  Roll.    V. 

Brackonbridge,  Sir  William,  of  Arden 

—  If..  Ill  R<,lh  bore,  argent,  a  cross  pattee 
voided  (/  r  tjuarier  pierced ) gules;  .\shniolc  Roll, 
Brace,  William  de— (H,  in.  Roll)  bore 
gules,  a  fess  arqeul  in  chief  l»o  mullets  (6|  or 
Arden  Roll  [pierced  gules  .St,  George];  borne 
also  by  RoiiKKT,  with  a  label  (4)  .a^iire  ■  M 
George  Roll,      E, 

(Rol^   J 



Jo^hfiojial  ^^J^;B..„^„  Jip.^^^^f  -u^n  J  S,.«Jt  l^QSr-U^.^*- 


— .^"^  '  Mnfi 




SIR    GRH-EITH     HENRY     BOYXTOX,     t^Tii     BAROXET. 





,c5^:,    r.-f-v ::-;;;._,->•:;*;■ 


J9^.^^«^y,/en       ^"2  a,,.^,y 

,Vl?7  ^  :^r«»-£-      ^^■^»t  !Sr:^l- 



\J  I 

■  >e\. 

>-        ^.,\CW'--^"  .«>••'» 



■    '■     ■  IN    THE    NORTH    WINDOW    OF 


\  '1 

:)T5;    Ave. 



A    k 


i    VJ- 






Ashnioir  Roll  aU'l  J._ii\i.^   '.^^ 
Braylesford,    Henry    de-  (K.    in     Roll} 

Iwie,  or,   a   ciiiqucfoyle  sable;    jenvns'   Ordi-     Y. 
Bredenhill  :■.  BrudenhiU. 
Brenley,  Sir  Lawrence  (or  Bkyndai.i  )— 

(K    1(1.  R.ilh  lii>re,  ijules,  a  gryphon  segreant 

P.I  rl  1:1 

■  Roll. 

^L■grtf;ull  argent : 


Brentielee,  John  de-(F,.  in.  Roll!  bore, 

argent,  on  a   Li-'ncl  engrailed  gules  Uiree  lyoii 
ceu\  passant  of  llic  lieKI ;  Jenyns'  Ordinarj'.    I-'. 

Brereleghe,  Thomas— (K.  iii.  Rollibore. 
.arijent,  a  cross  crosslet  gules  ;  Jenyns'  Ordi- 
n.iry,      V. 

Brereley,  Sir  Thomas -(F..  i  i.  Rollibore, 

.Trgerit,  a  cross  potent  gules  ;  Ashniole  Roll, 

Brereton,  Andrew  of-(K.  iv.  Roll)  bore, 

ardent,  two  bars  sable;  with  crest ;  Ballard  Roll. 
Bretagne,  John  de,  nepliew  of  K.  Kdward 
(Sth  Karl  of  Richmond.  /  |ohn,  Duke  of 
Hhitansv) -Iwre.  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk 
I2q8.   and   at   thr   i\c'^<-  of  '_'arlaverock   1300; 


dureof  En,L; 

eight  lyoiis 

c//my«n  5^-^/2" 

..rand  azure,  a 

pards  or  [i.e., 

lit  [jardant  or), 

Borne  also  by 

DK  MoNTfOkT,  Earl  of  Ricliraond,  KG.,  1376. 

Breton,  Sire  Robert— bore,  at  the  battle  of 

Boroughbridge  1322.  azure,   a  bend  between 

si\  miillets  (61  or  ;  spur-rowells  in  Jenjns'  Ordi- 

narv  and  Surrey  Roll  ;   borne  also  argent  and 



and  for  ^iiH  John,  of  Ksscx.  in  Parliar 
Roll.  John  i.k  Brrtun,  Dn's.  ok  Si-ori.e 
appears  to  have  sealed,  with  these  arms,  the 
H.irons'  teller  to  the  Pope  1301,  pp.  x.\i,  xxiv. 

Breton,  Sire  John,  of  F.ssex-iH.  vi.  Roll) 
t>ore.  azure,  two  chcvronelb  or,  in  chief  two 
mullets  pierced  aryent ;  .A.njndel  Roll. 

Breton,  Philip  de  Cobburne— (E.  III.  Roll) 
Ixjre,  sable,  fretty  argent,  a  chief  or;  Jenyns' 
Ordinary.     F. 

Breton,  Roger    (F.  iii.  Roll) 

chevron  in-twcen  ihrt-eebtallopi 
Ordinary.     K. 
Brett,  Sir  Amyan— bore. 
Calais  I345~S,  gules,  in  chief  ; 

andatth.     .  ■  .;r,', 

the  amis  ■■:    ;. ■■  .1    i.m.    .     ■■:      \\  y\. 

Brett,  Sir  John  and  Sir  Roger,  01  Lei 
tershirc-(K.  11.  Roll)  bore,  gutc5  billettee 
a  fess  dancett^e  o'.  (F.)  Ashmolc  and  I'n 

Brewes,  see  also  Hh.Vosk  and  Bkl'sk. 

Bra  w^es,  John  de  (E  11,  Rolh  bore,  erm 
a  cross  lozeiigy  sable  ;  Jenyns'  Roll.     F. 

Breysy,  Sir  Piers  de— ijore.   at   the 



a^ure  laiigued  gules.     IF.)     See  BK.\fi>K. 
Bridelshall,  Sir  Gilbert  de,  of  eountv 

L,ncnln-(K.     II.     Roll)    bore,     argent,     two 
gcnielies  azure,  in  chief  three  mullets  gules; 
t'arlianientary  Roll. 
Bridmanstone,  Sir  Stephen  de,  of  Dorset 

— (E,  11.  Roll)  bore,  argent  seven  niaselcs 
conjoined  sable;  another  trick,  six  lozenges, 
3,  2,  I  ;  I'arlianieniarv  Roll,     tjee  Crol'I'KS. 

Brygge  ( ),    an  Essex  Kt.— (H.  vi.   Roll) 

bore,  argent,  three  ohIs  passant  sable,  beaked 
and  legged  or;  -Arundel  Roll      F. 

Brightmere  ( ).  of  Fsse.v— (H.  vi,  Rolli 

bore,  gules,  a  clie\ron  between  thret.'  suan^' 
heads  and  necks  erased  argent ;  Arundel  Roll. 
Brinton,  Adam  de— (H.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  a  Ivon  rampant  ermine  tail  fourch^e  ; 
Arden  and  St.  George  Rolls.  F. 
*[Brisco,  Isold,  of  Crofton,  Cumberland.  , 
1390 — bore,  argent,  three  greyhounds  couiant 
sable.— Shirley.]     F. 

Britby,   Robert    de-(E.    11.    Roll)  bore. 

gules,  billcltee  and  a  fess  dancetiee  argent  ; 

Jenyns'  Roll.     F. 
Britehebury,  Avery— (R.   11.  Rolli  bore, 

argent,  two  bars  azure,  on  a  canton  nf  the  last, 
a  martlet  or;  Surrev  Roll. 

Britton.    Sir    "William  de   (Bkmon   or 

B..VT.)M.    of    Siinolk-(K.     II.     Roll)     bore. 

azure,  thr.-e  oscallops  or;  Parliamentary  Roll. 
Brius.or  Briwys,  sec  Bk.vuse  and  Bruse. 
Broe,  Laurence  de— (H.   111.   Roll)  bore, 

gutes.  on  a  chief  argent  a  lyon  passant  of  the 

field  :  St.  George  Roll.     F. 
Brocas,  Bernard— (R.  n.  Roll)  bore,  sable. 

a  Ivon  rampant  gardanior;  [another  Bern. \Ri' 

lx)re  It  uith  a  laliel  (3)   giilcs.  Surrey  RolF  ; 

and  Sir  John  also  bore  it  at  the  siege  of  Calais 

1^5-8.     F. 

^cU's,,^^  qf.^rJkB 




X-*««»  4  3T»r 

Z^d  1  :^r'uj. 




■\*..  .>r 


r^  t   .wV»^^  V"    .A.'XJ 

V,.,  \ 


'in,  :■>  U-. 





/tr>di  d»3r<nnff  %,^i  J   3 

jy   d   ^r^'h 

ekhill,  Sir  Thomas  (or  Ki;m,vrT),  of 
:nl-(H.  M.  Roill  boro,  gules  crusMy  SltWc 
led    argent  ;    Aruiidcl 


and  Ashniole  Roll 
Brockhole,  Thomas  de— 

horo,  or.  cnisilv  and   a  chev 
GeoreeRoll.    (F.l   Called  also 



.vhich  s 

;  gulci 


l»o  crests:  Ballard  Roll. 
(Bromley?),  (R.  ll.  Roll)  Irare,  argent, 

on  a  chevron  gules  three  besants,  a  bordure 

engra.led  of  the  second  ;  Surrey  Roll. 
Brompton,  see  Drampto.v  and  HRt-'MTdV. 
Brontone,  Piers  de— (H.  til  Roll)  bore. 

.iigent.  on  a  chief  gules   three  escallops  or  ; 
\rdeii  Roll. 

•'Brooke,  William  dela,  of  Hronke, 

I.vo'n  r.iM.pant  ^af-  -Shirley,]     !• 
Brotherton,  Thomas  of,  Earl 


i  Ilui 

ment  1334, 

•Broughton,  John  de— (K.  11.  RollI  iwre, 

a  cross  ofthe  fir,':  .le'nyns-  Roll,     r. 
BroUEhton,Thomasde— IR.  ii  Rolllbore. 

,.7iir.',  ,,  .jn^T,.iled  argent:  Surrey  Roll. 

Browe,  Hugh  de-(R,  11.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
on  a  chevron  argent,  three  roses  of  the  field 
seeded  or  :  Surrey  R..11. 

BrowTie,   Sir   Thomas,  of    Kei 

I  H.  VI.  Roll)  Ijote,  sable  three  lyo 
t«een  two  Iie'iidlets  engrailed  arge; 
sinister  chief  point  an  eagle's  head  c 
.\nindel  Roll. 




Biockholes,  Geffrey— (R-   11.  Roll)  bore. 

.irgent.  a  chevron    between   three  brocks'  or 

badgers'  h,.ids  erased  sable:  Surrey  Roll. 
Brooking,  Sir  Ealffe.  of  Suffolk- (H.  vi. 

Roll!  bore,  argent,  crusilv  and  a  fess  und^e 

gules:  .\ruiidel  Roll. 
Broke.  Nele  de    (H.  111.    Roll)  bore,  gules, 

a  chief  indented  or:   Howard  Roll. 
Broome,  Sir  Nicholas,  of  Norfoll;—(F..  11. 

Roll)   fiore    ermine,    a    fess  danceit^e  gules; 

Parly.  Roll. 
Brome,  Sire  "William  de— bore,  at  the 

b.ittl.-  of  Jlorougliijiidge    1322.  sable  a  cross 

pai^.int  argent.     Y. 

Brome,  Roger  de-dl.  iii.  Roll)  bore. 
.iri,',  Ml.  a  chief  dancett(?e  gules;  St.  George 
R..I1       i'. 

Bromley,  Sir  John  of— (E.  iv.  Roll)  bo. 

azure.— Shirley.]     K. 
jEruere,  Robert  de  la— (H. 

checquy  argent   and  gules,  a  ( 

Bruges  I ),  of  GIour:estersl 

bore,  .aigent,  on  a  cross  sable 
or,  in  the  first  cjuarler  a 
second  ;  rarlianiciitary  Roll. 

Bruges,  Hue  de(or  Hegck 
bore,    gules,  be2antee    and 
St,  George  Roll  ;  called  K,K- 
fo.  33. 

Bruili, Roger  de—(H.  iii  I 

on   a   bend    gules     three    eh. 
George  Roll.     I'. 
Brumtone,   Brian   do    (. 

and  St.  George  R  ,i:        I 
■n.vtookuptl..  ,, 
Brumton,  John  <)."      I 
two  lyons  p,assanl  l-i' ■- 
St.  George  Roll;    h\Liisv 
lops  or  on  a  bend  ;  .Arden 

Brune,  Sir  Morys  le, 

at  the  first  Dunstable  t.3Ui 

re-(E.  n.  Roll) 

1  leopard's  face 

of  the 

is)— (H.  111.  Roll) 
,1  chief  ermine: 
M.MS,  Harl,  246 

and  Harlei 



337',  P 

mole  Roll(F.):  the  . 
Ordinary.     V.      \V'll,T.l.\M  t,  ■  „    i:.  ili,    ..  ■  , 
in  the  l,ast  Crus.ade  1270. 
Brune,SirRichardle— (E.  111.  Roll)  bore. 

jenvnV  Ordinary.     V. 
Brune.  Thomas— (E.  111.  Rollibore,  azure. 
gull.:'.'    .1.-     a  Ivoii  rampant  argent  tail 
■■  cl.ii.s  '  ;    l.nms'  Ordinary. 

Brune, "Williara-IE.  in.  Rolli  bore,  azure, 
billetiee  and  a  lyon  rampant  or;  Jenyns' 
Ordinary,     1'. 

Bruse,  Sir  Barnarde,  of  Hunts  ,  Ingram 
de(t),  and  leli ere. Sir  Robert  le-  " 

ird.  1). 


ind  Holland  Ro 

chief  . 

£ri€m   (t  Qo^niff^ 


§iy  [^ 

>n.a/ti},  dj^irunr 

'^rmJ,  timnf-  fmt^tkU  C 

J^.4.     Svirwtf'i'nt 


,■■•  ':'_'\ 

[    --N 


.'...,^V  \\'/: 

» r 

:  I 



\  .'  '  / 

\  ^• 




T@VJ@V^g    [p^dT 






{Bruse,  Richard  ds-IH.   in.    Rolll  l»ire.  Mltire.-llnlach;.;for,  Deling  Roll;  and 
K<iirBi  iK.  I.)  bore  ihc  reverse  (K.),  .mid 
niuit;  r  koHKKT  (E.  I.I  bore  it  wilh  a  spur- 
ro«,  :    u_'..nt:    Camdea  Roll  and  Had.  .MS. 

'I'Bruse,  Robert  de,  K.irl  of  Karric,  1292— 
'      iKirc.  or,    .a   sallire  lu-.i.  on    a   chief  of  the 
second  a    Ivon    pass.inl  ?ardant    or ;    (Juill 
Roll  and  Jcnyns'  Ordinary.     F.     He  and  his 
taih'-r  took  up  the  cross  in  the  last  Crus.ade 

Brus.Sire  William  de— bore,  at  the  battl 
..f  liurr.uchhridsetJJJ  gules,  a  saltire  en 
L:r,iil'l     ..:ii!    a   chief  d.uieetlee    argent 

I  II..  s  r  WM.l.l.VM  i==o.  In  Jenyn 
.111..-,  111.-  .irnis  .ire  tricked,  gules,  a 
.  11  .■     1.  il    argent,    a    chief   of     the     second 

II  iiitettee  throughout  q-ules      F. 
Brus,  Piers,  of  Skeltcn.  Yorkshire -(K.  111 

Roll  I  bore,    argent,   a  lyon   rampant 

laldi  ,ind  Glo 


-Jlott      :BriuJ. 

of    .\.irlo:K    lb.    II.  I.    I. 

Harliamentary  and  .Ashniole  Rolls 
Brus,  John— (H.  111.  Roll)  boi 

che\Tonels  gules,  a  bordure  engr 

St.  George  Roll.  F.  Indented  in  Norfolk  Roll. 
Brus,   Robert   de  1 

Roll)   bore.    i:iiles.    a    lyon    passant 


.  Ge.; 

<£rc>  i*  ^mffiU 

Brut,  Richard    le-nH.    111.    Rolll   bore. 

checquy  argent  and  saMe  a  bend  gules.     St. 

George  Roll.     F. 
Bruton,  Robert  le,  rad  Joan  le— (H.  in. 

Roll)  bore,  quarteriv  cr  and  gules  a  bordure 

engrailed  azure;    St!    George    Roll    (K.).     H. 

Sis// 75.  80.  seeBRtTON. 
Bryan.SirGuyde.K  G..abaroni3;o— bore. 

at  the  siege  of  Calais  1345-^.  or.  three  piles 

meeting  in  base  azure  — the  colours  are  often 

reversed.     F.  and  Effi;y. 
Bryane,  ■William  le-iR.  11.  Roll)  bore,  or. 

three  piles  meeting  in  l^i 

paly  I4)argent  and  azur-.  a  l»-nd  gules  char.ged 

litli  Ihr! 


+Bryanson,  Bartholomew— 1  H.  111.  Roll) 
I      bore.  g>TOny(8or  i2|jr;enlanda.!ure;  I'arly. 

and    Dering     Rolls.     I^a>Tis'     Ordinary,    &c. 

.\seribed  also  to  SiK  JuHs.  banneret,  and  Otks. 

Jlui^ /t  S*^^ 


■r  v  fort  near  Bordeaux. 
Order  of ihf 

SIR     WILLIAM     DE     BRUCE,     Kt., 
Lord  of  Ugglecvrntiy,  Yorkshire. 
In  I'icKERixi-,  Church,  c.  1226. 
From  Dnn 


\  -•■ 

\     >' 

1  •\'J 



/  .1 


Buohard.Sire  'WiU  Latyn 

-  bnri-.  nl  Ihe  battle  of  lioruu 
Ciil.s  .icnKs(pati?cor)"Li-s.\r 
.1  l.u«l  I  ^)  sable  chargetl  with  : 

Buekland,  John,  de 

Buckton,  Pyers— bore,  a 

1418.  quarterly  argent  and 
(]U.irters  three  goats  passan 

i^T\L    and  of  Lin 

Rrilljbore  anient 

irt   JtPijUb  KoM  i 

:  the  siege  of  Koiien 
gules,  on  the  gules 
2  and  I  of  the  Itrst 

Buckworth  v.  Bokkeswoi'the. 
JBucy.  Hugh  de  (or  Hot  ►■,)-(H. 

and  Hn«ard  RolLs. 

;  Boi- 


Bulkley  ( ).  of  Aidon-IK.  iv.  Roll)  bore, 

sable  a  chevron   between    three  bulls'    heads 
c.iuped  argent ;  with  crest;  Rrllard  Koll. 

BuUer,  Baldwyn  de  -(H.  111.  Roll)  txjre, 
sable,   billettee  and   a   bend  cotised    argent ; 
H.raMrd  R.ill,     See  also  BoL'l.ERS. 
*'Buller,   Ralph,   of  W'oodo.    in    Somerset. 




pierced,  four    eaglets    of    Ihe 

1342— Ixjre. 

Bulmer.  John  il.'  1      i    Roll)  bore,  gules 

gulle.'.l'.i    ■  :  ■      .lUoflhelastlF.), 

Segar    Kill       N!:,  it,,  ;,  !.  ,ut    of    guttt^e    ill 
Jenyns'  C)rclM,ary.      F 

•[Bunbury,  Alexander  de  (15  H,  iii.)— 
bore,  argent,  on  a  Itend  sable  three  chess- 
rooks  of  the  field,— Shirley,  J     F. 

Bur,  "WiUiam-(R.  11.'  Roll)  bore,  azure, 
billettee  and  a  lyon  rampant  or  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Burdeux,  Sir  Peres,  banneret— bore,  at 
the  battle  of  Falkirk  iztiS.  or.  a  greyhound 
gules,  collared  sable,  a  bordure  of  ihe  last 
bezant^e.  (F. ) Sometime  Captai  de  Bueh.  a  fort 
near  Hordeux,     See  Blch  .md  GkKli.l-V. 

Burdet,  Richard,  and  Sir  'WilUam,  of 
CO.  Lcic.— (K.  HI.  Roll)  bore,  azure,  two  bars 
or  :  Jenyns'  Ordinary  and  Parly.  Koll. 
'Burdett,  Sir  Robert,  of  co.  Leie.— 
(E.  II.)  bore,  azure,  two  bars  or.  on  the 
sovereign  bar  three  martlets  gules ;  Parlia- 
memary  Roll. 

Burdet,  John,  (R.  11.  Roll)  and  Roger- 
(K,  111.  Roll)— bore,  aiure.  two  bars  or.  on 
each  three  martlets  gules  ;  Surrey  and  P<arlia- 
mcntary  Rolls  and  Jenyns'  Ordiriary.      F. 

Burdon,  Sir  John,  of  Noils— (E.  11.  Roll) 
bore,  gules,  three  burdons  or  pilgrims"  staves 
pilewavs  .irgent  (F.).  Parliamentary  Roll; 
reversed  in  Howard  and  Jenvns'  Rolls  (F. ); 
borne  reversed  by  \V|I.I.I,\M.  in  Arden  Roll. 

SIR    GUY    HRV.XX,   K.( 
In  the  Ahuey  Church  of  Tf 
After  S/al/uirJ. 

^cirB„^^H  %,y^'B^r.%cj4- 



!\   ut=   .7.  no-    a 

,   ■'   .^   :.:''i;./. 

»^     ^  ■  I '.""; 

■I."  ■}  .  T, 

.i      \ 

•A         ^»n 


\  ■  / 

*C  *'•■'■  -"'^  -I- 


zy,tf.J    S^cA.       3^3»^^l^         %c 

'cKr.  S»  jS»*>-9^    l>i*n^^  i^  >B«-r^^ 

.  Roll) 

or  ;  Jcnyns  and  Arundel  Rolls. 
Bures,  Sir    Andrew   (I!oi-ke-,|-(E.    mi. 
Roll)bore,  ermine  on  a  chicfdanccttOc  ialile  two 
lyonceux  raiiip.ant  or  ;    Ashniote  and    Parlia- 
mentary   Rolls.     See  Monumental  brass  for 
Sir  RiiHKkT. 
Burgh,  Walter  de,  f:arl  of  Ulster— (K.  iti. 
Roll)  bore.  or.  a  cross  t^les.  the  ancient  arms 
of  BiGon.  Earl  of  Norfolk  ;  Ashmole  Roll  and 
Jenyns'  Ordinary. 
Burgh,  Hubert  de.   Earl  of  Kent— (E.  >. 
Roll),  bore.  lozLnii\  giiles  and  vair  (F.).  Segar 
Roll  I  the  same  for  JOH.N  CI.  in  Camden  and 
Dering  Rolls;  and  also  (i)niasculv  vair  and 
gules.   Norfolk    Roll,    and    (2)    gules,    seven 
masclcs.  3.  3,  i.  lair;  Howard  Roll. 
Burgh,  Sir  John  de-(E  111.  Roll)  bon-, 
argent,  on  a  fess  dancett^  sable  three  besants  ; 
Ashmole  Roll.     F. 
Burgh,  Thomas  de,   of  Riclim'ondshire— 
(E.  tit.  Roll)bore.  argent,  on  a  fess  sable  three 
besants  i  Grimaldi  Roll.     F. 
Burgh,   Roald  de,  and  WUliain  de — 
(E.  III.   Roll)  bore.  ari;ent.  on  a  sallire  sable 
five  cygnets  of  the  field  ;  Grinialdi   Roll  and 
Jenyns'  Ordinary.     F. 
Burgh,  Walter  de-(H.  tit.  Roll)  Ixjre.  quar- 
terly,   argent   and   gules,    a  cross  passant  of 
the  second  ;  Norfolk  Roll. 
Burgh,  William  de  iBiRC)-(H.  iti.  Roll) 
bore,  quarterly,  or  and  azure  ;  -Arden  and  St. 
Oeorge  Rolls      F. 
Burghcrah,  Sir  Bartholomew,  of  Kent, 
the  King's  Chamberlain,  a  baron  1330 -bore. 
at  the  battle  of  Boroughbridge  1322.  and  at 
the    siege    of  Calais    1 315-8.    gules,    a    lyon 
rampant  tail  fourchije  or  (the  tinctures  re\ersed 
in  Surrey  and    other    Rollsl.     Sir    Stkphen 
bore  the  same  at  the  first  Dunstable  tourna- 
ment    1308    (F.):     John     lore     the     same. 
Jenyns'   Ordinary    (F.)  :     B.\KTHOt.o.\tKU-    or 
HtHBFRT  C)  lore  it  with  a«-l  (5)  azure, 
leering    Roll;    and  Hlkbkht   bore,  .ijnlcs. 


Howard  Roll. 


In    Acton    Church,    Suffolk. 
A//er   IValler. 

c^..».'S«v^;  Tir^-x  3^^.^ 

^^         3**^n»i>*w 

+Burghill,  Henry-de— (H.  iit.  Roll)  bore. 

I      palv  (61  or  and  azure,  over  all  a  fess  gules  ; 

Deringand  Howard  Rolls.  See  also  BuKKlil.T . 

Burgoine,  Osteleins  de  -IH.   111.    Roll) 

bore,  a/ure.  billetti^-c  and  a  Ivon  rampant  or. 

crowned  of  the  last ;  Howard  Roll. 

Burley( ).  aSuffolk  Knight-(H.  VI.  Rolll 

'     Tonels  gules  ; 

Burley,  Eobert,  of  Wherlsdale  -  ( R.  ni. 
Roll)  bore,  gules,  a  besant;  Jenyns'  Ordin.ary. 

Burley,  Simon-(E.  it.  Roll)  bore,  barry  (6) 
sable  and  or.  on  a  chief  of  the  first  two  palets 
between  as  many  escjuircs  based  of  the  second. 
11  gules  three  bars  argent. 


■  Ordii 



Burley,  Sir  Si; 

K  r...    and   Sir 

three   b.irs  and 

an  Lscocheon  of  pretence,   gules,  three   bars 

ermine,  a  crescent  for  difference  of  the  second, 

K.  399  ff.  2t.  24.  26. 
Burnaby,   Sir    Nicholas   iBKcNtnv)  — 

(E.    ttl.  Rolll  bore,  argent,  two  bars  and  111 

chief  a  Uoii  passant  gules;  -Ashmole  Roll. 
Burne,  Johnde-(H.  Ilt.  Rolll  bore,  ermine 

on  a  bend  azure  three  Ivons  rampant  argent ; 

Howard  Roll. 
Burnell,  Sir  Edward,  banneret,  a  baron 

Burnell,  Philip— (E.  1.  Roll)  lore. 

>  bore  this  H.  vt.-and  I.K  SK 
also  bore  (H.    vt.)  argent,    a    Ijon    r.rni| 
t.ail  fourchi^e  sable. 
Burnell,   William-(H.    tii.     Roll)   h 
argent,  a  Ivon  rampant  sable,  a  laliel  I 
Howard  Roll.      RoHtiKT  took  up  the 
the  last  Crusade  1270. 



V  / 

50.1/^  FEUDAL   COATS  OF  ARMS. 


:.  III.  Roll) 

,  dobruised 
ird.   C.\nidt:ii,   and 

Buslingthorpe  I'-  Be  sling  thorpe. 
Bussy,  Sir  Hugh,  of  co.  Line,  and  John 

— (K.  HI.  Roil)  hore,  .irgL-nt  thrte  biirntlrts 
sabte;  I'.irlinnientan-  and  Surrey  Rolls  and 
Jenyns  Ordinary.     F. 

Buterley,RogerorStGphen-fH.  111.  Roll) 

Burnell,  Sir  Richard- 
argent,    a    Ivon    r.inipanl    .i.-uil- 
crowned  of  the  la:.!.  langiioJ  and  .- 
Ashmole  Roll. 

Burneville,  Sir  John  de- 
battle  of  BorouKhhridt,^'  i 
engrailed  (argent)  Ix.'tween 



I  Parli.i 

of  Suffolk, 

Burnham,  Sii 

IS,  'J.  Bourneham. 
Burnham,  Sir  Walter,  of  Norfolk-(i;.  ii. 

itiiu  .irgcnl;  I'arli.inicmnry  Roll. 
Burninghill.Hugh  de-(E.  ii.  Kolljliorc. 

saljlc  tlirce  (or  nre-raicc)  argfiil ;  Ji^nyns' 

Roll.     F. 
Burowdon,  Thomas-(K.  in.   Roll)  bore. 

■ind  : 

■  all 

Burrell,Rogerde-  (H.  in.  Roll  I  bore,  paly 
I  lo)  argeni  and  sable,  a  bend  gules ;  Si.  George 
Roll.  "!■: 

Burton,  Sir  Rauf  de— bore,  at  the  battle  of 
Boroughbridgc  1322.  p.aly  (6)  or  anrl  gules  on 
a  beiiti  sable  thrLe  waler-bougels  argent : 
b.jrnc  ,dso  bv  John  ;  see  Surrey  Roll  and 
Jenyns'  Ordinary.     F. 

Burton,  Sir  John  de— (E.  in.  Roll)  bore. 

.  thri 



JameJ  d'  'hirtfune. 




\    V'. 

I  '^^-i  I 



'»/  1  ] 




J</«m    4-    Caili 

Hh^  ^Uh». 

Cabery,  Alan  de,  of  Hippeswell— (K.    ni. 

Rnll)  bore,  ?iiles  a  fcssvair  ;  Jenyiis' Ordinary. 
Caili.  Adam   de   iCaii.i.v(-(H.  m.  Roll) 

bore,  checquy  or  and  ?ules.  an  inescocheon 

ermine  ;  St.  George  Roll.     F. 
Caili,  Thomas,  baron    1309— bore,    checquy 

gules  and  or,   a  bend  ermine;   Xobility  Roll. 

Ascribed  toSir  An.VM  di-:  Ca\i.k.  of  Xorfolk. 

m  Parliamentary  Roll, 
Caili,  Walter  de  iC.\vlk|-(H.    hi.    Roll) 

boru,  chrcquy  or  and  a/ure,  on  a  fess  gules 

three  mulkts  argent  ;  St.  George  Roll. 
Caili,  Sir  'William  (C\lv)-(K.  hi.  Roll) 

bore,   quarterly  argent    and    sable,    over  all 

on  a  baslon  gules  thr^e  mullets  pierced  or  ; 

Ashmolc  Roll. 
Caldecott,  Richard-(E.    111.    Roll)  l>ore, 

per   pale    argent   and    azure,    a  chief    gules; 

Jenyns'    Ordinary.    Sikk   nt:   Caliuxott  of 

Norfolk,  bore,   per  pale  or  and  azure,  on   a 

chief  gules  three  leopards'   faces  of  the  first ; 

Parliamentary  Roll. 
Calkin,  Sir  Hugh,  of  Flanders— bore,  at 

the  siege  of   Calais    1345-8.    argent,    a    pale 

between    two   greyhounds    erect    saiile,   (F.)  ; 

respecting  each  other,  iti  >Sto\ve. 

Calthorpe.  Sir  William,  of  Norfolk- 
IE.  II.  Roll)  bore,  cliecquy  or  and  azure  a  fess 
ermine.  Parliamcntarj-  Roll  and  Jenyns' 
Ordinary;  also  borne,  or  and  sable— another 
with  the  fess  argent  and  yet  another— checquy 
or  and  gules  on  a  fess  argent  three  martlets 
sable,  in  the  Ashmole  Roll. 

Calthorpe  1 ),   of   Orthenley.     Norfolk— 

,  Rolli  bore, 
lole     Roll    anr 


\  gules — Parlia- 
'  argent,  a  lyon 
Calverley,  Sir  John—fE.  iii.  Roll)  bore. 

sable,  an  inescocheon   within  an  orle  of  owls 

argent;  Ashmole  Roll. 

Calverley,  Hue,  John,  and   Walter— 

(R.  II.  Roll!  bore,  argent,  a  fess  gu!c-s  between 

passant      sable,     see     Effigy ; 

'{{•'ff  3*ei.m«y2 

Calvert,    Sir    Richard    (o 

Roll.     F. 

Camoyes.  Le  Sr.— ^K^^e.  at  the  siege  of 
Rouen  1418.  or.  on  a  chief  gules  three  plates- 
borne  also  by  Sir  R.vpiiK  and  Sir 
K.G.  In  Hovvard  and  Dering  Rolls,  two  plates 
only  are  ascribed  lo  JoH.N  Ul— in  the  Camden 
Roll  the  1 31  plates  are  m  fess -in  Gnmaldi 
Roll  thre 

Camoyes,  Sir  Rauf,  bnnnoret— bore,  at  the 

first  Dunstable  toumanieiu  1308,  argent,  011  a 
chief  g-jies  three  besants.      F. 

•i'Campaine,  Pers  de    (H-  m.   Rnii)  bore. 
'      ardent,  a  chief  gules;    .\rden  and  .St.  George 
Rolls.     SeeC^.\^rl^vlNK. 

Camvile,  Sir  Geoffrey  de.  bannLict,  a 
baron  1295 — bore.  a;ure.  three  lyoiis  passant 
in  pale  argent;  Nobility  and  Parliamentarv 
Rolls,  &c,  So  ascribed  also  to  Hucii. 
RoHFKT  (I),  and  Wir.i.iA.M.  fF.)  In  the 
Dering  and  Howard  Rolls  the  tinctures  are 
reversed  for  Gn:oKfKtY  (*). 

Cantelo,  Philip    de— (H.  m.    Roll)  bore. 

argent,  a  fess  gules  fretty  or  ;    Ilowai  d  Roll. 

JCantelou.Sire  Johande-(i:.  i.  Roll)bore, 

azure,  three  fleurs-de-lys  or  ;  Dering  Roll,  ^'^c. 
— leopards'  faces  jessant-dc-lys  in  Ashmole 

Cantelou,  George  (E.  r.  Roll)  and  Wil- 
liam—bore,  gules,  three  Ileurs-de-lys  or(F.)- 
Camden  Roll,  ie.  Ascriljed  also  to  JoRls  vel 
PKKb  i>E.  in  Hovvard  Roll;  Sir  Willi.vm  of 
Salop  bore  it  with  a  baston  argent,  in  Parlia- 
mentary Roll. 

Cantelupe,  Sir  John,  banneret— bore,  at 

the  battle  of  Falkirk  1298,  azure,  three  leopards' 
faces  Jessant-de-lys  or  (F,  i —perhaps  of  Snitter- 
field  ;  the  leopards'  faces  are  often  reversed. 
Sir  H.  bore  a  red  field  in  the  Atkmson  Roll, 
and  so  did  \\'li.Ll.\.\i.  with  the  faces  reversed, 
in  the  Segar  Roll. 

Cantelupe,  Sir  William,  of  Raven sthorpc, 

Iwiineret,  a  baron  1299.  txire.  at  the  battle  of 
Falkirk  1298.  and  at  the  siege  of  Carlaveroek 
1300,  gules,  a  fess  vair  between  three  leopards' 
faces  jessant-de-lys  or;  F.  Parliamentary 
Roll— faces  reversed  in  Jenyns'  Ordinary,  &c. 
Sealed  the  Barons'  letter  to  the  Pope  1301  with 
(gules)  a  ft'ss  vair  between  three  fleurs-de-lys 
(or)  ;  pp.  xviii,  x.Mv. 

Capelle,  Sir  Richard  de,  of  co. 

—bore,  at  the  first  Dunstable  tournan 
argent,  a  chevTon  gules  b-twccn  thre-. 


^ft>*ff^ie-  ^um  uHtw^ 

^ec  •  c/  CcmeU  lo  n 

•^^  (Sapttt 

>»a3  '3  »■*«•;"« 


^J^  0^i^l        Hy  ^ar-ilr{^<^ 

Capon,  Sir  Robert-{E.  ui.  Ruin  l>ore. 
gules,  three  capons  and  ii  bordure  engrniled 
.irjient ;  Ashiiiole  Roll. 

Canps  or  Cappus  ( ).  a  Kentish  Kni;jht— 

(H.  VI.  Roll)  bore,  argont.  a  chevron  beluwn 
three  trofoyles  s.ible,  an  escallop  of  the  first ; 
Arundel  Roil. 

Caraunt  { ).   an  Essex    Knighi-(M.    vi. 

Roll)  bore,  argent,  three  hurts  each  ch.irged 
with  as  many  chevronels  gules  {sic) ;  Arundel 

Carbonell,  John— (K.  in.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
across.irgeni,  a  bordure  or;  Jcnyns"  Ordinary. 

Carbonell,  'William— bnre.  at  the  second 
Dunstable  ti>urn;inicn[  1334.  gules,  a  cros-s 
argent,  a  l->ordurf  engrailed  or.  (F.)  .Ascnlx-d 
also  to  koRKKT  in  Surrev  Roll,  and  to  .'^ir 
John  in  Ashniole  Roll;  tVicked  indented  for 
t>ir  JuHN.  of  Suffolk,  in  Parliamentary  Roll. 

Carbonell  ( ).  a  Suffolk  Knight—fH.  vi. 

Roll)  bnre.  giiles,  a  cross  argent  lozcngy 
sable ;  Arundl-l  Roll. 


■  of 

Cardeston,  John  de— bore,  at  the  second 
Dunstable  tournament  1334.  gules,  a^  saltir 

label  besantt^e  {s,c\.     ( F. )     Sec  als( 


Caresville,  Sir  "William— (K.   m.   Roll) 

bore,   argent,  three  genielles  sable;   .\shmole 
Roll,  ascribed  to  Joein  in  Jenyns    Roll,  with 
the  remark— same  as  Pt:RS  de  Cakeu". 
Careswelle,  William  de 

second  Dunstable  lournanien 
fretty  gules,  a  fess  azure.  K. 
•Carew,  Nicholas  de,  banneret— bore,  at  the 
siege  of  Carlaverock  1300.  or,  three  Ivons  pas- 
sant sable  (F.)  and  as  Lord  DK  Mulesfuhu 
sealed  the  Batons'  letter  to  the  Pope  1301. 
pp.  xxi.  xxiv.  Sir  John  bore  it  at  the  siege 
of  Calais  1345-8.  on  which  occasion  Sir  JOMN. 
junior,  of  co.  Cilouc. .  differenced  -with  a  laf>el 
(3)  gules.  See  Riron  i.E  C.AkEW  m  Jenyns' 
Carew,  Pers  de-(R.  ll-  Roll)  bore,  argent. 
three   genielles  sable;    Surrey    Roll,   same  as 

Carington .  (H.  iv.  Roll)  bore,  sahle.  on 

^  bend  argent  three  lozenges  of  the  field  ;  with 
crest;  Ballard  Roll 

Carlyell,  Sir  William  de,  of  CuniU-rkind— 

Roll  I 

,  paio 

Parliamentary  Roll. 
Carminow,  Thomas— (K.  lU-  Roll)  Ixir 
azure,    a   bend   or.    and  a    latwl    (3)    gule 
Jeiiyns"  Ordinary. 

,i<^.  \^.C 



Of  Lea,  in  BuNt:uRY  Church, 

Chkshire,  tkmp.  E.  hi. 

Af/cr  SMhard. 

/>v'»^       do- 

Carnaby,  William-(1'..    in.    Roll)  bon-, 

argent,  t\io  bars  a-;urc  ui  chief  three  hurti  ; 

Jenyns'  Roll 
Carriok,  Earl  of  -(H.  iii.  Roll)  liore,  sable. 

ihreeciiiquei'oiles  2  and  I,  or,  Ho\\ard  Roll; 

argent  in  Caaiden  Uoll,     (F.)    This  co,at  pro- 

batily  apperMins  to  the  name  of  C'arrick  rathtr 

thantoaiiEirl  of  that  name. 
•[Gary,  Sir  Robert,  of  Cary,  Devon  (  H.  V  ) 

— bore,  argent,  on    a   bend  sable  three  roies 

of  the  nrst-.-.hirloy.)     F. 
Casa  Nova,  Otha  de,  banneret.  :■.  Sasse- 





Castell,  Sir  William  (or  nr.  Cimmki.i.  tf 
CO.  Glouc.-,K.  11.  Rolll  bore,  gules.  t«o  b.irs 
argent  on  a  aintoii  of  the  l.Ojt  a  castle  sable ; 
Parly.  Roll.  .\I  an,  of  the  city  of  London, 
took  up  the  cro-^  in  the  last  Crusade  1270, 

Caatelmyne  : .  Gasceline. 
Castilton, Sire  del 1.  a  Knight  b; 


.-  battle  of  Falkirk  1208.  gule: 

Castre,  Sir  John  de-  Ixire.  at  the  first 
Dunstable  toirnanient  1308,  a/ure,  an  eagle 
displayed  b.irTv  no),  argent  and  gules,  (F.  |; 
(8)  in  Ashmole  MS, 

Castre,  Sir  John  de,  of  Xorfolk— {K.  11. 
Roll)  bore,  sible,  an  eagle  displayed  bam- 
(12)  argent  and  gules  ;  Parly.  Roll.  'THOM.y-. 
bore,  the  field  argent  and  the  eagle  barry  of 
M  ;  Jenyns-  Ordinary. 

Caterali, Thomas -IE.  ti.  Roll)  bore,  aiure. 
three  mascles  or.  in  trick  — bUasoiied.  lozenijes 
pierced;  Jeinas'  Roll;  ofGarslang,  in  Lanes, 
with  crest;  felard  Roll. 

Catesbury,  Sir  Richard  de— (F,.  11.  Rolli 
bore,  gules,  a  fe.^s  yair  U-tween  three  goats 
heads    er,ascd    ,irgent  :     Harli.amemary    Koll. 

'M»rl^  Serf        /Ya^ii.&ajJ'm^si 



•f>  •.  .'i 



0a-c4jU-^  ^o^  &^^ifg 

Caundysh,  Aiidrew-(R.    n.   Rdl)  bnrc. 

sablir.  three  crossi:s  boioiini^t:   fitcht'i.-  2  iiiid  I 

or;  Surrey  Roll. 
Caunton,  Sir  John  de,  of  co.  Leic— (K.ii. 

Roll)  bore.    K"l«^s.  two    bars   .ind  in  chief  as 

many  mullets  argent;  I'.-irlJnriienlary  Roll. 
Caueton,  Robert   de— il^-  m.   KolU  bore, 

fileht^e'of  the  field  ;   Ashni'.k'  Kult  nnd  leiivns' 
Roll   and    Ordinary.       Another     in    Ashniole. 
argent,  a   bend    lx.'l\veen    :ii\    crosses  croaslel 
fitthtk.'  3  and  3  sable. 
Caux  V.  Corbet 

•Cave,  William— I K.  iti.  Roll)  bore,  azure, 
fretiy  argenl  ;  Jenyns  Ordinnry. 

•[Cavendish,  Sir  John,  Chief  Jusrice  K.  m. 
— bore,    sable,    three  bucks'    heads    cabosscd 
argent. — Shirley.]     F. 
[Cawme,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Melcomb,  Keut. 

E.   Ill, — bore,  a    lyoii    rampant    ermine— ste 

Monumental  Kffigy.  ] 
Cayville.  John— (K.   11.   Roll)  bore,  argent. 

a   fcss    Horcitee    (tiory    counierrtury).     gules  ; 

Jen)Tis'  Roll. 
Cayle.Walterde— (H.  iii.Rol])bore,cheequy 

or  and  azure,  on  a  fess  giiles  three  mullets 
argent.  (F.)  Arden  and  St.  George  Roils; 
sometimes  written  Capel.     See  also  Caili. 

Ce-nteyno,  John  de  (or  St.  Ivk)-(H.  111. 
Roll)  T>ore,  or.  three  lyons  gules; 
Arden  Roll. 

Cerne,  Philip  de-(H.  in.  Rolll  bore,  per 
fess  argent  and  gules,  a  lyon  rampant  within  a 
bordure  all  counlerchanged.  (F. )  St.  George, 
Deringand  How.ird  Rolls. 
•Chadwick,  Sir  J..of  Chad«iek  and  Healey, 
CO.  Lanc.-{H.  vi.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  an  ines- 
cocheon  within  an  orle  of  martlets  argent; 
Atkinson  Roll. 

Chale  C8,  Ralph— 'H.  li.  Roll)  bore,  nrgent. 
a  fess  between  two  che\Tonels  sable;  lenvns' 
Ordinary.  An  (Ksse\?)  Knisht  of  the  ii.inie 
(H.  VI,  Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  fess  between 
three  annulets  guies  ;  Arundel  Roll, 
4.Chalun8,  Piers   de-(H.    in.    KuPd  bore. 

I      K^J'^-'S-  fi^'^  fusils  conjoinef!    in  fess  crniine,   a 
label  (3  or  5*.  azure.     (F.)     Arden   and  St. 
George  Rolli.  Jcnyns"  Ordinar.-. 
Chamberlain,  Herbert  le  and  Martin 

(H.  111.  Roll)  bore,  gules,   three  escallops   or; 
Glover  Roll,    Sir  f.Hi\  bore  the  same  (K.  I.  or 
n.):  Holland  Roll. 
Chamberlain.  Sir  Richard,  of  Lincoln- 

Roll  1 

between  three  escallops 
fess,  Parliamentary  and  Surre 
Joii.N-  in  Jenyns'  Roll. 
Chamberlain,  Simon— (F 

quarterly  i^iIes  and  or.   m   t^ 
moutin  argent ;  Jenyns   Ordii 









Oi    Ni'Lco-Mi;,  IX  Ighthan[  Church, 

Kent,  temp,  E,  hi. 

/■'rom  Stothard. 

^ot^'^^n>dU    n^-^-^-  ^^. 

JChamborlain.PhilipHH.  111.  Roll)  bore; 

gules,  two  crossed  kevs  wards  to  the  sinister  , 
Howard  Roll.  Wards  inward  in  the  Dering 
Roll.     F. 

tChamberlain,  William  le-{H.  tii.  Roll) 

Ixjre.  azure,  three  keys  erect  wards  to  the 
de\ler  2and  I  or.    (F.)    Dering  Roll. 

Roll)  bore.  gukb. 
a  lyon  aigeni  within  a  bordure  en- 
graded  gotmny  or  and  argent  (in  some  azure) ; 
J.-nyiis"  Ordinary. 
•f Champaine,  Pera  de-(H.  iii.  Roll)  bore. 
'  argent,  a  ehiel  gules  ;  .\rden  and  St.  George 
Rolls.     SeeCAMi-.MNK. 

jChampaine.  Robert  de-(H.    111.   RoII| 

twre,  argeni,  three  bars  und^e  gules.  (F.) 
Sometimes  blazoned  wavy,  and  in  otheis 
nebul(5e  ;  Howard  and  Dering  Rolls.  Sir  JOHN 
of  Kent  bore  the  same  t  E.  11.};  Parliamentary 

JChampernon,  Henry  de— (H. 

Champernoun,  Sii 
the  battle  of  iL.i'  1  A 
lettfe  or,  a  saltir.    . 

;  Howard  and  Dering 



>  1  ,  p  instead  of 
.  Jenyns'  Ordi- 

billetliJe  ;  St. 

tChampemoun,  John-{H.  ni.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  a  che«.Ton  or  ;  Dering  Roll  ;  the  field 
azure  in  Ashniole  Roll. 

Chancellor,  Walter— (E.  ii.  Roll)  t>ore. 
ermme.  on  a  quarter  argent  a  saltire  cngrailetl 
sable  ;  Jenyns  Roll. 

Chanceux  (Hugh)  de  :■.  Chauney. 

'P'rJ!   CLL^         (^Uj,dCcrn^ 

Htrc    JiaiU-^f.    '^^'    i'-CL^^^ 


;"^"t».  ., 




.o')\...\.;^w    ..,\.x^Vi 



ROBERT,    3rd    MARQUIS    OF    SALISBURY.    K.G. 







j^  W  grfa^f^     -^  ^  Q^^p-    £%Ji  ^^(U 

Chandos,   Edw  a 

argcm,  a  pil,.  ^-ul.s 

bori-thcrtii-rs.';    I 

Chandos, Sir  Jo)i 

semn.l  Uun-i    '. 

Chandos,  Sir  Joli 
Walter -iR.u.  Kc 

■  Roll 

:  guici 

Charrou,  Sir  RilIi. 

Ji-nvns'  Ordiii.lry. 

Chaseua,  Emery  de-{H.  iii.  Roll)  l.nrc. 
sable,  three  eagles  displayed  or.  (K.)  .\rduii 

Chasten,   Thoma 

Chandoa,  Sir  Robert  or  Roger  ofCheshirc 
—IK,  111  Rolll  bore,  or,  a  lyon  rampant 
gules.  l.nil  fourchfe  |K.)  Parli.inienlnrv  Roll ; 
ascribed  also  lo  JoHX.  in  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Chandos,  Robert  de—IH.  in.  Roll)  bore 
or.  a  pile  gules,  nine  estoiles  3.  3.  3  counler- 
changed.     (F. )    St.    George    Roll.     See  also 

same  sable  and  or  .    .Vrden  and  St.  George 

Chansi,  Thomas  de— (K.   i.   Roll)— bore, 

burrulee  (221  sable   and  argent,  a  Ivon  rani- 

p.uit  gules.  iF.)  .Set-ar  Roll.  Sec  MoNCHr.Nsl. 
Charles,  Sir  Edward,  of  .Vorlolk- (F..  111. 

Roll)    twre.    ermine,    on  a  chief  gules    three 

III.     Roll)    bore. 
Jenyns'  Ordinary. 
Chaueombe,  Sir  Thomas  de,  of  \\'tU?  — 

(E.  HI.  Roll)  Ifflre.  or.  on  a  cross  vert  nve 
mullets  pierced  .irfeiii  ;  .\shmole  Roll.  The 
mullets  or,  in  P.irli.unenlary  Roll. 

Chauncy,  Thomas,  b.iron  of  Skirpcnlx-ck 




of  Lincolnshire  ;  "Parliamentary  Roll. 
Chaunoy,  Sir  Philip  de,  of  Esses-(E. 
-     ■     ■  cheiTon  be'lween  thi 

imeiiLary  and  Cotgra 

rnn  1299  — bore,  n 
i.dv  (6)  argent  am 
I.  IMS  of  Somerse 
V   Roll ;  ajure  an 

of  the  first;  Parly.  Roll. 
Cliffe  and  Bnggenhall,  bore  this  coat  with 
;  lozenges  conjoined.  (F.)  Jenjns'  Roll 
J  Segar  ;  and  as  a  fess  lozengy  in  Grimaldi 

Charleston,   Sir   John    de,   banneret  - 

(F.  II.  Roll)  bore,  or,  on  a  chevron  vert  thrc^e 

eagles  displaied   of  the  field  ;    Parliamentary 

Charleton,Ije  k.g..  abaron 

1401-22)  -Ijure.  at  the  siege  of  Rouen  1418. 

or.  a  iyun  r,impant  gules.     F. 
Charlworth  ( ).  a  Suflblk  Knight— (H.  Vl. 

Roll)  bore,  ermine  on  a  chief  gules  five  lozenges 

or  ;  .^runde!  Roll. 

Charnella,  Sire  Wichol  de— bore,  at  the 
battle  of  lloromrhbridgs  1322.  azure,  a  cross 
engrailed  or.  ( 1 . )  Su  GEUKOE,  of  Wanvicfc- 
shire.  bore  the  same :  Parliamentary  Roll. 
Sir  \VlLl,lAM  (fys)  differenced  with  a  mullet 
sable  ;  Ashniole  Roll. 

Charneles,  Thomas  de— {H.  in.  Roll) 
bore,  gules,  two  chevrons  and  a  bordure  or. 
IF)     St    George  Roll. 

Charnell,  Sir  John  de— Iwre.  at  the  first 
Dunstable  tournament  1308,  or.  a  fess  ermine 
between  two  chevTonels  gules.  (F.)  Sirjnn\ 
of  \\'arv*ickshire.  bore  the  reverse — gules  and 
or  :  Parliamentary  Roll  and  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Roll)    bor. 
annulets  gules^;    Pa 
Rolls.     F, 
Chavent,  SirPet 
the  battle  ..11    .  .  ' 
azure  a  frs, 

Chauvigny,  William  de-(H.  111.  Roll 
bore,  argent.  ' '  a  fess  engrele  "( five  fusils  in  less 
gules,  a  label  sable  ;  Norfolk  Roll.     See  nex 

Chaveney,  Sr.  de-(H.  iii.  Roll)  lore 
lo/engv  argent  and  gules  :  .\rden  Roll. 

Chaworth,  Sir  Christopher,  knighted  .. 
the  capitulation  of  1348.  bore,  azure 
two  chevrons  or  (F. );  Iwrne  also  by  John 
(J).    Dcring  Roll.  Pv "'   '' 


:  fori 

.\tki^nson  Roll.  Harl,  MS.  1048  fo.  loS. 
Chaworth,  Thomas  de,  of  Norton,  baron 
1299 ;  sealed  the  B.arons'  letter  to  the  Pope 
1301,  with  two  chevrons,  pp.  .\i-v.  -\.viv.  :  bore, 
barry  (10).  argent  and  gules,  an  orle  ■j\  mart- 
lets (10).  sable  ;  Nobility  Roll. 

xChaworth,  Patrick  de  (Cn.\UKCv)-(H. 

I      III.  Rolllbore.  liurruliSeU4l.  argent  and  gules. 

oiiard   Roll! 
(E.  llI.)barrulee(lo.  12). 
bend  (or  baston).  sable  ;  J. 

tChavrorth,  Pain  de  < 
Roll)  bore.  Imrrulte  ( lb).  : 
orle  of  martlets.  4.  2.  2.  i. 
Sir  r.\TKICK  (14)  and  8 
Roll;  also  (14).  and  13  1 
den  Roll  ;  and  another 
m.artlets.  Jenyns'  Ordinar 
St.  George,  and  Parliani 
.are  coats  w  ith  four  and  i\  1 
tricked  m  error. 


irgent  and  gules,  n 
■nvns'  Roll. 
i;'n.Mnsi-(H,   III 

sable;  .\rden  Roll, 
martlets  :  .\shniole 
martlets  IF.).  Cam- 

(10  or  12)  and  8 
v.  In  the  .\rden, 
entary  Rolls  there 
;h  sixbars.  probably 

Ji    Chttfniky 

crA^J  cUr^tU 

3»  {^iar^new 


I  Chaftil 



I    I   I  :  I   ! 

1    I 

\  ;  ;  I  / 

'■■■■    ■  / 



tChaworth,  Hervieus 
C^]^ul^^)-(H.  111-  R..III  I 
and  n  bend  or  ;  Ardcn  V.n 

^^Ul^^J^  ^      li^^„y 


Chaworth,  'William  de-I-irr,    lmmil6- 

(20)  ari^t-in  and  gulci   Ihrci^  niarllcts  2  and  1 

satilu^  Had.  MS.  1481  fo.  47. 
Checker  :■  De  la  Checker. 
Chelton,  Rauf  de-l">rc.  at  lhesei!Oiui  Dun- 


;  tin 



v).      r. 


Cherleton  :'.  Charleton. 

Ihrcf  bcndluls 

Chester,  Barl  of— bore,  axure,  three  garbs, 
or.  Ill  most  of  the  earliest  Rolls.  K.\Ni)oi.Hn 
DK  HLONHEVtLI-K.  the  lust  earl,  died  26  October 
1232,  and  bore  on  his  seal  a  Ivon  or  \\o!f 
saliant.    See  Hi.oM>i:\  ii.T.K  and  Kevki.iok. 

CheBter,  Earl  of  Inrc,  Fngland  Miihin  a 
Inrdurc  a7ure  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary.  Tjiomas 
Hol.L.wn,  Earl  of  Kent,  bore "  the    l>ordure 

ChesterjWilliam  -(K.  111.  Rolllborc,  gules. 


buikles    tongues    to  the    de.\ 


';Chetwode,  John  de  (E.  111.)  —  bore, 
f|u.irierh  argent  and  gules,  four  crosses  pat^e 
counterchanged  ;  Shirley.]     F. 

*Chetvrynd,  Sir  John— bore,  at  the  battle 
of  Boroughbridge,  .i^ure,  a  chevron  bcl\veen 
three  mullets  or.  (l.)  This  coat  was  also 
borne  by  Wii.LI.AM,  in  the  Surrey  Roll,    the 

mullets  also  pierced. 

Chetwynd,  Sir  John  de,  of  Salop -(E.  11. 

Roll)  iKire.  .azure,  a  chevron  or  Ijetween  three 

besants  ;  Parliamentary  Roll, 
Cheverell.  Sir  Alexander,  of  Wilts  -  bore. 

at  the  first  Dunstable  tournament  1308,  argent, 

three  lyonccuv  rampant  sable.     F. 
Chevereaden,  John  de— bore,  at  the  second 

Dnnslable   tournament    1334,    or,    on  a  bend 
gules  three  chevrons  ermine.     K. 
Chevaresden,  John  de-(H.  111  Roll)bore, 

Chevouse,  Henry  de—(H.  in.  Roll)  liore, 
argent,  a  cross  gules  between  four  Ivons  ram- 
pant azure  ;   .\orfolli  Roll- 

Chevndutt,  Sir  Ealph,  of  Bucks— |E.  11. 
Roll  1  iHjre.  azure,  a  ehevne  or,  a  label  of  three 
gules;  rarli.imentary  Roll,     F.F. 

Chelylnev   (- ),    de,  a  Huekinghamshire 

Knight -(E-  n.  Rolll  bore,  .argent,  a  fess  .and 
in  chief  three   martlets  gules;  I'arliament-ary 

Cheyne  ( 1,  an  Esse.v  Knight 

bore,  quart'rlv  sable  .ind  argen 
conjoined  in  bend  sinister  {iic)  ; 

.  u.  Roll) 
idel  Roll. 

;Che(y)ne  Alexander  de-Ill.  in.  Rolll 
bore,  quarterlv  or  and  gules,  a  laliel  (^i 
aznrc(F.);  Dering Roll-label  vert  in  .\shnioie 

Chelylney,  John— (R.  ii.  Roll)  l>ore, 
(juarteriy  or  and  azure,  a  fess  gules  fretty 
ermine ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Cheiymey,   John- bore,    at     the    siege    of 

Che(y)ney,  John,  Henry  a 

ble  ;   .Ashmule 

1  Robert  de 

Cheyne,  John-(E.  iii.   Roll)  Ixjre.  gules. 

four  fusils  in  fess  argent,  on  each  .in  ese.illop 
sable;  Jeiiyns'Orilin.irv- I^.M  l-t  l«,re  thiseoat 
within  a  bordure  of  Ihe  second  ,  Surrey  Roil. 

Che(y)ney,  ■William-  bore,  at  the  siege  of 
Rouen  1418,  azure,  a  cro^s  patonce  or,  .juar- 
U-rly  with,  gules  five  fusils  conjoined  in  fess 
argent,  on  each  an  escallop  sable— evidently 

Jenyns'  OrdinaP 

Cheyne,  Thomas -(R-  11.  Roll)  liore.  azure 
on  a  fess  nebulile  Ix-tween  three  crescents  or,  a 
fleur-de-lys  gules  ;  Surrey  Roll. 
Chelynyl,  Sir  ■William-l»re,  at  the  battle 
of  Horoughbridge  1322,  gules,  frettt^c  or,  a 
label  (s)  argent.  F. 
•(Chichester,  Richard,  of  Devon  (E.  111.)— 
bore,    chect|uy   or    and  gules,  a    chief  vair ; 



gules,  an 

see  Dk  i..\  CllICKHR. 

3,  Sir  John-lK.  11.  Roll)  bore, 
inescocheon  within  a  double  tressiire 
Parliamentary    Roll,    .as  a   northern 


Chidioek,  John— (K.  111.  RolD-liore,  gules, 
a  false  escoeheon  within  an  orle  of  m.irtlets 
argent  ;  Jeiiyns'  Ordinary. 

Chilton  V.  Chelton. 

Chilton  (E,    in.    Roll).   Ixjre,    .argent,  a 

chevron  gules  ;  -\shniole  Roll. 

Chirchingham,  Sir  Walter  de,  knighted 

.11  Calais   1348— bore,  argent,  three  bars  gules 
in  chief  aji  many  torteau.\,  over  all  a  bendlct 









7i.It  da. er, 



rtv>ttt  t^^^M-y 






VrlV>!   ,_\^'l 


'"'■1  -1 

'■:       / 



;, ;.  Vi- 



Chiston,  Robert  de-J>nrc.  at  tiiu  secoiul 

Dunstahlc  loiirn.inn.-nt  1334,  argrm,  threi; 
tx-nds  sable  crusiiy  htchtie  of  the  field.     F. 

•'Cholmondeley,  Sir  Hugh,  ofChoimonde- 
ky  in  Cheshire  ( II.  III.  )-bore.  gult-s.  two 
helmets  in  chief  argent,  and  in  base  a  garb  or  ; 
>hirley.]     K. 

Chowfiie,  Andrew,  slain  or  drowned  at  the 
siej;e  of  Cal.iLS  134 ;-3— bore,  aryent.  a  fe^s 
and  111  ehief  three  martlets  ffiiles. 

Chraiclheth     (H.    in.     Rull)     bore. 

pules,  five  fusils  in  bend  or.  a  l.ibel  I5)  argent; 
Arden  Roll.     IVrhaps  Ck a( m  H<iliK. 

Christmas( l.a  Kentish  Kniyht-(H.  VI. 

Roll)— bore,  gules,  on  a  bend  sable  three 
covered  cups  aigent ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Chycheley    ( )   an     Kssex  (?)    Knight  — 

(H.  VI.  Roll)  bore.  or.  a  chevron  between  three 
cintjuefoyles  pierced  piles  ;  Arundel  Roil. 

Cifrewast,Richardde— (H,  iii.  Roll)  bore, 

azure,  two  bars  gemelles  and  a  chief  or.     (F.) 
St.    George    and   .ArcUn     Rolls.       Three  bars 
gemelles  (H.  vi.   Xobiiily  Roll)  and  the  chief 
argent  in  Jenyni'  Roll.     S-'e  Svkiki.wast, 
Cir(en)cester,  Sir  Thomas  de,  of  (;iuuc. 

-(E.  II.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  che\ron  a^iire, 
a  label  (3)  gules  :   Parliamegtarv  Roll. 

Clapham,  Robert-(K.  11.  Roll)  bore,  ar- 
gent, on  a.  bend  sable  three  covered  cups  of 
the  first,  in  chief  a  qualrefoyle  slipped  of  the 
second  ;  Jenvns'  Roll. 

Clare,  Le  Saignsur  de— (K-  11.    Roll)  — 

bore,   argent  a  quarter  ^ules  ;     Jenyns'   Roll  ; 

this  coat  borne  by  Lvo.M;i,  at  the 

second  Dunstable  tournament  in  1334. 

Clare  { ),  de  {¥..  111.  Roll)  bore,    ermine, 

three  chevronels  gules;  Cotgrave  Roll;  some 
are  of  opinion  that  the  onginal  arms  of  Ci.akk 
were  the  clarions  usuallv  ascribed  to  Gkan- 
viLi.F..seeTiles.\e.iili.\bbey,  p.  vii. 
brother  of  the  Farl  of  Gloucester,  took  up  the 
cross  in  the  last  Crusade  1270. 

Clare,  Gilbert  de,  Karl  of  Hertford  and 
Gloucester  —  bore,  at  the  first  Dunstable 
tournament  1308,  or,  three  chcvronels  gules 
(see  Monumental  Fffigv).  Sire  Gilhkkt  and 
Thom.\s  differenced  With  a  label  (s)  aiurc ; 
Guilhm  and  Camden  Rolls.  Sir  Richakk 
differenced  with  a  label  (3)  azure  at  the  first 
DunsLible  tournament  1308.  (F.)  Wii.LiAM 
DK  Cl.akk  difl'erenced  wiih  a  lalx-l  azure; 
Glover  Roll.    .See  also  .\udley  ard  Gloucester. 

Clare,  Robert,  4ih  brother  of  Karl  GiUjeri— 
lx-ire  or,  a  fess  between  two  chevronels  gules  — 
"antecessor-  Baron  de  Fitzwater  ;  Harl.  MS. 

Clare,  Sir  Nicholas,  of  co.  Glouc.—lwre, 
At  the  first  Dunsiable  tournament  1308,  or, 
three  chevronels  gules,  a  bordure  indented 
S,ible-engTailed  in   Harl.  6137  fo.  31*.     F. 

Clarence,  Duke  of,  Lionli.  of  .Antwerp— 
bore,  trance  and  F.ngland  quarterly,  a  laU-I 
(31  argent  on  each  pendant  a  ranton  gules; 
Jcnyn.s'  Ordinary;  a  billet  in  dexter  base  of 
pendant.  K.  398  fo.  32  ;  400  fo.  5. 

Clarendon,  Roger  de— 'R    ir.  Roll)  i<oTK, 

gules,  a  hiiid  or  ;  Surrty  Roll. 

Claron,  Sir  John -(K.  i.  Rolll  lore,  Eufes, 
a    cross   rt-ctTcdi^L-  nrgont,  over  all  a  bcndlct 
lilh   three   mullets  (6)  of  the 


Lord  of  Clake,  Earl  of  Gloucester 

AND  Hertford,  ob.   1230. 

Aflcr  John   Carter. 

See  Gloucester,  post  95,  and 

I'lTi  Ha.mon,  213. 


Fnv.R.jKi.Kr    It    Ki 
battle  of  K.ilkiik  i;., 






fretty  .irR,-! 

'1  ■  I  iM  ■  I . '  mck  I  F.  I  w  roiit;lv 
H  .:■  \1-.  ■!  "I.rlvor  and  tiules 
.  See  hn/  \vn-i.  The  an'tient 
chief  gules;   .\ol.ility  Roll  1299. 

Clavering.  Sir  John,  lianneret— (H.  vi. 
Roll  I  Lore,  qu.irterlv  or  and  gules  a  bend 
sihle.  Arundel  Roll;  a  baston  in  Ashniole 
Roll,  R'liuRT  lx>re  a  bendlet ;  Surrey  and 
(Inninldi  R.jlls. 

Clavering.  Sir  Allnn-  bore,  .n  the  sif;e  of 

Knight    bore  this 

Cl3derovir,Roger,a  Kentish  Knight-(H.\ 
Roll)  bore,  .rrtjent,  three  covered  eups  .and 
tMrdure  engrailed  sable  :  Arundel  Roll. 


1  Roll. 

Clervaux,  (Clarf.vaux),  of  Croft- 
IE,  tit.  Roll)  bore,  sable,  a  sallirc  or  Grimaldi 
Roll  and  Jenyns' Ordinary,  iihere  the  coat  is 
tricked,  or.  a  saltire  engrailed  Rule,  for  John 

Clesaby,  Asculphus  de  (HfHSQii)— 
(K.  Ill,  Roll)  bore,  gules,  a  fess  between  three 
lozenges  2  and  i  argent.  Grimaldi  Roll  IK.); 
lon.v  and  RoBKRT  bore  the  same,  Jenvns' 
Ordinary.     F. 

Cleasby,  Johnde-(E.  it.  Rollll«re,  gules, 
"aliendet  denii  "  argent,  a  quarter  erniitie, 
tricked  as  2  bends  ;  Jenyns'  Roll. 

Cleuisbv  'or  Clemsby),  Sir  John,  of  co. 
U'lL  — (K,  It.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  lyon  ram- 
pant purpure  crowned  or  ;  P.irliamentary  Roll. 

ClQvedon,  seeCLtproN. 





"v^  y 






y        1 













"^^^  ?l-;J\ 







f.«*  e^ff.^      K«>'  J  ci.^oM 
















V'Ci'-  ^(l^ffi^^ 




•Clifton,  James,  of  Clifir.n-(E.  iv.  Rnll), 
John  (K-  111.  KoUI.  Robert  de  (U.  11.  .nnd 
W.,  E.  11.  Kolls)  l,orf,  s.iblf,  on  .1  hcn.l  nrgi'nl 
Ihrt-c  mullets  gules;   n.illaril  :uitl  "  -     ■ 

Clifton,  Nyc< 


ti/,  .Mih  t 
s(K.),  An 

^     ,.  M.  George  Rolls  ; 
rove,  in  ihe  taniden   Roll.     F.    Riiuekt  look 
u[i  the  cross  ill  the  Uist  Crusade  1270. 
Clifford,  Lewys    de-(R.  11.    Roll)  bore, 
elieequy  or  aiicl   azure    a    fess  aud    lordurc 
^ules,  Surrey  Roll  :  borne  ahobv  Cl  ikfokd  a 
Kenlish  KnighllH.  vi. )  Arun.k-I  Roll. 
J-Clifford,  Roger,  Sir  John,  of  Somcrsei, 
I     Reinaud,  a.i.l  Walter-i  H.  1 1 1.  Roll )  bore, 
checquyorandazurc.a  bend  gules  (K.).  P.ulia- 
menlarj.   M.  Oeorge,    Griiualdi.    Arden,    St. 
George,  and  ulover  Rolls. 
Clifford,   John    de-|Il.   111.    Roll)   bore, 
checquy  or  and  azure  on  a  bend  gules  three 
lyons  rampant  argent,  IF.)  .St.  George  Roll. 
MclI.\miof  l-ranipton-upon-Sceern,  bore  the 
lyons  passant  or  ,  Harl.  M.S.  1481  fo.  37. 
Clifton,  Adam   de-(E.    111.    Roll)   bore, 
'-  i"d  gules,  a  l«.nd  ermine.  Jenvns' 

Clinton,  Le  Sr 

,  for  .'• 

chief  a 

Clinton,  Sir  John,  of  Warw  lekshire— 
Roll)  bore,  argent  on  a  chief  azure  two 
de-lys  or  ;  I'arliamcntar)-  Roll, 

Clinton,   Sir  Thomas  de,  of  Wa 


Roll  ; 


■■niole'Roll(E.  1,1. (occurs 

checquy  or  and  gules,  a  bordnre  ermine. 

Clifton,  Sir  John  de— bore,  at  the  first 
Dunstable  tournament  1308,  or,  a  Ivon  ram- 
pant sable  crowned  gules  (K. ) ;  'borne  also  by 
Sjir  Ed.mlnd(E.  Ill  land  Rev.ii.i,  (H.  111  j 
.\shmole  and  St.  George  Rolls  ;  Sir  loHN  bore 
R  °ll' E°  "'T'  "'^'■■""''"S  '°  ''''=  Parliamentary 

Clifton,  Gervase  de-(E.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  a  lyon  rampant  azure,  on  its  shoulder 
a  fleur-de-lys  gules  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary, 

Clifton,  Sir  Gervase  (K.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
sable,  a  lyon  rampant  ivilhin  an  orle  of  si.'i- 
foyles  pierced  argent  :  Ashmole  Roll.  .\n- 
eestor  of  the  baronets,  who  bore  cinquefoylcs, 

Clifton,  John- (R.  11.  Roll)  bore,  argint,  a 
lyori  rampant  within  an  orle  of  cinquefoylcs 
sable  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Clifton  ( ),  of  Hodsock,   Notts.— (E    ni 

Roll!  bore,  argent,  a  lyon  rampant  sable  uii 
fourchiie  ;  Jen>-ns'  Ordinary ;  same  as  TiioM,^s 

Clifton,  John  de  (Clive 


in  .\shuiole  Roll  (F.),  a.i-1 
\\'ii.Ll.\.\t  at  the  second  Uun 
1334.  and  as  Earl  of  Hunting 
of  Calais  1345-8. 

Clinton,  John  de-IK.  11 
bear  the  same  arms  as  VVillia 
azure  a  fess  between  ten  cros; 
5  or  ;  Jen,  ns'  Ordinary. 

Clinton,  John  de  H  H  111. 

bore  a   fess  in  lieu  of  the  canti 
George  Roll. 
Clinton,  Sir  John  de,  of  W,- 

1,  Roll)  said  to 
n  de  St,  Omer- 
es  crosslet  5  and 

Roll)  bore,  paly 
ine.  (F.)  Ht-GH 
mton,   (F,)    St, 

Clitherow  i'.  Clederc 
Clivam,  William  da 

kshire  — 
Parly,  Roll.° 




I  thrt 

Roll)    bon 
gles  di- 



I'   '334, 

nree  escallops  gules  |F.  | ;  Sir  JOHN,  who  was 
knighted  at  the  capitulation  of  Calais  IJ48 
bore  mascles  (F. )  ,i/<V  escallops. 
Clifton,  Roger  de-(H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  a  chevron  sable  between  three  si\- 
foyles  pierced  gules  (F. );  Arden  and  St 
George  Rolls  ;  roses  in  Jenyns'  Ordinary, 

played  sable  armed  of  the 

■[Clive,  "Warin  de  fH.  in.)— bore,  argent,  on 

a  fess  sable  three   mullets  or.— Shirley.  1    F. 

RoGKK  .Atte  Clive  took  up  the  cross  in  the 

last  Crusade  1270. 
Clopton    ( ).   a  Suffolk   Knight-(H.  vi 

Roll)  bore,  sable  on  a  bend  argent^twecn 

two  indents  vert,  an  ermine  spot ;  Surrey  Roll, 
Clopton,    "Walter— bore,    at    the    siege    of 

f<ouen  1418,  s.ible,  a  bend  argent  cotised  or.   F. 
Clovile   I ),    ,an    Essei     Knight-(H.    VI. 

Roll)  bore,  argent,  two  clievronels  sable 

charged  with  five  nails  erect  or  :  Surrey  Roll, 
















Um  J    Cltntont. 

A  a^ur. 


'1        ) 



/  / 








d  CvSi^^ 

and  St.  Goorge  Rolls. 
jCobham,  Henry  de— |H.  iii.  Roll)  bon-. 

gules.  Horeti^c  or.  a  cross  argent.  (V.)  Dcriiig 

and  St.  George  Rolls. 
Cobham,  Sire  Rauf  de,  :i  baron  1324  - 

bore,   at    the  bailie   of  Borough  bridge    1322, 

argienl.  alvon  (rampant)  chccquy  or  and  sable. 

{V.)    Sir  (ofix/R  \VF  bore  it  checquvor  and 

azure;  A^hmok-  Roll. 
Cobham,    Thomas-(r..    11.     Roll)   bore. 

i    piles    each    charged 

Cobham,  Le 

a  Che' 




Cobham,  Sir  John,  a  baron  of  the  Ex- 

chequer  1297  — bore,  gules,  on  a  chevron  or 
three  lyonceux  rampant  sable.  Xohilitv  Roll ; 
ascril.ed  to  anothvr  Juil.N  (*)  in  Dcring'Roll. 

Cobham,  Sir  Henry  de,  of  Kent— (K,  ir. 

Roll)  bore,  gules,  on  a  chevron  or  three  tkur-^- 
de-lvs  azure:  Parhanientarv  Roll.  (AscnU'd 
also  to  loHN  in  Howard  Roll  and  Joiuus' 
Ordin.irvl.  Sir  RlCHAKD.  of  Kent,  bore 
mullets  in  lieu  of  Heurs-de-lys. 

Cobham,  John  de— IK.  iii.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  on  a  chevron  or  between  three  fleurs- 
dc-lvs  ai-ure  {iic).  as  many  estoiJes  sable; 
Cotgrave  Roll. 

Cobham,  Heginald,  a  baron  1^2.  k.c— 
bore,  at  the  second  Dunstable  tournament  13^, 
gules. on  a  chevroiior  three  esioilcs sable.  (F.) 
Mr  JOH.\'  bore  the  same  at  the  siege  of  Calais 
1345-8.  dilfcrenced  with  a  label  (3)  or. 

Cobham,  Sir  Eeginald— bore,  at  the  siege 

of  Calais  1345,  ardent,  on  a  chevron  sahle 
three  estoiles  or  ;  Cotton  MS. 

Cobham,  Sir  John— bore,  at  the  siege  of 
Calais  134^-8;  gules,  on  a  che\Ton  or  three 
martlets  sable  ;  see  Monumental  Brass.  Borne 
also  bv  Stkphf.n.  Bishop  of  Lincoln,  Harl. 
MS.  1481,  fo.  64. 

Cobham,  John,  of  Blackhurgh  in  Devon- 
bore,  gules,  on  a  chevTon  or  three  eaglets  sable  ■ 
and  Thomas  ^l  Henrj-  of  Heiuntle  in  Hoo. 
Kent,  diftVrenced  with  crescents  in  lieu  of 
eaglets;  Harl.  MS.  1481.  fo.  64. 

Cobham,  Sir  Reynold  or  Richard  de, 

•Codrington,  John,    of   Codringion,    co. 

Olouc.-arms  continiied  5  lulv  1441.  or  i  lulv 
1+42.  per  R.  Leigh  cl.\r..  altered  23Mavi44S. 
"  as  wurne  by  hini  in  the  ser\ice  (as  standard 



IX  THK  ChAN'CEL  at  CoKHA.M,  I375- 

After  Goug/i. 





^  'fii 

p.i5s.nnl    gults  ;     n 

id    for 

lien.    VI.    thi-    fusb 

battled  counter. 

cnib.ittlcrl  s.itili'  fr.' 

tffl   SJllli-< 

K.l;    in  1473  •") 

addilioi.iil  .las 

iiliasa  supporter 

of  111.;   H..I...      .1    1 

bend  ari:.  :,:    1: 

1    1.  Mer  hand 

COUIX-ll  rW    1    1                  r 

H.nrl.   Ms     ,  ,  ,,     \ 

.'i,m..\      \ 

s    ;-:;:  ir  ^ac^i, 

copy  of  coiinnii.itiu 

i.iri  Libr.arv. 

Cokesalton,  John  da  iv. 


(H.    Ill,     Roll)    lio 

re.    argc 

t.    frctty    gules ; 


-(H.   111.    Roll)  !«- 

re.    culeb 

tlir.-e   hotlceux 

ranip.-xiu    or.   a  lal 

el   1  1    or 

51.    ,ir,.enl   IF.): 

rid  lenvn 

s  Ordinary. 

Cogan,  John  de— 

H    III.  K 

"11)  bore,  lozengy, 

Roll,    same    as 

A'i.      li 

CM  \s  t«re  gtdes, 

Ihrtfc   lozengeb  (2 

.and     II. 

argent;    Jeiiyns' 

Cogan,  Sir  Rich 


in.    Roll)  bore. 

Sulc..  three  l...u,s« 

ert  ;  .\bh 

iiole  Roll. 

Cogeshall,  Will 

am  -IR 

II      Roll)    hnrr>, 

Sllrrov  .and  I'.irlv.  1 

oils  lor 

,  1      „  ,■[,■1.,  ..  .    ■ 

Cokayn,  John-l 

R    II    l: 


Ihrci-  cotkb    (2  an< 

■■.1  i.        1  . .  1 

.Argent,  tliroe  cock* 


.'    ■■     i'l    ;  lim-.lij 

Roll.     Scf   ,tUo    '1 

'    ,  ,M  |||.j  L.  - 

Hi...-;rv  iieCoki-.. 

:■ ,     ',  .. 

■A       .■■■..■r-,e 

•[Coke,  Hugh, 0.  1 

1'       «>K   111.)- 

bore,  gules,  thri 
Shirley.)     K. 

Cokke,  Thomas  (or— (E.  111.  Roll) 
bore,  sable  three  Itendlcts  argent  ■  lenvns' 

tCokefeld,   Robert  an.l  Adam-(H.    111. 

Roll!  bore,   gules,  a  ilei,r-dc-lvs  ermine.     (F  I 
Denngand  Ho«aril  Roll-s.      ' 
Cokefeld  (?  Adam)  de-iH.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,    six    tieurs-de-Ij  s  argent ;    St.   George 


Cokefeld,  Sir  John  de,  of  Xorfolk— E.  11. 
Roll)  bore  azure,  across  chi'Cc|iu  ardent  and 
gules;   Parly.   Roll  and  Jenyns' Ordinary. 

Cokefield,  Sir  Richard,  ofSutiolk— (E.  11. 

Roll  I  bore,  azure,  a  errrss   IjelMcen  four  cocks 
Roll.     See  also 

liles  ill  \ 



1"       ■          ■     ' 

bore,  at 





argent,    a 
gules.     Si 


\,   of  >n\\ 

ienry  tla 

ii;r  iileil  sal' 
of  .siilTulk. 
Je    louriiam 
Iso  to  Rom 

hbridge   1322 
e,   a  label  (3 
bore  the  same 
■nt  t3o3  (K.) 
KT  in  Jenyns 

I  \ 

\     i  ■ 


"■  ./ 

',  ,'v  M>\,i^«.-.''y^:9 

\v  / 

,.Vo^  i. 



"ib  (Sclumhltti 

^'w  C./.../C 


JieAcrel  J{olP  JioAe^J  yyioai^  8»  gcg^^ 

Cokerell,   Robert   {Kokeri-xl)— (H.    iii. 

Roll)   »y.ire,    or.    a   cross  Ijctween   lour   cockb 
gu\es.     (F.)    Ardeii  Roll. 

Cokerington,  Gilbert  de— (K.  mi.  Roin 
iKDre.  argent,  on  a  cross  sable  a  mullet  or  ; 
Jenyns  Ordinary. 

Cokerington,  John  de— (E.  iii.  Roll)  bore. 
argent,  a  chovron  I.etween  three  cocks  pas- 
sant gules  ;  Jenyns"  Roil  and  Ordinary. 

Cokesey,  "Walter  de— (H.  in.  Roll)  bore. 

gules,  cnisily  and  a  fess  argent.     (F.)     Arden 
and  St.  Georce  Rolls. 

Cokeaey.Walter— (R.  11.  Roll)  Iwre,  argent, 
on  a  hend  a/urc  three  cinquefoyles  pierced  or  , 






Coldington  i-.  Goldington. 

Collay,  Sir  Robert,  of  Kent— ( H.  vi.  Roll) 
borf.  s.ible,  three  swans'  heads  and  necks 
'■rabcd  .irtienl  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Collingborne(CnLV\cBORN) an  (Essex?! 

Knight  -(H.  VJ.  Roll)  bore,  quarterly  or  and 
azure,  across  moline  counterchanged  ;  Arundel 
Roll.  ^ 

Colne,  William— (E.  in.  Roll)  bore,  sable, 
a  fess  l>et«ecn  two  che\ToneIs  argent ;  Jenyns' 

Colpeper,   Thomas  — (R.   ii.   Roll)  bore, 

argent,  a  chevron  s.ible  between  five  martlets 
in  chief  and  two  in  base  gules,  quarterly  u-ith. 
arL,'ent.  a  bend  engrailed  gules  ;  Surrey'Roll. 

Colshill,  Thomas  — (R.I I,  Roll  )bore.checiiuy 
argent  and  sable  (on  the  second  checqiic I,  a 
cres.cent  or,  a  chief  of  the  last ;  Surrey  Roll.    F. 

Colurabers.Maheude— (H.  in.  RolUbore, 

(i)  argent,  a  chief  gules.  Glover  Roll;  (2) 
(E.  111.)  gules  a  chief  argent,  a  cross-recercel^e 
(moline  m  trick)  counterchanged ;  Jcnvns' 
Ordinary.  In  St.  George  and  Arden  Rolls' the 
chief  becomes  per  fess  argent  and  gules,  and 
the  cross  moline  counterchanged.     Y. 

I.  Roll)  bore,  azure, 
Surrev  Roll.  (F.  I  Sir 
(P.arliamcntary  RoUi. 

*Colvyle,  John-(R. 

alyon  rampant  argent 

t>ore  this  coat 
gules:  andJoH 
nary ).  bore  the  reverse  w  ith  the 


Colvile,  John  and  Osmond,  rA  Bvtham.  in 

Liiiculn^hire— (K.  III.  Roll)  bore,  dr.  a  fess 
gulrs  :  I.-iivns'  Roll  and  Ordmarv.  Sir  SYMon 
or  l-.MMLN.  of  CO.  Line,  and  Waltkh  bore 
the  '•an If.  .inel  another  W.\LTERdiftercnccd  his 
coat  \^i[h  a  mullet  argent. 

the  s 

(pLI.y   J   C'U^'U 

Colvile,  Sir  Thomas— bore, 

Calais  1345-8  i  or.  on  a  fess  gules  thi 
ceu\  rampant  of  the  held.  ( F. )  Boi 
the  lyonceux  argent,  by  Sir  Thor 
Thomas,  of  Codwald,  or  Coktwald; 
Ordinary,  Parliamentary  Roll. 


crosslet  argent  ;  Ashmole  Roll  ;  titchi^c  in 
Jenyns' Oniuiarv.  F'HII.n'  took  up  the  cross 
in  the  lait  Crusade  1270. 

Colvile,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  Yorkshire  — 
E.  11.  Roll)  bore,  or,  a  fess  gut.s  in  chief 
three  lortcauxiF.)  ;  Pari  lament,  try  Roil.  Borne 
aisobyJOMN  in  Surrey  Roll  and  Roi^KKTof 
Dale  in  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Colvile,  William  de-(H.  in.  Roll)  bore, 

gules,  biltettee  or  4.  5.  4,  3,  2  ;  Arden  and  St. 
iicorgc  Roll>,  Si\  billets  and  colours  reversed 
in  Howard  Rul!.     F.* 

Colvile,  Sir  Robert-(K.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
a^ure.  two  bars  or,  m  chief  three  bezaots ; 
(F.)    Ashmole  Roll. 

Colvyle,  Sir  J.HH.  vi.  Roll)  txjre.  or,  three 
chess  rooks  gules  </it,irti-rly  nuih.  mure  a  Ivon 
rampant  argent  collared  and  aimed  gules; 
Atkin:,on  Roll. 

Colevile,  Sir  Robert  of  Blakanior— {K.  iii. 

Roll)  bore,  azure  two  bars  or  and  in  chief  three 
bezants  ;  Ashmule  Roll. 

Hf.nkV  for  RuHKkTl  in  Parliament.irv  Roll. 
Phihp(F.  )  in  Arden  Roll,  and  RoBKkT  and 
HENkY  in  Jenyns'  Ordinary;  in  this  last  Lf.  Movne  is  said  to  bear  the 
same  arms— the  cross  is  variously  tricked  as 
moline  and  Hory,  pat^e  or  patonce  and  is  also 
blasoned  recercelee. 

Colwyk  ( )  a  Suffolk  Kmght-(H.  vi.  Roll) 

bore,  argent,  on  a  bend  azure  three  besants. 
in  the  cantel  a  cross  erosslet  fitch^e  of  the 
second  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Colworthe,  Richard  de-(H.  111.  Roll) 
bore,  vair  argent  and  gules.  (F.)  St.  George 
Roll.     RuhKKT  or  Rieii.VKD  in  Jenyns"  Ordi- 

Comale,  Robert  de— {H.  111.  RoIU  bore, 
azure,  a  semee  of  escallops  or,  a  Ivon  rampant 
argent;    Howard  Roll.    (F.)    See'CORMAYLE. 

three  black  birds  proper  ;  .\shmoie  Roll,   V. 

Combe,  Richard  de— {E.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
ermine  three  ("  leop,\rdcs  lyonceu.s  passant") 
lyons  passant  gardani  gules  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Compton,  Sir  Robert— bore,  sable,  three 
esquires'  helmets  visors  tip,  or;  Cotton  MS. 
Tib.  D.  10.     F. 


Ary]    r 

n^  (pa/pfi 

2  ^^owaU       3-c^fi<n4./>tt£»      '^c  hi9c^t 



10  S   n; 


■>  V  ^A.Vl 




de  (M     111. 
rvron-thac    H.-urs-dc-ly&-TiiuM 
:  Complon.  bore,  saltle  three  esqni; 
2  &  I  .-irgeni.-.Shirle)'.)    V. 

thcGuitlim  Roll.     St-c  Buc 

Comyn,  Sir  John,  of  Lincolnshire— (E.  li. 
Roll)  lx)re,  argent,  criisily  and  three  garbs 
gules;  I'arliament;iry  Roll. 

Comyn,- (H.  iii.  Roll)  bore,  azure,  senile 

of  estoilcs  or.  a  chief  argent,  over  all  three 
g.irbs  argent  (sic)  (?  couiiterchangedi  bainJed 
gules.  (F.)  St.  George  Roll.  Harl.  MS  0137 
fo.  78. 

•[Congreve,  William,  E.  n.— boreilie  arms 

of  < 


I  che' 

Conquest,  Sir  John,  of  Beds. -(K.  11.  R'.lh 

bijre,   qu.irtiTlv  argent  and   sable,  a  l.-\bel  (3) 
giiles  i  f'.u-liamciu.xry  Roll. 

Constable.  Sir  "William— (K  1.  RolUbore, 

Roll.    Thiscoatis  m.i  ',     11  the 

Rolls— quarterly  guir-,     ;:■!    .  ■.'■.\<.i\irl 

baston)  or.  for  Sir  Ji.'ii.-..  mi  .Malmadi.  kk. 
Richard  and  Robkkt. 

Constable  ( l.of  Flamborough,  in  Yorks. — 

(E,  III-  Roll)  bore,  quarterly  gules  and  vair  a 
baston  argent  "  parmy  "(across)  "  legnles  "  ; 
Cotgrave  Roll.  For  parmy  see  also  D.VLKfci  and 

Constable,   Sir  John— Knighted    at   the 

capiluhilion  of  Calais  1348,  bore  qii.arterlj'  vair 
and  gules  a  border  engrailed  or.      F. 

Constable,  Roald  le,  de  Richmond  — 
(H.  III.  Roll),  bore,  gules,  a  chief  and  two 
gemelles  or,  Glower  Roll :  possibly  intended  to 

Constable,  Robert,  of  Holdcrness— |E.  iii. 
Roll)  bore,  b.irrj-  of  si.M  or  and  azure  ;  jenyns' 


Constantyn  v.  Costantyn. 

Surrey  Roll  and  U 
Conyers  ( ).  a 



Conyers,  Robert -{R.  11.  Roll)  l»ore,  or  ti%c 

fusils  conjoined  in  fess  sable,  quarterly  with  or, 
a  niaiuich  azure  ;  Jenyns'  Roll. 

Cootef ),  aSuffolk  Knight-{H.  vi.   Roll) 

bore,  argent,  three  cools  2  and  i  sable  :  Arundel 
*Cope,  William.of  F.ssex,  gentleman-(H.  vi. 
Roll)  bore,  argent,  on  a  che\'roii  azure  be- 
tween three  roses  gules  slipped  and  leaved  vert 
as  many  fleurs-de-lys  of  the  field  ;  Arundel 
Copuldiok,  John-(R.  11.  Roll) bore,  argent. 
a  che\  roil  betueen  three  crosses  crosslet  gules  ; 

liamenlary  and  Ashmole  Rolls.  This  latter 
gives  the  same  coat  also  for  CoRBET  within  a 
bordure  engrailed  gules. 

Corbet,  Sir  Peter— bore,  at  the  battle  of 
Falkirk  1298.  or  two  corbeaux  (corbyns)  sable 
(F.),  and  so  sealed  the  Rarons'  letter  to  the 
I'ope  1301,  as  Lord  de  Cau.\.  pp.  xviii,  x.\iv. 
Thomas  dk  Cacx.  Robkkt  (J)  and  Mr 
Thcm  \s.  of  Herefordshire,  bore  ths  same; 
Denngand  Parly,  Rolls. 

Corbet,  Sir  Roger-(E.  in.  Roll)  bore.  t»o 
corbvns  sable  a  bordure  engrailed  gules ; 
Ashtiiole  Roll. 

Corbet,  Sir  Thomas- iwre,  at  the   first 

Dunstable  tournament   130*!,  or  three  corbyns 
2  and  I  sable.      [V.)     Home  also  bv   R.U-K 
(E.  II.),  Rogkk{E.  I.  )..and  William  (il.  111,); 
Jeiu-ns',  Segar  and  Arden  Rolls. 
Corbet,  Thomas— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore,  or. 

in  St.  George  Roll.     F. 

^x^  iSoy^^Md- 

^<^v  ^ctx^eri 

^omyn  ^x(9<r/^SJ^.<^        J^erJ  CovLtf        ^^    ^c^^^^       crhcr^^jC-^l^i'     -Q^^.l^^ on^^ 



( l9'./«»Jl'0".» 








THH    NAMES    01-     THl'    Ol'AKTERlXGS 


It  is  hoped  chat  the  letti 



the  second  column,  which  intlicatc  the  row  of  c|uarterings  in  ihe  shield,  will,  with  the 
facilitate  reference  to  the  alchievemcnt  opposite. 


COMPTON  {/>)      . 
V'ANNALL  (.-) 

Aylworth  (6). 
Paver  {/•) 
Brereton  {fi)  . 
Malpas,  i.k  Clf.rc  . 
Malfas   . 
Blundeville  . 
Luvus     . 
Corbet    . 
swinnkrton  . 
Berkeley  (d)  . 



Berkeley  of  Dursle 
Creoun   . 

Betieshorne  {b)     . 
Walden  . 


COMYN      . 
QOINCY     . 

Blanxhmains  . 
Robert,  Earl  of  Me 
Waier     . 
Bretville,  Earl  of  j 
Grentmesnil  . 
Allen,  Lord  Gallow/ 
Lord  Morville 


Maukeward   . 
Shepey    . 
Porches . 


De  la  Planch 
Haversham     . 


Adams     . 




sable,  a  li 


vert,  a  iKirdure  azure  be/a 
argent,  a  fe^5  engrailed  between  six  billcfs  3 
argent,  on  a  chevron  qides  three  fleurs-de-ly 
argent,  two  bars  s.^bIe^  a  nuillet  for  different 
gults,  three  pheons  2  and  i  argent      .         .         .         ■ 

argent,  a  cross  flnry  azure 

argent,  a  lyon  rampant  gides  between  three  pheons  sabl 

azure,  six  garbs  3,  3,  I  or 

azure,  three  garbs  2,  I  or 

azure,  a  luolfs  head  erased  argent        .... 

closed  helmets  argent 

c  gules 

!  proper 

Ijordure  of  the  last 

slipped  gule; 

ved  sable 

;  paiee  floreitee  sable 
gules,  crusily  patee  and  a  chevron  ar 

^ulc%,  three  Danish  axes  erect  2  and  \  or 

gules,  a  chevron  argent,  semee  of  cinquefoyles  sable     .  -  - 

argent,  a  fcss  between  three  martlets  2  and  I  sable 
azure  (?  gules),  a  saltirc  or  {?  argent),  guuee  de  sang    . 

argent,  on  a  saltire  gules  five  estoiles  or 

or,  on  a  bend  gules  cotiscd  azure  between  six  martlets  3  and  3  of 

the  second,  three  wings  argent  ;  (with  TAl.ltor)  on  a  canton, 

bendy  of  ten  argent  and  gules 
or,  on  a  chief  sable,  three  martlets  or,  a  crescent  for  difference     . 

vair,  argent  and  sal  tie,  a  canton  or 

argent,  a  chevron  between  three  leaves  vert, 

gides,  three  eagles  displayed  argent     . 

argent,  on  a  chief  sable,  a  lyon  passant  gardant  or 

gules,  three  mche  iiaiant  in  pale  argent 

gules,  a  chevron  between  three  escallops  argent  . 

argent,  two  bars  gemellcs  between  three  eagles  displ 

a?ure,  florcttee  and  a  lyon  rampant  or,  a  crescent  sal 

argent,  a  cross  potent  bcnveen  lour  crosses  humetlec  01 

gules,  three  g.irbs  2  and  I  or  handed  gules  . 

gules,  seven  niascles  conjoined  3,  3,  I  or     . 

gules,  a  cinquefoyle  ermine         .  .  .  ■ 

lozengy  or  and  a/ure,  a  bordure  gules  platey 

per  pate  or  and  saMe,  a  hcndvair 

gules,  a  bend  argent,  aver  all  a/ess  ar 

gules,  a  pale  or  ....-■ 

azure,  a  lyon  rampant  argent  crowned  or     . 

a/ure,  florettee  and  fretty  or        .         .         ■         ■ 

gules,  a  lyon  rampant  vair.  crowned  or  H. 

argent,  a  fess  azure,  a  label  (5)  gules  . 

azure,  a  fess  between  three  cinquefoyles  or  . 

azure,  a  cross  or  fretty  gules        .... 

gules,  crusily  or,  three  hicies  hauiiant  argent 

gules,  a  lyon  rampant  argent  crowned  or 

or,  an  eagle  displayed  sable  ducally  gorged  argent 

azure,  a  stag's  head  caljo.ssed  or . 

barry  |6}  argent  and  sable  on  a  bend  gules  three  nui 

argent,  billetlce  and  a  lyon  rampant  sal  ' 

14S7,  f-  375" 


fess  between  six  crosses  crosslet  argent    . 
■oss  engrailed  (?  plain)  between  four  inulle 
I  fess  ermine,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  argent 
crusily  fitch^e  sable,  a  chevron    ermines  betwce 
....llrinds  of  the  second,  a  chief  of  the  third 
sable,  three  falcons  2  and  1  argent,  beaked  and  belled 
quarterly  gules  and  argent  ....■• 
or,  a  chevron  engrailed  sable  between  three  mullets  gules 
vert,  on  a  cross  engrailet!  or,  a  mullet  gules 
sable,  a  chevron  ermine  between  three  pheons  or 
giiles,  a  fess  between  two  chevrons  vair 

vert,  a  cross  crosslet  or 

argent,  an  unsiringed  bugle  garnished  or  between  three 
argent,  on  a  cross  sable  five  lyons  rampant  or 
I.  ermine,  on  a  saltire  between  three  crescents  one  1 
two    in    fess  and    a    dolphin    embowed    in    base 
escallop  or ;  2.  argent,  in  base  on  waves  of  the  sc 
distress  all   ppr.  ;  5.   or,  a  crescent  gules  ;  4.   a? 
sejant,  watching,  the  dexter  paw  extended  argent 
argent,  a  lyon  {of  Scotland)  rampant  gul. 

1  and  4.  argent,  a  man's  heart  gules  ensigned    wiin  an  nnpenai 

crown  ppr.  on  a  chief  ;izure  three  mullets  argent 

2  and  3.  argent,   three    piles  from  the  chief  gules,  in  chief  two 

mullets  of  the  first,  all  within  a  bordure  a/.uie  bucWled  on 
I.  argent,  a  lyon  of  Scotland   rampant  gides  ;  2.   azure,  a  castle 
triple  turretted  ppr.    bannered  gules ;  3. 
from  the  sini; 


fish  [ 

t  argfi 




n  of        J  , 

]  d  6  &  e  5; 

1                 1 

1  and  4.  a/ure,  on  a  fess  or, 

muzzled  and  ringed  or 

2  and  3,  gules,  crusily  or,    t 

a  cross  patee  fitchee  for 

<^)  Ealliol  Windgw. 

(()  In  Compton  Winyates  Ch 

,  chief  a  lie 

H.  1395,  f.  44 
"  Add  14,  305,  f.  loS 

II.  1395,  f.  14" 
H.  1424,  f.  17 
"H.  1535.  f-  67' 
H.  2187,  f.  97 

.  H.  1395,  f.  44 
H.  1073,  f.  273 

I  II.  1395,  f.  44 
H.  1552,  f.  1S6 

H.  1552,  f.  1S6 

H,  1073,  f.  22 
V  H.  llSo,  f.  121 
(   H.  6125,  f.  117"' 

[  H.  1167,  fr.  I,  I" 
I  H.  1563,  f.  23- 

)■  H.  1504,  f.  14 

I   II.    1556,   f.    I02>- 

*  Douglas  Baronage 

holding  a  cross  crosslet  fitchee  sable  ; 
chief  a  galley   sable,  in  base  a 

^  head  coupcd  proper 
rient  2  and  I  argent, 

il':      /I       ■■      -■'■•■-■■■ 

-j.ilr.  a.         '  .; 


— — 1     T" 

Corbet,  Sire  Johan— bore,  nt  the  battle  of 
Horoiij;hiiriilt;c   1332,  nrjjL-iu,  two  bars  and  n. 
quarUT  mil-,  a  l.ibcl  .-irgciit.'     V. 
-Corbet,  William-  Iwrc,  at  liii:  SL-cond  Dmi- 

stablr  iiiiii  fi.imi.'iit   1334,  argent  two  bars  guk-s 

Corbet,  6ir  Roger— Knighted  at  the  capitu- 
lation oi  1348,  bore,  argent  two  bars 
gules  oa  a  canton  of  the  last  a  cinqucfoyk' 
argent.     F. 

Corbet,  Robert-(R-  11.  Roll)  bore,  argent, 
two  barb  anil  a  canton  gules.  Robkrt  son  fitz, 
differenced  with  a  label  (3)  argent ;  Surrev 
Roll.  This  coal  ascribed  toSirRoiJt:HT{E.  ill.) 
inAshmole  Roll. 

Corbridge, (IC.   itl.  Roll)  bore,  ermine. 

a  fess  fiisily  gule^  and  vair  (a  Itetter  blason 
may  be.  ermine  on  a  fess  gules  live  lozenges 
vair):  Ashmole  Roll. 

Corder,  Sir  Galyon  '  ' 
in  Ashmole  kolli     ■ 




1345-8-  '"- 

0.1  .1  ,  t  .  1    . 



arBcm.    ch 

Sir  JoiUi 




Ic  and 

Corniniale,    Richard 
bore,  argi-til,   on  .i  I'tsi 
Howard  Roll. 



L-  b 

-zailts ; 


Knightfd  a 

Sir    Richard 

t  the  cajmulalioii 

or    Suffolk- 
of  Calais    1348, 

when  he  bore,  azure  a  fess  beuvei 
ronels  or.  (F.)  Hornealso  by  TlluM 
Surrey  Roll  ;    and  by  Sir  Thom  \ 


Ashmole  Roll. 
Corzi^vall,  Johuof  Bltliam,  Fakl  of  :  /a 

Edward    n.  tiore,  al    the  seeond  Dunstable 

tournament  1314,  Kn^laiid  within  a  bordureof 

France.     See  Frtigy.  ' 
Comwrall,   Piers  Gaveston,    Earl   of— 

(E.  11.  Roll)  bore,  vert  six  eagles  displayed  3 
and3or;  Aruntlel  Roll  I  H.  Vi.|. 
Cornewall.  SirEdmond  de-bore,  at  the 
first  Dunstable  tournament  13CS.  and  at  the 
battle  of  Boroughbridge  1322,  argent,  a  lyon 
ratnp.ant  gules  erowned  or  debruised  by  a 
baston  SAble  thereon  live  bezants.  (F*. );  Add. 
MS.    5848— (no  baston    in     Harl.    MS.    6137 

fo,  37).    Sir  Kr 

of  Ov 

tiore,  three 

SV.M11.V    in  Coti;! 
bore  it  at  the  b.ui'.       1    (  -iee   1322. 

with  threi-  mullil-   ...  I  ..nd.    (F.) 

These  two  lioruui;lj,,ii  ;^_  a  .ire  also  as- 
cribed to  Sir  KliMijMi  and  ."Mr  Gkffkky 
CuRTKNKVt:  in  that  Roll  —  an  instructive 

Com^rall  Richard  .and  Edmund,  E.arls 
of— (E.  I.  Rolliborc,  argent,  a  hon  rain|.ant 
gules  crowned  or.  within  a  bordure  sable 
bczant^(F. )  in  .all  the  Rolls.  Mr  EDW.tKii 
bore  the  same  (K.  ml;  .\shinole  Roll.  Sir 
John,  K.'j.  {H.  iv. ),  bore  the  bordure  engrailed, 
K.  400  fo.  21. 

Cornwall,  John,  a  baron  1433— bore,  at  the 
siege  of  Rouen  1418,  ^rnnnc,  a  lyrjn  rampant 



Earl  of  Cornwall,  2.nd  son  of 

Edward  ii.,  in  St.  Ed.mund  Chapel, 

Westminster  Adeev,   1334. 

Afkr  Siothard. 

teiBytn'i^orhr^     ^f^»rS-(^ou?r^ 

Cornwall,  John  de— (R.  ".  R"")  liore, 
argent,  three  fusils  in  bend  between  six  cro:;es 
cro-ssli-t  htchiie  sable  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Cornwall, Richard de-(H.  iii.  Roll)bore. 

.„.M,l  on  a  fess  sable  three  besants  (pl.atcs 
111  111.'  Dering  Roll).  (F.)  Arden  and  St. 
{ :,.,,r.N.  K,,lls,  RiiiiKKT  (;)  bore  thes.tmc  in  the 
\.liniole  Copy  of  the  Dering  Roll. 
Cornwall,  Sir  Richard-Knighted  at  the 
,.ipilul  ui'.ii  of  tj.ii.iis  1348— bore  argent,  on  a 
U-nd  sable  three  pl.ites  ;  a  marginal  note  adds 
/"'"  «'-  '■'•■  l«.-sants. 

Cornwall,  Sir  'Walter  de,  of  the  West 
-IK.  11.  Rolll  bore,  argent,  a  cross  sable 
biv.mtee    I-,.    01  ;     Parliamentary   Roll.      .Nr 

1    ,1  1  ;  \.  1    ,,f  111''  .North,  bore,  argent  a  cross 

I    I  intee;    Parliamentary   Roll 

<      liii.iry,    ill    which    latter  the 

Corry,  Sir  Walter  de,  of  Cumberl.and— 
(K.  IC  Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  5.iltire,  on  a 
chief  azure  three  cinquefoyles  or  ;  Parly.  Roll. 

Cospatriek.    Thomas,   of  w. 


rose ,n  Jenyn 
Sir  Ull.LI.W 
and  surrey  Rolls. 

tCossington,  Stephen-IH.  nt.  Roll)  bore 
azure,  crusily  and  three  cinquefoyles  pierced 
or.  IF.)  Dering  Roll.  No  crosslets  in  the 
.\shmole  Copy. 

Costantyn,  William,  1 

Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  ehev 

three  hurts  ;  .Arundel  Roll. 
Cotel,  Sir  EUia,  of  Somerset-(E.   II.  Roll) 

liore.  or.  a  lie-nd  gules  :    Parliamentary  Roll.'also  bore'it ;  JenjTis'  Ordinary. 
Cotenham,  John  de-(E.  in.  Roll)  bore. 

b.irrv  rtancetteV-  (81  argent  and  gules,  tricked 

as    bii TV    daneetti^e    (6)   gutes    and    argent  ; 

•  Cotes  I )  of  Cotes.  CO.  Stafford,  wrongfully 

bore  the  arms  of   KNIGHTLEY  which  see.— 

Erdeswiek  ;  Shirley.] 
Cotingham, (E.  ly.    Roll)  bore,  sable. 

two   hinds   fnerbaps    colts)    passant   counter- 

p.assant  argent ;  with  crest ;  Uallard  Roll. 
Cottingham,  Johnde-(E.  in,  Roll)borc. 

sable,  a  chevron  engrailed  between  three  quills 

I'  plumes)  argent ;  Jenyns'  RoM. 
•rCotton,    Roger,    of    Alkington.     Cheshire 
"    (R    n,)  — bore,  azure,  a  chevron  between  three 

haw  k>    lures  (or  cotton  hanks)  argent.— Shir- 

'0cm^aj/^         R:.hdCcr.u,.,U       1^E>:;/^  e^^/^*;^ 


v:-  /■ 




AGNES    ELIZABETH    {nee  Courtenay),    VISCOUNTESS    HALIFAX. 

H  !■'!ciAs^J:^  ?.?./:,yh 


•mj'  Courtney 

//hj^  tPcHrt^ntif 

1.,/hp      </• 

Coudray  rir  Caundray, [K.  iii.  Roll) 

twire.  fiulL's,  hillellec  OT ,  and  a  bend  vair ; 
Asliniolc  koll. 

Coupen,  Sir  Raymond— ( K.  ii.  Ro11)liorf. 
gulfs,  six  pens  erect  argent ;  Parliamentary 
Roll.     F. 

Coupland,  Sr,  de— (K-  II.  Roll)  bore,  ar- 
dent, a  chief  i!ule»  ;  Jem  ns'  Roll.  Same  as 
WlT.MAM  FoKS,  Karl  of  All«!inade. 

Coupland,  John  de-iR.  ii.  Roll)  Inre, 
argent,  on  a  cross  sable  a  ninllet  of  the  field  : 
Surrey  Roll.  The  mullet  is  pierced  in  Jenviis' 
♦Courtenay,  Sir  Hugh  de,  banneret ;  a 
bnron  t=Qr,  farl  of  Devon  1335— bore,  at  the 
b.ailr  .'1  r.ilkirk  1298.  or.  m  chief  three  trjr- 
t.Mu\,  a  i.ii).  1  azure.  The  lalx-l  distinguished 
from  the  elder  branch  settled  in 

*tCourthope    ( ),    of  Gondhurst,     Sussex 

£.  1413 — bore,  artjent,  a  fess  azure  Ijetvvcen  three 
estoiles  sahlc  -  Shirley.  ]  F. 
Cove,  Sir  John,  of  Norfolk — bore,  at  the 
first  Dunstable  tournament  1308,  Rules,  a  bentl 
argent  eotiscd  or  ;  written  as  CofK.  COWK, 
and  TONVK.     Parly.  Roll,  &c. 

JCovert, Roger le—{H.  111.  Roll)borc,  gules. 

"lief  two  mullets  pierced  t 

IF.l;   Dei 



The  fess  is 
the    Ashmole 


Courtenay,  Hugh  de,  1 
the  siege  of  l'arla\  crock  1 30c 
(2  and  I)  a  label   a/ure  IF 
five  in  N"icijr.-\si:    as  al... 
the    first    Duiisi.M.     t    ■  -1 
borne  also  bv  S;r  1 1 '     :  1 
Sir  Piers.  K.n      \ 
at  the  second  Dl,:;  1  u    , 
which  occasion  Til.  m  v,  i. 
azure;  Gnillim.  si.Geor-- 

PHlLll'of  Powderliam  il!: 

in  lieuofflcuis-de-hs;    II 

Courtenay. 'Hticrli  4tli 

»  label  of 

Couffolds (H.  VI.  Roll)  bore,  argent  five 

barrulets  and  a  t(uarter  gules ;  Arundel  Roll. 
Cowley,  Sir  Robert  (Ci>vei.kv)-(E.  111. 

Roll)  bore.  .TTgcnt.  on  a  chevron  sable,  three 

leopards'  faces  or  ;  .\sflmole  Roll, 
Cozans,    Sir   William  —  Knighted  at  the 

capitul.monof  C.ilai^  1348.  bore,  argent,  a  bend 

fusily,  .t  '51  gules,      F. 

Craddok,  Richard  — (R,  u.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  on  a  chevron  azure  three  garbs  or  ; 
Stirrcv  Roll. 

Crameville,  Sire  Johan  de— bore,  at 

b,itlle    of   Horoughbridge    1322,   gules,   an 
escochcon  and  a  tjordurc  moUettee  argent  - 

crosslet  litcht^e  gules  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Crawc;estre.  John  —  ( K.    11.    Roll) 
sable  i  JenyiiL'  RoTl, 


Crck,  Wnlter    r!e  -  i-n-     at    the 


Jc^    eer^»- 

^K  (^o^,7/*y 

\  i 



O^tit  t^c%  c^ 


.y,.i>W«.r  .,       "■    '  -i?'  ■'■.   ••r>  ^.^r- 

J.        J 



:J     C^ 



^  O^JJ' 

'Creke,   Sir  John   de,  bore  nr. 

Creppinge,  Sir  John  de,  of  Lmtolnshir 
(K.  II.  Rulll  bore,  guk-s,  liillcttA:  or,  am 
Uon  r.Tni[)amarqcnt :  I'iirly.  Roll.  GuttrL-c 
in  Sc3;ir  Koll.     V. 

Creppings,  Richard  do-lH.   ni.    R 

hore,  checqilv  or  .iiid  azurr,  .1  crtsceiit  gii 
(r.)     M.  Grorsc  Roll. 

Cressy,   'Willi 


Roll)  bore,  giiles,  a  s.altire  engrailed  argent; 
.Atkinson  Roll. 

Cretinges,  John  da,  a  baron  1332— bore,  at 
the  siege  of  Carl,avert3ck  1300,  argent,  a 
chevron  between  three  ntiillets  gules.  (F. ) 
Home  also  by  A|).\M.  Jon.N',  OsMOSD  and 
RoBKHT  ;  in  some  tneks  the  mullets  are  piereed. 
in  others  they  tjecome  spur-rowells. 

Crey,  Sir'Willii 

Criketoft,  John 

Ordinarv:  bl.tsoiu 

iCriell,  Nicholas   ds,   bai 



i.l    (H. 


nnd  gulc5.  in  Dcrint;  KuU. 

Criel,  Nycholo  de  (Cky 

bore,    ptT  ffss  or  and  gul< 

coiinierchaneed  '■  tcrloltTt.-s  "  (K.):  Vincent  MS. 

No.  165.  lu"  and  Had.  .\tS.  io6S  fo.  172  (F), 

IVrliaps  O'Rlt.L,  which  SCI-. 
CHol,  John    iKvkiKl.)-borf.  at   ihe  • 

,  Koin 

I  gulf! 


iCrispm,  Williani~(H.  iii.  R( 
■  "  Dr.  in  Den 
It  «iih  a 
Cristemasae.  Sec  Ciiristm.xs. 
Croft,  Sir  Hugh,  of  Salop-i,t 


Cretin^e,   Si: 

^Crevequer,  Robert  and  Hamon— (H-  in. 
Rollf  bore,  or  a  cross  voided  gules.  fK.) 
Glover.  Dcriiig  and  Arden  Rolls;  the  cross 
voided  of  the  field  in  Camden  and  Howard. 

.  .  Tly  per  Kss 

indcnti'd  .i^iire  and  argent  (in  the  first  qua r- 
terl  a  Ivan  p:i5sant  or  ( V.  I  and  P.irlv. 
Roll-H.  6137  fo.  270.  In  Harl.  NrS,  4033 
the  tinctures  arc  reversed,  the  Ivon  appenring 
in  the  second  quarter.  In  the  Ashmole  Roll 
it  is  erroneously  tricked  per  pale  and  a  chief 

cocheon  gulc< 

r  all  a  bcndlet  sable.     F. 

Crey,  Sir  Simon  de,  of  Kent- (K.  11.  Roll) 

and  John  de  (K.  ill  RolU  bore.  )^1.^,  a 
cross  engrailed  or.  (F. )  Parli.inu-rit:irv  Roll 
and  Jenyns'  Ordiriary-a  copy  of  the  Dt:nng 
Roll  adds  — for  Mmon  (J)  ■■  in  (K-\t^r  chief  an 
eat;le  displa,vcd,  Harl.  MS.  6i37/go''  ' 


Westlev  \V.\tekless  Church, 
i.\  Cambridgeshire,  1325. 
After   Waller. 

I,  -  I.  •.■•)    />. 


— ■•■^ — 


■>    I  "   X 

;' J 

i    ! 

/■     \, 

..  O  U 




RALPH    CRKYKE,    Es.j., 

OF    RAWCUI'FK    HALL,    YORKSHIRE;    HIGH    SHERIFF,     iS<j4. 




f^Zh  ACrtnp'J 

'^ff^  e-rcf^ 



.  MS 

Koll.     Il.rc 


lU  cross  in  tlic  List  Criis:Kii 

Crokedayke,  Sir  Adam  da,  1297— iKjn 

cnnim- ihrco  pollvtb  ;   Noljihtv  K..I1. 
Crombe,  Simon  d(;-(H.  in.    Kdll  bor, 

:irgcm,  n  chevron  Rules  on 

!hree  escallops 


Icn   knll.  th 

Cromwell.  John  de  -  W' 
Carlavcrook    1300,    ari;-^- 
argent  tail  fourclii^c,  il  ;     '■ 

Cromwell,  Sir  John  a 

Roll)  hore,   EUlfS.    m.     ii,  : 


e  anil 

i,-"C   of 

JCudham,  Oliver  and  Robert  de— (H. 

III.  koll  J  bure,  chcc{[uv  gules  and  argent  a  fess 
anireli-'. );  Deriiig  Roll  ;  reversed, /.<-.  argent 
and  gules,  ui  the  .\bliniole  MS. 

Cuffold3   ( 1.    an    Ksscx    Kniglil    (?Covv-  VI.  Roll)  l>ore.  argent,  live 
barrul-ls  and  a  (juarter  gules;  .\rundel  Roll. 

Cuggeho,  Nicol  do— I  K.  1.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
a  fess  between  three  loJenges  argent  (F.); 
Camden  Roll. 

Cusgeho,  ■William-IH.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  a  fess  and  in  chief  three  niascles  .argent 
(j-\  1;  St.    George   and    Parliamentary    Rolls; 

Cuilly.  Hugh  de-lK.  in.  Kolljbore,  .argenl 








r   HlGH   of   .Vo 

and  IV 


■Rauf  de- 

Cromwell.  John,  of  Talis 
R.\i;rK(E.  1.  Roll)  and  Tl 
(K.  Ill    Roll)  bore,  arg.-nt. 

Cromwell,  Sir  Enul;  : 

-(R.   11.    Roll)  bore. 
chief  ermine,  ^imr!.,:.    .. 
gules  surmounted  by   .1  b.L.l 
Cromwell,  Sire  Johnde- 
of  Boroughbridge    1^22.    " 
frett^e  de  ses  amies  d'  Krrnvrn 

ttie  .\>hmol.-    lu  •.'. 

Her.akl.  Ihe  ,:.:,■  t 

See' also  lii  liK,  :  I  ,,        :  I  . 
Crophill,  RafTs  -iK.  1 
a   s.iltire  eules  fretty    or 
Jenyns-  Ordm.iry. 

Croupes,  Richard  d3 
Sir  Rich  vk.  ' 
in  the  St   G.    :,    .■ 

:  place  of  mull, 
n.enl.irv  Roll. 

Culch^th,  Randoloh,  Hi; 

IV     Roll  I    lK>re.    s,lble,    a    grvpln 
,irgenl:   ii.lh  crest;   llall.ard  R  .ll. 

Curson,  Sire  Ro5=r  de    b.r-.  : 

s  of  Laitilay 
,ef  gules  sur- 
.ar  and  ,\run- 

of  11.11 

and  sable 



■|     J" 

on  this 


:ed  with 

.Vshmolc  Roll   and 

martlet  gules 
Curson,  Robert— bore,  at  the  siege  of  Rouen 

1418,  gules,  on  a  bend  between  six  billets  or, 

three  escallops  sable.     F. 
Curson,  Sir  John,  of  .Morfolk-I  K.  ti.  Roll) 

li.ire    or,    .  .n    .i   bend   gules    three    besants ; 

I'.irliamenl.irv  Roll. 
♦Curson,  Rog3r-(R.    11.    Roll)  bore,  ar,gent. 

on  .^.  bend  sable  three   popiniays  or,   collared 

and  inenibered  gules  —a  crescent  of  the  last ; 

Surrev  Roll, 
Curteis  I ),  an  Ksscx  Knight  (CoRTEVSl- 

(H.  VI.  Roll)  tore,  ermine  on  a  canton  gules 

.m  orle  .argent :  .\rundel  Roll. 
Curwan,  Thomas  da— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
i.  fretty  argent  1 F. ) ;  Arden  and  St.  George 



of  live  also  a_u 
Croxford,  — 

CruU, ■( 

between  thi 
mole  Roll. 

1  three  buckles  sabl 

I,  Christopher  -(K.  111. 

frettv   gules,   a  chief  azure 
booj.  argent' frilly  and  a  chief  gul. 
Ordin.vy.  but  they   are  trii 
error,  argent  three  ehevTOns 
gules,  a  chief  azure  for   C 


;   Thcim 

L-s,   lenv 

1.   probable 

1  ;  the 
■  Roll. 

nief  of  the  helrl,  for  Tho.m.\s  ;  Jenyn 


Cusance,  William— (F.  111.  Roll)"  bore, 
argent,  a  bend  engrailed  sable,  in  chi.-f  an 
escallop  of  the  last  ;'jenyns'  Orilin.-iry. 

n,y^     ff^  r  I 

^(Mi^»zl  ''^^nrfoy,..  ^^0^  (Pu^fcn  ^^^  U(S^J^  CrffcJC-^c^tn 



o   ■^.vx: 


\^-l  Tl  >!:'>•« '^ 

«/■.«<-■.'-•'''  ■-■'i 



(Shield  II.,  nRoucuT  in  bv  Dacre) 


HENRY    FITZALAN    HOWARD,    K.G.,    IjTh    DUKE    OF    NORFOLK. 

See  also  Paues  i6  and  114. 

i^!-.^:.        SiMA'i/iif     ffiil 

ii    /;;/:!! I 

NAMES    AND    BLAZONS    OF    THE    OUARTERIXGS— Siiikld    II. 

Il  is  hoped  that  the  letters  in  the  second  column,  which  in<licate  the  row  of  quartering;,  in  the  shield,  will,  with  the  accitmoanyinc  numerals, 





Ferrers  . 

Lvpus,  Earl  of  C 
I.F.OFRic,  Earl  of 

QUINCV     .  . 

•Galloway     . 

AVENELL  .    . 


Pantulf . 

Verdon   . 

SUDLEV     . 
MOL'SThORD      . 

IIaversham    . 
A'Hrs,  KicE,  or  /iFEs,  Prix 
OF  South  Wales 

fiEUStrE  . 

Talbot   . 
Com  IN 




Strange  . 

GlhFARD  . 

UcHTRED,  Lord  of 

BULMER    . 

FitzRandolph,  { 
Brewer  . 



Ixjvetot  . 


Verdon  . 

■  BOTILER    . 




Strosgbow     . 

Giffard  . 
Macmorrocu  . 


t  Fel). 


Cott.JuI.C.viL  f.  237 
Harl.  1178,  f.  45 

gule^:,  three  escallops  argent        .... 
barry  of  six  argent  and  gules  a  label  (5}  azure 
azure,  florettee  and  a  fret  or        ...  . 

gules,  a  fess  dancettee  between  six  crosses  crosslet  < 
(the  field  a/ui 
argent,  three  (unmiuzlcd)  bears  pa^^sant  2  and  i  sa! 

checquy  or  and  gides. 
burulce  (14)  argent  and  ! 


,  three  chaplel 

gules,  three  CHshions  tasselled 
argent,  two  bars  gules  on  a  ca 

gules,  three  chevronels  or  . 

vair  or  and  gules,  a  lyon  in  chief  or    . 

quarterly  gules  and  vair  or  and  vert,  a  lyon  ram 

azure,  six  g;irls.  3,  2,  I  or 

az:ir€,  <T  7co/fs  head  drasi,/  sMe 

sahlc,  ail  €ai;/e  displayed  or  ... 

gules,  seven  mascles  conjoined  3,  3,  1  or     . 

gules,  a  cinqtiefoyle  pierced  ermine     . 

fretty  or  and  azure  a  l>ordure  gules  platey    . 

per  pale  or  and  sable  a  fiend  vair 

gules,  a  bend  argent  over  all  a  fess  or  . 

gTjlcs,  a  pale  or 

azure,  a  lyon  rampant  argent,  crowned  or   . 
gules,  a  l)on  rampant  or  a  label  of  five  a/ure 
gules,  a  fess  between  si\  annulets  or    . 
gules,  a  fess  checquy  argent  and  sable  between  : 

fitchee  of  the  second 
gules,  two  bars  ermine        .  .  . 

or  fretty  gules  ..... 

or  two  bends  gules     ..... 
bendy  of  ten  or  and  azure  .... 
argent,  billettee  and  a  lyon  rampant  sable    . 
azure,  a  fess  between  six  crosses  crosslet  argent 
grtles,  a  lyon  rampaiU  and  a  bordure  engrailed 

H.  218,  f.  39 
of  the  last  a  lyon  passant  or     . 

f  IL  1415,  f.  iig*" 
I  H.  4259,  f.  12' 

an.  807,  fj.  22^-23 

]  f  Edniondson  v.  4S4 

I      ,.     V.  483 
I  H.  S07,  f.  23 
I  H.  S07,  f.  23 
\  H.  1047,  f.  3S'' 
H.  4259.  f.  12' 

[  H.  1047,  f.  39 

-cm  jo> 

azure,  a  lyon  rampant  and  a  hordtax  or       ..... 

bendy  of  ten  argent  and  guies     ....... 

gules,  three  garbs  2 and  I,  within  the  Royal  tressureof  Scotland  all  or 
barry  of  ten  argent  and  azure,  as  many  martlets  3,  2,  2,  3  gules   . 
or,  three  escocheons  barry  of  si.\  vair,  and  gules  .... 

gules,  four  lozenges  in  bend  or    ......         . 

argent  on  a  chief  azure  three  crosses  forniee  fitchee  at  the  foot  of 

the  first 
gules,  three  lyons  passant  argent  ...... 

sable,  three  garhs  2  and  I  arg^ei/t  ...... 

argent,  two  lyons  passant  gules 

gules,  three  lyons  passant  argent  ...  ... 

checquy  or  and  azure  a  bend  gules 

gules,  billettee  and  a  fess  argent,  with  Butler  of  Wem  on  a 

canton — gules,    a    fess   counter-conipony    or    and    sable    six 

crosses  palec  argent  . 

azure,  a  lyun  rampant  argent,  a  label  (5)  gules    .... 

gules,  on  a  saltire  argent,  a  martlet  sable  for  diffen 
or,  fretty  gules,  on  a  canton  per  pale  ermine  and  o 
gules,  a  lyon  rampant  or,  billettee  sable 
or,  a  chief  indented  azure  ...... 

azure,  crusily  and  three  crescents  argent 
azure,  five  fusils  conjoine  1  in  fess  or    . 
gules,  two  bends  wavy  or  . 

quarterly  or  and  gules  a  bend  sable     .  .  .  , 

argent,  a  bend  between  six  martlets  3  and  3  gules 
argent,  a  lyon  rampant  per  fess  gules  and  sable   . 
quarterly  or  and  gules,  a  bordure  vair 
or,  a  fret  gides  (as  Earl  Marshal  only,  H.  154,  f.  55)  , 

t  galley  sable 

H.  1047,  f.  44 
H.  1396,  f.  304 

H.  1047,  f.  37 
H.  141 1,  f.  54 

per  pale  argent  and  vert  a  lyon  rampant  gi 
gules,  a  pale  or  .... 

gules,  four  lozenges  in  bend  or   . 
argent  on  a  chief  azure  three  crosses  formei 

the  first 
gules  three  lyons  passant  argent . 
sahle,  three  garbs  z  and  l  ari^ent 
ermine,  on  a  bend  gules,  three  bez;\nts 

D.  Ormonlk 
H.  1395,  f-  8 
H.  6125,  f.  II 

*  Galloway  is  generally  s 

i  Waltheof  bul 

f  doubtful ;  Alan  prutxibly  had  d 

<-  ;n :  /.  V. 




'twv^.  0* 

'^Jt-^^'t-       ^i 

D'Abitot,   Sir   William 

-.K.  II.  Roll)  Lore,  CTinini;, 
or  and  ;   Parliamuriuiry 

Dabridgoourt.  Sir  John  (k, 
al  lliL-  siege  of  kouen  1418,  erniiiie  lUree  oars 
hunn--tt(5e  V'lcs.  |F. )  Borne  nlso  by  Nicol, 
and  bv  SANCHKT.  K.r...  a  founder;  Surrey 
Roll  (  R.  11. ).  This  coat  by  an  heraldic  illusion 
may  be  blirsoned  the  reverse,  viz, ,  gules  two 
bars  and  a  bordure  ermine. 

?^&f     0  cMen 

Dabridgecourt,  John  de— {R. 


:  gulei 

charged  HUh  as  many  escallops  or:  I'arly,  Roll. 
Dacre,  SirWilliam,  of  Cumberland -(F..  I 

Dacrs,  SirEiward,ofCumberlnnd-iK,  II 
K..:;  fviri',  qiil'.-s.  tlorett^  or,  three  escallop 
:.ri;.-;U.    1 'irli  inicnLiry  Roll. 

Dacre,  Randolph -I  H.  111.  Roll)bore,  azur 
on  .i  CO, s,  or  file  escallops  gules.  ([■'.)  .-\nlei 
and  M  l.corge  Rolls;  (same  as  Niciiol 
Vll.LKKsl;  in  lenyns'  Ordinary  the  cross  1 
described    as    p'my.      See    CuNsT.VEl.E    am 

Dagworth,  Thomas, 

I  I 

Dagworth,  Thomas 

lei.ynV  Ordin 


i^Ics    three    besai 


lis  rAiiip.iMl  sule 

1,  Jordan   de 

Thoma3,  of  Norfolk-IK.  11. 
ri;enl,  .1  cross  l)cl»een  four 
IMI  sule, ;   I'arlianicnMry  Roll 

^ffi   ^ictMrn, 

;■■■  -/ 



^■'■Ty     -l« 


>  ',"   / 

-  ^yiKi^'iit* 


z^  ^- 

Dale,  Sir   Thomas    (E"..    in.    Roll)  bore. 

gulos.  a  swan  dose  iirijuit.  mcniln.-rcd  swhW; 
Ashniolt  and  Surrey  Kolls. 
Dallingridge,     Mulnsver— bore,    at    the 
sifgt;  of  Koutn  1418.  arjjenl,  a  cross  cntjraikd 
gules  IK),  and  in  'Jen)W   Roll.    See  Moiiu- 

D'Alry,  Johan  (in:  At.RE) 

-(H.  Ill 


l)ore,   ar'^L-nt,    thrr.-e  escallops 

gules  i  Howard 

Dalston,  John  de-IE.  ii,  R 



achevruneM^r.MlcJ  saMc  beu 

een  Ihre 


head,  cra,cduf  tin- liM  ;  Jem 

is'  Roll. 

Dalton,  Sire  Robert  do-  1 

ore  at  th 

of   ilyroe^hhrul^e    1 1:!2    ami 

at   the  s 

ei;e  of 

Calais  ix;-3,  a^ure.  crusilvor 



gardant  ar^'ent. 

Dalton,  Robert  do-iE    i 

1.    Roll) 


aiure,  a  leopard  rampant  ari. 

ent— /.<•. 

a  lyoi. 

rampant  gardant ;  Jen\ns'  OrU 


Dalton! ).  ^  Yorkshire   K 

ni;ht-(H.  VI. 

Roll)  bore,  aiure.  horcltee  or, 

t  Ivon  ra 

11  pant 

gardant  argent.     (F.)    Arundel  Roll. 

Dammerell,  William  -i  i:. 

II.    Roll 


amre.    on    a   cl.iet   gul.^s    t„o 



another  in  ha-se  arj^ent .  ,\shini 

le  Roll. 

Damory.  Sir  Richard— l.o 

re.   at   111 

'  first 

Dunstable  tournament    1308,  i 

lidiSe  |6| 


and  argent  — possiblv  an    error 

for  argei 

1  and 

piles;  another  Sir  kuii.Akl. 

r  O.son. 


at  the  sie<:e  of  (.'al.ns   M.(;-.^l,   \ 

uilee  (n 

.r   8) 

argent  and  i^ul.  ,     .,:, ['  ■■ 


Arden  R,.':  .     1     i  '  : 

each  filel.:iit.  .,,,-,,.  .•  .ii.iir. 

ll-'  1 

Said  to  I"'  v.ur.    iuivj,.l<  [i,,  ,11.' 

ill    .UlJ 


Sl<l.,  in  Huvvard  Roll. 

Damory,  Sir  Roger,  baron 


re.  at 

the  I 



(6)  argent  and  fjulcs  a  be 

Tiles.  Nc-ath  Abbey,  i,;i;;e  vii. 
Dancastre,  Robert    (K.  in    Roll)  bore.  or. 

on  a  bend   azure,  three   ensiles  triple   lurrctcd 

argent.     (F. )    jL-n\-ns'  Or(linar\-. 
Daneston,  John,a  Suffolk  Knight— (H.  vi. 

Roll)   bore,  argent    three    Danish    axes   E^ules 
quarterly  \^-ifh,   argent,  on  a  Lhevron  sable,  a 
cross  [KUee  of  the  tirst  ;  Arundel  Roll. 
Daiieervile,Sir  John,  ofco.  Leic— iK.  it. 

Roll)   bore,    gules,    a   cinquefovie    ermine,     a 
bordure  s.ible  bej:antee  ;    Parlv.' Roll.     HUGll 
took  up  ilie  cross  in  the  last  Crusade  1269. 
D'Angle,  Sir  Guichard,  k.g.  1373,  Karl 

of  Muntjiigdoa  IJ77  for  life— bore.  or.  biilettee 

and  a  Imhi  rampant  azure.  K.  398  fo.  44. 

Danny,SirJohn— (K.lll.  RoIUbore.  argent. 

on  a  bend  cotiseil  azure  three  six-foyles  pierced 

Roll  ;    cinquefoyles  argent   in 


,'  Cirdir 

Danny,  Nicholas- IF., 
argent,  on  a  bend  vert 
clnt|Uefo>lesor;   Jen 

Roll)    bore. 

f^trfTrfOTi  ^oTf-y       /^HtrYeu^m 

SIR   JOHN-    DAJ,LK.N()\ 

>.      bTOkF      I)\111-RN0N      CuikCH, 

Slkkl\,   1277 
A//cr    Ji;,/Ar. 

Danvers,   Sir  Thomas  lin    AMnuil    „( 



.  of 

ell,    I 1      ..f     n.iiiby-upon-Yore.    in 

\,.r    -;  .re_|l:.    in.    Roll)  hore,  argent  seven 
iii.T^    .,  3.   3.    I   gules  Iblasoned  as    lozenges 
pier.  ■.■.1 11  Jen.ns'Ordin.ary. 
Dan.vell,Hugh-(K.  lil.  Roll)  bore,  aiurc. 
two    b.irs  argent  a  chief  gules ;  Jenyiis'  Ordi- 

III.    Roll)  bore,  azure, 
-scallops  or.     (F.)    St.' 

Daniell,  John 

a    L- nd    l»l».,. 
Georte  Roll. 

Danyel),   Thomas-(K.'   in.    Roll)    bore, 

nrgeiil    a    pik-   indentetl   of  five  points  sable. 

(F.i     Jenyns' Ordinary. 
Danyell   ( ).   of    Cheshire -IE.     iv    Roll) 

l«re.  argent,  a  p.ale  lozengy  sable.  quarUrh 

will   argent. a  fox  regardant  sable -with  crest'- 

ri,alL\rd  Roll. 
Darcv- The  iinr|uefuylcs  are  often  tricked  as 

,  Sir  Adoma 


SI    Dun- 

Darcv,  Sir  John 

at     the    capitulation 

cinq-.iei'ovlcs     i  roses 

jrle  of 

;    also  btasoned.  as  argent,  an 
yies  gules  and    a  false  escochec 
-AscnU'd  to  RtiCKRT  in  Cotgrave  Roll. 
Darcy,  Sire  Norman,  le  fiz— bore,  at  the 



„-  -,,— .  -irgent  the 
..■■•.,, ..i.uei)  a  label  131  aziJe.  F, 
RaufT-iK.  III.  Roll! bore,  argent.  or,  ai;  uithin  an  orle  of  i3)  sevsfovles 
pi.  r.ed  of  the  second  ;  Ashniole  Roll.'       ' 
Darcy,  Sir  John,  of  Knaith.  a  baron  1332  — 
bore,     M-j'-m    a   cinqiiefoyle  and   a    Ixirdure 

I'iilltP,     '     lull     I3QO  — liore      at    the 

1399  — bore, 

f'"'       -  111    blasoned 

cr' 1'.     >    'i   ,[;.     k,jll  —  the    ciiK|uefovles 

were  •«,nie  picrt.d  by  (i)  .Sir  I'hh.ii..  Knight 
banneret.  (2)  Norm.^ni;)  (K),  and  .also  Ijfby 
an  I-.sse,\  Knight;  Dering  iind  Howard  Rolls, 

Pl^  9«.ry        t^,0  ©«t^ 



ROBERT    DARCY,  4TH  and  last  EARL   OF    HOLDERNESSE, 

NOW    VEhTEI)    IN 

MRS.  C.  J.   WELDBEUNDELL,    HOX.   MRS.  W.    R.    FITZ\VILLL\M,   AND    OTHERS. 


),  ;  "     .  ■•:  lU'Jii 


.J"  ifi^ktMx  T%«-  ^ntdttxiy 

^  B^e^ 

urc.  F,     Ros.-! 
1  Park,  Roll. 

Dai-cy,  Km-  Hnbert  --  bore.  M  the  firsi 
Duii^tiblt'  toiirn.uin.iil  1308.  artieiu  three 
cmqiietovlcs  Rtilcs  a  bortlui  e  indented  sable — 
engniileii  in  Harl.  MS.  613-  fo.  31". 

D'Arcy,  Sir  William— bore,  at  the  sictie  of 

Calais  1345-8,  .1.  .11  ...,■: ..'.    ,:,.!  Unuccilique- 

fovles  argent 

m   P;i 

three  gcuitUes  and 
the  second  Dun- 


y<.«.  /^«i,„.- 

Daubeny,  Elys~(I^-  i-  Rolljboro,  trules  luur 
fusils  conjoined  in  icss  arcent.  a  baston  azure. 
(K.  I  Segar  Roll.  VViluam  l>ore  th^-  same  ^t 
the  second  Dunstable  tournament  1334.  though 

and  lJ'.Tin<;  knih. 
Dawbeney,  Sir  £llis,  bannerci— bor 
the  siege  of  CarLavcrock  1300,  gules  five 
conjoined   in    fcss  argent.     {I'.)     Drawn 
fess    engrailed    in    Ni'"'>i  \^   -  »:.«..''. 
xcvi.  pt.  1.  p.  400 — ;iii  ■   ■  '    1^1 

Diircy,  Sire  Robert— bore,  at  thu- battle  of 
Hornuqhlindge  1322,  argent  thrre  siN-fnyles 
gule>  Li  bordure  vair  eglcUee  or.    (F. )   Tricked 

differr-nced  bv  Sir   i'niLii-.   a  biiron   |2<;  H.  1.) 
and  reversed  bv  Sir  \VlLLlA^[.  of  CO.  Line,  in 
Parly.  Roll. 
Darcy,  Sir  William,  of  co.  Line— (E.  11. 

Roll)  bore,  argent,  three  roses  gules;  and  Sir 
ROBKHT,  also  of  CO.  Line,  bore  it  within  a 
bordure  indented  sable  ;  Pari i amen lary  Roll. 

Darcy,  Nicol— (H.  in.  Roll)  bore,  sable,  a 
feS5  or.     (F.)     St.  George  Roll. 

Darres,  Sir  Robert— (E.  iii.  Roll)— bore. 

argent  on  an  orle  gules  eight  escallops  or  ; 
Ashniole  Roll.  Sec  Sir  Joh.n  and  ROBERT 
D.\KCV;  see  also  ArR-VS. 

D'Artois,  Janice  (dk  Artoys)— (E.  111. 
Roll)  bore,  gules  four  barrulets  wavy  argent; 
Jcnyns'  Roll.     See  facsimile,  p.  5. 

Dassy,  Sir  Robert  (de  A'.si)— (E.  iii.  Roll) 
l)Ore,  gules,  a  bi-nd  cotiscd  or  tx-tween  six 
martlets  of  the  last ;  .\shmole  Roll. 

Daubeney,  Le  Sr.— {E.  n.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
three  fusils  conjoined  in  fess  argent ;  Jenyns' 

Daubeny,  Elias  (df.  Alpi.niacu).  baron 
1205-1305— bore,  jriiles  four  lozenges  conjoined 
in  fcis  argent  ;  Xobilitv  Roll,  riorm-  niso  hv 
Sir  (.iiLKS.  of  DevoiiorCurnnall,  I'.irlv  Rolf. 
Pllir.rr  and  Rwt.  th.-  l.ttter  m  N-,".r  Roll 
(E.  1. 1.     See  alsu  MonuTiimrai  .M,-ib. 

Daubeny,  Sir  John,  of  Ov'>!i,  i^;-  i^rc 
four    fuiils    conjoini'd.    'M'  ■     ■  (     ■.     .         ['■    .» 

■ •  .1  HI  thelatteras 


,li;,               1.1       Roll)    bore, 

:■.    .-,.'5fuM)s  11, 

iiHillets  pi.Tced 


■  Join,     ,1      ,1     Rolll  Iwe, 



irU-  Roll, 

-■Ralph-IE.  HI.  RoII)l«re. 
.  ■'  ii<(l  in  fess  (another  a  fess 
1  .  lucf  three  escallops  or. 

;e  Rolls.  Wl 

bor.    [!  .     -iiM..      ,-,-r    all   a  bend 

George  K'..]!. 
Dawbeny,  "Williani,  de   BeKoir— (E.   in. 

Roll)  bore,  or  two   chcvronels  and   a  hordure 

gules  ;  Glover  and  Grinialdi  Rolls  ;  the  bordure 

engrailed,  on  the  Monumental  Slab. 
Daubeny,  "William  (ut  Albe.nv)— (£■  i". 

Roll)  bore,  sable,  three  helmets  2  and  i  argent. 

(F.)    Arden  Roll. 
Daundelegh,  PhiUp-(E.  11.    Roll)  bore. 

argent,  two  bars  gules  each  ch.irged  w  ith  three 

crosses crosslet  or  ;  Jen>'ns'  Roll  and  Ordinary. 
Daundely,  Sir  Robert— (E.  ui.  Roll)  bore, 

argent,    three    bars  gules    erusilv  3,  z,  i  or  ; 

Ashmolc  Roll. 
Daunteaey,   John   (D.andeskyk)— (R.    11. 

Roll)- bore,  per  pale  or  and  argent  three  bars 

undec  gules  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Dauntesey,  Sir  Richard  {AtNTF.sHHYE), 

~.of  CO.  Glouc, — (E.  11.  Rull  1  bore,    per  fe?5  or 

and  argent  a  fe-s  undine  guiles;  Parly.  Roll.    F. 

Dautrey,    Geffrey   (br.     .\i.ta    Kipa)~ 

(E.  lU.  Roll)  bore,  a/tir..' iT.-  !■■  ■  .[■,■■■  i;^'^!  in 
fess  argent,  a  ba:^ton  l'uIi.    ,;.■.■:.     <    ■   ,  ■:  try. 

Dautrey,  Lyon— (E    1  i    :  ; .  ,, 

a  bend  argent  betHeeu  t  >,!  t-  ^  -r^r  nled 
or;  Jenyns'  Ordinary, 

Dautrey,  John— (R.  11.  Roll)  bore,  sable, 
five  fusils  conjoined  in  fess  argent ;  Surrey 
Roll.  WiLLiA.\l(J)  differenced  it  with  a  label 
(5)  gules.  (F.)  .\rden.  Dering  and  Howard 
Rolls — blasoned  also  as  a  fcss  dancetiee  of  live. 
In  Cotgrave  Roll,  fusils  gules,  fo^  Dawthv.\e. 

.'ilR   JOHN    D.-\UBENY. 

In  Norton  Brize  Church, 

OxoN.,  1346. 

A//cr  BoKtell. 

\  '/ 

■■■■  ^/ 

•^.■;  A 




3/  ^a^»,iirj  pt^rfni 

Dautrey,  Hichard-(1- 




,  bort  ihc  s.inie  ■  Jcmns  Ordii  ..^- 
Daveney  v.  Avene  .-ind  Vene. 
•Davenport,  William-IE.  iv.  Roll)  tore 
argciil.  a  chevron  bom  een  ihrce  crosses  crosslet 
fitchi5csa[)le—«ith crest  :  a-illardand  Arundel 

Daventree,  John— (E.    m.    Roll)   bore, 

ermine,  a  fess  chectiuy  (counter  conipony  iti 
trick) or  and  a^urc  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Daventry,  Robert-l>orc.  ,ii  the  second 
Dunsl.iblo  tournament  ijjj.  ermine,  a  fess 
gules.     (I-.)     A  cross  in  Jenyns  Ordinary. 

Daveye,  Pliilip-(R.  ii.  Rnll,  bore,  argent, 
on  a  chevron  s.ible  between  three  mullets 
piercxl  giilcs,  a  crescent  of  the  field  :  Surrey 

Davelers,  Sire  Bartholomew,  of  Suffolk 
—bore,  at  the  battle  nf  Ilorou-hbndge  13^2 
argent,  three  iiicscocheons  ju;es.  {V.\  Uv 
.Vwii.i.EKs  in  riirli.rment.irykoll. 
Davereignes.  See  ni:<  ii< 
*[Dawnay,  John,  17  E.  ll.-l..irc.  argent  on 
a  bend  cotiscd  sable  three  annulets  of  the  field. 
—Shirley.  J     F. 

Dawney,  John  —  ( E.  111.  Roll)  l»re,  per 
decision  of  Earl  Percy,  or  hve  fusils  conjoined 
in  fess  azure,  a  bordure  azure  besantOe  "per 
Darell  (i,V)  Earl  Percy  ';  Jenj-ns'  Ordinary 

I>awtrey  :■.  Dautrey. 
•[Dayrell,  Richai'ti,  of  Liilingston,  Bucks. 
c.   1200  —  bore,    azure,    a    Ivon   rampant  or 
crowned  argcnt.--Shirlcy.]     F. 

de  Albini,  Nigel  (of  whom  the  Mowbkavs) 
—  |H.  I.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  a  lyon  rampant 
argent;  his  brother  WlLLl.VM.  chief  butler 
of  England  (father  of  William.  Earl  of 
ArunL'EL).  bore,  gules,  a  Ijon  rampant  or— 
Harl.  MS.  1481  fo.  34*. 

DeAlta Ripa, Geoffray—i  E.  III.  Roll ) bore. 
a2ure,  five  fusils  conjoined  in  fess  ardent,  a 
baston  gules;  Jenyns'  Ordin.u-v.  See  also 

Deane,  Sir  William  (df.  De.n),  of  Essex- 
IE.  11.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  fess  dancettee 
gules;  Parlinmentary  Roll. 

Deane,  Sir  Henry  Ii>e  De.m,  of.Vorthants 
—  bore,  at  the  firbt  Dunst.ible  tournament 
1308.  argent,  a  fess  dancetlee  between  three 
crescents  gules.    (F.|    See  also  Parly.  Roll. 

Deen,  Sire  Johan  de— bire.  at  the  battle 
of  Boroughbridgc  1 122.  argent,  two  bars  sable 
crusily  pati!e  or.  (F.|;  three  on  each  bar  in 
AshmoleMS.— in  ParliamenLarv  Roll  for  Di  \ 
of  Hunts.  Knight  (E.  It.),  the  bars  gules,  and 
the  crosses  patonce. 

SIR    —    DALVi\GRU(;GF,. 

In    Fi.etching    Church,   Sussex, 

'395  ;  8  Ric.   ir. 

After  Bouhll. 

^af/y\y  P  (i/y^^tva^ 

Deane  f.ALvs\L 

bore,  gules,  ficll 

Deane,  Drew  1 

Dene,  Sir  John  de.  of  co.  I.eic.  -IK  11 
^.'.'?'"'^:    •T"'""','.   ,^    '>'°"    "'uP'int    pur. 

Roll)  bore,  gule-  tin 
t  and  a  lorell  de  s.ibl 
gules  and  argent,  on 

Deane,  Robr 

Deincourt  t-,  Deyncourt. 

Do  Insula,  Sir  John,  1297-borc, 

De  Lisle  and  Lisle 
Deiville  :■  Doyville. 
De  la  Beohe,  John, 

De  la  Beche,  Sir  John,  of  Berks.    (E  11 

Rolll  bore,  .Tr^eut.  on  a  bend  gules  three 
bucks'  heads  er.ibed  or  (cabossed  in  H.irl 
4033);  in  the  c.inlcll  a  martlet  sable ;  Parlia. 
nieniary  Roll,      S.-e  Di;  L.\  Vacme. 

De  la  Bare,  John  -lE.  n.  Rolli  bore,  azure, 
crusily  titehee  .mil  three  boars'  heads  couped 
or.  IF,  I  Jenyns'  Roil.  One  of  these  naim» 
t'lok  up  the  cross  in  the  last  Crusafle  1270. 

De  la  Bere,  Simon— (E.  111  Roll)  bore, 
azure,  a  bend  cotised  argent  between  six 
martlets  or,  (F.)  .Surrey  Roll.  Cotised  or.  in 
St.  George  Roll. 

De  la  Checker,  Sir  Laurence-iK.  11 
Roll  I  bore,  checjuy  argent  and  azure  ;  Holland 

De  la  Ferret,  Sir  John -(E.  1.  Roll)  tore. 
gules,  n  tluiiblc-headed  eagle  displa\ed  or: 
Hnll,ind  Roll.  ^    ■ 

De  la  fforde.  Sir  Adam,  of  Wilts-bore, 
,it  the  ^lege  of  t^'arlaverock  1300,  azure,  three 
ivonc.-uv  r.imiMiii  2  and  t  crovined  or,  1  p.  I 
Parh.iniciitarv  R,,ll.  Sir  RicilAKti  tore  the 
s,imc  ;   Holl,,nd  Roll. 

De  la  Freign,  Sir  Foulk,  of  Irel.ind 
-bore.  .It  the  siege  of  Cal.ais  r34;-8,  .izure  on 
.a  saltire  or,  a  saltorelle  gules.     V. 

De  la  Hacche,  Sir  Eustace,  Unnneret.  .1 
baron  1299 -tore,  at  the  b.iltle  of  l-";iifcirk 
1298  and  at  the  siege  of  Carkneroek  nm  or  ,1 
cros^engniiled  gules;  Guillun  and  P.irlV  R..I1, 

^/>*/«   .4«..  H»»ryh-^^  ,?D^«^^##H.  l^„ai 

^****-  S.^^d  tattle 

\  ■  /  / 


■'      '  '^:i:'-  / 

V  " 



*>  Vtl^V^ 



D   D    D 

yo^''  «t    Itt  Lte 



/»^''i    ^*l.hi!rlJl 

Ashmole  Roll, 

De  la  Haye,  Piera,  one  of  the  founders  of 

Swiiit:  AIiIk.')-,   postcii  Melton  modu  Uarcij  — 

liorc,    ir;,'ciu    ifiri.r-  csc.iiiops  in   bend   gules 



Do  la  Hay,  Haul 

;  Rolls. 
.  Roll)  bore,  argenl 
lover  Roll.     Called 
I  Roll 
!  la  Hoose,  Sir  John  (m  Hh 

:  Ku.Bln 

I  Berk- 



Rolls  (F.J;  or  nnd  ilble.  in  the  illustration. 
De  la  Laundc,  Henry- (K.  '.  Roll)  bore. 

per  pale  inilcs  and  azure  three  Ivons  passant  in  n.ile  or.     (K.)  Roll. 
DelaLecSirJohn.of  Herls-(K.  Ii.  Roll) 

l.i.r.  ,    ir,;.  Ill,  a  ctoss  checquy  or  and  azure; 

I'.rhani.  iil.irv  Roll. 

Do  la  Lee,  John,  of  Hcrts-(E.  in.  Roll) 
bore,  t;ules,  bilkttee  art^ent  .i fess counter  com- 
pony  or  and  azure,     (F,)    St,  George  Roll. 

De  la  Leye,  Gilbert  of  Kih  inston  -(i:.  iii. 
Roll)  bore.  or.  a  fess  crencllee  bctueen  si\ 
mullets  3  and  3  qules  ;  Jenyns  Ordinary. 

Do  la  Leye,  Thomas -(K.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
azure,  three  clle^  ronels  argent  ( F. ) ;  St,  George 

De  la  Ley,  Wauter  (Lel:y)-(R.  11.  Roll) 
bore,  arsent,  a  fess  between  three  creseents 
sable  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

De  la  Lynde,  John  (E.  111.  Roll)  and  Sir 
Walter, of  Susscs--(F:  h.  Roll)  bore,  .argent, 
across  engrailed  gules  (F.);  St.  George  and 
Parlianient.Try  Rolls.     Borne  also  by  JtiH.S"  Lt: 

FiTZ  Hi 
De    la    March    

"  burult^e  de   ardent  et 

burules;  "   SotU.W  Roll 

De   la    Maro.    Sir  Jo' 


nd  IV 

De  la  Mare,  Sir  Gsoifrev,  of  Surrey  or 

Sui>e\-(l;.  11,  Roll)  bore,  "or  a  fess  double 
coti^ed  azure ;  Parliamentary  and  .\sliniole 
Roils.  I'irRs  (K.  111.)  bore  the  tield  argent  ; 
Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

De  la  Mare,  'William  -(e:.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
ar.sent,  a  less  between  three Hcurs-de-lvs  2  and 
I  gules  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

De  la  Mare,  Daiand— (E,  111,  Roll)  bore, 
azure,  a  bend  Itetwecn  six  crosses  crosslet 
titelnie  3  and  3  or  ;  Jenyns'  Roll. 

De  la  Mare,  Sir  John,  of  Esie.\--(E.  11. 
Roll)  bore,  argenl  on  a  bend  azure  three 
eaglets  displayed  or;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

De  la  Mare,  Piers  (..  R.  11.  Roll)  and  Sir 
Reginald  (E,  111.  Roll)-bore,  barry  dan- 
eettec  (6)  or  and  gules  ;  Surrey  and  .\shtnole 

De  la  More,  Bartholomew-IE  111  Roll) 
bore,  argenl  seven  barrulels  azure,  a  chevron 
gules;  .Arden  and  St.  Cieorge  Rolls. 

De  la  More,  John— (F:.  11.  Roll!  bore,  gules 
a  cross  patfie  ( p.uonee  in  trick)  and  an  escallop 
argent;  Jenyns'  Roll. 

De  la  More,  Richard -(F:.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
quarterl;  indented  argent  and  azure  ;  Norfolk 
Roll.  Oni;  of  these  names  took  up  the  cross 
in  the  last  Crusade  1270.  See  also  .\CTO.N', 
page  I. 

De  la  More,  ■William— (E.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
sable  a  tross  argenl  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

De  la  Mota,  ■William-IE.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
van.  a  bend  engr.uled  gules  ;  another,  vair.  a 
bend  gules    and  a  label  (3)  argent  ;    Jenyns' 

De  la  Penne,  Sir  John  of  Bucks— (E.  11. 

Roll  I  bore,  argent  on  a  fess  sable  three  plates  ; 

Parliamentary  Roll.     F. 
De  la  Penre,  Sir  Guy  (surname  illegible)— 

(E.  ill.  Roll)  bore,  or  three  bendlets  gules  a 

label  (3)  azure  ;  Ashmole  Roll 
DelaPlanche,Sir  J.aniea    1  1.1.       Kt  - 

(K,   11,  Roll!,  ari;.i.(  M         ■    ^        ■•..,» 

rampant  sable  erovMied    ,.    i       ,  1  ninv 



from    the 


i.   11.   Roll)  bore,  or. 

a    -1,1         '  ,  I  1  ,  I     ,  ,r<i    gules,     between   the 

anl'er-  ,1  li.  ui  .1.    1    ,  ..f  the  Last ;  Surrey  Roll 

Dd  la  Pole,  Michel  ,md  Simon-(R.  11. 

Ro!l)bore.  azure.  .1  fess  lie'tween  three  leopards 

De  la  Mare,  John— (E,  111.  Roll)bore,| 
a  Icon  leopard  rampant  argenl,  i.e.  a 
rampant  g.irdant  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

De  la  Mare,  Sir  Piers,  knighted  .- 
capitulation  of  Calais  1348— bore,  gules 
Ivons  passant  gardant  argenl  (F.),  as  ab 

^ILN  and  Sir  ROHKRT  of  Hants;  Surrei 
rliamenLary  Rolls, 

faces  or  ;  Surrev  Roll,     (F,)      Ilorne  : 
\VlLLl-\M,K,G,,  Earl  of  .Suffolk,  at  the  si, 
Roti.;n     1418;     quarterly  willl.    WlXGF 

Do  la  Pole,  Sir  'Walter— bore,  at  the 

of  Calais  1345-8.  azure  two  bars  wai  v  o 
Not  wavt  ill  Cotton  M-S.  ;  argent  iwo 
nebulise  azure,  in  Parlianientarv  Roll ,  for  I'l 
a  Norfolk  Knight. 

ji^  %C^  H-^ 

A<^  ^  ii  LlHiV- 




"1         r 


.  vt  .,v.  A' 

f  ,    --  -:n 


.y  .iVt'.kip 

>^  t 



^  dlnr^ut 

'If^h-L  ?/^/^*^ 


De  la  Poyle,  Sir  John  of  Middx.  Kt.- 
(E.  11.  Roll)  bore,  argont,  a  saliiru  gulus. 
bordure  sable  t>esanty ;  Parliamentary  Rol 
Walter  bore  tht  reverse ;  Arden  and  Howar 

De  la  Warde,  Robert- 

De  la 


nf  Dor. 
and  an 








l.-'t-;    I'r, 

De  la  River. 

ihc  first  Dim, 
danccts  or  (1- 
Roll).     He  sig 

Si : 
led  b 


b..  ..,.  a; 

.  Ki.  b.u 


>  LKJre 

George  acd  Ard' 
dancets;  Atkinson  Roll.    H.  VI. 
jDe  la  Roce,  Guy  -(K    m.  Roll)  bore.  or. 

three  bends  azure,  wiilnn  a  bordure  quies 
eniovreof  fleurs-de-lys  argent.     (K.)     Dering 


De  la  Roch,  Thomas,  a  baroti  1300— bore, 

s.ible,  two  hons  p.-issaiit  gardant  argent ; 
Nobiiity  Roll';  <r^cribed  to  JuuN  in  Jcnvns'     S.jalt-rl   tlie   Barons"  letter   to 'the 

Pope  13QI.  pp.  \.\i,  .VM\. 

De  la  Roche, ■WilUamHH.  in.  Roll)  bore. 

gules,  uvo  |-«.-iids  .irq.rit,  e.icli  charged  with  as 
nian>  in^^en^j.^s  bendways  azur.- ;  Howard  Roll 

De  la  Vache,  Hugh  :-.  Vache. 

De  la  Vache,  Sir  John  (of  Berksi— bore. 

at  the  first  Dunstable  tournament  1308,  argent 
on  a  bend  gules  tliree  ( ■' deym  ")  dier  heads 
erasedor.  in  the  cantell  a  martlet  sable.  Called 
Dk  la  Becchk  in  the  Parly.  Roll,  where  the 
heads  are  cabossed. 
De  la  Vach,  Sir  Kicliai-a.  ■  f  [.  :■      .kg. 

Glower  Roll. 
De   la   Val,   auy-{H.    in.    Roll)  bore,  or. 

eglettiie  4,  4,  3,  3,  azure  on  a  cross  gules  five 

escallops  argent ;  How.ard  Roll. 
De  la  Val,  John-HK.  11,   Roll)  Iwrc.  emimc 

two  bars  vt'rt ;   ji-rnns'  Roll.    Another,  ermine 

twu  gemelles  ami  a  ehuj!  or  ;  leiiyn.s  Ordinary. 

De  laWard,  Sir  Robert,  baron  i2c,q-i,r,rc, 

ghted  r 

;  battle  of  F 
of  Carlaverock  i_ 
(F. )     Dering  and  Camden   Rolls. 
Barons'  letter  to  the  Pop<-  130 
Ascribed  .,Uo  t.'^  ^^■n\  ;i,  Kn\i. 

(Dej  La  Warr,  Roger,  baron,  of  (sfield, 
siqned.  but  did  not  seal,  the  Barons' K-tter  to 
the  Pope  1 301.  p.  .wiv.  He  bore  (  K  1.  Roll) 
gules,  crtisily  filchtVand  a  Ivon  rampant  argent. 
(K.)  (See  preceding  entry.)  Ascribed  .also  to  .a 
Jun\  and  :i  RoHKKT;  the  latter  perhaps  took 
up  the  cross  in  the  last  Crusade  1270.  Jtnis, 
son  of  R.xjLK,  differenced  with  a  label  (3)  azure. 
at  the  first  Dunstable 
Nobility  Rolls. 

De  la  Warre,  Sir  Willii 
fitchik:  argent  a  hnn  r.vnipant  or, 

Delefend,  Sir  Gilbert  -bure,  at  the  first 

Dunstable  touruaniciit    1308.   und^e  (6)  sable 

and   argent  a   label  (3)  gviles.     JuHN  bore  or 

two  b.irs  undec  sabie.     K. 
De  Le  Fend,  Sir  John— bore,  at  the  tirsi 

Dunstable    tournament     1308.     "argent    two 

barres  unde  de  sa. " 
De    L'Isle,  Gerard— 'P..    m.    Roll)    bore, 

gules,  a  Ivon  passant  argent  crowned  or; 
Jenyns' Ordinary.    Same  as  Warin  DEL  Ihlk, 

De  Lisle,  Sir  John,  banneret— (E.  11.  Roll) 
— bore,  or,"  on  a  chief  azure  three  lyons  ram- 
pant of  the  first ;   Parhanientarj-  Roll. 

De  Lisle,  Sire  John-  bore,  at  the  battle  of 
Boroughbridge  1322,  ermine  two  chevrons 
sable.     F. 

De  Lisle,  Sir  John,  k.g..  a  founder,  and 

Robert-(E.  ni.  Roll)  bore,  or  a  fess  between 
two  chevronels  sable.  iF.)  *SL  Georqe  Roll 
and  jenyiis' Ordinary.  SeeaUo(i)Sir  RmiKK T 
DEL  Ifji-E,  who  bore  the  same  at  the  battle  of 
Boroughbndge,i322.and(2)JoHN,B;iron  Lisle. 

De  Lisle,  John,  of  Hants— (E.  ui.  Rolli— 
bore,  gules,  a  chevron  between  three  "  fovles 
de  eletvers"  t:ules;  Parly.  Rolllleaves  slipped), 
or.  m  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Delves,    (E.   1 

che\Ton   qules   betw 

sable  ;  \Mih  erest  :   B.dlard  Roll. 

Dengayne  r.  Engayne. 

Denham,  Sir  John  (Di  .nom}— (E.  111   Roll) 

bore,  argent,  a  bend  sable  lozengy  or  cottsed 

gules  ;  Ashmole  Roll. 
Dennardeston,  Sir  Peers  de,  of  Suffolk- 

[K.  u.  f'olh  bore,   azure,    two  Lars  argent,  on 

Roll)  bore,  argent, 

^^c)i.Av^  ^^  ^t^,^. 



y^  J  u  xc. 

y^t  1   Kh 


A\  ...7,:r 

fi!    ..'4 

V.    r,\   V    >«^ 


^t$^>  h  (p. 


Dennis  ( l-.i  Ketui^h  Knii^lu— (H.  vi  Ro!l) 

bore.  argL-tit.  a  fLSs'andtJc  guk-s  t»eiv\t^n  six 
fleurs-dc-Iys  3  and  3  azure  ;  Arundel  Roll 

Dennis  |R.  11.    Roll)   bore,    sable    three 

hatchets  erect  2  rind  i  argent ;  .Surrey  Roll. 

Dent,  WiUiam  de-  (li.  ri.  RoUl  bore.  vert. 
'  s  head  cabosscd  or,  a  bordure  engrailed 

of  the  la: 

■  Roll. 

Denton,  John  de,  of  Ainsiable— bore,  two 
bara  in  chief  three  martlets.  Sec  Incised  Stab, 
from  Boutell. 

Denton,  Richard— (E. 
a  che\Toii  between  three  c 

Denton,  Sir 
5  pierceil 

II.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
escents  argent. 
Richard-(E.  111.  Rulli  bore. 

jari  sule>  m  thief  three  cinque- 
sabJo  :  Ashmole  Roll. 
De'Ore,  Nicolo-   (H    in    Roll  1  bore,  argent 

a  cross  gules  frettee  or  between  four  jackdaws 

proper.     (F.)     Denng  Roll 
De  Ore,  Richard -(I I.  in.  Roll)  bore,  barry 

(6)  argent  and   azure  na    .1    bend    gules    five 

bezams.     (F.)     L>enng  Roll. 
Depden,  John— (R.    11.    Roll)   bore,  argent, 

on  a  chief  azure    three  Ivons   rampant  or  ; 

Surrey  Roll, 

Depham,  Sir  Stephen  of  Norfolk.  Kt.— 

(E.  II    Roll)  bore,  argent  on  a  fess  gules  three 
lyonceux  passant  gardani  or  ;  Parlianieniary 
Derby  (Henry),  Earl  of  (K.   11  )— bore. 
England  and  a  baston  azure  :  Cotgrave  Roll. 
According  to   the   6th    Nobility    Roll,   temp. 
H.  VI..  bore  England  undifterenced. 
Derby,Henry  ■•  of  Bolinghrokc,"  Earl  of— 
{R.     II.     Roll)    bore.     Franee     and     England 
quarterly,  differenced  with  a  label  (5)  per  pale 
•     (2)ermineand(3)azurefloretteeor;  Surrey  Roll. 
[Dering,   Richard,    til.  ;    de    Haute,    bore. 
Seal,  19  Hen.  iv.— argent,  a  fess  azure  in  chief 
three    torteau.v.— Shirley.]     F.      Said    to    be 
father  of  the  next-named. 
tDering,  Ric.  tefiz-(H.  iii.    Roll)  bore.  or. 
^     asaliiresahlefP.);  DenngRoll.     The  arms  of 
De  MoRiMi. 
De  River.    See  River. 
Dernford,  'Williani- (H.   iii.   Roll)  f^jrc. 
sable,  an  eagle  displayed  argent  (F.),  Anieu 
and  Hov\ard   RolU.     Another  ^VII,l.IA^^  l^jre 
argent  two  wings  conjoined  sable  (F  ),  and  a 
third  William  ^K)^e  three  fish  h.auriaiit  con- 
joined in  triangle  (Y)— (F.);    Arden  and  St. 
George  Rolb. 

Derwardl ).  an    Essex    Knight— (H.  vi. 

Roll)  txire,  ermine  on  a  chevron  sable  three 
crescents  or  ;  Arundel  Roll. 
.Derwentwater,  John— (E.  iii.  Roll)  bore, 
argent  {"a  fez  et  demy  ")  two  bars  gules  on  a 
quarter  of  ih*^  last  a  cinquefovic  pierced  of  the 
first;  Jenyns'  Roll  and  Ordinary  ;  pierced  or. 
in  Surrey  Roll. 


baston    b 

■i),i,     '  [,  , 


-,■    1 



(baron  r 


I  .308.) 

Hugh  ( 

the  seco 

ii  I '.  1. 

lltMt     I 

H,  '"^'id 

at  the  sie 


ul  ir   2 

lU  lord. 

also    bor 

1  koiie 

1   M'8; 


Hi  '    II      1 

.  't 

will    a 


sable,    ii 

^U'"'\       [ 

I  in  KT 

nilh  a 

bend  engrailed  ;   .\sl 

^  r  1 


and  Sir 

'IIILU'    b'li 

[   li- 

: Calais                      ! 

1345-8.  c 
of  the  fir 

ver  all  on  . 

nuillets                        ; 


lt,  i< 

1  a  label                        , 

(3) azure 

Sc-e  Tills, 


ih  M 

vii,  i\                          ' 

and  the  EHigy  of  Ei 







III,  Roll)hoie 

argent,                         ! 


:  ivaler-                         | 


uurc  (babli 




s'  Ordy.                         ! 





I,    Roll)   borv,                         \ 

sable,    SI 




1,    2,    I 

argent                       ; 

IF.);     D 

ring    and 

I  n 



Called                         1 

or  OCLYN 



»■  Ordin 

ary,                                : 


X( )    be 


11  tliii 

siege  of  Rouen                            I 

mullet  or  (R.  II.);  Siurrey  Roll, 

Devereux,  John  (E.  in.  Roll),  and  Sir 
William,  of<_liebliire-bore,  the  reverse  t  e. 
gules,  a  fess  argent,  in  chief  three  plates  :  .\sli- 
mole.  Glover  and  Parli,anienlary  Rolls  ;  besants 
in  H.arl.  MS.  4033  fo.  49'',  probably  an  error 
for  the  first  coat. 



Abbev  Church  at  Tewkesbury, J 


After  Carkr. 

"  Se-  0»^^^^ 

Xo.1t  J. 


'-)  ■'>  ■ 

.'.T>-S-.    A",  .VMS 

Vii     ,  .  ,1-.  I-  i::i  v;l»,iA 

!'-^C       -,  '1 





D   D 

//«<-  Ji„a.c^te  Jl-^s-l  Je-/aU^ 

Deynoourt,  Sir  Edmund,  l.n 

bre.  ,11  the  balllc  of  r.ilkjrk  i 
iiillciLi^c  ami  a  fcss  dancnit^:  ,„  i 
[lit  Barons' letter  to  i!ii     I'.  ;.     i 

s.imeat  the  slese  of!  .     . 

14S1  fo.'4a.     " 
Deyncourt,  Sir  Willi, 

1  tfie  I 

I  kuiib. 

I  l-.>sc: 

L-  by  I 


Deync-ourt,    Hueh-(H.    tii.    R„| 

■    .lrL.]:n  or  .mil  azure  onafessmilesthi ,„ 

ar-..m-     ,st,     Ijeorge    Roll-butkleb    (F.l    in 
ll.irl.  .Mr,.  6137  fo.  78^.  '     ' 

Deynoourt,  Haf-(H.  111.  Rem  bore,  gules 
billeltOc  and  a  fess  danccltfc  or  ;  Arden  and 
at.  George  Kolls. 

Deynoourt, Sir WilliamHE. ..  Rolllbore 
ermine  a  fess  dancetlec  sable;  a  note  in  Jennis' 
Ordinar,-.  an  earlier  eoat  than  that  of.  arcent 
billellee  dansey  satile.  .See  Sir  Wii.ljam  al»ve. 

°^?T-'n<  i^'''  John-bore,  at  the  battle 
of  >alliirk  1298,  or,  a  fess  gules,  tlorettte 
coQnterchanged— 3,  3,  2,  i— 3,  2,  r  (p'  ) -i  2  -^ 
Borne  also  by  Rohekt  ;  Jcnyiis' Ordinary.  '  "' 

Deyvill.  Eoger-(E.  111.  Rolll  l»re  or  a 
fess  sable,  fiorettfc  connterchan^ed  ■  ieiiv'ns' 
urd.nary.  ^ 

Dey-rile,  Sir  John,  banneret-bore    at  the 

batt  e  of  Horou.t;h bridge  1322,  whiles   tIorett(?e 

urv  Rol?" ''^"'''^"' "'"'"'■     '''•°'     f ="■'"""!:"- 

tDeyvile,  Ansele  (de  Vii.k1-(H.  im    Roll! 

bore,    arjenl   a   fess   between  siv  nuillets  161 

mullets  (5)  in  chief  only,  in  .Ashniole  M.S. 
Dichant,  John  and  Hobert-(E.  111   Rolll 
bore,  ermine  two  gemellcs  and         ■     - 

Digges  ( ).  a  Kentish  Kniijlit 

bore,  gules,  on  a  ero,s  ai  ijeiit  I 
played  sable  ;  .Arundel  Roll. 

Dinant,  Sire  Oliver,  bann 

li        '  -   l;'>ll.     .-Vnother   Roiil.K-lC)  bore  the 
I  ' 'I  fourescallops  3and  I  ermine.  (F.) 

Dmaiu,Iloillansde-(H.  111.   Roll)  bore, 

gule::   n\e  tii^ils  eonioincd   in  fess  between  six 

roundles  erniiiic  :   Howard  Roll. 
Dinant,  Geoffrey  de-(H.  111.   Roll)  bore, 

gules,  crusili  or  Jive  fusils  conjoined  ermine. 

(I-.l     St,  George  Roll. 
Dinawesbran,  Sr.  ( )de— (H.  111.  kolli 

bore,  aiiure,  crusily  an  orle  or  ;  .\rden  Roll. 
Dinhain  ;.  Dynham. 

Disney,  William  - 1  R.  11.  Roll )  bore,  argent 
'■i".inl  in  pale  gules;  .Surrev. and 

V^--,-:---'  '■'-  ,^  .V 


iDtsney,  Sir  William  (H,  111.) -bore 
argent,  on  a  f.-ss  gules  three  Heurs-de-lvs  or 
Shirley.]     F.     .See  .Moinimental  .Slab.  . 

D'Obehale  v.  Obehale. 

Dockseye,  Sir  Richard  de,  of  ,s.,loi^- 

a  bastoi 
T  Roll. 

and  iulei 

'[Dod,  Hugo,  of  Clovcrlv,  Salop  (H  IV  1- 
bore,  argent  a  fess  gules  between  two  cotises 
waAy  sable.  Diju  of  Edge  bore,  three  cres- 
cents or,  on  the  fess.  -Shirley.]     F. 

Doddingsells,  John   (-.    OnixcstLLs)- 

(R.  II.  Rliir)  b, 
Dodingsells.  S 

banneret  — L",i, 

1  fess  gules;  Surrey 


:iorne  al,o  iFI  bvHfcil 
111.1  in  lemnsOrdinarv 
W  H,Ll.\Mof  Lon;  Icheii 
~  "il  in  chief  (F.l  lenyns 
"  Roll  ;  spur-rov.ells'  ir 
■  Xshniole  Copv  the  fes! 
'   r.inells. 

Dodingsells,  IVicolas  in.  Onivcsms 
l/WlM.l.A.M)-  (H.  ill.  Roll,  bore  argenton- 
fess  gules  three  escallops  or  in  chief  [»o  spur 
rowclls  of  the  second.  (R)  St,  George  Roll 
the  fess  tjetween  three  spur-roweils  m  UttI 
M.S.  1481  fo.  87".  ' 

-MOXU.ME.NI.M.    Sl.MI. 


In    K  I  .\  g e r i;  V    C  H  i.'  K  c  11 . 

LlXCOLNSHlRK,    C.    I350. 

A/ltr  Fnwicll. 

%*-fiSi^y:s(  %p%^^A  •dOJj.^jf/.j 

— 1       r~ 


-r'-i          U 

— __ 

\  ^ 



%*   %m^i*M. 





Dointon,  John  cle-(H.  tir  Roll)  boie. 
a/urt  tuo  tnitiijK'ts  (r'i7  h^utl>ovs)  piieiv:i)s 
or      (F. )     Ar.lLTi  itiiLl  St.  Georgo  Rolls. 

Dokesworth,  Sir  John,  of  co.  Cambridge 
~|E  11.  k.jlll  bcrc.  a^urc.  a  cross  belnecn 
four  lyonccu.\  riiinpaiu  argciu;   Pari.  Roil. 

Dolerd,  Sir  H.-(H.  m.  Koll)  bore.  buI-'s. 
[wo  Il.iunches  Ivovtkris  aii.ilKjlccs)  argent,  a 
bordurc  sable  ;  .Atkmsoii  Roll.     f. 

Domare.  John  de  (?Doxm.\re)— (H  ti. 
Rolll  l.jic,  a/urc,  liillellSe  and  a  crescent  or. 
(F.)    .St  George  Roll. 

Donneworthe,  Robart  de— (K.  i.  Roll) 
t  between  four  bcsants. 


r  Ro 

Dordant,  Sir  John,  fell  at  the  siege  of  Calais 
1348— bore,  per  fess  iiideiued  azure  and  argent 
a  pipe  gules. 

Dovedale,  Sir  John  (or  Dr!!).  of 
Surrey  or  Sussex -(E.  tl.  Roll  1  bore,  argent  a 
cross  moline  gules  m  trick,  hiasoned.  recereel^e ; 
Parlianicm.ary  and  Jenins'  Rolls.  TuoM.vs 
boreitlE.  lit.  Ro\\)iiuurlerlv  -i^-ith,  azure  frctty 
or  :  Jeiiyns'  Roll. 

Dovre,  Richard  de-(H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  two  leopards  {i.e.  IvonsI  passant  or  ; 
Glover  Roll. 

Doyley,  John    (E.    iti.  Rolli  liore,  or.  two 

bends  gules  ;  Jeinns  Ordinary 
Draicott,  Richard  de.  baron  — l>ore,  1297. 

palv  16)  argent    and    gules  a    bend    ermine; 

ist    Nobilitv    Roll.     Ri.KrK.\M    look    up   the 

cross  m  the  last  Crusade  is,-o. 
Drayton,  Sire  Symon  de-bore,  .it  the 

battle  of  Boroughbndge  1322,  argent  a  cross 

engr^le  gules.     F. 
CDrewe,  William,  of  Orcheston.    IJevon, 

c.   t300 — bore,  ermine  a  Ivon  passant  g'lles — 

Shirley.]     F. 
Drewell,  Sir  John  (or  Dlk\vi:l),  of  Bucks 

— (E     11     koll)   Iiore.    qu.arterlv    argent  and 

sable,  in  the  first  a  crescent  gnlis  ;  Pari,  Roll. 
Driffield,  William,  of  the  Wold— (E.  111. 
1  between  three 


■  heads 

e.i  sable  ;  Jei 

■  Roll. 


or  and  azure  (41   roses  counter 


ed  IF.)i 

Ke.:p<.T  of  the  Wardrulx.-.  Bishop  of  Bath  and 

W  ells  1309-29. 

Dronsfield,  Christopher- 


I      Roll) 

bore,  gules,  two  baiCons  coupcd  in  " 

guise  du 

chevron  "  or,  tricked,  gules  a 


I  ragulv 

fractcd  in  the  centre  argent )  V. 

;  Jen 

ns-  Roll 

Drummond,  Sir  John,  of 


1301 — bore,    three  bars    wavv 



r  in  the 

Scottish  wars,  his  lands  were  c 


d  on  Sir 

Edmund   Hastings,  who  sic^i. 

1    the 


letter  to  the  Pope  1301.  and  sea 

ed  It 

with  this 

Sir  John's  seal.  p. 

Drury  ( )  a  Knighl-|H.  vi.    Roll)   bore. 

argent  on  a  chief  vert  two  mullets  or  ;  ,\rundel 
Roll.  Mullets  pierced  in  .\shmole  Roll  ; 
NlCHi)l..\s  of  5.a.\ham.  Sutf.  bore  a  croas  Tau 
between  the  mullets  ;  Harl.  .M.S.  1481  fo.  84. 

Dryby,  William -(E.  tl.  Rolli  Imre.  argent, 
three  qu.irlrefoyles  and  a  quarter  gules— iricked 
argent  three  cinquefovles  pierced  and  a  quarter 
gules  :  Jcnyns'  Roll.  ' 

Dryland  ( 1  a  Kentish  Knight-(H.  vi. 

Roll)  bore,  gules  guttc*c  d'eau.  on  a  fess 
undt^  (nebulae)  argent  an  ermine  spot  ; 
Arundel  Roll. 


In  the  Choir  of  Inch.m.^home. 

Oi;.   1301. 

.4/ler  Drummond. 


■^  \ 

\    \. "  A' 

-V-.  ^^'iV\ 


1  ■(»vV^'3  vi. 



W  vV;;,  .,..>(\ 


DunBta(n)ville,  Sir  Robert,  KG.— (K. 

bore,    argtnt   n.   frt-t    g\il'.s    within    .1  borrii 
enEraili;d  i.ibli.',  over  all  on  n  c.inloii  of  ihc- 
end  ,T  lyou  |»;LSsanl  or  ;  K.  399  fo.  30.    Thjs 

Dunyton,  Keynald  de--(E.  iii.  RoHjbon:-, 

aryont    three  ■  crosses    nioline    gules— fer-di:- 
niohiie  in  trick  ;  Jenyns"  Ordinary. 

Duraee  v.  Derace,le  Conte— (F„  in.  Roll) 

bore,  gulcs.  three  palcts  \.-iir,  on  a  chief  or  a 
dcmi  Heur-dc-lys  issuant  sable;  Jenyns' Ordi- 

Duresme,  Sir  Enion  (or  Gfxf.m)  of  Essex 
~(E.  in.  Roll)  boie,  argent  on  a  cross  of  i^t. 
George  (gules)  five  flcurs-de-lys  or;  Parlia- 
mentary Roll  and  Jenyns'  Ordinary  ;  six  flcurs- 
de-lys  in  /VshinoIeRoll.     F. 

A  TourxamilNt,  ciKCA  1500;  British   .Mcskum, 
AriD.  Ms.  24,09 

Dymoke,  John— (R.  11.  Roll)  bore,  sable, 
two  lyoncetix  p:is5:ant  in  pale  argent  cro-.^nod 
or  ;  Surrey  Roll  and  Je»yns'  Ordinary.     F. 

Dymot,  Sir  David,  of  co.  Lane— (E.  11. 

koll)  bore,  gules,  on  a  chief  or  a  lyon  pasiant 

blu  (another  of  the   field) ;    Parlianier.iary 

Sir    Oliver,    knighted 

■.Mpiiulatinn  ni  Calais  1348  — bore,  gules, 
fu=ih  conji'iiicd  in  fess  ermine,  a  bordui 
graiWI  argvni  (F.)  John  bore  the  ? 
out  tlie  bordure  ;  Surrey  Roll  and  Jei 
Ordinarv.     Sometimes   five  fusils  and  ; 

Dyve  ( )a  Suffolk  Knight— (H.    vi.    Rot 

bore,  gules,  a  chevron  bet\veen  three  dpei 
sable,  the  breasts  argent  ;  Arundel  Roll.    K. 

^h^-^     %";.^^ 


From  the  Hastings  Brass  in  Elsisg  Church. 

.  -.'v.  .'s\ 

'"-■v  y 

.>    -    .-  'kit-- 

-VI       t, 

U  : ' : .  .  ;:t> 

T^v/-^        ,....,.,,.  ,^,v.>^ 



:^     /^ 

'  J.  .0  *      /:ri 
I'.--  J/.'--    ^--' 

<■■■'//  //» 

i.*^  '»      •^•'•-~^_  ,    --'V,.-  ,^'-tf-,     //     \    '41  ^  \ 

•vy  '-v 

■■\ -^v^ 

i-  ' 

50.)/£  FEUDAL   COATS  OF  ARMS. 


;Edwardes  I 1  of  Kii; 

tygers'  hwads  erast 

Ellesfeld.    Sir   John 
O.Non-(E.    II.    Rolll   bo 
undOes.-ible;    I'arli..iraMi 


rc.    ardent    two    bars 
arv  Rill. 

Ellesfeld,  Alayn  de 

IJCniis.  ..Mr    .ili    ..1, 

-iK.    I.     Roll)    bore. 
U'lidlet  sable   three 
II     (K.)    Scgar  Roll. 

Ellis  1-   -           1 
III.  R..;'    ■;. 

,    Kust.  Y. irks. —IE. 
.  ■  baches  batantz") 
,,l,li  Roll. 

Ellis,  Sir  Henry,  oiv 
bore,  or.  on  a  cross  sabk 
Parliamentary   Roll.      J 

irl-shire-(K.  11.  Roll) 
five  crescents  argent ; 
OII.N'    bore  escallops; 





■■J   yj 





TLbc  S)^na6t^  of  Sai'c-Goburg  anb  (5otba 


IFDcnoist  'ffvino  of  the  Sayons.  434, 

BY    JEROME     HENNINGES.     15S3. 

Revised  with  the  Genealogies  of  the  Alargraves  of  Alcisscn  by  Dr.   Gossc. 

This  pedigree  rather  suggests  that  one  may  contemplate  the  Accesbion  of  King  Edward  vii.,  23  January,   1901 
as  a  regaining  of  Britain  by  the  Saxon. 

HENGST  or  HENGIST,  King  of  the  Saxons  on  the  death  of  his  father.  Wiiigislaus  (j,i\\  from  Work-n)  in  434.     Upon  the  invitation  of  HoRSA  or   HoRSTUS  sailed  with 

Vortiger.  King  of  the  Britons,  to  assist  him  Against  his  Northtrn  encmiL'S,  the  Scots  and  Picis.  he  set  sail  for  Mritain  in  447  with  his    brother  into    Britain,   and 

.       -his  Angles  or  tirst  Kn^Iishnien,  and  landed  in^Thanet.     It  is  said  that  he  became  Kinij  of  Kent,  and  that  he  received  the  whole  was  slain  at  the  Batiluof  Ails- 

country  of  Kent  on  piving  his  daughter  Rowena  in  marriage  with  King  Vortiger.     Hengist  is  said  to  have  died  in  474  or  488.  ford,  in  Kent- 
father  of  Hadwaker  (or  Audoacre).  faiiier  of  Hailwigale.  father  of  Hulderic.  father  of  Bodicus,  father  of  Berthold,  father  of 
Sighard.  father  of  Dietrich,  father  of  Wernekind,  who  was  father  of  Wittckind,  next  named  = 

WiTTEKiND  THE  GREAT,   last  Kin^  and  fiist  Duke  of=SVATANA.    Duchess    of 
Saxony,    a.d.    789.    warred    with   Charlf^magne,   by  t      Saxony  (and  wife), 
whom  he  was  conquered  ;  d.  807. 

I..  Count  of  Wettin. 

DiTMAR.  Count  of  Wettin  and  Burgravc  of  Zorbig,  =  \\'iLLA,  dau.  of  Otto,  Count 
d.  933  (83  years  after  his  father  !)  I       of  Raveningen. 

,  Balbus,  d.  :c  AprU,  879.  =Adelaide  (2nd  wife). 

Dietrich  or  Theodore,  =JuDiTH,  dan.  of  Rion.        Dedo  i.  Von   Wettin, 
Count    of    Wettin,     d.  |      Count  of  Merscburg.  953-7-    Hopf,  p.  150. 

about  970. 

Count    cf=TlTBURGA,       dau.       of 


,     GiSELA       r.\n--Rni.Lo, 
of        Henry.         Duke  of  derson  niak.  s       Dike  of 

Auceps,     the         Lorrain,  her  sister,  nut         Nor- 

Emperor.  daughter,     of        mandy. 



Charles,  made   Duke  of  Lorrain   in  =  Agnes.  Couniessof  Vermandois 
987.  d.  992.  I      (2nd  wife). 

_K\vis  I.,  sumamed  the  B'-arded,  made  Landgrave  =  CtciI.TA.  Cij-init 
of  Thuruigiaby  Emperor  Conrad  11.,  J039.  d.  1055.  I      of  .bangcrhauH: 




'ONKAD.  surnamcd  the  Great.  succ.= 
hii  cousin  Henry.  Count  of  Eukn- 
burg  (nephew  to  Dietrich,  Count  of 
Wcitin  and  Margrave  of  Mrissen). 
in  1127;  he  was  invcslt^d  with  the 
dignity  of  Margrave  of  Meissen  by  ; 
ihe  Emperor  Loth.iir.  who  also  , 
conferred  on  him  the  Margravaie  ' 
of  Lower  Lusatia  in  1136.  He  d.  j 
1137  (66  vears  after  his  father  !  ) 

Lf.wis    ir.,    surnamed    the    Lcaper.    Landgrave    of=AnKLHEtD  (and  wife),  dau.  of  Udo, 

Thuringia,  d.  1123. 

Margrave  of  Stadc 

dau.  of    Emperor  Conrad 

Orro.  Margrave  of  Meissen,  surnamed  =  Hedwig,     dau.     of    Albert 
the  Rich.  d.  1189-90.  1      (Ursus),    the    first   elector 

of  Brandenburg. 

.  Landgraveof  Thuringia.  =Soi'HlA.  dau.  of  Frederick  v.  of  Saxony  (1st  wife). 

\i.BERT.  Margrave  of  Meiss<:n,  surnamed  ^-Sophia,  dau.  of  Frederick, 
the  Proud,  was  poisoned  by  one  of  his         Duke  of  Bohemia, 
senanis.  1195. 

Margiave     of=JuDiTH,    heiress     of     Thuringia      after     her 
Meissen,  Count  of  W'eisscnfels,  only  brother        brother   Henry;  she  re-m.  to   PoppoXKI., 
of  Albert ;  poisoned  by  his  physician,  1222  '.     Count  of  Hcnneburg. 
(ist  husband). 


Co.ssT.-iNTiA  {ist  Wife)   dau.  of=H 
Leopold.  Duke  of  Austria 
before  1262. 

ENRY.  surnamed  the  Illastrioiis,  younsjest  son.: 
b.  1218  ;  Margrave  of  Meissen  througli  his 
father,  and  Landgrave  of  Thuringia  through 

Naumbcrg,  1245-72 

^LHERT,  surnamed  the  f'roward,  obtained  the  = 
province  of  Thuringia  for  his  portion  ;  dis-  , 
tinguished  himself  in  wars  in  Prussia.  1265  ;  ! 
d.  at  Erfurt.  1314.  aged  74.  I 

•Iargakft.  dau.  of  Emperor  Frederick  11., 
1256  ;  to  avoid  assassination  she  fled  from 
her  husband,  who  ni.  Cunigunda  von  Eiscn- 
bcrg,  one  of  her  ladies. 

Frkdkkick      I..      Mar- 
grave of  Meissen  and 
Landgrave    of     Thu- 
ringia.   b.     1257.     d. 

)IETR1CH.  dwflt  at 
Leip7ic.  niurdcrL-d  in 
the  Church  24  Dec, 
1307.  aged  37. 

Frederick  il.  Margrave  of  Meissen  and  Landgrave  =  MATlL[ 
of  Thuringia,  surnamed  the  Grave,  d.  2  Feb.  |  Lewis 
>349.  aged  40. 

RODERICK          III.,^ 

Catherine,     dau. 

SiGISMUND,  Bishop 

William,  got  Up. 

Bm.thasar        got 


Margraveof  Mf  is- 

of  Count   Henry, 

of  Mcrsburg. 

per  Meissen  1376 

Thuringia,   1376; 

to  Frederick 

senr    and     Land- 

of      Henneberg ; 

Lewis,  Archbp.  of 

d.  10  !-eb.  1407. 

m.  Margaret,  dau. 


grave     of     Thu- 

she   had  Coburg 


of    Albert.     Bur- 


ringia.   surnamed 

which    was     thus 

grave    of    Nurn- 

the    Valiant ;    b. 

added  to  Saxonv ; 


14  Oct  1332  ;    d. 

n..  .346. 


25  May.  1 33 1. 


'rederick  I.  and  iv..  surnamed  the  Warlike,  reigned  jointly  with  his  brothers  as  =  CATHERlNE.       dau.       of  William,  the    Rich.  pur- 
Margrave,  and  with  them  purchased  Saalfeld  of  the  Counts  of  Schwartzburg.     On  1      Henry,  Duke  of  Bruns-  chased   the   Margravate 

wick.  d.  28  Dec.  1422.  of    Brandenburg,    d.    30 

George,  dwelt  at  Coburg. 

d.  unrri".  9  Dec.  1401. 
Frederick  and  Kathi- 

BINE  died  young. 

REDERICK  II.,  Elector  of = 


RET.          dau.         of 

SlGTSMUND,    Bishop    of 

William,  got  Thuringia.    Ann,  wife 

Saxony,    surnamed    the 


1 1.  Ironside,  Arch- 

Wurtzburg.     1440-3  ; 

refused    the    Crown    of        Landgra 

Gentle ;      b.     22     Aug. 


of    Austria;      m. 

d.  a4  Dec,  1471. 

Bohemia,      m.      twice ;         1436. 

1412  ;  d.  7  Sept  1464. 


d.  12  Feb.  i486. 

d.  17  Sept  1482  = 




ErNKST.  KlectOi- ol"  S  .  .   .rr,     :.■   .\ .:;!-■( I  Jointly  ^  K 

with  bis  brolli'T  \  ;  '  i  .  \  .ir^;.  and 
then  divided  thi  ir  i  i  ■  .  i  m.-si  got 
Thiiringia,  Willi  th'  i  II,  o  .r.u  i.-mhiIv,  and 
Albert  became  owiut  oi  Mcisscn.  This 
partition  originated  ilio  disiii)i:tioii  of  the 
Ernestine  and  Alberlinc  lines,  still  ob-  [ 
served  in  thi;  House  of  Saxony  ;  b.  24  I 
Mar.  1441 ;  d.  26  Aug.  i486.  I 

l.rtKKT,  Margrave  of  Meissen, 
siirn.inied  the  Courageous, 
founder  of  tlie  Albertine  line; 
b,  31  July.  1443  :  tl-  at  the  sieRc 
of  (irocningen  12  Sept.  1500. 
leaving  two  sons,  George  and 
Henry,  ancestor  of  the  Kin^s  of 
Saxony;  this  line  received  the 
Electorate  in  1547  on  the  depri- 
vation of  John  Frederick  I. 


wif.^    of 

AVN.  1 


HtDvvio,    Abbess 

Dukf  of 


or   of  tlr.ii, 


irg;    d.  Oct 

MVKGAKF.T.      Al.tx- 

.  and   d. 


of  Seuselitz. 

Klector     of    SOPHIA  (ist^wifc).  dau.  of= John.   ElKclor  of  Saxony 
the     death     of    his 

led  the 
Wise,  founded  the  Uni- 
versity of  Wittenberg 
1502.  '  the  protector  of 
Martin  Luther ' ;  b.  17 
Jan.  1463:  d.  unn,. 
5  May.  1525.  just  ufion 
the  rising  of  the  Boors 
in  rebeUion. 

brother.  1525.  sut 
the  Constant,  i 
total  defeat  ti 
rebellious  lloors. 
Thomas  Mantzei 
leader,  prisonei 
30  June.  1468:  d. 

KKT      (2nd      V 

of      Wal.lei 

:ofAnh.dt;  n 

■.    Archbi 
leburg.     1 

I.  I  May. 

shop     of 
476:     d. 

John    FKKPKRtCK    I..   Elector  of  Saxony,    surnanietl    thc^SvBil. 
Magnanimous,  taken  prisoner  at  the  battle  near  MuUierg 
24  April.  1547.  and  deprived  of  the  Electorate  ;  b.  30  June 
1503  ;  d.  3  Mar.  1554. 

of  John,  Duke  of  M.\RV.    ni.    27    Feb., 

sister    of    Anne    of  1536.      10      Philip. 

,  of  Hcnrv  viit.  of  l>ukefif  Pomer.inia, 

..  2  June.1527;   d.  and  d.  7  Jan.  1583. 

It    Cobtirg, 

d.     8 

Philip,       Duke 

Feb.  1553. 

Hrunswick.     She 
married  to  Piiii 
of  Schwaruburg. 


(I)  John  Frfdkrick  n.,  Duke  and  founder  of  the  teni- 
porarj' division  of  Save-Gotha,  deposed  1567,  founded  th'* 
University  of  Jena.  1548;  d.  g  M.iy.  1595:  line  eMmct 
on  the  death  of  his  son,  John  Ernest,  of  Eibenaeh, 
23  Oct.  1638,  s.p. 


Krkderick    WiI-l.I.XM.     founder     of     the  Dohotmk.a  M 

Altenburg  line,  whieh  l)ecanie  estinct  on  Joachin    Ern 

the  death  of  his  grandson,  14  April.  1672.  ni.  7  Jan.  151 

2)  John  Wir.i.iAM.  founder  of  the  House  of  SAxe-Weimar.  =  Dorothy  Susanna,  dau.  of  Frederick  1 
and  Slice,  his  brother  in  Gotha.       He  solicited  the  hand  I  Elector    Palatine     of    Simniern  ; 

of    Queen    Elizabeth  on   her    accession   10    the   English!  15  June,  1560;  d.  29  Mar.  1592, 

throne,    and  was  refused;  b,  11  Mar.  1530;    d,  2  Mar. 

i=t   wifel.  dau.    of=JO 
1  nice  of    .Anhall ;  | 
18  July,  1617.  j 

:atmakine  (2nd  wife),  d.iii,  of  \Vm.. 
Landgrave  of  Hesse ;  m.  14  May. 
1598;  d.  19  Aug.  1658. 

.  Duke  of      JuHN    Eb 

April.  1598;  d. 
17  May.  1662; 
his  son.  John 
Ernest,  was  foun- 
der of  the  line  of 

sLiin  in  battle 
in  Brabant,  19 
Aug.  1622. 

="rEDEKICK   I.,   Duke 
of   Saxe-Gotha,    b. 
15  July.  1646;  d.  2 
Aug.    1691,    having 
m.    14    Nov.   1669, 
Magdalene  Sibvlla, 
Duke  of  S.-ir-Halle        ned  twice. 
or  Weisenfels.     She 
d.  7  Jan.   1681,     On  the  death  s  p.  of 
his  descendant,  Frederick  iv.,  11  Feb. 
182^,  the  House  of  Saxe-Coburg  i 

Albert,  of 
b.  24  Mav, 
1648  ;  d.  s.p.s 
6   Aug.   1699 

1633,  Dorothy,  dau, 
of  Frederick  \\'ni., 
Duke  of  Sa.\c-AI  ten- 
bin  g. 
vtHN,  b.  19  Sept.  1600  ; 
died    a     prisoner     17 

gen.  b.  10 
Sept.  1649 : 
d.  27  April. 

Jfrnahd.  the  Brave.  Duke  of 
Weimar.  *  an  incomparable 
Hero,"  distinguished  at  Lut- 
zen,  one  of  the  heroes  of  ihc 
Thirtv  Years'  War;  d.  at 
Xewburg  on  the  Rhine,  8 
July,  1639. 

Elizal»eth.  dau, 
of  Lewis  VI.. 
Landgrave  of 
Hesse  D.irni- 
stndt  :  she  d. 
16  Aug.  1715. 

:rnkst.  Duke  of  S.txo-G.- 
I'ious  (9th  son)  founder  nt 
of  Sa\e-Gotha,  and  of  li 
Coburg-Goiha,  S.T\e-M'  1 
Altenl^crg  (Hitdburgh.uis, 
ing  to  the  custom  of  the 

t6oi :  d.  26  Mar.  1675. 

iniod  the  =  Hit 

,  of 

Saxe-Ei  sen  berg,  Hildburi 
b.  6  Jan.  1653  ;  hauscn. 
d.  28Aprtl.i707,  July.  16; 
having  married  17  Oct.. 

twice-left  an  having  r 

only  dau.  30  Nov. 

Sophia  I 
rietta.  dau.  of  George  Frederic 
of  Waldeck;  shed.  15  Oct. 

f  Saxe-     SoI'HIaHe 

(ist  wife),  dau. 
of  Christian, 
Duke  of  Saxo- 
Merseburg.  ni. 
18  Feb.  1680 ; 
d.  2  Aug.  1686. 

John  Ernest, 
Duke  of  Sa\e- 
S.ialfeld  {7th 
son),  b.  22 
Aug.  1658  ; 


jninily  with  his  brother 
after  his  fathers  death  ; 
b.    18    Aug.     1683  ;     d. 

RANClsJosiAS,  Dukeof  Snxc-S.iatfeld  =  As 
and  Coburg  (which  wa.s  received  from         1 
S.ixe.Mciiiin£;en),   joinilv  unill    174  = 
He  introduced   the  l.iw   ofpnnio-.'i. 
ture  into  his  familv  1746  ;  b.  25  Scpi 
1697;  d.  16  Sept.  1764. 

Sophia,  dau.  of    Soi'i 
is    Frederick   i.,         Fe 

Trince   of  Schwar 

burg  Rudelstadt, 

Ernest  Frepe-      =  Sophia     Antoin 

,  Duke  of 
Saxe-Saal  feld 
Coburg,   b.  8 

.  of  Ferdinand  AI- 
l)ertll., Dukeof  Hnins- 
vMck  Wolfenbuttell, 
m.  23  April.  1749;  d. 
17  May,  1802. 

ceneral.  b.  25 
Jan.  1730:  d. 
18  Sept.  1797. 

general,  b.  26 
Dec.  1737  ;    d. 
26  Feb.  18 1 5. 

.731;  d.  2  AuR.  l8ro;  m. 
May.  17;:;,  to  Ludovick.  I'ri 
\nn  Mecklenburg  Schwe 
who  d.  13  Sept.  1778.  = 


Princess  of  Wales 

.f  Ihe  IfelgiAns 

(1st  wife  1,  onlv 

clecletllai  July, 

child  of  (;eo.  IV. 

33,,  KG.; 

m.   =  M.iv,    ,8i6 

J.  i6  Dec.  17Q0; 

d.  .<./.  6  Nov. 

,   ro  IJ«.  iSftj. 



-m  isK  Mv«iK 

TllFKt.M    |2ntl 

vifcl.   el.!.-st  diiu. 



Kiii-OM)  n..  King 

I'lllr  1 


of    Ihe    Helgi.ins, 


it  of  I' 

1865.    K.G.,  b.  9 


Duke  of 

April,  i8.,5  :  m.  ,2 



Aug.  1853,  Mnrin, 


567,  f'nnc 

Archduchess  of 


y  Louis.1, 

Au5lri.i.2nd  d.iu. 


of  Chad 

of  Archduke 


ce  of 




Emv.AKD  VII.,  of  the 
United  Kingdom  of 
Gre.-it  Britain  and  Ire- 
land, and  of  all  the 
British  Dominions  be- 
yond the  Seas,  King, 
Defender  of  the  Faith, 
Kniperor  of  India, 
a-scende<l  the  Throne 
23  Jan.  1901 ;  pro- 
'  claimed  King  ne.M 
day  ;  born  at  Bucking- 
ham Palace,  9  Xov. 
1841;  created  Prince  of 
Wales     and     Earl     of 

pjlrl  of  Dubl  in  {attached 
to  the  Crown),  17  Jan. 
1850  ;  bapt- 

,  King  of       Save-Co 

Emperor  of 
all  the 
Russias : 

Charles  ol 
aC.R,  n 


iS8r,  KG., 
K.T.,  Ac., 
b.  7  April, 
1853:  d.  28 
-Mar.  1884  ; 
ni.  =7  Apnl, 

R.C.).  dau. 

Prince  of 
and  Pyr- 

Koyal  of 
the  Lnited 

:CE  Lr.orOLli 

Duke  of  ^^a■^e- 
Coburg  and  Gotl 
1900,  Duke  of 
Albany,  E.irl  of 
Clarence,  and 



KG.,    Chown 

Gr:«MV\v  .\M 

5  .May,  1882 

iCK      Will 

b.  7  lulv,  1883 

Pkince      AllALI 

July,  18114. 

K.G.,  Hon. 
Admiral  of 
the  Fleet, 
shalintheArmv.  Col.- 
in-Chicf  ist  Dragoons, 
b.  27  Jan.  1859. 

of  Frederick 
Grand  Duke 
of  &;hleswig 

F"eb.  1881, 

,  b.  39  Jany. 
b.  27  July. 
it,  b.   17  Dec 




Elmbride  {Er.N 

;5.  on  .1  chief  c 
vert :  Col(:r,ive  Roll,     bice  n. 
Elmeden,  William— (K. 

argent,  on  a  U^n.l  s.iblL-  three 
firU.     (K.)     Jenjns'  Roll. 

Elmerugge,  Adam  de— (I 
checquy  arjjcnl  and  sable  on 
elm  leaves  slipped  vert.  {V. ) 
George  Rolls. 

Elmham,  Sir  W.,  of  Idling' 
in  Norfolk.  Knighl  —  (  H. 
argent  a  fcss  gules  between 
played  sable 

Roin  bore. 
e  eagles  dis- 
unJel    Roilb. 

Thomas  bore  it  also  ;  Jcnyns'  Ordinary. 
Eltham, Thomas  de-(K.  in.  Roll)  bore. 

azure,  an  Cstoile  of  15  points  or;  Hoviard  Roll. 

Emerike,  John  — (I'.,  in.  Roll  1  bore,  barry 
(6)  or  and  sable,  a  baston  ermine;  Colgrave 

Empryngham,  Sir  Johan  de-borc,  at 
the  battle  of  Boroughbridgc  1322.  vert,  an 
inescocheon  within  an  orle  of  (.im'oles)  mart- 
"lets  argeni ;  the  field  sable  in  the  Cotgravc 
Roll.  Sec  also  Erimngii.VM. 
•Eneby,  Robert— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore,  paly  (6) 
argent  and  gules,  a  bend  sable.  (F. )  Dering 
and  Howard  Rolls. 

Enfende,  Sir  Bartholomew  de,  of 
Middlesex  -bore,  at  the  tirit  Dunstable 
tournament  1308,  argent,  on  a  canion  s.ible  a 
mullet  or  —the  canton  gules  ( F, )  m  i!ie  Parlia- 
mentary Roll  ;  the  mullet  pierced  in  the 
Cotgrave  Roil. 

Eniield,  Sir  Henry  de,  1297— bore,  gules, 

an  inescocheon  within  an  orle  of  martlets  or  ; 
ist  Nobility  Roll;  also  borne  by  Hlch  in 
JenjTis'  Roll,  and  thus  bla/oued  —gules,  an  orle 
of  martlets  or,  a  false  escncheon  of  the  same. 

Engayne,  Sir  John  de  and  Sir  Thomas 
de— both  knighted  at  the  capnulaiion  of 
Calais  1348,  the  latter  bore,  or  a  fess  dancey 
sable:  the  former  bore,  gules,  a  fe<s  dancev 
or  (F.),  which  is  also  ascribed  to  Rafe  in 
Jenyns'  Ordinary,  in  which  MS.  azure,  a  fess 
dancett^e  argent,  occurs  fur  Wil,i,i.\M. 

Eagayne,  Johnde,  banneret,  a  baron  1299— 
bore,  at  the  battle  of  P'alkirk  1298  and  at  the 
siege  of  Carlaverock  1300.  gules,  criiailv  and 
a  fess  dancettie  or;  he  signed,  but  did  not 
seal,  iheHaror.s'  letter  to  the  Pope  1301,  p  wiv 
Sir  Hknrv  bore  this  also  at  the  iiege  of  Calais 
1345-8  (F.).  and  they  are  ascribed  to  William 
in  Howard  Roll  and  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Engayne,  Eustace  (De\(;.\v.vk)— l£.  iii. 
Roll)  bore,  azure,  billettOe  and  a  fess  dincettee 
or,  a  label  {3!  gules  ;  Jenyns'  . 

Engayne,  John--(R.  11.  Roll)  bor..-.  azure. 

on  a  fess  dancett^e  between  siv  escallops 
argent,  a  niullcl  pierced  gules  ;   Surrey  Roll. 

Engaine,  Sir  Nicholas  de,  of  Fssc\  — 

<F.  n.  Roll)  bore,  azure,  crusily  and  a  f.-ss 
danceltt^e  or,  ever  all  a  bend  gules  ;  I'arlia- 
mentarj-  Roll. 

Engham,  Oliver  de  (see  Isgma\H-(K  hi. 
Roll)  bore,  per  pale  or  and  vert,  a  cross  nioline 
gules;  Jen\  ns  Ordinary. 

England,  Kings  of— SeeSF,.\i.s. 

England,  Edward  I.  King  of-bore,  at 
the  battle  of  Falkirk  1298.  and  at  the  siege  of 
Carla\-erOck  1300,  gules,  three  leopards 
passant  OT—i-f  Ivons  passant  gardant.  See 
Tiles.  Neath  .Abbey,  p.  vit. 

England,  Edward  II.  King  of-bore, 
as  Edward  le  Fitzroy,  at  the  siege  of  Car- 
laverock  1300;  Kngland  with  a  label  (3.  some- 

—  COATS   OF  AA'MS. 


From  a  ruhhifii^  of  the  Hastifi-^s  Brass 

in  lUsini^  Church,  Norfolk, 

in  Klsiiii;  Church. 

CM   I'KlNtKC 
,i;o  of  Calai 

nlabcM3l.v  Kfligy  n.ixl  [j.iijf. 
England,  Henry  V.  King  of— l«rc. 

ihi-  sn-ge  of  Koutn  1418,  Frantf  and  Engl.! 

England's  Royal  Princes -See  B.-.lfoi 

Chester.  Clar.  nee.  Cornwall,  Derbv.    l•;.^,t 

GlouL-esler.    Huntingtion.     Kent,     L.iTic.^sl 

Kichmond.  kulland.' Wales.  York.  .^c.  ,>>c. 
Englefleld,  Sir  Eogor   de,  of  Berks. 

.  Roll  t  bore.  barr\-  (6)  argt 
a  chief  or  a  lyon  passant  ; 
ntary  Roll  :  argent,  three  bars  gull 

ndcl  Roll. 

Englethorpe   1 ).    an'  Essc.v   Knight  - 

IH.    VI.    Rol'!  bore,  gules,  a  cross  engrailei 
t-rniine.  an  amulet  argent;  .-\rundel  Roll.    .Sei 

.ind  -IK. 

able,  tlir 

and  \Vi 

'Mjre  liie  same  .  a  second  triek  in  .\shniolc  koll 
ni.ikes  the  lyons  ermine.     Sec  also  I.ngi.owi^. 

Englosse,   Sr.  ( )   bore,    at  the  siege  of 

Rouen  1418,  gules,  three  gemelles  or.  and  a 
canton  argent  biUety  sable  :  .\shmole  Roll. 

Enneyse.Sr  I )de.  of  Bucks— (F,  ii.R'jIll 

b-Drc.  gules,  a  less  dancettfe  ermine  ;  Pari.  Roll. 

Erde( ),  a  Kentish  Knight— (H.  VI.   Roll) 

bort.  ermine  three  saltorclles  gules:  .\rundel 

Erdern,{ lde—(H,iii. Roll)  bore,  checquy 

.-zure  and  or.  a   chevron  gules  ;  .\rdon  Roll. 
See  also  Malkls. /,.(/. 

Erdington,  Thomas  de— (R.  ii-  Roll> 
l^re.  a^ure.  t^^C'  Ivons  passant  in  p.ale  or  ; 
Surrey  Roll. 

Erdington,  Sir  Henry  (F.nKixcroNl.  of 
W'arvickshire,  a  baron  1336— bore,  azure,  two 
lyons  passant  or  a  bordure  gules  ;  Knrliamen- 
ta.ryand  .\rden  Rolls.  ?  Same  as  Pt:KCKV.VLI. 
DF.'SoMl-;Rt.  in  St.  George  Roll. 

Ere,  Nichole  de-(  H  III.  Roll)  bore,  ermine, 
airossgulesfreryor;  Howard  Roll.  .VelJuf. 

Erington,  John  de— (K. 


i  and 

chief  thr. 


Ermine,  William  de-(R.  11.  Roll)  l>ore. 
ermine,  a  saltirj  engrailed  gules,  on  a  chief 
of  tl.e  last  a  hon  passant  gardant  or;  Surrey 
R.,,!      seeal,o.\VRMVN. 

ErpLngham  :.  Empringhara. 

Erpingham,  Sir  Thomas,  K.G.  1401  — iH^r, . 
at  the  siege  of  Rl.  jen  1416,  vert,  an  inescocheor> 
within  an  orle  of  martlets  argent  (K.).  and  m, 
ascribed  to  Sir  Thcim.vs  of  Norfolk,  in  Parlii- 
mentary  Roll. 

Erpingham,  Thomas  de-(R.  11.    Rolli 

of   13) 

IS  .argent,    anothei 
Bartholomew  de- 

able  (K.J. 
St.  tjeorgc  Roll 
Eryholme,  William-(E    itr.   Roll)  bore 
arcent.    a    che\T^n    between    three    m.arltets 

)     bore. 



AW  h-tj^clf  Sfi^^/ 

Eschallers,   Sir  Thomas  of  CanihnaKo- 

shirc-IK.  It.  Roll)l,Mre,  argi-ntafesshetiifcn 
three  annulels  gulci ;  Parliamentary  Roll. 
Esc.lLES.  H.irl.  MS.  6137  fo.  iS". 

£scote  I'.  Estcote. 
{Eslynge,  Raufe  de— (H.  in.  Roll)  bore. 

a/ure,  a   bond  gules  cotiscd  or    between    sit 

boars'  heads  3  and  3  coupcd  of  the  last  ( K. )  ■ 

Denng  and  Houard  Rolls, 
Eslynton,  John  de— (i;.   in.   Roll)   bore, 

irgenl.  two  bars  and  in  chief  three  mullets 

il711re  ;  JenjTis'  Ordili  iry. 

Essex  and  Gloucester,  Earl   of.      Si'e 

Estave,  SirBawdewynde(or  Estonwk) 
of  CO    Cambridge -I  l;.  11.    Roll)  bore,  sable] 
a  cross  palonce  argent  ;  farliamentarv  Roll. 
Estoote,  Hugh  de-(E.  ir.  Roll)  bore,  sable 
six  escallops  3,  2,  ,  or :  Jenjns'  Roll.  4,  3,  2,  , 
(F.)  in  Arden  and  Si,  George  Rolls. 
[Estqourt,  'Walter  de  la,  c  1326  -bore, 
ermine,  on  achief  indented  gules,  three  estoiles 
or;  Shirley.]     K. 
Esterling,  John  de-(E.  1.  Roll)  bore,  paly 
(6)  argent  and   a7ure  on  a  bend  gules  three 
fleurs-dedys  or|F. ) ;  Segar  Roll. 
Estonwe  v.  Estave. 
Estotevile,  Sir  Nicholas  de,  of  Norfolk 
(t.  M.   Rolli    and  Walter  (H.   Ill,  Rolll- 
bore,  biirulee  argent  and  gules  over  all  three 
lyonceui  rampant  sable;   l'.arliament,ary  and 
Norfolk  Rolls.     Sir  Rohf.kt.  banneret  (E    It 
Roll),   and  RoBF.KT  lk  Niih.mwd  (H    tti 
Roll)  bore  one  lyon  only;  Farli.ament.ary  and 
Glover  Rolls. 
Estotevile,  ■William,  de  la  March— (H.  111. 
Roll)  bore,  biinili^e,  arrjent  and  gules,  over  all 
three  cocks  sable  ;  Glover  Roll. 
tEstotot,    Robert    l'-(H.    tii.   Roll)    bore, 
erniine  on  a  cross  gules  five  martlets  or  {¥.)'; 
Arden  and  St.  George    Rolls.     Written   also 
ScoTHE.  SroiTO  and  Stotot. 
EstrateshuU,  Sir  Nicholas  de  iEst'i;- 
SHVLLE),    of    .Vorfo;k-(E.     It.     Roll)    bore 
argent,  three  cinquefoi  les  gules  ;  Parlv   Roll 
^pVm  t~''    ""    Esio.'<(>|  Kmght-|H.    vt. 
Roll)   bore,    or,    three  covered    cups  gules,  a 
label  (3)  aiure;  .Arundel  Roll. 
Etone  I/.  Stone. 

Etton,  Sir  J.-(H.  vt.  Roll)  bore,  buiulfc 
gules  and  argent  on  a  quarter  sable  a  cross 
palfe  or  ;  Atkinson  Roll  and  Jenyns'  Ordinary, 
diflerenced  by  a  labeh3)  azure  in  Surrey  Roll 
for  — DE  Etton.  ' 

^S,''^'   Henry  de,   Sir  John  de,  and 

Raufe  de-(H.  111.  Roill  bore,  quarlerlv  or 
and  gules,  on  a  bend  sable  three  escallops 
argent  (F.);  St.  George  and  ParUamentary 
Rolls,  £:c.  See  FlTi-loflv. 
Everard,  Osmond-(E.  ti.  Roll)  bore 
argent  on  a  chief  gules  three  mullets  pierceti 
of  the  field  ;  Jcnyns'  Roll. 

-  CO  A  TS    OF  ARMS. 


Ob.    1376, 

1    THE    Chapel    of    S.    Thonhs    Becket 

C.\NTERBUKV    C.^THEnHAI..       ^fter  SlolharJ. 

.^ndel  NatViiy,  and  Parliamentary  Rolls! 
and  by  .lOH.v,  in  Jen\  ns'  Ordinarv  111  \u  \M  th.^-  lyon  er.«>ned  or  in  S.    Gc-or^-e  Roll- 

Everingham,  Reynold  de-(R" 

J  belu 

jore  the 
ve  Roll. 
I.    Roll) 


-  , -...^w, ,.,...  ^i.^ja,^scros5let 

argent  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Everingham,  Adam  de,  of  Hirk;,i,  York- 
shire, and  John-IE.  111,  RoUl  bore,  argent 
a  fess  azure,  a  label  (3)  gules  i.uure,  in 
^m'^R'^h"""''    J'^"'"^    Ordinary  and   Ash- 

Everingham,  Sir  Adam,  .tnd  John  of 
Rockle.y^  (E.  111.  Roll)  bore,  quarlerlv  argent 

I  Roll. 

Everley,  Walter  de— (H. 

on  a  bend  azure  tliree  escallops  of  the  hrst  ■ 
Arden  and  .St.  George  Rolls      Wil  liam  look 
up  the  cross  in  the  l.isi  Crus.tde  ■  — 
Eyington,    Sir   John   de- 

1  chief  . 



1  rtcurs-de-ly 


Sec  also 

Ewen,  John,  an  Essex  Knight-(H.  VI.  Roll) 
bore,  sable  a  chevron  between  three  licurs-de- 
Ivs  or :  Arundel  Roll. 
Exeter,  Duke  of,  Thomas  Beaih .kt,  k  c. 
14CO— bore,  France  and  Ilngland  (;uarterly, 
Miihin  a  bordure  gobony  ermine  and  azure! 
K.  400  fo.  8. 

Eynes,  Sir( )of  Salop-IE.  11.  Roll)  bore, 

argent,  on  a  fess  gules  between  three  hounds 

(lalbotsi   courant   azure,    as    many    besants  ■ 

Parliamentary  Roll. 

Eyneaford,  John  and  William— (F   iii 

Rril)  bore,  gules,  a  fret  ermine  at  each  joint  \ 

.\jdcn,  .Abhmole,  and  Surrey  Rolls, 

Eynesford,  William-bire,  at  the  second 

l>.mstable   touriuiiienl    1334,    gules,     a    fret 

engrailed  ermine  at  each  joint  (F,  1    .ascribed 

also  to  John    m    the  Surrey  Roll,  and  10  Sir 

John  in  the  Ashmole  Roll,  where  Ihe  trick  as 

an  illusion  appears  as  ermine,  semije  (A  qu.ilre- 

foi  les  gules.  TllOM.ts  bore  the  same  d;  ftVrenced 

with  a  bordure  azure  in  Jenyais'  Ordinary. 

Eynegrove,   Walter   de-(H.    111. '  Roll) 

bo:e.  ermine,  a  chief  danceltde  gules  1  F.)  ;  St. 

Gearge  Roll,  .      /  .  -J'- 

•:Eyre,  William  le,  of  Hope  (H.  in.)- bore. 

ar;ent   on  a  chevron  sable  ihree  qu.itrefovlcs 

or. -Shirley.)    F.     RlCHAl-n  LE  EVK  took  up 

the  cross  m  the  last  Crusade  1270. 

•:Ey8ton,  John  (H.    vi.)-bore,  sable,  three 

lyons  rampant  or.  — Shirley.)     F. 
•[Eyton,  John  de,  1304— bore,  or,  a  fret  azure 
fu-rleriv    with,   gules,    two   bars    ermine  — 
Shirley."     F. 


y^^eyj}»^         ^fvfV    £^y/, 




n  r 




ySz^-^xc  of  XinMc\>  IfDall,  co.  Xciccstcr,  anb  ]£\!vc  of  XTlppei  Court, 

CO.  •|[\ilhcnn\^.    ' 

One  of  the  most  intelligible  and  best  proofs  of  the  ancient  conseciuence  of  this  family  is  that  Stephen  le  Eyre 
was  commissioned  with  another  person  in  ii  Ed.  in.  to  take  into  the  King's  hands  the  Alien  Houses 
(Priories),  in  the  county  of  Nottingham. — Joseph  IIuntek. 

RiCHAKii,  I  E  Eyre,  held  the  fourth  part  of  a  knight's  fee  at  I'arton,  in  Warwickshire,  with  liis  brother-in-law, 
Robert  Marsh.ill,  of  Brought  near  Hope,  36  Hen.  ill.  1251-:,  Testa  de  Nevili,.  .\  namesake 
Richard,  the  crusader,  having  taken  up  the  cross,  was  named  with  others  in  letter  of  protection 
dated  at  Westminster,  26  June,  1270,  54  H.  111. 

Richard,  Willum  and  John  Eyke— also  Ricjiakii  and  Euwakd  Heyre,  occur  in  the  Agincourt  Roll,  1415. — 
Public  Record  Office. 

Richard  and  Hugh  Eyre,  gen.— with  4  archers— were  summoned  to  sent  the  King  in  Normandy  for  one 
whole  year.     21  Nov.  14  E.  iv.  1474. 

Arthi-r  Eyr  (possibly  Sir  Arthur),  and  Thomas  Evr  his  brodyr,  his  Pety  Captayn,  were  with  the  army  in 
France.     5  Hen.  viii.  1513. 

;VKE.   of  Hopf, 
of  the  King  ill  atpite  by  beivi 

in  Hopedale.  died  seised  thereof  before  4  Dec.',  28  Ld. 

ill  .  held  one  Ijovatc  of  I:\nd  there, 
■ship)  of  Ihe  Forest  of  Higll  I'e.lli. 
1291.       Inq.  p.m.  3  I'eli.  28  l-:d.  1. 


I      T 

Nicholas,  bis  brother  and  heir. 

S  LE  EykF.,  of  Hnpe,  heir  of  his  brother,  = 
ifd  in  his  lands  together  \\\\\\  the  custody  of  ■ 
est  of  High  Peak.  33  J.iiiy.  1362-3. 

of  Hope,  temp.  H. 

,  dau.  and  heir  of  Edward  Barlow,  of  Barlow,  in  Lancashin 

Nicholas,  of  London 

of  I'adley,  in  Derbyshire,  in  rif;htof=Jo 
his  Mile;  heet  of  Fines.   1432,    1442,   1448:  d.   2 
March,  1459,  buried  in  the  church  of  Halhersagi 
to  which  he  was  a  great  benefactor ;  brass  in  ih 

dau.  and  sole  heir  of  Robert  P.idlcy,  lord     WlLLiAM,   of  N'orth    Let 
of  Hathersage  and  of  I'adley,  d.  9  March.  1463,         Hathers.ige. 
buried  with  hei  husband  ;  brass  in  the  chancel.  Tiiom.vs,    and 

six  daughters,  who  mar 

i       Eykk,      of      ROGKK    EvKt.  of  Hoinie=ELlz.ABKTH.  dau.  andsole  RALflt.  of  OfTerton-in-thc- 

iton-upon-Soar,           Hall,    nr.    Chesterfield,,      heir  of  Robert  Whitting-  Peak,    ni.    Makcakf.T, 

where   his   des-           in    Iterhyshire,    in   right  1      Ion,      of     Holme    Hall.  dau.  &  co-heir  of  George 

s  continued  for          of  his    \\ife,    burird   at        cousin      and      heir      of  ONspnnge.  of  Oxsprinye 

Henrj-  R-ikewell.  Hali,  in  Yorks.  = 

w  indow  ^ 

behind  the  altar. 

Thomas  Evrk,    of    Dunston-:=MAKCAkET.  daughterof. Mured      GRACE,  wife  of  Robert    Fiti^herbert, 
Hall    and    of  Holme   Hall.  .      or    Alfred    Karwick,  of  Bul- 
benefactor  to  the  Church  of  1      cotes.  Notts. 
Chesterfield.  ' 

3ER  EVRE.  of  Holme  Hall,  lord  of  the  mar 
:c.,  1501-2.  d.  22  .\uR.,  1516;  will  dated  7  .An 
t  Lenton  to  be  buried  in  the  Abbey.     P'eet  of  ] 

Elizabeth  (ist  wifi ), 
widow  of  John  Bo5\nle. 
of  Newhall,  dau.  of 
Ralph  Reresbv.  of 
Thriberg,  both  in  Yorks. 

mvAKnF.VKK,  of  Holme 

Alice,  dau.    of  Robert  Purs- 

CUKtSTOPlIER,         > 

Hall  and  of    NewtKild. 

Rlove.  and  sister  of  Roljcrt, 

of     \V'eston- 

aged   30  at  his   father's     Bishop    of    Hull 

upon-lrenl.  - 

death,  d.  5  July.  1557. 

and    York.     Prior     of     Gis- 
bournc,      and      Provost     of 
Rotheram.  &c.  i;c.  &f 


of      .\SNE,     wife     of   Adam    ncresford. 

of      ELlzAlitTH.    wife    of    Alleslrce 


ABETH,  dau.   of  Robert  B.irley,  of  Barley. 

A\NE.  wife  of  Randle  R)r.  of  WhiH"': 

in  Derbyshiri'. 
Elizabeth,  w.fe  of Denman  of  K- 

ford.  Notls. 
low.  w-ife  of  lohn  Bullock,  of  \\  mslc. 

in  Derbyshire. 

!'•,■  yv'^ 


KvkE.  of  Newbold  and  of  El.i; 
jf  Kevetoii.  Yorks,  ancestor  k 
lol    Henry    Evr^:,    C.Ii..    of        R 

.UCV;  wifL'  of  Hum-  I   ~ 

phrcy     Stafford,    of    Mary 

time  of  Air 
Catholic  a 
sold  Whiif 
father-in  1.. 
I  May,  15'^ 

ic-mp.  6  VWi.; 
■  pardon  of  his 
dl  at  Duiiston, 

(2nd    wife),    dau.    of 
111  Fii/hcrbcrt,  of  Fad- 

a  foresaid. 

fist  wife),  dau.  =  Edward  EvRr, 
of  Sir  rhilip  I  bold  and  of 
,  of  Paynsley,  |  Hall,  a  great  s 
I.  the  pt-nal  laws 

J  {2nd  wife),  dau.  cf 
■mas  r,o.Nicke.  of 
)0[liLTley,    ill    York, 

I'iNCEST,  of  Rossinj 
married  Mary.  d;m. 
"  Robert  Kitzlierbcrt, 

KoGF.K,  *  Rehgious, 
b:ipti«d  at  Chester 
field-in -the- Peak.  2( 
July,  .6,2. 

Thomas    F.\-re 
zealous  loyalis 

Dronfield  and    of    \ei 

=  ELlzAnETH,  dau.  of  Rotjerl  Oulrain,  ofWoodhouse, 

;       and  niece   and  next  heir  to  Michal  and  Thomas 

Burton,  of  ITolinLsfiH.I.  co.  Derl.y.      A  ruiiawny 

mnlcli.shenotquilctM'jlve  years  old;  'twas  said  that 

when  throe  sons  were  born,  the  total  a;;ei  of  mother 

iindi.      Buried 

Thomas  Evre,  of  NVwbold,  b. 
32  Aug.,  i64t,  d.  29  June,  1682, 
buried  at  Newbold. 

:  Isabella,  eldest  dau.  and  cc 
of  John  Caitcrick.  of  Stan 

Robert,  of  Holn 
Dronfield,  w.d. 
proved  22  Jan.,  i 

dau.  of  Richnrd  Washing- 

Edward,  d.  28  Mov., 
17C0,  buried  in  Xe\\l>old 

Dronfield,  a  good  herald  and  I 
genealogist,  and  great  friend  of 
Thomas  and  Edward,  8th  and  9th  I 
Dukes  of  Norfolk,  b,  t  Nov.,  1673, 
d.  at  Glossop  20  Jan..  1759. 

A'iN'CENT  Eyre,  of  Highfield,  in  Ches- 
terfield, a  solicitor  in  Gray's  inn, 
unatilf  to  practise  as  he  refused  to 
lake  the  oath.  Secretary  to  Thomas, 
8th  Duke  of  Norfolk,  and  Secretary 
and  Gentleman  of  the  HOrse  to 
Edward,  <jth  Duke  of  Norfolk  ;  born 
at  W'hixall  23  Jan, ,  1703-4,  married, 
and  died,  s.p.,  23  Oct.,  1761. 

^N'N.  dau.  of  Nathaniel  Bostock.  M.D., 
of  W'hixall,  Salop,  bv  Anne,  eldest 
dau.  and  co-heir  of  John  Siaflbrd,  of 
Bury  St.  Edmunds,  b.  18  Sept..  1684, 
rn.  i  Nov.,  1703,  d.  10  Dec,  1746. 

•.'.XTHA.NMEL   EVHE,   of  Glossop,  in  =  Jj 
Derbyshire,    steward  to  Edward,  ' 
Duke  of  Norfolk,  at  Worksop,  ^ 
b.  ssjan.,  17:3,  d.  20 Aug.,  1781.  1 

wife      of     Mary,  wife  of  Nich.  B.ignel, 
Iguy.      of        of  Hodsock.  Notts. 

kNE,  dau.  of  John  Bromhead, 
Lidgatc,  near  Sheffield,  1 
1742,  d.  May,  1807. 

K. C.S.I. ,  andothei 

All  died  unmarried. 

Vincent  Eyre,  of  Highfield.  =  Cathekine,     only    child    of    E 

and  Newbold,  in  Derbyshii 
b.  Oct,    1744,   d.    7   April, 

,  spriest,  d.  10  Dec.,  THOMAS,    first     President     of    J, 
Parker,  of  Rainhill,         1777  Crook  Hall  and  Ushaw  Col- 

s..  m.  3  Apnl,  1774.     John,  a  priest,  d.  19  Feb.,  1786,         lege,    Durham,    d.     7    May. 
•■  1840-  and  other  children   died   in         1810,  buried   in    the  Ushaw 

infancy.  Cemetery. 

■NE,  b.  5  Sep  .  1839.  m.  30  June,  1779, 
to  John  Whebk-.  of  .st.  Mary  Abbot, 
Kensington,  nierth;ini.  of  the 
Bulmcrshe  family  ;  d.  9  June.  1801. 

TiNCEST  Henry  Eyre, 
of  Highfield  and  New- 
bald.  High  Sheriff 
Derbyshire,  b.  20  Jan., 
I775.d-  5  June.  1851. 

Mary,  dau.  of  An- 
thony Wright,  of 
FitzWalers,  Essex, 
m.  1808,  d.  19  Dec., 

Charles        Nathaniel 

Eyre,  died  at  St.   Croix 

Icz  Bruges,  28  Jan..  1859. 

k-ing  Thos.  Jo 

Sarah  (isi  wife),  dau.  =  John  Lewi 
of  William  Parker,  '  Count  Eyi 
of    Kingston-upon 

of  the 


Lateran    Hall     and  !  dau.        o 

\postolic  Palace  in  \  Dumesnil 

hePaDalDominions,  ;  de  Sonir 

789.  d.  \  May,  182I 

lo.            I  1876. 

b.  3  Ja 



-NT     Anthony 

=  Jane  (ist    wife),    dau.    of 

Anne  Mary,  wife 

ViNCEST     William,     a 

E,    of    Lindley 

Edward  Huddleslon,  of 

of  John  Erring- 

Pktlr     Eykf..     Roman 

Sawston        Hall.        co. 

ton,    of     High 

lain    to    the     Sovereign 

August,    1809, 

Camb.  .m.  5  April,  1842, 

Warden,  Nurtli- 

Por.iifT,  d.  22  Tan.,  1871. 

2  March.  1887. 

d    19  .\pnl,  iSai. 


John     Lf.wis  -^Eyrf,    a 

=  HoN.  Marcakkt  Pkks- 

High  Sheriff, 

priest,  d.  14  Oct..  1842. 

TON  (and  wife),  dau.  of 


to    William      Hfnkv 

Edward,  13th  \  is.  tior- 

priest  S,J..d.6M    -.1898. 

Grainckr,    of    C.iubi^- 

town,    CO.    Meath,    who 

died  July  1872. 


Thomas  Evre,  of 
L'pper  Court,  co,  Kil- 
kenny, HighSheriff  1868, 
and  of  Thorpe  Ltc,  l^g- 
ham,  Sidney,  b.  u  June, 
.3=..  m.  4  Ju 

4th     d.T 


of  Willi 
Howard,  Karl  of  Wick 
low,  K.  F. ,  and  widow  o 
Richard,  Rlron  Milford, 

."IXCENT  TllOM.iS  Eyre,  or=BAI!R*KA,  3rd  dau.  of  Thorn 
Lindlcy  Hall,  Capl.  6th  Innis-  '  Gilford,  of  Chillineton,  < 
kiling  Dragoons,  b,  29  Jan., 1843,  I      .Stafford,  m.  SScp.,  1873. 

of  Morifton 
Suffolk,  High 
1S53,  b.  1854. 

»  EVKK,  ^ 


H.      K.      Pastoi 



THOMAS    JOHN    EYRE,    Esq., 

{      ^\ 

V"  ^■ 



'  Here  Duke   Williw 


7H^  /- 

r  fight  against  the  men.  of  Dim 
After  the  Bayeux  Tapestt-y. 

•[Fairfax, 'William  (II.  in.)- bore,  nrgoni, 
tlirci;  hiirs  guniellos  gtilfs,  surmounted  l>y  .1 
Ivon  rvinipant  s;(l>le  crowiu-d  or. — Shirley.]    F. 

*  Pane.  John  IVank).  of  Hilda..  Kem 
three  dexter^  gauntlets 

Faucombe,  Walter   de— IH. 

bore,  SLible,  -n  cinquefovle  withit 
niirtlits    argent;    Glover    Koll. 

or.— Shirley.! 
Falvesley,  John  d? 

1,83  -bore.or.luuih.    i 
Fanecourt,   Sire    }!  ■ 

•fFanecourt,  Gerard  de— (H, 

I  MI 

.  sahle 




FanncU,  Jolm    ■  1     in    l-:"ll|  1 

cross  or,     ieii>i.s    ijiuin.ii,. 

Fannell,  Sir  William,  of  Rutland  (K.  ti. 
Roll)  and  Roger  (1^.  111.  Roll)  bore,  argent, 
a  bend  gules,  a  bortlure  sable  fjezantt^e 
Parlianientarv  Roll  and  Jenvns'  Ordinary. 
.Mlowed  to  FAVtI.i..  of  .Vorthanls. 

JFarynges,  Richard    de 

lield  ermine:   Harl.  .MS.  1481  fo.  44. 
Fauoonberg  ( )  of  the  South— (E.    11 

Roll)    bore,    argent    three    leopards    passa 

gules,  i.e.  three  lyons  p.essant  gard.xnt  gu'.e 

jenvns'  Ordin.ary. 
Pauconbergo,  Peres,  of  Ketehvell- (K. 

r<oii  1 

!  wv 



gules.     (F.) 

nartlets  3  and  2  or  ;  Jen>ns    Ordinary. 
Pauoonberge, 'Walter  de-(H.  hi. 

I,.u..v(l  Rolls.  

William— (R.  11.  Roll)-hore, 
cnK|U.fovles  2  and  I  or  ;  Surrey 
MiniN  of   ffarington,  Kt..   bore 


1  R',11 

:  le-opards'    face; 

•  Farnham,  John.   1  , 
Farnhill,  John  d.,  11    Rnlli' 

lOiermnu.  ..n>l  .1,-ure  ,    LnM.,'  Ro 

Faatolf,  John  -iK.  11.  Rulli  boi 
or  and  azure  on  a  bend  gules  111 
argent ;  .Surrey  Roii.  .\5criljed 
K.G.  temp.  H.  VI.  ;  K.  402  fo.  6. 

.  quarterlv 
:c  escallop's 

.Sir  John. 


Roll)  bore,  or,  a  11 
palets  gules— St.  (ief 
the  Barons'  letter  to 

Fauconbridge,  S,' 

tPaukeham,  WiUii 

"oik  Roll. 
,  Walter,  of  Ry 

f.tlcons  close,  beHcil 
de-lH.   III.   Roll) 

}^  ^■^■"l'^^ 

J»-  ffi^n^^a 


.,»^  L 


-■>((  -M. 


^4-f-fMr^^      ^fff^U-^^      ^wf//^. 


In  Plavford  Church, 

Suffolk,  1400. 

A/ler  Boulell. 

*LFeilding,  John  (Kii 

(12H.  vi.)-bore.  arsvi 

fusils  or,     Sonls  I-;-  ill. 

Felbrldge,  SirE.iKf 

at  the  cnpitul;u 

lyon  ronipAni  i 
knight  and  ail  -     \'.  ■ 
of   Kout-n   141S       !:   ■ 

'Monuni,.-nt,il    |:: 

Felton,  Jolin 

ahurks  hr.ul 



S,-J  O 

111.  Roll 

i  Ro 



Roll)  horc.   i:i 
Ashmolc    Roll 
ROBKKT  and  S 
crowned  or     n 
Ashmolc  Rolls 



1  Willi 

:„"  'o; 

.  K.(i..b 

ext:    G 


jre  th 



Felton,  Sir  Johi 

first  Dunstable  tou 
lyons  passant  crniin 
bore  it  also  at  ih- 

1  do 

le  filz- 




Rouen    14 1 8   ' 
IF.)  anollier  i 
Sire    Ruut.K    1 
mullet  |6)    or 

he   c 

ntel.  at 

he  battle  of 

Borouclibridqe  1322.     F. 

Felton,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  co.  Gloucr.— 
(K.  II.  Roll)  bore,  gules  two  l>ons  passant 
ermine,  a  bastnii  gobony  or  and  a?ure.  Sir 
William  tiore  the  lyons  argent;  I'arlianien- 
tarv  Roll.  .Sir  JiiHH,  also  ofGloucester,  bore 
the  Ivons  crowned  or. 

Felton,  John  and  Will  de-IE.  in.  Roll) 
bore,  gules,  two  lyons  passant  argent  within  a 
double  tressure  fiorv  counlertiojv  of  the  seeond  ; 
Jenins'  Roll  and  Crdinarv.  In  Surrey  Roll 
the  tressure  is  ec,  tor  John. 

Fenes,  Sir  John  de-(l-".  11.  Roll)  bore,  or, 
a  Ivon  rampant  sable  ;  Parlianieularv  Roll ;  the 
field  argent  for  the  Sire  Ijl  UK  Flnks  in  the 
Dering  and  Camden  Rolls,  and  the  lyon 
rampant  regardant  in  the  latter,     F. 

Fenes,  Sir  H.  and  Sir  J.  (with  durerence)  — 
(H.  \I.  Roll)  bore,  argent  two  lyons  passant 


1  Roll. 

Penes,  Sir 

Gyles  de 

of  Sussex  -( 

E.    II. 

Roll)  bore. 

azure,    ihrc 


u\   2 

ind    I 

rampant  or 

a  blK.-l  ,3. 

<;)  gules 

;  I'arl 


lan-   an.l    Howard    Roll 

.     Kov, 

LR    bore   the 


eiiccd  in  leny 


arv.    Oll.hs. 


took    '. 

3  thee 

ObS  111 

iht  lasi  Cm 

ade  1  =  70. 

Fenton,  Thomas  de- 

-(K.  rii 



cross    bclwec 

n    four 



saMc;  lenv 

ns'  Ordinarv. 

Fen  wick. 

Sir  John- 

(K.   1.1 



argunt  a  chi 


artlcLs  3 

2,   I  CO 


chaiiEjcd  iF 

)  ;     Ashniol 


and    1 

Ordinary ; 

blasoned    as 

per  fcss  gule 

s  and 

argLtit,  SIX 

iiarilets  3,  2, 

I  count 

rchahgcd, in 

Surrt-v  Roll 

Feringes  v 



,  Henry- 

E.     in 



sabtc,  fist  fusils  in  less  o 

;  Jenyr 

s"  Ord 



,   Henry- 

IK.    in 

Roll ) 


pules,  three 

palets  \air  a 

or;    1 


Ordinar)  and  Lirimaldi  Roll. 



In  Fllbrigg  Church,  Norfolk, 
1416,  4  H.  V, 
After  Buutell. 

g^^,  *€•»**•    S*     /*M*i 





AND    8th    EARL    OF    XOTTLXGILAM. 


'.  »\  ;• 

r    -, 

..,..  A  ■> 

-K*       ;li     ■     r:. 

I<-H        i'-i     1  /  Ji_  I'MOYi^      fH'A'^.h 


Vi  ff^^.^A    ^^  ^^     <^y-fW^     g^^i^Lf.^,    ^,if/^.w    t^;^if^r^i 

CiJ  S^JjiTrizfi 

/yy^M  ih  ffhr&ii 


Feme  t:  Cerne  and  Franc. 
5 Feme,  Philip  de  -iH,  [ii.  Koll)  l«ir 

lMid'ur°    .ili  coa".u.iil'i..n.,-id    1 1'  i':    A»: 
cn|>y  of  DcTllii;  K-i:        I  .•■'•■■I    il  .('i  KN 

JoHN  took  up  the  cross  in  the  last  CruSiidc 
Ferrers,  ("William  7th)  Knrl  of  d.-t1.v- 

(H.  111.  Roll)  horc,  valr,;  or  and  ^■^d,■s  I  K.) : 
Glover,  .\rdi-n,  and  Hoii.ird  R.ilK ; 
.and  gules  in  .^l.  ( itorgc  koll-     R<  iKi  1;  r  1  called 

Ferrers.  H^•^.■rord^hir.■- 

|K,  11    knlli  l„,r.-,  i.nrt-  or  and  !;ul.-b.  a  Ulston 
a-^urt  ;    I'arliananury  koll. 

Ferrers,  Hugh   de-ill.    111.   Roll)  tore, 

va.r  ,  t;io\iT  k.ill. 
Ferrers,  Sir  William  of  Gr..l,y,  hanmrt-i 

Ferrers,  William-iH.  "i  R'>»)  ' 
vairc  (old  fonnl  or  and  gulos  a  liordure  a: 
.Xrdcn  Koll.     !■'. 

Ferrers,  William— ( K.  iti.  Rollj.horo. 

or    and    JuK-. 

ruion  of  Ca! 
azure.      W'l 

^  "  '  '  '^'^  ■  " 

I.t.\M,     5tli 

Groby,    bore 
siege  of  Rom 

ihf   co.u    HI 


iheiii    il       II 

■     ^  ''    ■'    ■' 

liDidure    eiiijra 
Tlie      B.VI.I.K:,!, 

Ui.  yi 

in  the 

Ferrers,  Sir  Thon 

,  Richard  1 1" 

■  Ordinary 
1481  fo.  46  . 


and  Ha 

•  H.J 

Rolls  the  Ixirdure  is  salile  for  W'll.Ll.X-M.     f. 
Ferrers,  Sir  John  .md  William  of  Corn- 

«all-ll.    in.  Holllhorc,  or.  on  a  U-nd  sal.le 

three  h..rsesh.jes  ars;ent  ;  .\shmolc  Roll  and 

Je.nns' Urd.n.ary.     J-'. 
Ferret,  Sir  John  de  la— (K.  1.  Roll)  bore. 

[:uie=,    a   donl.le    hea.led  eagle  displayed  cr  ; 

Holland  k..ll. 

Fetheir,  William-lK  11.  R..II1  bore,  gules. 

Ferrers,  Sir  John  de— bore,  at  the  first 
Dunstable  toumanient  1308,  vaireor  and  gules, 
|.\dd.  MS.  58481  a  Hon  pass.aot  of  the  first. 
Harl.  .M.S.  6137  fo.'32;  RuBKKT  of  Went, 
baron  1375.  bore  the  c  '       ' 

■  koll.  Harl.  .\l.s 

point ;  Jenyns' 

t.i-.rc,  at  the  first 

Fifehead ; .  Fishead. 

♦[Filmer  (Hobert).  of   Hei 

*lPinch,  Herbert,  Vincent  ( F..  11.)— 
bore,  ar[;.ent,  a  ehevron  between  three  gry- 
phons s.tble.— Shirley.!  !•"■ 
Pineux,  Sir  John,  of  Kent.  Kt.— (H.  vi. 
Roll)  bore,  vert,  a  chevron  bel\ve<.n  three 
eagles  tlisplayed  or.  .iuart,-tly  7^'ith,  gules,  a 
lyon  rampant  argent  ;  .\ruudel  Koll. 

Pissebum,  Giles  dc-(H.  ni.  Roll)  bore, 
uules,  a  dolphin  nai.tnl  emhovved  argent ;  St. 
(JeorgcKoll.  F.  Called  l'lssim.\.N  in -\rdcn 

11.     Roll)    bore, 

of   the  second ;    Surrey    Roll.     See 
Pitton,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Ga\vs\vorth—(F..  iv. 
Roll)   bore,    arpent,    two    chevronels    and  -a 
quarter  gules  ;  \Mth  crest;  Ballard  Roll. 





fin  f^ 


^  fftra^ti 





\. .  '"'^ 

\  ,. 


\\  •''■ 



-*  r 



,_t.'.^  ,y   ./^  *--:>.-.•.  u  .•■ 

SO.t/£   FEUD  A  I. 

Fitz  Alan,  Sir  Bryan  le,  Ki 
of  Hedak-  1295,  stMlfd  Uu-  Hai 
the  Popci^oi,  «ilha  ^ir.mtir'  rli- 

piles  (F.)     Ir! 
Nobilitv  K<ill~  1 
(8|atCarla>.i      i 
thi'sameni  lli       ■  !  • - 
si-e  also  c;in>,.     ■      ,  ,   '. 
George  Rolh     i,  ' 
buted  to  Bk\  \-.    :         '   .1 
Guillim  kulK,  .111.1  u'  .i-*. 
in  Uie  Arun.l.l  ni..l  iMrly. 


hree  b.irs  Rules 

Fitz  Alan,  Sir  Richard    111..     Iti 
PopeI3oli|.|)    ..     ■  ..        .: 
of  K.-ilk.rk  |5.,H    . :,!    - 
1300.  glile^.  .1    :.   .  .    ■ 

J„„M:I. nil...  I. ...,,,,■ 

}uH\    bore  il    i.L    Uie    ^if 
ffetty     in     Monument.^l 

,  F.arlof  Am-.VUKI.. 

.Ill,'     letler     I.,    the 

Ks.  gallic  a  fret  or ; 
Efiigy.       See    also 

Fitz  Aleyne  William 

ayiire.  tliree  Ixj.irj'  lii'.i.Js  .■ 
iuureandor;  F.     Ashin.j 


III.  Roll)  bore, 
uu^ied  paly  (8) 

Fitz  Aucher,  Hanry-iK. 
ermine,  on  a  chief  azure  three 
or  :  JenMis'  Ordinary.    S.-e  Ft 

11.  Roll)  bore. 

Pita  Barnard,  John- 

\^ir  a  fess  puie.s  in   chief  t 
or  :  Jetij-ns  Ordinary. 


1.    Roll)    liore. 
lullcts  iiierced 

Fitz  Barnard,  Half  le- 
vair.  on  a  chief  fiuies  a  er 
IF.)     St.  Georije  Roll.     .Se 


111.  Roll)  bore, 
.nonce  argent, 
z  kuCEk. 

Fitz  Bernard,  Sir  Tho 

K'iron(8K.  II.)  -Iwre.  v.iir, 


3  le,  of  Kent, 

chief  sules  two 



;  this 

-:  bore 

mullets   pierced  in  Jcnyiis   Ctrdinary  and  Roll. 

Fitz  Ellis,  Robert,  of  Newton  -(K.  111. 
Roll)  Ijore.  argent,  a  il.uicetlee  in  chief  .azure.  " 
I  F. )     Grimaldi  Roll  and  Jeiiyiis'  R.ill. 

Fitz  Edmund,  Athelward-(H,  iii.  Roll) 

an  eagle  displa; 

chief  of  the  second 
N  \L'li  b<3re  it  or  and  azure.  W'i 
the  reierse.  and  RiciUKD  bore 
or.      H..%>.ard  Roll. 




Pitz  Eustace,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Lincoln- 
shire-(K.  II.  Roll)  bore,  .azure,  crusily  or.  a 
bend  argent;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

Pitz  Gaffrey,  John  la-(H.  iii.  Roll)  bore. 
quarterU  or  and  gules  a  bordure  vair; 
(ilover  and  Gnmaldi  Rolls.  Jcnms'  Ordiiiarv. 
S.ameas  Riciumi  l.K  Fitz  J.ilL\.  Henkv. 
of  Horscde.  tooli  up  the  cross  in  the  last 
Crusade  1270. 




In  the  FitzAl..\n  Ch.m'el,  Akundll, 

1434.    After  StotUard. 

F^tz  Garald,  Maurice,  4th  Karl  of  Kil.lare 
-tmre.  al  the  siege  of  Calais  ij^^^-a.  ardent, 
a  saltire  gules.  |F.)  Hoivanl.  Canulen  and 
other  Rolls,  .\scribcd  to  another  .\I.\L  kiLEitl 
in  Uering  Roll 

Fitzgerald,  Sire  Thomas,  Karl  of  Ijes. 

nion.l-lK,     I       R,,lli    Lire,    a    sailire 
guh.s  ;  Guillin.  R,,il  ..n-l  Jenyns'  Ordiii.arv. 
Fitz  Gerald,  Warine   le— (H.   111.    Roll)  g..l,;s  .,  le.i|.,.nl  ,a  lyon  r.ampant)  argent, 
crowned  or:  Gh.ner  R..11. 

Pitz  Henry,  Sir  Auchcr  le,  of  Fs^ex, 
baron  1310  -bore,  ermine  ...i  .icl.i.fa/ure  three 
lyonceux  rampantor;  .\.)liihn  and  I'arh.iir.en- 
Lary  Rolls;  borne  also  l.v  R..1.1111,  -,..i  of 
HenRV.  in  I'arly.  Roll       s.      i  .!       X.  .  1,    k. 

Pitz  Henry,  Conan.     '   1  :      .    .     k- 

shire-lK.  III.  Rollian.l    In.     .      !      .:    1     .!)| 
Ijore.  argent  a  cr.iss  .  n.;.  n  .        r-i.  ,    |.  ■  .  >is' 

le  Po|,e 

the  capitulation  'I  <     '       1  ;;-.      :.  !  I: 
(E.  lll.jall  li..!' 
St.  George  ail.]., 

Pitz  Henry,  Ada  111,   .'   1  : .  n  .., 

—IK.    III.    Roll)    b..r...    arg..iit    seve 

conjoined  3.  3,  i  gules,  on  a  ijuartei 

covered  cup  or  ;  Jetijns'  Ordinary. 

PitzHerbert, iK  111  Rolll  bn 

Ihre-e   Ivoik.....;    r-..p....   ,.r  ,      \sImi 

Sec  Fn/  I'll  I., !..  ,  I  .  .1 

PitzHerbert, 'I'll. .1.1  1:1     (:     n 

sable -ti 


•iPitz  Herbert,  Sir  Henry  ( F.. 
argent,  a  chief  vaire  or  and  ,gulcs, 
bend  s,able, — Shirley,]     F. 
Pitz  Hugh,  Sir  Henry  le,i  m  ,. 
at  thcbattleof  F.alkirk  i.  . 
a  chief  or.     His  son    Sr    Mi    ,  1. . 
with   a   laU-1  13)  gMles  .11   it.,    rr-l 


;  \^^ 


Fitz  Hugh,  Sir  Henry  le,  banner. 

a   bariin   1321  -bor-.-.    azure,   three  ch.-i 

inteil.ic.-.l    in  l.,i,>e  .m.l  a  chief  or  ;    -\i 

Parhament.irv  .iml  .^urrev  Rolls.      F, 

Pitz  Hugh,  Edmoud-(R.  11.  Roll)  1 



uled   : 

Sir  kkV.MiiiiFlTZ  Rn. 
Pitz  Hugh,  Jerneg 
lit.  Roll)  liore.  or  three 
eagle  displayed  gul. 

Surrey  Roll. 

I,  of   Tanfel.le 

•mi'aidi    Roll -I 

^^  ^^r/.v/ 





tPitz  Humfrey,  Walter-  |i:.  ir  Roll)  b..p 

tiuancrly    aruvnl     a'l.l     sabU-.     I K  )      I'atli 
Dcnng  antl  Ho«.ird  Rolls.     .\scril»-cl  also  i 

Pitz  Joh 

a    btf.n    I'o- 


|.  •' 

,    ,■  .      ,,r    |,^j 

Klilcs,  a  1, 

r.h.!'    . 

1'      li\ 


•l''''   Vi"^ 

■  1 

by  John. 

'    1 1.>  > 

Rolls,     b^a 

n.  .„J,.„ 

1  ..  1  ti 

Fitz  Johi 

le,  <v 

r.ere      |H.    lit. 

Roll)    \y„^ 

sable;    Gl 

,ver  Roll. 


bort-  the  he 

nillel  ar!;e 

as  Sir  R.., 

KKr I h  i  I 

/  R.  J.  1 

Fitz  Johi 

,  Mathe 

I2<)7,   seal 

d  the   Hat 

ai5'    let 

T   to  the   I'ope 

>30I.  PP    -N 

d  bore. 

and     gi.le 

1    three    1 


rampant     (or); 

0     ill  KMi 

T   atid 

lOltX     ,.K     FtTZ 

M.Mll  I-  (s 

cl  iti  Glut 

r  and  Segar  Rolls.  1 F  1 

Pi  tz  John 

ft  le 

K    1     '-'..'M  fnri 

chocquv  or 

aitd  tiiles 

i.'     ■!     !■■  r,   ,,  ^^.,. 


a  ehf  f  i.t 



..■..:...        li.     Ill 


ej     Roll, 


Pitz  John,  Sir  Adam  de,  of  Lincolnshire- 
IE.  11.  Roll)  bore,  sable.  t«o  bars  arganl,  in 
chief  three  plates  ;  Parliamentary  Roll." 
♦Pitz  Leo  or  Fitz  Lei,  William— (K  ni 
Roll)  bore,  sable,  crusilv  and  three  erescenls 
2  and  I  argent.     (F.)     Dering  Roll. 

Pitz  Maheu,  Philip  le-(H.  iii.  Roll,- 
bore,  per  pale  gules  and  azure  three  Ivoii- 
ccux  rampant  ermine.  (F.)  .\rdcn  and' St. 
George  Roils.     See  FiTZ  Joit.n. 

Fitz  Marmaduke,  John  le,  banneret 
(eldest  son  of  .\l.,rm.  Fitz  Geofirv.  lord  of 
Hordern  id  Haulhorne,  CO.  I— bore, 
at  the  siege  of  C'arlaverock  1300.  gules  a  fess 
between  three  popinjays  argent  (F.  I :  sealed  the 
Barons'  letter  to  the  Pope  1301.  pp.  .\xi.  ,\.mv  ■ 
ascribed  also  to  Thwhng  of  Lumlev  in  I'envns" 
Roll  and  Ordinary.  tF.)  Sir  Rich  \KD  bore 
it(K.  ll.)ivithab.aslon.  overall. .azure  I'arlv 
Jenyns'  and  Glover  Rolls.  See  also  Thwi^.vo'k! 

Pitz  Martin,  Niool  le— (H.  in. 
argent.  t«o  b.ars  gules,  a  label 
Glover  and  Jenyns'  Rolls. 

Pitz  Michaell,  Michael,  of  Sij^eston 

(E.    III.    Roll)   bore,  barrv  (8)  or  and^-'uies 
quarter  ernune  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 
Pitz  Nele,  Sir  Robert— Imre.  at  the  fit 
Dunstable   tournament    1108.    oalv  ibi  arce 
and  gules ;  be 
Bucks.     Harli.i 
(E.  llDJenyn 


%^,\LW-^-.^    ^^^riif^yi^ 


In   I'ermarsh  Church  in  Essf..\,  1323. 

After  lla/Ar. 

JPitzNcl,  Hobert- 

('.!irt.-e,it  and  gules  r 

Pitzneel,  Thomas -lE.  ri.  Roll) — 
.TJ-gent.  three  palets  gules,  on  a  fess  az 
niaiiv  martlets  or;  Jenyns'  Roll.  Jo 
Cot^T^ve,  the  martlets  argent. 

Fitz  Nicol,  Hauf  lo    (H.  in.  Roll) 

HI  ih< 

Fitz  Niool,  Thomas- (R.  11.  Roll)  bore 
quarterly  or  and  gules,  a  tiendlet  argent  ' 
■Surrey  Roll.     See  also  ROGKJi  LK  Kirz  John! 

Pitz  Oberne,  Sir  Eoger-(K.  11.  Roll) 
bore,  three  genielles  and  a  canton  .argent ; 
I'.irlramentary  Roll. 

geand  Camden  Rolls  — three  Ijends 
ard  Roll— bendy  (8)  argent  and  a;;u 
r  ermine,  in  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Rolls  (■ 

ind  az 

Parhanicntary  Roll  and  Jenyns'' Ordini 

Pitz  Payne,  John  le— (E.  ti.  Roll)  Ijore 
argent,  a  hawk's  lure  gules;  Jenyns'  Roll. 

Pitzpiers,    Eefinald    (RcvxAt.n.     Rkv- 

NARIi  or  Rknai-ii  i.k  -(H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  three  lyonceux  rampant  or.  (F.  |  Howard, 
Glover.  St.  George  and  Camden  Rolls.  See 
Fitz  Hekbekt  and  Firz  Rkoi.nai.ij. 

Pitz  Eauff,  Sir  Eobert  le-liore.  at  tJie 
first  Dunstable  tournament  1308.  burulc'e  1 10) 
argent  and  azure  ihre.-  buckles  2  and  i  gules 
tongues  to  the  sinister. 

Pitz  RafTe,  Sir  Eobert.  of  v  i^hir — 
(E.  11.  Roll)  bore,  barrv  mi  ,,■,,  ■  .,(  ,  .„,e 
three   chaplets  gules,    a  lit-.  I     >;      1       l,r'\ 

and  .V 




1  in 





.  in  li 

u  01 



ler.     F 

.     S 

w«*-<g^.>5^    '&0^pj,f-w*^ 



■^oiAumA  ^;f^^ff 




J^;k  Ufie  re^yr 

■i»fff\  ffe-fnoM' 

PitzEauffe.Eaffe,  of  Nrulioii  In  Kichmoi 
shire,  founder  of  the  Abliey  of  Kggleston- 
(K.  III.  RolU  hore.  harry  (6)  or  and  a/ii 
Iricked  as  or  two  bars  azure,    in  Jenvns'  O 

Fitz  Eaufif,  Hugh  le-(H.  in.  Roll)  bo 
Snies.  a  fcss  vair  ;  Glover  Roll.  Wll.Ll. 
look  up  the  cross  in  the  last  Crusade  12(19. 



Fitz  Eauf,  Sii 

battle  of  Horougl 
indented  or  iF.  i  , 

nils'  Roll. 
Randolf— bore,  at 

ridge  1322.  purpure  a  t 

and  Eauf  of  .Midleli.i 
fenyns' Ordinarv.  He 
fretlyor  i  Gloier  Roll.    ; 

I'arly.  Rolls;  called  I  1 

a  canton  of  the  In 
Farliainenlary  Roll 
M^.  4033  fo,  36''. 
Fitz  Eichard,  Sil 
the    battle   of    Bon 


I  thrl 



Fitz  Eichard,  Sire  Eauf-bure.  at  the 

battle  of  Horoughbrid^  1322,  erniiue,  a  chief 
bendy  (io|  or  and  azure.     F. 
Fitz  Eobert,  Eandolph  (of  .Midlehaml  or 

R.WUOU'H      DK      MlDI.I.ll.AM  -IK.     III.     Rolli 

bore,  or.  a  chief  a;ure  ;  Griuialdi    Roll.      See 
Fitz  JulI^  and  Fnz  R..\.\DOLPlI. 

Fitz  Eobert,  Sir  Walter  le,  of  Rut 

(E.  11.  Roll)  bore,  or  two  chevrons 
Parly.  Roll.  Another  \\'.M.TEK  bore  it 
fess  gules ;  Grimaldi  Roll.    .Sec  Fnz  W.J 


Fitz  Eoger,  Sire  Eobert  leHE.  1.  Roll) 
bore,  artjent  a  lyon  rampant  purpure  (sable  in 
Dcringand  Howard  Rolls)  (F.);  Guillini  Roll 
and  Jcnyns"  Ordinary.  R|CI|.\RD  B.\l.riKRsrON 

Fitz  Eoger,  Sir  Eobert  lo,  I 

Rolls.  Ascribed  also  10  Ji  iiisi  ;),  in  the  Ash- 
niole  Copy  of  the  Dering  Roll;  same  as  Sir 
KOGKH  Lt  FlTZ  John.     .See  also   Sir  Jons 


Fitz  Eoger,  Eauf  le-(H.  iii.  Roll)  bore 
vair,  a  chief  gules,  (F.);  St.  George  Roll; 
ascribed  also  to  KitlN,  Uaron  FiTZ  RoGEK.  in 
the  2nd  Nobihtv'Roll  1299.  See  also  Clavek- 
iNGand  Fitz  B.vkvakh. 

Fitz  Simon,  Sir  Hughand  John— (E.  111. 

Rolll  bore,  gules,  three V.ilse  escoclleons  argent 
(F.);  Ashnioleand  .St.  lieolgc  Rolls.  RICH- 
ARD, K.G.,  a  founder,  bore  the  reverse  in 
Arundel  and  Surrey  Rolls. 

Fitz  Simon,  Sir  John,  "f  N'orfolk-horc, 

,,  ,.„.  I,,,,.,.  ,,.■  i,,„.,„.|,, „,,„,.  ,3,,^  sable,  a 

•'■       I-" • -'-    urgent    (F.); 

!■  il-  "• I-'  I'      "•■•I!    ■  ^.1  lullNborethe 

.•■■•■     ■    1  ,:■-.:     •   :       .1,    lululon  of  Cal.ais 

Fitz  Simon,  Sir  John,  of  Herts— (E,  11. 
Roll)  bore,  .azure  three  e.iglcts  di;i(»la\ ed  or  a 
canton  ermine;  Parliamentarv  Roll;  four 
eaglets  2  and  2  in  Harl.  .MS.  6137  fo.  13. 

Fitz  Simon,  Sir  Eaffe,  of  Lincolnshire- 
(K.  11.  Rolli  bore,  azure,  a  Ivon  rampani 
ermine;  Parly.  Roll.  Rubekt'de  \Vv' took 
up  die  cross  in  the  last  Crusade  1270. 

Fitz  Simon,  Simon  le 

gules,  three  roses  ermine 
Another  SlMOX   (H.    ill. 
chess-rooki  crmJne  (F. )  ; 

-(K.  HI.  Rolltb-.. 
;  Jenyns-  Ordnia 
bore    gules,     th 
Si.  George  Roll. 

Fitz  Stevens,    Raffe 
Yor^i5-^K.  III.  Rolljhnre 
or.  tricked  as  nuirtels  (h 
Jeiiyiis'    Roll.      See    M.\ 

of   Thornton    Ru 
iizure,  three  ninri 

HEW    of    Thorn 

Fitz  Thomas,  Thomas  le-(H.  111  Roll) 
bore,  lozengy  argent  and  gules  (  F. ) ;  .St  George 
Roll,  called  Fitz  GoLom;  in  Arden  Roll  ;  same 
arras  as  John  Cogan.  s.^-  also  Frrz 
Wll.l.iAM.  John,  of  Wrastuliugurth,  took 
u[>  the  cross  in  the  last  Crusade  1270. 

Fitz  Urae,  Eesinald-(H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
or.  a  bear  passant  sable,  muzzled  argent ; 
Howard  Roll,      F. 


■&-Jftif  Cop  mai 



■  •'"""] 

y  i  / 

■'I       ■'■),(    .V!  .hi    .(r.'-.lxH-H 




-     — » 

« ■               -    •• 





Pitz  Walter,  Sir  Kobert  le,  bnim.-i 

r,f     k<.„.,,      ,4,S      >„■     i,„,,;;,,l,      \\-l',.Tl.;«"7fh 

-■■r.l         \Mn!„,l    ,,i,„    „.    K :kt(:)    m    the 

DcTlll-   K>JI        >,i>  I,T/   k,,|:KKT. 

Fitwaryn.   Sir    Fouke,  (•!   Whjtlii.stcn, 

\Vm.  hi  I 

Fitz  Waren,  Ali 

iliiart.rh     p.-     r  !.  ;,t.  ,i    (irickocl,  dan- 

i'/,'rv"^',M"i''','-  '  '  '  '  ■  '  '"  J™™s'Ordi- 
1»  r  ;u:c  »,tl,  .:  ,;,,  ,  .;„.,„,,  j  couiilcrchanged 
-prol,ahly  in  cri.jr. 

Fitz  VTilliam,  Sir  Rauffe  le,  banneret, 
baron  1295,  sealed  the  Hnrons'  letter  —  -•-- 
Popcijoi,  pp.  sx,  SMV.     11 
of  Falkirk  1298 and   ir  i; 
1300.  bunili^e  ( 

lets  gules  (F.)-K,ri-i 
Rolls  7207-1310.  anil 
bars  azure,  SLcParli. 
and  Jenyns'  Roll ;  bun 
VVtLl.HM,  ofColesloi 
last  Crusade  1270. 
"Fitz    'Willmm.   Kii 

Jenyns'  Ordinary 

Fitzwilliam,  Si 

!  William,  Tlior 



William,   a   baron 
'  .  i^i.ible  tournament 


:  Glover  Roll. 

Fitzwilliam.  Sir  William-tere.  at  the 
'iiiili-il  1  alk.rki3,-,.-,.,,r,  ,  fcsssules.  F.  Called 
ll.lM.W  Ml  llu-  \\  I'.irk  copy  of  the  Roll. 

Fitz  W.vth.  Sir  QeofTrey,  of  Norfolk— 
iK  M.  Rolll  horc.  .wure.  three  tn-yphons 
pa.^sanl  or  ;  I'arliamcnlary  Roll.  See  \Vvtiik. 

Fitz  W( ),  John  le- 

niii  jf-Unund6 

---.   Rolll  bore, 
ermmc.  l«o  bars  guks  ;  .\rdeu  Roll. 
Plamville,  Sir  William— (K.   he.    Rolll 

iche  az 

.-Vshmole  an 

Flamville,  Sir  Roger,  of  co.  Leii 
Rolll  bore,  arijenl.  aniauiiche  [juIes, 
Parliamentary  Roll. 
JFlandres,    Baudwin    do— (H.   in.    Rolll 


Plaunder,  Sir  Henry,  ..f  Flanders— bore. 

at  the  iiec;e  of  Cal.ais  Iji5-a.  sable,  fretty  or. 
Flemine,  Sir   Baldwin  and  Robert— 


IE.  III.  Rolll- 

Fleming,  .ImIiji.    i  i       uid— (E 

bars  .irfieii!  un  .1  chi,'r,.f  the  iasliiiTth'threi 
cushions  erect  gules  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 
•Fleming,  John,  and  Thomas,  of  West- 
niorland-iK.     111.     Kolll    bore    gules,    fretlv 
ardent,   a    Label    (3I    verl .     Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

,  of  (j'luucestershire 

1301!.  and  at  the  battle  of  Horoughbridge  1322, 
Kules,  Ir.-ilv  argent  and  a  fess  azure.  (F.l 
I'arliamennry  Roll.  '     ' 

Fleming,    Thomas— (R.    11.     Roll)    bore, 
;     •-     ■         -lit    and    azure    in    chief    three 
surrey  Roll.     Compare  this 

Fletliam,.Johnde— (F.  11.  Roll)  bore,  siible. 
■  heads  couped  argent;  Jenyns" 

Flemyng,  Sir  Willi 

Plitwlck,  Sir  David,  ofHeds.  —  (E.  11.  Roll) 

bore,  argent,  two  iyons  p.assanl  gardant  sable  ; 

Parliamentary  Roll  and  Jenyns"  Ordinary. 
•;Ployer,  John,  of  Floyer  Haves.  E.  I.— bore. 

sable,  a  chevron  between  three  arrows  ardent 

-Shirley.)     F. 
Flunian,  Sir  William-bore  at  the  battle 

of  talkirk  1298.   or.  a  fess  gules.     See  FlTZ 

Fogge  ( 1.  a  Kentish  Knight-(H.  VI.  Roll) 

bore,  aigeiit,  a  fess  between  three  annulets 
sable  ;  .\rundel  Roll. 

Foggo,  Thomas-bore,  at  the  siege  of  Rouen 


1  ihri 

sable  as  ni.iny  spur-rowells  of  the  field.     (F.| 

Foix,  Gaston  de,  k.g.  1-138-9,  Earl  of 
LoiigueviUe.  and  his  son,  IiillN,  K.G.  1445, 
Earl  of  Keud.d,  Captal  de  Much— bore,  or, 
three  palels  gules,  .luinerly  uilli.  or.  two  bulls 
passant  gules,  a  riband  round  the  neck  vert, 
over  all  a  label  (3)  the  pcndaiils  cruceiform 
sable,  each  charged  (for  I(illN)with  5  escallops 
in  cross  argent  ;  K.  402  fo.  22.  See  -also 
Bfcil.  BfKDEf.x,  and  Gk.mllv.  Pedigree 
in  .\nsiis'  '  ■  Order  of  the  Garter,""  vol.  I.  Intro- 
duction, page  8.     F. 

Poljambe,    Godfrey-(R.   11.   Roll)    bore. 


■  Roll. 

■nd  or  bei 
II.     Tl 
;  Roll 
n.  Sir  Richnrrl. 


r^  f"^^ 


''/•oil  aa^t 


/  \ 


FoUiot,  Jordan,  a  baron  i=g^ 

a  btnd  :irgt'm  {?.)  as  did  Sir  Rich  \Kn  (of 
Xorfulkt  at  llie  first  Duiistabk  touniriniL'ni 

FoUott,  Sr.  Edmondor  Osmom>,  of  Liu- 

coInshire-(E-  "■  K^U)  bore.  -uks.  ;i  lK>nd 
argent,  a  label  (3!  or  ;  Parliamcntarv  Roll 
(called  Simon  in  Had.  MS.  4033  fo.  43). 
another  OsMOvn  l>on>  it.  with  ttiL-  boTid  l.vlwec-n 
six  crescents  argunt  ;  Jenyns'  Ordin.ii\ - 

FoUiott,  Osmonde— (E.  ni.  Rolli  bore, 
gules,  a  bend  argent  Ixrtween  six  incroscenls 
3  and  3  or  ;  Jc.iyns'  Ordinary. 

Folliott,  Richard,  Ed.  in.,  bore,  undeo 
Sec  Monumental  Brass  of  his  widow,  who 
became  the  second  wife  of  Sir  Roger  North- 

FoUiott,  Samson  (or  S.vfNsnxt-iF,.  iii. 
Roll)  bore,  argent,  two  lyons  passant  ^.irdant 

gules  (F.)  ;  St"!  George  Roll. 

Folvile,  Sir  Christopher-(K.  ni.  Roll) 
bore,  per  fess  crmint.-  and  or  a  cross  molinc 
(recercclt^)  giilcs  :  Sir  JmiN  bore  it  per  fess 
argent  and  or  ;  Ashniole  Roll. 

Folvile.  John-(F..  111.  Roll)  bore,  or,  a 
chief  argent.  o%-tT  all  ,1  cross  rccercel^e  (tricked 
moline)  gules  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Folvile,  Sir  Matthew— (F.  in.  RoHl  bore, 
argent,  t\\o  bars  und^-e  sable  a  canton  gules  ; 
Ashmole  Roll. 

Folvile,  Philip-(F-  "'■  Roll)  bore,  und^e 
(6)  argent  and  sable,  a  quarter  gules. 
•[Forester  (Richard),  of  W'llley  [c.  1325)— 
bore,  quarterly  per  fcss  dancetlee  argent  and 
sable,  in  the  iirst  and  fourth  quarters  a  bugle 
horn  of  the  last.  -  Shirley,  ]     F. 

Forde  :-.  de  la  Porde. 

Fomeus,  Sir  Robert,  of  Norfolk— (F   n. 

Roll  I    t« 





2XD  Wife  of  Sir  Ro(;er  NoRTHwooi.t, 

Widow  of  Richard  Folliott 


Daughter  of  Sir  Joh.v  de  Secravf. 

MoNUMhNiAi,  Brass 

IN  Minster  Church.  Isi.e  ok 

Sheppev.   ijbi. 

After  StotLrJ. 

Forneus,   St.   Maheu-ll-  i.   Rolli  1. 

qul./s,  tru,ily  .,iul  U^iul  ur  ;  Roll. 

Forneus,    Maheu  de-(E.   \.   Koll)  \n 
t^uka.  ii    Ix-iid  l-omccii   six   marllcts  Roll. 

Forneus,  Sir  Simond— (E.  Ml.  Roll)  boi 


LCl   giilc 

■  Roll. 

and  a  lahcl  of 

Fors.  William  de,  Karl  of  .Alboii.arl.:,  .'.nd 
^r  \W  (.uui'l.ind  — iF..  HI.  Rolli  boru,  ar.§cm. 
.1  tliiff  gulc!, ;  Glover,  Cjriinnldi,  and  Jeiu  ris' 

•[Fortescue,  (Adaml  (31  V-  i.l— liore,  a?r.r-;. 
.1  iKiid  cnijrailfd  .irgcnt  plain  totised   or.  - 

Shirk-)-.]     F. 

Fossard,  Amaund— bore-,  ai  the  bi-tond 
Diuiilable  lournanicnl,  g-.-les  six  bcndlcts  or. 

Fossard,  Rob'ert"|K.  11.  Rolli  bore,  or.  a 
bvml  sal.k- .  (Jrinialdi  and  Icnv  ns'  Rolls,  bo-  ne 
also  by  BKa>l'  and  Le  Sire  Maclkv. 

Fotheringay,  Jolin-lh;.    ni.     Roll)  b«jre. 

reversed  ni  the  triek  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 
tFouche,    Roger   la-iH.    111.    Roll)  1 


I  fess  gules  three  lieza 

rowells  sable  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Pox .  an  (?)  Essex  KniEht— (H.  VI.   Roll! 

bore,  per  pale  vert  and  sable  a  cross  potent 
argent ;  .Arundel  Roll. 

Foxley,Sir  John  de,  of  [lucks— {t:.  n.  Roin 



and  Surrey  Rolls.     .See  Monumental  Brass. 
Pramlinghara  1 i.a  sun.>)k  Kt  -iH 

Roll)  bore.  m<:..-M      .  f.  ,   ■:-.;',  =  \.  r  ,,-,:,  .-i 
ravens propi-r  --.    -■  ,  ■ 

between  three  -.-■      ■  iii 

'[Frampton,  John  >1.-,  i    mi    t .i--:- 

abend  •:::.'•-  •    •        '     ■  -■      -.^i.irki.,     1  . 
FranCL-is.     A.l;,:ii        .K.  II.    Roil)   bore. 

sable  ; 

.  Roll :  per  bend  c 

Frances,  Sr.  I-  -).  of  Noi-folk-(E.  ii.  Roll) 
bore  "...  a  s.iltire  between  four  crosses 
crosslet  litchee  all  argent;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

Fraunceys,  Robert  — (R.  n.  Roll)  bore, 
arseni,  a  chevron  between  three  eagles  cl,.- 
pl.">ed  sulcs  -,  Surrey  Roll, 

.^-ffra»k        '^' 

u  / 


"  'I  .-it 

,/.(  '<^      v 





./)l»^  jfr^^Cl- 

Alex.  FriviLe 

Franks,  Sir  William-l>orc.  nt  iho  sicsno  of 
Calais  1345-8  (knighted  al  the  capUulatiuii 
IJ48)  vert.  asalUreengr.incdor  (F.)  ;  Ashmol./ 
Roll  and  Jeiij'iis'  Ordinary. 

Fraser,  Sir  Symond-  summoned  to  Scm- 
'     •  "        vcd  al  Falkirk 

Freford,  John  de—(K.  III.  Roll)  bore,  gules. 

a  bend  between  six  niascles  argent ;  Jenyns" 

Frembaude,  Sir  Nicholas,  of  Bucks— 

(E.  11.   Roll)  boro,  kuIl'^-  crusily  nnd  a  cross 

or;  Parliameniary  Roll. 

Frene,  Sir  Gerard  (Fkenye)(E.  11.  Roll) 

bore,  or,  a  tkur-dc-lys  sable  and  a  bordiire 
gules;  Parlinnuniary  and  Harlcian  Rolls. 
See  also  dk  r,A  Fkeign. 
Frene,  Hugh  de  1  >  bnr,in  17^16^— bore,  ai 
the  second  iJiin-t  III-  t,  u:'  m  m  1334.  .£,njlL's 
twobars"endi  tit  i-— indenied 

from  point  to    [himi  <\  \    ■    ■•\--  Roll  and 

Jenyns' Ordinnri,  .  ih'  'i..r-  ;.- i  h'^s  indented 
in  St.  George  Roll  ;  licmis,  per  Lend  inclLMited. 
1  Parliamentary  Roll,  and  for  Sir 

bend  only ;  H,  6137 

fo.  27. 
Fresehville,Raffde,r;.i.  I,    f^t  n. '    1 -w? 

argent  ;     Nobility    Roll  ■    I  \<, 

Al-ker  and  John  inH..,v,,i  ,  ;      ,   ,    ,.  i 

Ordinary;    Racfk  difltr<jn.r.ij    .ml!i    .l  kiaikt 

gules  ;  Surrey  Roll, 
Frevile,  Alexander -(H.  111.   Roll)  bore. 

or,   a    saltire  lozengy   vair  and  gules.     (F. )  ; 

Arden  and  St.  George  Rolls. 
Frevile,  Sir  Alexander  de,  '^f  co.W'ori..— 

(E.  II.  Roll)  l>ore.  or,  a  cros^.  !o/cng>-  guks  and 



(F.)  in  Sl  George  Roll. 
Frevile,  John— (E.  ni.  Roll)  bore.  or.  on 
9  lozenges  in  cross  gtiles ;  Jenyn 

Frevile,  Sir  Baldwin— (K. 
or,  across  patonce  gult-s  ;  Ashir 
Rolls.  Sir  Piers  differenced  v 
azure;  Ashmole  Roll. 

.  Roll)  bore, 
e  and  Surrey 

Frevile,  Sir  John-  de,  of  Cambridgeshire, 
and  RiCH.VKD  and  Robert— (E.  11.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  three  crescents  ermine.  (F.j  Parlia- 
mentary, Arden,  St,  George,  and  Jenvns' 
Rolls.  Another  Richard  (E.  i.)  bore."  or 
three  crescents  gules.  (F.)  Sega r  Roll.  See 

Fritherby,  Edmond  de  — iR. 
bore,  argent,  ihrpc  Heurs-dc-l)  5 
gules  ;  Surrey  Roll. 



In  Bkay  Church,  in  Berkshire, 


After  Boutell. 


JO  au^mi^K,  -. 

mullets  i3)  gules;  Arundd  Roll. 
Frognal  ( ),  a  Kentish  Kt. -( 

Fro'wick  ( ). 

Prysell,  Sir  Symond(FKKsKM.or  Fkasrr) 

-bore,  at  tlu-  of  Falkirk  i2q5,  sable. 
six  roses  ifraisps)  argent  (F.|;  and  nine  roses 
(fraises)  3,  3,  2,  i  at  the  siege  of  Carlavcrock 
Fulborno,  Sir  John  de,  of  Cambodgeshire 
—IE,  II.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  chevron  be- 
liAcen  tuo  wyvcrns  (tails  nowed)  sable  ;  Par- 
iry    Roll— tricked    in    flarl.    MS.   6137 

fo.  18,  or  a 

chevron  and  in 




[Fulford,  S 
.1  chevron  .1 

ir  Henry,  IF 
gent. — Shirley 


—bore,  gules. 

Fulthorp,  Alan— (E.  in 

a  cross  inoline  sable.      W 
with   a    crcsctnt    aryenl ; 
Jenyns'  Ordniary. 

Roll)  bore 
LLUM  dir 
Surrey    R 

oil    and 

Furnous  v. 



baron  t^r-. 
letter  to 
.atth.-  1.     ■ 
Carlai  <.■■...',. 
martlets   gi 

Thomas.  1> 

les.      |1-."|     .\- 


e  She 

ffield.  a 
- ;  bore, 
siege  of 

.       ..m't 

.Arundel    Rolls 

MundenI,  Sir  Tllo>r.\5 anil  U  \i  i 
Guillini   and    Norfolk    Rull-      '.'. 
fercnced  with  a  label  azure  ;  tjluvi 
the  Glover    Roll    the    field    is   tri. 
Gkk.vrd  (Harl.  MS.   1481  fo.  38) 
ThO-MAS  in  the  St.  George  Roll. 
Purnivall,  Le  Sr.— (E.  in.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
on  a  cross  patonce  or  five  mullets  of  the  field  ; 
.Ashmole  Roll  and  Jenvns"  Ordinary.     Same 

i  Sir  Tf 

;  Ugh 

•'Fursdon,  Walter,  (E. 

Fyliol,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Esse-\— (E. 



,  Roll; 
a  fess  between  two  chevronels 
trefoyles  argeis: :    Parliamentary 

Fyliol,  Sir  John,  of  Essex-IE.  11.  Roll) 
bore.  vair.  a  canton  ^les  (F.);  Parliamentary 
and  .Arden  Rolls.  HissonSir  Jon.s  diff-rcnced 
with  a  mullet  (on  the  canton)  or.  at  the  lirst 
Dunstable  tournament  1308. 

^..W^.."./'     ^^^^f.^fU      ""-y^        H^ryff.ffr^     C7^^.^_W      -^-^Z^/^' 

\  .-'-.  ! 





^■y     \y 

'   ',-■-  V    -  i^'^     '■^-.v*.  ...^•,,^ 


^^.     f'^ 

^vmfil^  (pfJuyl 

Galeys,    ■William  de-(E.    i.    Roliy  bore, 
giiles,    A    kbs    lielween     two    chcv 
Sognr  Hull,     (l'.)     See  :iIso  Wai.LIS. 

Galloway,  Alan,  lord  of— (E.  ni.  Roll)  tx>re, 

JenynVbidm.iry.      F.      '    ^       " 
Galthorp,   Bartholonaew,  of   Onhenley, 

look  up  the  I 
Gaselyn,  Sir  Walter,  of  H:niits-l)oro,  at 

Ihe    tirsl     DimstabiL'    tourii.inifni     1308,       or 
hillett^e  azure  \Mlli  ^   !alj(;l  I3)  giiles  ;   no  lahel 

in  I'.n 

Roll  ; 
a  lal>c 



bend  giiks  ll'.),  I'arlia 
SiMONn  bore  the  first  <. 
•i  :  Guilinn  Roll. 

Cll  Ult  m  Lend 
a  label  (5) 


il.  ;  .\rden 


■  Ordinary 

Gaut,  Gilbert  de,  i-.iron  (of  Lindscy)  1295— 
bore,  barry  (6)  or  and  a7,ure  a  bend  gules  ; 
Nobilitv  and  Pnrlianicmary  Rolls,  Ascribed 
also  to  Gkovfkky  (H.  ill.).  Norfolk  Roll; 
Wii.i.iAM  (H  in.).  Glover  Roll;  and  lo 
GiLBKkT  of  Swalcdale  (K.  11.)  in  Jenyns' 

Gard,Hugh,ofDenmark— (E.  HI.  Roll)  bore, 
.i/.ure,  asuuor,  H.  6589  fo.  37.  SeeANDRKW 

Gardyn.  Sir  Thomas  de,  of  Cambridge- 
shire—lE.  II,  Roll  I  bore,  argent,  two  bars 
sable,  a  label  (3)  gules  ;  Tarly.  Roll. 

Gargrave  ( 1  of  Suffolk.  Ki.  (Sir  John, 

Master  of  the  Ordnance  to  King  Henrv  in 
France)— |H.  vi.'^RoU)  bore,  lozengy  argent 
and  sable  on  a  bend  of  the  last  three  crescents 
of  the  first ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Garshall,  Sir  ThomaB,  of  War^vickshire— 

(E.  II.  Roll)  bore,  quarterly  argent  and  s.ible 
I  bend  gules  three  fleurs-dc-lys  of  the  first : 

•[Gatacre,  Humphrey,  t-squire  of  the  bodv 

to  Hen.  VI.— bore.  quarlL-rly  gules  and  ermine 
a  fess  azure  bezantee  beH\  r-eii  in  the  second  and 
third  quarters  three  pilei  meeting  in  base  of 
the  tirst.— Shirley.]  K 
IGatton,  Ham,on  de— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore. 
checquv  ,irgenl  and  n/ure  (F.);  Dering  and 
Canidtn  Rolls.  Gar  1  lm:  m  the  Howard  Roll. 
Gaunte,  Le  Chastelyn  de-(E.  in.  Roll) 

bore,    az-ure,    a    faKe    eicochcon    argent  (an 
inescocheon) ;  Jenyns'  Orduiary. 

Gaunt,  Simon  de— (E,  11.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
^ree  de.vter  gauntlets  apauni^e  argt 
Jenyns'  Roll. 

Gause,  Sire  "William— bore,  at  the  ban 
of  Boroughhridge  1322.  gules,  two   bars 
(in  chief)  three  escallops  argent.    (F.) 

azure,  both  in  Jenyns'  Roll  and  Ordinary. 

Gayton,   Sir  John  de,  of  Rutland,  Kt, 
Roll)  bore,  argent  a  fcss    between 



,  Roll 

A        \ 

p^.jg..n«SC  H^r^^^^aU^  ^"\V«-'-  ^'^^'W'^  ^^,h<$^>^ 



V  -;- 


^r'--^^^— ^ 


Qayton,  Sir  Philip  de,  of  Ruilaral  - 

Koll)  bore.  .nrKciit,  cnisilv  nnd  three  Hcu 
lys    az.irc;     I'.irh.    Roll.'      1I.\M..M.. 
Willi  \M  and  \Vai.ti.b  look  u|>  ilic  ci 
the  last  Cru&adi:  1270. 
Geddingo,  Sir  John  de,  of  Snflolk    |1'.  11 
Rolt,  liore,  cht-'ccniy  arcjont  and  giik's  on  a  fes! 
azure  three  round  bntklcs  or,  tongues  to  tht 
dexter:   Parliamentary  Roll. 

Geddinge( )  a  Kmtish  Knight-IH.  vi. 

Roll)  bole,  gules,  a  chevron  argent  betwecT 
f  three  gryphons'  heads  craved  or  ;  .Arundel  koll. 
Gelres,  The  Count  de  (or  Giki  i.kks  ii 

Flanders)— (!•:.   ill-   Rolh  bore,  a.'ure.  billettO. 

Possibly   of   tin 
famous  "  iVmor 

Genevill,  Qeffray  do.  »  b> irun    b.,ri' 

paledr.oM  a  c'lii.  r ' !  ..^  '    '  :,' 

pant  issuant  giiU  s  1 1    ; ,  \  .'  n:  [.  I '  .: ri  ■ 

barnacles  argent  111  111,  II.tI  l',:,  ,\iit  li.iii  ,1 
to  another  Gkhklv  1*1  in  Deiing  Roll  A 
Geffkly  and  \\'jlli.\m  took  up  the  cross  in 
the  last  Crusade  1=70. 

Genevile,  Simon  de  (or  JtiiNvii.i.i:)  - 
(H.  111.  I(oll)bore.sablethreepansofb.ariiacles 
expanded  or,  on  a  chief  argent  a  denii  Iron 
rampant  issuant  gules  ;  Glover  Roll, 
tOeune,  'William  le— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  three  tvons  rampant  2and  isablelF"',)  ; 
Dering  Roll. 

Genne.v,  Sir  Roger,  of  Norfolk— (E.  11. 
Roll)  bore,  palv  (4)  or  and  gules  a  chief 
ermine  ;  Parly.  Roll.  .■<ec  also  ijEXV. 
•rGent(John),  of  Wvmb.ih.  m  Essex.  1328- 
bore,  ermine,  a  chief  indented  sable  d-'.),  and, 
adds  Shirley,  .a  che\Ton  sable  is  somettnies 
borne  on  the  shield.! 

Gentill,  Sir  Nicholas— (F..  11.  Roll)  bore, 
ajgent,  two  bars  sable  on  a  chief  of  the  Last 
two  mullets  pierced  of  the  lirst ;  Parliamentary 

GentiU,  Sir  NichoU,  of  Sussex  or  Surret — 
bore,  at  the  (irst  Dunstable  tournament  130S. 
or.  on  a  chief  sable  tw  o  mullets  argent  pierced 
gules  (F.):    pierced  argent,  in    Parliamcnt.ary 

Roll,  and  guli 
Geny,  Sir  Thomas— (K 


Roll)   bore, 
false  escochcon   within    an   orle  of 
martlets  or  :  Ashmole    Roll,    an   orle  vcl  in- 
escochcon  voided. 
Gerard,  Sir  Thomas  of  the  Brync— (B'  iv. 


ducally  crowned  or  ; 
—see  Monumental  Hi 
Gerard,  Thomas 
gules,  three  inescoc 
Ordinary.  Si-c  WiLI 
•[Gerard,  Will 


5  for  Pi 

aallard  Roll 
l-K.  149= 

Roll)  iKirc. 
lie  :    Jenyns' 

/>mV^  ^'ayJM 

r^M  S/  '^'*  ''^ 

oJj^L^'^    J?^(pxfjL'}- 

PETER  GF:RARI),  E.-ii,.. 

In  WiNwicK  Church,  Lancashirt: 

1492.       After   U\i/kr. 

Gerberge,  John  and  Raffo-(l-;  iii  Koll. 
bore,  ermine,  on  a  chief  gules,  three  li.,7cnge> 
or:  Jeiiyus"  Roll  and  Ordinarv- the  lozenee- 
vair.  in  .\shniolc  Roll. 

Gerberge,   Thomas  —  (R.  11.  Rolli  bore 

sable,  a  fcss  fn-'tx^CLri  two  c 



Gercomvile  v.  Jerkavile  nnd  Marcon- 

Germyn : 
G  ermine, 

Rules  thrtj 
(6)  argent. 

false  escocheoi 
(F.)  Jenyns' Ord 

HI,    Roll)    bore, 
s  ermine  a  mullet 
nary.  SeeTHO.M.\s 





Gornoun,  Sir   Williaii 

IK    11     K..I1)  bore,  ar-ent 
mrelii,!:    1.1    base    gtile,;     1 
W.ivviii  11  ul    6137  fo.  ,4i> 
1  i:ii!.^  Ill  Glover  Roll. 

1   de,  of  E 
three  piles 



Gortliestone,  Robert  de— (K.  111. 

liirr.  .ir^ehl,  on    a    fe-s   sable    thrcc  c 
[i.nonci-  r.r  ;    teiiyns'  Ordinary. 



Robert -(K.  tl 
i/ure  between  th 

Roll!  bore,  a 
ree  escallops 


Gery,  Sii 

John-(F.    II 
gules,  a  chief  ern 

Roll)  bore 
ine :  .Ashnio 

e  and 

Surrey  Rolls. 

Getingdon,  Nicholas- (E.  111.  Rolli  bore 
gjTonny  (t^l  or  and  sable  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Gey, 'Walter  de-(H.  in.  Rolb  bore,  argen 
a  Ivon  rampant  s.ible  debrnised  of  a  bem 
gules (Artlen  Roll):  charged  with  three  hucklei 
or.     (F.):  in  St.  George  Roll. 

potent):  Nobility  Roll. 
Giffarda,  Sir  John,  of  c 
Roll)  bore,  argent,  nine  u 
Parliamentary  Roll.     .Alex 

Giffard,  William 

gent,  three  stirrups  r 
Roll  -the 

nd  Jenyi, 

-IF.    I 

3-  3.  =■  ■  . 
i.  le.H.x  and 
Si.  George 

'  Ordir 

I.    Rolli  bore. 

.ward  Roll  (H.  111,1 
Sir  Peiks  bore,  at  the  battleof  Boroughbr.di:. 
1322.  azure,  three  stirrups  uithin  a  bor-.lure 
idcnled   all  or.     (F.)     Trickeil    engrailed  111 

Ashmole  MS. 

the  last  co.u  u 

Giffard,  Job: 


,U  Uoilii,  Koi,.  .s,,  El.MlM 
:.  (E.  II.)  bore  the  s.imc  ditfcren 
in  Harl.   MS.  4033  fo.    48. 

jfef    ^"•/f'-^        P-^if^^^ 






SOME   FEUDAL    COATS   01-    AUMS. 

Qistell,   Walter  de-(H 

gult":,  a  chevron  ermine  ;  Norfolk  Roll 

Glamville,  Kandolf  de  ( 

chief  indented  (4) 

^  In  the  Choir  of  Tewkesbury  Abbe 

OB.  1 147. 
See  aho  Clake  47,  and  FiTZ  Hamon  2\ 

Q-lanville,  jrrr  Ekont  - 

Si.  George  Roll, 
Glastonbury,  Sir  lien 

Gloucester,Duke  of. 

=  ,.nd  3,  Fr.ince,  .ill 
.i/urc,  a  be-nd  .nrgei 
MX  l)on»  ran.pan. 
fo,  4. 

Robert  (of  Cien).  Earl  of; 
.WLl..  til.  nal.  Hen.  1.— to  hini  is 
^L;ril»d    ^iles  three  clarions   or. 

1  C'otgi 

:  Roll. 


Gobaud,  Sire  Johan,  ofco.  Line.— bore,  at 
the  battle  ut  Horuu;;libridi;e  1322.  gules,  a  less 
and  in  chief  three  ljcs.anlb  (F.|  :  Holland  Roll; 
luo  bars  or,  \c  .  in  Jenyns'  Ordinary  and 
I'.irlLimentary  Roll. 

Gobion,  Sir  Hugh,  of  Yorkshire-(H.  tit. 
Roll)  bore,  barre  (8i  argent  and  gules  a  laljel 
13,  5).i/urc;  St.  lieorge  (F,l  and  Parlianicn- 
lary  Rollh  ;  burulee  118)  in  .\rden  Roll. 

Godard,  Sir  Hugh,  of  Cheshire -(K.  ti. 
Roll)  bore,  ermine,  a  cross  p.ttonce  sable ; 
Parliamentary  Roll, 

Godard,  John— (E.  ni.  Rolli  bore,  quarterly 
gules  and  argent,  m  the  second  and  third 
tjuarters   an    eagle   displayed    sable;    Jcn>ns' 

Godemontone,  John  de— iH.  in.  Roll) 
bore,  arseiit,  an  eagle  clisnlavetl  quies  iF); 
Arden  and  St.  George  Roils.    ' 

Ooderiohe,  William-iR.  11.    RolU  bore, 

sable;  Surrey  "Roll. 

Goldesborow,  Richard  de—(R.  11.  Roll) 
Roll  ;  cross,  tricked  Hory  in  Jenyns'  tjrdinary.' 

^Zi^^w    ^-$-W..   <r^r.fU.,L^^  ^fU^    //-,    5-. 


>  V/rvi 

\.^:  / 

/'  i 

V    ■  •     Is 

-]  ; 



^      ^v 

O*^  <P'o/v^»r 

■VraP  J.(^Ta^c 

Gbldineham,  Sir  Allen  de,  of  .suftblk— 

(K.  II  Rr.lh  hore,  .luHiV  Ih)  nrijcnfniid  (;ulus, 
,il.ilirli,i;i„i,i-  l'iil..,.v.ii-irvRoll.  Argfi.t 
.1  i-  I  '  .  :.i-.l    lo   niio'lhcT 





or,  n  hurt  l 


.er  de-(E.  tir 

Roll)  l,r 
fovli-  of 

first,  oil  n  (  ' 

Roll  the  t. 
for  R.\nt  . 


tlK-  DL-r 
iCL-lt(!c,  \ 



Hiuliurd  de, 

of  Hun 

Qoldingham,  Willii 


.  thrt 




!L'd    argent  :     I'.irlia 

Goldington,  Sire  John  de-L.ore.  at  the 
battle  of  HoroufhI.n.lsf  1322.  or.  t»o  lyoiis 
p.T^Siint  sable.  .1  l.iUl  13I  gules  ;  borne  without 
the  l.iUl  but  uith  the  Ivons  gard.liit  by  Sil- 
led at  the  capitulation  of 



Goldington.SirHafTede,  of  Ticds— (K 

f'"!! ■■   ■  .  .  .!.■    Roll;   threcbesanl 

Jc.H  -  .u,..l  I  ,„.M.i.,.  1,1  .SunevRoll  and  leii 

Gondronville,  Gerard  de,  of  Loit-yi 

Oounis  ».  Gonnis. 

Gousell,  John— (!•;.    111.    Roll)  bore,  argent. 

a  fess    between   six    martlets    3    and  3   sable: 

Jcnjais'  Ordinary. 
Gousell,  John     M"    in    K'.-^Ill  bore.   (,aly  |6) 

dancolteeor     ,      1,    ■,  ,      i     .  nli  the  colours  of 

the  chief  ai.i'  .   '      1.  iiMis*  Ordiiiarv. 

Gousell,   T)lolu:id   i^.Ai   .11.) -(K.    II.    Roll) 

bore,    argent.  011  ,1  bend  sable  three  trefoils 

or:  Jenyns   Roll. 
GoushuH,  NiooU-IR.    11.)    bore,  barry  (61 


.  diHei 



vair  :  sometimes  called  HuNTl 
Nicolas  edn. 
Gonnis,  Bryan  de  IK.  in.  Roll)  Ixjre.  vair 
a  bend  lonengy  (r<-/  engrailed)  gules  II".)  1  St. 
GeoriTc  Roll  and  JeiiMis'  Ordinary,  where  it  !• 

Gonnis,   Walter  de-(Iv.    111.    Roll)   bore. 

<|iiarurly  v.iir  and  gules:  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 
Gonnyes,  de (H.  iii.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  a 

Surrey  Roll. 

Gower,  Sir  Robert  (I'.. 
argent,  on  a  chevron  sabf 
faces  or:  Ashniole  Roll.  Im 
u|>  the  cross  in  the  last  Crus; 

Gower,  Thomas,  of  .Stittei 

*LGower,  Sir  Nicholas,  of  : 


-  blai 

■  Roll  and  Ordii 

led   patoi 

Gonvile,  Sir  Biohard~IE.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
or.  on  .1  iK-nd  sable  three  mullets  argent 
piercetl  gules  :  Ashniole  Roll. 

Gordon,  Sir  Adam,  of  Hants  or  Wilts- 
IE.  n.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  three  leopards'  faces 
jessant-de-lys  argent :  Parliamentary  Roll. 
^Gordon,  "Adam— tH.    111.    Roll)  bore.   or. 
.1   tltar-de-lys    gules  ;    Dering    and    Howard 

Gordon,  Sir  Thomas,  or  G.\ 

Canibridge-lE.    II.    Roll)    bore, 
bars  sable,  a  label  (3)  gnles  :    F 

1  Roll. 

Gorges,  Raffe  de 


Grabom,  'William  (o 

Roll)     bore,  argent,   on 

eagles  displayed  or  :  .\rt 
Graham,  Henry  de,  I 

siege  of    Carla\eroek    1300,    gules,    a    saltire 

argent  on  a  chief  of  the  last  three  escallops 

gnles.     F. 
Grailly  z:  Buch,  Greilly. 
Gramary,Henry-(K.  111.  Roll)  bore,  gule.s, 

crusiVy  liotonneu  and  a  lyoii  rampant  argent ; 

Jenyns  Ordinary. 
Gramary,   Sir  William— IK.    in.    Roll) 

bore,  gules,  billittife  or.  and  a  Ivon  ram[>aiit 

argent.  Ashniole  Roll :  billettjie  argent  in  \he 

coat  ascribed  to  Wll.l.n.M:  Jenyns"  Ordinary. 
Grancourt,   Walter  de  (Gr.\l".\cl'kti  — 

(H.  ill.  Rolll  bore,   sable.    lloretl<?e  or.  (F.)- 
George  Roll   and  Ardcn    Roll    sable,   si.v 



ndall  ;•,  Grendole. 

ndin,  Williara-(E.  i.  Roll)  1, 

and  .Arundel  Rolls 

i  Knight— jH,  VI 
ne.a  che\Ton  giik 

Camden  Rolls. 
Grandison,  c 

(61  argent  and 

(F.):  Dering  and 


argent  three  escallops  gules :  Cotgravt 

Grandison,    OtO   de,   a   baron    isgo-bore. 

palv    161  argent  and  azure  on  a  bend    gules 

three  escallops  or.  (F.)  ;    Nobilitv  Roll.' ic. 

.erilied  lo  another  Otks  (J)  in  Dering  Roll) 

'      Roll;     paly    |3|     in  "lenins' 

e.    three   palcts  argent,  &c.  . 

palv  (4I  Harl. 
Ordinary  :  a; 

Goring,   John   de  1 

a    chevron    l«.tiieen    tl 
Shirley  ]     V 

Gornay  ;    Gurnay. 

Grandison,  Sir  Otho  de,  knighted  r 
capitulation  of  Cal.iis  1348- bore,  pal 
argent  and  azure,  on  a  twnd  gules 
buckles,  tongnes  erect  ficndwise  or  (F.)  ; 
mole  Roll. 

^h'fr^  ''*-  Y  <n/mo 

or  d  Gxc^tvivi 

tr\^  CjtaK%* 


'■•.  ■•  >: ' 

■  aji 




Facsimile  ok  an  Old  Trick  showing  corkectlv  the  Red  Hand  of  Ulster. 

^<^ruuJf.H     ^?  h>  <^\.u^^     ^^S^<^^ 


S»p.  (pr^/i>>iU 

o(   (jieJeUn 

Orandison,  Sir  ■William  de,  l>n 

(5ISulei:    Howard  l<._;i.    !>ee  GKAMilN. 

GranviUe,  Richard   de-(H.    in.    Roll) 

tQras,  Nicole  le-(H.  m.  Roll)  bore, 
ars.jnl  i  1. 1  :  Deri'ng  and  Huward  Rolls'. 
Grauncurt  v.  Grancourt. 
Gravesend,  Sir  Stephen,  nf  Kent— 


Greley,  Sir  WUliam,  Knid 

IH,    VI.    Roll)    Ijore,    gul«    ihn 

.Vmidel  Roll. 
Grendale,  Sir  Walter  de,  of  Yorksh 

(L     II-    Roll)    bore,   eriliiiK      "   '   

gS.e^  ■    I'.irli.imtri.nrv  Roll. 

Grendon,  Kaffe  d  f ,  ' 

sv.dod    the    Barons    ' 

dt-niv)  j^les  (F.) ;  N'  -  '  -  r  l  I:  n  :■  ii;  .r  \ ,  .llui 
.\-jntlcl  Rolls-  .\scr!«'<i  -dso  to  .1  Rciin.KT  m 
.\rlciiarKlSt.  Gcorsc  Rolls. 

Grendon,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  co.  Leic  — 

ih    n    Rnlll  linn-,  arqent.  two chL'vronelsguk-s. 

,,       .1     ii'.i',    P,irh.oiifnlar%- Roll— (•Tstribc-d 

I.    '       u    It nyns'  Ordinary)— a  lalid 

■        I    I    ]i"iii't  vaire  of  the  Last  and 

s.i       ,    \' !     k.ill. 

Grendon,  Sir  John,  of  \\'.ar\vicks.~ljore.  at 
tin  first  lluusublc  tournanvent  ijoS.  vairc 
art  at  .and  sal.k-  a  l.aston  or  (F.) ;  .\shmole 
an,.  I'.irli.uninury  Rolls. 

Grensted  :■.  Grimsted. 

;Grenville,    Sir   Eustace,    of    Wootton 

ary  Rol 

Greece ;  The  Palialologi ;  Emcerors  of    •Gresley,  Sir  Pii 




-  R.^1! 

Richard-(R.   it.    Roll)  bor. 

sable,    three    covered    cnps    2   and    i    ari^er 

(Robert  bore  ii        ' 

Surrey  Roll :  ascr 

torteiLV    for  dirference,  to   another    RlCH.VKD 

in  Jenyns'  Ordm.ary. 
Greene   l 1.  a  Knight— (H.  VI.  Roll)  bore, 

argent,  a  bugle  horn  bet.veen  three  gryphons' 

heads  erased  ;  .\madel  Roll. 
Greene,  Henry— iR.  n.  Roll)  bore,  argent, 

a  cross  ensn-aileil  gules  :  Surrey  Roll, 
Greene,  John— i  K.  u.  Roll)  bore,  chfxquv  or 

and   azure,    a   hordure  gules,    Jenjais'   Roll. 

Thom.\s  M.VL'DllT  bore  these  arms' 
Greene,   Richard  —  'F    iii.    Roll)   l>ore, 
'  argent,  a  less  danctttee  sable,  in  chief  three 

leopards'  faces  of  the  last:  Jenyns'  Ordinary, 
Greene,  Thomas-lR.  iI.   Roll!  bore,  a,rure 

three  buck-  p,issant  iperhaps  statant)  2  and  i 

Greenford.  John— iF.  ml  Roll)bore.  vena 
lyon  rampant  tail  eslant  or  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinar; . 

Greet  y.  Grete. 

Gregory,  Sir  Henry,  Knight  banneret — 
(H.  VI.  Roll)  bore,  azure  two  bars  double 
cotiscd  or.  in  chief  a  hon  p,assant  of  the  last  ; 
.\runde!  Roll. 
•[Gregory,  John  (K.  I.)— bore,  or,  two  bars 
and  in  chief  a  Ivon  passant  azure. — Shirlee.' 
F,  ■         ' 

Qreilly,  Pi. 

,irgent:   How,ird  Roll;  and  so  "in  Surrey  Roll 

for     MON^.     PlF.KS    l.K    CVPITCf     UK     Ki'n.-(ll, 

K  (;.    and  a    founder      S-.e  jiedigTee    .Anstis' 
"(Jrder  of  the  Liarter."  %ol.   I.  Introduction. 
page  S.      See  also  BvCH  ai:le. 
Grelle.  Thoniae  de,  Ijai.neret,  and  a  baron 

I  toS  -bore    :;uir~-  tho.T;  b- adlets  enhanced  or 
(i.i  .1  liciul  ,111,1  two  beiid!-.-ts  aliove;  Nobility 

(,  Kiiii;hl  lj,,i,rMT,t  iH.  VI.  Roll),  and 
JoH^  IF,  11.   Roll)  bore  the  reverse;  another 
lonv    bore,  vaire  argent  and  gules:    Surrey 
Gresley,  John— (E,  III,  Roll)  bore,  barry  (6) 

R.v^  NEI.L  UK  BHtWKs  bcars  the  same  arms. 

Grete,  Pers  de—(H.  III.  Roll)  bore,  argent, 
a  sa,  engrailed  azure  {F, );  .\rden  and  St. 
Georje  Rolls. 
*[Grevel,  William,  of  Mileote  1401 — bore, 
sable  on  a  cross  engrailed  or  five  pellets,  a 
bordure  engrailed  argent ;  borne  bv  \V'll.I.I.\M 
of  Ca.Tipden,  with  the  adilition  of  a  mullet  in 
the  f.rat  quarter,  and  his  son  lOHN  bore  10 
annuiis  in  lieu  of  the  pellets.— Shirley.]    F. 

Grey-For  differences  sec  Harleian  MS.  1481 

folios  17,   19,  20,  21,  23,  25,  26,  27, 

Grey,  Henry  le,  of  Codnor, banneret,  a  baron 
1299.  sealed  the  Barons"  letter  to  the  Pope 
1301.  op,  xvii,  xxiv.  He  bore,  at  the  battle  of 
Falkirk  1298,  and  at  the  siege  of  Carla 

1300,  aarry  (6)  argent  and 
and  Parly.  Rolls  ;  bori 
(?of  Rotherficid,  a  loi 
.Arden  and  St,  Gl-.t;;, 

also  bv  1.1 

(F.I;  Nobility 

Le  Sr  dc  Gk.WK  also  t>ore  tliese  arms  at  the 
siege  ct  Rouen  in  1418  ,'  B.iron  Dt.  Wll.TON). 
The  Camden  Roll  affords  the  solitary  example 
of  [he  :olours  reversci,  Harl.  MS.  6137  fo.  70. 

Grey,Sir  Reginaldde,  of  Wilton,  baiinent, 

a  b,ir,,-.  1297,  sealed  the  li,-irons' letter  to  the 
I'ope  1301,  pp.  -wii,  x\iv.  He  Ijore.  at  [he 
battle  :f  Falkirk  1208.  b,arrv  (61  argent  and 
azure  -i  label  (3,  slgul.s  ;  .Nobility  .and  llering 
Rolls,  ,vc  Sir  HtNRV  bore  the  same  at  the 
battle  '•  Boroughbridge  1322  IF, ) ;  Scgar  Roll, 
"      John,  Knight  banneret; 

bore  the  field  argent  1, 
the  samel-  .-\noiher 
lets  The  coat  for  > 
H.arl.  6137.  fo.  4o'',  |, 
bendv  (8)  or  and  gnle; 

,■  Roll. 


Grey,  John 

secon<l  Huns 
argent  pad  a: 
also  bv  Rl,. 
Roll  an,;  Jen; 

<p*»y  d-  (^YtH. 


)^[  J  J 


Hi^^  ^(^"-"y 

H»nri   $♦   ^V»^ 

i    \ 

■H    :       / 







50.1/^  FEUDAL— 

Sumy  RolUlK,  il).  Si 
for  RoGKH,  151  Lord  <i 
title  page  for  Tnn\tAs, 
K.G.  1476,  See  Sir  Tm. 
Grey,  Sir  John  dc.  Kh 

Koll.  itiid  I.C 
vt.)  ;    Nobilitv  nnd 
!  Monunieiuarnras! 
-v  de  Ruthvn  ;  aiui 
>lart|uis  of  Dorset, 

,..r,|     „r  Ro,l„.,.fi,.l,| 


Grey,  Sire  Nichol  de    '"-•''■   ni  rhr'ntile 

of  DoroughVjnik:,     ii:-'    '-^ nifl 

argent,  a  baiti  n  lul 

guies(F.}  (gi.h..:.  ,    :u 

Roll):  tricked,  lMr->  ..rL.;.  ;.!  1..I  .-.'u,..  ,:,  ihe 
Ashmole  MS. 

Grey,  Sir  Nichol,  of  Ksscx— (E.  in.  Roll) 

bore,  lurry  (6)  argent  and  azure  a  U-iston 
gotxiny  or  and  gules  :  gulfs  and  or  for  R<  iuk.k  r 
of  Harton  in  Rydal ;  Parliamentary  Rol!  and 
jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Grey .  {K.  llI.  Roll)  bore,  barry  (6)  argent 

and  azure  on  a  bond  gules  three  ileurs-de-lvs 
or  ;  Afhmole  Roll. 
Grey,  John  de— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore,  barr\'  (6) 
argent  and   a^iire,   a  bend  of  lozenges  guUs 
(F.)    Ho\\ard    Roll  ;— argent,    a    bend    fusily 
gules.  St.  George  Roll- 
Grey,  Sir  Richard— I E,  t.  Roll)  bore,  bnrr\- 
azure  and  argrnt  liorett^e  or  ;  N'ativity  Roll. " 
Grey,  Reginald  de-(H.    111.    Roil)  bore, 
argent,    thrte   bars   azure,    a    label  (5)  gules, 
probably    a    misuke    for     barry,  as     before ; 


1  Roll. 

Grey,  Richard  de— (H.  111.  Roll)  Inire. 
argent,  tlirec  birs  azure  over  ail  n  bend  gules 
bczantOe.  probablv  a  mistake  for  barrv.  as 
before ;  Howard  Roll. 

Gray,   Sir   R.  —  (H.   vi.     Roll),   and  Sir 

Thoina3-(E.  in.  Roll)  bore,  gules,   a  lycn 
rampant    and    a    bordure    engrailed    argent ; 
■      bv 

Atkinson  .1 


,  temp. 

e  Rolls. 
H.  V. 

Borne  also  b 

Gray,  The 

gules.  .1  ly 
engrailed  c 



argent  a 

It.  Rollllx.1 

nd  a  Ijordii 

See  Hf.Tm 

Grey,  Sr  ( 

—  Ii.kBa 
not  Calais 
nd  a  horc 

T.\Rn  — Knighted  .It  t1 
348.  bore,  gules,  a  Ivo 
er  engrailed    argent'. 



From  a  JiiibMilg  of  the  Hastinxs  Bra 
Ehitig  Churchy  Norfolk. 

■^.^    J^    <pra^^      '^ip-^'frd-y 

Grey,  Sir  Thorn 

a  b.tston  azure  ;  N 
Gray  ( 

azure ;  Nativity  Roll. 

-).  a  Knight-(H.  VI.  Roll)  bore, 
a  lyon  rampant  argent  a  bordure  en- 
1  goboiiy  of  the  second  and  or  ;  .\rundel 

Grey,  Sir  Thomas,  of  eo. 

Roll  I  bore,  gules,  seven  masi 
joined  or.  .1  h.isloii  gobony  ar 

Hid  . 

•[Grey.  Sir  Thomas  da,  of  .SutTolli.  K.  i.-- 
b.,i,-,  b.irri  iiji  .nijent  ant!  azure,  in  chief  three 
. nil, iil.ts  Allies.  -  Shirley^  Y.  .\iicestor  of  the 
iL.irl^ol  St.iiniuril.  vi  ho  discarded  the  annulets; 
lliis  iiniiU  ,il-,,  bore  the  coat  of  CuHNEKTUli, 
1,111  ihr  ii,-\t  entry. 
Gray,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Cambridgeshire— 
(K  in.  Roil)  bore,  azure,  a  fess  bet«een  t«o 
chevronels  gules  ;  Ashmolc  Roll.    The  coat  of 


Grey,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Suffolk— (K-  it-  Roll) 
boie.  a2ure.  a  fess  beH.een  tuo  chevronels  or 
al.ilj|3)  sules;    r'arlianieiil.o)   Roll. 

Greystoke,  Sire  Rauf  de  .fornicrlv  Vn/. 
Will  l.\MI— bore,  at    the    b.iltk    of  Horough- 

(n4d^  %>■  0-<^^  > 

1  Jli\ 
fill  \  SI  OKI 

■'  V 

r-.->  i.  "Y,^ 


■.    v! 



\  _. ./ 

,^    >.   ,-..>r 



Greystoke,  John  dc,  : 

Robert  le,    1339- 

■  Rull, 

,d  .ipi 

Greyton,  Sir  John  ;■  Gayton. 
Grifllth,  Evan  ap,  r,f  \\V-niir,»vn --(H,  11 

Kolll    horc.    or.    a   iyoli    rimpnilt    gules  iK-l 
Ardcn  aiul  Si.  Gvorgi-  Kolls.     See  ;iKo  Tile: 
Xtr.ith  .\hbey,  p.  ix. 
Griffith,  David    ap-IH.   111    Kolli  Imn 

Griffin,  John    : 

iR.  II  R.ii; 

Qrifflth,  Ydon, 

Griffith.   Rpp 

*^'GroBvenor,  Sii 

.Scrope  and  Grosvciior  COM 

Grose  v.  le  Grose. 
Guise,  Auncell  de  (Gv 

Guvse,  ■Walter  de-iE.  IT.  Roll  I  be 
ciilOc  v.air  and  gules,  on  a  quarlcr  or  a 
;  tricked,  ionengy  gules  and  v 


Guise,  Sir  John  (Gv:,i:),  of  Bucks -(K, 
Roll)  hore.  gulos,  si\'  lozt;ngei  3.  2,  1,,  0 
&11U011  Of  a  spur-rowell  aabie. 

irried  to  Lord       Gu{y),  Imberd— |H. 

eles,  Robert  de  -iH    hi    RoMI  t*ore. 



Names  (loubtlui.     S^e  aUo  CiV.Y. 
Guldeford,  Sir  John  de,  of  ihc 

fo.  28" 
Gurney,  Sir  Thomas  de,  of  Somerset  — 

Ijore.  ai  tin.'  first  Uiitntable  touni.iniL-nt  130S, 
palv  (6|  or  and  gulos:  p^ly  (8)  or  and  azure 
in  Parliamentary  Roll.  K.  ;  and  so  ascribed 
to  AUNCKtJ,  antl  Maheu,  in  St.  George  and 
Surrey  Rolls 

Gurnay,  Sir  John,  of  Essex,  Knighi  — 
{H  V[,  Rolli  bore,  a/ure,  on  a  bend  coiised 
argent,  three  leopards'  faces  gules  jessant-de- 

Howard  R. 
Grimsby,  John  de-*R.  11.  Roll)  bore,  per 
chevTon  sable  and  argent  in  chief  two  cinque- 
foyles  pierced  of  the  field  ;  Surrey  Roll. 
Grimsted,  Sir  Andrew  (or  GKKNsrKni.  m" 
Somerset— (K.     11      Roll)    bore,    gules    three 
barrulets  vair;  I'.irlianientary  Roll. 
'Grimston,  Gerrard  de  and  Rosier  de-    f  Gurney,.  Johan  de—iH.    1 

(F.     III.    Roll,    l.o^.^    .argent  on   a  fcss  sable.  argent,  a  cross  engrelee  gulei : 

three  mullets  (6i  or  piereed  gules  iF.)  ;  Surrev 
Roll  and  Jem  ns'  Ordin.iry.  ^ 
Grimston, Roger— (F   "l.  Rolliljore. argent. 
s  pierced  or;  Jenyiis' 


Grindale,  John  -iK  111.  Roll.  bore.  buruW- 
Ii2l  argent  and  i;ules  a  cross  paionce  (florv  in 
trick)  sable;  .len>i.='  Ordinary. 

Groney,  Sir  William.of  Normandy- bore, 

at  the  siege  of  Calais  1345-8.  .'.rgent]  a  bend 
haps  BoRSKY  or  Gorsf. 

Gurnay,  Maheu— iK.    11.    Roiii  bore.  or. 

three  piles  meeting  '■  111  ptjyni  "  gules  .  leiiyns' 
Roll.  Sir  M.MHKW  said  by  some  to  have 
beeji  A  Compaiijon  of  the  Garter  13S6. 

Gurney,  Robert  de— (H,    111.  Roll)  bore, 

or.  a  Ivon  rampant  sable  a  border  gulos  ; 
Glover  Roll. 

Gurney, SirWilliam  iBtiK 

of   Normandy -bore,    at    the 
1345-8.   .irgent.  a  l>end  engrai 


j..^.,,^,.jff.j        T,^Ji^q..jf.j         '^^^f^'ftl         ^^.^pV.ff^  ^c^^^p 


^ff  ^pottiey 

'j^^vkr^tfo    Y*  *■ 

JOHN   FITZ.M.AN,   E.VKL  OF  .-VkUNDEL.  nii-n   1434.     In  thk   Fit/al.^n  Vmwva.,  .\runi: 
After  Slotlmrd. 

!         i 



/,;  T^'""( — \ 

■»,-  -:-> 


,-    .i.,..c^ 


llDaio  of  Beniers^be,  co.  Bcuvvich. 

-^ble  of  St:olI.ind.  c 

ETtK  DF.  Haga.  c.  120&-28.     Granted  a  Charter  of  part  of  his  forest  of  Threopwood  with  two  o\galcs  of  land  =  ADA.  dau.  of  Sir  Henry  Sinclair.  ofCarfrae  (Mjlne  MS.), 
and  a  house    and  garden  in  Beniersvde— '  that  of  niv  niotlier  (ioda   of  good  nieniorv'  — to  the  AWiey  of  I 
Dn-be'gh  '  ffr  the  soul  of  Ada.  my  late  wife."  &e.  (Li!K:r  de  Drvburgh.  pp.  269-71).     Douglas  states  that  their 
burying-pl.ace  in  Dryburgh  .Abbey  was  given  to  the  Haigs  in  the  time  of  this  Petms. 

1230  of  =  .\DELlZA.  dan.  of  Sir  Anchitell  de  Riddel  (Mylne  MS). 

IV.  Teter  dk  H 
of  Old  Mcli 
Ercildune '  is  ai)|iri 
.tttached  to  tins  t  ii  ni 
or  St.  Andrew's  Cn.  ■ 
the  Holy  Land.  In 
lear  Bemersydc.  sold 

24t^So.     Graited  half  : 

his  dep.Arturc  for  the  Holy  Land  (  Litjer  de  Alclros,  i.  304). 

tneofwa\to  the  .\bbey  =  KatiiaI 
.>f  ■  Th.-.nias   Kynior  de  ,       Wdha 
...I   .il     ivtrus  de  Haga         Beauc 
I  !  .1:      ThcSaltire. 
1      II  r-i  for  service  in 
1  m!  1   Mil^  .It  Krcildoune. 
Monks  of  Melrose  on 

K.  d.ui.  of  Sir 
P.cllocampo  or 
np  (Mylne  MS). 

horse'  (Old  Mail, 
Thomas  the  Rhyn 

oniii'jti      To  hib  time  is  ascnlied  tile  prophecy  of 
'  Tyde  \\  hat  May  Betyde.  Haig  shall  be   Haig  of  of  Duplin.   1332;    and  =  ^L\ 

VII.  Hen'kv  de  Haga,  1333-68.  d.  unmd.  Witness  Ic 
Charier  of  S;r  William  de  .Abernelhy,  Knight  (Lil 
de  Drjburgh.  pp.  259.  260.  274). 

VIII    John    de   H»g\     1368-88      Witness   10   a  Charier  =  MAKV.  d.aughter  of  John  M.iutland.  Lord  of 
of  John  Mautlancl.  Lord  of  Thirlcstane  (Lilicr  de  I  Thirlestane  (Mylne  Ms.).    p,    230).    and   is  said  to  have  fallen  at  1 
Otlerbu'm,  1388.  I 

IX,  SrR  AN-pREW  Haig.  1388-1414.  Witness  as  '  Don 
Haig"  to  a  Charter  of  Daiid  Menylieis  de  W'enie 
(Rcgistrum  de  Dunfermelyn,  p.  279). 

=  Bla.\-che   widow  of  Sir  Edmund  dcBradcston,  Kt.  Gr.ant  from  Ric.  II.  13  May    1395.  to  Sir     V 
Antirew  Hage.  Kt  .  and  Blanche  his  wife,  formerly  widow  of  Sir  Edmund  de  Kr.adeston, 

I  Kt..  of  two  annuities  of  40  marks  and  £40.        "Calcnd.TT  of  Documents  relating  to 

Scotland."  ed.  j.  Bain.  p.  99. 

d  in  i422  =  Elizai:etii. dau.  of  Archibald  Mure  of  Rowallan. 

XI.  Gilbert  Haig.  1436-58.  E-vcommunicatcd  wit! 
battle  of  Sark.  1450  ;  and  joined  the  E.  of  Angus  a 

t  the  E.  of  Douglas. 

XIL  James  Haig.  1458-90.  Fought  for  King  James  III. 
Prince.  Obliged  by  James  IV.  to  resign  fiemersydc 
shows  the  saltire  on  the  shield,  but  is  much  worn. 

iKET.    dau.    of    Sir    David 
,  of  Bransholm  (The  Scons 
of  Buccleuch.  i.  56). 

XIII.  William  Haig.   1490^151^-     Invested  with   Ilemersvde,  at  hands  of.  Isobell.  dau.  of  Mungo  Home,  of  Cowdcnki.  ,,,,,.       t 

King  lames  IV.,  "  by  slafl  ,wd  baton,"  Feb.  13,1490.   '  Fellat  Flodden,  I  James  Stuart.  Earl  of  Buehan,  son  of  Sir  James  Stuart  (Black  Knighi 

Sept. '20.  1513.  of  Lorn)  and  Joan  Beaufort,  widow  of  Jamt 

and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
i  Stuart  (Bla 
of  Scotland. 

XIV.  Roi.tF.i  Haig,  1513-54-  A  i 
tinguiihed  himself  at  .\ncrum 
ow  ing  to  the  King."     Took  '  a 

freebooter  (.\cta  Dom.  Concil.  el  Sessionis,  vol.  ii 
544,  and  for  his  bravery  received  a  '  discharge  of  1 
547.     Resigned  Bemersyde  to  his  so 

ANDREW  Haig.  1554-83.  Received  Charier  of=ELI/ABETH.  dau.  of 
Beniersvde  from  .Man'.  Queen  of  Scots,  dated  I  William  McDougal 
June    i.    1^54.       Restored     Beniersvde   Tower.         of  Makerstoun. 

.  dau.  ofWilliam  Spottiswood.  of  that  Ilk. 

George,  farmer  in  =  Isabel,  dau.  of  .Vila 
Bemersyde.  '*°'^!S!d'       '^' 

Mar.  Contract  dated  Sept.  16.  1540 

(Prot.  Bk.  of  W.  Corbet.  No.  7.  To.  37  I 

XVI.  Robert    Haig.     1583-160S.       •  Robert    Hege.   of  =  MARGARET.  dau    of  George  Kerr,  of  Faldonside      Hei 
Beniersvde.'  on  Feb.  it.  1585.  is  surety  for  peace-  I  brother.  -Andrew,  was  one  of  Rizzio  s  murderers 

able  behaviour  of  the  Kerrs  of  Faldonside.  low.ards  and  implicated  in  Raid  of  Rulhvcn,  1582. 

James  Sinclair  (Reg.  Priv.  Council,  iii.  721). 

g^i!     XVII.  J  A 

July  9,  1610.  to  his  brolhfT  William 
Ijefore  N'ov.  1623.  when  he  is  referred 
Haig.  of  Bemersyde. 

poned  Bemersj 
and  d.  on  Conliii. 
to  as  "  umquhil '  Jan 

■;li7\beth.  dau.     XIX.  Willum.  1627-36.       King's  Solicitor  for  Scotland,  d.  unm.  in  GEORGE   d    iinn 

of                   Holland  1639.     Received  Ch.ancr  of  Bemersyde  Jan.  29,  1611,  and  M.VKCAki-^.      - 

McDougal,     of        ^resigned  It  to  his  nephew,  Andrew,  Dec.    14.    .6,9  .at  whose  death  H"'"  ."'IV 

Slodrig                          in    I627   he  resumed  possession.     Identilied  in  1634  as  author  of  of  Dr)burB  . 

"The  Supplication,"  he  Bed  to  Holland.      In -April  1635,  as  security  ".^...^,"";"" 

for  a  loan  of  5.300   marks    he   assigned  to  Wm.    McDougal    in  Sir  \\  .tiler  ^cc 

Groningen  his  equity  of  redemption  of  Lord  H.ay"s  mortgage  over 


-;r  ''' 




I.       AS-DHKU-.         1620  -   27. 

2.  ROBKRT.     Const-nts  as  ■brotlRT  = 

KLSPKTlt     dm     of     \.>\m 

1    1    1 

<,.-ceived     Bt-mcrsyde     from 

and    heir    of    umquhil    .Andrew 

.\bercromt)V,   of  A!»bo[s 

4,    J.\M 

lis  uncle,     Willi.ini     Haig. 

Ha;^    to  transier  of  Bemersyde 

Throsk.      and     .\-iics. 

;  under    Great    Seal, 

■    mong.ige     to     Lord     Hav,     of 

sister  of  .-^ir  Alex.  Drum- 

J.iled  Jan.   13,  1620.     Seisin 

Ycst'TT,  the  right  of  red<:mption 

^  .\r.K 

.n    Feb.    3,    1620;    died  at 

bein^     evprcsslv     rt-scrved     to 

Stirling.    Provtrd  horhus- 

6.  Wii. 

icmersvde.  unm.  1627. 

Wil.  am  Haig  and  his  heirs  or 

hand's  will.  Oct..    1664, 

8  &  9  Sr 

assignees.     Dated  May  15,  1627. 

Reg.  Test.  Stirling 

10.  Kkh 

CO.       V     Al.KX 


Wllll.UI.      II   ,    .. 

•     -!i.;,..„l,on     of 

HIS-    6.  W11.I.I 


BcnuTSKlc;,    ;iri 

froTH    Williaiii  , 

664,     8  &  9  soil  the 

right  of  p-'Jeiiip- 

10.    KKtIl 


lion  of  Lord  H.i 

ys  niortgajc.         j 

,  Orchard  Farm, -Isi 

dau.       of      Alc\;indcr     Olhci 

Anthony  IIaig,  1654-1712.  His  title  having  been  : 
panned  by  a  decision  of  ihe  Court  of  Session  in  1671, 
resigned  nemcrsyde  to  the  Crown,  tiiid  received  a  r 
Charter  dated  Feb.  16,  1672, 

XXIl.  ZtRUBABEI,  H.MG.  1712-32, 
Bemersyde.  Connected  witii 
Jacobite  party  in  1715,  d.  1732. 

=  ELSrF.TH  Xicoi..ofa\vcll-kiic 
I  family  in  Alloa,  who  m.ilri 

I  lated  their  arms  in  1733. 

jf-EUZAHKTII.  dau. 

he  I       family.     Clerk 

April  13.  1693. 

XXIU.   jAMK.s  ANTtlONV    HAIG.  =  BAKBAKA,  dau.    uf  \ 
1732-90.    of    Bemersyde,    b.  I      liam      Robertson. 
1718.  d.  1790.      A   Jacohiie.  [      Ladykirk ;     m.     S 
I      35.  1757. 

[.  GrORCE     Haic 
1712.      Settled 
Carolina:     ni. 
Killed  by  Indians 

=  Elizaheth     Watson.     Other 

I      ni,  2,  Lieut.   Mcrcier ;  A 

3,  William  Webb. 

!.  John  Haig,  b.  Sept.: 
9,  1720,  of  the  Gart- 
lands,  near  Alloa  ;  m. 

Margaret,     dau.     nf    Other 
John    Stein,    of    Ken-  4. 

netpans,      Clackman- 

1790-1840.  of  j  Samiie 
ic.  Capt.  93rd  Soliciu 
1.  Dec,  9,  1794.  I     burgh. 

174,,  u.  ./yu. 
S.C.  Will  I 
proved    Sep.  ■ 

John  Blake.  | 
R.  Miles,  and 
W.  Washing-  ' 

of   Colonel 



=  Agnes  Retchie  ; 

of  Neuk; 
m.    May 

John.    = 


b.    1758, 

dau.  of 

d.    1819, 

John  Jan 

of    Bon- 

son,  of 


Lnlh  ; 

nr.  Kdin- 




=  C\KOLlXF 

764,  d. 


;.        of 

dau.  of  Sir 




Aug.  7. 

of    Wolse- 

Ify.  CO. 


XXV.   J.\ME5  H.MI 

i840-54.of  Bcnlcrsyd 
W  rller  to  th^   Signe 

Jan.' 14.'  1854.  In  i366. 
B.irbara,  Sopli 
Mary  Hiiig    c 

of     l.TSl 

them,  to  their  '  con 

Arthur  Balfour  Hal 


D.wiu,  b. 

^Elizabeth,  d,iu. 

1796.        d. 

and      heir      of 

h    1796.  d.  1 

1848,     of 

Richard    I'rice, 


of       Highfields 

Fane    Xal-  . 

CO.  Forfar; 

Park,  Suise.x. 

m.  Mar.  17. 

dalk :     m. 


Nov.     I, 




CO.  Perth 

and  High 




1849,  Barri« 

a.  Geokge- 

of  Pen-lthon, 

1.  of  Capt. 
E.  Fell; 
July    28, 

4.    WlLLlA.M   P. 

1   1   ! 

gh-  '     Wachei ; 

I.  Makgiret,  m. 

m.  15  March, 

Alex.  Siuart. 

■      .896. 

5.  Katherine. 

a.  Cicelv-Phoebe 

L.  ni.  D.  A- 
iis,  M.P. 

R.A.,  and  (J) 
John  Jameso 

RoLAN-n-Cii.iRLES.     Capt. 
7th   Dragoon  Guards,  b. 
187J  :  m.   ao   .Apl.,   rSgg, 
Gcraldine-Dorolhy,  dau. 



1      1 
I.  OcivEi.  b.    iS 
Lieut.  7ih  Hus^ 

Fark,    Somerset,    Rector 

78.       of 

Hugh        Vcitch.        of 
Sle«artfield.  nr.  Fdin- 
burgh;    ni.    .\ug.  20. 
1839.      Of  the  faniilv 
of  Veitch  of  Eliock. 

=  Archie 

f ,        LlNU> 



f  'w. 

1   l^^l^  l_^]   1^  1 
'1871,  left  is'sue. 




H    — 


Habervile,    Henry- (H.   ii  or.  in  smiftcr  chuf  poi 
a  cinc|uefovlc  pierced  of  ih-  l.i 
Si.  Ccorgo' Kolls      (K.)     N-  I 
Hacche,  Sir  Eustace  de 
1299.  scaled  ihe  Harons 
1301.  pp.  \x,  .wiv.      He  Y.  ■■ 
Falkirk  1298,  and  at  the  si.  .'e 

also  10  John  mJenyas' 

Haccombe,  Sir  Stephen,  nf  Devon— 
(K.  II.  Roll),  and  John  iK.  iit.  Koll)--borc. 
argent,  three  liendlets  sal-ie  ;  Parliamentary 
Roll  and  Jen;  ns'  Ordinary. 

Ha(o)ket,  Henry-(H.  111.  Roll)  bore.  or. 
three  beiidlets  gules,  a  label  {^)  azure  ;  Arden 
{Hacket,     Rauf    de-(H.   in.   Roll)  bore, 

sable,    crusilv   and    three    hake-fish    hauriant 
s  and  r  (l-.).'Denng  Roll ;  haunant  in  pale  in 

Halojkley     ( ).     armiger; 

siege  of  Calais  1347 — bore,  azi 
between  three  bugles  argent, 

in  place  of  mullets  on  the  U-nd  ;  Parliamentary 
and  .^shmole  Rolls. 

Hacklute,  Sir  Richard— bore,  at  the  first 
Dunstable  tuurnanient  1303.  argent,  on  a  bend 
gules  colised  sable  three  ileurs-dc-lvs  or(F.) 
Lkunahd(R.ii.  Roll ) bore,  mullets  or  pierc-ed 
azure,  instead  of  fieurs-dc-lys,  on  the  bend— 
another  trick  makes  the  l>cn(i  and  cotises  sable, 
both  in  Surrey  Roll. 

Hacklute,  John  de-iF.  iii.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  a  fess  gulcs  and  another  in  chief 
dancell.<e  of  the  last ;   Jeliyns'  Ordinary. 

Ha(c)kelute,  SirTValter,  of  Salop  -  (E.  11. 
Roll)  bore,  gules,  a  fess  dancett6e  between 
three  Danish  hatchets  erect  or.  Parly.  Roll ; 
fess  indented  argent,  Harl,  6137,  fo.  27". 

Hacon,  Sir  Hubert  (H.\KO\),  of  Norfolk 
—  \V..  11.  Roll)  bore,  sable,  two  bars  vaire 
argent  and  lert  ;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

Hadham,    Thomas-(E.    111.   Roll)   bore. 

argent  .1  bend  lietweeii  six  round  buckles  3  and 

3  azure,  tongues  to  the  base  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

*Hagger8ton,  Robert -(F.    111.   Roll)  bore. 


?  righlli 

;  Shir 

Hake,  Andrew- I, f:.  hi.  Roll)  bore,  azure, 

three  bars   or.  a    txjrdure  engrailed  .argent  , 

Jenyns'  Roll. 
Hakenbeche,  Reginald— (R.  it.)  bore,  or 

two  bars  azure;  Surrey  Roil 
Hales,  Sir  Stephen  de— (F.  111.  Roll)  bore. 

sable,    a    chevron    between    three    lyonceaux 

rampant  argent ;  Ashmole  and  Surrey  Rolls. 
Hallys ,  (E.  111.    Roll)  bore.  burulSe  (ts) 

argent  and  azure,  on  a  canton  gules  a  lyon 

passant  or  :  .\shmole  Roll. 
Halnsby   (— ),  a    Knight-(H_  vi.    Roll) 

sable  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Halouton,  Sir  Robert  de.  of  co.  Cam- 
bridge-IE. II.  Roll)  bore,  argent  on  a  bend 
gules  three  eaglets  displ.ayed  or(F.);  P^arlia- 
mentary  Roll  and  Harl.  MS.  6137,  fo.  63. 
Robert  di:  H.vl'lto.n'  took  up  the  cross  in 
the  last  Crusade  1270. 

Hal(o)uton,  Sir  Thomas  de,  ncyr.—bore. 
at  the  battle  of  Eoroughbridgc  1322.  and 
another  bore  at  tiie  second  Dunstable 
tournament  1334.  gules  a  lyon  rampant 
crowned  or.  and  so  also  did  Sir  TllOM.vs, 
knighted  at  the  capitulation  of  Calais  1348  ; 
(F.)  Ashmole  Roll. 

Hal(o)ughton,  Thomas  de--(H.  m 
Rolbbore,  gulcs,  three  bucks' heads  cabossed 
or  (F. ;.  St,  George  Roll  ;  one  buck's  head  in 
Arden  Roll. 


'    Hul^v^Hrr. 

fyx,a£f^fJtJm       '^<l/^Hji^      tj&»^t^Jjp»n 

t    -  >; 


» \^ 


.    '       .'"'.V-i  Vv.'.'-.V',  i^5Vni< 


Cif   /7«»«^^nrTt- 

H  tt^tiift. 

Halowton,  Thomas  de-|K.  ii.  Rolljbore 
guVs  "n  p.,l„ie''  arsent-.i  sinisltr  h.ind 
apnunii««  coiipcd  in  trick  ;  Jtn>ns'  Roll. 

Halsham,  Sir  Henry— horc.  ,it  ihe  sit-^c  of 
Rouen  1418.  or,  a  cliLVron  ent;raileil  ht-twoen 
three  lyonihcicls  tr.iscl  aules  I  K  )-lhe  field 
argent  and  lco|iard»  faces  for  a  Suflolk 
Knight  ;  Arundel  Rnll. 

Haltham,  Sire  Pranoia  de-bore,  at  the 

battle  of  Horoughbridge  1322.  azure  an  es- 
carbunclc  or.  f" 
Halton,  John  de-(E,  111.  RoH)  i„re, 
argent,  two  f.ir5  azure  in  chief  t»o  escallops 
gules  -ROKKRT  Ixjre  three  hurls  in  chief- 
Jen; ns' Ordinary.     .Ve  H.VI.uL  n.N. 

Hameldene,  Sir  Laurence  de,  of  Suffolk 
Knight     Ijore  .11  the   first  Dunstable  lourna- 
'etlSe  at  the 


\  fret  ill  I'arlir 

I  Roll. 

Roll)    Ijore, 


a-  HtUiinulle 


^  J&^Ha/n^ 

Hamerton,   John 

argent,  a   fess  l»et« 

pant,  tails  fourcli^e.  sal>lc  ;  Jrnyns'  Ordinary! 

•Hamerton,  Lawrrence—(K.  n    Roll)  Iwre 

JSns^R:^f  '"■"""  ""'•■""""^•'""'^"^•>^ 

Hamlowe  v.  Hanlowe. 

Hamlyn,  Sir  John,  of  Leicestershire 
Knight- liore  at  the  Dunstable  tourna- 
ment 1303,  the  battle  of  Boroughbridge 
1322.  gules,  a  lyon  rampant  ermine  crowned 
or  (F,  1:  I'arliament.ary  and  .\shmolc  Rolls. 
Cotgrave  gives-gules.  a  lyon  or  guttcSe  dc 
poi.x.  for  Hami.v.n,     F. 

Hamme  v.  Hawnes. 

Hamme,  Sir  John  de,  of  Surrey  -(F.  it 
Roll)  bore,  azure,  a  chevron  Ijetween  three 
demi  lyons  rampant  or  ;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

HanimoD,SirJohn(orH.\M.o\n-)  ofOran 

-(F-U.  K..n,  bure.  argent,  a  lyon  rantpam 
azure  gutt,!e  il  or  :  Parliamentary  Roll, 

Hampton,  Sir  John  (HopToNl-bore  at 
the  siege  of  Calais  .345-8,  argent,  a  fess 
counter  conipony  or  and  azure,  bemeeii  six 
martlets  gules.     F. 

Hanoett,  Hamond  (or  Hamo  Hautkvn)— 
(H.  III.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  three  bends  or  • 
o"?,''"  ii°"  ■  "  '■■''"'  'S.  6)  argent ;  St.  George 
Roll,  Compare  with  tricks  in  copies  of  Ihe 
Arden  Roll.     ]•. 

HaningfVlde,  Sir  William,  of  Essev- 

(F.  IJ,  Rolli  bjre,  r,r,  a  chevron  sable  ;  Parlia- 
mentary Roll. 

Haninvile,  Henry  de-(H  111.  Rolljbore, 
sable,  crusily  litclie-c  and  a  l>end  or  ( F'. )  •  St' 
George  Roll.      Surname  doubtful.     Sec  also 

Hanitune,  John  de-(F.   i.   Roll)  Iwre, 

quarterly  argent  and  sable  (F.t.  same  as  FlTZ 

Hankeford (F.    m.    Roil)   bore,   argent 

t»o  co'jses  daneellee  s.ible  ,  Ashmole  Roll, 

Hanley   ( )   a    Kentish    Knighl_(H.    VI. 

Roll  I  bore,  vert,  a  sallire  engrailed  ar"eiit 
.\runilel  Roll. 

Hanlelyl,  Sir  John  lof  Kent!  -bore,  at  ih. 
first  Dunstable  tournament  1308,  gules,  three 
crescents  or  ;  argent  in  Parliamentary  Roll.    F. 

JHanlo,  Nicholede-(H.  iii.  Rolf)  bore,  or. 
two  chevronels  gules  on  a  quarter  of  the  second 
a  crescent  argent  IF.)-  Dering.  Howard  and 
Ciniden  Rolls, 

Hanlowe.Sir  Johnde  ;m,  ;.  )  ■,,,  ,, 
the  first  Dunstable  tourn  n,       ■    ■  ;  ..    u 

a  lyon  rampant  azure  gutif     1         ;  :     ■     ,' 

mentarv     Roll    of     K.  .,1 i       I,:,,., 

Ordin.ary.     See  also  s  .mj  11ajhi>..,. 

Hansarde,  Robert  de-bore,  at  the  siege 

of    Carla 
argent  (F. 

mullets  of  s 
siles,  no 

in  Glover  Roll  ;  and   .i/ure.   nut   "ul.-,    i,, 
field  IS  ascrilied  to  Wll.l.l  \M  m  .\orlolk  k 

Hansard,  Sir  John,  of  Lincnhi^lm 
IF.  11.  Roll)  bore.  gule>,  a  liend  ljel«cri 
mullets  3  and  3  argent  ;    Parli.imellt.try  Ki 

Hansted  v  Hausted  -Hawsted. 


Hanvile,  Sir  Thomas  de,of  Bu 

Roll)  bore,  .azure,  a  fess  daneettCe  l«t«een 
three  ■■  girfauks  ■  (falconsi  or,  tricked  as 
martlets;  Parliamentary  Roll— a  plain  fess 
gules  in  .\5hm0le  Roll.     See  Ha.m.wilk. 

Harcla,  Sir  Andre-w,  of  Cumberland  baron 

1321.  F:arl  of  Carlisle  1322  — Ixtre,  at  the  first 
Dunstable  tournament  1308,  argent,  a  cross 
gules,  in  the  cantel  a  martlet  sable  IF.)  (as 
Hartkci.kv)  ;  Parliamentary  and  Xatitity 
Harcla,  Sir  Nicholas  (or  .\Iichf.l  Herti^- 
CLAWK)  of  Cumberland -I  E.  11.  Roll)  tore, 
argent,  a  cross  gules  ;  Parli.ament.ary  Roll  ; 
borne  also  by  one  of  this  name  with  a  label  is) 
azure  (F. )  knighted  al  the  capitulation  of  Caka''is 

♦Harcourt,  Sir  John  de,  of  ca  Leie. . 
banneret— bore,  at  the  first  Dunstable  tourn.i- 
ment  1309,  gules  two  bars  or,  as  aUo  did 
RiKEK,  K.n.  slain  at  the  siego  of  Cilaisn^?. 
(K.)  Parliamentarv  Roll  ,  Imrne  bv  Joii.v/ Sir 
John,  with  a  label  (3,  51  azure]' the  reverse 
ascrilied  to  another  .loHN.  Richard,  Tllo.MAs, 
and  Wu.l.i.vM  ;  Parliamentary,  Scg-ar,  Glover, 
and  St,  George  Rolls. 

Harecourte,   Robert   de  -il!    ni.  Roll) 

^f .  (^  Hnv^ 



S^      ^^  J  /^    ^*^  ^*^  ^^^r 

,,r        ■-■.  ^-i.  ■  v.  -t 


,  1/ 



It  Diin- 

HardeshuU,  Sire  J^hn 
the  bntllf  of  Rornij 
second   Dunstabl.     : 
sem^  of  martlets  „■ 
in  Ashmole  MS.  ;    i        [  i 

suible.  7 and 4  in  A,)ini..!c  K „,„,„  ici„-„s 

Ordinary  for  Tfii)M.\s.  "      ' 

Hardeshull,  Sir  William  of  c„  Luc  - 

(F..  11,  Roll)  hore.  or  a  cross  eiiirrai'ed  jii'les 
m  Ihf  first  quarter  a  n.arllel  vert';  IMrlianieii- 
tar)   Roll.     SceH.VK.  1\. 

Harding,  Sir  Edmond,  of  Kent.  Kt  — 
(H.  VI.  Rolll  bore,  gules,  a  Hon  rampant 
ermine  over  all  a  chevron  or ;  Anindel  Roll. 

{Hardres,  Robert  de  -(H.  in.  Roll)  bore. 
ermiLie,  a  lyon  rampant  gules  debruiicd  be  a 
chei  roil  or  -  Deriiig  Roll ;  the  lield  argent  in 
Iloivard  Roll.     F. 

Harlaston   ( 1  a  Suffolk  Knight- l  H    \i 

Roll)  bore,  argeiu.  a  chevron  sable.  fi,„rt.,/,. 
U'llh.  argent  a  fcss  ermine  cotised  sable; 
Arundel  Roll, 


Harley,  Sir  Richard  iH.vki.kk)  of  .s.nlon  - 

(E     11,    Roll)  lure,  or.   a  l«-nd  cotised  sable 
f'arlianientary  Roll.     F. 

Harling, ,    lE.    in.    Rolli    bore,    azure 

Horclti?e  argent  :  Ashmole  Roll. 

Harlyns  (  — l,  a  Suffolk  Kt.-(H.  m.  Roll) 
bore,  argent  a  unicorn  rampant  sable  horned 
and  ungulcd  or  ;  .\rundel  Roll,      F. 

Harington  i'.  Haverington. 

•Harington,  Sir  John  de  iH-w  tklm^ton) 


Sir  Ml(:ii  , 

lity.  and  Surre;  Ro 

^iS,     Sirjoliv, 
appear  to  have 

Harington  ( ),  a  Kn,ght-iH.  vi.  Roll) 

b.)re,  quarterly  (rl  sable  fretty  argeiu  a  laliel 
(3)  gules  :  (2)  argent,  a  saltire  gnles  :  131  gules, 
three  escallops  argent  ;  (4)  aryent  a  cross 
patonce  sable  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Harington,  Sir  T.-iH.  vi.  Rolll  bore 
sable,  a  fret  argent,  a  label  Ijlgtiles,  ^mrltrly 
mlh.  argent  a  cross  pal&  sable;  Atkinsoii 

Harington,  Sir  James,  of  Hornbv-(F  j\ 
Rolll  bore,  argent,  frett\  sable-  vviih  crest- 
Rallard  Roll.  ' 

Harington,  Sir  John  de— IE,  11,  Roll) 
bore,  or.  a  chief  gules,  over  all  a  bend  azure  ; 
Parliamentary  Roll;  the  field  argent,  Harl 
MS.  6137  fo.  19. 

Harington,  John  de  -ft:,  nt.  Roll)  bore 
or.  a  chief  gules  over  a'l  aliend  sable  ;  lenyns' 


'-f^-^    if^i>H4^. 

Uarpden,  Sir  William  de,  of  0%. 

of  this  surname, 
mullet  gules,  a  lie 

y  Roll  ;  a  SufTolk  Knight 
charged  with  a  martlet 

lidel  Roll 

[Harpur  ( )  of  Rushall  -  a  plain  cross-bui 

bore  the  arms  of  Rusliall,  argent,  a  l\nn 
rampant  viithiii  a  bordure  engiailed  salile.  - 

Harsick,  John  de    (K,  111.   Rolli  bore,  or 

a  ehicf  iiidijnted  (4I  sable  ;  Jeiivns'  Ordinary , 
a  fess  in  .\,hmcle  Roll,  .See  Hrass. 

Hartford  :■-  Hertford. 

Hartford,  Robert-  if-:.    111.    Roll)   lore. 




Hartford,  Thomas,  of  Radsworth-iF. 

HarthuU,  Sir  Richard  de,  of  co,  Derbv 


in  Jei 

In  Soi  thacrf.  Chukch,  Nc 
1384,  8  R.  11. 

Front  Boitiell. 

Hartwell, (H,\kkwi-.i.1.).    an     Esses? 

Knight  IH,  Vl,  Roll)  bore,  sable,  a  buck's 
head  calwssed  argent  Ijctween  the  attires  a 
cross  patije  of  the  last ;  Arundel  Roll.     F. 

Haseley  ( 1  aSuffolk  Knight— (H.  VI.  Kolli 

tMjre.  argent,  a  fess  gnles  between  three  ha/le 
nuts  or.  husks  and  stalks  vert  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

•[Hasilrig,  Thomas,  of  Faw-don  -»-  bore, 
argent,  a  chevron  bet\vecn  three  hazel  le.a\ss 
slipped  vert.— Shirley,  j     F. 

Haslarton ;.  Heslarton. 

Hassell  v.  Hansard. 

Hastang,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  co.  Staff,  a 
baron  1311-bore,  at  the  hrst  lAiii-l,ilile 
tournamelil  1308.  azure,  ,  -  In.-l  '■•■:■  .,---:  ,ili 
a   h-on  r.iiupint  or     (imll  m    ■^-       -        :  I'lr- 

th  a  lyon  fourchi^e  u\cr  aii  ,1 
ief.  pp.  .vsii.  ssiv;  see  also  Jeiiyii 
d  ParliamenLary  Roll. 

,    Kt., 
Church  .nkak  Stamon  Har.. 
'  AnUis  Iliiloij  c/ihe  Carter. 

W:  -.^...v  ^  ^i: 


■-■'-<■/  \ 


hadfroiM    \    \      ■  ■ 

Menttul.   "II  t!;.-    .'■  ,  r  ■ 

On  becoming  siir.u  i    ■    - 

a  prisoner  in;i  n    ' 
lo  his  lands  and  .m  ;      ■ 

«awof  SIN.  hescM  . :.. 

\\i'     |;  II.   n-.    !.■ 

the  Pope  1301,  pp    \\i, 
self  as   --Dns  d..'    Knc 

hinichoiniok"  = 

niahoine;  soe  Sir  John  ,•, 

effigy,  p.  71. 

lastings.  Sir  Hugh, 

jfGressing.  N( 
11  1342— Ixire. 

siege  of  C^ilais  134;.  or  n 
(31  azxiTC  (K.l  see'Monu 

ninunch  gules 
menia!  Hrass ; 



In  Ei.sinc  Church,  Norfolk.     Ou.  i.5jS. 

From  a  nid/'iii!;  of  the  Hastings  Brass. 

de-(H.    111.    Koll) 
Howard  and  Camden 

Hatfeld,  Thomas,  Bishop  of  Durham  — 
tjore,  at  Ihu  siege  of  Calais  1345-8,  ermine  a 
vhe\Ton  lalile  (soinelimes  gulesi  impaled  on 
the  dexter  with  the  .arms  of  the  See  of  Dur- 

H->^HaJh*v^    ^^l//<yj<^^-     SAn,  HaJJt^t^     t^itiU^i      r^  hr  ^^^^ 






SIR  CHRISTOPHER   HATTON,    K.G.,  of  holdenby  hall,  northants, 


I  'i^ 

\'    . 

!^;i   ..  -I 

tf  ffl" 

n  i 











I  ^yf 


IPJP-pl  I? 

iifllifif  Iftill 










IP      « 

a??  -? 

[i; ■     if 

■"  I 

I     _  Its         ■ 

I    ill 

ff ' . 






!l        14; 

ps^   a 

u]  n^ 

S'3        S3    Lf J5? 

lilif  piiiSi  pftiltiiffl 

■i^    Is 

00  I  S'^-pyfll.'z 
if.  I  ■?i|:|iirf!|l 


^   a,  K 

I  ^  « 


i   s^  O 


fif  iftfi  fifMC#%fti^  te^ 


SO.'tfj:  FECl'AL   COATS   OF  ARMS. 

'^rit    H, 

Hatfelld,  Thomas-(K,  ii  Rr.llil 
Ihrie  Ivoiiceir 
argent,  jL-nyns'  Roll:  the  chr\run 

mullet  sable  in  Jeiiyi 

s'  On 


Hatthorpe,   Eobert-il 

.    ill      Roll!    hon. 

sable,  a  ihevron  ens. 


or  ;  Jenyns'  (ird 


Hauberk,  John  - 

R.  II. 

Roll)  bore,  arijen 

on  a  bend  sable  thre 

eruvles  piereed  or 

Suirev  Roll. 

Hausted,  Sire  John  do,  of  Rutland. 

bar,.,,   ijjj-bore,  a 


.atlle  of   Borou-li 

br.Jse    ,3.^2,    and   a 






compony   u,    r,„l.. 

.     (    ii 

first  Dunst.ibi'    I'ii 

argent  (h.);  l',ii;i..ii  V 

.UKl    11. Ill       kolN 

ascribed  with  a  bi-nil 


..  another  Jim.N  ii 

Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Hausted,  Sir  Joh 

n  dp- 

-lime,  at   the  fir> 



vert  three  ea^l.  |.  ■ 

<       !■■. 

Haute,  SirWiKi  1 


.     ii,Kt.--(H-M 

Rolll   bore.  !■■     : 

:i.l    Rules,  a   Ivoi 

rampant   aryinl,   ./,, 
engrailed  gules  ,  -Vn 

Hauteville,  Sir   Geffrey  (of  Devon 

Corn«nlll -l(ore,  at  the  battle  of  ttorou 
bridge  1322.  sable  erusilv  and  .1  Ivon  rain| 
argenL  (F.)  rarliaiiu-litarv  Roil— aser 
erusily  fitchtV  to  Tiu.M.x-.  in  Jenyns'  Ordin 
Hauteyn,  Hamo, :    Hanoett. 

Hautot,  Richard  de— iH.  111.  Roll)  I 
ermine.  011  a  chief  gules  three  mullets  (6, 
(F. )       .\rden   and    St.    t^eorge    Rolls. 

Havering,  Sir  John  de,  bam 

of  Grafton  i259-bore.  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk 
IZ98  (argent)  a  lyon  rampant,  gules  collared 
or  :  uii!  fourchde  and  collared  azure  in  N'ohili'n 
and  Path.  Rolls;  on  his  seal  affixed  10  the 
barons  letter  to  the  Pope,  the  lyon  is  fonrchee 
but  not  collared,  pp.  x.\,  x.xiv. 

Havering,  Richard  and  'Williani  de- 
'H.  II.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  Ivon  rampant  tail 
fourchee  gules;  St.  George  Roll  and  Jenxns" 

Havering,  Sir  John-(t;.  111.  Roll)-l 
argent,  crusily  fitchee  and  a  lyon  ram 
tail  fourchee  and  renowt^c  all  gules  I 
Ashmole  Roll  ;  ascribed  in  the  same  Roll 
a  label  I3I  aiure  to-H.\VKKlxctn.M. 

Havering,  John  ap.of  Essex-(H.  11 
I  .,         lyons'  heads  erased  s 

Havering,  John  de 

aiure.  on  a  fess   .ugei; 
IF.)     St.  (ieorge  Roll, 

'at^^JWty-  No/tiP/ynff- 


^Sa**^    /!;»«^         H^^ht^'rJ       H^^tJdHcrc,^ 



/»at^  %„  '9/'eU 


"^vf^H  S»i-^t> 

Heath  ;•-  Jlethe. 
Jleaton  v.  lieton. 
Jleaton,   "William -iE. 

Rolli    l«)re. 

•  thrw  bulls' 
sell  of  t Ik.- field,  (///((/■/[■/■/f7i'(M,  argent. 
'  wreathed  p|)r.  iKtweeii  three 
lys  iilhle  ;  with  crest ;  Itallard  Roll. 

Jlebden,  WiUiai 

eri.iiiie.    five   fi.Mls 



Richard  de  -IK. 

Heggios.Huge  [uv,:  Bk 
linre.  gules.  I«:zant6e  .-ind 
George  Roll 

'[Heigham,  Richard,  < 

Her(e)ford,  Sir  Henry  de  (E.  iii.  Rolli 
bore.  Ruk>.  three  e.iglets  ili-ipl.tyed  argent  : 
..\shmole  Roll.  Hl.SKV,  tlitierenceil  «Uh  a 
lal«l  Ijl  a/vire  ;  St.  George  Roll.     F. 

Hereford,  Robert  de-iH.  iii.  Rolli  bore, 
or  on  a  chief  rinncetttie  n/ure  three  annuleti 
argent.     (F.  t     .\rden  Roll. 

Hereward,  Sir  Robert,  of  Norfolk-  ( K. 

Roll)  bore,    azure,   a  fess   gobony  gules   .1 
vert  between  three  ovvlsargcul;  I'arly.  Roll. 

Hereward,   Sir    Robert,  "f  i.anibnil! 

JJellifleld.-William  de-(E.  iii. 

'  argent,  two  Itends  undee  sable  — sa 
in':  .Sr.\pi,t.ruN  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary 

phon  segreant 
III.  Rol!)l»ore. 

.  sabl 

,1  bend  argent 

Helvon,  Richard  and  'Walter- iH,   in 

R.-Ili  bore,  or,  ,i  l.utf,  head  caljo,«sed  snUe 
\rrlen  Roll  aiKl  lenyns'  Ordinary.     F 

tHeivon,  Walter-  I H,    in.   Rolli  Iwre.  o 

.\shmole  MS  ) ;  Ueriiig  and  Howard  Rolls. 

Hemlnehall,  Sir  Baffe  de,  of  Norfolk- 

|F,.  II.  Rolli  bore.  or.  on  a  fess  tetween  tw< 
ehevronels  gules  thre-e  escallops  argent ;  I'arlia 
nieiuary  and  .Ashmole  Rolls.  Thum.xs  bon 
the  escallops  or  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

*CHiBneage,  John, 



l,iry  Roll- 

,ed  in  Jenyns'  Roll,     F. 

Herdebye,  John  de  -iK.  i 

gules,    biUellee    i ;,    o   and    a 
,ir,gei.t;  Jenyns'  l.lljinart. 

Hereford,  Earl  ot  -.   Bohu 

Camden,  ['nrly.,  and  How.ard  Rolls, 

Herle,  Sir  Robert— (K,  in.  Roll)  tjore. 
gules,  a  chevron  between  three  drakes 
I  shovellers)  argent;  .Ashinole  and  Surrey 

Heron,  Sir  Godard,  Sir  Roger,  John, 
(F).  Sir  John,  of  Kssei.  Sir  Odinel,  of 
Northnnil«:rlaiid-lF..  11.  and  K.  Ill-  Rolls) 
liore.  .azure  three  herons  passant  argent; 
NatMtv  Glover.  P.-irlv. .  and  St.  George 
I'arly.    Roll  for 

Sir  On 

;  Hk 

!,  Sir  Edward,  ofSufTolk-iE.  ii. 
argent,  a  chief  dancetti^e  (4)  gules; 
tar\ .  .\shinole  and  Surrey  Rolls. 
of  3  fioints  111  Jenyns'  trick. 

Derlngand  Howard  Rolls 
Henyngham  1- — I.  of  .Suffolk,  Kt.-  iH.  vi. 
Roll)  bore,  quanerly  or  ^nd  gules  a  Itordure 
sable  poudr^  of  escallops  argent ;  .\rundel 

Herbert,  — — .  1 

azure  and  gules 

.•-.bhniole  Roll,     6ee  FIT/HKKBHKT. 

Hercy,  Sir  Hugh,  of  L.mgford. 

Heron,  Sir  Roger 

IE.  II.  Rojll  bore,  gules,  three  her 

argent ;  I'arlv.  anil  Ashmole  Roll; 


with  n 


Heron,  John-(R. 


Heron,  William  -1 H 

;ngrailed  ;    Surrey 
.  Roll)  bore 

and    St. 
George  Rolls. 
Herondel,  John  de-iH.  in.  Rolli  bore, 
gules.  biUettfe  and  three  lyons  rampant  or; 

Heronvile,  Thomas- 

arure,  three  herons   pass 
Hikun;  Jenyns'  Roll. 

HerSTwell,  Simon  de- 

sable.    three  mullets  16)  e 


VB^  ylntn^^<*ni 

g,»n    /yei-MM- 



'  1 



■  .■/is 

\  ■-■'• 

.', -M,!    ;i  'Via*.. 




JOHN     ARUNDELL     HlLDYARl),     J. P.,     D.L. 


1  i^N 


7  I 


if-     .       :..  -IMT 



'**/  ff^  H»/uer& 

H^    H^l  ^H^^ty-^      ^^^L,; 

Hertford,  Earl  of,  v.  Clare. 

Hertford,  ,   iK.  in.   Roll)  lion'.   s.iblc 

five  lozL-ng^s  m  1i,-ikI  or  ;  Ashnioli-  Roil. 
Herthill,  John-.K.  [u.  Rolll  liore,  ar?tnl 
icUil  vair  ;   k-iiyns' Ordinary. 

Heverley,  Walter 

/w^ttrHdjk%     '^fzyi^. 

Sir  IlAKTini 



Hertlow,  Sir  ■William-iK.  in.  Rolll  bore 
"■   "^  "     gulfs;  .\bhmulu  Roll. 

■y-(^•    111.    Rolll  bore, 
i  cro-.Mied  gules  :Jciiyns' 

1  ^ ,«. 


I-.     Vv  H(i 

1.  Roll) 

1  Hl 

Hesez..  ui;n  l 

Hese,  Henry  iH.  ill.  Roll)  Ljore  or  tlin- 
eagles  displ.ayed  2  and  i  sal.le  (F.);  '.Udei 
and  .St.  George  Rolls. 

Hcsy,  Hugh  le-iR.  li.  Rolll  horc.  or,  on  i 
.Sir  -  R^n"  ''^'"'  '■■'"■'""  S'lrdant  .irgenl 
Roll)    l,ore 

H..I  sK,  a  Herk,hir.     Knigh,,  in  I'arly,  Roll.  ' 

Hesilton,  Elynaud  de— IE.  in  Roll)  bon 

■irg.nt.  aviltir,.  sn..-,  Ijeluecii  four  lorteauv 


•(Heskayte,  Sir  "William,  1275— bote  th 

arnisnfl-^  rn.\     ari^enl,  otia  bcndsable  Hire 

.l™>  US'  Ordinary. 

Hewes,  Sir  Richard,  of  i.orim  all  or  Devon 

—  tK    11.  Kolli  hole.  gule>.  frelly  and  a  tluarler 
argent ;  I'arliamentary  Roll, 
Hewys,Thomas-ll",   IV.  Roll)  Ixjre,  .ardent 
frelty  gules,   and  a  (|iiarler  ernnne  ■    lunviis' 
Ordni.ary,  '   •*     " 

Hewiok,  SirNioholas  (i:,  111,  RolDlmre. 
giile,.  bezaime  aiitl  a  Ivoii  rampant  argent  ■' 
.UhnioleRoll,  Mai.thvm  R.\ti  I'li-n-  can ves 
Ihe  .anie;  Jenyn.  Onlinary.  Nlcl'lolI.vs 
lore,  vair  ltricl,ed  lem.  six  licsants  1,  s  i  • 
.lenins'  Ordinary  J.     ■  '  . 

Heworth,  Thoma 

argent,  a   saltire  fietu 

I      Roll)    iKjre. 
aiultct.s  pierced 

Heslarton,  Sir  Thoma 

,  R 
pant  3,  2,  1 
borne  also 

IS  the'  s'am 


de,  of  Yorkshire 
bi\  lionceiu  ram. 


Heslarton.  Thonut.s    .! 

Heslington,  Richard  de- 

Roll.'  '   "'     ■      '"'''  '■"'"'"''^ 

Hethe,  John  Atte--(K.  in.  Rolli  bore 
miles,  oil  a  l«.ml  eotised  argent  three  heath- 
cock;  s.ible  ;  .Ashninle  Roll.     F. 

Hethersett, ,  iF,   in.    Roll)  bore    azure 

a  Ivon  rampant  gardant  or-anolher' «ith  .i 
niullet  satile  on  the  lyon"s  shoulder  ;  .\shniole 

Hethman,  Sir  Raol  (or  Roosi  de-ljore 
at  the  first  Dnnstal.le  tournament  ijo3,  azure' 
Iretty  argent,  a  boni.irc  indented  or.      F. 

Heton,  Sir  Gilbert  de— bore,  at  the  first 
Ilunslahle    tunni  ini.iii    1308,    giile-     

Heyham,  Sir  Roerer  de,  of  Heda.— (F  11 
R..II1  bore,  p,aK  10")  argent  and  azure  on  .a 
Wlief  gules  three  escallops  or  ;    I'.arliunieiunry 

Heyham,  Sir  ■WilUam-(i:.  1.  Roll)  Ixire 

UndeiM  .ugeiil  Old  ■,.,iles  a  label  131  azure  • 
Holland  Roll  i^ules  due,- bends  argent  and  ,1 
LiU'J  .unie  III  1  larj    .M.S.  0,3-  fo,  40. 

Hildyard,  Sir  Robert -iF.  1.  Roll)  b-m- 

a/ure,  three  nmllels  or  ;   .N.uiviiv  Roll, 
';Hill,   WUliam,  R.    11.— bore.'ernnne    on    a 
fess  safjle  a  castle  .argent.  -Shirle\ . ^     I'.' 

Hillarye,  Sir  Walter,  .1  \,,r"i,,ik  -iF    11 

Kolli  b,,r...  ..I...    :-,   ■A.     ,     '„.,.  ,,    ,.'il.l,.; 
Hillary.  Hoi;,-,-      I      r      i  ,   ,,     ,„',.'  ,,i,i,'. 

Hilton,  Sir  Robert  de,  fjanneret,  a  baron 
iJj7-bore,  at  the  battle  of  F,alkirk  1298 
argent.  t«o  bars  azure.  (F.)  .Vobilitv,  I'.ir- 
hainentary  and  St.  George  Rolls. 

Hilton,  Sir  Robert  de-bore,  at  the  battle 
uf  Boroughbridge  1322,  argent,  three  ehaulets 
gules,  (F.I  Borne  also  by  RoHKUT,  ofSuvne 
in  Holderness,  one  of  the  founders  of' tile 
-Vbbey  there  ;  Jenyns'  Roll  and  Ordinary. 

Hilton,  John,  of  Westmorland  -  iK.  111, 
Rolll  bore,  sable,  three  annulets  or  in  chief 
two  sallorclles  argent  ;  Jenyns    Roll, 

Hinole(y),  Sir  Johnde— iF,  111.  RolDi,,. 



mgrailcd  . 


vith  . 

Id  Ro 

Hingham,  Sir  John,  of  Xorfolk-iF. 

Roll.    bore,    per   pale  or   .ind    vert    a    fer 
niaulin    gule,  .    I'arh.mi.iit  ,rv  Roll. 

Hinlington,  William   de  iHimi.vm 


Heton,   Henry  de 

'■"''■    u  I.™"  . 

Heton,   Sir   John -    on    a    tia.f    .ad 

.   Ro 

MO  (leurs. 

ed  sable 
d. -ly.  or,  Ashinole  Roll. 
Heton,  Thomas  de— iK    in 

gulvs.  a  lum  pass.iiit  argent ;  Jenyns  ..„o,i,.,rv. 

Heton,   Thomas   de— iF.   11.    Rolli   l»,re. 

\''rt,  a  Ivon  raniiiaiil  ,iiid  a  Iwrdnre  engrailed 

argent.  Jenyn.,   R..11      .See  (iKKV  of  Heton 

Heyere,  William  de-(F..   1.    Rolli  tore. 

anideii  Roll. 

lid  a  l.iliel 

3\oiP  J  Hdu 

•^^^t  hUfh 


a.-         1        ^ 

on    .1    bald    .11...,  Ml  eotised    or    three    niro-tiets 


Hipppswcll,  Alun  fie  -  F    in.  Rolll  bore. 

■■■-■'     >     '  ''  ■    '■    '''■  ■      .      .1..      i;nnialdi  Roll. 
Hodey                      -                        ,H.    ^ ,,    k„||| 



;          ;                   id  point   111  point, 

'    ■   "...-,1,1.    ;,i,; n.,  ,!  .  ,,ni,terchanged,  a 

l.inlure  engrailed  of  the  second  ;  ,\runilel  Roll, 



Hodnet,    Ede    de— (H.    in,    Rolli, 

qu.irterly  fter   fess   indented  argent  and   gu'es. 



Rolls  -,is  Flii;,\R, "' 

£i*  %t 


/  V  ■,, 



\.  - 

A  r.,, 




Hoese,  Sir  John  de  la,  i\  Hese. 
Hoggesharde,  Sir  Thomas  -l>orc.  at  iht 

siege  of  Calais  134^-3.  vairu  arijL-iU  ami  cules. 
a  bordure  sable  bcxantOc-.   (F.)  ?  Hur-ii-iiRAD. 

HoEgeshawe,  Robert  de  (or  SiiiuF.iiKUK) 

(H.  111.  Roil)  bore,  vair,  a  chiL-f  or.  ovlt  cill  a 
\K:n<\  gules.     (F.)    St.  George    Roll— on   the 
bend  three  mullets  of  six  points ;  Had.  MS. 
Hoghton,  Sir  Alexander,  of  Hoehton,  in 

L.mcs  — (F.  IV.  R.jU)  bore,  argeiu.  three  bars 
sable  ;  Ballard  and  Ashmole  Rolls. 
•Hoghton,  Richard  de— (E.  r.  Roll)  bore, 
sable,  three  bars  argent ;  Arundel.  Surrey  and 
Jenyns*  Rolls.  John  {E.  i.)  differenced  with 
a  mullet  saVjlc ;  Jenys'  Roll.  Another 
RiCiiARn  differenced  with  a  label  (3)  gules; 
Surrey  Roll. 

Hoghton,  Sir  Robert  for  Houchton).  of 
>,'ot[5— (K.  Ml.  Roll)  bore,  azure,  three  bars 
humetl^e  argent  ;  .-\shmole  Roll. 

Holand  v.  Holland. 

Holbeoh  ( ).  nn  Fsse.v?  Kt,-(H.  vi.  Roll) 

bore,    argent,    a    chevron    enEn"ailed    sable 
.\nindcl  Roll. 

-)  de,  a  Suffolk  Kt  — 

Holebrooke,  Sr.  (- 

(F.    II.    Roll)  bore,   c 

iilv  ; 

and  .-\shmole  Rolls 
DinArdenandSt.  tie 

Holewell,  Sire  Walter— bore. ; 
of  Boroughbridge  1322,  ermine, 
gules  three  c 

Holford,  Sir  George-(F.  iv.  Roll)  bore, 

arg._nt,  a  greyh<..und  passant  sable  ;  withcrest  ; 
pKillard  Roll. 

Holgomb.  John  de  (?  Holcombe)— (R.  11. 
Roll)  bore,  or.  on  a  bend  sable  three  mullets 
argent ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Holland  v.  Hoyland. 

Holland,  Sire  Richard  de— bore,  at  the 
Uitilc  of  Boroughbridge  1322,  azure,  senile  of 
escallops  and  a  lyon  rampant  gardant,  argent 

Holland,  RichardHE.  ni.  Roll)  bore, 
sable,  semtfe  of  escallops  and  a  lyon  "rampant 
argent ;  Jenyns"  Ordinary. 

Holland,  Thomas,  k.g.  1376,  a  founder. 
Earl  of  Kent  (1381)  bore,  England  within  a 
bordure  argent.  Seal  1 371— represented  with- 
out the  bordure  in  the  Monumental  Brass  to 
Juice.  Lady  TiprotT. 

Holland,  John,  k  g.  1381.  Earl  of  Holland. 
1443-7— bore,  England  V 

ett^  c 

;  Suirev  Roll 








\       / 



Widow  of   Sir  John  Tiptoft,  daughter   of 

Edward  Charleton,  Lord  Powis. 

MoN.     Brass     in    Enfield    Chukch, 

Middlesex,  ob.  1446. 

After  Boutell. 

Arms  of  Holland  and  Charleton. 

Holand,  Sir  Robert  de,  I 

I461  fo.  38^ 

Holand,  Sir  John— bore. 

Boroughbridge  1322,  giilei 

ne.M    blai 
to  Sir  Tf 


Sir  Hugh  -(F.    in.    RoUl  bore, 
4. "2.  3V'Jlcs;   .\shninlu  Roll. 

Hollingshed,  Sir  Hugh  de-(E.  11.  Rollj 

Pari  1.1 

'  Roll. 

\  sable  a  niullei 

Holme,  John,  of  North  Holme— (E.  11. 
Roll  I  bore,  or,  three  Hcurs-de-lvs  azure  ; 
Jenyiis-  Roll. 

Holtebv,  Sir  Henry  de,  of  Lincolnshire  - 
(F.  It.  Roll)  bore,  a/ure.  frettv  argent,  a  chief 
of  the  last  ;   Parliamentary  Ro'll. 

Hondesacre,  Rafe  (F.  m.)  and  'William 
iH-  III.  Roll)  bore,  ermine,  three  chess-rooks 
2  and  I  gules  (F, ;  ;  jenyns",  Arden.  and  St. 
George  Rolls. 

Honford, .  IF.   iv.   Roll)  bore,  sable,  an 

esioiie  argent;  Uithcre^t;  Ballard  Roll. 

•  Honywood,  Edmund  de,   of   Postling, 

Hu-n.    III.  — bore,    argent,   a  chevron   Ijetween 
thrre  hawks'  heads  erased  azure.-Shirley.j  F. 

Hoo,  St.  John  (F  til.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  on 
a  febs  mdented  argent  two  mullets  pierced 
sable  :  .\shmole  Roll. 

Hoo,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  Beds— (E.  11.  Roll) 
l)ore,  C|U.irtcrlv  arceni  and  sable  a  bend  gules  ; 
Parban.entary  Roil. 

Hoo,  Robert  de-(H.  111.  Rolli  bore, 
qiiarterlv  sable  and  argent,  a  beiidtei  or  ; 
Arden  and  St.  George  Rolls. 

Hoo,  Thomas  and  William  de— F    11. 

Roll)  bore,  qu.anerly  argent  and  sabie  (F.i; 
lenvns"  and  Surrey  Rolls.  To  Moln-VEK 
Hob  (Sir  Thom-\s)  the  reverse  are  ascribed  at 
the  siege  of  Rouen  1418  ;  borne  also  by 
Thom.\s.  Lord  Hoo  and  Hastings,  k.g. 
1445  ;  K.  402  fo.  37. 
Hookes,  Sir  William,  of  Yorkshire— 1 F.  1 1. 

Roll)  bore,   azure.   .1  fess  between  three  lleurs- 
de-hs  or  ;   Parliamentary  Roll. 


-•»-  / 

:.< .■;...:'l 



HENRY    FITZALAN    HOWARD,   K.G.,    15™    DUKE    OF    NORFOLK. 

Shield  II.,  see  p.  60.     Shield  III.,  see  p.  16, 


yy\  ■■} 

•i  ■■  J 

:/.-■  ■.:.';"l'l     VM/^i 


WITH    Rr.FF.RF.NCK5    TO 


It  is  hoped  that  the  letter; 

he  row  of  quurtcrings  in  the  shieUI,  ' 
3  the  atchievcment  opposiieiL 

iipanyin^;  nuiiieraU 

FiTTON     . 


Scales    . 


DE  Valoines', 

Bl-OND       . 

Ten  DR  INC 



DE   Al.BlM 


Braose    .... 

Miles,  Earl  of  Hereford 

Balun,  of  Abergavenny 


Segrave  .... 


Chaucombk     . 

Brotherton    . 



Clun       ,        .        .        . 


Dk  Albini 

St.  Hillary  . 


Kevemok,  Earl  of  Chesi b 

Lupus,  Earl  of  Chester 

Hamlin  Plantagenet  . 

Warren  . 



Strongbow*    . 

TiLNEV      . 

AbPALL      . 


De  Albini 
St.  Hillary  . 

Keveliok,  Earl  of  Chester 

Lupus,  Earl  of  Chester 

Hamlin  Plan 



Strongbow'    . 

Macatorrogh  . 



Lyons  of  Wai 

S.  Lis      . 

.■s,  on  a  l>end  between  six  crosses  crosslet  fitchee  argent,  and— 
as  an  honoralile  augmentation -an  escochcnn  or,  charged 
with  a  demi  lyon  rain|».int  pierced  ihroufjh  the  mouth  with  an 
arrow,  within  the  Royal  tressiire  of  Scotland  ;  granted  to 
Thomas,  1st  Duke  of  Nnrfolk,  K.G.,  "  et  heredibus  suis"  ; 
for  services  at  the  battle  of  Flodden,  I  Feb.,  I5«3-J4 

re,  three  cinquefuyles  argent . 


gules,  six  escallops,  3, 

sable,  a  cross  engraiieil  or 

argent,  three  palets  wavy  gules  .... 
lozengy  or  and  sable  ...-■■ 
azure,  a  fess  between  two  chcvronels  argent  .    H 

gules,  a    saltire  engrailed  argent    between    four    cr 

fitchee  of  the  last 
barry  of  six  or  and  azure,  a  bend  gules 
gules,  three  boars  pa5s;int  or        .  .  .         Add 

argent,  a  lyon  ramjiant  sable  depressed  by  a  fess  coi 

of  the  first  and  or 
gules,  a  lyon  rami>ant  argent       .... 
bendy  of  eight  argent  and  gules  .... 
quarterly  or  and  gules  a  bend  sable     . 
azure,  crusily  and  a  lyon  rampant  or  . 
gules,  two  bends  the  upperino^t  or  the  other  argent 
argent,  three  bars  dancetlee  gules 
gules,  five  fusils  conjoined  in  fe-^s  or    . 
sable,  three  garbs  or  . 

sable,  a  lyun  rampant  argent  cmwned  or     . 
or,  a  chief  azure,  over  all  a  bend  gules 
England,  and  a  label  of  three  argent  . 
gules,  a  lyon  rampant  or      ....  . 

barr>-  of  eight  or  and  gule: 


Blomefield's- -Norfolk,  ix.  157 
i[  H.  1411.  f.  I'' 
i     H.  141 1,  ff.  50.  5^ 
\\  H.  1484,  f-  50 
Add  19,  151.  f.  143 
Add  19,  13S,  I.   146 

Add  19,  138,  f.  154'" 
-  -65  and  llS 

H.  1047,  f-  26'- 

chief  a 

eight  lyo 

;  fitch^e  at  the  fo( 

,  on  a  chief  azure,  two  saltorell 
azure,  three  garbs  or , 
azure,  six  garbs,  3,  2,  I,  or 
azure,  a  wo//'s  head  erased  argent 
azure,  florettee  or,  on  a  bordure  guli 
chccquy  or  and  azure, 
gules,  five  fusils  in  bend 

sable,  three  garbs  or 

argent,  a  chevron  between  three  griffins'  heads  erased  guli 
quarterly  or  and  gules,  a  bordure  sable  bezantee,  in  the 

quarter  an  annulet  for  difference 
gules,  three  water-bougets  argent         .... 

gules,  three  crescents  argent 

azure,  three  chevronels  or  . 

ermine,  a  cross  engrailed  gules 

gules,  a  lyon  rampant  or 

barr>-  of  eight  or  and  gules' 



H.  141 1,  f- 

H.  1411,  f.  53 

H.  21S8,  f.  43 
H.  1411.  f-  53 


argent,  on  a  chief  a 
azure,  three  garbs  c 
azure,  bix  garbs,  3, 
azure,  a  wolfs  kea. 

checquy  or  and  .izu 
gules,  five  fusils  in  bend  < 
argent  on  a  chief  azure  th 

I  bordurt-  gules  eight  lyons  of  England 


t  fess  and  canton  gules  . 
I  lyon  rampant  gules 
wo  bars  and  in  chief  ihn 

H.  1411.  f.  68 
H.  4031,  f-  23S 
H.  1552,  i.  .Sg" 
H.  1560,  f.  139 

^H.  I4II,  f.  43' 

■,  361 

I  H.  1411,  ff.  40,  43* 

;  H.  890,  f.  I 

f  H.  2156,  f  IIS" 

omiited  from  this  atcbie 
c"ke,  H.irl.   1393.  f-  '04.  but  doubt 

n  Add.  MS.  19,  153,  f.  80. 

:i     -li 


G^^f^J  Hof)lo,'n, 

lo^J  N.^.u.^     j^%^H^Byr^       -^^  ^^^        ^'U/i^nA  ic  H<,t^.,^ 


i*  £iHt^ 


«t  iL>-vMtY,^Uj^ 

Hopeton  ( ,.  a  Suffolk    Kni?lu-(H.    vi. 

^1^11)  bore.  .ir;-nl,  a  chevron  Muri: :   Arui.del 

^,?,f '°"'  ^y!?°^^  (<"  HAJlPTOM-borc,  .It 
compony  or  a:.d  azure  beween  six  martlets 
gules— blasone-J  checquy. 

Hopton,  Eobert-(K.  i..  Kolli  bore,  argent. 
«o^  sal.L-  ...ith  chargeil  three  mullets 
piurcidor;  Jir.>„s'  koll.     K. 

Hopton,  Walter  de,  of  co.  Glouc.-(H.  iii. 
Ko  II  bu,e,  .;>■,«  crusily  and  .1  Ivon  rampant 
!.'■■'  ■  •:^"''^".it-  George,  and  P.arlir 

ily  fitch^'e 

Rolls.      t„r   Waltkk  bo're 
(E.  III.).  Ashniole  Roll. 

;  Horbourne,  Sir  John  (or  Horbu 
Yorkshire— (t.  ii.  Roll)  bore,  b.wrv  |3| 
•ind.i^ure.  a  l>,„d  gules  ([•.); 
Roll  ,  barry  ol  sjs  and  abendlel :  Guill 
Camden  Rolls. 

Hore,   John-bore,    .at   the 

Horkeale.T,  Sir  WUliam,  of  Essex.  Ki.- 
(h-  II.  Kojli  bo-e.  ermine,  on  a  chief  indented 
azure  three  lyoujeux  rampant  or;  Pnrliamen- 

;    Home,  Gerard,  :■.  Hournia. 
;    Horne,  Sir  John  de,  of  Sui.c;- lE    ii 
Roll  I  bore,   guk-3.  a  fret  vair  ;  I'.arlianieijtary 

■  Horne(---|.anEsscx?Knighl-(H.vl,  Roll) 
bore,  gules,  three  bugle  horns  sable,  another 
impaling,  gules  crusily  fitchiSe  and  three  cres- 
cents argenl  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

J.JHorneS,  ■William  de-(H.  in.  Rolll  bore, 
argent,  three  hunling  horns  in  pale  gules 
garnished  sable.      (F.)     Dering  Roll. 

:  Horsley,  Robert— (E.  Ii.)  bore,  gules,  ihree 
*"'"■"'   *■  "'"    'rased    argent    bridled   sable; 

Hotot,  Sir  John,of  CO.  (ilouc.— lE.  ii.  Roll) 
bore,  azure,  on  a  chevron  cotisefl  or  between 
three  erescents  argent,  two  bars  gemelles  of 
the  first  ;  Pari)-.  Roll— chevron  plain  in  Harl 
61.17  fo.  26. 

Hotot,  Richard  n.  Hautot  and  Hoscott. 

Hotot,  Sir  William  do,  lif  co  filouc  - 
(E.  11.  Holllbore.  azurt.  -.  .•.i,.,.,     ,    !,.,,,,, 

Houghton,  Sir  Robert,  ,     ,, 

Roll)  bore,  azure,  three  I,  ,1  ,  i,,,|,,,  ■■  .-   ,...,,, 
.\shmole  koll.     Stehiiiniu     llcriov  io.,k 

Houn,  Hervey  de— (11.  111.  Roll)  bore.  vert, 
on  a  bend  argent  three  escallops  gules  ;  ,Arden 

■  Roll. 

Horsele,  Robert  de-(R.   11.   Roll)  bore. 

^'.  three  ciiK-  leloyles  2  and  1  pierced  argent 
—.-Surrey  Roll  ai  ,1  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Hosearle.SirThomas-(E.  111.  Roll)  bore. 
t  argent ;  Ashmole 
nie  doujiful. 
Hoacott,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  Beilfordsh ire- 
IE.  11.  Rolll  U:^-^,  azure,  across  patce  erntine 
rickeii   p,itoncel  ; 

formee  argent  ; 

Roll— s, 

r  He 

ParhanienLarv  koll  ;  a  err 
Guillim  koll;  and  a  eros' 
Surrey  Roll, 

:  Hobs,  Niohole  de  la  (H 

(H    111.  Roil, -fere,  .arsenl. 

2  .md  I  gnles;  .\rden  and  Howard  Rolls.'   F. 

Hoter,  Thomas -(H.  111.  Roll,  bore.  gVTOnny 
Ii2,eri„,ne.lnd  ^Ics;  .Artlen  Roll,      '" 

Roll)  bore,  or, 
t  pierced 



:  M.i 

with  three  muliets  on  the  bend;  Icnvns 
Ordy,-  Sir  lulls  differenced  it  wiih  a  martlet 
gules,  at  the  baitle  of  Boroiighbndge  1322. 

■"Hotham,  John,  of  iioudlay- lE,  111  Roll; 
Ujie,  burulec  113)  argent  and  azure,  on  a 
canton  or  a  man  et  sable;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Hototei l.a.S-,ffolkKl.-(H.VI.  RolDbore, 

azure,  a  cr.jss  m.,:,ne  argent  ;  Arundel  koll. 

Hournia,  Gerard  —  (E,  in.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  a  lyon  rampant  gardant  gnies— another 
with  a  lal«;l  (3)  azure  ;  Ashmole  Roll- surname 
almost  illegiltle, 

Hovell,  Sir  Hueh,  of  Suffolk,  Richard, 
Robert.andSirRobert—(H, 111.  Roll)  bore 
sable, a  cross  or;  Arden,  l'arly,aiid  St.  tjcor^e 
Rolls.  Sir  Steven,  also  of  Suffolk,  bore  it  at 
therirst  Dunstable  tournament  1 308,  ditfereneed 
with  a  label  I3I  argent  (F.)  in  Parly,  koll. 

Hovlle,  Hugh— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore,  argent. 

Hovile,  Sir  John— Ijore,  at  the  first  Dun- 
stable tourn,iment  1308,  quarterly  or  and  gules, 
a  martlet  of  the  second,     F, 

•Howard,  Sir  John,  of  Norfolk— (E,  11. 
Roll)  bore,  gules,  crusily  and  a  bend  argent  ■ 
Parliamentary  Roll.  .Sir  \\'ii,i.i.\m  bore  it  al 
the  battle  of  Boroughbridge  1322  ( F. ).  tricked 
crusily  fi  tehee  in  the  .\shii,  MS,';  .\rden 
and  St.  Rolls  |F.)  in  .Arundel  Roll 
\VlLl.l,\M  11,  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

•Howard,  Sir  William— bore  (1297)  gules. 
crus,ly  htch,5e  and  a  bend  argent;  Nobilil\ 
Roll;  his  son.  Sir  WlULl.tM.  bore  it  also  at 
the  battle  of  Boroughbridtje  ii-.-,  ;  A^h,n,,!e 
MS. .  as  before  mentioned,  >i,  l.i'  ,  .Vilm;,  1] 
of  the  North  fleele,  bore    n  1 

Calais  1345-8  (F,);  Surrei  ! 
and  Ordinary  (borne  also  be  1  h  \  1  1  ,, , :  ;    :  i . 
See  John.  Lord  Howard.  K  1.   11,-2.  alter  Di.l^e 
of  -Norfolk,  on  title  page.      This  , 

in  the  .\shniole  Roll  dTfferenced  i .. 

de-lys  azure,  and  apparently  with  an  e 
spot  on  the  bend  in  Harl.  i\fS.  1481  fo. 

Hoyland,  Sir  William  de,  ofL.ancashii 

—  (K.  II.  Rolll  bore,  sabl" 

Parhanient.ary  Roll. 

Huband,  Henry— (H, 

t  appea 

5  patonce  c 

II-  Rolll  bore,  sable 
IF.)  St.  George  Roll. 

//«c  /  ILu.U 

^xr^y%- Hxrp  t£^ 

111.  ,   ..ij,my 

'r^  Vi.    jl 




'A..>^,..-,(iv.»    • 

<^,.w,    1  V  Vj,^.,,, 


ifeW    ^<n^6j?of  "iid^a fa- 

ll does  seem  rather  hard  that  a  man  should  lose  his  head  lor  using  arms  fabulously  ascribed   to  a 
person  who  never  bore  arms  — those  of  Edward  the  Confessor. 




\  \    V 



o-      t«-i*'j 

"I   o:'.n    ■■-    ■■■-■rt 











\       / 


Hull,  Sir  Edward, 

Hungerford,  Walt 

VM  LiU 

<*'tS/>m'     J"""  «^    H*dLe.  J.  Hit^i^^nU 

Huckford,  Sir  Walter  de  (Hikk 

of  ',l..iKesl.Tslure-(K.  11.  Roll)   horc. 
I  i^li    ui>pl.ivL'd    saMc,  colt.ired  urgent 

Hudehovile,  John  de— (H.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
per  palv  or  nnd  .iziirc  a  siiltire  coiimerchangecl. 
Si.  George  Roll.     See  HlNTt. 

*Hudleston,  Sir  John  de,  Uinnerct.  scaled 
the  B.irons"  letter  to  die  I'ope  1301,  pp.  x.\i, 
sMv.  He  l,.re.  M  ttie  l.itde  of  Kalkirk  1=98. 
and  at  ttie  iiet^e  ''i  (."arl.tverock  1100.  gpilcs. 
frettv  (61  argent.  iK.)  .\rundel.  I'ar'liami-iitare 
and  Guillini  Roll-— a  fret  for  John,  in  Surrey 
.TON  bore  the  reverie  ; 

.Roll -the  label 

Hudleston,  Sir  Adam  de-iR  11.  Rrjin 
bore,  settles,  t'rctlv  argent,  a  bordure  indented 
or  ,  Parlianientar>-  Roll. 

Hugarde,  Andrew,  of  Dancniarke- (E.  iii. 
Roll)  bore,  aiure,  a  sun  argent:  Jenvns'  Roll. 
HtCH  G\KU  Imre,  azure  a  sun  or;  Harl. 
MS.  6589  fo.  37.     See  OoARD. 

Hugford,  William  de— (H.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
a^ere,  three  bucks'  heads  eabossed  or.  (F.) 
Arden  and  St.  George  Rolls, 

Hugford,  William  de  (or  HtxctRFonn) 
—  (E.  It.  Roll)br,re,a!ure.  three  palnies(?quills 
in  trick)  2  and  i  or.     (F.)     jenyns'  Roll. 

tHugham,  Robert  de— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore. 
argent,  five  ehevronels  sable.  (F. )  Bering 
Roll;  six  m  .\shniole   MS.,  four  in   Howard 

Hunte,  Sir  Oswald,  Kt, 

changed ; 

nd  sable 

indel  Roll. 



Huntercombe,  Sii 

baron  1295,  sealed  the  ::, irons'  letter  to  th 
Po[)e  1301,  pp.  \ix.  xxr.  He  bore,  at  th 
battle  of  Falkirk  129S,  ai,  ]  at  die  siege  of  Ca; 
laverock  1300.  eimeie  ti>  1  gcinelles  gules,  IF 
Nobilitv.  Arundel  and  f"irlianientarv  Rolls 
ascribed  to  R.\L'F  in  St.  G-  rgeRoll.  Wll.l.n 
took  up  the  cross  in  the  last  Crusade  1270. 

Huntercombe,  Gerard  de,  of  I.oreyne- 

Huntingdon,  Earl  of.    Sec  Schtt. 
Huntingfleld,  Roger  de,  of  Hr.idenlian 

a  baron  1297.  sealed  the  Fkirons'  letter  to  th 
Pope  1301.  pp.  XXI,  x\iv.  He  bore,  or,  on 
fess  gules  three  plates;  Nobility  Roll.  S 
Wil.l.l.vM.  banneret,  IF.)  bore  the  sanu 
Parliamentary,  .Arundel  and  other  Rolls. 
Huntingfleld,  Sir  Piers  de,  of  Kent - 


ary  Roll. 
JHuntingfield,  Peres  de-(H.   1 

IF.)  Dermg  Roll  ;  U-sant;  in  .\shniote  Roll. 

Huntingfleld,  Sir  "Walter,  of  Herts- 
(F:.  II.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  on  a  licnd  threi 
Ivonceux  p.issant  sable.  F". )  Parlianieutarv 
Roll.  .\scribedalsotoJo 
Ordinary.     Wll-I.l.\.\t  tc 

iHuntingfleld,  Cael,  Sael,  or  Saer  de- 

iH.  Ill  Roll)  bore,  gules,  crusilv  Iitchi5eand  : 
bend  argent.  (F.)  Deniig,  'Howard,  am 
St.  Ge-orge  Rolls.     Same  a,'ms  as  Huu  AKU. 

Huntingfleld,  Sir  William  de-lK    1. 

Hurstal,   ■William-(H. 

and   Arden    Rolls— ascribe-d 
IlusCARLK  in  .Ashmole  Ro'.I 

bendlets  gules  ;  K.    402, 

HuUe,  John  de-lH.  in.  Roll)  bore,  azure, 
an  eagle  displayed  argent.  (F.)  .Arden  .anti 
St.  George  Rolls. 

Hulls,  Sir  Richard  de,  of  Cambridgeshire 
—  |E.  II.  Roll)  bore,  azure  an  eagle  displayed 
argent,  a  b.iston  gules  ;  Parli.imenury  Roll. 

Roll)  bore, 
St.  George 
Sir  TnoMA- 

;,  baron  1295 

Hussey,  Henry  de,  of 

—  bore,  ernune  three  bars  gules;  Nobility. 
Parliamentary  and  .Vshmole  Rolls;  ascribed 
to  another  Hknkv  iJ)  in  the  Dering  Roll; 
tricked,  barry  (6)  ill  .Vrdcn  and  Norfolk  Rolls. 

Hussey,  Sir  John  (of  Hants  or  Wilts.), 
knighted  at  the  capitulation  of  Calais  134.S  - 
bore,  or,  a  cross  vert,  |F'.  1  .Ascribed  also  to 
Sir  RrKlhK  ill  Ashninle  Roll  —  another  Sir 
John  (E.  11)  differenced  «ith  a  Label  IJlgtlles; 
Parliamentary  Roll  and  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

HuBsee,  John  de  la— (E^  m.  Roll)-bore. 
gules,  a  fess  between  two  cheyTOncls  ermine; 
Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Hutton,  William,  of  the  Forest-iF  it. 
Roll)  -bore,  gules,  a  fess  s.-ble  be-tween  three 
cushions  tasselled  argent ;  Jenyt^s'  Roll 

bars  argent,   in    cl',.'  1 
reiVA,  per  pale  danr-  ■■ 


*[Huy3he,  John  de(l3tli  cent.},  bore,  arg 
on  a  bend  s.ible  three  lucies  naiaiit  of  the  11 
-Shirley,;     F. 

acheiTon  n    ' 

the  patern  H    ,,  r 

with  his  pi    ■;-  :      !   :■    ■ 
R.  yyitha  :,i:.'  ■;■        1 

Calais  T345-8,  bore,  bar 
in  chief  three  plates. 

y  (61  sable  a 


:.•  Siege  of 
nd  argent. 

Hyde    ,    a  Knight -(H,    M.    Roll)  Ik 

gules,   a  saltire  engrailed  or.  a  chief  ermi 

Arundel  Roll. 
Hyde     .     (K.    IV,    Rolli    bore,    azure 

chevron  bctMCeii  three  lozenges  or  ;  with  ere 

B.illard  Roll. 

/ypiiv  Hunr-Mcn 

t  txtt 


1  fs   ^  ^    ^    '* 

\                      / 

\x  t  y 





v:....'    .J.    . 

■^.-:  /' 


-     .   -/ 

i,,»   ,«.W    ,uOJI"i<  ' 

Ipcbiovec  of  l[3untcr=Mcston  of  T[3untcvston,  Hvvsbirc. 

ILLIAM  Hl,-NTt:K.  laird  of  Arnc-lt^-Hii 
eleven  years"  arrears  of  blench  duty,  in  addliion  lo  double 
his  estate  1447.  and  in  Hiclies  in  the  Rirony  of  Dairy  1453.  Ciisios  or  hereditary 
Keeper  of  the  Forest  of  the  Little  Cuniray  (1453),  an  island,  then  a  royal  forest; 
died  about  1454.  = 

*.•.  Hereditary  for.: 
1  the  death  of 
other,  had  son  Am 
vi.U.  1465. 


[IN  HUNTAK,  of  Huntarstone  (so  styled  i 
that  ilk.  Hereditary  forester  of  Little  Cum 
1461  ;  fell  at  Flodden  9  Sept.  1513. 

^Iakcaket,  dau.  of  John,  and  Lord 
Cathcart.  by  Margaret,  dau.  of  .Sir 
William  Douglas,  of  Drunilaiirlg. 

<uHKKT  HcNT.XK,  of  Huntarston.  or  of  that  ilk,  under  age  at  the  death  of  his  father. 
The  King  granted  him  tlie  ilc  of  Cuniray  by  eharler,  31  May,  1527.  and  which  was 
confirmed  iz  Nov.  1534 — he  however  sold  it  shortly  aftor  lo  the  Karl  of  Eglmloun  ; 
oblamcd  a  eharter  25'Feb,  1535.  of  the  I.iiids  of  Annanhill,  within  the  lord-^hip  of 
Roberlon  and  bailliary  of  Cuniiiijh.ime.  confirmed  by  Royal  charters  16  March 
following  and  i  Jany.  1541 — actiuired  the  lands  of  Caniplx'ltowi 

;  died  I 

of    Craufurdlaiid  ;    died 

NTiGEKN,  or    ML-N&:)   HuNTAk.  of  Faster  Arneil.   infeft    1537,    and   of=MAKii»N,  dau.  of  James 
Huntarslone  8  May.  1546  ;  at  Dumbarton  with  ilie  Army  of  llie  King.  I  and  she    m    pnsses 

1546  ;  died  "  at  the  faiih  and  peace  of  Queen  Mary,  under  her  standard  |  manor  place  of  Hu 

at  the  battle  of  Pinkiescleuth,"  10  Sept.  1547.  I  living  1594. 

lillon,  of  Torrance.  CO,  Lanark. 
of  tlie  tower,  fortalicc  and 
iton  for  upwards  of  48  years; 

IsoBlCL,  mar.  to  John  Craw- 
ford, of  Giffnrdland,  who 
fell  at  the  battle  of  Pinkie, 

kiiRtKT  Hl'ntak,  of  Huntarstoune,  or  of  that  ilk.  an  infant  at  ihc  death  of  his  fatlifr, 
those  Ayrshire  gentlemen  who  subscrilied  the  Pnnc.pal  Band  in  defence  of  the  reformed  r 
4  Sept.  1562.  Obtained  a  Crown  charter,  of  South  Camcs.  now  the  town  of  Milporl 
island  of  Gt.  Cumbrae,  29  Nov.  1578  ;  died  1580. 

KuBERT  Hunter,  of  Huntarstown,  under  age  ai  =  MARGAKKT.  dau.  JEAN,    m.     (znd; 

his  father's  death,  had  a  Roval  charter  of  South         of  Patrick  1608,    to    Rev, 

Games,    in    Bute,    1580,    arid   in   i5ocj  a   Roynl         Peibles,  of  Alex.       Scryni 

charter    of    Arneil-Iluntar,    with    ' ' tower    fort-         Broomlands.  geour.   minislei 

alice,"  &c.  ;  died  s.p.  May  1616.  at  Irvine. 

:  nf=MAKCARF.i .  dau.  of  Thomas  ■ 
on,  I  of  Auchinames.  She  re-mar. 
the        Stewart,  burgess,  of  Gla<:gow. 

.  Rev.    Robert  Cun 
Barnwell,  isthusband. 

of        died  16  Sept.  1605. 

)  Robert  Peible; 

.  Hugh  Ga 
1607.  and  |2nd?t4  .\ 
e,  of  Auchinharvie. 


elder  dau.  and 

'ATRlCK  HfNTER.  laird  of  Hunterstone,  by  devise  of  Robert  27  Sept.  ibii.sonof  Ca  rHERiNE=  Rum:RT  Cumnghas 
William,  of  Bcnelierrie  Vairds,  co.  Avr,  by  his  wife  Marion  Hamilton — died  1665,  died  before  Auchinhar\'ie — husb.-i 
aged  74 — epitaphs  in  Latin  and  English.  1613.  of  Catherine's  aunt. 

RowFKT  Hunter,  laird  of  Hun- =  I.   Elizabeth,    dau.   of  Patrick     Henry,  a  minister  of  the  Church 
terstone,      entered      Glasgow  I      Craufurd,  of  Aucliinames.  of  Scotland,  laureated  in  Glas- 

Collegc  37    July,    1627;    died  |  =2.  MarkiN.     eldest    dau.     of        gow  University  1650,  settled  at 
Dec.  1679.  James  Cuninghame,  of  Aikel.  Dromore    in    Ireland,    ejected 

1661  ;  died  unmar.  1673. 


inghanie,  of  Carluiig. 
.  Jean,    m.,    about     1653,    to 
David    Kennedy,    of     Balnia- 
clanachan  and  Craig. 

'.XTRICK  Hunter,  ]aird  =  MAR!ON,  dau.  of  John 
of  Hunterston,  and  of  I  Cuninghame,  of  Lang- 
L^ngmuir, /.«. ;  died  in         muir  ;     mar.      15    Aug. 

of  drby    Hun 

EAN.  m.  (contract  3  Nov. 
1658)     to      Rev.      John 
Spalding,      minister     of 

'ATRiCK  Hunter.  laird  =  M.\RiON,  eldest  dau.  of 
of  Hunterston  ;  m.  5  I  Thomas  Craufurd.  of 
May,  1704;   d.  9  Nov,  1      Crawfurdsburn.orCarts- 



Peebles,  ofCr: 


aged  86. 

HETH,   m.  to  John   Hynd- 

,  of  Lunderston, 

JN.  m.  to  Hugh  Muir. 

Dorothea,  m.  (ist)  to  William  Margaret,  m 
Kelso,  of  ?Iullcrhirst,  and  Robert  Cal(K\ 
(2nd)  to  Hugh  Weir,  of  Kirk- 

■  and  3  daus.  died  young  c 

iild    and    heiress   of    Hu 

1  M.  Crawfurd.  of 

Jane,  elder  dau.  and  co-heir  of  Hunter-  =  GouLD  Read  Hunter-Weston,  of  Hu 

ston.  Lady  of  Justice  of  the  Order  of  I  D.I..,  AxTshire,  f.s.a.,  Lt.-Col.  (retd.)  H.M.  Indian 
St.  John  of  Jerusalem  ;  mar.  (as  2nd  j  served  at  Oudh  and  Lucknow.  1857,  medal  and  ciasi 
wife)  8  July.  1863.  \       sumed  addl.  surname  and  arms  of  Hunter,  of  Huiitt 

by  RoyaJ  licence  8  May,  1880 ;  b.  16  Apl.  1823. 

Robert  Wilmam  Cochran 
Patrick,  of  Ladyland  and 
Woodside,  Ayrshire, 

\vr  MER  Ck>ui.d  Hunter-Weston,  brevet  Lt -Col.  Roy, 
Kngincers,  D  s.o.  for  services  in  South  Afnca.  St 
Official  (Quarterly  Army  List ;  born  23  Sept.  1864. 

Seafonh  Highlanders;  born  11  Apl.  i86g. 

;:jj-:"..:;irjr.;r  ";'j   ::■;.•;, r:;'^^'.;; 


The  Camp  at  I/as/iii0.      Tuliir^s  nf  Ihirahi  hrmight  to    William.     A  house  is  burnt.     AJttr  the  Baycu.x   2'afeslry. 


I— J— K    — 

■I'ln^lethorpe,    John- 

'      gulesasaliiioen"rail«U 

Idle,  Sire  John  del — hore.  at  the  battle  of 
iiorauEjhhncigc  1322.  cules  cnisily  and  a  lyon 
p;iisa[ii  argent  ;  not  giirdiint  in  Ashmole  SiS. 

I  vviih  the  t 
:  LisLt:. 

Idle,  Count  Ver 

Idle,  Sire  Warin  del,  banneret— bore,  .1 

the  battle  of  Floroughbridge  1322.  gules,  a  lyo 
passant  (gardani)  ^argent,  crowned  or  (F.) 
not  gardant  in   the   Ashmole  copy.       Same  a 

Illey,  Sir  Philip  de,  of  Lincolnshire-(E. 
Roll)  bore,  gules,  an  eagle  displaved  or. 
baston  azure;  Parliamentary  Roll.  "Willi.a 
took  up  the  cross  In  the  last  Crusade  1270. 

Ilsley,  Sir  Robert  de-(E.  iii.  Roll)  bore, 
or,    two   gemdles    sable    and  in    chief  three 
.\shmoIe  Roll. 

Imberd,  ■William  or  Guy-(H.  in.  Rolll 

bore,  azure,  three  Hevirs-de-lys  2  and  i  arpent. 

Ingham,  Robert-(E.  Ill  Roll)  bore,  ermine. 
oti  ;i  fess  gules  three  escallops  or;  Jeiiyns' 
Ordinary.      I'erhaps  lsr,K.\M. 

Ingleby,  John  de-lE.  11,  Roll)  bore,  sable 

Inglows,  Henry -(R,  n.  Roll) - 
quarterly  or  and  azure  in  the  first  qu; 
lyon  rampant  sable.     Surrey  Roll. 

Ingram,  John— (E.  11.  Rolll  bore,  cm 

•T  feis  guies  three  escalln[is  argent;  J 
Roll.  kuBtKT  bore  the  escallops  or  ;  Gi 
Roll  and  Jenyns*  Ordinary. 

Instila  V,  de  Insula. 

Irby,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Cumberland— {E. 

Roll)  bore,  argent,  fretty  sable,  on  a  cantc 
gules  a  cinquefoyle  or  .  Parliamentary  Roll. 

R^lIard  Roll. 
Jlrie,  Maheu  de— (H  iii.  Roll)  bore. 


:  Roll. 

Ineule,  Nichol  de— {H.  in.  Roll)  bore.  or. 
e  three  Ij'nnceux  rampant  argent 

Inge,  Sir  'William,  of  beds.— lE  u.  Rolb 

bore.  or.  a  the\  ron  vert  ;  .\ihmole.  J'arlia- 
nienury  and  Nobility  Rolls. 

Inglefield  r.  Englefield. 

Inglethorpe,    John,   of    Xorfolk— (E.    11. 

Rill)  'i„-'i-.-  !;ii],_-i  -^  ^.■r(l^s  engrailed  argent; 
].,,!■,,..,  ^,,.,,.  y_^,,  .,,,  ,,,'1  Surrev  Rolls.  Sir 
""■■  ■■—.-■:■  .  ■:i.,l(3)or,  at  the 
''  "1  '  ■•!  I  ■■  i  '■! .     ■■    I  ,  ■.■      J-.)    An  Essex 

?'"l"''  'in.:,-.  ■.■i..,ni;u,'.L.u-'.ni  Arundel  Roll. 

nnllel  gules.'— Shirley.]  F 

'ilBham,  Robert  de.  2  R.  11.— bore,  gul 
fess  and  m  chief  three  piles  wavy  meetii 
the  centre  argent.  ^Shirley.]     F 



iMr  ^i-JJl^^ 




»>!■•,        ■t.f'  ■  " 


yai^yMrh..    f*^^  Jf^   tu^^^...^    t>^yj^kz^ 



l^f^t  ^, 


IskynEall,   IK.  ui    Rolll    bore,    ot 

tV«  lH-l».j,n  IMO  thfvroiu-ls  SJiilfs.  .1  can 
erniim: ;  Abhmole  Roll. 

Isle,  Earl  of  the,  Baldwin;  V.\«\. 


ids  p.1b5ant 

*[Jenney,  Edmund,  r.  1400  bore,  crniiiie.  a 
bend  giiles  coti.^ed  or.  -  Shirley,  j  K 
Jerkavile,  Davy  de-iK.  i.  Roll)  bore, 
quarterly  or  .ind  a^ure  in  the  first  quarter  a 
lyoii  rampant  gules.  IF  I  Camilen  Roll  - 
tailed  Gkklunhii.k  in  Ho».ard  Roll.  See 
also  .\l.\KiONVii.i;  in  Denrig  Roll. 
Jermm,  Sir  John,  of  Suffolk.  Kt.  -  iH.  n. 
Rolll  l«ire.  arceiil,  a  Ivon  rani|)aiil  gardai.t 
gules  ;  .\rundel  Roll. 


[igham  SirWaltei-.lJ^F.  it    Iwre. 

.   three   buckles,  tonifues  to   the    defter 
-  Shirlev.  I     Y. 

Joce,  Sir  John 

*  Joeelyn,  Thomas,  113  K  11    bor.-.  azure,  a 

circular  wreath  artjent  and  sable  with  four 
ha«ks  Ijells  aftived  in  quadrature  or.  - 
Shirley]     F 

John,  Levris  (or  JoNKS).  an  F,ssex  Knight  - 
(H.  VI.  Roll)  bore,  sable,  a  chevTon  between 
three  trefoyles  argent  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Jorce,  John -IF..  111.  Rolll  liore.  per  pale 
azure  and  gules,  an  eagle  displayed  argent 
memttered  of  the  second  ;  Jcnyns  Ordinary. 

Joroee,  Robert— (K.  111.  Roll)  bore,  argent. 

on  a  b-nd  or.  three  water-bougets  azure.     iK.) 

Jeiiyns   Ordraary. 
Jove,   ■William   le-lH.  itt.    RoMI  bore. 

argent,   three  lyons  ranqjant   iible ;   Hortar^j, 

Jumper,  William  1?  Ivm'kkki  iH.  111 
Rolb  b-jre.  argent,  a  less  between  three 
crescents  gMles  ;   Ardeji  Roll. 

Justine,  Adam    de-iH    iii    R-.n)  bore. 

Kekitmore,  Piers  de- 

Kendale,  Sir  Eimonde  de,  of  the  North 
— (F.  II.  Rnlh  bore,  argent,  a  bend  vert 
colised  gule,.  all  d.ineettee ;  I'arlv.  Roll- 
c.lti^.■^  vert    in  lilover  Roll 

Kendale,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  Herts.— tore. 
.itthehtit  Duuslabic  louroanient  [303.  argent. 
..  I.i.rl  vert    a  Ial,ell3!.  I'.irly.  Roll;  Kl.w.Mti,. 




Kendale,  Robert- 



■[Kendall,  Richard,  43  F..  111.  —  tore, 
arceiit.  a  chevron  between  three  do'phins 
naiant  emtowcd  sable.  -Shirley,  j     F. 

..f  Fs: 


\?  Knight-lll.  M,  Roll 
le  a  cross  Horettt'e  s.ible,  <iii,trlerly 
.  on  a  fess  between  two  clievronel'i 
:aglets  displayed  gules ;  Arundel 
.  took   up   the  cross  in 

Roll      Ri  p 

the  last  Crusade  1270. 

Kenney,   Alexander   de— (H     ni.   Roll) 
' '  '        '        .  latol  (5)  sable 

St.  Gei 

■  Roll. 

Kennin^s,  Sir  John,  of  N'orfolk-(F..  11. 
Roll!  l,ore.  azure,  a  fess  engrailed  totvteeii 
three  escallops  argent ;   i>:irly.  Roll. 

Kenette,  Pers  de— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  three  talbots-00-the-scelil  argent ;  .Ardeti 

Kent,  Earl  of-HuBKKT  d 

:eng)-  iW  masculy  vair  and  giih 

(Jrinialdi  anil  Parly.  Rolls  ;  reversed  in  Areli^ii 

and  .\otiility  Rolls. 

Kent,  Earl  of,  F.h.mimi  of  Woodstock- 
bore.  1321,  F.ngland  within  a  liordure  argent 
I'arlv.  Roll  and  Jenvns- Ordiiwrv  ;  borne  ,tlsc 
by  Hol.t..v.\li,  Earl  of  Kent:  Sui^rey  Roll. 

Kerdeston,  John— tore,  at  the  second  Dun- 
stable tournaiiieiit  1334,  gules  a  s.altire  argent 
a  laliel  Itesantec  Hit). 

Kerdiff,  Paul  de  (H.  111.  Roll)  bore,  azure 
a  fess  oriF.)  | St.  George  Rolll;  between  six 
martlets  13.  3)  or,  in  Arden  Roll. 

Keyelioke,  Hugh,  K.\u\.  iif    CmsrhK- 

Kidley,  Thomas  (Km.i^ 

Klrhley,  Sir  Henrv  (Kk 

Rolll  Ijijre.  .argent,  a  fess  sal 
Ballar.l  Roll ;  ascribed  to  \\l 





■"(,  '■• 




"IkrfyTt^  ^t^^qjrjtc^^e- 


Kildare.  Earl    of -lire,   argent,   .-i  snltin 
Buk.  ;  J.i,yi,>'  Ordai.iry.     See  l-'lTzGKK.M.I.. 

Kilkelely  :■.  Milkeley. 

Killom,   Aleyn    de-d-*,.    iii.    Roll)  bore. 

Kirktott,  Wil 

lioTKI.lln  ;  Grill 

ilcli   KoU  and 

(.'nyns'    Ordi- 

Kirktot,  Sii 

(E.  II.    Kuill 


liore.   a.-urc.  '.) 

f  Suffolk,    Kt.— 

Eimbe,  Willia 

Knlll     hnr,.,     or. 

m  de  (KVMK. 
.1   Lhevnin    gill 

U.)-(H.    MI. 
s,   a   Itorduni 

five  escallops 

Ihrce  C...S. 

allies:    ■•.irliau 
,   Jollll     1 

eiilary  Roll. 

1  1  -bore,  a/uro. 

Kinardslev,  Sir   Hugh   de,  of  Salop- 




.  Kolll 

jeor;e  Rol 

Kingesmede,  Sir  "Walter  de,  ofSaloi 

(K.  II,  kolll  bore,  b.irry  181  or  anil  .izure.  o 
bend  argent  three  escallops  gul 

*LKingBcote,  Nigell  de,  K 



t  piei 

ops  shells  sable, 
■      ;  Shirley.; 

Kirham,  Nichol   lur  Wii.i.)  de— i 

R.illl  bore,  .irsent  three  IvoncEus  r 
Kiiles,  a  bordure  sable  (F.j;  .-Vrden 
George  Rolls. 

Kiriell ;    Criol. 

Kirkan,  Piers— IK,  ii  Ro 

Kirkbride,  Sir  Bichard,  of  Cunil«;rland 

-bore,  at  the  siece  of  Carlaverock  130D, 
argent,  a  saltire  engrailed  vert*;  Parly.  Roll  — 
a  cross  in^ 

Kirkby,  Sir  John  and   Richard  de  - 

(K.  III.  Roll!  bore,  argent  2  bars  gules  on  a 
canton  of  the  la=t  a  cross  nioline  (rceercele-;;) 
or  ;  .\sliiuolc  and  Surrey  Rolls. 

Kirkby,  Richard  de— IK.  11.  Roll)  bore, 
.irgent  a  fess  et  deniv  12  bars!  sable,  on  a 
qu.arter  of  the  la»t  a  fer-de-monlin  of  the 
second  ;  Jenyiis'  Roll. 

Kirkland.  William  (or  1 

Kolll  .argent,  thrc. 
bnin,-  Ordiii.iry. 
Kirkton,  John  de,  a  liaron  1362— bore,  at 
Ilie-.,;i..r:l  Uunstable  touni.linent  1334.  barry 
.riiiin.-  .iiul  gules  lK.|;  gules,  three  b.ars 
•rniiiie  in  ,\shmole  Roll  and  Jcnyns'  Ordinary. 

Kirkton.  Rauf  de— (R  iii.  Roll)  bore. 
i.airc.    ihree  natcr-ljougets  3  and  1  argent ; 



mil  so  ascntjcdto  Fllo.M 

•tKnie:htley,  Sir  Eolj 

30  K.    I,   -l,or 
lb)  01  and  yu 


:,.:rl.:rh  u-tlh.   p.ily 



9de-iK.  I 
t  s.i!.lc,  Jt-n 

r.  Roll)  l>ore,  argent. 
ynb'  Ordinary. 

KnoUes,  Robert,  k.i:— iK.  11.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  on  a  chevron  argent  three  roses  of  tin 
tield;  Surr.jy  and  K m  lis'  Rolls.    K.  309.  fo,  20, 

KnOVlll.     Sir     i;OL.'n.     ,,        .;;,   ■:     i;,:    ,l„„e. 

tournaiiienl  1308;    I'arly.  R,jll 

Knovill,  Bogo,  or  Boege,  or  Bef^es — 

|H,  111.  Rolll  bore,  guies.  ,;\  spui--io«ell,  or. 
a  label  (3.  ^1  azure  ;  .\rden,  St.  George  and 
Jcnyns'  Rolls. 

Knoville,  Thomas-iE.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  three  uater-boiigets  ermine:  Jeiivns' 
Oidinarj— borne  also  by  J.v.mks  Rhus.       ' 

Kokesalton,  John  de-<H.  iii.  Roll)  In 



Kymball :-.  Kimbe 
Kynio,  Philip  tie,  '. 

nniiind  Ir.iiii  111,    bl.ison  of  the  How.ard  Roll. 

Kyme,  Sir  Willittm  de-lxire,  at  the  tirst 

Dunstable  tournament   1303  anil   at  the  battle 
of  lioroughbridgc  1322,   gules,  crnsily  and  a 

Nativity  Roll. 

[Kynaaton,  Sir  John  de, 

Kynes,  Sir  John  - ,  I' 

,\=hnio:e  RoH, 

Kyriel,  Sir 
fo.  48.     Sec  ( 

V ...  \ 




-■^t  ■^u.^p^ 

Bc^  Bo  kxtn-tb- 






SO.UE  FEUDAL   C0A7y   OF  .']/!AfS. 

Tlu  Batik-  of  Hiisli/igs—t/ii  I\ 

(tinSHcass/iilh)  all,nk.     After  the  /!aycii.\   7'apestn: 

Henri  d»  Laei 

AJan.J   I... 

ZOtlf  J  iaiv-rne 

^-^t*    citffnbUri 

Lacy,  Adam  de— iH.  lu.  Rolli  Sir 
John,  of  Ilt-refonlsliire  -IK.  II.  Roll)  bore, 
or.  n  ft-'Si  in  chief  three  nirinlcts  gules.  (F.J 
1'arh.inieTit.iry  nnd  Nl.  Geors^  Rolls- 

Laoy,  Sir  John  de,  of  Rutland— (E.  n. 
Rolli  Iwre.  U[]ilee  161  gulw  rtnd  ermine  :  I'nrlin- 
ment.-\ry  Roll. 

Lacy,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  Caml>ridgeshire  — 
(t.  n.  Ro'h  Ijore,  anient  an  oric  irnles.  over 
all  a  Ijendlet  sable  ;  Parlianiontary  I<oll. 

Iiacy  I .,  a  Cornish  Knighl-(H.  VI.  Roll) 

bore,  azure,  three  shovellers'  heads  and  necks 
erased  argent ;  Anindel  Roll. 

Lakanham,  William-i K.  iii.  Roll))  bore, 
argent,  a  cross  fietwcen  fnur  lyoneeu\  ram- 
pant gttles  :  Jenyns'  Orduiary. 

liaksnheatli,  John  iL-\kvngmvthi;)  — 
iK.  II.  Rolli  bore,  argent,  a  ehc^Ton  sable 
between  three  caps  of  the  last,  turned  up  gules; 
Stirrev  Roll. 

JLambourne,  Sir  "William  de,  of  K^sex  — 

(K.  II.  R.jlll  bore,  ardent.  l»o  ch.^rons 
sable  iF.)  :  I'arlv..  Denni:  and  Howard  Rolls. 
Ascril.jd  to  MllEs  in  .\rden  Roll-la  trick 
with  l-iliel  .  II  gules  in  .\~llinole  Roll. 

Lamplewe,  Sir  John  de,  of  Cumberland 

-iK.  II.  Rolli  liore.or  l.irgelit  in  Glover  Rolli 
a  cross  florettee  at  the  points  sable;  Parlia- 
iiieniary  Roll  (peculiarly  tricked  in  Harl.  .\IS. 
4OJ13  fo.  50)-  aserilx'd  also  to  RuliKKT  \V  ) 
and  Tnu.M.\s  in  Segar  and  Surrey  Rolls. 

Iiamplogh,  Thomas -It'..   11.    Roll)  bore. 

erased 'sable";  .lenyns'  Roll. 

Lancaster,  Edmund,  Earl  of '1267 -761  — 

\fii  H.  Ill  I  bore.  |-iii;1.Hid.  uilli  a  l..bel  HI 
France,  a  lal.d  I41  .-n  hi,  lonib  :  Griniald, 
Roll    and    lenynV    Ordiiiarv.      Father    of   die 

Lancaster,  Thomas, 

il2c,6-IJ=2l-sealed   the 
Pope  1301.  pp.  \vi,  \\|\ 


.;e  ofCarlaierock  1300. 
■ible  lounianieiit  1308. 
31  of  Fn 

and  a 

and^^entan  Rolls  — a  Label 
Guilliin  and  St.  Roils. 

Lancaster,    Sir    Henry    de,    ba 

(brother  of  Tini.M.VS.  l.i>l-ii.(in,  dl  bore, 
baule  of  Falkirk  ijt,.?  iirl  ,it  i!-.-  - 
Carlaveroek  13001  Earl 'I  1    -■      ■■!!'■ 

Iiambourne,  William- 

(R.  n.   Roll!  bore. 

witiialabolof  l-r.i:;-e.    (!'■)    >ct: 

argent,   on  .1   bfiul  salt!e 

oiiserl  gules  thret' 

Surrey  koll. 

Lancaster,  John,  oi-  Galnt.  Duke  of 
11362-991  bore,  Fr.-XDce  .nn'i  Knijbni:!  fiii;iricrly  ; 

1  Km-ht-dl    VI. 

ihri-n-  erniint;  sjKJts ;  Surrey  Roll  .iiul  Jcnviis 

■gn\Ki.  Alt.     ..     K..-. 
*[Lanibton,  Robert  de.  1 314— Iiorc.  sahle.  .1 
Shirk-y, ;     ! 

Lampet,  Sir  John,  of  BarHwell.  Suffolk. 
Kt.-iH.  VI.  k.,!li  U.w.  .^T■gcnt  on  a  hi-iut  tn- 
praik-d  azure  tlirt.-L'  ram->  hi-.uls  coupcd  of  the 
lirst  hormd  or  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Lampette,   Sir   John,   of  Suffolk,   Ki.— 

:sc:illops  sable  live 

Lancaster,  John  de,  h.mnn 

Holuill  in  l-.nvns'  tmim.irv  .ind  to  k<".rKaiul 
William  m  St.  Georqt-  knll.  [n  the  -NoL.ilUy 
Koll  the  canton  is  ch.irged  with  a  cinqiicfojii-    hr 






V            / 

I  Roll. 

Xi*>k/  J-^Ant-ljl- 







Lancastre,  John,   de- tk    ii. 

argtnt,  a  chevron  lictwton  tlirt-e  c; 
la   cuissf  gules,    a   bordure   tiigra 
Surrey  Roll. 
Landles,  John  de— (K.  iii.  Roll)  I 

.nnorl,  or  ;  Nativity  Roll  ami  Icnviis 

See  also  LAUNUliLlis. 

Lane  :*  Lone. 

Laneford,  Sir  John  de    bore,  a 

u(-    iVi>m^hbri(I-.-    1322,   paly  {6| 

Langford,  Sir  Nichol  de— btjrf,  at  thi.- 
battle  of  ll'jrou-libndge  1322.  von.  six  !yon- 
ceu>_f,  3.  z.  r  or.     {}■.]    Jice  iit-xtcntrj 

Langford,  Sir  Nu-hol  de  -■  r.  ,  ,:■  ti.r 
battle  of  It-.-n.  I 

of  Calais  13-15-  .-:, 

bondlet  or  b.i-t.  .11  ,['  .  ■  ;i'  \-  -\  .   ,.   i-'.  ,■! 

and  forSir  J(His.  ul  L>iri.y  or  .\>,  ni  i'-ii  ii.i- 
mcntary  Roll.  Aiiolhi:i  ,\n  m  j|,  bore  it 
at  the  second  DtiiisHbte  louriianieiu  1334  .imt 
he  was  probably  knighted  .w  the  caoi'tulaiioii 
of  Calais  fi^Z. 

Langford,  Sir  Rauff,  --ee  Longford. 

Langley,  Sir  Edmonde  de,  ■'!   w.uwick- 




chief  three  escallops  s.tI.Il'  f  i' 

■    I'Trlv     L'tii 

den.andHarl    kolb        Wai  1 

in  place  of  c.l.iH-i-.  M    ■  ,    ^ 

';.-or£je  Roll 

Ascril^dtofiM.i  !  1,^  -,  .-.  m  11 

.^^  ird  Roil,  an 

with  theescallujis  2  \\v]  \  t-.  i 

Camdtia  and  Ueriiig  Hulls. 

Langley,  Sir  Thomas— (K 

III.  Roin  bort 

gules,  two  bars  and  in  chief 

IS  many  buck. 

knighted  at  the  capitulation  of  Cal.i' 
bore,  argent,  three  che\Tonels  gules  1 
ascnbed  (with  crest)  also  to  Sir  |(.h> 
Walton,  v..  IV.,  Rallard  Roll,  anr'l  als 
Thomas,  baron  of  Xewton,  in  Jenvns' 
dinary;  Chkistomukk,  differenced  w 
label  (3'  azure  ;  Surrey  RolL 


HENRY,  DUKE  OF  L.' NX.-Vy  I'ER, 
Grandson-  of  H.  mi. 
In  Elsing  Chukch,  Nokfoe.k, 
1347,  21  E.  111. 
Fmm  a  rubbing  of  the  //lu/ings  /.V,i 

Lanstton  ( )  ;i  Knight -iH.  VI.  Rolll  i,,,K., 

Kiiii-5.  .1  chevron  argciu  bctwoen   thrL-e  hun- 
cvuv  r.impant  or  ;  .Vrunilcl  Koll. 

Lanjton,  John  de-(K.  in.  Rolll  liorc.  pvr 

111  inrkl  .gules,  overall  a  Uislon  s.-\ble  ;  JenviK" 

Lan^ton,  RafTe  -iK.  in.  kulli  lic.rc.  gulcx 

Lan^ton,  Thomas,  of  Wing.irdo-iK.  ii 
Rolll  iKirc-.  or.  a  lynn  ranip.ii.t  .sal.le  viilne.l 
en  the  shoukter  proper  ;    leiljn-,'  koll. 

•[L'ln^ton of  Langton,  en.  Line  — (temp. 

H    [1  I  bore,  palv  (6)  aigrnt  ami  sable,  a  bend 
or -Shirley.]     K. 

inaladron,  Serlo  de,  of  Cn 

I200     iKire,   s.ible,  three   clicvri 
.Vobiliti  and  Parly.  Kolls. 

'e    t'.    Larpare,  (F..  in.    Ko! 

gules  erusilv.^nil  a  Kon  niiiipanl  ar^enl 
ole  Koll.     .Vaine  and  bl.i!,on  doublful. 

Lasaelles,  Allen— (F:.  ni.  Rolll  bore,  gules, 
a  s.illire  and  a  chief  argent  (I".  I:  Jenyns' 
Ordm.rry.  where   it    is    blasolietl,    probably  in 

•[Lascelles,  John  de,  of  Hinderskelfe  19 
K  II.)  1315-16— Fxjre.  sable,  a  cross  patonce 
and  a  bordure  or.  — Shirlev,  I     F'. 


Lascelles,  Pigot—(F:.  11  Rolll  borp.  argent. 
Ihr.e  eh.tplets  gules;  Jenyns  Roll.  Ri«.iK. 
ditferencej  with  a  bordure  engrailed  of  the 
last  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Lascelles,  Thomas,  of  .South   Cow  ton- 




£a^t>  tU/>^ai^vw\.         ^^       ^ 

-KM^dLj^^     -^^J^h  ■    J4^^^a.fc^ 


■■"1  ;" 

I  \ 

i.0^rF.   FEUPAF.   COATS   OF  AR.MS. 

♦.Latimer,  William  le, 

of  C'orln 

.  ba 

in  ere  I. 

a  (Kiron   T299— bnie,  at  the  banU- 



1293  and  at  the  siege  0 

f  Carl.ivt. 

1  ^oo. 

-.r   ( 1    1 

•']    III.' 

Barons'  ktlor  to  iHl-  I'o|i. 

His  son  Wll.l.i.wi,  alio 

ccdencvov>Thist,ali..T,  1- 

1298  with, 


DunstnM'-  i"i;" '    ' 

the  battl.    .1   !■  ■■ 

,:",,,,„ ., 

whoccn.unU  l.M,.  x\-  -.M 

i  1  "ai- 

stable  tourii,iiii--ni   1334. 

iMfIN     .U, 

i    1 

n-M  \'s 

difffrenccd  with    a    ialjc 

(3.    5) 

George  and  Surrey  RolK. 

latimer,  John  de    Ij' 

ru,   at   th 

■   b 

I  tie  of 

Boroughbridge    w-: 

s,r     Tn' 

\i  \ 


at  the  first  Dimsi .1   ■ 


a  cross  patonc    . , 

t    1- 

Parly.  Roll.    .\.if        i 

■  It 

l'<"  .It 

the  second  Dunvt  J. 

■  ^  1 

-"!■<    M 

is    also 

Thomas,   of  Nnii.   1 


the  siege  of  Ruu'  n     ; 

argent  at  the  s'-i-Mnl    1  < 

■"■■•■   ■" 

Xatimer,  Thomas  de,   of   Braybrooke, 
b-TJon  1299  — bore,  gules. 

a  label  (sal.Iel;     Nobililv    and    F.^rlv.    Rolli. 
Sir  Th 

differencetl  with  a  I.tImjI  (3! 
pendant  a  plate  (!■ . ),  at  the 

OnlHi.iri  .,:i,l  ll.,rl    MS.   1481  f.j.  86. 

LatyniGr,    Sire    Nicholas-bore 

Dt    the 

rt-.R.  and 

hrl„l    ,)t      1    i.itii.c       /  r       im     ,1     U   till     1/ 

arc  (ha-e 

.r.,is.  of 

\'<'tk.iiir.  .  .1  l.ii.i   h.imi    in    I'.ir  l\     k. 

1  iK.  II.  1 

.lllc^^    ■■   Nil.     h..iulf    r,.>r  ri.ui-'l --liic 

,  •  Marl. 

MS     6137    fu      Jj  ;   fur 

le  H.irl. 

ij8i  fo.  Sf, 

Laton,  Sir  Christopher  de  (L 

i,>nl,.,l    ,1,.,  in  ■liiiiMAsiliGriiii.ilili 

Roll  .iml 

j.  nvM,     ■  T.l,,,  irv.      KoKI.Kl    ililltTe. 

ce<l  «ilh 

Roll.                 "    ' 

■    ^^"^■ 

Laton,   William   da-lK.    ii.    R<j 

1 1     lioru. 

.u"rrit    1.11  .1  I.I  fkI  "uIl's  llirt'c  (.bt.illi. 

IS  of  the 

riilil:    l.mii,    K.ill.      I-. 

Laton,    William    de -IR.    u.    \< 

•111  bore 

nr    .1  LTn-s  mi'liin;  >;illu5  .  Surrey  Knl 


Laimde  :•  De  la  Launde. 

Laundeles,  Sir  John   de-iK 

II.    Kull) 

bnrf.    .i,urc    :itl    orle    or;     H.e    ti,  li| 

Allies   for 

Lisiil  t,;  ^•.UllllyKoll.■lnllI..Uln^ 


-iK.  IV. 


La  Ware  ; .  De  la  Ware. 

EDMUND  CkorcHU.vcK, 

EARL    OF    LANCASTER    1.-95 

(Brother  of  Edw>ki)  i.), 


J^rom  an  Illumination  prefixed  to  a  Missal^ 
"  Archceolo^ia^^  xii.  200. 

^p,6Cft^-Uy     Hn^l^^/rPhn. 




ad     JL«\-hr** 


I       V:' 

...   .\:N   > 


\  /■  ,. 



•[Leche,  John,  14;;  -tior.-,  t-ninne.  f.n  n  thiuf 
indciilLiI  gull-,,  ihri.tcrc™iii,or.-Sliirli:y.J    V. 

*;Leehmere,  Adam  de— Iwru.  sulcs  a  fuss 

-"'■I   "1  ^ f  tn„  |,d,cn..,  or,  vulnins  thnii- 

5.-l>fsp|,r,--,M„rlt.,    '     V. 
Lc  Despencer,  JIu?!!    hnr,.,  at  ilu:  scconil 


^l?^4V  CSCT'?' 

Z»S»^ffw/rr»^      ^'^oC^yc^iV       S&rwj -6^/>n<^fr 

Ledye,  Roger -iN 


•  Roll. 

Lee,  Ley, ;   De  la  Lee  rrnd  De  la  Ley. 

Leeham  ;■  Leighain. 

Leeke,  Andrew  do  iLpvkh)-iR.  rr.  Roll) 

L-ll     l.V 

■  Leigham,    Sir   John   de    ir.i 

•iLeighton,  Sir  Richard,  1313  Iicil-  (ScmIi 
qiinricrU  |XT  ftss  iml.  ni«l  or  and  ?ulcs.  ovi-r 
all  alx-iidk't.— Shirlfv.j     K 

Lekebourne,  Sir  Henry  de— Lon;.  at  th.- 

ami  l'fL-If,Un>:L-'lu"'T!M'''  '■'°'*'  "'"'""''"'  ""'"'' 

Lekebourne,  Sir  Henry  de.rf  cu.  I.nnv 

-(I-:.  II.  Rolli.aa.lHugll  (L.  IJI.  Rolli  l.jr,-. 
:l  i'.irliainciujry  Rolls  and  Jcliy'nV 

Roll)  bore.  glilc'S 

Leeke.  John   de   il.i 

T ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Leeke,  John  de  (Lkki;)-iE.  hi.  Roll)  bare, 

Leem  ( )  a  .Vorfoll;  Knjght-IK.  n.  Roll) 

bore.  or.  a  saltire  t-u^railod  verl ;  Farliamca- 
lary  Roll,  an  addition.     Sue  Le  .MoVm;. 

Letrh,  Sir  Peteril.KK),  ofco.  I,anc.— (K.  in. 

K.Pi  lir.t.'.  aia.sculv  ari,'cnt  and  sablo,  tricked 
I'l"  n','v  .    Ii-nyns'  Ordinary  - 7H(>(/tf  Xicint!.  vs 

tLe  Leu,  Wioole-IH 

Roll— griyhonnds  in  .^shnmlL-  MS.    's'ei.' liivv" 
Le  Mare  t-.  Da  la  Mare. 
+Le  Moyinie,  Berenger— IR.  1.  Roll)  lion-. 

fiulo.  misily  .iml  a  cross  patee  argent.      (K) 
.Segar  Roll.     See  Moink. 

Le  Moyne,  Sir  John,  of  SulTolk— (K.  11. 
Roll)  liore,  or  a  saltire  engrailed  gules  ;  I'ar- 
'  -    ient.iry  Rol).     See  Llvli.M. 

5.a«    /./.. 


in'  Je 

im-    but 

*Le   Poer,    Robert -I H 

Le  Sor,  John— lH.  in.  Roll)  Ijore,  diect|iiyor 
and  Rules  a  fess  .a/ure.     (l-'.j    St.  George  Roll. 

baston  aiiure  ;    Parliamentary  Roll. 
Le  Strange.  Roger,  of  Kliesnn 

Harl.  .MS.    1481  fo.  So. 

Legh,  Sir  Piers  a,  of  limdley— (E.  iv.  Rolll 

l"'rr,    riuarterly    til.    argent,    a   cross  sable   a 
HMH-de-ly,  of  tlie  last,  (  =  1,  gules.  a  cross  en- 
n;rnt  131,  ar-cnt,  a  mullet  sable  I4I, 

led  the' 
(K.)  .Ascribed 

- .  1  tllree 
Uallard  Roll. 

s  pa  It 

Legh.  Thomas,  of  .Vllingtoii— lE.  iv.  Rolli 
[■ore.  .1.11U-.  a  pl.ue  between  Ihree  crowns  or. 

sable,  villi 
•  Legli,  Jolan,   12   Hen 

Kallaril  Ro 
fusil  argent.-5hirle\ 


Le  Grose,  Kii-  H 

Leices  or  Leites  :.  Beioi 
Leicester.  Earl  of,  simh 

Le  Strange,  Sir  Fouke,  bannen 
i3og— bore,  at  the  lirsl  Dunstable  loi 

L'Estrange,  Sir  John,  of  l-ln.xl 
ncret,  baron  121)9— bore,  at  tlie 
Carlaverock    1300,    giiks   two   Ivons 

'C»  Cp^cmCJB' 

I )    I      Ardcn,     Glover, 
^'    li>  :  bore  on  hiitxintiLi 
'!■:■  lit  and  gulL-s;  Glov 

li'Estrange.  Sir  John— Ik 

Diiii,',ul,if   (..urimnifiu  no3,  i 

pasvini  nrgciit  w 

(i-.)     Of  CO.  Glouct-^tcr  in  P.irliam 

L'Estrange,  Fowke— bnrc.  ni   l..urn..nK-nt   1334,  gule- 
pnssam  argent  crwvnctl  or. 

>rlc  (81   niarticti 

;nlan-  Roll, 
the  second 


\   :  7 

.,r  .v?«o^«^ 

SO.UE  FECDAL   COATS   OF  ^A'.l/.s 


li'   '..    .-.    '.■:..■       ._■■■.    ,    :.:.   .,',    ,  ,    ll.irl.  Ms! 

Roll  (F-i      -n.l    il    II  . 

,:   .,    l-;..;i  1.. 

i'<37  fo  r?'-     1 

Sir  SlM.iN.  of  Kent.  »il 

a  b. 

r^ure  indented 

LeStruim  John  (or  Lk  .Stl-kmv?)-(H.  hi. 
kolll  Iture.  gulei.   a  chevrDii   betwe.;n    three 

or;    RiM;tK  and    IlliHI 
Segar  Roll.     Sir  Hi:\KV 

s  a    1 
of  Ke 

rl>,  R 

bel  141  gulna  ; 
11,  «ithalal«.-l 

mullets  (6f  arsjiiil.  (F.)  Ardcn  and  St.  George 

goliony  or  and  gules  :    1', 



Leybornc . 

■,'  ,r  .ii..  F.oi 

Leaume,  Adam    (K.  it    Rulli  bore,  l>arry 

of  S,iii-i,  ,■  ,, 


graileil  -  ■                 "    .     : 

Leu  :■  Le  Leu  and  Low. 

Urdiiriiv             ■„   1    ■  . 
txirdiir.'      1    ■  ,         '1 

1,    .MA 

s.    v.,ih....,i    ilie 

Levaat,    Andrew  — (H.    iii.    Roll)    Ijore. 
-Trqeiit.   a   cross   t'nL,'railed  gules;    St.   George 
Roll.      Borne   ,ilso  liv  ]..11.\   i.kKitZ   Hk.nkv 
and.|,i„Ni.KI,t  LlNl.K.         ■ 

Leveiand,  Raufe  de    (H.  iii.  Roll)  liore. 

Leyburn.  Sir  Will;  i 
Rollil,i,i-,     ,.M        . 

sable  ;  A 1.  i  k.„ 

1,  bai 

ii.icl-(H.  vi. 
ai,ipaiit3.  2.  t 

Leyburn,  Sir  de      b 

IM,   1, 

ighied  at  die 

sahle,  three   l«  its'   heads  helidwavs  cotipetl  2 

L.ipilu  .Ui'in  >>      _.r..i,i    1 


'  '  '.  ^  1  '  ]\\^j 

aiKl  I  argent.    iK)    Dering  Roll ;  licars'  heatis 
in  Howard  Roll. 


nd  Tl 
s,     .Si 

,iM  Vs;    I'arlia- 
.Vn  ll(U..\s  of 

Leventhorpel ).  Knight -i  H.  \  i.   Roll) 

\"orl.s  differenced  vvab  a 


l.ore,  ari;ent.  a  t>'nd  gohoiiy  gules  and  s.ible 
cm.seil  sable;  .\runtlel  Roll. 

Levborne,  John,  ■•!  tl 

e    No 

th.  banneret  — 

Leversaee, .  lE.   iv.  Roll)  l>ore.  argent. 

,  "„    1  '     ■'      '  I'v'i     "I'l^ 

^  '\".\i.!'.'!''',l", 

.1  .  liclnien   three  leters  erect  2  and  I 

toR„.,M.'"n,|'-i    'V    M 

....         \.,Fll 

sabl.'    -^ulh  cn->l ;  Hallard  Roll.     K. 

Ho«ar,l     :,      ;■ 

Levett  I:  Livett. 

-the  h.'M    .!■-;■ -11        1 

Lovinton,    John    de    (F..  il.    Roll)   bore, 

the  same  .  J. .lis    i-i     M 

M  \ 

^  1  1  ^     l-ole     die 

i;nl. ■■..  on  a  ehe\  ion  argent  three  ciniiuefoyles 


s.-.I.K-  ,   Jenyns^  Roll.     " 

Laycester  r.  Leiceste 


Leving,  Richard  iLi  uvnk)-(K.  it.  Roll) 

'[Leycester,  John,  r. 


bore,  a/ure,  a 

Itore,  Limine,  on  a  beiirl  gnles  three  escallops 

fess  or  fretty  gules,    itetu 

0  ricurs-de-lys 

or.    iFl    Jcnyns-  Roll.    Wll.l.HM  Dli  Lkuvn. 


of  Brampton,  took  up  thj  cross  in  the   last 

Leye  -'.  de  la  Leye. 

(.  rns.irie  1270. 

Leyland,  Sir  Thomas 


11.   Rolll  bore. 

Lewknnr.  Sir  .Tnlnn     i-or,-    i.i  ib.-  si,.ge  of 

Roll,  surniinedoulnfiil' 

jcd  s 

ble;    .Kshniole 

^  ■     1  lli'\l\S. 

Lille,  Ancel3  de  ■l-^ 

iH.    111.    Roll) 

•:      -                                         ■     i         .  ■■:.•  ,•(  ,M     Rolls. 

ix    niiillels    101 

^ :-■  ^>-' ■/■■^- '  --^^  •  i.'i«--i  (51 

pules;   Houard  Roll-  1 

1  othc 

r  Rolls  a  label 

Lewknor,  John    bore,  at  the  second  Diin- 

Liilebon,  Walter  de 


11.    Rolll  liore. 

M,il>:.    l',in:;,ini,  :i[    1334.  gulcs.    two  bends  dc- 

per  pale  argent  and  sabl 

a  ch 

:>ron   counter- 

Lewknor,  Sir  John-iK.   in.   Roll)  bore, 
..Jul...  ,1  eliev  I  ..11  between  three  talbols  passant 

Lexington,  John  de-lH.  111.  Rolll  bore. 

.ir^enf,  a  cross  lourcliee  azure --au   kanee" 
—Glover  Roll. 
Leyburn,  Sir  William,  banneret,  a  baron  at  tne  „e,..e  of  0,ri,ucrock    1300, 


.\shmole  and  Surrey  Rolls. 

Limbury  1 .  Lymbury. 
Limesy,  Sir  Piers  de  ...r  \\  1 


I  F.I   .\r. 



eagles  3.  2.  i  iF  I  Deraig  and  Holland  Roll, 
ISir  R.tii  1  and  in  a  note,  a  label  151  a/ure 
for  Sir  Rl.  11  \k|.;  Holland  and  Howard  Rolls. 
SecHarl.  .MS  1481  fo.  07-. 
Limsey.  Sir  Philip  il.isi.isin  of  the 
North  .1  11  U'..':.  ...i.  ..-,  "i  •  ..'I.  .I.-- 
played  ;.      ..,.        I- 



\   \  -'/ 

■V^  .c  ^" 

50/I/f   FEUDAL    COATS   OF  ARMS. 



JAMES,  26th  earl  OF  CRAWFORD,  and  Sth  EARL  OF   BALCARRES,  K.T. 










■^lUf^g^^^      ^m-J^^/£r       ^i^d,/^  uj^  _^M^^^^fay       ^^Uti^j 

J  .. 






I       :.\ 


SO.UE  FEUD-)/    CO  IT'!  OF  A/^US. 


'ste-^j^x   KJJ^^^^    M"^^^/'  t^^v.(u«fo^^^  ^^s.^-/- 

^X")       i  (;■//:<' 

V      ''-*,  11.'  J   I 


.......,:  t;    ^-:-^» 

50.1/;^   FEUDAL   COATS   OF  ARMS. 




„  ll-.l;  I'arly 
I;.  i[  111. I  K-nyiis'  Orilinary.  Ascribed  il 
M\|H^\\    Ih.iron  1294);  (ilover,  .St.  Gi;urge 

.iiiJ  Mlli.-r  Rolls. 

Lovedale,  Sir  John  de,  of  Ilmliani  -Imr.-, 
,n  Iho  sicKL-  of  IJ45-3.  s.ihlc.  .n   bugle 
tliiff  of  Ihf  SI'IOIKI  9  Ivor 


Lovedaye,  Sir  Richard,  of  Ksscx-(K.  11 
Roll)  liore.  nzurc.  three  Kirs  tLiiitetli't.-  or 
I'.irly-  Koll;  colours  reversc.l  m  H.nrl.  .MS 
6137  fo,  14  R<)nKK.  fjore  (  (f'l  or  nnt 
s.ihlelF.);  St.  (icorse  Koll. 

Lovell,    John,    of    Tii 

baron.    I299-bi,re,    nl    ill 

129S.  undfe  ('■ I  '  ;     ' 

and  .Arundel  I-; 
sealed  the    'li. 

with  those  ami..  1-1  

each  pendaiu  t  1 l     ,.,- 

\V]1.l1-1.m',  of  (.Klord.  In  I'arU.  Roll.  »lio 
bore  a  label  of  Valenck.  viz..  barry.  argent 
and  azure,  on  each  pendant,  a  martlet  gules 

(4)  WlI.LUM.  differenced  with  a  label  of 
France  at  the  second  Dunstable  tournament 

ISl  '■ 

Miih  a  mullet  arg. 

Lovell,  Sir  Tho 

ideu   Roll,  and 

Lovell,  Le  8r.  (William)  de-1 

the  siege  of  Rouen  141S.  undt'e  (6.  or  ar 
■/uar/trly  with,  azure,  florettee  .and 
ranip.ini  gardant  argent  iF.  ;  Surre 
.as  Lk  Sk.  |)K  I..iVH.  and  .wi. 
also  by  his  grandfather,  IniiN.  K.i;, 
K.  400  fo.  19. 

Lovetot,  John  de-|H.  111.  Rolll 
argent,  a  l>on  rimpant  per  fess  gule 
salile.  .\r(ten  an'l  .St.  Cjeorge  trolls  ;  Isab 

*;Lovett,Robert  ijif.  1  )  -l.or.  ,an;enl. 
iiolves  p.\ss.ini  in  pale  s.ible-  -Sliirlej 

Low,  Sir  John  le,  of  liucks-iK.  11. 

I«jre,  argent,  f.eo  bars  anil  in  chief 
wolves*  heads  erased  gules  ;    f'arl\  .*koll. 

Low,  Nichols  le— I H.  in.  Rolll  bme.  1 
iwo  wolves  p.Lssant  argent.  |F|  Deriiii 
Howard  Rolls. 

■  L  Dwther,  Henry— ( R.  1 1 1.  Roll  1  bore,  ,ti 

Hl-llll  the  fielder;  icnvnV  Ordinar 
.\shniole  Roll  Home  .also 'bv  .s,r  \ 
Kenlish  Knight,      .see  Incised  Slab. ' 

Lucisn,  Piers— 'K.  111.  Rolh  l">re.  arg. 

Lucy,  Geffrey  de,  of  Cockemioiith, 

(F  I;  alsobv  .\\ 
Ordinary— 4'  lucl 
iKjre  the  paterna 
I481.  ff.  59-65. 


From  Boutell. 

la '€ir& Love^ 


#»«.-  Le'ff^re  lULnrj^         '        'iptjo    <l»  L%ieS9- 


C'  .     -^  '■ 


•  / 

"■      .1 


V  V 






^^a  E5S  LIBRIS    m^ 

,  *^'.  ,. 





t!      .       ^ 

•a  .-;  ^^ 


(■■■  ■■:,; ::n 


V        « 


\  '  y^ 




The  Norman  horst-mcii  {iinsuccessjully)  attack  the  En^^lish.     After  the  Bavciix  Tapestry. 


(f.  %tii  }&/matU 

i^it  MmI^It 


M  .  .  .  seles,  Edmond  de-(H.  in.  Koll) 
ti<»re,  per  tjale  .irpeiil  .ind  sable  a  fuss  toumer- 
chaiiyt'tl  :  Si.  deorfje  Roll — liorue  also  liy 
CIS  M  KK  ami  Ki  rz  I'.\1NK      See  WlM  i.l.hs. 

Mac  Cullooh,  Patrick  |M,\Kti)i.  uiiil.  of 
SLcjtIrtiiil  — (fv  til.  Koll) — bore,  eniiiiiL',  fieity 
^uk-s  :    lenyns-  Ordinary. 

Mac  Donnell,  Sir  Duncan,  of  Scoilan-I  - 

Machell,  John 

tMalett,  Robert— (H-  iii.  RolU  boiv.  sable. 

threi-  rouiKl  buekles,  tongues  to  the  Ue.Mer.  2 
anil  I,  aif,'ent.  (F.)  Uering,  Howard  and  St. 
tieorge  Rolls. 

Mallet,  Sir  Thomas,  of. Votis  -iK.  ii.  Rolli 

"the  fess  or,  ill  Harl.  MS.  613-  fo.  19". 
Malett,*  Richard  and    Sir   Robert, 

Mao  Moylin.  Clar 

Madrestone,  Philip  de— (H.  in.  Roll  I 
t>ore,  gules,  a  double  lie.aded  eagle  displaved 
....    illenibered  or  ;   Howard  Roll. 

Magnabv,  Hu?h  de-iK.   in.   Roll) 

'  Maili,  Giles  de— (K. 

Mailott,  'William  — I K.  111  Rolll  bore, 
iziiles,  fretty  or.  n  chief  ermme.  IK.)  St. 
tjeorge  Roll. 

Mainwaring,  John, of  Pe\er-(l',.  iv.  Rolll 


bore    ..rsenl.  tuo  bars  g 

Malebys,  Sir  John- 

Malbys,  Sir  William— 1 K.  ni.  Rolll  bore, 

areeal.  .1  "heiruii  lietween  three  hinds'  heads 
.  r.ised  gules  ;  .\shnii.le  Roll-byses  Ml  Jeliynsl 

^Males,  John— iH.  111.  Rolll  bore,  gules,  three 
I  aiheniie  «  heels  I K,  I  altered  10  rouml  buekles. 
i.-n^.ues  10  ihedester  or  ,  Uering  and' Ho«ard 

Malessour,  Sir  Thomas— ll-:.   111.    Kolli 

bore.  (Jer  pale  a?ure  and  gules,  three  ereseents 
argent;  .Ashniole  Roll.  RiMiikT  hi.  Hksky 
took  up  the  cross  in  the  I.1SI  Crusade  1270. 

Surrey  Roll  am 
bore   the  field 


and  .\rundel  Kolls. 

Maleverer,  Sir  John,  Kniglit  1 
IH.  M  Rolll  bore,  sable,  fretly  or. 

Maleverer,  Sir  Michael— liore. 

Uunstablc  louriiatueiit    1308.  argeii 
ifD     Hut  TeeiM.M.MMNs. 
Maleverer,  Sir  John— il".  1.   I 

gules,  a  chief  or.  over  all    a  baston 
Rolls  and  leiiyns''  OrtlinarV. 
Malignee,  Reynold  -  IK.  11.  1 

ermine,     on    a    fess   gules,    three    \. 
Surrey  Koll. 

Malise,  Roger  de  iMki  kskI- iH 

eallops  gules  ;  .\rden   Roll.     .See  ,ll' 

Mallory,  Antony  and  Sir  Pete 

.Xshtnole.Nobil.ty  an.l  Surre 
Mallory,  Sir  Piers,  of  co. 


able;   I'arlia 


Mallory,  Thomas -iK  in.  Roll)  I 
SIX  Ivoneeus  rampant,  3,  2,  I,  sable  ; 
Ordinarv.  InilN  111,  L.wlim  KM.  b 
same,  and  j.illN    UK   ST.    .\lAKriN  1 

'%c^/^y^  /rnn£^ 

%>l?  M'^ht' 


,>T    -  ■■>         ;..>•     ^ft' 

m^  J 

'»=>.-^..     ..    ".>4.  '  .,.,,■..,.(  i».«,v- ^.-.'^''^ 


"  Sciilptltnd  MoitUffit'flfS      ^T-e^       n  *^  rp 

j  I 

I .  I  , 

:  I 

5^1  r.---'^ -n    I 

\  ■- 

^'       !> 

-,^, •,■*■>  ^^i- 


Manners,  Sir  Bawdwyn  de,  of  co  Cini- 
l.nd;;e~lx)re.  at  the  firit  IJiiiisi.ible  tourna- 
mtnt  1303.  argent,  a  sailirc  «-ngr.iilftl  snhle. 
{V.)  Ascribed  also  to  Hknkv.  in  Ardcn  Roll 
(H.  ni.|~J"">-  Blovon  Ijears  the  sanif ; 
jcnyiis'  Ordinary. 
•Manners,  John  and  Sir  Robert -(E,  rn. 

K:'>Ili-tK>re.  or.  two  hnrs  a7iin>  ;ind  a  thief 
Sulcs  (azure,  in  Nativity  Roll);  Ashmole  Koll 
and  Itfnyns'  Ordinary. 

Manningham  ( ).  Knight  (H.  vr.  Roll) 

—  ttore,  argent  a  chevron  hctwcen  three  niuor- 
cocks  sable  ;  Arundt.-!  Koll. 

Manny,  Terry  de— (K.  in.  Roll)— bore,  or, 
three  chevTont-ls  srible ;  Ashmole  Roll  and 
Jtnyns'  Ordin.iry  RiciiAki.  Sltio.s.  of  Nor- 
folk, bore  the  s:ime. 

Manny,  Sir  Walter  de,  k  n.  1331,  k,c. 
1359,  a  baron  1347-  Uirc.  at  the  second 
Dunstable  tournaniciii  1114,  and  at  the  siefie 
of  Calais  1345-8, 

lei.  in  K    398  fo. 

.-first  iF.) 
the  pren 
o  chevroi 

n  jenyns'  Ordin.ii 

Mansell  v.  Maunsell. 

Manston  ( ).   a    Keniibh    Knichl— (H-  \\. 

kull(  bore,  gules,  a  fess  ernnrii-  between  three 
mullets  pierced  argent  ;   .\rnndel  Roll. 

Maneston,  Richard  de  — (M.  in.   Roll) 

bore,  argent,  a  fe-.s  Rules  t«eiween  three  eagles 
displayed  sable  ;    Howard  Roll. 

ManteU  ( ).    an    Esse.\    Kni£:ht-(H.    \i. 

Roll)  bore,  argent,   a   cross  engrailed  btlween 

four  martleLs  sable;   Arundel  Roll. 

Mapertiahall,   Sir  John~(K.   he.    Roll) 

Ixire,  argent,  frelty  snbli.-.  on  a  thief  gules  a 
lyon  passant  gnrd.-iiu  or  ;  .Ashmole  Roil. 

March  and  Ulster,  Earl  of,  <■  Edmund 

March  r.  de  la  March. 
Marchington, Thomas— (R-  n.  Rolii  bnrL-. 


also  M.^ 

gules.   (F.)  Den 

;  Roll— s: 

de,  of  Suliblk^- 
barsargtni.  un  a 
;ard.Tiil  -H    4033 

Marde3tone,  Sir  Pi 
(K.  II.  Roll)  bore,  azurt 

/la")  or;   Parly.  Roll. 
Mare,    Mareli,    Mareys,    Mardac,    :■, 
de    la    Mare,     Marley,     Smareys 
JMarines,  Thomas  de- 

or,  a  cross  en£:rL\iled  gules 

Roll  I  bo) 



.M.\CLE.\N  OF  ROSS. 

'Jill  Druininond's  "  Sciilftii 

Moiiiiiiiciits  ill  /una." 

Marke,  Iner 

(,\lKKCi,r  M' 

Robert  nn.l  Willi 

11  and   No.  folk 
I.)    in  Jenyns' 

koll  — engraik'd 

Roll.s  — ■',. 
Ordin.nry      -      ! 

a  bordure  iii'l'  ;  rr  ,:    . 
(F.)inSl.  Cc.fgr  k. 

Markham.SirEoberK/sir  Joiix,  Kinq 
.Sergeant  K.  ii.j— bore,  azure,  on  a  chief  or 
denii  lyon  rampant  ibsuant  gules.  (K.I  Si 
jtiiis  of  Sedbrooke  bore  it  within  a  bordun 
f?argent).     Harl.  MS,  1481  fo.  84, 

Markinfield,  Andrew— (t[.  rii.  Roll)  bon 
argent,  on  a  bend  sable  three  besants  ;  lenvn; 
Ordv.  (-)  a  Yorkshire  Knight  bore  it  -H  vi 
Rn\i.—^tt<ir/iriv  Willi,  gules,  three  elost, 
helmets  argent, garnished  s,>ble-.\rundell<oll 

Markington,  Henry  de-(i:.   111.    Rolli 

;  Jenyi 


all  a  be-ml 

Marley,  Roger  de  lMf.Ki.i:vl-(H.  111. 

bore,  barrv.  ai  gent  and  gules,  a  bordure  , 
charged  with  niarllels  or  :  fSlovcr  koll. 
{Marley,  Tebaud  de  {.M.xkki.ii— (H. 
kolli  bore,  or,  a  cross  gules  fretty  ar 
Utueen  lour  eaglets  displayed  azure, 

Marmaduke  f.  Fitz  Marmaduke. 

Marmion,  John,  ban 

iHDre,   vair.    a  fess    gules 
also  did  rilll.lH  (K.l,  Sir 
.\shniole  and  .Xrden  Rolls 
in  Dering  Roll.     F. 

eret.  baron  1297- 
;  Nobihly  Roll-as 
K.iEl;miii  iNorfolk 
:  and  Wn.LUM  (J 

Marmion,  Philip  -(H, 

a  fess  gules  fretty  or       ( 

111.  Roll)  bore,  v,iir 
■.)     St.    George  and 

Marmion,  Sir  John,  Knight  ba 
|H.  VI.  Rolll— bore,  vert,  a  fess  gul 
added — between  six  Ivons  rampant 
argent  ;  ArundOl  Roll.' 

,  Geoffrey,  of  Checkendon,  Bucks, 

Jcnviis  Ordinan)- .ascribed  10  a  .Suffolk 
Knight  in  Arundel  Roll,  and  to  Sir  Wll.Ll.\M, 
of  CO,  I.eic.  in  Parly.  Roll,  though  in  Harl. 
MS.    6137  fo.   24.  the  field  is  argent  and  the 

hilip  — IH.  Ill,  Roll)  bor. 
;,  a  sword  erect  in  pale,  point  in  chit 
nt ;  Dering  and  Howard  Rolls— point  i 
IF,  I  Camden  Roll, 


<  I 

//■      ■■■/! 

.'  '^^  .' 

;  I 

'  f«>*  ^.  «o 


-rH  »/»*l« 

Marnell,  Stephen  de 

MareJf/iJe     T^i^lTtUtr/^        /V»«^/T>t«irf.»t- 

Marney,  Robert  I «.  ii.  kolll  hort,  guks. 
difl.  r,T,u-il  u.ih  a  '\.\\i^\  i  ,i  rir';  Surrey  Kni'l. 

Marr,  Earl  of-iH  im.  koUl  Irorc  aiure, 
triiMly  riiLlic:  .irid  .1  iK-nd  ur  ■,  \'inirnl  162  fo.' 
13J'       III  Xorfnlk  Roll  -azure,  billctWc  and 

Martindale.  William 

«.il,k-;    Icmn,    koIlT 

•[Massie,  Hu?h,  nf  Coddii 

Marshall,  The  iK 

U,.|l,  I,  ,r.|„  ,,.,!„ 
fTiilfi  :  (Jl.nrr,    Huuird    ^ind    \ 
Sou  Moiiuni,-,il.,l  Kft.^.v 
Marshall,  William,  I,  un.  1.  1 

f  IVmlirokfl-IH, 

',Massina:berd,  Lambert,  iK.  ii-.l>.>n-. 
■  i/urt-,  llircL-  qualrpfoyles  \\\\'t  niiil  oiiel  in 
chicfa  boar  passant  or,"charf,vd  uii  llio  sli.juldcr 
«ilh  a  cross  palLa-  Rules. —ShirU-v.       I-\ 

Massy,  Hamond— IK.  iti.  KolU  iior^. 
•  luarurly  ijulis  ami  or  in  llie  lirsl  a  lion 
ramijaiu  arK.-nl ;  Icnyns'  Ordinarv.  Anodi,;r 
o.n-    11    tiius     ih.' 

%.»»»   oic    Merc  Marahall,  Sir  Rafle  le,  .,f  llanis-(i:.  M.      Mateflon,   Quyde-lH 

V  Kdlll    tiorij,    Ur.     a    cross    niolmi-     inilns       ,.nrii<-.  chi=vrriiini-  /fii  .„,r,.c  T„,l    ,.„ 

jiied  r 


1: ;  I'arlianienlarv  Roll. 

Marten,  Sir  John,  of  Ksscv    Kt  -IH  vi  Mathew 

Kolli  l«,ri-,    gules  three    n, artels  or     h.andles  ''■    '    '^" 

ari;enl    iK.) ;   Aruii.lel    Roll;     martels   argent  I''' I- 'I   a 

fi.r     WUUK,      H,       111,:       Norfolk       Roll;  MI.M-N 

Ku  II  >i  i.l...':     ■  .  ■  jM.I  gules:  DeriiigRoll 



'  I  '  "111    and  St,  fjeorge  Rolls, 

el.     Richard     .\-.    1.    Roll)    l„re.    or, 

el.  Sir  John -I  K.   1.    Roll)  bore,  gules. 

Maudllit,  Sir  John— bore,  at  the  first  liun- 

waiy  iiieelllij  In  base  or.  L'lldiSe  or  and 
.gules  -en  lung  ■  ir.)  was  carried  by  Le 
Sire  .  .  .  M.\i  iin  Tat  the  battle  of  liomugh- 
hridge  i32i.  ,  ,■  .  p.ily  w.ivv  .61  or  and  gules: 
tncfcril  as  ihiee  )i,dets  nebulee  in  Ashinole 
Roll   fur  Sir    l.aiN    of  -,„„if,,r,l,    and  as  three 

Martin,  Sir  Willii 

aKn   ^1    \ 

1  11 


iK.  II.  R. 

1 ,  ; .. 







and     k.iB 

k  I   t 



(-nisade  i 


Mauduit,  Sir  John,  of  w.i 
Thomas-  il..    111.    R 

and     a/ure.     a    bordur. 



^   % 


t     \ 


3  'k 


\      / 

Th  Ma..^<Lt 


Efnt.v    OF    WII.I.IA.M    .\IARSII.\I.I.,    KARI.    OF   rKMlSROKE    .m,. 
Is  iHK    I'kmim.k  Ciilkch,     J^niii 




fp      /m'tf  n^nSynrii 


I  I 


V-  ■        V 



//*^rjf /»»i*^y 


^.tf  fc-  r>^top 



IteTiell,  Gilbert  de 


Ml.  Roll)l)Or 

|6)  argent   an.l    siil.-s 

a  bend  sable 


horse-shoes  or ;  Colrjr 



Menyle,  Henry  m:  hi.  RoU)  bore,  paly  (12) 
.ind  William,  pnly  18I  argent  and  gules,  on  .1 
lK.'nd  azure  three  horse-shoes  or,  (F.)  Jeiiyns' 

Menell,  Ralph   (Mf.nvelki- IE.   111.    Roll) 

t:ules  ;  Jemns  Ordinary.  Same  as  John  Bkks- 

]tfenne,  Niohol  do— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore,  or, 
on  a  chiefaziire  three  Ivonctiixrani pant  arijent. 
(F  )  Arden.ind  St.  George  Rolls ;  sanie  as 

Merc  V.  Marke. 

Jitehteth,  the  Earl  of— iF-  in.  Rolll  bore 
gules,  a  fess  checquy  or  and  arure — Irickec 
conipony;  Jciiyns'  Ordinary. 

Meredith,  Howell  ap-iH.  iii.  Roll)  bore 

tMeremond, Geffrey de-(H.  111.  RotUbore, 
.irgent  two  bars  sable  (F.f  Dcring  Roll  ;  .in d 
in  chief  a  mullet  pierced  gules,  in  the  Ashniole 

fMereivorth,  William  and  John~(H.  iii. 

knll)  bore,  argent,  crusilvsable  and  a  ehevron 
pules.     IF.)     Dcring  ana  Howard  Rolls  and 

gutes  and  or.  m  the  hrst  quarter  a  cros 
patonce  |pat»5c  in  bI.\son)  argent  ;  St  Georgi 
Roll  and  Jenyiis'  Or.linary.  (F.)  Ull.hKK 
look  up  the  cross  ii\  the  Uut  Cras-ide  1270. 

Midelton,  Fieres  de -iF.  in.  Roll)  bor<. 

argent,    frettv   and  a  quarter  sable  :  Jenyii' 

Milkeley,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  Herts.  Kt 

(F.  11.  RolUlxTL, gules. three chevronelsargt-iu 
Parliamentary  KoU.     • 

+Miiigee,  Adam  de-^(H.  ui.  Roll)  bore,  01 

erased  argent ;   Denng  Roll. 
Mynyot,John-iF,  1   Roll)  bore 
helmets  argent,  crested  or  — Kogk 
differenced   with  a  label    (3)  azii 


Roll)  bore. 
1)  or  and  sable  (iK.rry  S  in  Ashniolet. 
1.  the  nephew,  differenced  with  a  bend 
Parlianientary  Roll. 

filerton,  Sir  Richard— (E.  in.  Roll)  bore. 

\.rt,    three  bendlcts  argent  :     Ashmole    Roll; 
Tig.-nt  and  anire  in  Jenyns"  Ordinary. 

Merville  ;■.  Henry  le  Sturmin. 

Mesehines    ;■.    Randolf   Blondeville. 


,  Sir  Godfrey  de  {Mf.l'X)— bore. 

<  gryphoi 

t3.  2- 

and  N.itivity  Rolls. 

Middleton  (^^^)  a  Yorkshire  Knighl-{H.  v 
kolh  hore.  gules,  a  lyon  rampant  argent,  on 
bend  azure  three  escallops  or  ;  .\rundel  Roll. 

Misaenden.Edmondde-IR.  n.  Roll)U're, 

or.  a  cross  engnuled  gules,  \n  thedexter  canton 
a  raven  proper  ;  Surrey  Roll.   SecMLssKNDLN. 

*iMitford,  John  de,  R.  11.— bore,  argent,  a 
fc5S  U-tween  three  moles  sable— Shirley.]  F. 
R. -liEKT  took  up  the  cross 

I  Crusade 

Moels,  Sir  John,  of  Cndbury,  banneret, 
baron  1299 — bore,  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk 
I2g8   argent,    two,   i^utes.    in    chief  three 

Pope  1301,  pp-  XX',  -  ''     ■  ''N'  h'li"^ 

Mules  at  the  seo-ii    i  ■  .    .:    :       ■■    .,  n.Mii.nt 
1334;    Arundel,    N.-i-i.i.>      ..n  ■    ■     ■■■■      kulK. 

-     by  ROfiKKinSl.  (Jo..l;l  .:>.;,  .  ,; 1  .  .iscnbed 

to  NlCMul.AS  in  G!n,_r  KuU. 

Mohaut  V.  Monhaute  and  Monthalt. 

Mohun,  Sire  John  de.  of  Dun^ter,  ban- 
neret, baron  1299— sealed  the  [i.irons'  letter  to 
the  Pope  1301.  pp.  xviii,  .\xi\.  J^Ie boreal  the 
battle  of  Falkirk  1298,    and   at    the   siege  of 

reversed  in  Harl.  MS.  6137  fo.   55.   -'Me, 
r"o.  32. 

Metford(-^).anEsse\Knight-(H.  VI.  Roll) 
bore,  or,  a  fess  gules,  between  three  martlets 
iable.  qiiarli-rly  with,  sable,  a  lyon  rampant 
tail  fourchiJe  and  renowfe  argent ;  .\rundel 

Sietham,  Thomas  —  bore,  at  the  second 
Dunstable  tournament  1334.  quarterly  azure 
and  argent  a  fl<.'ur-de-lys  or.  iF.)  Surrey  Roll 
and  Jcnyns'  Ordui.Trv.  Sir  in  Ashniote 
Roll,  reversed  in  Howard  Roll. 

MetBtede,  Andrew— iK.   m.    Roil)    bore. 

qiiarterlv  or  anti  gules  four  escallops  counter- 
.  Ii.uipi'd'i  Jcnyns'  Ordin.iry. 
Metfe.Semkyn.of  Kent.  Kt  — (H.  vi.  Roll) 

Carlaverock  ] 

2nd  bar..n  '    ■    ' 

with  a  la).. 

.\5hmOle      K..'!-  ■■-■       \     '    :■ 

with  a  laljei  (  ^1  gubuiiv  argent ; 
also  Tiles.  Neath  .\bljey.  p.  ix. 
Mohun,  Reginald  de— (F. 

.d  sable 

r  lo 

1.  Roll)  bore, 
_     TiiUdi    Roll— 

„.,    ...,.„... ^    in  Glover  Roll— and  so 

ascribed  to  \ViLi-i,\M  differenced  by  a  label  (5) 
azure  (F.)  in  St.  George  Roll. 
Mohun,  John  de— iH.  in.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
a    maunch    ermine,   a  fleur-de-lys  issuant    or. 
(F.)     Howard  Roll  and  Jcnyns'  Ordinary. 
Moigne  v.  Moyne  and  Le  Moigne. 


•^cf^.d  Afo/eJ 

^ .  U  /m^-    ^^^^^^^^^^^         ^,rt  J  Afcin 



Molcaster,  Sir  Robert— (K.  iii.  Roll)l«)rc, 
l>.iTTy  161  nrgLiu  ,in,l  gules,  a  Uiston  anire ; 
Aihmole  krilL  Hurulii.:  (:2) ;  as  MOXCASTRE 
in  Surrey  Koll. 

Molcastre,  Walter  de-(H.  in.  Rolli  bore. 
Imruk'e  (i2l  arBciu  .tikI  Kules,  on  a  tx-iid  a^uro 
three  escallops  or.  (!■■.  |  St.  neor^e  and 
l';u-hanienl.iry  Rolls  tricked  in  the  latter,  barry 
8  and  lo-the  b.-Md  s.,ble. 

•Molesworth,  Sir  Walter  de,  of  Hunts- 

crusilyor  :  I'arli.onentary'Roll.     V. 

Moleyiis,  Sir  John  and  Richard  -iK  in, 
Rolll  bore,  saliie,  on  a  chief  n/ure  three 
lozenges  conjoined  gules  ;  .\shiiiole  Roll  ami 
Jenyns'  Ordiriarv-thc  held  a/ure.  in  the  coat 
carried  by  Lord  Momiyns,  who  was  slain  at 
the  capitulation  of  Calais  1348. 

Moleyns,   JohnHR-    "■    Roll)    bore,   or, 

three  palets  wavy  gules  :  Surrey  Roll. 

Moliiigton,  Sir   John   de,  of  Suffolk— 

(K     11.     Roll)    l-nre,    argent,    a   fcss     f>et\vecn 

two  chevronels  azure  ;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

tMoloun,  Symon  de— |H.  tti.  Roll)  bore, 

nty  3.  2,   I  (sometimes  platevi  on 

imes    or)    a    demt-lvon 

le.     (K)     Ucring  Roll. 

Monhaute  :■  1 

■j-Monhaute,  Ail 

argent,  ilire.   ■.:. 

fiulesif  1;  Hu« 

chief  argei 

Molton  V.  Moton. 
•Molyneux,  William— li:.  itt.  Roll)  bore, 
azure,  a  fer-de-nionlin  pierced  or  ;  lenvns' 
Ordinary  and  Ball.ird  Roll  ;  on  an  csctitcheon 
of  pretence,  the  atchieventent  of  Sir  TnuM-\s, 
of  Sefton.  m  Ballard  Roll  ;  unpierced  in 
Jenyns-  Roll,     F. 

Mompesson,  Sir  Giles, of  Xorfolk— (K.  11. 
Roll)  bore,  argent,  alyonsable,  on  his  shoulder 
a  "pynzon"  or;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

Mompesson,  Giles  de— (E.  1.  Roll)  bore. 

argent  twelve   birds  (?  "  pvnzon  "1  3,  i,  3,  2,  i 

,  beakeil  vert  and  nie'nibered  guli 

Segar  Roll 

s.    (K.) 

Bertram  de— bore,  at  the 

-n  "  kt3oo.  argent,  three  pitchers 
1  bezantv   (F.) 

1  Harl.  .MS. 


I  H.irlei 


argent, three  "  possenetts  "  gules  ;  j 

Monchensi  -,'.  Munchensi, 
Monceaux,   Hamond— iK 

oughbridge    1322  ; 
:  piles  .as  before  in 

Rolll     bore. 


eked  1 

an  escallop  or  ;  Jenyns'  Koll. 
Moncell,  William  de—|M.  iit.  f 

gules,  a  fess  argent,  a  label  (5)  or 

took  up  the  cross  111  the  last  Crusade  1270. 
Monmouth,  Guy  anil  John  de-  (H.  111. 

koUl- bore.  or.   three   chevronels  gules,   over 

all   a  fess  azure   |F,|  (.argent  in  Norfolk  Roll 

and  Jenvns' Ordy.);  .\rden  and  Glover  Rolls. 

*  Monson,  John,  1378-bore,  or.  t«o  chev- 


Montagu.  RirSi 

letter  to  [he  Pope 
the  siege  ofCarlav. 
gryphon  oiilv.  whii 

Montagu,  Sir  Willii 

.\t  the  siege  of  Cal.iis  1345-8,  Sii~ 
differenced  vv  ith  a  laliel  or  on  each  [«. 
orgle  displayed  vert  :  Joii.v  bore 



1  lieu  of  the  label.  Surrey  Roll, 

Uilierenced  » ith  tlir.,  ,.,,._,  .  ,.„„  . 
the  fiordure,  Harl.  .MS.  liSi  fo.  45. 
Montagu,  William,  2nd  Karl  of  ^ 
'344.  is.*;.,  a  founder— bore,  arge 
lozenges  conjoined  in  fess  gules.  ., 
with,  gules,  three  armed  "  rie 
conjoined  argent  g.irn.sherl  or.  for  llir- 
of  Man,  -n  s  ..,,•,   K,,  I       •,    ,1  ,    ,  



Montagu,  Edward— (E.  11.  Roll) 
ermine,  three  lozenges  conjoined  in  fess  ' 
Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Montflchet,  Richard  de-(H. 

r  Roll. 


abel  1 

Montfort,  Simon   de.    Earl 

■1230-65— bore,    gules,    a    lyon 


Rolls.'  difterenced  with  a  label  , 
-Vorfolk  Koll-a  coat  with  the  linctur 
versed  in  .\shmole  Roll. 



',  \" ' 


'^.  ■>'■...«'., 


.:  ^^      ..... 


•  VV* 

'X       ^, 

5ci.i/yr  FEUDAL  coat:^  of  arms. 

^$i>^ /ynorUfcrH 

or.  four  l.'inlkis  A7iirc  ;   Nobility  Roll.      H.  6 

Montfort,  Sir  John,  l..i"ncrii-,H,  M,  Koll 

;\    bordurc-   of   Knyl.inci.    o\<.r'  nil     71    clliton 
■-■rniiiic;   K.  398  f...  35       >.a-  Hun  u.\t_. 

Mon(tford),  le  Count  de-tmc-.  or  four 

l»n.ll.l^  ../ur.-,     X.,t,il,iv    Roll.    l,^mp.    H.    II. 
MJa-Co:  more- 111..-  Mi.Milimii.K  in  Roll. 
Montgomery,  Adam  de-lH.   111.    Roll) 
lorr,  or.  Ihrei-  h,.r„  p.iss.inl  in  Irak  s.lbic  if.  1  ; 
.\rdui  ,ii,J  Si    C,i.„ri;i.  Rolls. 

Montgomery,  John-iK.   111.    kolli  boru. 

nrs^nt.  .1  tross  uisi.ulij  bclueen  four  mullets 

SuIm;  .l™.„sOnliiiary.      I. 
Montgomery,  John-iK.    111.   Rolli  bore. 

Ik  Roll. 

Montryvell IK.  1.1.  Roll)-bore. 

.1  l>on  t.iil  fourchtc  or,  .nrnied  and 

•  irsciil  ;  t'oigrinc  Roll. 

Moran,  Sir  Thomas  hK.  in.  Roll)  bor. 

.■usem.  on  ;.  fcss  s.ibic  lliree  bli-foiles  pierce. 

or.  in  chKl.i  lyoii  gules  ;  ,\slniiolc  Roll. 

Mordao  : .  Murdac. 

*[Mordaunt,    William    (25    K.  .,)— l^^.r,-, 

ar;,'eiit.  a  chevron  between  three  esloiles  sable 
—.Shirley.  J     K 

More  :•.  de  la  More. 

More |K.    in     Roll)  bore,  anjenl.  a  fe^s 

(laneeltt'e  (31   pale  161  or  nnd   cules,,.,.,. 

three  s|>nr-ro«ells  sable 

More,  Sir   Thomas- 

nole  Roll. 
II.' Koll)    bor 


horse-shoes  i 
nare  ;  the  s." 
Glo'ver  Roll. 

in  tilt 

Montgomery,  Sir  William  de  lof  rieibv 
..r  V.'ttM— bore,  at  the  battle  of  Horoughbrid.'e 
'?"b"'s'''"  ''"'''''"''  '''■■'''•■'>"'=''  •'""'■?  "'':'■  '""""■'■ 

Monthalt.Sir  Roger  |\h.ii  mt  .\Ii  )i  irr 
.\kMI\tn  barui.    ij,,;  iH.    Ill     R,,lli^l„,re! 

Howard  Rolls;  his  I.  -  '    ,  i  '  lilai,. 

.     neret.  baron  125Q.  1...  ,  i.  mi.   battle 

of  Falkirk  t2(jS.  an.!     ,r    ;', .irhie- 

Moresby,  Sir  Hujh-(IC.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
sable  a  cross  or,  a  cin(|Uefoyle  pierced  ardent ; 
Ashmole  Roll.     A  si.vfoyle  tricked  in  Jenyns' 

Morgan  | ).  a  Kentish    Knight-(H.    vi 

Roll)  bure.  sable,  a  chevron  between  ihre.- 
sixrar-heads  erect  nrqent  ;  .\ruiKl.  1  Roll. 

Morley,  Sir  William,  ..i  \.ii,,il  i,aro„ 
1299-bore.    at    111.     '.-i        .,     1   .1.1,1,    ,_„-,3 

erSvrne.l  r,"r    i,,  p..  .,        ...  .    '   '     "'  ''"  ~ 

Morley,  Sir  n,.li.  rt  .],■      .  1.      1  ■■,.  ■    ..i, 

of    Rouen 

H3  ;    Surrey    Roll    and    Je 

Morley,  Robert  de-iR.  11.  Rol  bore, 
artieni.  a  l>on  rampant  salile.  a  label  13)  eules  ■ 
Surrey  Roll,  .\nother  RiiBKKT  bore,  s.a>ile,  a 
Tjfent,  a  baston  gules  ;  Cotgrave 

1  the 

fielil   or,  also  in  .\rdi-n  Rolk 

Monthalt.  Sir  Andrew  i\Iii\mixri.  of 
\l  i.eiiJ.i,  -bore,  at  the  sieijc  of  Calais  1345-8. 
.i/iirc   .L  l\..ii  rampant  argent,  abordtireor.     I". 

Monthaute  -.■.  Monhaute. 
Monthermer,  Sir   Edward,  knii;hte.l  at 

■■ '"  '■■■;"'•■'  I-     li     1  '■  1'  .1-    I  nS  -bore.  or.  an 
"'"''   ■'    '■'    ■■'..■       II'.   i.jiire  lules  3  or  10 

Morley.  John  de,  of  ( 

arseni:   Jeiivas'  (Jrdinar 
Mor<r)ice,  John— iK.  1 

of  the'of  Ulster;   vi 


Morice,  John  iM.ittvs  or  Xukv.s)— (F,    iii 

Rolli  bore,  azure.  billettcV  and  a  cross  rceer- 
du'r'  •■"■K"'"'""'"'""^  '"  "•''■■I*  ■  Jcnyns'  Or- 
Morieus,  Sir  Hugh  de,  nf  Suflolk,  Kt.— 

■' -ee  nieures  linul- 



c.r:    I'.T 


de  -III. 

fu'vZ?  fynrt' 

i^rit-    Af<^^ 







Morrewes,  Thoi 

Sules.   a   tit'iul   nrs 
Koll.     Same  ns  Sir 

JMoristone,  Barthob 

^.iblc  i  Surrey 
de- III.   ui. 

Morritone,  William  de,  : .  Morteyn. 
Morteyn  :■.  Norteyn,  ur  Norton. 
Morteyn,  Robert  de,  .hkI  William  d 

— (H,  111.  K..II1  l»ir>..  vrniMic  .1  thu'f  Rute 
Gloxer  nml  Il-iivm^'  k..Ils  :  cilk-.l  MnuHino 
IF.)  in  Si.  Ijcorg.j   R..1I.        Sir    loiiN,  of  He. 

Morteyrie,  Sir  Roger,  b.inn 
ihc  iicgc  of  Cirl.ufrijik  1300.  01 
ramp;int3,  2.  1  axure— sable  (F. 

iiiH.arl    MS. 
Parly.  Rolls. 

William,  of  .\ttleboroU£ih. 
-Iwre.  or,  rioretiee  sable,  Xobiiity 
on,  .sir  CiiNST.\NTlNi:,  bore  the 

1  Anlen  an<l  St.  (ieorge  Rolls.  In  the 
.Ashmolf  Roll,  the  coat  also  occurs  illfrereacej 
with  a  laliel  1^1  sules;  another,  with  a  bortkire 
eii.ijrailed  aruint. 
Mortimer.  John— Iwiie.  at  the  second  Dun- 
stable toiimanieiit  1314.  as  also.  Sir  Wll.l.i.wi, 
knighted  at  the  capitul.ation  of  Calais  1348. 
azure,  Horettt^-e  argent. 

Mortimer,  Henry  de,  of  Foxcote— (H. 


I., pi   of   the    held  ;     .\rden    Roll.      VV 

b.jre  the  uscillops  or  iF.l,  in  St.  George  Roll. 

Mortimer,  Sir  Hugh  de,    of  Richards 

i.'aslle.  baron   I2i/g  -bore.  atthelF.)  battle  of 
l-alWirk  1208.  .Hid  at  the  siege  of  Carlaverock 


in  III 

Ordinary  and 


Mortimer,  Robert  de -I H.  iii.  Rolll  bore, 
b.irrv  i.r  and  verl  rtorellee  ;   .Norfolk  Roll. 

Mortimer,  Walron-li:.  in.  Roll)  hore. 
.irt-eru.  tHo  birv  Kiiles.  on  a  chief  of  the  last 
thri.esi\-fii\  le^  nf  the  hrst — cinquefoyies  in  the 

Mortimer,  William de—fF.  in.  Rolllhore, 

only  on  the  chief. 

Mortimer,  Hugh,  !o 
to  FliMl-M.aliove.n.ii 
of  Boroiighbridi;'.  1  ■,.. 
and    gules -the    1 
.M.S.     1481    f  3,     . 

in  .Norfolk 


St.  GeoiRe  Rolls. 
r  Roger  de,  !e 

Mortimer,   Raf  de— iH. 

iable  and  i 

Mote  V.  De  la  Mote. 

Moton,  Sir  William 

argent,  a  eiii,|iiefnyle  piei 

Moton,  Sir  William  (or  Miii.thnI. 
at  the  capitulation  of  Calais  134 
argent,  crusilv  and  three  fleurs-dc-lys 
bordure  engrailed  all  sable.      F. 

Moulton  ;■.  Multon. 

Moulton,  SirEdmond  -il\  iii.  k. 

azur.a,  p.uunce  vuiil.'d  a|-..;eiil ; 
Roll.     SeeMll.riis. 

See  .Mli.Tun. 

e.  Sir  Eble 

Mounceaux,  Hamond 

Mounchensi  :■-  Munchensi. 

i>?-M  /ytunivn- 

Mortimer,  Edn 

lJ.rseil  of  the 
argent  Isealed 
1301.    pp.    XV, 

[I  Sir  Wii  i-i  \\l  with  a  haston,  and 
II  Sir  Grutmt.v.  with  a    saltire    over 
:s   iFl;    .iscribed    also    to    Sir    Jiill.- 
•efoldshire  in  I'.irly,  Roll. 

alkirk  I2q3and  at  the  siege 
of  Carlaverock  I  300,  ehictpivargent  and  gules. 
IF.l  -Nobihty  and  (imlliin'Roils;  sealed  the 
Riroiis'  letter  to  the  l'o|)e,  1301.  pp.  .wii,  wiv. 

Mounferant,  Hubert— iK.  in.  Roll)  bore, 

paly  (6)  argent  ,iiul  ,,ible,  on  a  chief  gules 
thri^  sis.fnvles  or,  eiiitjuefovlcs  in  trick  ; 
Jenyns  Ordinary. 

•i-Mounteney,  Sir  Ernaud  i\li\.  i  mi.  ..f 

'       Fsses.    and    *Robert  -  <  H     iii     l.    -    :.' 

a/ure.  a  tiend  ti..l«e..|i  -iv   ni  .f  ,  .       ■      

and  HoMard  Roll,.    Sir  |.„i^       1       ili 

a  mullet  gules  at  the  1,1,1   I), ,,    I  „i,,,,- 

niellt  1308;  SI.  (;eorge  Roll,  .iiuil.iilcs  .1  Libel 

^>     \  '! 

'■>    i    . 
1^   It    •( 
■\    i    » 







AtTRIBUTEH    is    the    "  ArCH.I-.OIOCIA,"    1S43,    Vol..    XXIX.,    App.  3S7,    TO 

THOMAS    MOWBRAY,    DUKE    OF    NORFOLK,    who   died    14CX/. 

Mr.  Counhope,  Somerset  Herald,  regarded  this  rather  as  a  memorial  of  a  visit  of  Henry  iv.  as  Earl  of  Derby. 

,    ,.1,     .>,..„'("j<0  .i^J 


%'^  A/omJm 

U* /^vutTi^^w  c^>vij»  /nfXTeoy 

Mounteney,  Sir  Thomas  de  - 

koll;  .iSLriUvl  I.,  John  ;,1 
Mountenev,  Sir  John 

^Mounteney,    Robert    de— (H     iii.    Roll) 
l.nn-   .i.ur, ,  .1  I«>M<1  ur.     (K)     IjL-nng  Koll. 

.mteney,  John  and  Rauffe— (I',  in. 


(K.)  De, 

ovtT  all  .1  l..i,ion  siulus  ;    Icnyiis'  Orilin.ii 

Mountfort  :■.  Montford. 

tMountjoy,  Stephen  de  -( H, 
Kult5.  three  inescodi 
HOMARl  Rolls. 

Mo\vbrav,  Sir   John,    l>anneret— Iwre.    at 

III.'  tirst  IfLin.tal.le  tounianieiit  130S,  gules.  a 
h"n  riinpim  .irgent  (F.l;  borne  also  by  his 
fuli--r,  k..',;  K.  of  .\\lirilnic.  toron  129^: 
Nuliilitv  ,n„l  IMrlv.  Rolls.  See  also  TilM. 
NiMlli  Xl.l.  >.  (J  1^.  AscnbecltoRiH-;KR  (;iin 
1  lirii.s  Roll.  ,11  .\r.leii  Roll  to  RciUKKT 
].|  eiror  f.,r  ki.,lkl.  ami  ill  the  .\ruiHlel  Roll 
to  ^ir\s,  banneret.  Sir  PlMI  If.  of 
SeoilaiiH.  cliit.  r.iiced  with  a  liencl  "  engrele  " 
vible;  N.ilnil)   Roll 

Mowbrav.  Sr.  de.  the  Karl  Marshal(THi>.M.As. 
K  1.  ,  Dulse  of  .Vorfulk  1397-8I— bore.  Kngland, 
differe-nced    \\ilh   ,\    l,\liel   (;l  argent  'juarlcrly 

'j'Moyne,  Berenerer  le — (E. 

Rolll  bore, 
patee)  gules,  flory 

there  edled  "  I.K  Mill  I".."       F. 

Moyne,  Jacques  le  ami  Sir  John,  of 

Mayne,  John  - 
lend  f«.t»ec.i  SIS 

Moyn,  John,  m 

Moyle,  Sir  Tho 

argent,    on   a  ca 

Moyle,  Sir  William  le,  of  Hunts  - 
Roll)  bore,  azure,  erusib  rnd  a  fess  dai 
argeni ;  Parlianieiit,ir>  Roll. 

-.1— (K.  ]ll.  Roll) 
i  and  in  chief  three 
Tey   Roll  and  Jeiiyns' 

the  second  Dunstable 
:.  l«o  bars  gules,  on  a 
-.t-au\.     See  .MtiEl.s. 

de,  of  Kgremont, 
ore,  at  tile  battle  of 
nt  ami    gules    (F,j  ; 

Moyne,  "William  i.Mo 

mullets   (61    iable ;    Surr 
Ordinary.      F. 

Mules,  John— Iwre. 
tournament  1334.  argi 
chief  of  the  last  three 

Mulao   ( ),   a  Sufi 

bore,  ermine  on  a  1 
heads  erased  argent,  1 

Multon,  Sir  Thou 

banneret,  baron  laoc 
Falkirk  t293.  barrv  : 
sealed  the  Barons'  lett 
xvni,.«xiv:  and  bore,  at  the  siege ofCari 
1300.  .argent,  three  bars  .Jules  (F.i;  (n 
his  banner  was  the  sani-  on  tiolh  oc 
though  l-'.ilkirk  serins  ji  error)  •  ' 
(dover  .1,1.1  V,.'  ilii.    ]■  I.  ..  r.,il    r, 

Uuilllm    ,.  .  ■ 

Te'UlUliI  .    II... h..',         ..    i.-nn.    . 

and  at  dies...-., 11,1  lji,i,=i    .,.e  i,,ui  n.iii,.- 
by  JullN. 

Multon,  Thomas  de,  -if  Frankton, 
the  second  Dunstable  tounianient  1334 
three  bars)  gules,  a  baste  ri  azure  (gule 
bars  argent  in  Cotgrave  Roll  and  so 
mole,  ilth  the  baston  a;urel;  Tllo 
Gillesland  ditferenced  witi  a  label  (3I  ' 
b.aston).  Jenvns*  Ordinarv  Ino  laltel 
grave  Roll).'  and  Tln>^^\s  I.K  FciKH 
« ith  a  lalx-1  sable  ;  Glover  Roll. 

Multon,  John,  of  Fra-Vlon-(F,.  II 
Ijore.  gules,  three  bar.  n-;ent.  in  chief  : 
crescents  or,   leiuns   iirj.iiary.     F. 

Multon,  John  de— J  in.  Rolll  bon 
three  bars,  in  chief  .IS  many  annulets  all 
Jenyns"  Ordinary.    F. 

Multon,    Thomas— iF.    in.     Rolll 

argent,    two    bara    gllle:.     a     laliel    I3 
Jenyns'  Oi dinar;. 




B^^  U,y^>  ^^  /^.>,^„#    ^^  ^^Ht<,»«^    d^'lr-^rrury-n^    ^.^/,»v«^Wv  j^  h,y*^Ji^ 




V    \ 


*  ^'  v 







Hf^J.  Mi^i^ksJ, 

Multon,  Thomas  de,  of  GillL^Luul. 

,l.;m.>iy   KnII 

;  "  a  lahcl  (3 
IT,  see  al.ovo; 
ribe  the  Vaii> 

Multon,  Sir  James  and  Sir  Thomas, 

bnch  of  I.incolnsllire-'l;.  IC.  Roll]  l.uie, 
clifcquy,  or  anil  saUu  iK  );  Harleian.  Parly, 
and  Segar  Kolls 

Multon,  Sir  Edmond-{K.  iti.  Rolli  Lore, 

Munohensl,  Sir   William    de-.K.    11. 

k..ll)  l>orc,  lo/cngvviir  and  i;ules  \V.)  I'arK, 
Roll.  Harl.  MS.  4033  f>.  51. 

tMuncy,  John  de— ill    iii.  R..1I)  bnr.j.  gnl.-^, 

a  niainlch  or  |K.  j  ;    DL-rnig  and  Howard  Rolls 

Murdae,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Xortliants— bore, 

Munchensi,  Rauf  de  -iH.  111.  Roll)  bore, 

cjuartprly  sabl'"  and  or  I  !■"  )  ;  Si.  lieorgc  Roll  ; 
'Im'.'renced  with  a    nutllet  (6)  argent;  Arden 

aunchensi,Randolph-(K.  in. 

g\Tunnv  (8)  sable  and  or.  an  in 
efniine.'  a  mullet  16)  gules,  triek' 
lenyns'  Ordinary.    F. 

nehensi.  Sir  William,  of  Hei 

'tl  dilTereneed  with  a  laljel  13)  gule: 
>ll  ;  Inrn'of  3  Harl.  MS.  6137  fo. 
o  in  Jenvns'  Ordinary. 

Muriell, Thomas, ofScremby—(K.  ni.  Roll) 
bore,  argent  a  chevron  between  three  "roses 
eroehecs"  sable,  ralberine  wheels  in  trick  ; 
Jenyns'  Ordin,iry.     V. 

iMusard,Raufde-ill.  ni,  K. .111  buie,  gules 
three  pl.ates  (F.)  :  Dering,  Hovi.ird  and  St. 
George  kolls. 

Musoegros,  John   and   Robert- iF.    1. 

Roll  I  )mre,  or.  a  Ivon  rani|jant  gules  :  C.unden 
Roll  and  Jeiiyns'  Ordinarv  ;  apparently  borne 
also  bv  GKlKl-lTll  LE  FlTZ    OWK.N    and    by 

VVll.l.lASI  Pol.K. 

Muacegros,  John  de— (E.  i.  Roll)  tiore, 
gules,  a  lyon  rampant  or,  a  label  (6)  azure 
(F.):  Segar  Roll. 

•Musgrave,  Sir  Thomas— IF.    111.    Roll) 

bore,  a/ure,  siv  annulets  3,  2.  t  or  ;  Ashniole 
Roll  and  Jenyns'  Ordinary.    F. 

Mussenden,  Edmond  de-iR.   11.    Roll) 

bcire    or    a  efoss   enprailed   gules,   a  Cornish 
.  .   y    Roll.      Sir  Th. 

■ge  of  Calais  1347,  bore  ih 
iiartlel  sable.     F. 

Mustone,  William  de— .F.  1.  Roll)  1 

argent    a  cbiAron  between   thn 
sable  -p.itonce  m  trick;  Jenyns'  Roll 

Myland,  Amary  de— iH.  in.  Roll)  l«re 
sable  hillettee  and  a  hon  rampant  tail  fourch^ 
.irgent;   .Norfolk  Roll.      See  .NKlKNWVsr. 

<*«*^'i-^/'*-      fi/>/f*^<^*»^      -j^r  ^^j^ 

^^Al^*g.HJ^      ?/'-"    M^Jhl 




,..  '/v  >    ? 


9w/(/»  /txH-e- 


—    N— O 

l^alinghurst  v.  Waylyngest. 

Namar,  Sir  Robert,  k.r:    1370-  bori',  or. 

a  ly..n  mnip^^nt  sahlc,    upprcssed   by  n  haslon 

gults;    K.  3y3  fo.  57. 

Kancovenant,  Sir  GeofFrey,  of  I.iucoln- 
shifL— (K.  II.  Roll)  l)urc.  nrgL-iU.  n  bciul  snblc. 
LOtised  gules  ;  PiirliameiUnry  Roll  and  Jciiv  ns' 
Napton,  John  de— iF- he.  Rolli  t.orc.  or. 
oil  a  fess  azure  three  escallops  arguiit ;  Har- 
ieian  Roll  and  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

chief  gules, 
ewe  hand."] 

Naunton,  EArtholomeiv  de— li-.  1.  Roll) 

horc,   snhle.    thrcf    niartk-ti  ar'.^ent  ;  Ashiuole 

I  Jeny 

*  kolK 

TTautur  v.  Vautur. 

Naylyne;eBt,  Sir  Hew,  of  Essex.  Kt.— 
(H.  vi.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  a  cross  engrailed  or 
—i/iiurttrlv  u-itli — argent,  a  bend  sable  coiised 
or;  Anindel  Roll. 

Nevill,  Kaff,  of  Rabv,  baron  1=0:; 
giite>.  ;i  '^^Ifiv  ^rtr-Tt  ■  X-r-Pfv  H^ii 
Ihe  H,ii..--    ^    ■■■  ■■■  ■     I'.  ;..■    1  ■...      .<■ 


brother  {a)  William,  lord  Y.\ 

a.  mullet  sable,  (*)  his  brother  Gkdkgf..  lord 

L.\TIMER,  with  a  pellet,  and   (c)  his  brother 

"EnwAKD,  lord  of  .\berga\enny.  with  a 

gules.     (F.)     Harl.  MS.  1418  fo.  49''. 

(I)  ALEXANDtR  of  Condal  differenced  with 
Tiullet  pierced  sable  ;  Surrey  Roll  and  Jenyii'- 

3f«rvJ  J  Ji'fYMih 


;Nele,  Kauf  de- 

koUi  bore,  gule! 
risn  I,' eel)  haunanl  atkiorsec!  argeiil.  |F 
ng  Koll  .  or.  in  Ashmole  MS. 

12)  .^1. 
lith  a  martlet  gules ;  J. 
I3I  Sir  JuHX   diflerer 

of     R.iskc-lfe     different 
■  Ordinarv. 
uilh   a  l.^bel 

with  colours!  laire  or  and  salile.      IK.)     .\rdeil 
Koll-p.aly  argent  and  sable  in  .\dd,  M.S.  4965. 

Nerford,  John  de  lor  XKiKK..Kit)— tiore,  at 
the  second  Dunstable  tournament  1334.  gules. 
a  Ivon  rampant  ernnne,  |K.)  Borne  also  by 
Sir'Wil.i.l.vM  of  Norfolk  Iprobably  lather  of 
JcniNl.  summoned  to  ad\ise  on  tlie  affairs  of 
the  realm  1294,  1297.  See  also  \\'II.I.|.\M  in 
Dering  Roll. 

Nertoft,  Sir  Adam  de,  of  P^ssev— iK.  11. 
koll  I  lx>re,  sable,  a  Ivon  rampant  or  ;  Parlia- 
mentary Koll. 

*Nervile,  Laurence,  and  Sir  Jarvis  na 
jA.MKs  NEVii.ti.  of  .Snsse.^  — iH.  til.  Rolll 
Iron-,  gules  cmsily  mo  hunting-horns  acl.lorsed 

Grinialdi  koll. 

sable ;  .\shmole  Roll 

(5!  Sir    Ri»bi-:kt  differenced   with    a 
sable  ;  .\shinole  Roll. 

a/urc  :  Surrey  Roll. 
Nevile,  Rauf  de— bore. 

(^^y^l^.a     £^/»^/n^^^      ^uf     <^ 





■  / 


Nevil,  Robert, 
\>oTv.  gules,  a  S.' 

Nevil,  John  de-iF.  i.  Roll)  bore.  ^ik-s.  a 

saltire  or  ;  Sf,t,Mr   Roll— ihe  reverse  bornf  by 

Nevile,  Sir  Hup-h,  banneret,  and  John,  nf 
F-ssex— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore,  a'ure.  a  l><ii, 
rampant  or.  (K-)  Arundel  and  Norfolk  kulla 
and  Jenyns'  Ordin.nry. 

Nevill,  John,  "the  forester"— (R  III.  Roll) 
borr.  gults,  a  lyon  rampant  argent  giittec  de 
poix  ;  Jenyiib'  Ordiii.iry.     See  below. 

Neville,  Sir  Philip,  of  Lincolnshire-(K.  ii. 
koII|  bore,  argtiit.  a  fcss  dancctl^e  gules,  a 
bend  sable.  (i\)  I'artv.  Roll-a  bordme 
sable  bez.mtee  (no  bend).  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Neville,  Sir  Philip,  of  co.  Leic— (K.  ir. 
Roll)  bore,  gules,  live  fusils  conjoined  in  fess 
argent,  in  ehu-f  three  mullets  or.  \Y.)  Sir 
RICIIAKH.  difffreiiced  »i[h  a  label  Ij)  a/ure 
in.stcad  of  the  mullets  ;   Parliamentary  Roll. 

Nevile,  Sir  Roger  (or  Rom-: 
th»^  siege  of  Calais  1345-8.  gules,  a 
cettee  argent,    a   Iwrdure  indented 


Neville,  Sir  Philip— bore,  at  the  battle  of 

Boroughbridge  1322,  gules,  a  chief  engrailed 
(dancettee  in  trick)  argent,  within  a  Ijordun.' 
indented  (engratled  in  trick)  or— a  lalx-1  (3) 
aiure  each  file  charged  with  3  bars  nf  the 
second,  hiasoned.  barruly  of  the  second  and 
azure.     F. 

Nevill,    Sir   Thomas,    of   Lincolnshire— 

iK.  II.  Roll)-^«)^e,  nrscnt.  a  cliu-f  indented 
vert,  a  l-end  gules  ;   i'arhameniary  Roll. 

Nevylle,  Raffe.  of  Cmham  or  Cleiham- 
(K.  111.  Roll)  b'.re,  ermine,  a  chief  indented 
azure;  Jenyns  Ordinary. 

Nevile.Walterde'XiMLiT.K)— (H.  111.  Roll) 
bore,  azure,  two  genielles  in  chii-f  a  lyoii 
passant  gardant  argent.   (F.)  St.  George  Roll. 

Nevile,  John  de— iH.  in.  Roll)  liore.  paly 
(6)  azure  and  or,  on  a  chief  gules  three  es- 
callops argent ;   Howard  Roll. 







Nevile,  Tebaud    de  (Nkiliii.k)— i[ 

Kolll,  njure.  cniMlv  lliruf  5,\riH  : 
iMiiiltd  giili--,  iK.i;  Si,  (Ic.ri;.-  Knll -ai 
cru^ilv  <jr.  and  a  thief  argciil.  added. 

Nevile,  Sir  John  de,  of  N-onlianis  r.r  Km 
land-lE.  ir.  Roll},  «"'«.  misdy  an< 
three  rieurs-de-lys  argent ;   f'arly.  Roll. 

Nevill.  Henry— I H.  iii.  KoUi  Itore.  gules 
LrusiU  titehee  and  three  leopards'  faces  jessaut 
dc-lys  or,  on  the  first,  a  crescent  azure  ;  .Surrei 

Nevyll,  John— 

crusilv  ftlchi-e   or 

Newenham,  Sir  John  de,  of  Surrey— 
IK.  II.  Roll)  bore,  anient  a  cross  tjules  o\er 
all  a  Ijenillct  anire  ;   I'arly.  Roll. 

Nev^enton,  Sir   Adam    de,  of   Kssex— 

iK.  II.  Roll)  bore,  a/ure,  si«  ea^dcts  displ.ued 
3,  2.  I  or  ;  I'arlv.  Roll— three  e.ililets  I  I'M  ill 
.-\rden  Roll  and  jenyns"  Ordinary. 

R.\Li'lI  NEVILL, 
r.N  Staindroi'  Church,  co.  Durham, 

Newen  --'.  No'wers. 
NewTnaroh,  Adam 

,  I'arK.  and  St 

Newaon,  John  de- 
on  a  fess  argent  three 
trick  ;  Jenyns'  Roll. 

Sir  Thomas— 

im:  fusils  conjoined 

iii.irv,  .\shniole  and 

0137  fo.  191  .l.l'esi 

J.  Uextnarc 


'■■■:  i 



,.    .1! 

V   / 


\:  ■    ■  •■  :oV'. 

I  '■ 



;^— yy  chcUe 

Oldcastle,  Sir  John,  li.ii«iCobli.ini  1409 
bore,  at  the  sicgu  of  kimcii  1418,  gulus,  on  a 
'nmpnnt    sable 
quarterly  with,  argent  a  castle  sable. 

Oldhall,    |K.    in.    Roll)     bore,   prr   pale 

Nutbeme,   Thomas  -(H.    111 

kolli   bore 

fizure  and  giiles,  n  Ivon   ram|»aiit  erniinc,  a 

guloe.  a  fcss  uiulee  etminc  ;  Surre 


label    (3)    or;     another    villi     lyon    ducally 

argent,  on  ;i 

Wii.i.iAM  in   Alkmson   Koll.    \iithout  anns ; 

fess  1->t.'iween   thrtv  crL-seciits  gul 

s  as   mam 

Olney,  Sir  John  de,  of  !iiicks.-(E.  11. 
Koll)  twre,  a;(iire,  crusilv  an<l  a  fess  argent  ; 

Obehale,Raufed'-|H,  111.  ku 

Parly.    Roll;    Pfanother  barrv  |6t  argent  aiiH 

Oc     -  V.  Ok . 

azure,  a  bordure  indented  gules;  "  (jene.i- 
logist,"  XI.  181. J 

O'Clare'ce,    Sir    V>     H    ;  ■ 

,',\    '',"''''■ 

*rOndeslow,  Roger  de,  i:.  r.— bore,  argem, 

gUS'-fttgllli-S.  !"■                           1 

...ih.  r 

nroiHir.— Shn-lcv  '     1". 

5  of  the  third  in  bast 

Opshale,  Miehel  de— iH  111.   Roll)  bore. 

argent,  a  eross   s.ible  fretty   or.      (F.)     Arde.i 
and  Sit.  (ieorgi;  Rolls.     See  Uj'ii.\LK. 

Odiugaells  :■-  Doddingsella. 

Orbebe,    John    de-iH.    in.    Roll)   bore. 

argent,  two  chevrons  gules,  on  a  quarter  of  the 

Offlngtone,  Bavid  de-(H,  in.  Rulh  bore. 

second    as    many  lyons    passant    of   the    first 

amrc.  a  saltire  engrailed  or.     (F,|    Ar<ien  and 

(F.)  ;  Arden  Roll. 

St.  George  Rolls. 

Ore,  Nichol  de  (,  ni.  Rullibore. 

Ogard( ),  a  Yorkshire!?)  Knight-(H.  \  1. 

ermnic.  a  cross  gules  fietty  or  ;   Howard  Roll, 

Roll)  bore,    azure,    a    nuillet  of  seven    points 
argent  ;   .\rundel  Roll.      See  Hl'C.MJI). 

jOre,  Nicole  de—(H.  ni.   Roll)  bore,  argent. 

a  cross  gules  fretty  or,  lx.-t\veen  four  daws  ppr,  ; 

[Oglander,  Roger,  H.  in.— bore,  azure,  a 

Dering  Koll. 

stork  bemeen  three  rrosses  crosslet  fitchfe  or. 
—Shirley]     F. 

+Ore,  Richarde    de-iH.    iit.    Roll)  b.,re, 

*     barrv  (6)  argent  and  .i/nre,   on  n  bend  gules 

*Ogle,  Robert  ior  RiLii.VKn)  de— (E.  i.  Roll) 

bore,   argent,    a   fess   between  three  creseenis 

Oreyle,  John-ii;.    in.    Roll)  bore,  argent,  a 

gules  1  lenvns   Kolh  1-.  ;   quarterlv  'tctth,  or  .m 

orle  azure  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

OrdLnar\-.     F. 

»Oker,  Philip  de  (Okfovkh)-(H.  ni.  Rniij 

Oriel,  Niehole  de  (Ckyki.)-(H,   111.  Rolll 

bore,  ermine,  on  a  chief  gides  three  ln-sants. 

bore,    "or   and    gules    parlie   per  fess   three 

(F.)     Surrey  Roll. 

annulciscountcrchanged  tercoleres  "  ;  Howard 

Okham,  Nicholas  de-(K.  in.   Roll)  l>orc. 

gules,  a  fess  tjet^^eeii  three  crescents,  3  and   i 

Orkablin (H.   ni.   Rolli  bore,  or,  <m  a 

argent ;  Jenvns'  Ordinary. 

cross  vert  five  escallops  argent  (T)  ;    .Arden 

Roll.       See     Wai.taubiN;     same    arms    as 

Okindonf.  wokindon. 



y^  »»■  ^./fr/i 

jU  9*-    of^U^  V,^c^3  Uipr^ 


>  ,.A 

1:  ;Z 



\ i 

™.,r^f;'ff.,^^,.r^^   O'-I^P-R   COLLEGES  IN  OXFORD. 


^K  '  r 


y<u-  (p^^i^ 




^          J 



ahi/>^      <P  rby 

tOrlaaton, ■William  de— (H.  iii.  R^lljliore. 
or,  [wo  chevrons  Joules,  on  a  quArtcr  of  the 
iucoiid  a  Ivoii  or ;  D-rirg  Roll  ; 
arseiil  (r.)  in  Hovianl  and  Camden  Rolls. 

Ormonde,  James  Butler,  K.-.rl  of— bore, 
at  tin;  SKEjeof  Rouen  i4i>i,  or,  a  chief  ("ancett^- 
(j)  aiure.      F.     Sec  also  Birrtl.KK. 

Orneaby,  John— (f^.  in.  Rolli  lioi>!.  gules, 
crusily  holonnee  and  a  bendarge.a;  tricked, 
giiles,  a  bend  argent  ;  Jenyns*  Cirdinarv. 

Xjrfol  li- 
en:, a  hcnd 
■li^re  Harl. 
.ed  with  a 

Ornesbv,  Sir  TVillian 

(K.   M.   Ruin  liore.  Rules,  el 

6137  fo.   I?!:    ' 



•  Roll. 

Orphill  ;■.  Crophill. 

Orreby,  Sir  John,  of  Dalhv  in  Cheshire, 

lian.M   130,,     l„,re,    gules,    two'lvens  aassam 




Otteby,  Sir   Randolph  de,  of  L;ncs.— 

(h,  II     Rolll  bore,   gules,   two  lj,Trs  argent,  in 
chief  three  plates;  Parliamentary  Roll.     K. 

Otterburne,   John— (F..    tii.    Rollt   bore, 


JOtringden,  Hafe  de— (H.  111.  Roll.  bore, 
ermine,  a  cross  voided  cules ;  Drrin;  and 
Hownnl  Rolls  ;  a  cross  gules  voided  arcent  in 
Arden  Roll,  voided  or  1 1-'.  1  in  Camaen' Roll  ; 
sonietmies  blasoned,  a  cross  surmounied  of 

Ousthorpe,  John  de— IK    r,  Ri 

gules,    three    ■'dewe"    leaves   argent 

Roll.    !■■. 
Ovington,  Sir    John    de    (Qui: 

Ovington,  'William— (K.    111    Roll)  bori 

gules,  on    a  liend  argent  three  martlets  sabi 
(K);  Jenyns' Clitl,n.ary. 

Owen,  Griffith, 

*[Oxenden,  Solomon  (K. 

.sable— Shirley.]      I'.,    eoi 
Oxford,    Earl   of-lH. 

■ee  oxen  pns! 
rtncd  24    H. 

Roll)    bore. 
.    _  I  argent  (K.): 

Arden.  (ilover  and  Surrey  Rolls  ;  carried  also 
at  the  siege  of  Rouen  1418. 

[Oxford,  Earl  of,  Kfiiu:KT   ni:  \'ekk.  gih. 

bore,  azure,  three  crowns  or,  a  botdure  argent 

■/r/,.\i  HI.  ; 

;  Co 

i.Msi.  luhusC. 

.  fo.  237- 1 

Oysell,  Richard  and  Roger— (K.  111    Rolll 

bore,  argent,  a  saltire  engnuled  betw<-en  four 
"Choug'hes  de  (Jornw.aille  ■  sable;  Grinialdi 
Roll  and  Jell>  11s'  Ordinary. 

Tft  Com-    Oycon)         X^- 


(p'  Ct  c^f-f^^ 

^,  /■,  A, 



'V    J       ^,^, 

v.:i  V 



P_Q     _ 

James  de— (H.  i 

\     Inrruicts    .ind    a 
Arden  Roil.  .   See  PALN  roN. 

Pagenhara,  Sir  Edward  or  Sir  Ed- 
mund, of  Sutinik.  and  John-(i:,  n.  kol!) 
Iiore,  c|u;irtcrly  orand  giilcs,  an  enyl'-diiplayed 
vert;  Ashniulc  and  Parliamentary  Kolls  and 
Jenyns'  Ordinary.     F. 

Paghara  ( 

KoU)    tiore.    a 
Arundc-l  Roll. 

Pakenham,  Sir  John,  of  Beds.— (K.  i 

Roll)  bore,  harry  (6)  aryent  and  azure,  on 
hend  gules  three  mullets  or.  Sir  Juh.v  \. 
Fnz,  buro  pieri:ed  mullets  for  difference;  l*ai 
liamentary  RoU  ;  and  so  borne  by  LaU'kenc 
in  Surrey  Roll. 

Pakenham,  Myles— (E.  i.  Roll)  bore,  gulc- 
a  chevron  betw  sen  three  crosses  crosslet  fitch^ 

Pallat. .  Kt-.  slain  at  the  siege  of  Cala 

1348— iKjre.  gules,  three  swords,  points  to  th 
centre  argent.    V.     See  PAUI.Ki". 

Palmer,  William  (9  H.  iv.)— bore,  sable. 

;Palm,e3,  William,  1300— bore,  gule; 

Paltoun.  Sir  F.,  of  Suffolk,  KlHH.  % 
Rolll  bore,  argent,  si.v  roses  3,  2,  1  gukv 
Arundel  Roll.    Sir  Jc.MN  bore  six-foyles  ;  As 

Pappeworth,  William  de-(H.  iir.  Roll) 

t.nre.  gules,  a  fess  daiieeltee  argent  ;  Surrey 
FaryB,  Sir  William  de— l>ore.  at  the  battle 
of  lioronglibridgc  1322.  sable,  erusily  and  a 
chevron  argent.  (F.)  Arundel  Roll  and  Jtiniis' 

JParke,  Henry  de  {1'khkk)-(H,  in.  Roll) 

bore,  argent,  a  stags  head  catxjssed  gules.  iF. ) 
Dering  and  Howanl  Rolls. 
Parke,  Richard  del— (E.  111.  Roll)— bore, 
sable,  an  eagle  di^[jla>ed  argent,   a  bordure 
azure — argent  in  trick  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

•[Parker,  Thomas,  R.  11.— bore,  gulos.  a 
cheifon  between  three  leopards'  faces  or. — 
Shirley.]     F. 

Paslew,  Sir  John,  of  Essex.  Kt.— (H.  vi. 

Roll)  bore,   azure,  a  fess  argent  between  threi.- 
cups  or;  Arundel  Roll.     See  \\'.\KYK[,kv. 

Paslew,  John— |E.  i.    Roll)  bore,  argent,  .- 


Jenyns'  Roll. 


WK).  of  Essex- 
rand  azure,  on  a 

Parliamenrarv  Roll— or.  four  l>ends  azure,  &e' 
in  Harl.  MS.  6137  fo.  14. 
Passele,  Robert  de— (H.  111.   Roll)  Iwre. 
gules,  a  Uun  rampant  or  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

PatishuUe,  Sir  John  (of  Rutland)— bore, 

at   the  b.iule  of  Horoughbridge   1322.  nrgeiil. 
1   gules. 


uth  1 

)  the  I'arli. 



•  of 

PateshuU,  Sir  Walter  de— l^wre,  at  the 

battle  of  Boroughbridge  1322.  argent,  a  fess 
engrel^  betHt-eii  three  crescents  sable.  (F. ) 
Ascribed  to  ScMu.N,  but  s\ith  a  plain  fes5  in 
Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

/^.ttjOaAn^    ^J^^nttfiafmfl     ^/^^^. 

1-  <^^^UJh 

fwyrtu^  jCXvrv^ 

f^^nry  d&TJanV^ 

^^  ■pa^r^^&r- 


J  r-^-^- 

^  «.  '>"> 




Vv.A,-^,'      l 

1,V."W.      -.€..?'.■■  I ','\\,S-- 


■w'.ft  ^«/r.>  J<^  i^  «<V<<4*-  ^v^  fttmf^ 

n^a£t  d  (p^^ili 




.  Rolll 
Ardcii  and  i 

.  Geo 

[Patten,  John.   1376— txjre.  lozcnpv  ermin 

jnd  s.ibk-,  acanlon  gules.— Shirley,  i'  K 
Paule,  John— (K.  1.  Roll)  bore,  ermine,  on 
i  crosslet  or  ;   Jenyn 

^Paulet,  Sir  John,  ob.  i356~ba 


-his  son  Sir  J.,il.\  l^ire  (15  R.  11.)  S"!".  a 
pair  of  w  ings  conjoined  in  lure  argent — beuig 
the  coat  of  his  modier,  the  heiress  of  Reynev.— 
Shirley.j     F 

Paulys,  Sir  "Walter,  of  Stratton— (E.  iit. 

Roll)  bore,  gules,  three  lyons  pa.ssaiit  argent 

on  a  baston  azure  three  mullets  or;  Ashmole 


JPauncefot,  Sir  Grimbald— (H.  iti.  Roll) 

|I  I  ivrinsi-iiid  Howard  Rolls!  .Sir  Gii.KtKr! 
of  GloiiL.  >r-(>hne.  bore  the  same;  Parlia-    k,.;i  1..  II. 

Pauncefot,  William— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
azure,  t«  o  h.irs  or  ;  Arden  Roll. 

Paunton,  ( ).  an  Ksse.v?    Knight— {H.  VI. 

Roll)  bore.  bi\rry  (lol  argent  and  .gules,  a 
qimrter  of  the  last ;  .\ruudcl  Roll.  J.\.MKS 
Ith  I'.xsict  \\{.  111.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  si.\ 
b,irrulcls  and  .1  canton  gules  :  Arden  Roll. 

Paunton,  Sir  Hugh,  of  the  North— IR  11. 

Roll)  l,ore.  gules  t«i)  b.irs  and.  in  the  cantel 
a  fer-de-nioulin  ermine  ;  Parli.imentarv  Roll, 

Pa!mell,Sir  John.ofeo.— IK.  ti.  Roll) 

bore,  gules,  a  cintjuefoyle  argent ;  Parly.  Roll. 

Paynell,  John -ll'..  111.    Roll)  l»ore,  gules  n 



;  Jenyns*  Ordinary. 
Paynell    (Sir)    John,    I'E     K 

IK.     111.     RcJl)    Ixjre.    gul 
argent ;  Ashmole  and  Sui 
Paynell,  Sir  Will 
DunsLabIc  tournainet 
fight  ni.irllets  i 


with  4  ban 

Paynell,  Sir  John,  bai 

battle  of  Kalkirk  1293  and 



of  Carla 
:  but  the 
irs  for  Joitv.  Maron  of  Ottelev, 
in  NobihtV  Roll  1300:  and  for  \\|L1.|,\'« 
in  Xobililvkoll  1310;  and  for  John  in  H.irl. 
and  Parly.'  Rolls.     See  ne.vl. 

Paynell,  William,  lord  of  Fracynton.  Ijaron 
1303-17.  and  his  brother  John,  lord  of 
Ottelev.  baron  1317-18.  sealed  the  liarons' 
letter  to  the  Pope  1301  \t!u  fttrmcroit  a  li'zetige), 
with  two  bars  and  an  orle  of  eight  martlets, 
pp.  sv.  .sxii,  x.siv.     See  ne.\t. 

Paynell,  Hugh,  Sir  Thomas,  of  Wilts, 
and  Sir  William- |H.  111.  Roll)  Imre.  or. 
two  iKirs  azure,  nine  (8  or  61  martlets  in  orle 
gules.  (F.)  Arden.  Howard,  I'arly.. 
leian    and     other     Rolls— {the     tield     arg'-nt 

Paynell,  Sir  Willii 



C^xtSini  pa^ 



it  without  the  martlet  ;   1. 1  ,  ,      >   :  ^1 

Oorge  and  Harl.  Rolls      ^      ,  ;,  .. 

martlet  argent:  knighted  :\\     1.  ,;     .  ,11 

of  Calais  1348.  RliCil.v.M.ii  and  \\  11.1.1  am 
took  up  the  cross  in  the  last  Crusade  1270. 

Paveley,  Sir  Walter,  k.(;.,  a  founder— 
(H,  111,  Roll)  bore,  azure,  across  patonce  or  ; 
Surrey  Roll  and  K    398  fo.  30. 

Paveley,  Edward  —  iH.  iii.  Roll)  bore. 
azure,  a  cross  reeercelie  or  ;  Norfolk  Roll. 

Paveley,  Sir  Walter  (of  O.son.),  knighted 
at  the  capitulation  of  Calais  1348— bore,  gules, 
three  lyons  passant  argent,  on  a  liend  azure 
three  mullets  or  (F.);  a  baston  in  Cotgrave 

Pavent,  John— (K.  t.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  on 
a  bend  gules  three  eaglets  or;  lenvns  Roll 
and  Ordinary.  '      ' 

Payfote,  Sir   Fouke- 

DunsLable     tournament 


nother  Hoi 

t  the  first 
rgenl.  five 
(3)  gules  • 

Payn,  Sir  Geoffrey  and  Sir  John,  both 
slain  at  the  siege  of  Calais  1347 — bore,  argent, 
two  bars  and  in  chief  three  escallops,  azure 
—sable  for  Sir  Jons.  Gkcii-fkkv  took  up  the 
cross  in  the  last  Crusade  1270. 

Payne,  Walter- 1 F..  1  Roll)  bore,  gules,  a 
lyon  rampant  tail  fourths  argent  </itartfrty 
-u'i//i  P-VVtl.KV.  azure  a  cross  florett^e  or': 
lenvns  Roll-called  \V.M.TtK  P.WLEl.I  in 
jenyns  Ordinary. 

Paynell,  Sir  Raffe,  of  Caythorpe,  co.  Line. 

,■  Ordinary— SToriI.\M  bears  the  s 

-  IH. 

;rLain.     See  Pi 

Pecham  v.  Feckam,  and  Pethan 

Peche,  Sir  Gilbert,  of  Corbv. 

baron  1299,  se.iled  the  Barons'  letti 

Pope    nci.     pp    x\l.     Kxtv.      He 

the    bV,     ,-.f  I'l"   -k    izoS,  and  at 

Dent   ■  ■■      •    ■, !1     130S.    .argen 

1M». .:   .    '.  gules.      (F.) 

"iher  Git 
Iso  to  H  \ 

C)  in 
1  the 

Denn-  I'   .11. 

St.  George  Roll,  to  JiillN  in  Jenyns'  Ordii 
and  to  Sir  RuliKKT.  of  Kent,  banneret,  in 
.^undel  Roll.  (Sir  Wil.l.i.VM.  of  .Suft'olk.  bore 
the  chevTOncls  sable. )  Sir  Hfr.ii.  of  Suffolk, 
differenced  with  a  laltel  (3)  azure— to  this.  Sir 
RoBF.ltT,  also  of  Kent,  perhaps  a  baron  13JT, 
added  a  besant  on  each  point  of  the  laliel  ; 
Parly.  Roll.  St.Mrw  and  \VtLLl.\M  lookup  the 
cross  1270. 

Peche,  Sir  Edmund,  of  SulTolk— iK,  11. 
Rolll  bore,  argent  .1  fess  between  two  chev- 
ronels  gules,  as  nianv  martlets  in  chief  and 
one  in  base  sable  (F.)':  Parly.  Roll.  In  Harl 
MS.  6137.  a  senitS;  of  martlets  sable  is  adderl. 

Pecche,  Sir  John,  of  Warwickshire — Inare. 
at  the  first  Dunsl 

r  \:-,'  ■ 



/^  ^fi' 


']       r 

......  s 


•'\    Vviv 


— 1 







5().I/.T  FFADAL 


Peche.Siri l.ofSuffulk  -iK.  ii.  Kull 

nrgenl.     a    chevron    giik-?    ;i    f«jrdlire 

bi.s.un*:  ;  P.irli.inienBry  Roll. 
Peohe,  Sir  Robert,  iii  error  for  Sir  Gi 

— hort',  at  the  battle  pf  Fnlkirk  1298, 

(a  fess    iHjtvieeti    two  chevTonels  gules. 

jenyns'  Ordin.ary. 
Peohe,  John-IR.   11.  Roll)  h 

lyon  r.iiiip.tiit  tail  fourch^  ern 

or  ;  Surrey  Roll. 
{Peche,  John-IH,    111.    Roll)  bore.  gtil. 

(5I  pierced  of  the  field.      IF.)     IVrmg   I 
spur-rouels  in  Howard  Roll. 

Peche,  Baldwin— I H.  iii.  Rolll  bore,  v.n 

or  and  gules;  Norfolk  Roll. 
Peche,  Sir  Thomas,  of  co.  Canibrlrlgr 

IP".,  u.  Roll)  iKjre.  a-iurc  an  eagle  (lispl.av 
argent,  on  the  dexter  wnig  a  mauneli  cul 
Parliamentnrv  Roll.  *■ 

Peohe,  Sir  Thomas- 
jPeckhara,  John    de 

or;    Anmdel    kr.ll.       St     Ni<  •>\.\i   [„■ 
same,  with  \hc  chit-f  reversed  |?) 

eckham,  Roger  deiHuMivM)— 

Rolll  MrcctiLttiuvoradd  snUlt.-  a  fuss  (. 
Surrt;y  Roll. 


edwardyne,   Sir  Roger-liorc. 

batlleof  Boroughhriclgf   1322.  or   crus 

at    t 

three  crescents  giilea.    each   chargeil 


Surrey  Rolls.    Jenyns'     Ordniary.       Rutin  kt 
difVerenccd  wuh  a'  label    131   argent ;    Surrey 

Pedwardyne,  W^alter  de— iH    t 
bore,  or.   three  lyons  passant  in  pali 
Howard  Roll. 
•Pelham,  (Sir  John)-br 
Rouen  I,ji3. azure,  three  pe 
I  vulning  ihenisehes  propel 

Pembroke  v  Marshall  and  Valence. 
Pembroke,  Earl  of 
Rouen   1410.  i  .■■>     I 

Karlof  Penibr..!,,'  .1  il 
killed  in  a  t..uii,.,n,eii 
aged  about  17, 

Penedoke,  Henry  de— IH.  in.  Rolll  bore. 
■\on  rampant  argent  il>  I  ;  St.  tieorge 

Penley,  Sir  Richard- |K    in.  Kolli  I. 
or.  a  lyon  ranipinl  purpure  ;  .\shn 

Penne.    See  Dk  i..\  I'i  nnk. 








A     KNICHT     OF     THE     PEMBRIDCE 


In  Cleho.ngkr  Chukch,   Herkfordshike. 

A//er  HoUis. 



^  /J^«|U  ''^ip.J^ 

^^:p^^    ^r^^....       ^^^'l^.'f^      ^^ir.Sf      "Z'^^gr.^.      "XV-f"iv. 


•  1   r- 



pcnninotoii,    Bauon    riDuncastcr,    of    nibuncastcu 

OLcflb.    of   llorburv   ffiootbs    Tl^nll    in    Chcsibii-c. 

Condensed  from  '•' Peniiiitgtoniana^'  f>y  /.  Foster,  Hon.  M.A.,  Oxon. 

3AMRI.  UK  PtNIN"<;T<iS,  tcmp.  Hen.  ll  :  :i  Rrerit  benefactor  to  Conishcncl  I'r 
which  he  giive  the  churches,  (with  .tU  their  appunciumue^)  ol  Pciiiii-iioii.  M.. 
with  chajx-lb  [of  Aldoburg^.  \\'y[ct>cc  and  Nkeroverioii.  cos.  Lane,  aiij  Cunil). 

iKl.nKKi)  [>E  PENiNr.roN.     He  RavetoConishead  Prior\  two  hovatui  ofland 
in  Burgh,  and  three  acres  of  land,  with  a  messuage,  in  '  Langlifcrga. 

Al.AX  i)F.  PKMNGTON.  son  and  heir,  kichard  dc  Litcv,  bv  fine  at  Carlisle,  t  Dec..  1208,  i  John,  granted  to  Ahut  = 
all  his  tenement  of  MuUcastrc.  to  hold  bv  the  sei--ice  of  one-t^cdfth  p.trt  of  one  knight  s  fee  ami  foreign  service,  I 
belonging  to  tlu  king.     In  1363  Sir  Wtn.  de  Ftnitone  was  found  to  hold  bv  the  same  service,  see  below. 

heir,  da^d  in  1240. 

1  and  =  AGNKS.  dati.  of  Sir  John  de  Longviltcrs.  knt.=  Thomas  de  Greistock  1254  '39  Hen.  IK.) 

Alan,  living  July,  1242. 

\  bv  which  he  held  the  1 

Sir  John   pe,  son  and  heir,  a  minor  in  1323.  =JoAN,  widow  of  Sir   lohn.  had  dower  from   the  Abbot  of     M.xiruh.  mar.  to  John,   son   and     Jo.W.  hving  7  Jai 
of  age  by  1326;   held  the  manor  of  Penington  by  service         Furness.  7  J-'^">-.  '332 '3-     M-'V  '«-'  with   Joan         heir  of  Sir  Richard  de  Hudles-         1351/2. 
of  a  tenth  part  of  a  knights  fee  ;  dispute  with  the  Abbot         (d.  16  or  17  June.  1363 1  eldest  bister  and  co-heir  of  Julm         ton.  and  Alice  his  wife.  13:7,  l3. 

I"  Robert  Filz-Wu 

Sir  \VlIJ.l.\M   r.E    PkNIT'-nk,    son   ,ir,.l   hr,r     il.I.nt 

(1352  31:  at  which  d.llr    h-     u    1 -.■■[■  ...I-     r;,  :ir..  ■!    >    ■ 

abV)ot,  by  whom  hi'^  in    ■ 

an  inquisition  taken  at  1    : -■  -  r 

died  16  or  17  June,  37  1  uv  n!  1  m  .  1  r  ;  ''  ■  ' 
of  Mulcasttr  by  hoviogf.  feaity  una  oj  om 
Penmgton  first  mentioned.      Living  39  Sept.,  1361 

Kdward   rit-=F(.l 
■■■  .na-of  the         G 
'     i-c-      (Hy         5  H.  IV.      Re-mar.  to  Hugh  Standysshe.  and  living 
\  litif,  who         13  H.  IV..  but  pre-deceased  hini,  who  died  30  April,  1421, 
'   ■"''  "'rt'""-         9  Hen.  V. 
■d  to  Alan  de 

*  chivaler."  under  age  at  his  father's  death.     D.ed  27  Sept. .  1415      Inq,  taken  at  L: 

daughter  and  co-heir   of  Sir  Rich.ird 

vr  IdiiN  hi:  rKNMNTiTON,  son  and  heir.  .ft.  22  years  at  his  fathers  death.  .Appointed  Comniissi 
Cuml>crl.ind  m  rai^,e  archer';,  bv  .\ct  of  Parlunieiu,  14^7  8,  36  H.  vi.  Henr\  VI.  took  refuse  at  Mu 
in  1461.  :ifter  the  battle  of 'limtMii  luld  xnq  March),  and  gave  Sir  John  the  "  luck  of  Mimcoster, 
died  6  July.  1470;   inq,  p.m..  20  Feb.,  150J  4. 

K ATHKklN'E,  d.iughter  of  Sir  Thomas  de  Tunstall.  knight,  bv 
Isabel,  daughter  to  Sir  Nicholas  Harrington,  knighl  ;  dispen- 
sation for  marriage  to  Sir  Johii,  ^on  of  Sir  .Man  d^  Penington, 
granted  28  April,  1412.  related  in  the  third  degree. 

>    ,nyjh: 



John  Pennington.  Knijihl  of  the  Shire  for  Cumberland  1446-7,  (Iied  =  ELix.ABF.T,a.  ..v.i.y  ,.«."..,. 
m  the  lifctime  of  his  father.     John.  Earl  of  Shrewsbury,   appohitcd        Nicolas  Radcliffe.   of  Dei 
one  John  I  cnnington  steward  of  \\  eysford  by  patent  dated  at  W'eys-        M  r 
ford,  27  Aug.,  1450. 

482.  daughter  of  S 

SABF-L.  dan.  =Sir  Ju 
of  John  20 f 

Broughton.         Eng 

year  by  the  h;,irl 
Cunib.,  9  Nov.. 
Beverley.  15  Oct.. 

=  JOANE.  dau.  of  Sir  William  Eure,  of= 
\S'itton  Castle,  by  Maud.  dau.  of 
Lord     Kit7HuE:h,       of      Rucnsw.uh 

PeiiyngtoiisenioV"  Th- kin-  .  . 
him  the  reversion  of  ihc  ur, 
bailiff  of  the  lordship  uf  Ch^-' 

milted  to 

20  M.iv. 


Inn  I 


Dec,  30 

Inq.  p.m. 


1480,  of 

17  Ian., 

the  King's 




p.m.  IS18 

and  1525. 

28  June. 

dau.  and      Dvk 


26.V0V..  1512! 
until  hisdcath. 

^pt-.  TS13,  s 

Inq.  26  Aug., 

Penrith.  25 
Sept.,   1520. 

John  Pennington,  heir  m 
uncle.  John  Pennington.  1 
will  of  his    grandfather, 

AxNK,  dau.  and  ELii 
heir  of  Geo.          '    to> 

Martindale,  of  

the  diocese  of  and 

Aug.,  1488.  she  149 

had  licence  to  -Stri 

mar.  \V.   Pen  26  ? 

nington,  of  the  mar 

dioceseofYork;  150! 

Thos.  Ley- 
borne,  of 

ami    "  before     Ellen 

?st.     of     Seynt       \ 

11  tharchangell 

Ridid.  Cholmeley.  * 
He  died  27,  28,  or 
29  Dec,  1521.  Wife 
of  Sir  W'm.  Gas- 
coigne.    of  Carding- 

,  Beds., 


Sir  \Vi 


John,  sonofWm.  Penning- 
ton, of  Xewton  aforesaid, 
a-t.  40  years.  28  Oct, ,  ig 



:e>.    3    Dee. 

j>utr.,tk,  bv-  his 

wife  .\li.^nu^^^ 
Mho  was  aunt 
to  Charles 

Inventory      folk.     Slit 

years.  28  June.  1516.     Had  liv 

12  Feb.,  1521.  Died 
.  Henr>-  viii..  1522. 
t  Penrith,  28  Oct.,  19 

of  his  lands. 
14   Jun. 


JOAN{lSt  \vife.-.-\VlLLI.l 

M.I.),   dau.  of        I  J,  vc; 
Thomas,  Lord 
Wharton,    by 

[  Pen.n 


of    Sir 

XGTON.  jun.,   son  and  heir  (aged  = 
months  at  his  father's  death,  20 
_  He  and   all    his   tried    horsemen 

called  out  upon  service  of  the  borders. 
1543-  "■'■  •'Sheriff  of  Cumb-,  6  Ed.  vi.,  and  i 
&8EIiz.  Died  14  Mar,  15  Eliz.,  1573.  Im|.,  at  Cockermouth,  12  Mar.,  1573/4. 

1GKT  (and\\ife. 

=  SiR 


n      Hudleston, 


his    3rd    wife. 

:e,     dau.     and 

of  John  Prick- 

Line.  (,st'  ■ 

husband  1. 


His  will  d.\le.l 

I  Sept.,  1561. 

Joseph  Pe.\m.voton,  son  and  heir,  aged  8  years,  9  = 
months,  and  27  days  at  his  father's  death  in  '1573,  in 
»-ard  of  Anthony  Huddleston  and  Ralph  Latiis,  both 
of  Milium.  Knight  of  the  Shire  lor  Cumberland 
1597.  He  lyas  bd.  at  Muncastcr  23  March,  1640/1, 
M.I.,  XL  7«. 

Is.ABKL,  of« 
of  Batley, 


It)  Oct., 

iNN,  dau.  of  Christopher  Cracken- 
thorpe  of  Nevvbiggin,  md.  be- 
fore 9  Dec,  1596  (  ?  did  she  Bkidget,  mar.  to 
re-marry  at  Muncasler,  28  .May,  Philip  Loyell,  of 
1632.  10  Gabriel  Skeldings),  Skclton,  Yorks. 

H-ILM  IM  Pe.v.m.vgton,  eldest  =  Kathf.r tn 
son,  bom  at  .Muncasler  14,  j      tiherburn,     _, 
and  bp.  there  23  July,  1590  ;  I      died  27  May,   1628, 
bd.  14  .\ugust,  1632.  I      M.l,,  Milton,  Lane. 

dau.  of  Richard 

JuH.N,  bp.  at  Muncasler  21  Sep- 
tember, 1591,  buried  same  dav, 

John,  bp.  2^,  and  bd.  26  Feb., 

;  the   battle  of    Kd 

Joseph  Pen- 
for  his  estate, 
£6-  y-  4^. 
b.  at  Wiggles- 
wcrth,  Yorks. 
bp.  at  Long 

Yorks.  ir 
.^ug..  1615, 


I    of  Penwor- 

tham,  Lan- 

.^nne.  dau. 
\    ofWni, 
of  Worden, 
m.  at  Peii- 

Pes-  =  . Anne  (2nd    .Ann 

.\leworth    '    O.von.,  i6:;t. 


Legh,  of  of  Inc 

^ler       Booths,  Blund 

and  widow  co.  L; 
9           of  John 

and       Dichlield,  I    |    1 

1728,  bd.  at 
St.  John  s, 
Chester,  23. 



Ksq. ,  bd.  at 

babh-  relict  of"  Sir 
Rogir  Br.adshaigh, 
second  Ban.,  who 
d.  17  June,  ,687, 
and  dau.  and  co- 
heir of  Hv.  Mur- 
ray. Gent.'  of  the 
Bedchamber  to 
Charles  I 




.March.  i68g. 
2.  C.miKKlNE,  m,ar. 
as  tst  wife,  to  .Sii 
Jeffery  Shakerley,  o 
Hulme  and  Sh,iker. 
ley,  goyernor  of  Ches- 
ter, and  died  3  .^pril 
1673,    buried   at  be- 



17  .Noy. ,  1679.    Hi- 

»Xi      r.L^      3J-.T>nr: 


MAM      ]'t.NMNG-  = 

■[  9,11  Dusdalt-s 
„Mi  of  Lancashire  \ 
1,  bp.  at  MuncasltT 
rcli  16;:;,  created 
,net  2i".Iune.  28 
II,,  1676  and  died 

.  of  Warter, 
York,  died 
ster  Mon- 
.28  March, 

I-oot  Reg.,  bd.  St. 
John's.  Chester,  21 
.\ug.,  1713,  will 
diited  13  June, 
1713.    and  proved 

heir  of  Pctor 
Legh,  of  IJoolhs.^ 
(His  w.  d.  28 
Dec.  1714.  pd. 
II  Sept.,  1 7 16.) 
Shf  Mas  buried 
St,  John  S.Ches- 
ter,     8     March. 

luVi.,   of   Queen's    Coll.    Ox. 
1695.  Controller  of  the  Cash  of 

I    I 
,  Sir  JuHN  Pkn- 

SENCTON-.         3rd 

1727.    d.    8    3.  Lout 

Lort'ther,  20  March.  1706. 
and  died  ai  Hath  15  Sept., 
1738.   l.uned  in   the  ahUy 

Fhii-II',  of  the 
Middle  Temple, 
1699,  d.  1731. 

mar.  ist  to  John  Archer, 
of  Oxcnhohiic.  West, 
M.  D. ,  and  2ndh-  to 
Thomas  Strickland.' Ksq,. 
of  Sizcrgh. 

of     the       Middle  1    of 

at  :  shire,  bd.  at 

1.,  !  Fulnier, 

4,  Bucks,       12 

)..  Sept..  1783. 

rlTfTK     LlGII.     of   BuOths,    CC 

N'orbury  Booths  Hal  ,  I).  . 
1722,3.  bp.  at  Maiiuhester 
1723,  d.  12  Aug.,  1804. 


Legh.  i 

at  R-ith  7  De( 
1764.  buried 
the  abbey. 

M.P..  governor  . 
Harliados.  1711 
buried  in  th 
p;iribh    of    CrosI 

,     Kaveiisworth,      ; 

;    Sept.,  1745. 

1  LONSD.M.r.. 

f    iVor. 






r  at 

lliv,      d. 









f    Kdm 








c. .     ni. 


7Q2.    d. 



liol  1830. 
gate.  b. 
7  March. 

Christopher  Robin- 
son. Judge  of  Adniir- 
altv  Court,  ni.  1826. 


Sir  JuiiN  Penmng-  = 
■r<A.  sth  bart.,  m.p., 
Westmoreland,  crea- 
ted tin  the  lifetime  of 
his  father)  Baron 
Muncasier  in  the 
peerage  of  Ireland, 
21  Oct,.  1782.  with 
remainder  to  his 
brother,  Lowther, 
died  at  Muncaster,  ^ 
8    Oct.,    1813,      bd. 

died    16  Nov. , 

ion,  Lieut,  of  the 
To«er  (dcscend- 

13  Nov.,  1806, 
buried  at  Cop- 
grove,  Yorks. 

',\MKS.  F.arl  of  Ci 
and    Halcarres. 
Baron  Wigan.  of  Haigh 
Hall.    CO.    Lane,    boni 
24  April,    1783,  died  15 
Dec.  1869. 

2nd  Baron  Mun- 
caster and  6th 
l>art .  a  general 
in  the  army,  and 
colonel  of  the 
4th  Royal  vete- 
ran battalion, 
died     29     July, 

duu.  "of  Thomas 
Barry,  Esq.,  of 
Clapham.  Surrey 
(siiid  to  \k.  des- 
cended from  Ed- 
ward Barry,  next 
brother  of  James, 
ist  Lord  Santry. 
Lord  Chief  Jiis- 
Uce  of  Ireland, 
temp.  Charles 
11.),  mar  13 Jan., 
1S02 :  she  died 
7  Oct.,  1827. 

3.  Cathkhink. 
d.  22  Dec., 
1824,  mar.  at 
Muncaster  11 
Aug..  1772.  to 
Brooke  Osbal- 
dcslon.  of 

CO.  York.  " 

ford  Sir  Lowthkh  Augustls: 
John.  3rd  Raron  Mun- 
caster, and  7th  Ijart. .  of 
Christ  Church,  Oxford 
1821.  born  14  Dec. ,  1802, 
died  in  the  Green  Park 
Hotel,  PiccadiUv,3oApl. 
1838.  and  bd.  ai  Warter 
IS  May.  M.I. 

youngest  dau.  of  Sir 
Ramsden.ban. .  of  H 
and  Longley  Hall, 
shire,  born  3  June, 
mar.  15  Dec.  1828, 
died  30  Jan.,  1853.  \ 
at  Warter  1  Feb..  M 


=  Emily  j.\xE,  2nd  Chkistui'Uf.k,  d.  ] 
1    dan.  of  Rev.  1892.    leaving    6 

■    Roljerl      Grant.       and  3  daus. 

r  of  Bradford  Hk 

.■\bbas.  Dorset, 
Preh,  of  Sarun 
mar,  12  .\ug.. 

Balhol  1867.  rector  of 
St.  Nicholas  with  St. 
Runwald,  Colchester. 
189s,  m.  Grace,  dau,  of 

Norbury       Booths  1 
Hall.  Cheshire 
4  April,  1865. 

lohn  Brother- 
Uh  Hus 
11.8  July 

Sir  G.\MtL  AL-GUSTLs.  =  Lady  J 
4th  Baron  Muncaster.  Octavi 
and  Sth  bart.,  b.  3  Dec. 
1831.  bp.  at  Muncasier 
3'  July.  1832,  mar-  2 
Aug..  1855,  .ind  died 
at  Castellamare.  near 
Naples.  13  June.  1862. 
bd.     at     Muncaster    20 


Hugh  aarlow  Lind- 
,c.s..  nephew  of 

Baron  Muncaster  in 
Ireland,  and  Baron 
Muncaster  in  England 
i8q8.  and  9th  t^nn.. 
L.L.  andCusios  Rot.. 
Cumberland,  1876; 
M.p.  W.  Cumberland 
1872-80.  1885-92; 
capt.late  RifleBrigade; 
lieut.-col.  conmi.  E. 
York  Militia  1867-73. 
b.  25  Dec  ,  1834.  bp. 
at  Muncaster  17  June, 

bp.  at  Muncas- 
mar.  25  Nov.. 
1858.  d.  17  June. 

I    I 

DKl.MMO\D.lieut.  K.X. 

Icoi.  lo  Viscounl 
Slr.uh.illani.  son  of 
Andre*v  Koti,:Tt  Drum- 
mond.  of  Cidl.ind 
Park.   Hams,  born  21 



Cech.  DRL-MMn\n,  of  Cad 
J. p.,  n.r,..  born  29  Jan-  1865. 
Maldwiv.  late  King's  R.    Rifle  Corf 

9  March.  1872. 
CVRII,  ALGUSTfS,  born  ;  -April.  1873- 
Henkv  Luuovic,  born  i"S74.  d-  1896. 






AAAAA     U> 

^(^  Jf^jOiYn 

^-^  -fOaii-e- 

J^ti-  J-  ^rr. 

•Fennyngton,  Sir  W.lliam  il.  " 

koll)    Uire.    ur.    riM.-    lu-ii.        ■    ■'     I'  -^ 

aiiiri.-;  Tarly.  Koll  ;  triik. 'i  '    ■  ■    " 

and  a  ftss  indoiilfd.       I"'r.     :■:    '      ''i  ^^i'"   i 

5uk-s  in  the  HLill.ird  Koll. 
[Penrice,  Sir  Kobert  de,  1326  (Penkkks) 

—bore,  ixT  p;ilc  inJcnu-tl  argcnl  and  gules  ; 

Neath  AbUy  Tiles,  p.  i\.] 
Penzret,  Sir  John  de,  of  Cunil»erlan(I— 

(K.  II.  Roll)  tore,  pules,  n  bend  h.ittely  argent  ; 
Parliamentary  Roll. 
Pereehay,  Sir  Wauter  "!. 

of  Korouylit)rklE;en22,,M-'  ■  1  ■■■">..■ 

"ules  ruid  in   the  {le\t<T  i  f...  1    ■ '•   "" -•- 

Percehav,   Sir   "Walter,   kmi^lued 

cantel  an  iriescocheoii  quarterly  sable  ami  or. 

Percehay,  "Walter-IK.  m.  Roll)  l»ore. 
arpeiit,  a  crobs  patoncc  (flory  in  the  irick) 
gules;  HfNRV  Oji.\  il.K  of  Cambridgeshire 
Iwars  till-   -ianie   arms,  which   are  in  dispute; 

Percehay,   "Walter  — (K.  iii.   Roll)  bore. 

arpent  a  cross  patonce  (tlory  in  the  trick) 
gules,  in  the  cantel  a  lozenge  of  the  second 
nil  within  a  bordure  engrailed  of  the  last  ; 
jenyns' Ordinary. 
*[Perceval,  Richard  iHeii.  ivl—  bore. 
avent,  on  a  cliK't  indented  ruIps  three  crosses 
palee  of  the  rii  st  ;  ascribed  to  Mir  RuGtK  as 
per  Seal  K.  1.— Shirley/     V. 

Percy,  Henry,  of  Tup' :.:"■■  l.  ,:.■■■.  ''jron 
1298-9— bore,  at  ihe  1.  ■■        !  .-'-.■!, 

and  at  the  siege   of  (    i'  •;     a 

Arundel  Rnllsi.  being  the  ,u  in  .  .4  Kk  \i.AM  . 
w-ith  which  he  scaled  the  liaron^  letter  to  the 
Pope  MOi.  pp.  NMi.  xxiv.  Ascnlied  aUo  to 
Thomas  m  the  Surrey  Roll,  and  to  Sir  PlKKS 
at  the  hr^t    Dunstable 

ll'J  vm:^      leiiyn's'  Ordinary;  r«s  eiigradid 

Percy,  f^n"';*;;,^!!^"^,'!^',^!  "sable  tt' "1 

ATdeilanll'sL'GM.rBC   1<°"»-  .  f "'j;;'  ;?[""  "* 
KKi.AnnUM-TKtv:  Jenyns  Ordinary. 

{Percy,  John  de;a^.-K^»,;»7jj;^;;- 

Rnll  '",,  i^w''f''f'.'i"iK  m  Howard  Koll. 

Perers.  Sir  Richnrd  de-i'""'.  J'^'^''';^  |;;j^. 

Uanslal.lftiiuin   ■■•v     1  TV  ,  -t"     ■       _    ^^^  ^ 

,>f  ftjroushl.ivl  ■      1  !■■      "'  '  '    ■■         \_    ,  ^^n, 
s.alile.  in  ih.'  '■  ' •'   ''''''',         .    ,         ,i    i  - 

KoHl  Rules  (1 -'I     ■'      ''  i''     '  ,|,,,,.,,„i,..,; 

anotht-r  Sir  kn  ii  M.'i '  "      "         r  ( ■  ,i  n.;  i^  i8 


^V^^-3^  ,^  K°m  to.^ -rTa  'll'nd  argent 

Periam»Knipht-(  Rolll 



Perke.  Henry  de  (or  ^.^"l^'^I.-^",;",,'',:; ' 
l,ore,  arsenl.  a  slaRS  head  eal.osed    ga 
Uering  and  Howard  KoUs, 

Perpont  :■  Pierpont. 

Perpont  !— 1.  of  Ikly-g.  ..nd  Symon- 



ole     Kollb. 


121   k  \ 

,iith  : 


1  die 

Perreres  :   Perers. 

perrot,  Rauf,  bar™  ■='i^?-;;°'-;'^';;;f"",'.^ 

^rK";S°a.r,oT^UK!':^nce.i.e    a 
Uerini;  Koll. 
Pert, 'William  de-lK.  ..  KolK  tare,  .argen 


■  Roll. 



scles    or    (1'); 

Percy,  Henry  de,  Sk.  dk  Llxv,  Karl  ol 
NorlhiiniUrland  1 399- 1 408  —  ( K.  II.  Roll)  bore, 
or.    a    Ivon    rampant    aznre,    </liarfdrh    T.'i/A 

Ppqhale     (R-    "■    R"'"  bore,  argent, 

^cross  flt'ry  engrailed  sable  .  Snrrey  Roll. 
Peshale,  Adam-(R.  "■  J^""; '--■  j;';^" 

a  erosb    florv     sable,    on    a    (ni.iiiti    i, 
Ivon's  head  '.rased  of  the  hrst.  crowned  01 
Surre%  Roll. 


Percy,  Sire  Nichol— bore,  at  the  Ijattle  of 
Horouglibridgc  1322.  und^  (6)  argent  and 
azure."  F 

Percy,  Henry,  of  Wiltshire— lE.  i.  Roll) 
bnre.  arirent,  five  fasils  conioineri  in  fess  sable 
(or.  in  C.inideni ;  lenvns"  Ordinarv:  engrailed 
in  lenMi-'  Roll;  John  bore  the  reverse,  see 

Perey.'Walterde— IH.  iir.  Roll) bore, azure. 

h> >•  firii<  coiiF.inerl  in  fess  ardent ;  Arden  and 

Si.  r.e.rq.'    Rolls.     .\  W.VI.lER  tock  up  the 

Lii  -1  111  Ilie  Crusade  1270. 
*Percv,  Sir  Henrv,  of  Spofford— (H.   in. 
^     Roll!  bore,  azure,   five  fnsils  conjoined  in  fess 

,.r     Deriiiq  and  Howard  Rolls;  indented  in 

llrinialdi  Koll;  enguiileil  in  Glover  Roll,  for 

Percy,  Arnold,  of  Kildale-iE.  111    Roll) 

bore.  gulc.  live  fusils  conjoined  in  fess  argent  ; 

Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

+Peson,  Nicole   de  - 

Vh!.',',"mi  three  Ivonceuv 


Koll  ; 

Petham.  John  dej POT,, AVI) -^H.^.b  Kolll 

£°i'l'..  „  VM. 

Petit,  Thomas-iK,.  „,.  '^^"[[J,/"^^'.  Jenyi'is' 

Pette,  Thomas-bore,  at  the  »"«""!  ^"''^ 

celtee  i»  probably  inlended. 
jPevense     Richard    de-^,H.^^^;,,.RnJ^) 
fiore,  azure,  a  tiitvrnn  j.      1         ii„vi  ird 

rm^  g>^«f 

/H^c<r£f-  f^" 



•n^  ^."T 






^vV«^t\      .^^V 


^^P»^^M  J^'nJp.^ 

:pt^^if  /y»H..'^,r^"«J 

JVk«       ^,«<T-(/ 

-le^  ^^j/tox-v 



Pevere  f.  Pey  v 
Peverell, ( 

tPeverell,  Thomas— (H. 

Dcriii-^  and  Howard  Rolls. 


ntary  Roll, 
in     Rom 

Peverell,  Hugh— (H.  ]m.  Roll)  bore, 
threu  garlis  .nri^ent  banded  gules,  a  cl 
(F.)     St.  George  Roll. 

Peverell,  Sir  Robert,  of  CO.  Leic.- 
Roll)  bore,  gules, 

tPeyforcr,  Willir 

.If.;.  ■!■     "■■■       I',  ■  ■      '■   '■       ,'    ,ind    I  sable ; 

Ar  •■  '  I      ,  ,  III  Howard  and 

11,1  ,'  ,,  I  I  .,1  Kent  |R.  li. 

R,,'     I..-  ■  •.  •.!    i,,.i.  ti,',    .,l,k;  F,arlianien- 

tary  Roll  S  r  Fi  .i.'KK  differenced  with  a  label 
(3I  gules. 

Peyton,  Sir  John  de,  of  Suffolk— (H.  11. 
RolU — bore,  sable,  a  cross  engrailed  or,  a 
mullet  argent  (Farliamentary,  Arundel  and 
Surrey  Rollst  in  the  first  and  second  quarter, 
in  Jenyns"  Ordinary — probably  a  mistake.  One 
of  these  names  took  up  die  cross  in  the  last 
Crusade  1270. 

Peytwyn,  Sir  Roger,  of  Lincolnshire- 
lU.  III.  RoUi  bore,  ermine,  three  chevronels 
gules  (four  (F.  I  in  Jenyns"  Ordinaryl;  .Arden 
and  Farliamentary  Rolls. 

Pey  vere,Sir  Philip,  of  Norfolk— ( E.  1 1.  Roll) 


I  ban 


Peyvre,  John,  baron  1298-9 — bore,  argenl 
on  a  che^Ton  gules  three  rieurs-de-lvs  or 
Nobilitv  Roll.  Ascriljed  also  to  Sir  loliN  an 
Sir  Rcicr.K,  l<Dth  of  F*ds. ,  in  Parliamemar 
Jenyns'    Ordinary,    an 


in  Glov. 


,  in  the  firs 

,18— Ijore, 

Mkenham,  Raffe,  of  Thorntnn  Watlass 
IF.  111.  R,j!I|  brjre,  or,  on  a  chief  indented 
are  three  crescents  of  the  held  ;  cinr|Uelin*les 
;rced  in  Irick;  Jenjiis'  Ordinan— s;e  \V-\T- 

I  Jenyns*  Ordinary. 

bore     the    lyoii 

Pickering,  Sir  Thomas  de— (1:~.  it.  Roll) 
Ijore,  or  (sometmies  argentl  a  lyoii  r,inipant 
sable,  a  bordiire  gules  U-zant^e ;  Harl.  6137. 
In  Harl.  4033 -argent,  a  lyun  rampant  sable, 
a  bordure  of  the  last  bczanti^e. 

Pi(c)kworth,  Sir  Thomas— (E.  in  Roll) 
bore,  .argent,  three  picks  gules  ;  .\shniole  and 
Surrey  Rolls.  RiiRKKT,  difierenced  with  an 
annulet ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Piokworth,  John— (F:.  1.  Rolll  bore,  gules, 
a  bend  between  sis  picks  (3  .and  3I  or.  (F.) 
Jenyns'  Roll— argent  in  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Pierpont,  Henry  (FkkI'l'nh)- (H.  ni.  Roll) 
bore,  burulee  l:6l  argent  and  gules,  a  lyoii 
rampant  sable  dcbruised  of  a  baston  or.  \F. ) 
.\rdeii  and  St.  George  Rolls. 

Pierpont,  Sir  Edmond,  Henry  and 
Thomas— iF-  in.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  lyon 
rampant  sable,  within  an  orle  of  six-foyles 
.gules  (the  reverse  ascribed  to  Fu.\niM>  in  the 
Surrey  Roll)  ;  .\shniole  Roll  and  Jenyns' 
Ordinary — cinquefoyles    in      Cotgr.tvc      Roll, 

Phellp,    Sir   -William 

quarterly  gules  and  ,argen 

displayed  or  ,  K.  401  fo. 
Piohford.   Geffrey-!  H.    "i-    Ro")    hore, 

rhecquy,  or  and  azure,  on  a  fess  gules  three 

lyoiiceu.'c  raatpant  argent,     (F,)     Arden    and 

Camden  Rolls. 
Piohford,  John  de-(H.    111.    Roll)  bore, 

sable,  senile  of  quartrefoytes  and  a  einquefoyle 

pierced  or;  SL  George   Roll — crusilv  (F'.)   in 

.\rden  Roll. 
Piokard,  Koger-(H.  in.  Rolll  bore,  argent, 

three  lozenges  s,\ble  :  SL  George  Roll.     JnilN 

differenced  with  a  label  (3)  gules.    IF.)  Segar 


'  the  Nk 

ribed  a 

lyon  rampant  sable  a  baston  gules, 

Pierpont,  Sir  Robert— bore,  at  the  first 
Dunstafile  tournament  1308,  argenl,  a^Iyon 
rampant  sable  debruised  by  a  b.iston  or  iF. )  ; 
Cotgrave  and  Nativity  Rolls. 

Pierpont,  Sir  Robert  (Pevj'OI'xdi:)— 
(K.  n.  Rolll  bore,  argent,  a  lyon  rampant 
sable  /powdered  with  roses  gules,  Harl.  6137)  ; 
a  bordure  of  si.\  roses  gules,  Harl.  4033  :  Parly. 

Piers,  Henry  (Pvers)-iE,  1,  Rolll  Imre, 
azure,  a  blind  argent,  cotised  or,  between  six 
martlets  3  and  3  of  the  second  (F, )  ; 

Pigot,  Sir  Robert  (PVGi IT),  slain  at  the  siege 
of  Calais  1347— bore,  gules,  three  pieksaand  I 
argent  (F.),  borne  also  by  Baldwi.m  ;  Surrey 

■  Rolls:  and  by  R.AMiul.v 
Tl— iH.  VI.   Rolll  bore. 

in  Surrey  Roll, 
Pigott,  Sir  J.  1 1^ 

Pigott,  Sir  Bald-win,  of  Vorkshin 
John  of  rioddmgton— (F.  n.  Rolll 
azure,  two  bars  or  m  chief  three  b.- 
Parly.  Roll  and  Jenyns  Or.linary. 


Hftny  ttr  4-3  'jBrl 


•^1-    jJ^^Cr? 




I,   C\^  tj^  ,«.tV^\V 








\                        / 

9eiJ     (p.^od  ^de-f^^^^  '^^f  jptfa.^ 

Tftn^  8e-^m 


Pigott.  SirPyers  de,  of  Notts— (I-:,  n.  Roll) 
t")rf,  ,iair-.-.  ii  bend  on^r.-iiled  U-tween  six 
ni,irt!,i,  3  .ind  3  or  (F.|;  Pady.  Roll;  Ijcml 
i;n!--iitr-i|  li'iiyns' Ordinary  ;  ti:»ncettt?f  or  fusily 

Pilkington (K.  i.  Roll)  bore,   argeiu. 

three  bunds  gules  find  on  a  Ciintoii  (or  > )  n.  cross 

voided  sable  ;   Hnrleian  Roll. 
fPin(e),  Thomas   de-(H     in.    Roll)   tiore. 

cones' or  (F.F-l  ;  Ard°n  and  St.  Gcorgt-  Rolls. 
Pinkeney,  Sir  Henry  do,  of  N'orth.mti, 

M:s.  6137  fo.    52", 

:  battle  of  Fnlkirk 

Dr  (FK     In' the  \obil 
.ars;    "  ime  fees  et  d.. 


Plant  a  genet,  I- 

filed  tablet,  Geoffr 

Playz,  Giles  de,  baron  1297— twre,  per  pal<j 
or  and  pules,  a  Ivon  passant  argent  ;  Xobilitv 
Roll :  borne  also  by  his  son  Sir  Richard,  a 
baron  1317.  at  the  battle  of  nnroiighbridt;c 
1322  (F.) — h on  passant gardant  in  Parly.  Roll, 
ascribed  also  lo  Jous  in  Astunole  and  Surrey 

Plays,  William— (E.  iii.  Roll)  bore,  a^ure. 
on  a  chief  argent,  three  chaptets  cjules  ;  Ash- 
mole  Roll  and  Jenyns  Ordinary.      F. 

Plesington,  Robertde— (K.  iii.  Roll)  bore, 
azure,  a  cross  flory  between  four  martlets 
argent  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinafy, 

Plessetis,    Hugh    de,    baron  1299-bort 


in  Norfolk  Roil. 

the  cinquefovles  pierced  in  Arclen  and  St. 
George  Rolls.  Signed  but  did  not  seal  the 
Barons*  letter  to  the  Pope  1301,  page  .\.\iv. 

Pipe,  Sir  Thomas  de  la,  of  Suffs— (K.  n. 
Roll)  bore,  azure  crusilv  3,  3.  and  a  fess  or  ; 
i'arly.  Roll,  crusity  fileh^e  :  Jenyns'  Roll. 

Piritone,  Joan  de— (H.  in.  Roll)  bore,  or, 
a  pear-tree  ^ert  fructed  gules  (F.) ;  Arden  and 
St.  GeorRe  Rolls. 

PitlysdenI )  aKnight— (H.  vi.  Roll)  bore. 

urgent,  a  fcss  between  three  pelicans  azure 
v-ulning  themselves  ;  Arundel  Roll.  John  DE 
PYVKi.snoN    took  up   the    cross    in    the  last 

Placetis :  -  Plessetis. 

Plaice,  Sir  Edmond  de— bore,  at  the  first 
r>un-.iablp  tournament  1308,  argent,  a  bend 
between  sl\  annulols  3  and  3  gules  (F.) ;  bend 
a7ure  m  H     :;S4S. 

Planche,  Sir  James  de  la,  of  Wucks.  Kl— 
{E.  u.  Rollf  bore,  argent,  billetty  and  a  Ivon 
rampant  sable  ;  Harleian  and  Segar  Rolls  ; 
croxwied  or.  in  Parly.  Roll;  in  Segar  Roll  the 
billets  nre  more  like  guttle  de  poix,  they  even 

Plecy,  Sir  Henry  or  Hugh  de,  of  0.\c 

(E,  11.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  si\  lorteaux  ; 
John- diflerenced  with  a  label  )i)  a/urc. 
his  son  with  a  baston  azure  ;  Parlv.  Roll. 

Shirley.,     F. 
Plugenett,  Sir  Ala 

Plumpton,  Robert  de  and  Sir  William 

— (H.  in  Roll)  bore,  azure,  five  tiisils  In  fess 
or,  on  each  an  escallop  gules  ;  .Vshmolc, 
Arundel  and  Surrey  Rolls,  and  Jenyns'  Or- 
Plumpton,  Sir  Robert— |E.  ii.  Roll)  bore, 
azur..-,  SIX  fusils  conjoined  in  fcs5  or.  on  each  a 
mulJLli^lcs;  Parlv.  Koll-a  fess  nidcntfd  in 
Harl.  MS.  4033fo.'5l'. 

tPoer,   Robert   le  - 


|F.)     Del 

'  Roll. 

Pogeys,  Blr  Robert, of  Bucks— (E-  ii.  Roll) 
bore,  lozenge'  argent  and  cules  ;  Parlv,  Roll. 
(F.)  Ymhekt  PlGtls  bore  the  reverse  in  the 
Howard  Roll. 

Poinings  and  Pointz  v.  Poynings  and 

Pole  t'.  de  la  Polo,  and  Pull. 

Pole,  Michael  de  la,  baron  1366— bore.  or. 
a  lyoii  rampant  giilea  ;  .Vobility  Roll— borne 
also  by  SirJoHX  at  the  first  Dunstable  I 



Jenyns'  Ordinary;  borne  abo  bv  JOH.\ 
MusCECROS  and  GRiKFlTil  OvvKN.  le'fitz.  Sir 
Lewis,  of  Cheshire,  differcneed  « ith  a  b.astoii 
sable  :  Parliamentary  Roll. 

^fc^  -ptc/n-Se*i. 




^r^&tt  U  -p  £+>■ 

iup«^^      ^^ii^^        ^i.p&:rr^     Al''"'?l'hr,eir-^J^e,^,^^^^ 




■'.-->>■.  t. 


\  ,  / 

1  r" 




J^  ■P'fir^ 

To.i^  J  U  (p^lU         c?^  ^.^^l  ^  p 

•Poole,  Sir  Thomas  of— ('■-  ''• 
azure,  florettc^c  and  n  lyon  mm| 
ijuarterly  -.i^tlh,   argent,   a   chevn 

•fPole,  Sir  John  de  la-(K.  iii.)  boro. 
argent,    a   chevron    between    three   cresuenis 

^ulcs. — Shirley.]     F. 

+Pole,  Walter  de  la-(H.  iii.  Roll)  bore. 
gules,  ii  saltire  argent,  within  a  bordure  sable 
bezant(^c.  (F.)  Dering  KoII.  Povi.K  in 
Howard  Roll  and  Pui.lf.  in  Arden  and  St. 
George  Rolls. 

Poleyn  ( ) 

or,  a  fcss  gules 

•[Polhill,  John-(Hcn.  Vl  Roll)  bore,  or 
bend  gules  lliroe  crosses  crosslet  of  the  i 
Shirley,]     F. 

JPoltiniore,  Lucas  de  and   Richard  — 

(H.  111.  Roll)  bore,  sable,  a  Ivon  lanipant  or. 
IF.)     Dering  and  Howard  Rolls. 

Poltimore,  Sir  Richard  de,  of  Devon— 
(K.  II.  Roll)  bore,  or.  a  cross  engrailed  gules,  a 
baslon  gotxiny  argent  and  azure  ;  Parlia- 
mentary Roll. 

*[PoIwhele,     Richard     de     IK.     in,)  — 

"lorc,     sablr-,     a    saltire     engrailed    crnnne.— 
Shirley.]    F. 

Pomerey,  Sir  Henry  a 
Pomeray— (F..  iii.  Roll)  bon 
ranipam  gules,  a  bordure  engr 
Aihmole  and  Surrey  Rolls. 

Porter,  Sir  W,- 

lls  2  and 

ill.  Sir 

■345-8,  o. 

crescents  of  thf  Held.      F. 

Potenale,  Sir  John-(F: 

argent,  on  a  chevron  n/ure  \.\ 
pierced  or;  Ashniole  Roll. 

leop.irds'    faces  sable — on   the  fess    in  trick  ; 
Jcnyns'  Ordinary. 

Pouuel,  Sir  Ouuel— bore,  at  the  battle  of 

lIoroiighLndge  1322.  p.ily  (6|  or  and  azure  oil 
a  bend  gules,  three  martlets  argent.      F. 



Ponchardon  v.  Punchardon. 

Popham,  John  de-<K.  1.  Roll!  bore, 
arg'jnt,  a  fess  culos.  in  chief  two  bucks'  heads 
cabossed  or  ;  Jenyns'  Roll. 

Popham,  Raffe  de— iF:.  i.  Roin  bore, 
argent,  on  a  chief  gules  three  bucks'  heads 
cabossed  or  ;  jenyns'  Roll,  Purn.^Nt.  a 
Suffolk  Knight,  carried  a  bcsant  between  the 
two  bucks'  heads  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Popham,  John— bore,  at  the  siege  of  Rouen 
1418.  gtiles,  besantfe  (6.  4)  and  a  chevron 
argent,  quarterly  with,  argent,  on  a  chief 
gules  a  besant  between  two  stags'  h'sads 
cabossed  or.     F. 

Porcel,  Robert-fH. 

Roll)  t 

iF.)     .\rden  and  : 

Porchester,  Sr. 

Pordone,  John  de— (H.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
guUs.  a  fess  or,  between  three  mullets  16 
.irgent.     (V.)     St.  George  Roll. 

I*      William      (Ponscv 

SI. INCH},  of   Hereford-shirc 

Roll)  bore,  quarterly  argent  and  ai-ur 

lyon  rampant  gules;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

Powell,  Sire  Walter  de,  of  0\on-(K.  n. 

Roll)   bore,    undec   (6)  or    and   sable    a    tend 
argent;    Parly.  Roll— tricked  nebulae. 

Power  ( )  a  Suffolk  Knight-(H.  vi.  Roll) 

Ifore.  gules,  on  a  chief  ars;ent   three  mullets 
pierced  sable  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Power  (Pork),  Richard  de— (H,  in.  Roll) 
bore,  gules,  a  fess  and  in  chief  two  nmltels 
argent.     (V.)     .Ardcn  and  St.  George  Rolls. 

Powis,  Le  Sr.  de— (H.  vj.  Roll)  bore,  or,  a 
lyon  rampant  gules;  Xobility  Roll.  See 
Monumental  Brass.  JuicE,  Lady  Tn-TufT. 

Powtrell,  Sir  Robert,  of  Derbyshire,  and 
Roger   (E.    11.    Roll)    bore,    or,  on   a  lx;nd 

azure   three  fleurs-de-lys  argent ;  Parly.    Roll 
and  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

John      Poyerd ,  (K. 

)  bore,  azure  a  bend 
(cotises    iildented) 
other  with  a  label  (3)  gulcs ; 

(^)  or  and  vert,   a  bend  cules.      On    the  same 

occasion  his  broilK  .  -m.  \w.^\\-.  !..„,,  ,,,1  ihe 

bend  three  mullets  .11    .  ■    1  ■                       ,\i  liic 

second    tournaniMH     1  ,        ■    ■■      1       i  v^ 

bore  the  undifferciii.i"!  :,  .i.'  n  ii'-.  (>iuih"r 
MlCH.\El,  differenced  \\\l\\  a  bordure  engrele 
(indented)  ermine. 

Poynings,  Sir  Michael,  baron  1339— bore, 
at  the  siege  of  Cal.iis  1345-8,  the  p.aternal  coat 
harry  (6)  or  and  vert  a  l>end  gules  \V.)  Sir 
JOH.^i  for  CHRIST»Ji-iit.Kf  bore  the  same,  he 
and  his  brother  Sir  Thomas  were  knighted  at 
the  capitulation  (of  Calais),  when  the  latter 
differenced  with  a  baston  gobony  argent  and 

iW  ^  /^v* 



^ort^  ^in-rP^Ji^  J  ^cxd^e 

—  -     ..^ 

V  .   I    .-- 


...  .;  ,  f  V  ,.i.. 

tii-  >v;'i'.'>T  .tysoo-i 





P  »'*t-JWn^ci«>- 

//*n^«^  dspajnl 


Poynings  iRoberti  lord-bore,  at  tliu  siege 
of  koiiLri  141S.  harrv  16)  or  and  verl.  a  bci'id 
gul'-s,  •iitarl^rly  '^.i(h.  gulcs,  three  lyonceux 
pn5=anl  ars:ent  debruised  by  a  bend  azure, 

JPoynings,  Lucas  |H.  in.  Roll),  and 
Thomas  IK.  111.  k^ll)  bore,  barrv  (61  or  and 
vert,  a  bund  i;ulos  :  Dering  Roll  and  Jenvns' 
Roll,  probably  erroneou.'*  when  tricked,'  or 
three  bars  vert,  a  basion  lbcrKl)guk-s  in  Howard 
Roll  for  Luc:.\S,  and  in  Jenyns'  Roll  for  John. 

btfcn  borne  at  tho  batile  of  Kalkirk  1298.  and 
at  the  siege  of  Carlaverock  in  1300  (F.)  ; 
signed  the  Rarons'  letter  10  the  Pope  1301 

these  being  the  arms  of  Fit^ai.AN  \ 

ere  dis- 

puted.     Notwithstanding  this  Sir  \i 

banneret)  appears  10  r.a\''   borne  iin:r 

first    Dunstable   tfHT      n,.  ,,i    [  ,r.r. 

and  Parly.  Rolls'    ,  ,        !      ,  .     ,  ,■  . 

arms  and  a  lal.,-! 

ilt.iched  hv  his  l,.U„  .    :  .   ;.,.     l:,,.,uV 

:h(.-  I'opeofi3oi,  '--_■_  ,,,..  .-.v,  ■..\.\. 

•Predias,  John-(R.  11.  Roll)  bore,  a 

ri;cnt,  a 


able,  a  label  (3I  gules  (F.);  Surrey 

1  Dei 

;  Roll  f 


Preston  ( )  a  Suffolk  Knight— (H.  vi.  Roll) 

b:re,  ermine,  on  a  chief  sable,   three  ■ 

o-  ;  Arundel  Roll. 

Thomas  de— {R. 

a-^ent  ;  Surrey  Roll. 
Prestwolde,  Hugh  de- 

Preyers,  Sir  Henry,  of  Rutland-iE.  u 
R-:h  tK^re,  gules,  three  escallops  arjzent 
Pirly,   Roll.      F. 

Preyer3,  Sir  John,  cf  Ksse\ 

Pugeis  V.  Pogeys. 

Puleston,  Sir  Richard,  of  Cheshire— 
IK.  M.  Roll)  bore,  sabi,.- thrc'c  nmllets  ar.'L-m  ■ 
Parly.  Roll.  |F.)  John  l.t;  Py\  ki.suuN  took 
up  the  cross  in    the    last   Crusade  1270;     or 

Pulsford,  Sir  Robert,  of  c 
at  the  first  Dunst 

Prendergast,  Robert— iK.   11.  Roll)  bore, 
;:uli.s,  a  bend  cotised  argent ;  jenyns  Ordinary. 

Presmarsh,  Sir  Reynold  de—(K.  i.  Roil) 

lore,  bendy  (8)  or  and  .azure,  on  a  chief  of  the 
=^ond  two  palets  between  as  many  esc;uires 
tnsed  of  the  first,  over  all  an  in'escocheon 
urgent;  Holland  Roll.  (F.)  SeeMoHTlMtR 
vhich  is  barry. 

Preston,  Piers  de  iimstl,  ]\:xi.\  Wf.mjes- 
LAWK  iF:.  hi.  Roil),  and  Sir  William  de 

(K.  I,   Roll)  bore,  gule>.   crusily  and  a  bend  or 
L-M  ;  Grimaldi    an>l    Holland    Rolls,     crusiiv 
ard  RoM,  and  perhaps  crusily 

•|.Pun  chard  on,  Oliver  de— (H,   in.    Roll) 

I      bore,   sable  plaley  4.   3,   a,  i  ;   Arden  and  .St. 

George  Rolls  (F,);  3,  2,  i  in  Jenyns' Ordinary. 

Pundelarde,  Robert— |H.   in.  Roll)  bore, 

per  pale  argent  and  vert,  a  lyotl  rampant  guies  ; 


ard  Ro 

jQueney,  Robert  (or  Ql-i\cv)— (  Roll) 

bore,  gules,  a  cintiuefuyle  {ermine  in  GIo\er 
Roll)  argent,  in  Hov\ard  and  Camden  Roll, 
pierced  argent  in  Dering  Roll.     F. 

Quentin,  Sir  William— IE.  iii.  Roll)  bore. 
gules,  on  a  chevron  argent  three  martlets 
sable  ;  Ashniole  Roll.      F. 

Quilly,  Sir  Roger-(F.  irr.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  a  che\Ton  Ijetueen  three  mullets  sable  ; 
Ashmole  Roll— pierced  in  Harl.  Roll. 

Quincy,  Roger  de,  Earl  of  Winchestei  — 

(H.  VI.  Roll,  bore,  gules,  seven  mascles  con- 
joined  3.    3.    I   or ;    Nobility   Roll~3,  2,   i   in 


)  Roll. 

Quisance,  William  de— bore,  at  the  second 
Dunstable  tournanu-nl  1334.  sable  a  bend  en- 
grailed argent,  a  label  gules.      F. 

Quitricke,  John  (or  Whitrick)— (E.  i. 
Roll)  bore,  argent  a  frel  and  a  quarter  guies — 
fretty  in  trick;  Jenyns'  Roll. 

Quixley,  John   de— (E.    111.    Roll)    bore. 

gules,  three  grevhoundscourani  in  pale  argent, 
collared  gobony  or  and  sable.  (F.)  .\IjAM  dif- 
ferenced this  with  an  escallop  sable  on  the 
shoulder  of  each  hound— the  collars,  checquy 
or  .and  sable. 

Preyers,  Sir  Thomas  de,  of  Essex-  (E. 
F\  It  bore,  vert,  a  bend  argent  coliscd  o 
IT--Iy.  Roll. 

Preys,  Sir  Philip  de-(E.  jii.  Rolll  bo. 
p.  >  161  or  and  azure,  on  a  chief  gules  a  Ivi 
(.     -int  .^riienl;  .Vshmoie  Roll.      F. 

Prideaux,  John  ;■.  Predias. 

Pudsay,  John— lE. 

ifl^h-fiTfyi   'i^^Ciii&>»-    3-v^^Q^h 

'•   \ 

.V-  '."v    -JW'-i 






Hen..  Ji  /{,/, 

■€»>»  99'^&,«a,n#- 


Ragan,  John— IK.   i.    Roll)  bore,  argent,  n 
I  between  three  biick*.'  heads  C0L:ped 


■  Roll. 

Kay,  John  de-(n:,  iii.  Roll)  bmc 
argent  and  azure,  on  a  bend  giilt-s  t! 
de-lys  oi  ;    [<jn_\ns'  Ordinary. 

JBalee,  HenrytorkAi.Evland  Sir  John  de 
—  I  H.  ni.  Rolli  boro.  gules,  crusiK  or.  .T  V  iid 
lilir.  (K )  DcriTi;  cAshmolo  copvl.  Hc.ard 
nnd  St.  Georiic  Rolls— tricked  :tIso  protiblv 
in  error,  (i)  gule^,  a  fess  vair,  and  (2)  ermine 
a  bend  vair. 

Kalee,  Sir  Simon,  of  Devon— (E.  ii.  Roll) 
bore,  gules,  a  bend  lo^eng>-  (4)  argent ;  Farh-. 
Roll— engrailed  in  Harl.  MS.  4033  fo.  33. 

Raley,  John— (F..  111.  Roll)  bore,  checqev-  or 
and  gules,  a  chief  undt^e  (4)  .' 




-blasoned  ; 

Bayle,    Sir   Thomas    de— IE.    111.   Roll| 

bore,  checquy  or  and  gules,  a  chief  vair  ;   Asli- 

niole  Roll. 
Rame  ( 1  an  Essex  Knight— (H.  vi.  Roll) 

lii>re.  azure,  three  r.inis'  heads  ca bossed  arsr-rnt ; 

.\rundel  Roll. 
Ramerne,  Sire  de  ,  (K.  ].  Roll)  b-jre, 

.ii'Z'.nl  .1  l\nn  rampant  sable,  oppressed  bv  a 
ti.i-t.n  ~j].\..'      ,F  I     Camden  Roll. 

Rameston, Thomas  de— iR.  ji.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  a  chevron  sable,  in  the  canlei  a 
cniquefoyle  pierced  of  the  last ;  Surrev  Roll. 
.Ascribed  also  to  Sir  Ra.mpstun 
K.r;.  1402;   K.  400  fo.  25. 

Rande,  William-iK,  iii.  Rolh  bore,  g.ies. 
irgent.  a  bord 

hRaynos,  Roger  de— (H.   111.    Roll)   bcre. 

azure,  fretly  sable  and  a    bend  vaire   potent 

counter  potent  or  and  gules  ;  HoM.ard  Roll. 
Raynsford,  Henry  —  (K.  i.     Roll)    b,  re. 

argent,  a  cross   piny  and    a  bordure  snbie  ; 

jenvns'     Roll— another  coat   argent,   a   cro~s 

sable- with  crest;    Rallard  Roll.     For  parniv 

see  also  CuNsT.\ELE.  and  D.\rKK- 
Bede  I- )  a  Suffolk  Knight— (H.  VI.    R-iII) 

bore,    azure,    three  pheasants    2   and    i    or  ■ 

Arundel  Roll. 
Redisham,    Sir   Edmond,  of  Xorfolk— 
Roll)    bore,    argent,    florettiSe    gules; 


Roll,  addit 

Redesham,  'Walter  de-(E.  1.  Roll)  bore 
checquy  argent  and  gules.   IF.)  Camden  Roll 

Bedford,  Henry  de  (RvnniKi)i— {R.  ii 
Roll)  )>ore,  argent,  frettv  and  a  chief  sab'.e 
Surrev  Roll. 

Eedham,  William  de- 
gules,  an  inescocheon  wit 
lets  argent.       (F.)       Ardi 

111.  Roll)  bore, 
nd   Si.    George 

.   Ordli 

I  grilled 

Randolph,  Sir  John,  of  Wilis— lE.  11  Roll) 
bore,  gules,  on  a  cross  argent  five  mullets 
sable  ;  I'.arly.  Roll. 

Eatolyffe,  Sir  John— bore,  at  the  siece  of 
Calais  1343-S,  argent,  a  bend  engrailed  sable 
(F.I  Home  also  bv  R.\DcuF  of  theTo>er- 
Rillard  Roll  ;  and  bv  Sir  Joil.v,  K  G  H  vl 
Sccalw,  R.ilHl.lFFE.' 

Batelyadown .E.  111.  Rolli  bore,  .arare 

SIX  escallops  3.  2.  i  or  ;  .Ashniole  Roll. 

Eavenscroft  I ).    of  Cheshire- (E.    n 

Roll!  bore,  argent,  a  chevron  sable  between 
three  raieii.*'  he.ids  erased  proper — with  crest 
Itallard  Roll, 

'i^'t^r^'^M-man     H ew 1 1  of  i\  tj 



>.  -  I-  / 

V-.  n  r 

-,^«"AV>  V.     J.Uj         ^..i'bi''-      H. 



^"^fei?.         ^'V.s^it^ 


ermine  tassellcd 
Jenvns' Ordinary,     hi    ■       r  .        ;.  \<.-\ 

(E.'ll.)they  are  as,:,,  :■■-■:  \  .  .r.  ..  o 
Cumberland,  and  ii  m  1  ,i ,  :::■  ^,|i  ir 
cushions  or;  Parly.  Roll,  m  H.ul.  MS.  4033 
lozenge  ermine.  S;c, ,  in  Harl.  6137.     See  a!si 

Glover  Roll  (H. 
Redmau,  Mathew— ( R 

a    che^Ton    arjicnt     bcnv 
cushions  L'rminc  usselled 

.  Roll)  bore,  giiles, 
1  three  loxen^e- 
:  Surrey  Roll.  ^ 

Rednesse,  William  de— (K.  hi.  Rollllir-re. 

sable,  a  chevron  between  three  leopards'  faces 
aryeni ;  Cotgravo  Roll. 

Redvera,!  of  Devon  and  lord  of  the  Ulc 

of  Wight.     See  Dkvox  and  ISLK. 
Redvers,  Baldwin  de-(E.  n.  Rolli  bnre. 

or,  alvon  rampant  azure:  Parlv.,  Se[;.^^  and 
St- George  Rolls  (F.>:  the  LOKD  Pehcy  carries 

Rees,  Howel  ap-iH.  in.  Roll)  bore,  gule?, 
a  chevron  Iwjtwcen  three  spur-rowells  argent 
(F.):  St.  George  Roll. 

Relgate  v.  Rygate. 

Rekell   or   Rkkktt a   Kentish   Knight— 

(H  VI,  Roll)  bnrt.  gules  two  barrulets  sable 
between  three  annulets  argent ;  Arundel  Roll. 

tRenci,  Sirede  |Rf.n-ti)-(H.  m.  Roll)  bore, 
gulcs,  three  broad  axes  erect  2,  1.  edges  to  tin; 
dexter  argent  ;  or  in  Ashmole  MS.  ;  DerinT 

Repinghall,  John  de— iF..  i.  Roll)  bore. 

sable  two  bars  argtnt.  in  chief  three  plates 
(F.);  Camden  Roll. 

Repps,  Sir  John,  of  Xorfolk— (K.  11,  Roll) 

bore,  ermine,  three  chevTonels  sable;  Parlv. 
{additional)  and  .Ashmole  Rolls  and  lenvn's' 

Reresby,  Sire  Adam  de  i--:'  .it  the 
battle  of  Borou'.;hl.i,  ;        i  ,,„   a 

bend  argent  three  ir.  ■  if  I  ■ 

Jenyns'  Roll  and  Onliii  iv  ,  mi..:;,  (f  i,  I  ,_-d".'S 
the  modern  patonce  Thi  al\^  .Tud  William 
both  LE  Fit/.  ditT.Tenced  with  a  label  (3)  or; 
Jenyns'  Roll  and  Ordinarv". 

Reresby,  Thomas— (R.  11.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
on  a  bend  argent  three  mullets  pierced  sable; 
Surrey  Roll. 

Reaonne,  Sir  John  de— (K.  11.  Roll)  Iwre, 
gules,  a  lyon  ramp-ini  or.  in  the  camel  a  cro^s 
s  prtlo; 

1  the  shoulder  of  i 

n;   Pa: 





In  the  Collegi,,\te  Church  of 

Aquadella,  in  S.woy,  1268, 

From  t]ie  "  ArcJueologiay 

Retford,   John   de— (K.    rii.    R,.ui   ;,  „ 

t|ii.iit(.Ti\  .-irgtjiil  and  gultsa  Ujrdurt  ciiiji.i  ■ 

.,U,ie;  JcyMi'OKlmriry, 
Retford,  Thomas  de,  of  ,\shby— |E,  i.  R. : 

hore  ermine,  on  a  chevron  snble three esc.iK.,-. 

,.rgt-iu  ;    lenyns'  Koll, 
Retour,  Richard— IK.  i.  Roll!  bore.  nrc. :,; 

three  tree  stum[,5  (racynes)  erftdicated  i.ib'e 

leninb'  Koll, 
Bevel,  Sir  John— (IC,  iii,  RolII  bore,  inni:,. 

,1  chevron   gulei,  a  bordurc  engrailed'e 

Sir    \\'i[,l  T  \\(   dtfl'erenccd   vsilh   a   nililkt  -i 

en  the  chevron  ;  .\shmole  Roll, 
Rever,  John, ;,  Rider. 
Reveshall,  John  de— (H,  in.  Roll)  hot. 

or,  .1  cro5>  gules,  a  hbel  (5)  of  France, K,i 

Vrdeii  and  -st,  George  Rolls. 
Reydon,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  Suffolk— (K  1 

KoUi  iiore,  checfiuv  ardent  and  gules,  acr,>^ 

azure  ;     I'arly,     Roil :  another    RlivniJX   co,d 

gules  ;   Ashmole  Roll, 

+ReyTnes,  Roger  de,  v~  Raynes. 
Beynell,  John-lE,  111,  Roll)  bnre,  ermin. 
a    chevronel    gules,    a    chief   mdented   sable 
lenyp-s'  Ordinary, 
Reynham,  Edmund  de  - 

ble,    thre. 




Reythinge  ;,  Roynger. 

Ribbeaford,  Sir  Henry,  of  co,  Leic- 
K  II  Rnllt  liiir,,,  ermtne,  a  chief  gules  fieitv 
nriF  ,;  r.irlv.  R"ll ;  RlBiifoKU  in  .\rden  ,and 
,St.  i;;eorgc  Rolls, 

Riboo,  Richard,  of  S'ewbegging- lE,  iit. 
Roll)  bon-,  argent,  a  chevron  gules  between 
three  torteau-x :  Grimaldi  Roll;  Rveo  m 
Jenyns'  Ordinary, 

Richmond,  Roald  le,  Constable  of  the 
Honour  of-(H.  ill.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  l«o 
gemeiles  and  a  chief  or;  St,  George  Roll 
,SiK  Thomas  df.  Rich,mmnde  bore  the  same 
.11  the  .  ege  of  Carl.averock  I300(F,1  ;  Xaliiiiy 
and  IVrly-  Rolls, 

Richmond,  Earl    of,  v.  John  de  Bre- 

."Richmond,  Earl   of,  Peter   of  S-iv'.>, 

<i  Ju 




.  Bookplate. 
Hidden,  Sir  William  iRvni;Li.l, 
North— bore,  at  the  hr,'  Dunstable 
ment  1308,  and  at  the  battle  of  Boroug 
1322,  gules,  a  Kon  rampant  within  a 
indente^d  argent  (F,)  ;  Parly,  Roll  and 

r^M^^U  ^^ 

i!        li 

k.^..r  S\,V' 




X     ;v/v        / 


II  .,a.s    "f.ji  »       i^""1 





niullel  pierced  :irt;.-m  ;  Asliinole  Roll.    K. 

•Rokeby,  Sir  Robert  de,  knichied  -u  the 
■,ii:s;e  of  Cni.iis  1348  -hort-,  arseiil.  a  ch-^ron 
rooks   proper   |1".  1.    as- 

nUtl  aisc 

■>  Ar.: 


RoUeston,  John  ami  ■William  de— I F.  iii. 

Roll  I  horc.  sable,  a  saltire  artjent ;  Siirre.   Roll 
.md   Jeiiyns'   Ordinary.      Klvas  took  up   the 

JRome,  Roger  de  —  (H.  111.  RolU  bore, 
argent,  a  fess  sable  and  in  chief  a  Hon  p.issant 
gules.      (F.)     Dering  Roll. 

iRomenal,  Roger  de— (H.  111.  Rolt|  bore, 

or,  two  clie^Tonels  gules,  oti  a  quarter  of  ihe 
second  three  cats'  (or  leopards')  faces  2  .iiid  i 
or  (F. )  ;  Dering  Roll,  .-\noiher.  on  the  c.inion 
gules,  a  Ivon  passant  of  the  field  ;  Howard 
Romesbury,  John  de  (nr  Ronnkki  kvI- 
iK.  IN.  Knll)  bore,  argent,  a  saltire  irules, 
l-ciuLfo    four    pyes    (birds)    sable;     Jenyns' 

Romsey,  Walter  — iF..  i.  Roll)  bore  ardent. 

.1  f,:os  gul,:..  a  labrl  15.  azure  ;  Jenyns'  R.^ll. 
Ronye,  Sir  Thomas  le— bore,  at  the  tirst 

Rods,  James,  Sir  Robert, 
Nous,  and  William     ■! 

Surrey.  Parly,  and  '^f    ' 

Roos,  John,  of  Youltcn.  and  Sir  Richard 

~lK.  III.  Roll)  bore.  gu!e5.  three  uater- 
bougets  or;  Ashmole  Roll  and  Jenyns'  Ordi- 

Roos,  Robert,  of  Werke.  and  Thomas,  of 

Kendale— |H.  ill.  Roll]  Iwre,  or,  three  uater- 
bougeis    sable;     Glover    Koil     and     Je 

.  diflerenced  w  ith  : 

sable  ;   Jenyns'  Ordii 

Ros,  Sire  Thomt 
bore,  at   the  battle 
gules,  a  f<-ss  vair  bcl 
borne  also  bv  Sir  Tl 

,a    de    (of    Yorkshire)  — 

of    Borough  bridge    1322. 

tween  four  water-hougets 

le  MS.— the  lattei 

and  TlIoM.xs  i»K 

v'ativitv   Roll  and 


fM^  cW^n^i^ 

indented  gules  two  escallops  iirgent.      F. 

Rookwood,  Sir  William,  of  Suffolk- 
(H.  VI.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  six  chess-rooks 
3,  2.  1  sable  ;  Arundel  Roll.      F. 

Ros,  Sire  George  de— bore,  at  the  bai-.Ie  of 
Bnroughbridge  1322.  argent,  three  water- 
1-KTugels  sable— borne  also  bv  Sir  JuHN,  of 
Notts,  in  Parliamentary  Roll.  ' 

Roos,  Robert  and  Sir  William,  banneret 
(both),  of  Ingnianthorpc— (K-  111.  Rolh  bore. 
azure,  three  water-hougels  or  ;  ?Corfolk  Roll 
and  Jenyns-  Ordin.ary.  Sir  \V"M.l.l.\M  of  V.^ul- 
ton,  also  Yorks. ,  bore  the  «aier-boi::;ets 
argent,  and  a  label  (3)  or  ;  Parliamentar>'  Roll. 

Roos,  John  le— (R.  ii.  Roll!  bore,  ennme, 
three  water-bougets  gules  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Rooa,  William,  of  Hamlake.  banneret, 
baron  12S5— bore,  at  the  battle  of  Fr.^kirk 
1298.  and  at  the  siege  of  Carlaverock  1300, 
gules,  three  water  -  bougets  argent.  '  1 F. ) 
Sealed  the  Rirons'  letter 

;  pp. 

ril»ed  a 


in  Dering.  Xorfolk  and  other  Roils,  Johv,  cih 
Lord,  also  bore  the  sanieat  the  siege  of  Rouen 
1418.  RoHLKT  til  \VlLl.[.\M  bore  a  lal*el  13! 
azure:  Glover  Roll— another  \Vir.l.l.\M  d;:fer- 
enced,  «-iih  a  crescent  sable  on  the  first  witer- 
houget ;  Surrey  Roll.     See  Tiles,  Neath  Aboey, 

Roos,  Sir  John  le  He  filz)— bore,  at  ihe  tirst 
Dunstable  tournament  1308.  gules,  three 
lyonceux  rani]tanl  argent,  a  label  (3)  a^nre 
m-.  (F.) 
*''Roper.Edwin— (F,.  l.l  bore,  per  fess  nnire 
and  or.  a  pale  counterc hanged,  three  bucks' 
headserased  of  the  second. —Shirley.  ]     F. 

Rosehall,  John  de  —  (E.  m.  Rolll  bore, 
azure,  a  fess  Iwlwcn  six  martlets  or  (argent  in 
trick) :  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

RosellB,  Henry— (E.  ill.  Roll)  bore,  gules 
six  roses  3.  2.  i  argent ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 
joHS  \H.  III.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  ten  roses 
gules,  pierced  or.     (K. )     St.  George  Roll. 

Rotherfield,  Adam  de-(R-  ii-  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  three  tleurs-de-lys  ermine  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Roucliffe  V.  RoelifFe. 

Rouge-Mayne,  Charles  de  la,  fomuler  of 

the  Abbev  of  Lakee  in  Ireland,  z:  MacMoy- 

Rous,  Geoffrey,  and  Sir  John,  of  co. 

Gloucester- iK.  11.  Roll)  bore,  per  pale  azure 
and  gules  three  Ivonceux  rampant  2  and  i 
ermme  :  Parly.  Roll  and  Jenyns' Ordinary. 

Rous,  Giles  le—(H.  in.  Roll)  bore,  per  pale 
gules  and  azure  three  lyonceux  rampant  1  ..nd  1 
argent ;  St.  George  Roll. 

Rous,  Roger   le— IH.    in.    Roll)  bore,  per 

Wi/tc/  :B^j 

fourchfe  argent   (P". );  Ardeii 

£e/y^m.  Vxrfi&r 

Monumental  EfFicv  of  ROBERT  ROOS, 
Fro  I 

3KOUr.HT    TO   THE    TsMPLb    ChL'RCH    tKOM    YOKK, 

/  Richardson. 

:    / 


\  r^: 


-0  I  ;i     .'      i      'J         uC!  .lAi  ^i:-!     iwt  i< 


Rous,  Sir  Soger,  of  co.  Glout.  -(K.  ii,  Rull| 

!«>rc.    per   pale  or  and  nzure  Uircc  Konceux 

rjmpnnt  gules:  Parly.  Roll. 
Rous,  John  de  (or  Ri«s)-(F..   lu.   Roll) 

1m  >re.  chfCquy  gules  and  artjent — tricktd  argent 

and  gules;  Jenyns' Ordinary. 
Rous,   John   (or    Ri«is).    of  Tvde-(K.   in. 

Roll  I  bore,  barry  (8)  gnlcs  and  argenl.  a  chief 

of  the  last  over  all  a  hend  engrailed  azure ; 

Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Rous,  Sir  John  de  (Rihjsi.  of  co.  Line. — 

iK.  It.  Rolll  hore.  argent,  throe  Ijars  gules,  a 
bend  engrailed  salile  i    Parly.  Roll. 

Rous,  Sir  Richard  le,  of  Bods.— (I'„  ti. 

Roll)  bore,  quarterly  argontand  sable,  a  baston 
counterchangerl— s.alile  in  trick  ;  Parly.  Roll 
and  Jenyns  Ordinary. 

Rous,  Sir  Thomas  le— (K.  it.  Kolll  Ijore. 
ermine,  on  a  chief  dancettikr gules  three  (some- 
times two)  escallops  argent :   Parly.  Roll. 

[Rouse,  Peter- (K.  Itt.)  bore,  sable,  a  fess 
dancetteo  or  lietween  three  crescents  argent. — 
Shirley.  ]     F. 

Routh,  John  de— (R.  tl.  Roll)  bore,  argent, 
on  a  bend  cotised  sable  three  mullets  of  the 
field :  Surrey  Roll. 

Routhe,  John  de— (K.  in.  Roll)  bore,  barry 

(6)  or  and  a 

proper  ;  Jei 

Routhe,  John  de— (K..  III  Roll)  bore,  bany 
16)  azure  and  or  a  liend  gobonv  argent  and  of 
the  first  ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary,  Harl.    MS.  6589 

Routhe,  Piers  de— (K.  in.  Roll)  liore, 
argent,  a  chevron  sable  between  three  wolves" 
he.ids  erased  gules  ;  Grimaldi  Roll— lyons' 
heads  instead  of  wolves'  heads  are  ascribed  to 
Thom.\s  in  Jenyns'  Ordinan . 

Rowrthings, lE.  tit.  Roll)  bore,  argent, 

four  palets  gules  ;  Ashmole  Roll. 

Roynge(r),  Sir    Hafe   de,    of  Xorfolli- 




eight  martlets  in  orle  gulos ;  P.arly.  Roll. 
Rue,   Amande   de— (K.    in.    Roll)   bore. 

argent,  on  a  bend  cotised  sable  three  mullets 

of  the  field  ;  Jenyns"  Ordinary. 
[Rushall,  Richard  de— bore,  argent,  a  lyon 

rampant   within    a   bordure  engrailed    sable. 

adopted  by  H.\Kl'L"R.  —Shirley,  j 
Russell an  Essex  ?  knight— (H.  vi.  Roll) 

bore,  gules,  three  palets  argent,  a  chief  azure  ; 

rlv.  Roll  (crosses  erosslet  fitchi5e  instoad'of 
es  for  Th(i.m.4s).  .\nother  Tllinns.  bore 
tith  the  field  or ;  Jenyns'  Roll  and  Ordin.ary. 



In  Rythkk  Church,  Yorrs,   1308. 

After  Hollis. 

j^H»,  -^^^  H<hr^y  -^J^M 

Russell,  Hugh  and  Thomas—I  K.  11.  R..I1) 

bore.  or.  a  cheiron  azure  l«:wcen  three  roses 
gules   a   label    (3)  argent  :  Jenyns'    Roll   and 

Russell,  Sir  John-(K.  11.  Roll)  Ijorc.  or.  a  cross  i.ililo  n\e  ni.arllets  argent  :  mullets 
ill  Harl.  .MS.  6137  fo.  J*. 

Russell,  Maurice   and  Raufe-(H.  Jii. 

►Russell,  Henry, 


t  chief  sable  three  ei 
hist    -Sh.rley.j     R 
11,  Eobert-(R.  it.   Roll)  bore 
«.nid  sable,  fimbriated  or.  two  nil 

the  la^t  pierced  of  the  fieltl  alt.: 
swans  argent  :  Surrey  Roll. 
Russival,    Sire   Thomas 

battle    of   Uornughbridge    132 

between  six  martlets  3  and  3  o 

Rutland,  Earl  of— Ed.    ; 

K...      I, .10-1402 -bore.    Fr.iiK-. 

rampant  gules;    K.  399  fo.   II.- 

Ryba,  Richard— (E.  111.  Roll)  bore,  argent. 

Rydergens,  Sir  John,  Fk.\noivs— bore. 
,u  the  battle  of  [ioroughliridgo  1322,  azure, 
a  Ijonrl  argent,  an  inescoclieon  or  charged  \Mlh 
a  bend  engrailed  sable ;  .\shmole  MS.  See 
LviJKVtISKks.  another  suggestion  for  this 
rather  doubtful  name  is  Lvin-lKG-^M. 

Rye,  Sir  "Williani  de— bore,  at  the  first 
Dunstable  tournament  130S.  gules,  a  lieiid 
ermine,  a  label  (3)  or  (K.  1  ;  azure  in  Nativity 

Rygate,  John,  of  Howke-|H.  in.  Roll) 
bore  av.'enit  a  bend  lozengv  azure  Ibend 
engrailed  in  Harl.    MS.  63891  ;' Jenyns'  Ordi- 

Rythre,  Sir  "William  de,  banneret,  baron 
i2gii  -bore,  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk  129S.  and 
iNo  .It  the  siege  of  Carla\erock  1300,  azure, 
three  crescents  or  (F.);  Parlv.  Roll.  Sic.  See  Efl"ig\-.  \\1LLI-\M  differenced 
with  a  label  (5)  g'ules.  1 1;  )  .\rden  and  St. 
George  Rolls. 

Ryther,  John  de— (E.  1.  Roll)  bore,  argent, 
on  a  bend  .azure  three  crescents  or  (F) ;  Jenyns' 
Roll  and  Ordm.ary.  See  also  Withkk  or 

fVi^t^Utt,  eU  "ey 

ZOt^d     K.c 




After  the  Bayaix  Tapestry 

'©MiM- Jl  *rl  «^  c 

Sacheverell  - 


Jl.MX,  iM..^,^s„,^„„^,.,  R,  ,lh,„d  Jl-hvi,;' 
Koll  and  Ordiil.irv.  An  l;bSL-\  knighl  bore  tile 
heild  arsjonl ;   Arundil  Roll  H.  VI. 

Sackville,  Bartholomews  nnd  Thomas 

— (K  111,  Koll)  Lioru.  ermiiif.  thrtx  chevroiiels 
giiltv  ;  GlovLT  and  Surrey  Rolls. 

St.  Araand,  Almario,  of  \\  od.  h.iv.  1. ,l-- 


;  \\  1 

.  llii 

ary,  and  Ihe  Lord  St. 
ha\e  borne  them  at  the  siege  of  Rouen  in  1418. 
but  the  baronv  appears  to  have  l)een  in  abev- 
aiiee  i402-4fj  Curiously  blasoned  as.  or  a 
.^.litiic  ,-;nd  .  li'Mon  interfaced — for  fretty — but 
in  JetiMis  LTdiiiary-  as,  or  three  che\Toiie[s 
inlLil.ited  iatilv.  lS:c..  both    in  all  probability 

St.  Amand,  Sir  Oliver  de,  of  co.  Glouc  — 
bore,  at  the  tiist  Dunstable  tournament  1308. 
or.  fretty  sable,  on  a  chief  of  the  second  tMO 
mullets  argent  pierced  vert  (F.  1 — three  silver 
nulllels  uiipierced  ill  I'arlv.  Roll. 

St.  Andrew,  Sir  John 

.  1.  Roll)  bore, 
2,  I  or,  a  label  131  argent; 
<-,i:k  bore  7  mascles  and 
n>  ns'  Ordinary  :  and    Sir 

)    and    the  azure    label  ; 

St.  Andrew,  John— IR.  11.  Rolll  l.,re 
art;eiit,  a  cross  flory  engrailed  sable,  a  bordurt 
gules  tiesantv  ;  Surre>   Roll. 

tSt.  Aubin,  Gilbert  de -I  H 

Nicholl    de-iH 

St.  Clere,  John 

St.  Clere,  Sir  John  do,  of  SuEfolk— il 
Rolll  or.  a  Ivoi,  ranioant,  tail  four 
gules  collared  argent  :   K.rly.  Roll. 

St.  Cler,  William--(H.  111.  Rolli 
argent,  a  Ivon  rampant  gules,  a  bordure 
(sometimes  Iwnantfe)  iF.  I;  St.  George  I 

St.  Cler,  Thomas— I R-  11.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
a  less  between  thiee  leopards'  faces  or  ;  Surrey 

St.  Clere,  William  de-iH.  111.  Roll)  tote. 

gules,  a  ftss  l«.l«een  three  boars'  heads  or  , 
Howard  Roll. 

St.  George,  Sir  Bawdwyn  de,  of  co. 

Cambridge  -|I:.  11.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  across 
patunce  s.ible  ;    I'arly.  Roll. 

St.  Qeorge,  Bawdwyn— (K.  111.  Rolll  bore, 

gules,  crowned  or  ;  Surrey  Roll  and  lenvns' 
Ordinary— Sir  \ViLLl,\.\l,  of  co.  Cambritige, 
bore  the  lyon  uncrowned  in  Parly,  Roll. 

St.  Helen,  John  de— (H.  tit.  Roll)  tmre, 
°K.);  Ardenand  St.  George  Rolls. 

accompanied  on  the  latter  nL.    - .v  n 

IoH.\.  who  differenced  v.itb  .i  kii^i  ,3,  5,  ,. 
(K. ),  spur-rowells  in  and  in  the  .\oL 

JSt.  John,  John  de— IE.  1.  Roll)  bore,  ar 
*     on    a  chief  .gules,    two    mullets    pierced 
Dering    Roll;    spur-rowells  in  trick  (F.  j, 
pierced  for  RoBtKT  in  Grimaldi  Roll. 


■   -r    ■  -3:1. 

y'    > 





4TH    EARL    OF    HOWTH    AND    29TH    BARON. 






6^/  d^»^^„      ^  »»Urvv4*rhl 

.  Jolm.  Sir  John  Hn 

St.  John,  Jolin,  brother  of  Hlt.h  of  Rnsi 
/JoMN-bpre.  argL-nt.  on  ;i  chief  gulcs 
nmtkts  or  pierced  \ert.  a  t>cn(l]ct  gules  ;  Ff 
MS.  uSifo.  7j. 

(or)  :  a  bbel  (3)  i3 
un differenced  tiv 
Norfolk  and  \\m 
mullets  are  pierce 

Roll)    bore. 
>hmoie  Roll. 


St.  John,  Sir  Edward  de— bore. 

battle  of  FIorouL'h bridge  1322.  argent,  on  a 
chief  indented  (Janeetnie,  in  the  Surrey  Roll) 
gule-s,  two  mullets  (6)  or  (F.);  pierced  vert 
in  Surrey  Roll. 

St.  John,  Sir  Roger  de  (of  Wilts)- bore. 
at  the  first  Dinistal.le  tournament  1508. 
ermine,  on  a  chief  gules,  two  spur-rowells  or 
pierced  \erl.  (F.)  Parly.  Roll,  borne  by 
Hl-k  nnd  RiCHAKi).  wiih  mullets  unpierced  . 
St.  George  and  Segar  Rolls. 

St.  John,  St.  Germyne  IKvmis),  of  Wilts 

—  (E-  11.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  crusily  saMc.  on 
a  chief  gii'es  two  mullets  or  ;  Parly.  Roll. 

St.  John 

at  the  se 


Edmond,  is  said  to  hav 
cond   Dunstable   lournamcn 
chief  gules— the  blason  is  e 




St.  John 

two   b;ir-- 

Giles— (R.   n.    Roll)  t>ort 
argent,   a  qiinrlcr   ermine  ; 


St.  John, 

Hugh(Si;iNGi:iNt.)-(H.  1 

I.  Roll) 


In   Elmni;  Church,  Norfolk, 

Oc.  13S::. 

'Hill  a  nilibiih^ from  the  Hastiiii,s  Brfiss. 

tSt.  Leger,  Su-  KntT,' 

St.  Lo,  Sire  Hauf  de  (.St.  Lrilii)— Ixj; 
tlu-  b.iulc  uf  Uorouql-.lirulse  1322,  Kulfs.  : 
Ixtucu.  Ihrcc  escallops  argent  (K.l;  I 
.ilso  by  Rcr.KH  .ind  by  Sir  TiKiNLXS  0 
Lines,  i  Jcmns  Ordiirarv  and  ParU,  Rol 

St.  Loe,  Sir  John— 1 1'.. 

St.  Martin,  John,  Sir  Renaud,  ofW'il 
ind  William  de-(H.    iii.   Roll)   l.<i 

sable.  si\  l\onceu\  r.Tnipant  3. 

Rolls.  Jenyns'    Orilii 

St.  Martin,  John  de-(H.  in.  Rolll  U. 
ar"ent.  two  bara  qules,  a  label  (5)  a?uic. 
Ge'orge  Roll.    See  also  M.VKTIX  and  WiM 

St.  Martin,  Thomas  de— (H.  111.  R 
bore.  gule,.;.  on  a  bend  argent  tliree  eseall 
vert  ;  Arden  Roll.     K. 

St.  Maur  f.  Seymour. 

St.  Maure,  Sir  John  de,  knighted  at 

Segar  and  Parly 
.Vshmole  and  St.  < 
IS  often  5jx.ll  S1.1 

>»  C^a^y^d 


,-;» '.-'J 


J.    SenlOali 


^.^U  ^^^ai^^^Jl       ^«^i&^y 





Roll^-thc  laU-1  .i/uir  (or  i;  I 
Ashmole  and  Hovsiird  Kulls.  ai 
-Scgar  Koll— .1  lalitl  ,41  .i/ui..-. 
often  spelled  Shimuk  iuid  Si:\ 
entries.  LAWmcKC 
the  eross  1270. 


tSt.  Michell,  Lawrence  de— (H, 

bore,    gules,    a   cross    ur    frcltv    .ml:  koll.  .Ashmole  .MS.  .ind  Ho« 

111.  Rnll) 

JSt.  Quintiu,  Herbert -(K.  111.  Roll)  Lure, 
argent,  .1  lyon  ranip.tnt  rere-rej,'ardant  pui- 
pure.  sable  in  trick;  Jenyns'  Ordinarj-. 

St.  Valeri,  Sir  Hichard  de,  of  O^on.  - 
IK.  11.  kull)  bore,  or  two  lyoiis  gules  ; 
Harlv.  Roll.  JcillN  bore  the  Ivona  gardatu  \V.)  \ 
Arden  and  St.  George  Rolls; 

Salesbury,  Roger— (K.  t.  Roll)  bore,  gules 

pate'e  Ipatoncc   ill   triekl  aryent  be-lween   foul 
leopards-  faces  or  .  Jeiiyiis  Roll.     K. 

lalford,  Sire  Neel  de— bore,  at  the  battle 

St.  Nicolas  — -  a  V 

Roll)  bore,  ermine,  .a 
gules  1  .\rundel  Roll. 

chief  1 
St.  Omer,  Sir  John  de 


St.  Omer,  Thomas  i 

Roll)   bore,  aziir^    mi, 
St.  George  Roll  .ui  !    I. 

tlory  3,  3. 

St.  Omer.  "William  - 

Grim.ihli  Rolls. 
St.    Omer,    William 

St.  Owen,  Sir  Gilbert  de, 
.iikI  Thorn 

Rolls)    bore,    gules 
I'arly.  Roll  nnd  Jenyns' 

St.  Owen,  John  de— (H.  iii.  Roll)  bore, 
barry  (6)  gules  and  or.  (F, )  St.  (A-orge  koll. 
R.VF  tore,  or  ihrt-e  bars  ^ules  ;   .\rdLTi  Roll. 

St.  Owen,  Sir  John  de  (of  Herefordshire) 
—  bore,  at  the  first  Dunstable  tournament 
1308,   gules,   a  argent,   m    tlu-  caiitel.  a 

St.  Philibert,  Hugh  de,  of  Oxc 

1299  —  lK>re.    bcnciv    (61    .ar-^eiit    am 
Nobility    ar.d     ParlV.     Rolls,       Sir 
Oxon.,  bore  it  also' at  the  b.-xttle  of 
bridge  1322.     F.     See  Syusiw.vriik 

St.  Pierre,  Sir  Uryan  de,  banner 

at     the     first     Dunstable     tournanie 
argent,  a  l>end  sable,  a  label  (31  gule! 

in  H.  III.  Roll  I 
nd  .Si,  George  Rolls  ;  a 
1  Ashmole  Roll. 

ribed  to  Sir  Thoma 

St.  Pole»  Count  de— (i:,  i,  RolU  bore— 
the  anns  oCCoLNT  dk  lir.ois  (i.e.  gules,  three 
palet>  lair.  a  chief  or)  with  a  label  (5)  azure  ; 
Can.den  Roll. 

St.  Quintin,  Sir  Geffrey  and  William 

—  It-  I.  Roll  I  bore,  or,  a  chevron  gules,  a 
chief  vair.  Xativm  and  Siirrev  Rolls.  Jons 
and  ThoM.VS  differenced  with  a  mullet  or; 
Jen>ns   Ordinary  and  Surrey  Roll. 

St.  Quintin,  Edward— |K,  111,  kolli  bore, 

Or'dma'ry.  '' "    ""■"■■"■'"■    ^^"'■J'^")"^ 

Herbert-il'.    n.  kolh 

(F.l,    De. 


chevrons,  and  121  . 
bore  one   as  afores: 

of    Kishif 

Salman,  Thomas  —  (R.  11.  Roll)  boi 
argent,  an  eagie  displayed  sable,  on  its  brea 
a  lyger's  or  leopards  face  or  ;  Surrey  Roll, 

*Saltmarsh,  Sir  Piers  de  (of  Lincolnshu 
-bore,  at  the  battle  of  IJorough bridge  13: 
argent,  crusily  an<l  three  six-foyles  gules  (F. 

Saltmarsh,  Sir  Robert— (F.  m.  RolU  bore, 
argent,  three  si\-foylcs  between  four  crosses 
crosslet  titchtfe  «ithiii  a  bordure  engrailed  all 
gules  ;  Ashniolc  fioll. 

Salveyn,  Sire  Anketyn—  bore,  at  the 
battle  of  Boroughbridge  1322.  argent,  a 
chevron  between  three  bo.ars'  heads  coupet! 
gules  (F. )  ;   Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

*Saiva>Ti,  Sir  Gerard,  of  Yorkshire— iK.  i, 

Rfilll  bore,  argent,  on  a  chief  sable  two  spur- 
rowells  or,  sometimes  argent  (unpierced 
mullets  in  I'arlv  Kulll ;  Ashmole.  Surrev.  and 
Jenyns"  Rolls  and  Ordinary. 

Salveyn,  Sire  Gerard  de  (of  co.  Durham) 
— bore,  at  the  battle  of  Boroughbridge  1322, 
argent,  on  a  chief  azure  two  mullets  (6)  or,  a 
bordure  indented  gules  (F,)  tricked  engrailed 
—the  chief  sable  in  the  Arundel  Roll. 

Saly,  Willia 

argent    and    : 

/WV^'^  ntr*f> 

^tff/^  ^ct*yyb'j 

r    «, 


...   ; 

,   ^     t    -     ,.v  V    .'-1  .  'J 



xoift  S^^Ji 


/Wj^ti    cHf^T 

Samforde,   Sir   Thomas- 

v\  argent  (perhaps  or| 

Samson,  Sir  John,  of  Yorkshire— (E.    u. 

Kolli  hxirt;,  or,   a   cross  p.itoncc  sable;   Parlv. 

and  Ashniolt  RolU. 
Samson,  William,   baron    isqq— bore,  ar- 

-'.nt,  a  cross  moline  sabie  (F.) ;    N'obility  Roll 

—  [trobiibly  father  of 

Sampson,  Sir  'William,  Da  n  (?  la  U) 

banntret— bore,  at  the  battle  of  Kalkirk  i:!q8. 
sable,  afer-dtr-nioulin  or— (the  reverse  in  f'arly. 
Roll}- as  a  banneret,  he  carried,  or  a  cross 
Trcel(?e|  sable  pierced  of  the  field, 

ill  the  Arundel  Roll. 
Samsson,  Willij 

(H.  III.  RoUl  bore. 
chief  two  nuillets  i6) 
lid  Arden  Rolls. 

Roll)    bore.       Sarcili 

Samur,   Raufe   de — (H. 

a;ure,  on  a  (.hicf  indeiit..d  or 
Hjuard  Roll. 

Saneerlis.  Piers  de— (H.  iii.  Roll)  lx>re, 

Cutes.   .1   fess   or   between   six    esc.illops  3,    3. 
ardent;  .\rden  Roll.     Surname  doubtful. 

tSandars,  Thomas  de— (H.  111.  Roll!  Iwre, 
or,  on  a  chief  a/ure,  three  lyonceux  rampant 
argent   (K).    rH-rinf;    Roll;     the    colours,    or. 

t,ai!es,  or.  jii  Ashmole  MS. 

Sandeby,  Sir  Robert,  of  Lincolnshire,  and 
Sir  Thomas-tt:.  in.  Roll)  bore.  argt:nt 
treiiv  azure;  I'arly.  and  Ashniole  Rolls,  and 

kllyn^■  Ordinary. 

Sandes,  Richard  de— (K.  ni.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  a  fess  dancettee  (4)  between  three 
crosses  crosslet  titclnic  sules  ;  Jenyns"  Roll. 

Sandford,  William  de— (K.  1.  Roll)  bore. 

emiine.  on  a  chief  gules  two  boars'  heads 
couped  argent ;  Jenyna'  Roll. 

Saunford,  Gilbert— (H.    in.    Roll)  bore. 

undine  (^)  argent  and  azure  ;  Arden  Roll  ; 
argent  and  gules  for  NirHn[,.\s  and  \\'iI.Li.\M 
in  Glover  and  Norfolk  Rolls  ;  NirHuL  vs  fil. 
\\'iLIJ.^M  differenced  with  a  label  gules ; 
Glover  Roll. 

*Saunford,  Sire  William  de— bore,  at  the 

battle  of  Boroughltridge  1322.  quarterly  in- 
dented axure  and  ermine.  (F. )  I'robably  per 
ftss  indented  is  intended. 

(H.    111.    Roll!  bore. 

.zuremDcnn?  Roll; 

Howard    and    Camden 


jSandwith,  John  de 

th^   field    or 

JSandvrith.  Rauf  de— (H.  iii  Roll)  bore, 
Aziire,  .1  cimf  rl.iiicetlec  (41  or-.iTrothcr  trjck 
.•>s  ifperfi-ss  jiancollci; :  Dinns  Roll :  Thlinixs 
l«ire  Ihi-m-  Koils  on  the  chief  Wo  tincturesl  ; 
Howard  Roll  ;  he  probnbly  took  \i\i  the  cross 

*Sansaver,  Hugh  nn!  Rir 
or  SusM'v-lH.    Ill      1: 
,intl  three,..r   . 
■nnJ  I'.irlv    Rolls  .  iiu-, 
Jenyns'   Ordin.-irv.      k  \;..  a 

Bansaver,  Robert— (H. 
Joules,  a  liend  between  six 
Howard  Roll. 

Saperton,  John  de-iK.  iii.  Roll)  bore,  or, 
.an  eagle  display.d  vert,  nienibcred  gnlcs.  a 
baston  t;obony  it)  argent  and  gules  ;  Jenyns' 

Sapi,  John-lK.  1.  R..ll|  bore,  .giilcs.  three 
buekles.  tongues  to  the  dexter  or;  Jenvns' 
Roll  and  Ordinary. 

Sapi,  John  de— I  H.  ul.  Roll)  Imre.  argent. 
Inlletteeand  .t  Ivon  rampant  gules  (F.) ;  .\r.len 

Sapie,  Robert— IK.  111.  Roll)  bore,  argent, 
on  a  bend  vert,  cotiscd  gules,  three  eaglets 
displayed  or  ;  Jenyns  Ordinary. 

n,  ■William-IH.Ill.  Roll)  bore. 
.  a  fess  and  ill  chief  two  mullets  (6) 
.\rdcn  Roll.     See  S.lMssON. 

sable ; 

Sarnesfeld,  NicoU  and  Walter— 1 
Roll)  bore,  azure,  an  eagle  ilisplaved  c 
Surrey  and  St.  George  Rolls,  Sir  N'lr 
K.G..  T387,  bore  the  eagle  crowned 
K.  399  fo.  18. 

Barren,  "Willia 

azure,  three  erosi 

Saunzaver,  Ralph,  tiaron  1294.    See  S.\ 

Bavage,  (Sir)  Ernaud— bi. 

llallard  Roll. 
Savage,  Sir  John, 

first   IJunstable  tournament  1300.  ermine, 

(K.l  :  alcrdje'd  also  to  (IiRvUf  in  the  Del 
Roll,  and  with  the  lyons  or  nl  the  How 

Savage,  Sir  Piers  de— lE.  1.  Roll)  b 
gules,  a  cross  ni..line  .argent ;  a  cross  ar< 
in  (ilover  Roll, 

•Saville,  John— iR 

'^oi/n  ^  <vv'-^ 

;  'V 

^  ,^- 


,    .    / 




I  Seviox  ScroopepfD.vnby  super Yorh^x  Com  EborXso'i67?s^ 

'  quarters   as  h.s  Complete  AtcJ:ucv,uent,  by  Descmt  iVom  Wc^^^^ 
UeneraL^thel^  leveral  Coats     of  Arms,   vi' 


/  /  ! 

I       W^^ 


80  4=Say 

lith  c 

RilLiril  Roll, 

{Say,  Sir  ■William  de-iH.  nr.  Roll)  boic- 
MANDKVil.l.t.'s  coal — quanerlv  or  and  s'lles 
(K);  Utnn;.  GInvcr,  anil  Howard  kolls  ; 
borne  also  bv '-If '''■' |^  ^Ht- V  ).iiiit.T>t  iln-'m 
I3I3)  li.r  •■  :V  :,.,„„.r„:.:  ,  .,,S 
and  at  the  ?t  i .        ■  1     , ,  '    '       '     i  \ 

[Say,  Sir  John,  of  Hens..  1473— bore,  ix;r 
pale  (argent  and  giik-s)  thrt-e  i.-hovrons  vouled 
all  countcrchangeiLl.    See  Monumental  Brass 

Saye.  Sir  'William  de,  Nhkreys,  Ish)— 

{¥..  111.  Roll)  bortr,  gults,  .1  cross  patonct; 
argent;  AshmoleRolI.  There sccnisprolwiblc 
confusion  liere  with  SvuAKD. 

Scales,  Robert  de,  of  Ntusclls.  hnnncrct. 
baron  12^9,  bore,  nt  the  battle  of  Falkirk 
1298,  and  at  the  siege  of  Carinverock  1300, 
gules,  six  escallops  arguiit  iK. )  —  Nicolas 
names  3  only— q  in  H.irleian  Roll,  10  in  St. 
George  Roll.  See  knights  bamiert-t  in  .ArUTulel 
Roll;  sealed  IhiiIi  6  cscallopsi  m  Baronb'  letter 
to  the  Pope  1301,  pp  .w,  .wiv  ;  and  so  as- 
cribed to  Tn()M.\s.  la^t  Lord  .Sc.m.ks.  K.g..  in 
K.  402  fo.  4. 

Scargill,  Waryne  and  'Williani  de— 
(E.  lit.  Roll)  bore,  ermine,  a  saltire  i;ules  ; 
Grimaldi  and  Surrey  Rolls  ;  Sir  W'.U.TER 
differenced,  with  a  mullet  or,  in  Ashmole  Roll. 

Scaripill,  Sjf 'Williani— (K.  ui.  Roll)  bore, 
ermine,  a  saltire  engrailed  gules ;  Ashmole 

:.  IV.  Roll  I  bore, 
1  two  bendlets 
Eallard  Roll. 

Scarsbricke,  James  of— (1 



engrailed  argent  ;  wilh  crest 

jScorenci,  John  de— (H.  iii.  Roil)  bore, 
argent  (sometimes  or),  a  chevTon  gules ; 
Dering  Roll. 
Bcott,  John  le.  Earl  of  HL-NTiNcn<.N  — 
(H.iii.  Ro!!)borc,  paly(6)or  and  gules  a  bend 
sable;  Glover  and  Jcnyns'  Rolls;  in  Jenyiis' 
Ordinary  the  arms  are  tricked,  or  three  piles 
meeting  in  base  gules  ;  and  as  Earl  of 
Chkstf.r,  1232-7,  azure,  three  garbs  or.  are 
ascribed  to  him  in  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

jScotto,   Robert  de-(H.   111.   Roll)   bore, 

Dering    Roll  — 
EsToTOT   and  S' 
George  Rolls. 
Scremby  de  (E.   r.  Roll)  bor( 

three  barrulcts  and  a  bend  or  ;  Jcnyn 


gules  five  marili 

:nTHF.     in    Howard    KoU 

rrroT    in    Arden    and    St. 


In  Broxbourne  Church,  Hkkts,  1473 

A/Ar  n-ci/U-r. 



•Scrope,  Richard   le— (K. 

(21  h> 

,    differenced  with 
rilh  a  label . 

(3)  Hknkv  i.e.  differenced  Willi  a  la 
argent,  eaeii  charj;ed  with  as  many  ha 
gules :  Surrey  Roll. 

(4)  Hut;n.  of  Kuthcn.  slain  at  lUe  si 
Calais  1347  -bore,  a  martlet  fordift'orent 
,a  label  (5I  or.     F'. 

(5)  STKriiKN.    differenced    with    a 
ermine  :  Surrey  Roll. 

(6)  Thomas',  difleretieej  uilli  a  lal 
argent,  charged  with  .in  annulet  -salj.. 
bablv  on  the  bend:  Surrev  Roll. 

I7f  differenced  with  a  lozenge  c 

on  the  bend  ;  Surrey  Roll. 
Scrope,  Sir  Henry  le,  of  Bolton- 

Rolll   bore,  azure,   ..11   a    bind   (ir.  a  1>, 

Scrope,  Will 

d.  by  Gk 

am   le-(R.   11.    Rolll   bnre. 
led  legs  conjoined  ar.geiil, 
nished  or  a  label  (3)"  argent;  ,/»,ic/e/-/i' t.'/rt. 
Si  RDPh:  and  a  label  (3!  gules  ;  Surrey  Roil. 
Scudamore,  Walter  — (F.   1.   Rolli  U>re. 

"Ules.   three    stirrups,    or,    with  the   "ciiires  ' 
argent  :   lenvns'  Roll.  (K)  Sir  I'lKKS  bore  ll|.-' 
stirrups  argent ;  .\=hn,ole  Roll.     F. 
Soures,  Sir  John  de  (of  Wilts.  I— bore. 


(F)   Parli.i 

,  Roll  a 

■  303. 

Ordi'ii.irv.  Korne  also  by  anothei 
knighted  at  the  capitulation  of  Calais  134S. 
•[Sebright,  Peter,  i=u4-bore.  argent  lln 
cinquelb>ks  pierced  sable. —ShirKy.  I- ■ 
Seckforti,  Sir  George,  of  siiff..lli-iH.  ' 
Rolll  l«rc,  ermine,  on  a  fess  gules  three  .,  .\rundel  Rdl       1". 

Sees, Sir Diggory-iR   n   1    ■'  ' 


^  plat. 

Sefoule,  Sir  Ralph,  of  Norfolk- iK. 
Roll)  bore,  argent,  a  cross  pat.  mce  vert.  111 
cantel  a  se.a-fowl  gules  ;   P.ariv.  Roll.     1-. 

Segnl,  Le  Sire  de-(H.  111.  Rolll  Ih" 
argent,  a  crO»,s  sable — "a  mcrlos  sable  t 
deaus"  probably  martlets  —  in  orlc  sal) 
N'crfolk  Roll. 

■^^  cU^r^r/h-      ^j^il^Srr<^^     ^&i^^»ir^    ^is  cffi^cvcri  c^C-^^<?         '^'#^"6^^ 


',       V;   I' 

'I  I'' 

^^    '  / 

'    '    ^ 

"i  , ' 


\    '/ 

■«t      1-   .  .  ^'■Jr'  n  '■  .i.'y\        •^W.>'  •cV  ^vS 


X  <€  9/>'^.v<J     y^^rh  ^^ 

S»  , ; ,:  rf;..TOnv» 




Sheffield,  Thomas-(E.  in,  Kolll  l.or.-, 
argLTit,  a  clitvron  ,:;iilcs  tjctwccn  thri-L-  ;,Mil«i 
2  and  I  or— another  with  the  field  ermine  ; 
Jcnjns'  Ordinary. 

•[Shelley,  Sir  William,  (R.  ii.)-bore.  >.il.Ic 
a  fesb  engrailed  between  three  whelk-shdls  or.' 
-Shirley.]     F. 

Sheme,  Sir  ( )   or  Sheppev,  in  kent- 

(H.  VI,  Roll)  bore,  ajure.  fotir  lyoneeuv  ram 
pant  argent  a  canton  erimne  ;  .Aniiidel  Roll. 

Shepey,  Sire  John  de-(K,  it,  l<„|j|  bnre 
azure.acrossorfrettygules:  Parlv.  Roll.  Jiee 

Bhepey.Sir  John--(l:,  in.  Roll)l«re.  gMle>. 
a  fcss  hetueen  three  garbs  argent  ;  .\shniole 

•[Sherard,  Sir  Robert,  1343-bore.  argent. 

Shirley.]     F.     ^  "'^''"      '""'    '°''"^""''- " 

Sherborne,  Sir  John  -bore,  at  the  of 
Calais  1345-8,  vert,  a  lyon  rampant  gardani 
argent,     Y.  J  K        t,  . 

Sherburne,  Sir  Richard,  of  .sionvhursi— 
(K.  IV.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  a 
fmrHrlymlh.  vert,  an  eagle  d'lsplaved  crest ;   Killard  Roll. 

I  pan 

Shillighelde,  Yvon  de,  v.  Silligheld. 
Shillithorne, 'William— I K.  111.  R.ill)  ho 

argent   a    cross  chccquy  argent  and  sable. 

countcr-conipony  in  trick  ;  lenyns' 
Shirbrook,  Robert  de— (H.  jii.  Roll)  boi 


nd  gulc; 

George  Roll)  ch.arged  with  three  mullets  (6)  ■ 
Harl.  MS.  6389.  ' 

Shirland,  Sir  Robert  (>.r  K-nti  '■.n,-,-  at 
the  first  i:)unstable  t'.ui  r  in,,  ■!■    ,  ,, ,',,,. 

six  iyonceu.\  rampant  ,ir  ,,,,.■ 

Said,  by  G.  K,  C,  to  h  1  f 

Carlaverock  1300.  (1-  )  a  \1' ,:iiii,i  ,,(  ,1  I  in,'? 
after  StolharJ.  next  [Mg.'  ,  bom,-  il,,,  Tiv 
(;)  Roger  ;  Dering  and  How.a'rd  Rolls. 

Shirley,  Sir  Rafle,  of  War«iekshire-|K.  II 
Roll)  bore,  paly  (61  or  .and  sable  ■  I'arlv  Roil 
•Hugh  and  Sir  R.m.hii— with  a  canton'crmine 
(F.)  Ill  .Surrey  and  .\shniole  Rolls. 

Sherley,  William  de— (1).  ni.  Roll)  bore. 
p.aly  (6)  or  and  azure,  a  bend  gules  ■  \rdetj 

Shottesbrooke,  Sir  Gilbert— (1-:.  iir. 
Roll)  Uire.  ermine,  a  chief  per  pa]e  indented 
or  and  gules:  .\shniole  Roll  1 1-  )  Sir  R 
ermine  (incomplete);  .\ikinson  Roll.  F  .Ve 
also  Harl,  MS,  6i63^ifc''-44 


In  Gre.4t  Snoring,  Norfoh,   1423. 

After  Cotmaii. 

MJor^U  ^*^l'^l>rL^ 

*  Shuckburgh,  John  de,  d  iiii  !„  , 
s.ible,  a  chevron  iHjtueen  llire,-  mullets  r,,-,,. 
.irgcnl.- .Shirley,;     1-. 

Shyryak,  Sir  John— 1;  III  Roll)  ar-r- 
iii.-scoehcon  uithiii  an  orlc  of  nartiets  ar-nn 
.\shnio)e  Ro)l. 

Sibbeton,  Sir  John  de,  of  Hereford'hir- 
|1„  11.  Roll,  bore,  or,  an  eacle  displaicd 
baslon  goliony  argent  and  guL.i^ :  l^arlv.'  R.,; 

Sidney ,  an  Ks5<-x  ?  Knig::  ,  H.  vi.  K,,; 

bore.  or.  a  pheon  azure;  ArurJel  Roll. 

Sifrewast,  Richardde— iH-  lu.  Rol'ibn 

Siggeston,  Sir  John— (E.  :ii.  Rolli  bore, 
argent,  a  double-headed  e.tgle  lisolavccl  gules 
(,  in  lenvns'  Ordinary)  ■  .\ihraolc  Roll. 

JSilligheld,  Ivon  de-iH.  1:1.  Roll)  Lire, 

(F.)  ;■  Dcriiig  Roll  ;   mens  he.,di    cl'uLl'  in 
Urmaj-d  Roll. 

Silton,  Sir  John  d 

tlmistable  tournament 
pl.iyed    vert,  a    bendle 

1308,  01 

at  the  firsi 
an  eagle  dis- 
■  argent    and 

Simeon,  Robert— (R,  11.  R<  !i  bore  -ulis 
a  fess  or  l«.-i»een  three  Icons  r.nmant  .irtciit 
Surrey  Roll, 

Sindleaham,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  IVrks- 

,1:  11.  Rolli  bore,  argent,  on  a  fess  bet«ee, 
three  escallops  gules,  as  manv  niartlels  or 
I'arly.  Roll. 

Skelton,  Sir  Rauf,  of  SulTolk-.E.  11.  R.,11 
bore,  azure,  a  cross  or;  .\shm5le  and  F.irlv 
Rolls,  .\nolher  R.VLKI-- vvilh  a  laae!  (3)  argent 
Surrey  Roll. 



Skidburgh,  Robert,  of  SalL-.etbv 

coliishiie     iF.     I.     Rolli     bore,     a.-ure 
el-ised  helmets  crested  or  ;   lenyr.,   Rol 

Skillithorne  ;■.  Shillithorne. 

Skipton,  Johnde-iK.  1.  Roil  bore. 


,  Johnde— (E.   lll.   R  111  bore,  per 
dented  argent   and    purTiure    a    lyon 

1^^^^^  ^^^..^^   ^%^t^^  fei^^    J,  ^^^,4^  ^%r^w 

'  <  i  .  ,  :-r,  .-r-A  ;:.;.  tf--  -/r 


■-,.  Kj 

.« .fti  i^  — '.  \   \>  -K-^  '•-  i-  ■:  "■  v;t'» 





>.  ,Y 



■^     r" 

f  r 

\  i 



Staplcton,  attcnvavbs  Stapilton,  now  Stap\:lton,  fouinctI\>  of 
.     ■    .    Carlton,  Miobill  anb  fTD^ton. 

MlLRS  UK  Stapleton-Saha.  tlrtu.  of  Ankclicn  Mallor)-. 

N.  Judge  of  thi'  King's  Bench,  1272-80,  had  froe  warren  in  all 
apclton.  Wath.  Kirkhv  Mmh:\m.  \c..  1272.  lived  at  West 
lal  of  David.  King  of  Wales,  brother  of  Llewellyn,  30  St-pt. 
ive ;   Pari.  Writs. 

of   Xortli    Moi 

>IBlI.I.{ist  wife),  eldest  dau.  and  co-heir  of  Sir  lohn  =  SiK  Mii.KS  1>K  Stapi.kton.  h.^d  sumnions  to  Parlian 
de   Bella  Aqua  or   Kellew,   Knt.,  baron  22  Kd.  i..  i  1312-13.    lord  of  Stapleton.  &c.,  and  of  Carllon 

lord     of    Carlton     juxta    Sn.iiih,    by   Lardenne,  served  in  Gascony  129;,  and  in  Scotland,  .it  the  s 

siPttT  and  co-heir  of  Peter  Bruce,  of  Skelioii  and  I  the  battle  of    F.a'lkirk  ^1298.  one  of  those  who   rec 

Carlton.  |  cnpture  of  Sir  William  V\'allace— slain  at  Banuockbui 

nl.  6  and   7,   Kd.    II.. = 
in  right  uf    his  uife  ; 
ge  of  Stirling,  and  at 

but  not  to  Partia 

K  Gilbert  dk  Stami.kton.  kt.  of  Bcdale, 
and  lord  of  Askhani  Bryan  (9  K.  \\.).  in 
right  of  his  wife;    dead  19  K.    11.,    King's 

=  -Agnes  or  M  vuu,  eldest  d.iu 
FitzAlan.  lord  of  Bcdale, 
dAU.  of  John  Baliol,  Kir 

,  Norfolk,  and    SIR  Bk: 

of    Kenlniere.    nt-ver 
Parliament  ,  djed 
Aug.  1373. 

of  Btdale.  Yorks.  Knight  and  one  of  the  founders 

of  the  Onler  of  the  Garter  ;  served  at  Cressy  and  the  siege  of  Tour 

at    the   siege   of  Calais    i34i;-8.  and    also   in    the  Cressv :   Gov.    of  ( 

French  Wars    1356;  died  4  Dec.  1364;   buried   at  Wigh'ill  50  Fd.  III. 

Ingham,  Norfolk.  =  will  16  May.  6  R.  : 

:iy  1340.  at  Calais  1345-8. 
ilaia  temp.  F^d.  II.  ;  purcha 
died  25  July.  1394;  made 
.  1394  ;  to  be  buried  in  Heir 

.UN,  of  Melsonby. 
L-ats  of  plate  fton 
I  he  kept  Christtn.u 
iter  1318.  Arthcrolt'S 

\i.i(  V-'.,  widow  of  Sir  .'^u■ 
Waleys.  lord   of    Hi' 

Sir  John  Si.  PhilibiTL 

l-TON,  of  Wighill,  S:c.,  letters  of  protectio 
assist  the  Duke  of  Lancaster  in  his  preiensio 
tile  ;  died  6  Feb.  1400. 

=  Johanna,    eldest  dau.    and  co-heir   of 
I      i;ffl«;t.  of  Wighill,  and  widow  of  W  il 
with  t?Brechnells). 

;  Feb.  1454-5:  =  Ma 

Jarharkt   list   wife),    d.iu.    of=SiK     Wii.mam     Stapii.ton.    o( 
Sir  James  Pickering,  of  Osvv.ild-  Wighill.    KT.  ;     died    16    Dee. 

kirk,    Yorks.    and    Killington,  1503.   buried    there;  made    his 

Westmorland,  ob.  1474.  will  4  Dec.  1503;    proved    19 

ASK  (2nd  wife),  d.iu.  of  Sir  Thoni.ns 
Tunstall.  and  widow  of  Sir  Roger 
Warde.  of  (Jivendalr,  Yorks ;  made 
her  will  24   Feb.  1507-8;    proved  23 

!.  Sir  Bhian  stapjlton.  of  Wighill.  =  Joan.  dau.  and  heir  of  Sir  Lancelot  Thir- 
KT.  ;  fought  at  Flodden ;  died  18  keld.  kt.  (bv  Margaret  Ladv  Vesey. 
Sept.  1518.  Monumental  Slab  in]  dau.  and  heiress  of  Sir  Henrv  de  Broni- 
Wighill  Ch.  ;  made  his  will  4  July,         Hete,    Lord    Vesey;    she  died    5  Jan. 

S.altmarshe  of  Sakmai 

U.irK  fist  wife),  dau.  =CHKiST(.fiiKR  Stacit.ton 
of  William  Ask^  of  Wighill.  aged  31  m  151 
Aske.        Yorkshire  ;  made  his  will  30  July.  151 

died  16  Nov.  1521.  proved  29  Jan.  following.'^ 

wife),  dau.  < 
John  Xevil 

Tank,  wife  of  Kol^^rt  Con-  .Makhahkt.  wife  of  jo! 

vers,  of  Hooton  Payncil.  Copley,  of  Hothani. 

F'l.KWOK,  wifeof  Thomas,  IsAHKT.,  a  nun. 

ist  Lord  Wharton. 


,'4,1    o    .'•nlH 


IIKI  vs.  of  W'ighill. 
„.  Kliip.  9  "«■ 
jot,  \f^rgery,    dau. 

Mr  Constable.    YorliS; 

■.  of  \Vif:hill,  =  K 
1  of  Q.  Cnthe- 
ird ,   at    Don- 

l.rZABKTlt,  dau.  of  Sir 
Wm.        Mallory.       ,)f 

Marniadukf  Slingsby, 

|o\\,  d.  3lany    1537-8.  I>abku  »ifc  of  lohn 

Mife     of    (covet..iiil    6  l.aninluqh  of  Lamp- 

M.iy.       1535)      Henry  lu^h.       ' 

Hamerlon.    <<    fWli-  ASNt,    wife    of  John 

field;  d.  Aug.  1537.  Irtoii,  of  Irton. 

KlvEli<l»ife).=SlB  kOFiKRT,  re-built  Wii 
of  .Sir  M  irma-  the  City  of  York,  at  tli 
Conuable,  of  under  the  ban  nf  the  :  Saiidys)  .\ri.hbishop  of 

So-I ;  a  Capt.   of=  Ol 

■;i.l/.\llKTII.lst»ifeof  IlKltWHT,  uife  (isi) 

Hry,in    Haniond,  of  of  loliii  N.irton  of 

ScarthiniTwell ;     she  Norton    Convers. 

died     s.p.     II    .\pl.  and      (sndlvj     of 

1601.  .Vnthonv  .\l.iude. 

■l.TO.N.  of  Myte 
itrie.  from  B,alhol  CoH:. 
r-gcncral  of  the  North  j 
for  k.  Charles  t.  :  made  his  will 
I  Keb.  1655-6 ;  proved  in  London 
26  Nov.  1658.  I 

BalholColl.,  Ob.  1607. 

31.IVK,  wife  of  Sir  Robert 
I>yiieley,  of  Hramhope  ; 
he   buried  at    Otley   28 

kainsford,  of  London, 

,  of  .Stapleford.     .Mil 

niatric.  at  ONford,  20 
June,  ,6j4,  M.f. 
Borough  bridge,  1659, 
o.s.p.  1691. 

J. I'.. Co.  Dur- 

Bishop  of        8  Aug.  1655. 

of  Copmanili 
killed  befoff 

1    i 

•KANCts.  mar.  (nniclcs  13 
Scpi.  1651)  to  John  Hut- 
ion,  of  Mnrske. 

Jksri.A,  mar.  29  March. 
1660.  to  Thomas  Fepys,  of 
Hatcham  Barnes.  Surrey. 

MvLES  St.M'YI.TON.  n.n.,  Fellow  All  Souls', 
M,.\.  1663,  B.  and  0.  D.  1700,  Reciur  of  Harps- 
den,  Oxoii,  1690,  Canon  of  Worcester  1700-31  ; 
b.ipt.  at  St.  GlU's'.  Cripplegate.  London, 
6  Apl.  1658  ;  died  May,  1731. 

Bkvan  died  unmar. 

RuBKKT.  K..\.,  Capt.  of  the 
Unula,  father  of  Martin, 
said  to  be  an  Admiral. 

Hknky  Stahvi.ton.  Ijorn  1672,  m,a.  All  Souls',  = 
1694.  Rector  of  Mnrske,  1694,  and  of  Thonilon 
\\aiUis5.  Yorkshire,  1703,  until  his  death 
there  9  Keb.  1747-S. 

^t  \KY,  dau.  and  heir  of  Rev. 
John  Orchard,  of  Newbury, 
lierks  ;  buried  at  Thornton 
Watlass  22  Dec.  1755. 

Coll.,  Oxor 
Thornton  on 
1748  ;    bapt. 

nfc).     M  \ 

I   I 

dau.    of  Roger    Lee,    of    Pinchin-     Kl 

thorpe.  Tennant. 

=  Llcr   (2nd   wife),    dau.    of  Thomas    FRANCliS,  died  t 

Wycliffc,    of  tiailes.  Yorks :  hapt. 

23    Sept.    1725  ;    mar.     at    Kirkby 
!      Hill,  4  Feb..  1754. 

;akah,  mar.  at  Watlass, 
8  Aug.  1733.  10  'I'honias 
Kaisb«fck.  of  Stockton. 

iKNKiiiTTA,  died  young. 

Hknry  Stapyi.ton,  of  Norton, 
from  University  College.  0.\on. 
of  Lincoln's  Inn,  1775;  died  in 

lid  heir  of  Robert  Gregory,  Capt.  k.- 
■  heir  of  I'olycarpus  Tavlor,  of 
N-.  ;  mar.  3  Jan.  1786. 

John,  bar.-at-law.  Inner  Temple.  1822; 
Fellow    Cniversity  Coll.   Oxon.    181 1,  uni 
death.  Feb.  1836. 
!.    Hknkv,  Lieut.  66ih  Regiment.     Killed 
French  Wars,  23  Feb.  1814, 

M..\.,     Robert    M.\r 

il    his         TON.     of    till 

Office;  born 

11  the        died  17  Jan. 

riN    .ST.»fVL-=M.<KTH.\    El.lz.\,   2nd  dau. 

.Army   Pay        of  John  Botkett,  of  .Soulh- 

fi  .Sept.  1793 :        cote    Lodge,   Berks.  e5q.  ; 

;864.  mar.  at  St.  Mary.  Raiding, 

i6Apl.  1814,  died  21  .Vug. 

Marshall  Fowler,  of  Fres 
died  18  May.  187S,  aged  89. 

1S24.    to     Geo.     Willi.i 
Sutton,  of  Elton  H,all,  c 

VlAD.\LIN.\  Cl.EMENTlN.\ 
dau.  of  Very  Rev.  Georg. 
Hull  Bowers,  D.D.,  Deai 
of  Manchester ;  mar.  2. 
.M.ay,  1855. 

II  I  I      . 
\RY  .\NNE.  died  young. 
:nriktt.\,  died  in  1893- 

Mit.ts  Stahvi.ton.  t9ih  iii  =  M, 
lined  descent  from    the  first 
Sl.apylton.  and  rsth  from  .Sir        . 

brother  of  Sir  Miles,  one  of  "the 
founders  of  the  Order,  \t..\.  St. 
Johns  Coll. .  Oson.  1890.  Rector  of 
l.olworth.    CO,    Cambridge.    1895 : 

CARET,  dau.  of  Rev. 

,-.  Is.lae  Sh.arp,  Rector 
of  Downham,  and  Hon. 
Canon  of  Ely;  mar. 
29  SepL   1892. 

^KVAN.  b.  23  .\0 
volunteered  into 
Horse  (iglh  b.w 
Yeo.l  in  the 
.\frican  tiuerilln 
wounded  at  Lich 
12  M.arch,  190 
next  day. 

.  Ijorn  13  Nov.  1896. 

born  27  Mitrch,  1898. 


f'^^isL'^    M^^h^ 

Souch  V.  Zouch. 

Southworth,  Thomas— iN. 

argent;  Surrey  Roll.  Sir  CllKlSTui'iiEK, 
Srtnilcslmrv,  f>ore  tlie  SHme,  with  crtst  ;  li 
lard  Koll  "(K.   IV.).  in  which  crosses  Hory  : 


Sowdan,  Pcrcyvall—b 

;  the 

head  wreathed 
argent,  quarUrly  with,  s-ible  three  ciiicjue- 
foylcs  argent.     F.     Se«  also  SocxiN. 

Spalding,  Michael  de— (K.  iii.  Roll)  bore, 

gules.   t«o   b.irb  and    in   chief   thrcu   annulets 
argent;  Jenjns' Ordinary. 

Spayne,  Sir  Peter,  a  captain— bore,  at  the 
siege  of  Calais  1345-8.  gyronny  |8)  or  and 
azure,  an  inestocheon  argent.   K.   .SeeKspagnc. 

Bpaygne,  "William  de— (R.  11.  Rolh  Iwre. 

argent,  a  fess  dancctlee  between  three' 
heads  erased  sable ;  Surrey  Roll.  See  KiHAUkt. 

*[Speke,  Sir  John,  (H.  vi,)— bon-.  harrv  (8) 

argent  and    a7ure   over   all    a    double- headed 
eagle  gules.— Shirley,  j     F. 

Spencer  I'.  Despencer  and  Le  Despen- 

*[Spencer,  John  and  Thomas,  i>o4— liofc 

aiure    a    fess  ermine    bci\xeen    six  'sea-niowi" 
heads  erased  argent. — Shirley.] 

Spencer,  Philip— (K.  ni.  Roll)  bore,  barrv 
(6}  or  and  amre.  a  canton  ermine  ;  SurreV 
Roll  and  Jenyns  Ordinary'. 

Spencer,  Sir  WilUam—IE.  111.  Roll)  bore, 

guleSj  on  a   cross   engrailed  argent    five    tur- 
teaui  ;  Ashniole  Roll. 

Bpenythorne,  Thomas  de— jF.  i.  Roll} 
liore,  argent,  on  a  l>end  sable  three  mullets  or  ; 
Jenyns'  Roll—on  a  bend  argent  three  mullets 
gules,  in  Iriik. 

Spigurnell,  Sir  Henry,  baron  1297— bore, 
gules,  two  Ktniellesand  in  chief  a  lyon  passant 
or  ;   Xobihty  Roll. 

Spigurnell,  Sir  John,  of  Bucks— (E.  n. 
Roil)  bore,  gules,  frelly  argent,  on  a  chief  or 
a  lyon  passant  gardant  gules.  Mir  Hk.skv,  of 
Bucks,  bore  this  with  a  b^iston  azure  ;  i'arlv. 
Roll ;  not  gardant  in  Cotgravc  Roll. 

Sprigurnel  (Sir)  Rauf— bore,  at  ilie  second 


Stafford,    Edmund,  lianneret.  baron    120- 

(-■■'■■■;   ■■'■       !■■   ■■  ■■  il-r    to   the    Po;iP  130'!, 

ri'     ■'  I'       "'IT,  or  a  chevron  giile; 

(I"'      "'■        1     !■  Ih'M-',  or  a  chevron  giile; 

tni, ■.!..■       ,M,  >    ;,     Roll).      Rm.hh,    K.n. 

fou.Kkr  ;_^.  .,„:  ,„woit  list  Karh.  b.'jre  ii  ai 
the  siege  .jI   1343-8.     See  Monun 
Urnss.        IV-rne     by    (another  ?)   Sir     R/ 
knighted   at  th--  capi 
HL.Ml'HkKV,  6lh  Farl  (Duke  of  Bi- 
te r.  1.  and  then  a  youth  of  16,   at  the  siege  of 

n  1348.  and  by 


In  Klsing  Church,  Norfolk, 

1347,  21  E.  111. 

AJter  a  rubbing  from  Oie  Hastings  Brass. 


p^  ^^Sf^ayn^   ^^^„^   H^^yl^^^^S-    rch  Sji^^ 

hKjrdurc  giiles.     F. 

Stafford,    Hugh,     K.r,.     1J18-19.     Ri 
— bore,  or,  on  a  chevron  gulc: 
mullet   of   the    first   for  difference,    <;»ort 
7i'tt/i.  argent,  ,1  cross  engrailed  gule; 
four  «  ater-bougets  sable  ;   K,  401  fo.  27. 

Stafford,  Robert  de— (H.  111.  Ro;i)  bore, 
or.  on  a  che\rori  gules  three  plates,  lenvns 
Koll  ;  a  l.ibel  azure  I  ¥.  I  ,^rden  and  St.  George 
Koll— ascribed   III  the  hitler  Roll  without  the 

Stafford,  Sir  Robert  de.of  co.  Cambridge 
-iK.  II.  Rolll  bore,  or  on  a  chevron  gul«, 
three  Ijesants  ;   Pari; .  and  Glover  Rol's. 

Stafford,  Edmond  de,  clerk,  and  Sir 
Richard,  of  I'ipe— lE.  III.  Rolli  b..-e,  or.  a 
cheMoli  ^iles  between  three  martlets  sable  : 
.'\ihiiiole  and  Surrey  Rolls  and  H,arl.  .\1S. 
ijSi  fo.  ;6. 

Stafford  ( 1  of  Pipi-.  co  St.affs,— (F..  111. 

Rolll  bore,  or,  on  a   chevron   t»-tween    three 
martlets   gules,    as   many    besants ;    .\shniole 

Stafford,  Humphrey  de,of  Hokr-,/TiiiiN 
of  Broni?hall-lR.  II.  Rolll  Ijore.  or,  a  chevron 
quUb  within  a  bordure  engrailed  saNe  ;  Surrey 
Rnll,  li.iiN,  of  Fronic,  /  R.M.pil.  bore  the 
Imrdure  gules  :  Harl.  MS.  1481  fo.  56. 

Stafford,  Nicol  de— (R.  11  Rolll  bore,  or,  a 
thiiron  gules,  a  chief  azure:  .Surrev  Roll.  I'H,  of  Gr.afton  ibroiher  of  Ht  Ml'HKLV), 
bore  a  quarter  ermine  in  lieu  of  the  chief; 
llarl.  MS.  I481  fo.  56. 

Stafford,  Robert  de—(K.  11.  Rolll  bore.  or. 
a  chevron  gules  surmounted  of  aiicndtet  azure  ; 
.Surrey  Roll. 


'.  r-i) 

!  •       <i/ 




(  "  ■      •    ■ 

Of    THE    LATE 

COL.    LE   GENDRE   NICHOLAS   STARKIE,   of  huxtroyde,  Co.  lanc. 


,■'    tJ  '  >la;l 


2/of/n'^  fixn^afg- 


Stangrave,   Sir  Robert   (Sti 

horc,  al  the  tir^t  Dmistuhle  lourn; 
.ind    at    the   battle  of    Boroughbrifl 

Stanhope,  John  I K.  I.  Roll)— bore,  quarterly 

giik-s  .Hid   LTiiiiiU'.   in   the    first  and    fourth  ii 
gml\  head  erased  ardent ;  Jenvns'  Roil.      K. 


Stapleton,  Sir  Robert  de  fuf  co-  Staff. 

—  at  the  tirst  Dunstable  tournament 
a/ure,  a  Ivon  rampant  tail  four^lK^c  or. 
Parh.  and  bl.  (ienrge  Rolls,  borne  nl' 
Jun.v  lenvns' Ordinarv. 

Stapleton,  Sir  Richard  de 

Stanhowe,  Robert— (H.  iii.  Roll)  lx>n 
ermini.  i/;/i7r;('r/i' t;'////,  gules  a  fret  or.  \y 
St.  (ienrge  Roll.'     SeeSr.VNUuN. 

Stanlade,  Sir  Rauf  de  (or  St  VM.uwr.  f 
CO  Si.ift"  I— t»ore.  at  the  Rr^t  Dunstable  toiirn. 
nient  1303,  argent,  a  lyon  rampant  tail  fourclie 

Stapleton,  William, of  Ciimberlnnd-(i:. 
Roll)  lii>re,  .irgent.  three  swords   conjoined 

Staunton,  Henry  de,  (Stanmon)— (K. 

Roil)    liore.    ^.i-rni.    a    liend    double   batta 
sable,  Jen.Mis   Roll  and  Ordinary. 

Staunton,  Robert  de- 1 K-   ni.   Roll*  i«r 

Stanley,  Sir  William,  of  Horton— (K.  iv. 
k.-ilibon-.  sr.vNr-KV(.'.f.  H\s\\ii.LV.)  qu.tricrlv 
:.  If/',  arqent,  on  a  IkuJ  \ert  three  mullets  or— 
utth'bt;   R\llard  Roll, 

Stanlowe,  Gerard— (K.  m.  Roll)  bore,  or,  a 
lyon    r.tnip.iiii    tail    fuureht-e    sable  ;    Jcnyns' 




io>.  ,««fJrir   J^ 


Staunton,  SirHobert— lE.-iN.  Knll)  l,ore, 
i;i;loi.  thrw;  crosses  pntOc  2  nnd  t  arSL-iu.  in 
thief  a  lyon  passant  or  ;  Ashnioli;  Roll.     See 

*Staunton,  Sir  Geoffrey  de  and  Thomas 

de  -IK.  in.  Roll)  Uirt,  aisjcnt.  two clieiTonels 
_-,i',k.  a  Ijordure  enijrailed  of  the  Last  (K.|; 
.XaliiiKilf  and  Surrev  Rolls :  a  plain  border  for 
Sir  H'li.r.i.\.«  of  .Volts.  1326.  Suu  Monuratntal 

Staunton,  Hells  de  and  Sir  William,  of 

Staveley,  Adam  de— iP.,  111,  Rol 
barry  (8)  argent  and  gules,  over  all  a  I 
lys    sable  ;     Jenyns'     Ordinary  ;     gul 

Stavile,  Sir  Thomas  de  -bore,  at  ih 
Dunstable  tournament  1308.  gules,  .■ 
tx'tween   three    escallops    argent    (F.  j  ; 

Stenefeld,  Sir  Guy  de  (Ni:ni;si-  or 
SCNEtVLliK).  of  Kssc.v— (R.  II.  Roll]  bore, 
vert,  an  eagle  displaved  or  ;  I'arly.  Roll. 

and  Giiillim  Rolls. 

Stepey,  Sir  John,  of  Notts.— (H.  iir.  Roll) 
bore,  azure,  a  cross  or  frellv  gules  {¥.]  :  Parlv. 
Roll.  Wll.LH.M  DE  STEfHEN  bore  the  same-  ; 
Arden  and  St.  George  Rolls,    F.    See  SHtl'EV. 

Steward,  Robert  de— bore,  at  the  siege  of 
Carlaverock  1300.  sable,  a  cross  patee  florett^- 
.argent   (see  also  Syvv.vkd).  a  cross    fiory  in 

Steward,  William  (le  Sese 
IH.  111.  Roll!  bore,  gules,  on  a  cr. 
five  torteau.t  (F.)  ;  St.  George  Roll. 


.rf^'  -;-,,(';  ...'"\-,  "•  "'^       /r=\.f 


In  Staunton  Chl-rch,  Notts,   1326, 

A//er  Stothard. 


Steyngrave  v  Stengrave. 
Steynton,  Sir  Eobert  -iK.  ni.  Rolli 
chief  a  l\uii  passant  or  ;  Ashiiiole  Roll? 
Stockport,  Waren,  r.  Warren. 

Stodebuit,   Raffo 

It.  Roll)  bore, 
and  azure  over  all  three 
gules — another   purpure  ; 

Stoddawl lanKsscsKnighl-lH.VERolli 

Itnre.  gules,  a  chevron  argent  between  three 
Cornish  choughs  proper,  a  bordure  engrailed 
of  the  last  ;  .-Vruiidel  Roll.     F. 

Stodham,  Simon  de— (H.  111.  Roll)  Iwre. 
per  pale  or  and  a/ure.  barry  of  ?ix  counter- 
changed,  a  chevron   gules    (F.);   St.    George 

Stokes,  Henry  de-(H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
beiKh  (101  or  and  .izure.  a  canton  gules  |F.)  ; 
.\rden  Roll. 

Stokes,  William,  of  Kent,  Knight- (H,  VI, 
Roll  I  bore,  gules,  a  deiui-lyon  r,inipant,  tail 
fonrchtS',  argent,  a  bordure  sable  tjezantije  ; 
.\rundel  Roll. 

Stone,  John  de—(H.  111.  Roll)  Iwre.  gules, 
crusilv  argent,  a  lyon  rampant  or  IF.);  St. 
George  Roll :  no  crusily  in  .\rdi-n  KoU. 

Stone,     Sir    Nicholas    de    iFtonr).  of 
W.irwickshire— (K.    11.    Roll)    bore,    gules  a 
eagles  displ.iyed  argent ; 

I'arly.  Roll. 
Stone,  Richard  de-(H.   in.   Roll) 
.izure,  crusily  a  bend  or  surmounted  of  ai 
gules    (F.);    Arden    and    St.    George 
KSMNE.  Stone,  or  Smm:,  crusiU    a 
argent,  &c,  in  Glover  Roll. 

Tv,it  sUpLp  ^u,^       'use^^jcU    uj.ttdeji.u    J...  J.  sji^^    nu^.jL^ji^ 




!  f 


^v/'    Ai  wA 


\^  ■■^.i"l.»(Ci      >••!' 


^*uif  Jk<^-h}fam 


x/lJtt-yn  iV'if  ^<n?S- 




ve  i'.  Stangrave. 
John-lK    in.    Rolll  l«ir.-.    a 
daiiucltcc  ntidachiL-for  (K);  Jei 

Stopham,  John,  Thomas,  and  Sir 
William,  of  Vork»liire-iK.  in.  kolli  boru, 
arsjent,  .a  bnston  sable;  another  John  and  Sir 
John-    of  Yorkshire    diScrcnccd   wilh    a   laUl 

JStopham,  Eauf  de  -IH.   in.  Koln  lK.ri:. 

a-'l;  DiTiiv^  and  Hoviard  Rolls;  ascriljcd  lo 
SirWn.LMM  in  .\alivily  Koll. 

Stormyn  f.  Sturmyn. 

Story,  William  (K-  in.  Roll)  l.orc,  art'cnl. 
a  Ivnii  r;irnpant  tail  fourchL^-  purpura;  Ash- 
nink  kf'U— L-hargcd  on  the  shoulder  wilh  a 
cmss  trnsslct  or;  Jcnvn.s'  Roll.  KlclMUI. 
l.irr  the  cross  pal<!e  or;  Surrey  Roll. 

StotBvilla,   Robert-lK.   in.    Koll)    bore, 

Crnnaldi    and    knvns     Rolls  and   Ordinary  — 
si\  barrulels  in  M.  Ueorge  Roll. 

Stotevile,  Hobert  de-(H.  ni.  Rolli  l»,re. 

ardent  13.  8,  9  orl  10  barrulets  piles,  over  all  a 
lyon  rampant  sable  IF.)  ;  Deriiig  and  Howard 

Rolls;  seeal>o  li.illard  Rollforqi 

Strickland,  Sir  Walter    1 K.  1 

another  trick  three  bars  ;  Parliaiv 

Strother,  Thomas  de-ii:.  111.  Rolll  liore, 

gules,  on  a  lieini  aryenl  three  eaylets  displayed 
vert  niemliered    gules :    Jenyns'  antl    Surrey 

Stryvelyn,  Sir  John  de,  baron  i- 
bore,  at  tile  sie,t;e  of  Calais  13+5-8,  ar 
011  a  chief  giiles  three  buckles,  toiigties  t 

Stryvelyn,  Sir  John- 


ill.    Rolll  bore, 

;rave  Roll)  anil 

ns  Ordin.ary-m 

ole  Koll  three  eups  between  three  crosses 

JStottot,  Hobert  le-(H. 


Stukele,  NicoU-lk.  ll.  Roll)  bore,  argent, 
on  a  fess  sable  three  mullets  of  the  field. 
Surrey  Roll, 

Sturmy,  Sir  Robert  de^iF..  i  Rolll  bore, 
sable,  a  cros»  engrailed  or.  a  label  (3)  argent ; 
Holland  Roll. 

Sturmyn,  Sir  Robert  de,  of  Cheshire— 
(K.  11.  kohl  tKire,  gules,  a  chevron  argent 
between  three  plates,  Parli.mientary  Roll. 


Strabolgi  t   Atholl. 

Stradling,    Sir   Edward— IK.    in.    Roll) 

!v  I,     pal\    161  areent  and  azure,  on  a  bend 
■,'ul.  s  tiiree  cinquefoyles  pierced   or  ;   Ashniole 

Strange  -.■-  Le  Strange. 

Stratherne,  the  Earl  of,  in  Scntland- 
(K-  111  Roll)  bore,  gules,  two  chevronels  or 
1 1'  1     Camden  Roll  and  .lenyns'  Ordinary. 

Stratton,Sr.le,l )  knighted  at  the  capmi 

lalioii  of  Calais  134S.  bore,  or,  two  bars  am 
in  the  caiitel  an  inescocheon  gules.     F. 

Stretton,  ( 1.  a  Snflfolk  Knight— IH.    vi 

Roll)  Uire.  argent,  on  a  cross  sable  hve  tor 
teau-v  ;  .-Vrundel  Roll. 

Stratton,   ( 1.  a  Suffolk  Knight— (H.  vi 

Roll)  tiore.  or.  on  a  chief  dancette'e  azure 
three  escallops  argent;  .\rundel  Roll. 

Streeche,   Stephen  —  (E.    i.   Roll)   tore 

argent,  a  ■  chevron  et  demi  ■'  (2  chevronels  ii 
trieki  azui,-.  on  .i  f]ilarter  of  the  last  a  fleur-de 
Ksor  ;    Ie1l^ns■  Roll. 

Strechley,  Sir  John  de  -^f  Xotts)— bore 

Roll)  bore,   paly  (6) 

Sturmln,  Henry  le- 

argent,    three    deiiii-lvoi 
St.    LJeorge    Roll  -Mi:K 

Sturmyn,  Sir  John,  l^uighted  at  the  capitu- 
lation of  Calais  1343.  Ijore,  sable,  a  lyon 
passant    g.ird.mi     ardent  —  bl.asoned    saliant 


*Sturton,  Sir  John- 
fountains,    i, " 

Sudbury.  Sir  .loh.i 
stable  I ,      .■ 

(To  lUnrina 
erroneously  a;. 
Camden   koll.  i 

,®  0  0 


j.^A  SMi^ 

r " 



'■'  7 


y\     / 


^fc^^-iSK^        r-P*ft    <^^  ■^S^C^S-M^  (p^^^r^^i       ^^^      <^yyUxr^  ^"^cg^^H^ 

ZCfit  J.-  S,>nek 

■^  *r<^  (in  <^*vpi> 


Sully,  Sir  John  (or  Sii.uvl.  k.g..   1362  - 

iHirc,  crmiiK-.  iouv  l>.irs  gules,  K,  400  fo.  37,    F. 
Suley,  Sir  ■William  de  -l".rs.  M  the  lirsi 

Surrien,  Sir  F: 

or  thrt-'c  piiltfts  yiilus.  on  a  chitrf  argcni  ihrfc 
fhcallt'ps  iatiV-  ;    K.  402  fo.  28. 

Surteys,  Thomas— (K.  i  Roll)  fjore,  tTiiiii»\ 
o.,  ,.  .,".'rter  gule!,.  an  oric  nrgint  ;  Jinynb' 

Sutton,  Sir  Avery  de— (K.  111.  Roll!  I« 
flii.irlLrlv  nru'^nt  ,nnl  ijulus  ;   Aslimolc  Roll. 

feutton.  Sir  John  de— bore,  at  the 

Sutton,  Sir  Hamond  de  (of  Ksse\)— hore, 
crusily  and  thtt-i-  covered  cups  argeiit,     (I-'. ) 

■  k.) 



I.)  bore,  the  field  argent. - 
■Shirley.  I  F. 
Button,  Sir  John  de,  of  Holderness,  baron 
1324,  bfjre  at  [he  battle  of  Boroughbridge  IJ22, 
or,  a  lyon  rampant  a/ure,  oppressed  bv  a 
biiston  gobony  argent  and  gules.     (F. )     Asll- 

.  the 

Kl   Uun 

Sutton,  Sir  John   de,  of   Lincolnshir 

Sutton,  Sir  John-lF..  1.  Roll)  bore,  or,  a 
lyon  gules  and  a  chief  vair  ;  Nativity  Roll. 

Sutton,  John,  H.vKoNDtDciiv,  k.g.  (H.  vi.) 
—  bore,  or,  two  lyons  passant  anure,  ■imtrterty 

,  Johnde-(K.  lll.  Roll)  bore,  azure. 
•lis  conjoined  in  fess  or.  a  baston  gobony 
and  gules  ;  .lenyns  Ordinary. 

Sutton,  John  de— bore. 

:  the  second  Dun 
knightetl    at     Ihi 

Sutton  ( — -)a  Knight— .H. 
azure,  t«o  chevronels  belwee, 
argent ;  .\runjel  Roll. 

Swalow,  Williara— iR    11.  I 

ave  Roll.    F. 

Swillington,  Adam,  baron  1326.  bore, 
arsent,  a  eheiron  azure  :  leiivns'  Ordinarv. 
Sir  \ii.VM.  of  Vorks..  di::-  reneed  witha  laUl 
131  gules;  Nativity  and  I'.-.rly.  Rolls.  RiuiK«r 
ditferencetl  uith  a  lalx-1  13)  ermine:  .Surrey 

Swillington,  Sir  Hugh,  of  Yorkshire— 
IK.  tl.  Rolll  bore,  ardent.  ..11  a  chevron  azure, 
I  laliel  13) 

of  the  last;  Harl.  MS.  6137  fo. 
Swinburne,  Adam  de— ijore 

;  the 


Swinburne,  Sir  Adam  de,  of  Norttium- 

berland— (i:    11    Rollibore.  gules,  ihreesiiines' 
heads  couped   .irgenl ;   IMrlianient.arv ,   Glover 

id  le 

Swinburne,  Sir  Robert,  of  NorthuiidH.r- 
land-(K.  11.  R..II1  bor.-.  gules  crusilv  and 
three'  head^coupcl  argent  ;  I'arh.  and 
.Surrev  Rolls.  Vs  l.jre  It  uith  a  laliel  131 
or  ;  Surrey  Roll,  and  Laiifd.  MS.  872  fo.  6o>'. 

Swinbournei Ibore.  at  thesiegeof  Ro 



«ilh  an 

*Swinbourne,  William  -K   111  k'.lhb.e-e, 

argent,  a  chief  gules  .iiid  three  iani]iief..>  les 
counterehanged  2  and  i  'F  I;  Jenvns'  Ordi- 
nary. In  the  Surrey  Rod  it  is  iiiasoned  per 
fess  gules  and  argent,  three  roses  counter- 

'Viri^yi^  ^wY/tzKl- 

^         fee    cS-i^™. 

<fe  ^Gr^yCftrt^^trU' 

^/m'  y«#c  oivrVi 

!    T 




^.^^,.M     ^^1^^^     ^^H^- 

^£aiV-*»<9-    '^rt^y^y^MU-  "^yJ-M^y 


Swynford,  Sir  John  de,  of  Hunrs— 1^:.  ti. 
Roll)  iHjre.  argL-m.  three  swmes  heads  cuuped 
gilk-s  ;    I'arly    Roll.      F. 

Sw5'nforcl.Nnriu:iii  u  I  SivThomas  de, 

Swynhowe,   Kobert-IK.    i.    R 
satjle   three   swine   passant  argent 

Swyne,  Robert,  o(  Ihlton  (In  Holilerncssei, 

l.^untier    of  the   aljbe\  — (K.    I.    Roll)  b<»re,  or. 
three  chaplets  gules',  Jeinns'   Roll;   Hll.TiiN 
bears  the  same.     K. 
Swynythwaite,  Thomas  — |K.    i.    RoMi 

pa.ManTs''ab'le  ;"jeimis'  Roll  and  Ordinary,   t. 
Sydncyi )an  K,s.e.?knight -(H.  yi.  Roll, 

Syfrewast,  Robert  -(H.  i.  Roll)  l^orc. 
a?urL'.  WiTVK  gfm.-IU>  ami  a  chit:f  ary^iit  , 
Jeiiytis' kull.  Sec  Cvh  KKW  AST  anti  Sii  KtU  AST 


lud   the 

/yv*  vrt-^r*  Arvu 

S-winnorton,  Sir  Roge 
bore,  at  the  tirst  iJuici-iiM' 
argtnt,    a  cross   (|i.i''  ■ 

the  siege  of  Calais  134^--.''.  .I'ld  Su  Ki-.i-.k. 
knighted  at  the  capitulattuii  of  1348. 
differenced  il  w  ith  a  label  (5^  gules. 

Swinnerton,  Sir  Roger,  of  Cambritlgeshire 
— (K.  II.  Rull)  bore,  argetu.  a  cross  patonce 
coiijjed  at  tlie  foot  sable,  Harl.  4033.  In 
Harl.  6137,  argent,  a  cross  pat^e  rtorelt(?f 
at  the  ends  sable  ;  Parly.  Roll.     F.F 

Bwinnerton,  Adam  de— (K.  hi,  R"11)  bore. 

argent,  a  crass  llory  sable  (now  p.ilt!e  rior>'i 
boutles  floreites  ;  Jtrnyns'  Ordinary.  Sir 
R(ic:ek  bore  argent,  a  cross  pattV-  sable  ; 
Nativity  Roll.  RobKKT  bore  the  re\erse  0" 
Jenyns' Ordinary),  being  thesanie  as  E'li.kiko  : 
the  protxibility    is  that   the  crosses    in    these 

Syward.  Sir  Richard,  bn 

Kmhikt  in  Marl.  6137  fo.  38". 

Syward,  Sir  Richard,  a  b.inneret— (F..  1 
kfjii)  bore,  sable  a  cross  Horettcc  titchtV-  , 
the  foot  aryeiu.— in  trick  a  cross  paloni 
cou|)cd  at  llie  foot ;   Tarly.   Roll  ;  for  a  siniil; 

Joan,  the  Fair  Maid  of  Kent,  wife.  Is 

,  of  Sir 

Thomas  Hollano,  oh.  1360.  and 

2nd,  of 

Edward  the  HIack  rrince. 

Syward,  Sir  'Willia 

Sywardby,  John— (K.  111.  RoIIi  bore, 
argent,  a  bend  cotised  sable  between  six 
Ivonceus  (3.  3I  of  the  last  ,•  Surrev  Roll  and 
Jenyns'  Ordin.ary.,  datighter  of  Tlln.MAS  of  Woodstock, 

wife,  1st,  of  Edmund  de  Stafford,  k.t..,  fell 

at  Shrewsbury  1403,  ami  2nd,  of  William 

BoURtHlER,  Earl  of  Eu. 

Jl.lZAliiirH,  daughter  of  Joiix  of  (;aunl,  wife 
of  John  Holla.\d,  Diike  of  Exeter  1397. 

Marv,   Queen   of  France,   youngest  daughter 

of    HF..NRV     VII.,     oh.     158',,     3rd     wife    of  Brandon,  Duke  of  Suftolk. 

JlerahUc  Atchievemaih  of  those   Princesses   thrnv^h  whom    Rmnl   QuarUrings  are  transmitted;  frjin  unpuHished  dnnoin:^  of 
the  late  Fraler  Anselm,  of  JfoHiil  Si.  Bernard  Abbey,  in  Leicester. 

;.,      ..  (■..,i«'.!->i''-''V»  »vV',v>i>.V- 



thf  French  fight  and  th 

th  Harold  fdl."     Afhr  Ihe  Baytux   Tapestry, 

%^  '=7^lei^ 



Talbot,  Richard-  III 

•Talbot,  Sir  Gilbert  (ofc 

;  the  bnrdi 
ileil.  IHihl 
of  koiK-n  I 

q-iinrterly  with  the  first  biasoned  coal,  see  title 

Talbot,  Sir  John,  knighted  at  the  capitu' 
lAuon  of  Calais  1348.  bore,  gules,  n  Ivor 
r.inipiint  or.  a  iKtrdure  engrailetl  of  the  last 
and  a  be.idlet  azure.  Jcnyns'  Ordinary  .as 
cr:bes  to  another  Joii.s".  the  coat  without  thi 
'yon    charged    with 

Talbot,  Gilbert-(H. 

Talbot,  Sir  John  — iK.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  crusilv  ntehi^ei;.  7).  and  three  fleurs- 
de-lys  gules  ;  Ashninle  and  Surrey  Kolls. 

Talbot,  Gilbert  and  1;)  Robert-IH  111 
Roll)  bore,  tjarry  16)  ardent  and  gules  ; 
Howard  and  .Ashmole  copy  of  Dei  in?  k,ill  - 
or  and  gules  for  kuBKK'i*  in  IJerIng  Roll.     F. 

TalboyB,  Walter-! R.  11.  Roll)  hore.  argent, 
a  saltire  gules,  on  a  chief  of  the  last,  three 
escallops  of  the  field  ;  Surrey  Roll.  Hknkv 
bore  the  field  or.  in  Jenyns'  (Ordinary. 

Talboya,  Sir  'William,  Sk.   nt   Kvme- 

bore.  at  the  siege  of  Rouen  1418.  gules,  crusily 
and  a  eintjuefpyle  or.  ,/u,ii-tt'rly  u-i/A.  Ky.\ik  ; 
a/ure,  crusily  .and  a  chevron  or.     F. 

Talmaclie,  Sir  Hugh,  of  Suffolk— (H.  iii. 
Roll!  bore,  argent,  fretiy  s.abte;  Arden  and 
Parliamentary  Rolls.  Sir  \Vn,Ll.\M  differenced 
with  a  ialjel  (3.  5)  gules.  (F'.)  Harlcian  and 
Segar  Rolls. 

Talworth,  Sir  "William,  of  Hssex.  Kt.— 
(H.  vr.  Roll)  bore.  b.arrv  (6)  or  and  azure,  on 
a  chevron  gules  three  mullets  (■'.)  of  the  first ; 
Arundel  Roll. 

JTam-worth,  Giles  de-(H.  111.  Roll)  bore. 

argent,  a  less  dailcettee  between  three  cocks* 
heads  erased  sable  ;  Dcring  Roll.     F. 



Talbott,  Kit;hard— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
a  Ivon  giil's  collared  or.  a  bordure  \ 
besantfe;  Norfolk  Roll. 

anipant  gules. — purpure.  for  anothi 
su.  of  Lane,  in  I'arli.lmenuirv  Roll 
s'  Ordi 

*Tanckard,  ■William,'  H. 

JTancre,  Bartram  ( 
Rolll  bore,  a/ure.  twr,  1 
Dering  and  How.ard  Rolls. 



Talbot.  Sir  I?  Ki 

of  B.T5hall.  in  Lam 
tion  of  Calais 

purpure.     Sir  J 

th-'^a^n/n'ar/fn       /yyPfift^ai1t-f^<M-i 

j      z^z'n 



i.     ^   t 




'4%%      %: 













1{Ai?Jora^Jhale        J^^^^^      ^*'*"j  TAa..^  ^^^TJU.^e  <^^«^»^         -^ti^l 

Tany,  Sir  John,  of  Kssex,  and  Lucas — 

(H  in  Knlli  Iwru.  a«urc,  ihrif  UlvrulcIS 
.Lri;<ru  ,   i '.irli.iiifntary  and  Howard  Ru!ls  and 

Tany.  Sir  Richard, of  Kssev-(H.  iii.  Roll) 

lini',  11,  si\  iM'^lfts  disptaved  sable;  fjuillini, 
Huu.iul  aiul  I'arlianieniarv  Rolls  —  three 
eaglels  ,1,  Jci,>  ns-  Ordinary.  ' 

Tarent,  the  Duke  de— |K.  iv.  Roll)  Ixire. 
quarterly  gule-.  and  ari;ent  m  the  first  an  eagle 
displ.iyed  of  the  seeonil  ;  Jenyns'  Orilinary. 

Roll)  lK>re.  .argent,  a  fess  lictween  three 
lets  111  chief  ami  a  chevron  in  base  all  ; 
.Arundel  Roll. 

H.VbslCLI.;  St.  Ocorf;c  Roll. 

Thaine,  Henry  de— ill.  iii.  Rolll  l«ire,  i 
three  crestunls  i^ules.  each  clLarged  with 
spur-rowell  argent.     |1".)     .St.  George  Roll. 

ji^l  cfaJL^,^  Tateshall,  Sir  Robert  iT.\ 

&ri   I^MHnX'  Duct.-iiham,    Kiron    r5r,;-l,or( 

i«<^/     C/l. 

Thani,  Richard  de 

•[Tatton,  Robert,   K 

-Shiriey.f  V. 

Tampest, iK.  in. 

chevron   Ciller.   iKjtween 
Cotgraie  Roll. 
'Tempest,  Richard  .ii 

three  niartlei 
1  ■William 

Thimbleby Knight-(II. 

Sul.>.  a  ili.iron  engrailed  and  , 
.\rundel  Roll. 

niaunch  gules  .  .\shmole  Roll. 
Thirkeld,    ■William -iir.    i 

jenyns'     Rcll'-anotlJir.     arger 
burulc'e  or  and  gules— or.  threi 

Thirle'wall,  Raphe  de— iK.  t.  Roll)  bore 
gules,  a  chevron  Iwtween  three  boars'  heads 
couped  bendwavs  argent:     (V.)     Jenvns'  Roll. 

it  '^^^fiyaa£l 

Ordiii.iiv  I        .         , 

Temnle,  the  Auntient  of  the — iH.  iii. 
Rolll  boie.  argent,  ■>  cross  passant  gules  and  a 
chid  sable, -rhe  .\m  ikvt  iiki.  Hi>s1-it.\1.t.. 
bore,  gules,  a  cross  formee  argent  ;  .Vorfolk 

Mtlle  of 

Tendring,  Sire  John— Inire. : 

Hormighbritlge  1122.  sable,  a  fess  tietueen  two 
chevronek  nr,  a  fabel  131  of  l-rallce  ;  gtiles.  on 
e.icll  p.;ii.l.iiil  three  tlenrs-de  b  ,  argent.      K. 

Tendring.  Sir  John,  a  Suffolk  Knight— 
iK.  11.  Roll)  b.,re.  amre,  a  fess  between  two 
chevroncis  or.  a  laliel  (31  giiles,  oil  each  pen-  a  rteur-de-hs  argent.     iK.)     I'arly.  Roll. 

Tendring,  Sir  ■William,  a  Suffolk  Kmght 

—IK.  111.  Roll)  bore.  .a7iirc,  a  fess  between 
two  chevronels  argent  :  .\rundel.  .\shniolc  and 
Surrey  Rolls. 

Thorne,  Sir  ■Willi; 

(K.)     Jei 

■  Roll. 


.\ruiidcl  Roll, 


M.S.  4205 


Terby,  John 


oile  I 
of  th 



Teringham  ■ 



Teves,  Sir  ■Waif 

die  b,iuleof  Kii;     i 

']■    .le. 

oc.nt    Ml      \r 
k,4l,:    i-.v  , 

so       X 

to  the 

IvM,  spur-row 
Haroiis-  letter 

•Thornhill,  Sir  Bryan— (E.  iir.  Roll)  be 

.•ules.     two    genielles    and    a     chief    argei 
Ashiiiule  Roll  and  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

ghtc.l  at 

Thornton,  Sir  Piers  de,  kn 

capitulation  of  Cal.iis  1348,  bore 
bend  gules  three  escarbuncles  01 . 

Thornton a  Knight— (H.  v 

sable,    a   chevron    and  a   chief 
.irgent :   .\rundel  Roll. 

'  Thorold,  Sir   Richard,    Iv 


"^rcon  dtT^jft  f» 

)  1 

•/-  ^/i;^-V 




In  AMnvKLiTHORPK  Church,  Norfolk, 





y         '     I 

K  ■     I 

I   '. 


V         / 




■WxH- <=rrz«.Ji  <l>UV-r^l 

^       f^,:'lM»i 

Torboc,  Sir  Richard,  of  Torboc--(i:.  i\, 
knill  lior-,  nr,  -in  f.ii^lf's  claw  coupfLl  gule=. 
uii  .1  ill.  :  ri.iiicLtloe  .oziirL-  three  plalcs  ;  with 

tru,I  ,    1;    i.irj  Roll. 

jTorpicm.  Walter  de,|Ti;Kr[i;Ni)— IH.  iii. 

ki'lli  111-',    n/ure.    an  iiiesi;ochcon  wilhin  an 

Hill ■    .lUnp^  {i,\  .irfccut  (F.)  ;  Dcring  Roil, 

no  fbc.ii;  ;.s  111  .\sliinole  Roll. 

Torrell an  Ks>ev    KnightHH.  VJ.  Roll) 

Lore.   ;,n;  -s.  a  foss  engrailuil    argL-n[  l»;l»c.;n 
Ihrt'i.-  bii:  ^'  ho.idb  coupcd  or,  pt'rhaps  argent  ; 

Torry  v.  Corry. 

Torts,  Sir  Raffe  de,  of  Dorset-ii:.  it.  Roll) 
Ijnre.  gu  es,  a  givphon  segreant  or;  Parly. 

tTraseme,  Otes,  (TK.vistNE)— (H.  lit. 
bort;.  or,  three  liends  a7Ure,  within  a  IfC 
giiles  iF.l;  Dering  Roll:  liendy  (6)  o 
aaiire  in  .Vshmolc  MS. 

Travers,  John  de— iR  ti.  Roll) 
argent,  a  chevron  bet\veen  fonr  butt 
sable  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Trayley,  Sir  ijohn)  de,  of  neds.— (I 

Roll)  bore.  or.  a  cross   between   four   n.i 
g\ilcs;  .\rden.   Parly,  an. I  Surrey  Rolls. 

•[Trefusis,  Peter  de,  to  K.  iii.— bore,  a 
a  chevron  between  three  w  harrow  s|: 
sable.— Shirlev  "     ¥. 

Treeoz,  Sir   .lohn 
Falkirk  i;i. 

the  battli:   of 


"^rg  ^0/y{tUfi-y 


Tutliil.Lt.^  ni  Harl.  MS.  6137. 

Touchet.  William,  lord  of  Levenhales 
I2qi>-I3'i-,.  sealerl  the  Harons'  letter  to  the 
Pope  13CI — erusily  patt-e  fitchee  a  l)On  ram- 
pant, pp.  xxii,  wiv,  and  Cott.  Julius  C  vii.  277. 
The  coal  ol  martlets  is  ascrilicd  to  him  in  the 
Nobilitv  Roll,  and  ermine  a  chevron  gules  in 
the  Pailanientary  Roll. 

Touchet,  Robert— (F.  11.  Roll)  bore, 
ermine  a   chevron  gules ;    Jenyns'   Roll    and 

dinan  Surrev  and  .\shniole  Rolls  ;  as 
Sir  Ti  of  Northanis,  iintl  to  R. 
RuGlBI  l.E  FiTZ  with  a  label  (3)  i 

Parlianieaiary  Roll 
Touchet,  Sir  William— (E.  1.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  ter  martlets  4.  3,  2,  i  or ;  Parly.  Roll  ; 
six  in  the  .\rundel  Roll— this  latter  is  .-iscribetl 
to  Emi.vm  Tm-CHES  in  the  Carlave-ock  Roll 
1300  .inc.  to  W'M,  TtJCHtLI.tiS  in  Harl.  MS. 
6137.  F 
akes.SirWalter,of\otts.-|K.  11.  Roll) 

Parly.,  Holland,  and  St.  George  Rolls, 


Tours,  Eustace  de- 
gules,  ar.  orle  argent,  i 
cocheon  izure  charged  v 
the  sccor  1  crowned  or. 
Glover  Roll  ;  (this  bias, 
identical  with  FL'sr.vct; 

"ITowTileT,  Richard  de,  de  i..\  Lrnt 
1373  — 1>:  re,  argent,  a  fess  and  in  chief  thr,-. 
mullets  s^ble. —Shirley,]     F. 

•[Townshend,  Sir  Walter  de,  c.  ijoo- 
bore,  a  chevron  ermine  between  threi 
escallop:  argent. — Shirley.  '     Y. 

Tracheon  ■■  Treveynour. 

Tracy,  Sir  William,  (< 

ent  1308,  or,  twi 

.eallop  gules  (F.);  .\shmol 

Sir  JriilN,  knighted  at  th 

lais  134S.  differenced  with 

Tregoz,  Sir  Henry,  banneret,  sealed  the 
Barons'  letter  to  the  Pope  1301,  pp.  .xiv, 
.\xiv.  He  bore,  azuie.  two  geniellcs  and  in 
chief  a  Ijon  passant  gardant  or;  Nobilitv, 
Hiring  and  other  R..1K ;  garilant  in  .\rden 
aiKl  Howard  Rolls  an.l  Jenyns'  Ordin,ary. 

Tregoz,  Robert  de— III.  iti.  Roll)  Imre, 
gnles,  thre^-  genielles  or.  inchiefalvon  passant 
of  the  first  (j;c)  probablv  or ;  (ilover  Roll  ; 
two  gcmelles  in  St.  George  Roll. 

Trehampton,  Ralph  de— (H.  iit.  Roll) 
bore,  argent,  a  iKjnd  gules  ;  Glover  and 
Grimaldi"  Rolls. 

Trekingham,  Sire  Walter  de— bor 

the  battle  of  Borouglibridge  1322,  argent, 
bars  gules,  in  chief  three  torteaux,  over 
baston  sable;  ascribed  to  JOitN  (F.)  in  Jci 

Roll)  bore, 
itel  an  ines- 
1  rampant  of 
)  of  the  last ; 
icr  obscure  I, 
Jl.  lit  Tt.i 

Trellowe,  Robert  —  I R.  11.  Roll) 
azure,  a  chevron  between  three  es 
argent ,  Surrey  Roll.     See, 

*LTremayne,  Perys,  F,  i,— bore,  gnle; 
dexter  arms  conjoined  and  flexed  in  t 
or,  hands  clenched  proper.— Shirley. ] 

Trenton,  Sir  Raffe  de  ITkkm-nt. 

CO  Lines -(H    III    Rolh  bore,  argent, 
gules  ;  ,\rden  and  Parly.  Rolls, 


Tracy,  William— IH.  111.  Roll)  bore,  or, 
two  h„r  Is  l«.itween  nine  or  ten  escallops 
gules  if  ,  ;  .-\rden  anti  St.  George  Rolls. 

•Trafford,  Edmund,  of  TrafTorrl-iF..  iv. 
Rolli  U  :e.  argent,  a  grvphon  segreant  gules  ; 
»ithcre-t      (F.)     K.illar.l  Roll. 

U^'^-raff^^    /^*r;n?^r*.,n.^     ^^'i^ri^/^'if 


1 ' 

i  ; 



,  •^V.^'^ 

"•"^iv; ^ 

HOME  FEUD  A  I. - 

'  LTrevelyan,  Nicholas  de,I-. 

within  .1  bortiurt 

.Vshmole  Roll.     •rKACHKiiN    bears  the 
s;iine  in  FaI'Wdktii. 

Trewent,  Steven  de— IK.  tii.  koII)  Imre, 
.irgenl,  .1  flie\Tnn  lK.'tvict;n  thrt'C  (luul)le-headcd 
eaglets  gules  ;  Jenyns'  Roll  aiitl  Ordinary. 

Trigot,  Sir  Henry  - 
azure.  t«o  bars  and  in 
gardant  or  ;  R 

Trillon,    Sir   John - 

Tromyn,  Roger— (R.  n.  Roll)  bore,  sable,  a 
saltLre  engrailed  or  ;  Surrey  Roll  ;  ascriljcd 
to  John  lHt.Mwv  in  Jenyns'  Ordin.nry. 

Tromyn,  Sir  Humphrey— IK.  in.  Rolll 
Iwre.  a  sallire  engrailed  or.  a  bordnre 
.argent ;  .\shniole  Roll. 

Troutbeok,  Sir  William,  of  Dunham - 

(K.    IV.    Roll)    bore,    azure    three    troutlieck 
rined  argent,  quarterly  zi'itJt,  argent,  a 

Trumpington    bore,    at    the  sieg 

Rouen  1418,  azure,  crusilv  and  two  hauti 
(or  trumpets)  addorsed  or.     F. 

Trumpington,  Sir  Giles,  ofcn  Cambr 
IK.  II.  Roll)  bore,  azure,  crusilv  and 
h.autboys  chevronwise  or  ;   Parlv  Roll. 

Trumpington,  Sir  Roger  -l«.re,  .11 
battle  of  Doroughbndge   I  :--  1:  1 

and    two   hautbovs    piir\\ 

argent  (F.)  ;  borne  uruli.'i      :       ' 
and   Sir    R(K;t  H   Isee    M.  i.     i  .j  ,  -        1    , 
and  Howard  Rolls.     Sir  Iaii;.,  i.„i,  .1  o, 
liich<!e  in  the  H.arleian  Roll.     .\  Ri«.i.K  1 
up  the  cross  in  tile  last  Crusade  1270. 

-COATS  or  AK.\rs 

In  Trumpini;ton  Church,  O 
1289,    17    E.    I. 
After  IValler. 






Trumpington a  Suflblk  Kt.  -iH.  vi. 

Rolll  bore,  ariire,  cnisily  and  two  trumpets 
pilewavs  or,  >.u,irUrlv  with,  argent,  fretty 
s.ible. 'a  canton  gules,  over  all  a  label  I3) 
azure,-  .Aruiide,  Roll. 

Trussebnt,  Robert— ill.  tii.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  three  w.'.ter-bougets  gules  (F. )  ;  .\rden 
and  St.  George  Rolls.  One  of  these  names 
Hereditar\  Standard-bearer  temp.  R.  I.  Sue 

Trussebut,  Robert  and  Sir  'William— 

Ashmole  Roll  .-jid  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Trussell,  Sir  'William— bore,  at  the  battle 
of  Horoughhridce  1322,  argent,  a  cross  pati^e 
rtoretti^e  gules  1'.  I ;  Ashmole  MS.  ;  ascritied 
also  10  Sir  Juiix  who  was  linr-Jihled  at  the 
capitul.ition  of  Calais  1348  ;.\shniole  Roll.  ^icc. 

Trussell,  Sir  Waren  .ind  Sir  'William, 

of  Cnhlesdon.  iVonhnntM  A«-r^  i,  ti...  .,..,„. 
ofCaiais  I!4i-f     argent,  fi-  1:,  ,,,,, 

at  the  joints  IK  1  .  [.Sir  Will;:     ;    ■  .  ,1 

with  .a  label  (3:  azure)  nn.l  ,:  ^  i  I  ,  ^- 
.st-:i,l.  knighted  at  the  <  iinnr.'ii -i,  i-|^; 
astribed  also  D  Sir  J<ill\.  Klciniil..  and 
Thomas;  .\shivole  and  St.  George  Rolls  and 
lenvns'  Ordinan.  .\VKRV  bor«  the  held  or; 
Surrey  Roll. 

•Trye,  Mathew  de— (H.  111.  Rolll  tore.  or. 

a  f>end  .azure.  .F.l  Dering  Roll.  RKr.iNAT.n 
differenced  with  a  label  gules  in  Norfolk  Roll. 

Try,  Seigneur  de. 

tjend   gobony  argent   .and 

Tryvett,  John-lR.  ll.'  Roll)  bore,  argent, 
tnvett  within  a  l-^rdnreengrailed  sable  ;  Siirre 
Roll.     T11..M  >-  bore  it  without  the  bordure  .- 

)  Sir  .(.., 

-C-hmole  Roll.     See  Tkk 

Tudenham,  John  de— (H.  in.  Rolll  bore, 
barrv  lozeno  (6  argent  and  gules  :  St.  George 
Roll  and  Jcnyn,  Ordinary,  in  which  Latter' it 
is  bl.asoned  barr-.  i8i  argent  and  gules  indented 
counterthanged  Ol.lVKK  bore  it  argent  and 
.izure.     SeeTort.Mt.tM. 

Tunstall,  Richard,  of  East  Bolton- (E.  in. 
Roll)  tore,  arc.nt.  on  a  chief  azure  three 
besanls.  In  Jer.yns'  Ordinary,  argent,  on  a 
chief  indented  az-.u'e  four  hesants.  three  in  trick. 

Tunstall,  Thomas— bore,  at  the  siege  of 
Rouen  1418,  sab'e.  three  combs  2  and  1  argent. 
(F.  I     Surre;  Roli  and  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

/v^»rA.  i  '^^j[tl  />n^*^,  h-t^'ry»- 



i«  ■'■■ 

(       ':v 



SO.l/E  rEUDAL   COATS   OF  AR.\rs. 

^J6t  $«#*r^^ 

ry.^.ft^..Y^  ^-^^f^l  ^^^^  ^^^ 

W^kt  Ittxiiriutte- 


•[Twysden,  Ada 


-chaiiKi^tt.  — Shirk'v . 
;ll.   III.    Roll)  bore- 

Tlirbervile,  Thomas  de 

Turbervile,  Henry  :■.  Habervile. 

Turpinton,  Sire  Hugh  de- 

Imilf    of    Hornu«;;c   nil, 
l«.-nd  triple 



Turvey,  Sire  John— Imre.  at  ihe  battle  of 
BoroU!;libri(lpe  1322,  jjules.  a  che\roti  between 
three  bulls  ipassnot)  or.     F. 

Turvile,  Sir  Nicholas,  of  W.trwickstiir.-, 

and  Robert— I  K.  11.  Kolll  bore,  culei,,  two 
chevronels  vair  ;  I'arliamentarv  Roll  aiul 
Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

•Turvile.  Sir  Richard,  of  Warwickiiiire- 

ll-  11  Rnlli  bore,  sules,  three  chevronels  vair  ; 
P.irlianicntary  Roll. 

Tutchara,  Oliver  de— iH.  111.  Roll)  bore. 
I  heL<|m  argent  and  gulesafess  azure;  Rom  kt, 
on  the  fess  three  escallops  or  ;  Howard  Roll. 

Tuyley  ; .  Cuilly. 

Tw7er,RobertandWilliam-iK  111  kolli 
l«,n-.  gules,  a  cross  vair  ;  Roll  and 
Jenyn,' Ordinary.      K 

Twyford,  Sir3  John  de  lof  co.  Leicr.  1— 
l.ore.  nt  the  hrst  Dunstable  tournament  1308 
and  at  the  battle  of  lloroushbriilge  1322, 
argent,  two  b.irs  sable,  on  a  quarter  of  "the 
second  .Tcinquefovle  or,  ill  .\nother  h.n.N' 
l»ore    it    at    the    second    tnurnanient    t334   on 

Tyas,  Francis,  iTykvs|—|H.  11 
argent,  a  fess  and  in  chief  three  r 
.^rden  Roll. 

Tyaa,  Robert-lf 

lietween  three  mallets  tjendwav 
trick,     (r.)     Jenyns'  Roll. 

iTychesy,  Thomas  de — IH. 

gules,  frctlyc.iir.    (1,1   Dernigii 

Tyes, Sir  Henry.'-n  I'll'""  I 
!=«,,   seal.  . I    •■'■■■   y.   ■■■•■-     ':■•■ 

1301,   pp.    MN 

■=93    and    .a   ::,     -  • 

.argent,  a  cli.  w,.ii  -n!.        ;l 

Roll)  bore,  gules,  a  fes 



Tyndale,  Sir  WiUiam— 1 K 
art^ent,  on  a  fess  sable  three 
mole  Roll  and  Jeiiyns'  Ordinal 

Tyndale  ( )  a  Knight— IH 

,  Sir  Roper  de,  of  Hucks, 

.\ruiHlel  Rolls. 
T.yrrell,  Sir  Rog:er 

Tyrrell,  Roger  iTikkm— 1 
\V.)     .Vrden  and  St.  George 

efordl.  iK.r 
1308.  azur 
indented  . 

Tyrrell  ( 

liore,  argent  two  cnevro 
dure  engrailed  gules ;  .\r 

•Tyrwhit.  Sir  Willia 

;  Knight-lH 
■onels  a/ure 
^rundi  1  Roll. 

fp,  cU^^.f. 

rf&nr\j    if-y^ 

^y  «<^/iP- 

llallard  and  .\ri 






,  '■':  l^ 





Jr^  %  (p^^ 


,.  ^«^•;.F 




Cr.U  A.'PUr.e    ^V7ile/>3a^«J  f  -J 

Vale  :-.  De  la  Val. 

a  cros^  giiles  five  esM 

Valenan  v.  Velemane. 

Valence  v.  Earl  of  Pembroke. 

Valence,    Aymer    de,    nf    M.i 

R.ill  .1 

J  .irjeiil  a;ul  sulei  m  Gluvtr  R,.l 
nVreiices  see  Harl.  MS.  1418  fo.  = 




e.  Sir  William  de-(H.  n. 
irgciu,    .a    chief  daneeltt^-   (3) 
lentary  Roll. 



gules  , 

William  de-(H. 

{141  artjenl  and  ai:ure, 
HowarJ  Roll. 

>]|.   Roll) 
over  all  a 


Valoinea,  Sire  William 

(K,  I.  Roll)  bore,  paly  wavy 

de,  of  h 

ounde  tie 


of  6)   arKcnl   and    gulc; 

differencid  willi  a  laliei  (3)  or|  ;  K.\HK.  Ijore  il 
within  a  bordure,  triniiK-  ;  all,  Jcnyns'  Roll- 
lhre«  palcts  wavy  in  Dering  "-nd  Caindtn  Rolls. 

Valoines,  Sire  Henry— tior'j,  at  tht-  liattit 

of  Bnrouglihridge  1322,  pale  undCe  (6)  or  and 
.    gules,  a  label  (6)  argeni,      K. 

Valoines,  Stephen  ( 

liore,  or   three   palet.s   '. 
ermine  ;  Surrey  Rull. 


NSl— (R. 
gules,  a 

1.  Roll) 

Valoines,  Theobald 

peus    unil^e    or    and 

;                 .                           undees    gulez    -tricked. 

;                                         meeting  in  base  gules  ; 

for  WiT.r.HMinJenyns 

(6)  or  and  gules,  in  Grir 



1.   Roll)  bore,  six 
s— ir/-or,    three 
three    piles   wavv 
s   Roll  :  and  also 
.arvlF.I;  oundee 


Valoines,  Bichard  de-(H.  in.  Rolll  bore 
burul<^  (14)  argent  and  a^ure  on  a  liend  guie; 
three  mullets  of  six  points  (perhaps e-stoiles)  or, 
( K. )    St.  George  Roll. 



In  S,'nd  Ch.^pel,  Westminstlr,   1^96. 

After  Gimgh. 

Valoines,  Richard  de  (0,\ 

Valoynes,  Theobald— 1 1'.,  it 

or,  a  cro.s  gules  a  bordure  a;i 
martlets  of  the  (irst ;    leinris   On 

JValoynes,  Walroia  de— (H. 

WlKUl   IS 
llnuard  K, 


ernnne;   .\shmole  Roll. 

Van  Halle,  Sir  Francis, 

ng    Kol 
ml  Wli.l.i.wi 

gules,  a  wyvcrii  or.  trnin  its  neck  an  escocheon 
[>cndeiit  gules  charged  with  a  double-headed 
eagle  argent,  all  within  a  bordure  a^nre 
passant  gard.nit 


i  fo.  53-     !■■■ 

Varley,  Sir  Philip  de  iVi  hi.kv).  of  ICssex 
11..  11.  Roll)  b.sre.  or.  si.x  eaglets  displayed 
3,  2,  I  sable,  over  alia  bend  gules;  Carlianien- 
t.irj  Roll. 

Vascoil,  Sir  John  (Vastuvi.k).  of  Ksse\— 
IK.  II.  Rolll  bore,  argent,  on  a  cross  iable  Sve 
mullets. .r.  I'.irliamentary  Roll. 

Vauncy,  Sire  JoVin  n\'\NNCYl  -Ijore.  .it 
the  battle  of  Horoughbriilge  132J,  argent,  au 
eagle  displayed  purpure. 

Vauncy,  William— (K.  111.  Rolh  l,,.re. 
argent,  an  eagle  displ.iyed  azure,  nieniljered  or; 
Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

/>>a/yi  Haf'U- 

ied  slab  at  Newton  Rigncy~/rD/K  BoitUlL  \ 




Vavasour,  Sir  William,  briiun 

1299— bore,  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk  1298  .iiid 
at  the  sie^c  of  Carlaverouk  1300,  or.  .1  fts> 
dancettt^f  131  s.ible.  (F.)  N'obilitv  and  Parlv. 
Rolls--a5criU'd  to  HiCNkV  in  Jeiiyns'  Ordinary. 

Vava3our,  Sir  ■William— iK.  i.  Roll)  Imrt. 
argent,  a  fess  daiiL-t-LiOt;  azure;  Hollaini  Roll 
—a  label  (5)  for  auothi-T  Wii.l.iA.M  ;  St.  Gi:orgc 

JVele,  Robert  le— (H.  111.  Rolli  bore,  argent 
on  a  btnd  sable  three  calves  passant  of  the 
field.     (F)     Dering  and  Howard  Rolls. 

Velemane,   Raffe,    otherwise  Al-gl-st   or 

Rlstkn    VaI.KN.\N  —  bore,    at    ihc    siege    of 
Rouen  1418  gules  tiiree  birds  in  bend  between 

peahens  argent. 

Venables,  Sir  Hugh— iK.  iii.   Rolli  bore. 

azure,  two  bars  argent;  .\shmale  Roll,  and 
with  crest  in  Ballard  Roll.  Ricil  \Kli  of  Holyn 
(son  of  Hlt.h)  differenced  with  two  mullets 
pierced  argent  in  the  chief— and  W'ile.i  \\i  of 
Bradewall  (brother  of  Hl'GHl  bore  two  plates 
in  chief;   Harl.  MS.  148 1  fo.  35. 

m  -  ,  ; 

Verdon,  Sir  Theobald  de,  of  W'ebley. 

junior  b-imn  1290— lx)re.  at'  the  battle  of 
Falkirk  laoS;  or.  fretiv  gules  a  label  (3.  s' 
a/ure;  Nobiliiy  and  Guillini  Rolls. 

Verdon,  Theobald  de-(E.  111.  Rolllljore. 

or,  fretty  gulcs  [>l.Hey  at  the  joints;  Jeiiyns' 
Ordinary;  and  Tiles,  Neath  Abbey,  p.  \\. 

Verdon,  Sir  Thomas  de  (of  Xorthan tsj  bore, 

al  the  first  Uunsuilile  touriuiment  1308.  sable, 
a  Ivon  raiiipanl  .nj^ent  ;  Parly,  Roll— borne 
ulso  bv    loHN    (l-'.)\it  the  second   Dunstable 

bv  his  brother  Till 'M\s—oniheivon's  shoulder 
a\hess-rook  gules)  and  by  Sir  J<;HN,  knighted 
at  the  capitulation  of  Calais  1348  ;  Jeiiyiis' 
Ordinary . 

second  UunsUible  tournament  1334. 

Verdon,  Thomas  de— iF.  111.   Roll)  bore. 

sable,   a    lyon    argent,    holding    in    his  paw  a 
chess-rook  gules  ;  Cotgrave  Roll. 

kOKLKTj \  \LRr    r \KI   rh  OXtOKD 

In  Broad  Oak  Church, 

Essex,  ob.    1221. 

Ended  at  a  later  date.      After  Stofhard. 

Verdon,  Sir  Robert  de  (of  W 


— (K.    II.    Rolli    bore.    .argL-m.    a 

cross  azure 

fr.iiv  or  Parlv.  Roll  .Harl.  4033I ; 

and  ardent. 

oil  a  cross  a^urt-  rive  fleurs-dc-Ivs 

or,  J'arlv. 

Roll,  Harl.  MS.  6137. 

Vere,  Robert  dc,  l..ii.nirct. 

of  O.vford 

1296— bore.    .11    '.        ' ■'     1  .1 

kirk     1298. 


KffiHV,  Horii.-I..    n,  1    ..;    .M  ■    h.r.l 

'Rl(  II.XKi. 

nth   fcarl,  K  1;,    ItiJi   .It    lilt   in-s 

of   koiieil 

1418.      This   coat   IS    often    and 


hlasoned  the  reverse. 

r.  ■'; 



€\/  ^; 

.-^'''      '',■,  A^  '.'-<       .  .         , 



Videlon,  Sir  William,  or  l'«rks 
K..I1I  l.(,r.-.  .irL'inl.  ll.n-c  vvoIms  iK-nd 
guKi,  ,  I'  Roll.     I'. 

Vile,  AnsBl  de  -(H.  iii   R..II1  (mre 


Inlwl   snhle    (K. 
Tni.MAS  k-  dr.  le  Counl  dv  Osfnford, 
bailie  of  fioroughbridjje  1322. 

'Villers,  Sir  Nicholas  de,  of  co.  GIoiic. 
— (F..  II.  kolU  liorc.  ;iryi:n[.  oil  a  crosi  giiU's 
five  escallops  or.     (K.I     .\shraole  and  I'.nrlv. 

Villers,  Nichol   de-(R   111.   Roll)  bore, 

a7iire,    on    n    cross   or    five    escallops    gules 
Jernns'  Ordinary— same  as  K.\.vikii.i  U.\c.bk. 

/tntfaj  /y>-i-n  tiinf 






ghled    al 
■,  (juarlel 
and  gules  a  l>ordure  vair.     h . 

Cere,   Robert   de— (H.    m.    Rolll 
arseiii.  a  cross  gules  ;  Glover  Roll.     .N'n 
differenced   »iUi  a  label   (3)  azure ;    Jei 


Vere,  Simon  de-(H.  iir.  Rolll  bore,  gules 
tliiiv  ciiK|u>f..»lesl5l\foyle5  enuine  in  fjlover 
Roll  I  iirural  I  Kl :  Jenvns'  Ordin,arv— pierced  in 
.\ril.ii  .ii.d  Si.  C^eorge  Rolls. 

Verney,  Sir    Philip    de— (K.    lu.    Rolll 

Ijiire.   .irgeiil,   a  fess  gules  fret'v  or,    ill  chief 
tliree  niullels  of  the  second  ;  .\sliniole  Roll.   V. 

•Vernon,  John  and  Richard— (K.  in.  Roll) 
bore,  argent,  a  fret  (frettvl  sable,  a  riiiarter 
gules.  (Kl  .Atkinson  and  .Surrey  Rolls  and 
lenyns'  Ordinary.  Lord  N'KKNUN  bears  it 
without  the  quarter. 


Vipount,  Sir  John  de  -l»irc,  at  the  f 
Dunstable  touriinniciii  1  io8.  or,  six  annul 
3,  2.  t  gules  a  label  131  ".i/ure.  (I'M  -Vuii 
and  I'arb.  Rolls. 

Vipount,  Sir  Nicholas,  banneret  (K. 
Roll),    and  Sir   Robert  and    John, 

WestniorelniKl  (i:.  ill.  Rolll  iKire,  or 
annulets  3,  2,  1  gules  ;  ,\sliiiiole,  .\ruiidel  r 
I'arly.  Rolls,  .lenyns'  Ordinary. 

Vyan,  Sire  le  IK    1.   Rolli  bore, 

billettee  and  a  Ivnn  ranipant  gule.s.  ( 
Camden  Roll. 

JVyan,  Lucas  de,  i\'vi:nni".i  *1H.  111.  R 

bore,  a^ure.  a  fess  dancettt'e  argent  ;  How; 
Roll— in  the  Dering  Roll  azure,  crusilv  am 

Vescy,  Williatn 

Ordin.irv.   ' 







fvPM:   h/0^f<^  X^xit  J.  V^Jje 

'   I 


:  / 


,i;      ;     .I.-.  iHlOV    H04tnV- 

.  <»»\<  ■[ 



...  .J   l_ 


The  Eiii'lish  fie.i.     Af:crlhc  Ila)eiix  Tapatr. 


—    W— Y— Z 

Roll  I 

Wachesham,  Sir  Gerard— fK 

l»rc,  nrRcut,  a  fiss  and  in  clmf  Ihrei-  crescei 
ijuIl-s     iK.I     Sir  Iumn  of  Siiriolk  bore  ll^Mt^ 
ijnston  azuro  :  I'nrlianu-nlary  Koll. 
■Waddone,  Simon  de— (E.  ii.   Knlli  boi 

\lled  < 


Wake,  Hue-iH-  UI.  Roll!  bore,  argent  f 
salilt-  liesantyat  thejuinla;  Arden  Roll. 

Wake,  Jon-IH.  nr.  Rolll  bor.-.  .>r.  .1 
guk»  in  chief  Uinv  l.irle.iiix  :   Arden  K,.ll. 

Walcote,  John   de    iR     ii     koll)    I 

jRr.ll.    !■■. 

Wadesley.  Sir  Robert  de,  of  Vnrtsl 

WadeviUe,  Sire  Robert  de-l. 


ey  R. 

'  Walcot,  John,  ( 1 1 


If-M    (I 
w.  had  1 

JWadripun,  Sire  de-iK. 

Idorsed  gules.     Camden 

Roll    (F. )  ;     called    \V.\ 

Wahull,  Thomas  de,  of  Bed.s. 
1297  — bore.  or.  three  crescents  gules 
and  Parliainenlary  Rolls. 
•Wake,  Sir  John  de,  banneret,  a  1 

•Waldegrave,  Richard    (R   ii    kninhore. 

per  pale  anient  and  guks ;  Surrey  Roll.  Mr 
Rl<il.\Kli  hi:  bore  tins  uit'h  a  Ijeiid 
engraileil  sable  ;  .\sliniole  Roll.  V..  111. 

Walden,  Alexander-(R.  ii.  Rolll  bore, 
sable,  two  b.irs  ermine,  in  chief  three  ciiicjuc- 
l"o>  les  pierced  argent  ;  .Surrey  Roll.     I'. 

Waldeseuf.  Alain  de  lor  W,\i.i>F.sKt ml  - 

(H.  111.  Rolll  bore,  gules,  two  chevrons  argent 
a  Label  (:;)  of  France  ;  .St.  George  Roll-borne 
also  by  EiiMfM..  in  the  Arden  Roll. 
Wale  V.  Waleus. 

Wale.  Sir  Tho 

gules  for  Hll  \\'.\ 

Wake,  Sire  Tho 

I  de  Blisworth- 

Wales,  Edward,  P: 

5of-lH.  M-  Rolll  I 
iil.s.  ,jri<ii-tcr!v  wit/t, 
.r :     .N'obihtv    Roll. 

_•:   .Surrey  Roll! 

y  Roll.  K.  II. 
of;    :•.  Eng- 

Wales.  Pr 

the  i 

Jenvns  Ordinary.     F. 

Wake,   Sir   Hugh,  of  Yorkshir 

Parliameiitarv  Roll  il'.l.  ascribed  to  another 
RlLll.\Klii:i'in  the  IJering  Roll.  Hknkv  bore 
gules  a  fess  ;   Arden  Roll. 

^^ff^n /yPet/fvi 

ce  /yvauti  p  *■ 


T  1^  4  ^^ 

^^/VV,«fe.  "^-n^^/V^o^  Utt«5Wa, 

A  lOfUeJeJii 

,ll'  <->„i  ...  ..Uj  . 

;1     ■/!-•    .■  ■'     J?- 




ROBERT    HORACE,    5™    EARL    OF    ORFORD. 


/^''>        r' 



"J  H     T ! ' ' 


Walhope ; .  Welhopp. 
•Wallop,  Kichard  de,  (=  Ed.  hi.  )  fo-mcrly 
Barton.  5r>.-ai-gr.mdion  of  Pltkk  (E.  i.l  Mho 
bore,  argt-nt.  a  Und  wa\-\   sable.     Set  John 
DE  B.IRTON.     Surrey  Rolf. 


In  Ajiberley  Church,  Sussex, 

c.  1424,  2  H.  VI. 

■Wanton,  Sir  William,  kniglULj 
siese  of  Cal.iis  1348,  Tllomas 
John — bore,  argent,  .a  chevron  sal 
camel  a  m.arller  gules.  |F.)  Jei.v 
nary  and  .Ashmole  Roll.  .Anotlier 
differenced  w  ith  an  annulet  sable 

HtKT,.  U  XiialeiJ 

UlViUi-Jt        -Witt  ie  li;a.[exj 

■■^-^  / 



A  i- 

jjO.i/^  feudal  coats  of  arms. 

d&     />v'«Wp>v 

^^<i-  no 

Wanton,  Sir  Wi 

Wanton,  William  de  -liort,  ,11  the  second 
iahle  three  e.i!;lets  displ.iyeci  of  the  field. 

Wanton,  John  de— iH.  iir.  Rolli  frare. 
aryenl.  on  a  Ijeiid  sable  three  buckles,  lontjues 
to  the  deMer  or.     (F.)     Arden  and  St.  tjeorge 

Warren,     Reginald 



al.liev  of 


or  and  azure,  a  bordurc 
engrailed  gules;   H'a'rl.  MS.  1481  fo.  32!'. 

Warren,  Sir  William— bore,  at  the  siege 
of  Calais  1345-8.  (.liecquy  or  and  attire  on  a 
canton  guleb.  a  lyoii  ranip.ant  argent.      F. 

Warren,  Sir  William,  Ic  tib.  knighted  at 
the  canitul.xtioii  uf  Calais  1348— Ijore,  checquy 
or  and  a/ure.  a  chief  argent.     I-\ 


Warren,  Sir  John,  of  Poynton— i 

"Wapaile,  Roger  de— IH.   ni.   Roll)  iwre. 

Rolli  bore,  chi-cqiiv  or  and  azure,  cm  .i 

.-irgtiU  t\\o  chL-vroiis  ("n  chevron  ct  deniv'f 

«ul*;s  .-1  Ivon  rnmp.Tnl  ardent  (ermine 

^ules   ovtT   all    .1   quarter  nf   the   Inst,       (F.I 

mole  Roll)  wuh  two  quarterings   and 

Another  diflereiicecl  with  a  martltt  saljk- ;    St. 

Ballard  Roll. 

Warryne,  Sir  William— (K.    in 

bore,  arqenl,  a  chief  counter-compony 

iKire.   lo^en-v  or  and  ruuro.      (K)       Dering. 

a?ure  ;  Ashniole  Roll. 

Ardeii  iind  Hn\\.ird  Rolls, 

Waren  ( )  de   Stockport— (H.  rii 

Warburton hore.  ai  the  siege  of  Rouen 

tjorc,   a7urc.  ciiisily   and  three   lozen^ 

1418.  .-iri^'-nt.  thr'-e  birds  sahle  (F.J;  supposed 

Warburton,  Geofrrey-(R.  ii,  Roll)  bore. 
,ir',^tin,  iv\i^  uhi-vronels  gules,  on  a  quarter  of 
III'   l.tsl  ,1  niuHet  or  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

^Warwick,  (Thomas)  de 

escu  "— chcctiuy  or  and  azure,  a  cnevr 
Howard  and  other  Rolls— a  l)end  ■ 


,  Thomas  de-(K.  u 
chevron   b.'t\veen  three 
Jeiiy  US  Ordin.iry .     i\ 

.   R 

oil)  bore, 
ered  cups 


V.  de  la  Warde. 


(a  cross 

Sir   John— bore,  at    the  siege    of 
1345-8,  a/.ure,   a  cross  flory  or.      (F.)  ; 

patonce  ascnt>ed  to  JuHN  in  Surrey 
I  cross  patte  for  Sir  Symiin,  banneret, 

in  trick  in  Parly.   Roll,  and  flory  in 

Warde,  Henry,  of  Swynythuaite— (K.  ill 
Roll)  iKjre.  argent,  cnrsily  htch^,  3,  3  and  a 
fess  sable  :  Jcnyns'  Ordinary. 

Wardewick,  John— (K.  iir.  Rolli  bore, 
vert,  three  lyonceux  rampant  tails  fourch^ 
2  and  t  argent ;  Jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Ware,  William  de— (E.  1.  Roll)  bore,  giiles. 
a  Ivon  t.iil  fourchee  argent,  debruised 
by'a  baston  sable ;  .Segar  Roll. 

Warre  i:  de  la  Warr. 

Warren,  John,  Karl  of.  and  a  banneret ; 
sealed  the  Karons'  letter  to  the  Pope  1301,  pp. 
XV.  xxiv— bore  at  the  battle  of  Falkirk  I2C)S 
and  at  the  siege  of  Carla\erock  1100,  chccquv 
or  and  azure  iF.) ;  (his  onlv  son  \Vil.l.i.\M 
killed  at  a  tourn.anient  at  Crovdon  n  Dec 
1285I.  as  did  his  grandson  |.  >i  1  n  F;arl  of  \\^ 



1  the  .\rden  and  I  .uilli.n  Uu 



fo.     134. 

Wasenham,  Sir  Hugh  de— (K  1 

—bore,   sable,   a    fess   d.incettcie    I3I 
three  mullets  argent ;  .\shmole  Roll. 

Washington :'.  Wassington. 

Wassand,  John-(F..  1.  Roll)  bore 
a    fess  and    in    chief    two 
Jenyns'  and  .\shmole  Rolls. 

Wasse,  Sir  John  de  (\\'-\ 



wo  lyons   p,  azt 
in  orle  of  the  second. 

,  all 

Wasse,  William  de-iF.  in.  Rnii)  b< 
"argent,  an  orle  of  ni.irtl-;'.    -i 
escocheon  of  the  same  '"  ;  J  >  ■  ■  >  i  -  -   ■ 

Wasse,  Sir  William,         ! 

Roll)    bore,   barn.'   (6)   ar-.  n 

canton  of  the  last  a  mullet  jin.'i^^i.l 
Parliamentary  Roll. 
Wasseburne,  Roger  de— \H, 

bore,  gules,  besanti^e  on  a  canton  or   a   r.ivei 

proper.     (F.)     Si.  George  Roll. 

Wassington,  William  de— (R.   ii.   Roll 

bore,  argent,  t\\o  bars  in  chief  three  miiltet; 

"     ;   Surrey   Roll— colours  re 




and  the 

mullets  u 


(F.   It 



.    Rolli 
a  bend 


bore.   gul.. 
et   goljonv 
v.     F. 



^m/n-  <te-/»*U^x 



;.        / 






t     '. 


.■..«vys«i  ■^-■••'^■'V'^^l 


PERIGNE^^      j^gR  GL.ADIUM 


REGINALD     LORD     WELBY,     G.C.  B. 


::;)   :iH'i 


*e  /tv«/?**i^y6 

Wassineton,  Stephen  de— liore 

jF. )  ,,,,•..   I                     .  .  >    nnd    Si 

TlK.M\-.    -^.;;"  ."■.•:    \-l I'    I<  'll-. 

Wasteneys,    Hardolf  de— bor^-.    at    th 

SL-cond  Dunsulil.-  touriMnit-lU  1334.  sable 
Ivnri  ranipAiil  tail  foarchtT'':  ai£:i-nt  (!■'.)  ;  as 
cubed  also  to  Sir  KliMlMi  and  RiimiRT  1 
I'arliametitary  Roll  and  jtnyns'  Ordinary. 

■Watenald,  Sir  William  de,  knighted  s 
the  capital, itK.n  of  Calais  1348— bore,  sable, 
hrnd  fusil\  or  (F.)  ,t/;i  .iTReiit. 

tWateribont,  Sire  de— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
or  t\\o  Kons  rampant  addorsed  gules; 
Ucnng  Roll-called  W.lDKTff.v  in  Cainden 
Roll.     (K.) 

tWateringbury,  Bartholomew  de  — 
|H.  lit.  Roll)  bore,  arijfiil.  six  Ivoncenx 
rampant  sable.  (F.)  Uering  and  Howard 

•Waterton,  Hugh  --  bore,  at  the  siege  of 
Rouen  1418.  Iiarrv  (61  argent  and  gules,  over 
all  three  erescenb,'2.  I  sable  (F.);  ascriljed  to 
RuBKKT  in  jenvns'  Roll;  borne  ermine  and 
gules  bv  lA'ir  RoUKKT)  a  Yorkshire  Knight 
Arundel' Roll  (11.  VI.). 

Wateville,  Sir  Geoffrey— liorc.  at  thefii^t 
i  'unst.ihle  touniaiaent  1308,  sable,  crusily  and 

Watervile,  Sir  Robert,  of  Hunts,  and 
John  de  - 1  K.  111.  Roll)  bore,  argent,  crusily 
(5,  5)  and  a  fess  datieeltae  gules ;  Parly,  Roll 
and  Jenyna*  Ordinary, 

Watevile,  Sir  John  de,  of  Essex— (F..  11. 
Roll)  Ijore.  argent,  three  chevronels  gtiles ; 
Parlv.  Roll — inescocheons  tricked  in  Harl. 
MS.'fii37  fo.  13.  and  for  Sir  RoBEKT  and  Sir 
RtxiKK  named  Ijelow. 

Wateville,  Sir  Robert  (of  Fsse.v)  baron 
1326— bore,  at  th«'  first  Dunstable  tournament 
1308.  argent,  three  chevrons  gules,  a  bordurc 
mdented  sable-engrailed  (F.)  in  trick:  Harl, 
MS.  6137  fo.  34,  and  so  ascribed  to  RijCKK  in 
jenyns'  Ordinary. 

Wateville,  Sir  Roger  de  (of  Ksscx)— bore, 
at  the  lirst  Dunstable  tourn,ament  1308,  argent, 
three  che\Tons  gules,  in  the  cnntel  .a  martlet 

Watlasa,  Hervey  de— (K.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
or,  on  a  chief  indented  azure  three  crescents 
of  the  field;  Grimaldi  Roll  and  lenvns'  Ordi- 
nary.    SeelMcKKMlVM. 

Wauncy,  Sire  John  -bore,  at  the  battle  of 
lv,roughljmli^e  1122,  ,irgent,  an  eagle  dis- 
pl.ned  purpure.    -iF.)     .See  V.^UNCV. 

Waunoi,  Gefrai  de-(H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  three  ilexter  gauntlets  .aversant  argent. 
IF.)  St.  Ceorge  Roll;  ascribed  to  JiiiiN  in 
.\rden  Roll. 

Wauncy,  Niohole  de— (H.  111.  Roll)  bore, 
gules,  three  dexter  gauntlets  argent;   Howard 

Wauncye,  Sir  Williai 

(E.  11.  Roll)  bore,  gules,  ■ 
3,  2,  I  .argent;   I'arli.amen 

Wauton  -.■  Wanton. 

Wauton,  John  d 

^X^h'^u^    ^'';fy'^.m 

Wawton,  John, 

I— III.  111.  Roll)  l»re, 
lie  three  buckles  tongues 
)     .\rclgn  and  St.  (Jeorge 

■,!   iko  Gilbert  de,  of 

,  i.-ire,  gules,  ..11  a  chief 

Howard     Roll    and 

''  rteaux  ill  the  .-Vshiiiole 

Wavtrton,  He 

Roll  I  bore,  argi 
of  the  field  ;    H 



.hief  gules. 
Sir  Raffe  de,  of  Hue 

.\shniole  Roll.     F. 

Welhopp,Johnde— iE. 

;  W.' 

Welles,  Sir  Adam  de,  banneret,  baro 
1293.  sealed  the  Barons'  letter  to  the  I'op 
1301.  pp.  XIX.  xxiv.  He  hi>re.  at  the  battle  ■: 
Falkirk  ijgS  and  at  the  siege  0(  Carlaveroc 
1300.  a  lyon  rampant  tail  fotircht^e  s.tble  iF.  I 
as  did  John,  5th  baron,  at  the  siege  of  Rone 
in  1418. 

Wells,  Sir  Philip  de,  of  lancolnshire- 
lE.  11.  Rolli  bore,  argent,  a  lyon  rampant  ta 
fourch<5e  sable,  a  hasten  gules;   I'arly.  Roll. 

W^elle,  Sir  John  de,  of  Keni-iF'..  11.  Rol 

l».re.    gu'.-,.   MN    crescents    3,   2,    I    ,rrgent, 
Utslon  g.^boiu  or  .md  .KUre;    l',arly.   Roll. 

Wells.   Sir   Richard  -(F.    11.    Roll)   bor, 

,,.,;>    ,,        ,     ,,    I    ■  r,  s  on  a  canton  argent 
s|i,i;  ,  ,       ,  !    >  Ashiuole  Roll — irgei 

1,1,1      ,  I  >       I     l-:, 11— three  pales  for  S 

Ri,  iMi,     ,!     li,'.    Ill    I'arly.    and    How.ti 

Welle,    Robert  de- 









-t  vie  .)i>»»»j  'V 

.  >'     / 


i»t  ,. »%:».  w 


,.  ,^/:>:■^    ......^:!^':'  '^^.c^:; 






\?'ellesburne of  the   Momfort,  si.iin  a 

Ilie  siege  of  Calais  1347— t>ore,  (piirpure?)  ; 
lyon  rampant  tail  fourehL-e  argent. 

bore   it  nitliin  a  l..,.h, 

ihctriek;  Jeny[is'  Knll. 

*[West,  Sir  Thomas,  (F., 

"Weston,  Sir  John  de— 1 

the  coloiif  has  facietl.    This 

Wellesby,   John  —  (E.    i. 

"  aniplie  "  ^  cnl^  =  per  chevn 
argent  a  lyon  piissaiit  gardan 
Roll.     See  also  Wll.sHTRii, 

Wellington  :-,  Willington. 

Welnethani,  Sir  John  t\V'Ki 

Suffolk— (i;.  11.  knlli  liore.  or.  c 
three  pl.Ues  ;   I'arlian.entarv  Rol 

L  doubtful  coat. 
,     Roll)     bore, 


.(i:.  ..  Roll)  bore,  argent, 
giilcs,  on  a  chitf  of  the 

ijerl    of    the    first    and 

Welton  V.  Weston. 
Welwike  v.  Welbewik, 

three  e^oallups  or.      F. 

Wenlock,  Sir  Roger,  slain  at  the  siege  of 
Calais  1348 — bore,  nrgent,  on  at:he\Ton  (sable) 
between  three  moors'  hentls  erased  proper 
those  in  chief  regarding  each  other,  an 
eseocheon  t|uarttTly  satile  and  argent.     F. 

or  ;  Surrey  Roll. 

Wentworth,  William,  of  Wei 
Yorkshire— bore,  sable,  a  chevron 
three  leupards'  faces  or  ;  his  brothci 
of  Elnishnlt.  bore  it  \Mthin  a  bordure 
Harl.  MS.  1481,  fo.  69'-. 


econd ;  .Vrundel  Roll. 
Werintone — (K.  i.  Roll)  bore 

l«nd  between  six  eseallo|: 

spur-rowell   of   the 

allopsij.  3)c 

platey  ;  Jenyns"  Roll, 
took  up  the'cross  in  the  last  C 
Weston,  Roger  de—iF.   1 


L.le  1270. 
Roll)   bore. 
htchec    or.    a    lyon    rampant 
grailed  sable  ;    Coigra\'c 

*;Weston,Sir William,  iF..  11.)— Imrc.sable. 

a   chi-\ro[i    or   ln-twocn    three   leopards'   faces 
argfiii  crmviiL-d  ur.— Shir!.-y."j     K, 
Wetewang,  John— (F.  1.  Roll)  bore,  §ablc, 
three  lamps  argent.      (F.)     Jenyns'  Roll. 

Wetwang,  Sir  Walter,  "  thrc^.-rer  of  the 

Wares."   at  the  siege  of  Calais,  i34;-8,  bore-, 
azure,  a  lyon  rampant  garcLmi  tail  foiirehec 


Weyer,  Sir  William  de, 

Roll)    bore,    argent,     a    fess     ijetueeii     inree 
crescents  gules  ;  Parly.  Roll. 
Weyland,  Sir  John  de— bore,  at  the  first 

Uunttable  tonrnanicnl  1308,  a/.ure  a  lyon 
rampant  or  oppressed  bv  a  berullet  gules 
{perhaps  the  lyon  argent  in  the  Harl.  Roll); 
"'>ed   also    to    RoGKK    (K.)   m  St.   George 


rith  J 

)  Sir  Rn 


Suffolk,  in  I'arly    Roll. 

Weyland,  Sir  Nicholas  de,  of  Suffolk- 
It;.  11.  Roll)  liore,  argent,  on  a  cross  gules 
live  escallops  or;  Sir  Wll.Ll.VM  differenced 
>viih  a  label  I31  a^ure  ;  Parly.  Roll. 

Whalesborough  ( )  an  p:sse\  Knight— 

IH.  vj.  Roll!  bore,  arsjent,  three  liendlets 
gules,    a    bordure    sable     txsante-e  ;     .Arundel 

Wliarton,  Thomas  de,  of  Westmoreland — 

(K  111-  Roili  b.jre,  sable,  a  ni.iunch  argent ; 
Jenyns   Ordinary. 

fWhatton,  Sir  Richard  de,  of  Notts., 

Iiend   sable  three   t«jzants.      f>ee   Monumental 


-^,.jiiii*i  III   ^^ 

ly  Whattun   Chi'rch,  Notts,  temp.  H. 

From  Stothard. 




i     IM 

X  / 

J..,-  a-A- 

:^  ^^^\'' 

►  .4   V 


^tUintJ^/iy  ^^  »»y>t>t^ 

WiUoughby,  William  de— Ijoit-,  -it  the 
'second  Duiislablf  tourn.iiiieiit  1334,  gules,  .1 
fer-de-niouline  ermine.     F. 

■WiUoughby,  Robert  de-IH  111  Rolli 
hore,  argent,  a  chevron  saljte.  IF.)  .\rf[cn 
and  Scgar  Rolls.  Wir.l.UM  111  R..11EKT  took 
up  the  cross  in  the  Crusade,  1270. 

Wilshire,  Sir  John,  sitin  at  the  siege  of 
Calais  1347,  bo-,  per  ^heiniTi  julcs  .md 
argent  the  chit  f  cnisilv  p.itec  I;,  21  of  the 
second.  R.M-K  l-ire  It  argent  and  azure  land 
another  azure  and  argent— with  crosses  cross- 
let  4,  2i  Ijl.isoned— argent  and  azure  ainptiz 
le  chief  crusilv  or;  Jenyns  Roll.  See 

Wilton,  John  de  — (R,  11.  Roll)  bore,  gtiles. 
on  a  chevron  argent  three  crosses  crosslet 
litch^'  of  the  field  ;  Surrey  Roll — colours 
reversed  in  .\shniole  Roll. 

borne  also  I 

anse.l;    St.    George    Roll— 

•,  Earl  of,  V.  Quincy. 

Windsor  a    Knishl-(H.     V 

Roll)   bore,   sable,  a  saltire  argent ;  .Arund 

Windsor,  Sir  Eichard  de,  of  Berks- 
iK.  n.  Roll!  bore,  gules,  crnsilv  or.  a  saltii 
argent ;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

"Wlnnington (E.  iv.  Roll)  bore,  argent, 

an  inescocheon  voided  sable  within  an  orle  of 
martlets  of  the  last  (F.):  crest  :  aretort  azure  ; 
Rallard  Roll.     LvDULPH.  K.  I.  Shirley. 

Winsington,  Sir  John  de,  of  cc 

—  |K,  11    Rolll  bor.j,  sable,   three  boa 
couped  argent  ;  Parliamentary  Roll, 

WintershuUe,  John    de— (H.   1 



J  St.  M.l 
Wisemale,  Ernaud  de- 

■  heads 

:R.'c£.«/  ZV.tacre 

SIR  JOHN  wi.wa  ii;i.D 

In  Lethkringh.\.m  Church,  Suffolk, 

c.  1400,  2  Hen.  IV. 

From  Boutell. 

'^■p-iUtnx-  H»t\^y/y^*t^M 

Wisham,  Sir  John  de,  (of  co.  Glouc.)— 
bore,  at  the  first  UunsLablo  tournament  1308. 
sable,  a  fess  between  s.s  martlets  3  and  3  or- 
argenllF.linJenvns'anil  I'arlv,  Rnlls-.ind  lO 
l>.-.rneby  WiLI.I.VMat  the  siege  of  Routn  1418. 

nd  Robert  de 

..  F.. 

three  tortcaux  ,  Jenyns'  Roll  and  Ordni.try. 

Witaere,  Richard— |H.  iti.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  on  a  fess  gules  three  bcsants.  in  chief 
two  mullets  (6)  of  the  second,  (F.)  St. 
Cieorgc  Roll. 

Withacre,  Sir  Richard,  of  Warwickshire 

—■I-'..  11.  Roll)  bore,  sable  three  m.vscles argent, 
—lozenges  m  trick  ;  I'arhanienuary  Roll. 

Wither,  Sire  Thomas  (WvntF.R)— bore, 
at  the  battle  of  Poroiighbndge  1322,  argent,  a 
fess  Ijetween  three  crescent  gules.  (F.) 
fenyns'  Ordinary. 

Wither,  William— iH.  111.  Roll)  tore, 
argent,  three  crescents  gules.  (F.)  St.  George 
Roll.     See  also  Rvtiilk. 

chief  V 


■  Ko 

Witney,  Eustace  and  Robert  de  Wliit- 
neye-(H.  lll.  Roll)  bore,  azure,  a  cross 
counter-compony  or  and  gules.  (F". )  St. 
George  and  Surrey  Rolls  ;  argent  and  gules  in 
.^rden  Roll. 

c/  z^k^^<}*JU%*Ue 


i  I  -.-  :' 

'I'l      II 


I        ./ 







ZvtitVeJttlie^  ji^,Uz<J^l"^h  H^^c»vi^^  ^*fC  A^-'Jr'ff^^ 


^"^     J  I  II 

4^  -UJade  ht^lle 

l,Wodebnrgh,  Rafe  de— (!•: 

•  Wodehouse,  John,,    nr.     uiUtt^-     d' 

WodhuU,  John  do 

■  K.lll!.. 

Wodvyle,  Sir  Richard,  of  Kmi-IH    vi. 

Roll  I  hoi  1-.  at  i^riit  A  f'.sb  and  .1  quarUT  !;iilf  s  ; 
Alfcinson  RnIi--uhlkri:iiCL-tl  ill  Arundel  Roll  — 
w ilh  a  cr.sctnt  of  the  first)  ;  nnd  qm'ilcrly 
7,r/rt.  cults,  an  e-gk-  displaved  or;  Icinns' 
Ordniary  :   Lord  Rn  KKS.  K.c.  ;  K.  40=  fo.  33. 

Wog^es,  Thomas  de  l?of  Suffolk,  Kniiilu) 
— 1 1  .  Ill  Riilll  tHir-.',  argent,  a  ftss  eiigrailtid 
UUM.ti,  ihuA-  .iiiiuik-ls  sable;  Jcnvns'  Ordi- 
ii.iry  and  Aruiuk-1  Kull. 



Wolwardington,  Sir  Peers  de,  of  War- 
wickshire—|K.  It.  koll)  lior.-,  I«;[idy  do) 
argent  and  s.iljlc;  Parliamentary  Roll. 

Wombe^vell,  Thomas— (K.  i.   Roll)  bore, 

ar'::i.nT.  on  a  bend   between  si\-  martlets  13.  3) 
gnies,  lliree  bejants  :  Jenyiis'  Roll. 

•[Wombwell, '  Tawnell,  Hugh  (6 
H.  l\.  i404-;l-bore,  gules,  a  lieiid  between 
si-si  unicorns'  heads  coulwd  aryent.— Siiir'.ey.] 

Woodeburne,  John— (F..  in.   Roll)  h^re, 

biiru:.-i-  .121  arueilt  ,ind  azure,   over  all   three 
1)   gules:  Jenyns- 


Sec  \Vc 

Wokinedon,  Sir  Nicholas,  of  Ksscv- 
(i-:.  11.  k.ill)  iMire.  gules,  a  Ivon  rampant  barrv 
(Si  ur  and  azure  ;  I'.irly.  Roll— barry  of  six  in 
Harl.  Roll. 

Wollerston  ■ an  Ksscx  ?  Kmaht— (H.  VI. 

Roll)— bore,  sable,  a  (ess  nebuke  between 
three  ^^olves'  heads  couped  or  -a  .Snftolk 
Knight  of  the  name  bore  lyons'  head^ ; 
Arundel  Roll. 

Woltaubin,  Gilbert  de— (H.  111.  Rolli 
bore,  or  on  n  eross  sable  five  besants  ,  Ardeti 
KolL    Sec  Okk.mii.ix, 

*PWroolryche,  William,  1403  -bore,  aicure, 

argent  —Shirley,;     I-'. 

*Worsley a  Lancashire  Knight— (H,  V 

kolli  bore,  argent,  a  chief  gules  ;  .\rundcl  ar 

Worswrick,  Robert — (K.  in.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  on  a  bend  sable  three  lozenges  of  the 
first  each  charged  with  a  saltire  gules.  (F,) 
Jenyii=  Ordinary. 

Wortley,  Sir  Nicholas  de,  of  Yorkshire, 
and  Robert  de  — iH,  n,  Rolll  bore,  argent, 
on  a  t^-nd  between  si.\  martlets  (3.  3)  gnles. 
three !,esants.  Parly,  Rollanajenyns'Ordmary 
—  i-  ipg  the  arms  of  FunMV,M,i,  and  three 
l)e-,ur-5  on  the  tiend. 

*[Wrey,  Roger,  119  E.   in.)— fjc 


Wrialeye,  Pers— (H.  nt.  Roll)  bore,  azure, 
two  bars  or  charged  with  five  martlets,  3,  2, 
gules  :  .Arden  Roll—?  being  the  arms  of  Lev 

■Wrokeshall,  Geoffrey  de-(H.  in.  Roll) 
bore,  gules,  two  b.ars  ermine  over  all  a  bend 
azure  ;  How.ard  Roll. 

Wroth a  Kentish  Knight— (H,  VI,  Rolll 

bore,  argent,  on  a  bend  sable  three  ty  gcrs' 
(probably  leopards')  faces  argent  crowned  or  ; 
*'Wrottesley, Sir  Hugh,  k.g.,  founder  1344 
— bore  or,  three  piles,  meeting  in  base  sable 
and  a  quarter  ermine— being  the  co,al  of  his 
mother  J(i AN  R.VSSET.  K.  398  fo.  23  :  see  title 
page.   To  another  Hugh,  or.  a  tx;nd  c 




ribed  in  Surrey  Roll. 




^  i 




■'  ~  I 

^:\.   ,. 



Mvottesle^  of  HXIlvottcslev!. 

CONTK/fiUTED  HY    THE    HON.    C.    WKOrTESlEY. 
IN.  son  of  William  de  Oictun  (Coiighlon.  co.  Warwick)  occurs  1167  and  117a.  - 

\\  il.LlAM.  stclid  William  de  Verdon.  William  Kitz.Sinion,  and  William  de  Wrotleslcy.  occurs  1159  and  i34a  =  I.VGKITII  dau.  of  Robjrl  FitzAdara.  of  Bullerton  and  Walerf.ill- 

. I 

I  -  -    -         - 

Sir  Hugh  de  WRurrEsLtv,  k  r.  :  died  1276=  Iix)M\,  dau.  of  Ralph  dc  I'erton. 

Sir  William  ul  WkoTTKsLKv.  kt.  ;  died  1313  =  1.  I'ktko 

;  died  1320  =  Joan,  dau.  of  Sir  Roger  Basset;  or.  three  piles  sable  a  c 

born  1400.  died  i464  =  TH(>MASlNt.  dau.  of  Sir  John  Gresley. 

;  died  i473=jASfc..  dau.  of  William  Baron,  of  Rpiiding, 

.  born    1457.  died  1521  =  DoK(itiiy.  dau.  of  Sir  F.dmund  Sulton.  of  Dudley.  WlLl.lA.M,  Ksquirc  of  the  Body.  Hen. 

Walter  Wrottest.ev;  died  in  1563=  Isabel,  dau.  of  John  Harcoujt.  of  Ramon. 

John   Wrotteslev,  died  in  1578  =  Elizabeth,  dau  of  Thomas  .\sUey.  of  I'atshull. 

Salop,  widow  of  Kr; 

ofCastle^SlK  Hl-GH   Wr 

Sir  Walter  Wrotteslev.  kt.  ;  created  a  baronet  1642.  died  in  i65Cj=Makv.  dau.  of  .\mbrose  Grey,  of  Enville,  co.  Suiffurd.  2nd  son  of  Lord  (irey.  ofGroby. 

Sir  Walter  Wrotteslev.  2nd  ftirL,  died  1686  =  Margaret,  dau.  of  Sir  Thomas  Wolrich,  BarL,  of  Diidni.isii.n. 
_  I 

3rd  Bart..  dted^.VsNE.  dau.  of  Mr.  Justice  Burton,  of  Longnor,  co.  Salop 
1  (and  wife). 

Sir  John  Wrotteslev.  4th  BarL.  m.p.  for  co.  Stafford,  died  1726-  FKAscEi,  dau,  of  Hon.  John  Grey,  and  granddaughter  of  Henry,  tst  Lord  Stamford, 

Ji.llv    Wrotteslev.    2nd  =  Sfil'HlA,d»u.  of  Thomas  Gifr.ard.     Charles,      Li -Colonel     Re. blrt,  in  Holy  Orders.  Walter,  mar.  .Anni-  Lucy,     EtmARD,  mar.  Ellen,  dau 

R-iron,   President  of  the  I      of  Chilhngton.  died  1880.                   29th  Foot,  died  r86i.         died  1838,  j^,  dau.  of  Colonel  .Archer.              of    Charles     ku.>h.     of 

RoialSocietv.  a  Founder                                                                      i./>.  =                                    Elsenham.  co.  Lsses. - 

of  the    Royal  Astrono-  1 I 

niical  Societv,  died  1867.  1  M 

Francis,  in  Holy  Orders.  Llcv. 

died  1873,  s.p.  Edith. 

'  —  j  I  I 

Artmi-r  Wrotteslev.   3rd  B.aron.  =  Augista  F.i.iz\iit.tii.    Charles.  Fellow    George.    Major-    HE^RV.    Lieiu.    43rd    Cami 
in  hncal  (17th)  descent  from    (Sir         dau.     of    tst    Lord         of  All  Souls .  GencraL  Regt. .  killed  in  the         Kn 

Hugh),  one  of  the  Founders  of  the         Londesborough.  Kaffir  War,  1852.  Boi 

f  >rder  of  the  Garter,  a  distinction  cn- 
joved  bv  this  family  and  no  other  ; 
iKirn  17  June.  .824. 

...    I  i  ~  i  i 





K.F.,  G.C.B.,  G.C.M.G.,  P.C,  D.C.L..   LL.D., 

C0MMAN'UI:R-IN'CHIF.F   1895   lyoo. 


''-—>'■      ^'M!  '  .:..-iii 

■;  yl 


l^cL  i  JOtUeJ 


Wykes,  Richard  de-(H.  iii.  Roll)  bore, 

azurt,  a  Hon  rainpanl  argent  (Ardeii  Roll)  ; 

checquy  argent  and  gules.     (F.)     St.  George 

Roll— Sir  Jiilis,  slain  at  the  siege  of  Calais 

l^S—arms  gone  from  Roll. 
■Wymale.  Nieholas-|H.   iii.   Roll)  bore. 

:ii!.'tnt    thrt-c   cushions   2  and  i    gules.     (F.) 

Si    (.cTSjeand  jenyns'  Rolls. 
♦IWyndham.John,  (38  H,  vil-hore.  azure. 

a  iiR\ron  between  three  Ijons'  heads  erased 

or.-Sh,rley.]     K. 
Wynseles  v.  Winceles. 
Wythe,  Sir  Geffrey  and  Oliver  de— 

(K-  II.  Roll)  bore,  azure,  three  i^yphons  p.a5- 




Ashniole    and    Cotgrave    Rolls. 
Wyther,  Sire  Thomaa — bore  at  the  battle 

three    ereseents    gules.       "bee     RYTIILK    and 
■Wivile,  'William  de— |H.  iii.   Roll)  bore. 

argent,    two    bars  sable,  a    Ixirdure  engrailed 
(gnles).     (F.)     St.  George  Roll. 
Wyvile,  ■William— (K.  1.  Roll)  bore,  gules, 
irter  of  the  tirst  (j/t)  ;  Jenyns' 


lef  or 

bl.asoned,  gules,  fret  % 


Roll)   bore,    gules, 

Wyville,  Roger,  slain  at  the  siege  of  Calais 
1347,  bore,  azure,  three  chevronels  interlaced 
in  base  argent.     F. 

Yevelton,  Robert  Ie-(R.  11.  Roll)  bore, 
argent,  two  bars  undee  sable,  a  label  131 
gules,  Surrey  Roll  and  Harl,  MS.  6.63  lo.  34". 

York.  Buke  of,  Richard  Plantagenet, 

I4t;-6o-tKjre.  France  and  Fngl.ind-a  laU-1 
(3)  on  each  pendant  three  torleaui  :  Surrev 
Roll -these  ,irnis  appear  on  the  Rnueii  Roll 
I418  — this  ItuVe   born    in    1412    succeeded  ill 

MtiitJi-  zo^-uiU     <M*^/>»'y^'^     ■^^.JLVOxlx.h 

Ashmole  and  Parly.  Ro 

Zouohe,  Roger  la— (H.  Ul.  Roll)  bore, 
ermine,  01,  a  less  gules  three  besants  ,  Ho»arc 

Zouche,  Sir  Alan  la,  of  ,^shby,  baror 
12^9,  sealed  the  Barons  letter  to  the  I'opt 
1301,  pp,  xviii  and  x.xiv.  He  bore  at  the  battle 
of  Falkirk  1298,  and  at  the  siege  of  Carlaierock 
1300,  gules,  b-sanlSe  (4,  3,  2,  1 1  (F  )  ,  l',rj> 
Roll;  as  did  also  his  son  Sire  Ull.luM  l„,n- 
neret,  of  Haringworth,  baron  1308,  ,11  ih. 
battle  of  Boroughbridge  13=2  (six  hc.iiilv  in 
Howard  Rolli_.ascril)ed  also  to  Hi., 11  and 
RiK.KR    in   Surrev   and   .Arden  Rolls,  and    to 



'  CI 

baron)  of  Ha 
Rouen    1418,  gules, 
;  (borne  by  oni 

let  of  6  labli 
Roll)  ;    ascribed  also    to  Sir    V\(jx    (F 
various  Rolls,  though  he  seems  to  have  boi 
it    with    a    label   (3)   azure    at    the    battle 
Boroughbridge  1322, 

Zouche,  John  la— bore,  at  the  siege 
Rouen  1418,  gules,  besantee,  a  canton  ernu 
t^uarterly  with,  argent,  a  less  dancelt^e  sa 

Zouche,  Sir  William  la,  bannei 
knighted  at  the  capitulation  of  Calais  1341 
bore,  gules,  besanti^e  or,  a  canton  "endenn 
base"  ermine  (F, ) — a  quarter  ermine  in  I'ai 

1  a  mul- 

Thomas    la- 

Zouche,    Richard 

iK.  Hi  Rolll  bore,  gules,  besanl.-e  and  a  chief 
ermine:  Surrey  ,andAshmole  Roils  and  Jenyns 

Zouche,  Sir  Amory  de  la— bore,  at  the  first 
Dunstable  tournament  1308,  gules  besantee 
and  a  bend  azure— though  argent  (F.)  at  the 
battle  of  Boroughbridge  1322  :  Parly.  Roll. 
In  Jenyns'    Ordinary  the  coat  is  gules  platey 

Zouche,  Alan  and  Roger  Ia-(H.  iii  Roll) 

Arden  and  St.  George  Rolls.     F. 

Zouche,  Sir  Oliver,  of  co  Leic— iF  ti. 
Rolll  bore,  gules,  besanti^e  and  a  chevron 
ermine ;    Parliamentary  Roll. 

Zouche,  Sir  Thomas,  of  CO  Leic.-(E  it. 
Rolll  l>ore,  gules,  besantc'e  on  a  canton  argent 
a  mullet  sable  ;   Parly.  Roll. 


Ji-tncr-f   d»  Za. 



7      \ 


/,"/'  / 

^  V  .  .._J 

'  a:^. 





■\. ,:.'■:  ^,■.<,.A      ^-^X'^v-J'^     »;..:.■>;;    '.": 


RICH  \Rn   \\[  I  I\sl  L  KM    I)E 
MONTFOKl     (     It:, 

In  UncHtNtoN  Chirch    Bccks. 

Afkr  Stot/tanl. 

A  19th  Century  inipobture. 



[Ip,^'  "^' 

*.t ,? 


In  Hitchknpon  Chvrch,  Bi'cks. 

A//fr  Stolhard. 

A  19th  Century  [mposture. 

*   ' 


or  \ 

3li  /IRcmoriam. 


In  the  Choir  of  the  Abbey  Church  at 

Tewkesbury,  ob.    1107. 

After  John   Carter. 

See  also  Clare,  p  47,  and  Gloucester,  p.  95. 

400.       After  Sinthard. 
slmin^lcf  Al.l.i.y  ;  Ihc  e  liE>'.  "Inch  appears  from  Mb  heraldry  to  be  ol  modern  date,  may  haic  been 
intended  to  supply  the  loss  of  a  former  work. 

See  also  Robert  de  Vere,  Earl  of  Oxfortl,  page   ly;. 

3n  /ncmotiam — SIR    liERN'ARD    BROCAS,    Heukm.k 

In  the  chap.  1  uf  S.  L.lmun.l,  West 

■<-  V 

214  ME.\'  OF  COAT  ARMOUR  .  —  THEIR   EEAKINGS  AND   BADGES.— J.    FOSTER,    HON.    .U.A..    O-XO-V. 






/  /  s 

I  I 


!    .    ) 



;    /   / 


.''-••  <^; 


;'    ""-'.': 




N    [()) 

\    , 

•^-    \ 

I    , 



Anson,  Sir  \\"m.  R.,  Kt.,  M.r.      ... 
Argyll  and  the  Isles,  Bibnor  of 

Armagh,  Deas  of     

Backhouse,  Sir  J.  E.,  Br 

Bacon,  Sir  Nicholas,  Bl 

Bi'RSF.,   M.-Genl.    Sir    O.  T.    Blrn 

Carv-Elwes,  V.  D.,  Billing  Hall 
Chamier,  a.  C,  Barrisier-at-La\v 
Ci.ARENcEux,  King  of  Arms 
COLVii.L,  John  C,  .m.a..  Barrister-;! 
llAi.GLFlsH,  Sir  \Vm.  Ogilvv,  Bt. 
UK  Capeil  Brookl,  Sir  A.   R.,  Bt. 

DRURY-LoWE,    W.    D.,    LiKKO    I'ARK 

nuDLEV,  Earl  of      

f;nGcuMBE,  Sir  R.  P?;ARrE 

Every,  Sir  Edwari.  O.,  Bt. 
Korbes.Leith,  a.  J.,  Kvvie  Castle 

Galwav,  Viscofnt     

Gore,  Rev.  Canon,  d.d 

Hatton,  Col.,  c.b 

Heathcote,  Sir  \Vm.   }'.,  iiT. 
Hicks-Beach,  Sir  M.,  Bt.,  m.p.    ... 
HiNcKs,  Capt.,  Richmosli 


Jerb,  Prof.  Sir  R.  C,  m.p.,  Cambriiioe  Unh 


Leslie,  Capt.  C.  R 

Limerick,  late  Bishop  of 

Lloyd,  Henry,  of  Pitsford  Hall 
Locke,  Richd.   G.  E.,  of  Hart  lip 

London,  late  Bishop  of    

Lytton,  Earl  of       

Madden,  Judge  

MALINfi,    Dr.    K.    a.,    SUNDKRLASn 

Marlav-Rochfort,     C.     B.  ,     Belvedere, 

Mount  Stephen,  Lord       

Oxford,  late  Bishop  of     

Paul,  Sir  James  Balfour 

Pem(ber)ton,  Sir  Thomas 

Stephens-Townshend,  M.   F.,  Shana  Coir- 
Vicars,  Sir  Arthur  Edward       

Walthall,  Henry  W.,  Alton  Manor  ... 

White,  Col.  Sir  T.  W.,  Bt 

Wilmot-Chetwode,  E.  E.,  Woodbroke,  Que 

York,  Archbishop  of 

YoRKE,  T.  E.,  Bewerlev  Hall 


.\mbrose— RovAL  Descent        

Chafv— Royal  Descent 

Hatton,  of  Clonard,  Co.  Wlxiord 
Drurv-Lowe,  of  Locko  Park,  Co.  Derby 
Pemberton,  of  Hawthorne  Towers... 
Turner— Roy-al  Descent         

Families:— Yorkshire  ;  Arms  and  Pedigree^— Specimen  P.4ge 

ir:s[^   -.riT>PD\']T\ 

..      1      :  -tW    (• 


[tlu  Temple  Church. 


"  Mr.  Joseph  Foster 
well-deserved  reward  of  e 

Oxford."— The  Spe.ake 

after  years  of  victorious  liijhiing  ujxin  the  side  of  the  honest  (ledigree  makers, 
lormous  labour  in  the  shape  of  an  hi>norary  degree  conferred  upon  him  by  the  L'n 
;,  23  Marth,  1901. 

NOW  that  I  have  completed  "  Some  Feudal 
Coats  of  Arms,"  1  shall  issue  as  soon  as 
practicable  "  Men  of  Coat  Armour— 
their  Bearings  and  Badges,"  similar  to 
the  specimen  pages  in  this  prospectus. 
The  notable  or  distinguishing  feature 
of  this  volume  will  be  illustrations  of  the  Badges  of 
Nobles,  Knights  and  Gentle  Men,  as  here  indicated. 
This  is  an  almost  unexplored  field  in  Heraldry, 
curiously  so,  as  badges  preceded  coat  armour,  so 
called.  Having  then  no  rival  in  point  of  date,  I 
often  marvel  that  the  Badge  is  not  adopted  in 
preference  to  a  Crest  by  those  families  whose  greater 
antitjuity  warrants  them  in  so  doing,  for  it  affords 
precisely  that  simple  distinction  which  is  at  once  the 
emblem  of  the  .Age  of  Chivalry. 

The  drawings  of  the  Arms  and  Crests  of  those 
distinguished  persons,  past  and  present,  appearing  in 
this  work,  will  be  based  upon  the  choicest  examples 
in  the  older  Heraldic  .MSS.  in  the  British  Museum. 

The  fortuitous  combination  and  numerical 
predominance  of  Arms  of  ancient  families  seems  to 
be  the  appropriate  setting  for  a  selection  of  Hedigrees 
of  representative  families — I,  on  my  part.  wilTcon- 
tribute  the  illustrations  of  arms,  and  Heads  of  families 
will  contribute  Pedigrees  or  Heraldic  .\tchievements, 
as  their  interest  in  the  undertaking  may  incline  them. 
I  shall  be  glad  to  hear  from  representatives  of 
those  families  all  over  the  Kingdom  who  in 
good  faith  have  used  arms  for  generations.  To 
those  whose  arms  do  not  appear  on  record  in  the 
College  of  Arms  I  can  offer  a  crumb  of  comfort  in 
the  fact  that  not  all  arms  granted  by  that  institution 
are  on  record  therein:  not  only  does  this  apply  to 
Visitation  times,  as  witness  tht;  omission  to  record 
the  arms  granted  in  1590  by  Clar.  Cooke  to  the 
five  Regius  Professorships  of  Cambridge,  but  it  applies 
with  equal  force  to  modern  times.  In  .support  of  this 
statement,  I  quote  from  a  volume  of  Docqucts  of 
Grants  acquired  by  purchase,  in  which  appears  a  pencil 

2t  BouND.^RY  Road,  N.W. 

trick  of  a  grant  in  1777  to  Oliver  Beckett  of  London  ; 
no  trace  of  this  is  to  be  found  in  Grants  Book  XHI. 
(at  the  College),  where  it  should  naturally  appear,  nor 
does  it  occur  in  their  Index  to  the  (Ireat  Register 
itself,  to  a  copy  of  which  I  have  had  unrestricted 
access  for  the  purposes  of  this  volume;  the  grant 
itself  is,  however,  printed  in  cxtenso  in  the 
Misceltanta  Geneaiogica  el  Herahlica,  New  Series 
Vol.  II.,  192,  by  Dr.  Howard,  Maltravers  Herald. 

Should  the  Heralds  on  this  intimation  succeed  in 
unearthing  the  papers  concerning  the  "  business  "  of 
this  grant,  they  may  doubtless  be  able,  thanks  to  me, 
to  make  good  a  gap  in  their  records,  but  even  so, 
this  case  does  not  stand  alone.  But  I  may  go 
even  further,  and  say  that  this  copy  of  their  Great 
Register  contains  an  orignial  reference  slip  to  a  grant, 
with  the  pencil  memo,  "  in.sert  when  returned,"  but  as 
it  has  not  been  returned,  it  of  course  has  not  been 
inserted,  as  I  can  testify  ;  should  an  application  be 
made  to  the  College  for  this  particular  coat  the 
answer  would  naturally  be  "  not  on  record."  I  make 
the  Heralds  a  present  of  these  facts,  as  a  side  light 
on  their  absurd  claim  to  infallihilitv. 

I  now  frankly  apfieal  to  those  representatives  of 
"  .Men  of  Coat  .Armour  "  of  the  Victorian  Era,  whose 
names  as  grantees  of  arms  I  know,  but  the  blamn  of 
whose  arms  the  College  seemingly  prefers  to  reserve 
for  those  whose  procedure  is  that  of  "publicly  insult- 
ing"* the  Gentry  and  Man  of  Family,  whereby  its 
fees  are  increased.  I  am  sure  that  a  sense  of  fair- 
play  will  induce  all  to  co-operate,  as  I  have  given 
abundant  proof  that  in  process  of  time  almost  every- 
thing leaks  out  of  that  institution  by  favouritism 
or  other  means. 

This  work  will,  I  hope,  as  indicated,  include  the 
Arms  and  Badges  of  most  County  Families  (ancient 
or  modern),  and  just  so  many  Pedigrees.  Heraldic 
Atchievements,  and  -Monumental  Brasses  and 
Effigies  as  will  suffice  to  enhance  the  general  interest 
in  such  a  work. 

•  For  strictures  on  this  procedure  see  (I)  ••  The  Black  Rmk  of  an  .\ma 
(2)  "  Arms  and  the  Gentleman,"  CmtUinf'orary  A'ezncw,  Aut^ust,  1899;  (3 
(4)  "  A  Reformed  College  of  Arms,'  the  Conumporary  Ktvicu-,  July,  1900. 


Hon.  M.A.  Oxon. 

'  Saturdjiy  Kez'i^w,  25  February,  1S99  ; 
™ts,''  the   tVorid,  16  August,  1899  ;  and 



MONUMENTAL    F.FKIGY  of  SIR   JOHN   PECHE   in   Lullingstone  Church,  Kknt.   1522,   14  H.  8.     After   Stothard. 



.,  •:  i  ■■I 




T^  [^U  ^^^U 


a  □  a  D 
a  a  a 

D  a 








I.VNDON  Hall,  Rutland. 

SIR  J.  W.   I'EASE,  Bart.,  M.P. 

SIR  J.  E.  BACKHOUSE,  Bart. 


>,f.r:    '. 

\     ■■■■■,'    ':C 

"-<  ;^"! ; 



^.  - 


"  >  J'-i 




;,"'/ 1 


^'.'  -'  /^- 

^'  '"4i 

J     '    .U.  ,  :-r     ;    H    ,M.'     ,   ■',:  ■/,  ri 



V:^„      r» 

'     ■■■■|L. 

'  r  ;  n 

j^"\    \ 

•y  ■     ,■      > 

■ .,  r' 







i    /A 




tU^    !■  n:-!  !i 

Armour  kmp.  Rich.  II. 

val  oj  the  Saxons  in  Briiain. 

MS.,  C/<h 




4. A 









Abaroueh.  Antony,  1&23— bore,  by  riRht- 

hili'M  ur,  t>.i«f«-n  f..ur  tiL-urs-dt-lis  of  the 
-.-<-. ifi, I.  \Miti;n  ,,  bordurc  ermine.  Seated  at 
(  ,1^(1^    t  uv       /  John,  of  Diichcat.    /John. 

of  Ca 


1 600- bo 

Abarrowr,  Sir  Willi 

nght-heraldie .  s.ibk-,  two  swords  in  saltire 
argent,  hiit  :\\n\  pommel  gules,  between  four 
rteiirs-de-lis  or.  Seated  at  North  Charford, 
./Anthony. /John. /Maurice. 

all  of  the  s 
Abbot,  Charles,  s< 
Abbott,  Charles, 

■  BaROS'   COLCHl 

;e  Baron  Tent 

Abbott,    Col.    Henry    Alexius,     cb. 

I18981.  Indian  Sinff  Corps,  served  m  Afghan 
War  1878-80.  Soudan  txpediimn  1885.  ice, 
Ac— be,ir&,  b\  ri^hl-heraldic  ;  ermine,  on  a 
pale  pules,  three  jK-arsor— notwithstandmg  the 
folloiAing  gram  by  the  intruded  B>sshc.  which 
IS  perh.Tps  consoleied  invalid  ! 

Abbott,  Robert,  of  London,  gent— Ijore,  by 
right-hcnldii.  ;  ermine,  on  a  pale  gules,  three 
pears  pendant  or,  by  grant  9  Aug.,  1654.  p 
Sir  K.  Bysshe,  Clar  and  Garter.     Guillim,  117. 


s  of  the  field. 

ief  of  the  second 

Abbott,    Richard,    1623— bore,    by   right 

heraldic  ;   guloi.  a  chevron  between  three  pear; 

/  RKhnrd,  /  Maunre.  both  of  the  sam 
Latter  lalhir  .iho  of  Rol^rt,  Bishop  of  .Sali.s 
bury,  of  (ieorge.  Archbishop  of  Canterburx- 
and  of  M.iuriL':'.  of  London,  who  was  the  firs 
knight  m.ade  b\  King  Charles.  Matthew,  o 
Uawkedon,  Suffolk,  bore  these  arms  m  1664. 


Abbott,  Vernon  and  Chriatophe 

Highbury     Cottage,     Newland.     co      (il 
bore,  bv  nght-heraldic  ;   pir  pale  indentt 

pears  ppr,  as  nianj  crosses  paler  of  the  sei 

Abbott,    William,    i 

hentldic;  sable,  across  \ 
eagles  displayed  of  the  1; 


Staled  at  Lullin- 

Thomas.  of  the  same.  /  William,  of  Han- 
land.  /  VVaymond,  Ijrother  of  William,  ser- 
geant of  the  seller. 

Abbys,  Thomas,  c  1600— bore,  by  riRht- 
heraldic;  gules,  five  fusils  conjoined  in  fess. 
between  three  escallops  all  arpent.  Seated  ,  it 
Buxton,  in  Norfolk,/  John,/  Robert  /, 
all  of  the  same.  The  same  arms  «ei.  1„, me 
by  William  /\bbys.  "now  maior  of  the  To"  n 
of  B<-dford  this  3  NovemUr.  t634,  fo,  the 
foUowintr  year."  seated  at  Stutfol'l.  I'.ed.. 
i669./\\ni  ./Thos-.  each  mayor  of  lieilford. 

Abdy.  Sir  William  Neville,  2nd  bart., 

of  .Mbyiis.  Ess 


'\  roncls  bclw 

extinct). /.Anthony,  of  London.  .Me 
A'Beekett,    (Uon.)    ■Willinm 

Callander  -b-   r    t  >  •  ■'  :  'i-i 



1:  of  Vli 

AbeelB,  Nichola 

William,  chief  J 
arms  are  also  borne  by  Arthur  W.  A'Beekett 
of  Kecleston  Square. 

1634 — tjore.  bv  richt 
lie  :  art-enl.  in  a  tree  vert  a  bird  gules 
ther  side  of  the  trunk  a  cintiiiefoil  of  thi 
(Jf  l-onilon.  merehant,  /  William  o 
■laer  in  Kl.anders.  /  of  thesame 
-  to  the  Emperor  ofUermany 

r  ■  J 

-A         >  i      «         4  ( 



From  a   ConUmporary  Drawing  in  tin  Briliih  MuSfUin 

/    .rr 


'   '  '  '-  \\ 

\   \}^ 


Abel-  Sir    Frederick    Augustus, 

London,  Rirt.,  1893— lx.-ars.  by  n^'ht-htrnli 
engrailed  W 


.  thrt 


ppcd  \ 

Abell.  William,  i664-b*->re.  by  righi-henil- 
dic;  argt-nt.  a  fcss  purpura*  between  three 
bears'  ht;ad^  coupcd  gules,  artnid  or.  iSeatcd 
at  Fordham,  in  Kssex.  gf»t..  /  \\',  / 
Walgrave.  both  of  Wrsl  Ilergholt.  When 
William  Abell,  of  London.  Alderman's  deputy 
for  the  ward  of  Queenhithc.  exhibited  his  arms 
in  1634,  thev  wert*  ordered  "  to  be  justifiL-d  "  ; 
he.  //.  Thomas,/  William,  both  cf  Oundle, 
Nonliants.  These  arms  were  borne  tradi- 
tionally bv  the  late  George  Kdmund  AbcU.  of 
(iraft'-ii  N'lanor.  Worcestershire.  J. r. 

ABERCORN;       Jainea       Hamilton, 

KG,  2nd  Duke  of-t)ear5,  as  did  his 
ancestors  in  the  age  of  Chi%-alry  ;  gules  three 
cinquefoits  pierced  ermine,  for  Hamilton. 
qoartering,  argent  a  lymphad  furled,  oarsb.ible 

Abercrombie,  Joseph,  planter,  of  South 

*  Carolina — bore,  by  right-heraldic,  1778  ;  argent 
on  a  chevron  gules  between  three  boars'  he.ids 
erased  a/ure,  langued  of  the  field,  an  antique 
crown  or.     Lyon  reg. 

Abercromby.  Alexander,  M.n.,  of  C.ipc 
Town— bore,  by  nght-heraldic,  1891  ;  parted 
per  pate  argent  and  gules,  a  chevron  between 
t\4  0  boars'  heads  erased  in  chief  and  a  bee 
volant  en  arn^re  in  base  all  counterchangcd. 
Lyon  reg. 

Abercromby;  George  Ralph  Aber- 
cromby, 4th  baron — hears,  by  right- 
heraldic  ;  argent,  a  chevron  indented  gules, 
and  for  augmentation,  a  fess  embattled  of  the 
second,  issuanl  iheriTrom  in  chief  a  dexter  arm 


nth   ; 

wreath,  the  hand  holding  the  French  standard 
reversed  in  bend  sinister  proper. 
ABERCROMBY,Sir  George  William, 

8thbart.,of  iJirkcnbog.  in  Banffshire -bears, 
as  did  his  ancestors  in  the  days  of  Chivalry, 
argent,  a  chevron  gules  between  three  boars' 
heads  erased  azure  langued  of  the  second. 
Aberdare ;   Henry  Campbell   Bruce, 

2nd  baron — tx-ars.  bv  rijiu-heraldic 
saltire  gules,   on  a  chief  of^the 
of  the  held. 


ABERDEEN;  John  Campbell  Hamil- 
ton Gordon,  7th  Earl  of— i»cars,  as  did 
his  ancestors  111  the  age  of  Chivalry  ;  azure, 
three  boars'  heads  couped.  within  the  royal 
tres-^ure  of  Scotl.ind  or.  OoKDON.  Quartering  ; 
quarterly,  i  and  4.  gules,  three  cinquefoils 
pierced  ermine,  2  and  3.  argent,  a  lymphad 
with  sails  furled  s;tblc.  the  whole  within  a 
bordure  of  the  last,  H.AMll.TOX. 

ABERGAVENNY;  William  Nevill, 
KG..  Ist  Marquis— U.irs.  as  did  his  an- 
cestors in  the  age  of  Chualry  ;  gules  on  a 
saltire  argent,  a  rose  of  the  field  barbed  and 
seeded  ppr. 

Abingdon,  John,  of  Hvndlippe,  co.  Wor- 
cester, clerk  of  ihe  Green  Cloth— b-ire,  by  right- 
heraldic  ;  argent,  on  a  bend  gules  three  eagies 
or  beaked  and  legged  azure,  by  grant  5 
January,  1^77-8,/  Clar-Cooke.  Copy  of  grant 
in  Bodleian- 

Abingdop.;  Montagu  Arthur  Bertie, 

7th  Earl  right-heraldic;  quar- 
terly  ist  and  4ih,  argent,  three  battering  rams 
b'tr-ways  in  pale  proper,  headed  and  garnished 
aiure.  Bkrtif.  and  and  3rd,  sable,  a  ruined 
castle  triple-turreied  arure. 


Abinger;   James  Yorke   MacGregor 
Scarlett,  4th  baron— Uar-.,    i.v   nqht- 

heraldic;  checquvor  and  giiici,  a  lion 

reted  argent,  by  grs 
his  descendants  onb 


L  Lord   , 

Abington,  Andrew,  1633— bore,  by  right- 
heraldic  ;  argent,  on  a  bend  gules  colised  sable 
three  eagles  displayed  or,  an  escallop  of  the 
third  for  difference  (1565):  the  arms  differenced 
with  a  crescent  were  without  the  cniise  in 
1623.  Seatei 
Richard.  /Richard.  "bSth  of  Sandwich.  Kent 

Abington,  Anthony,  one  of  the  gent,  usher; 
to  Q  Fliz— b.ire.  by  right-heraldic  ;  argent 
on  a  bend  gules  three  eagles  di<;pla\(d  or 
an  annulet  of  the  second  for  fhfference,  bi 
grant  in  i5q;.;»  Clar-Lce.  Thi 
borne.  unditTerenced,  bv    Richard    Abrngt' 

of  brockhampton.  in  Wo 


Abington,  Eustace,  of  Callevs  and  Herts, 
grant  1  July,  1546.  /  Clar-Ha\Wey,  neither 
blason  nor  trick  to  be  found. 

Abnet,  Thomas,  1664— claimed  to  bear 
an  eagle  displayed,  as  per  sea!  la  Jac.  1614. 
Seated  at  Audley.  in  Staffordshire,  aged  74, 
27  April.  1664,  /  Wilham.  of  the  same, 
barrister  of  Gray's  Inn.  /John  of  Audley. 

Abney,Capt.Sir  William  deWivelslie, 

K.L.B.— bears,  by  right-heraldic,  108 1  ;  ernnne 
on  ,1  cross  sable  five  bezants.  Seated  at 
Mcasham  Hall,  in  Leicestersh-re,  descended 
from  Thomas,  of  Newton  Biir>'ii' i-i-i    10  I  ■ics., 

sometime  of    London    (>.-r...ri     -    is >>     / 

Robert.  /  George,  l.illi  ..i  \.-.-  ■,  m  .-r  of 
James,  of  Willeslev,  n,  Im  .  '  :,  ,.hn,t.- 
great-grandson,  .Sir  \■.~\■^  ,  1  1  ,.  .  t  the 
Kings  lienUi,  u...  -,,  ■  ■  :  ■  |  ,,,,;, 
Judge  ofthe' ",„,,,,,    :.  r.    .    ,  .,  „  .     .t  Sir 


Abrahall,  John,  !;''0— bore,  by  right-heral- 
dic ;  a2ure.  three  hedi^ehogs  passant  or.  .^^eated 
at.Vbrahall,  in  Hereford, /John,  4ih  in  descent 
Iroin  Kich.ird.  Thomas,  of  London,  skinner, 
^^>'},'S-  f  Nicholas,  bore  these  arms,  with  an 
annulet  for  difference. 

Abraham,  Thomas  Pell— beai 



1  bets 

,  thri 

Rachel,  6th    daughter    of    Th' 

Swarlhmoor  Hall,    Chancellor  of   the   Duch- 

ot  Lancaster,  judge  of  Chester  and  N.  \V'ak3 

H.F.  Lancaster,  ic.  ;  his  widow   became  thi 

wife    of   George    Fox,   the    proi 

Societ\  of  Friends.     Alfred  Clay  Abraham  al 

bears  "these  arms. 


Abraham,  William,  1669— bore,  by  rigiit- 

heraldic;  (sable),  a  lion  rampant (argenti.  hold- 
ing a  scaling  ladder  of  the  last.  /  Clar-Bysshe. 
Seated  at  Wingrave.  Bucks. 

Acclome,  John,  1530— bore,  bv  right-heral- 
dic :  gules,  a  maunch  within  an  orle  ol  cmque- 
foils  argent.  Seated  al  Mureby.  m  Yorkshire, 
1584  (his  son  was  subsequentlv  knighted),  / 
William,  who  was  7th  in  descent  from  Sir 
William  .Acclom,  of  Acclom,  41  Fd.  111,  whose 
descendant  John  recorded  his  arms  and  pedi- 
gree at  Tongs  visiLUion,  1530. 

Acham,  William,  ^r.  if^oo— bore,  by  right- 
heraldic  ;  argent,  a  mauncn  and  a  sem^e  of 
cinquefoils  gules,  S-.-aied  at  Plenynth,  ahai 
JMynt,  HI  Cornwall,/Wm..  of  Bodmin. /Win. 

Acheley,  Thomas  (Atchellev)  —  iwrc,  bv 
right-heraldic  ;  gules,  on  a  fess  engrailed 
argent.  t>ctwcen  three  griffins'  heads  erased 
or.  three  crosses^e  fitchfic  sable.  Seated 
ilop,    father  of  .Sir   Roger. 

Kt  .  inaior  ol  Loiidijn,  i 


Aeheson,  Major-Gen 
ward  Archibald  Br  l.u.irds  l38'j    /2 
of   (iOiforJ,    K.H.     hears 
argrnt,  a  double-he.ided 

1.  the   Hon.  E 

abazon.i  "1.  in 
.\nh,b,ild.   jr.l    K 
by     riqh[-liera!d 
.ii;lo  dispt.ivt:d  &at 

Ackers,  Benjamin  St.  John— hears,   bv 

right-hei^ldic;  argent. on  a  bend  engrailed  sable 
between  two  doves  riiing.  three  sprigs  of  oak 
lipped  and  fructed  proper. 



The    Descent    of  '  , 

EDITH   JANE,  late  wife  of  WILLIAM  HENRY  AMBROSE, 
OF  London, 

TBlooD  Eopal 

Edward  I.,  crown- 
Aug.  1274,  b.  17  June, 
d.  7  July,  1307. 

f  Margaret  l2nd  wife),  dau. 
of  FhilipIII.  of  France,  m. 
S  Sept.  1299,  d.  14  Keb. 

dau.     of    John, 
there  5  Aug.- 1301.  cr    Karl  |  LorJ"  Wake    of   Liddell. 

nd,  of  Woodstock.  b=rMarcarel, 
of    Kent      1321,    beheaded  j  21  May,  1349 

r  3rd  Earl  HuntIy,=?=Jai 
d.  at  Perth  16  Jan.   1523-4.     Oct.  1474  (l' 

Of  CnglanD. 

George,4th  EarIofHuntIy=F  Elizabeth, dau.  of  Lord  Keith. 

George,  5th  Earl,  HiEh=fAnnc.dau.  of  James  Hamll- 
Chancellor  of  Scotland,  d.  ton.  Earl  of  Arran.  Duke  of 
May,  1576.  Chatclherault. 

:Henrietta,  dau.  of  Esme 
Stewart,  Duke  of  Lennox; 
she  d.  2  Sept.' 1642. 

Anne  Campbell,  eldest  dan. 
of  Archibil.l,  7th  Earl  o( 
Argyll,  d.  14  June,  l6jS. 

George,  2nd  Marquis 
Huntiy,  executed  22  ^ 

j.Tjamcs    Cr.n, 


John,  Lord    G6rdci 
5  Dec.  1517. 

,p.=T=Margaret,     "daughter"    of 


George.4th  Earl  of  Huntly,=i=Eliiabeth,    eldest    dai 
P.C,    High  Chancellor  of    Robert,  Lord  Keith. 
Scotland,  d.  2S  Oct.  1562.     I 

lau.  of  bir  ^ 
;orb«.,of  .M, 
nusk.  Bart. 

n,    dan.    of    Sir    Hugh 
npbell.of  Cawdor  Castle. 

=  Anne  (»nd   w.fc),  d,iu,  of 
"George  Douglas.  Esq.,  of  V 

and  of  Cr. 

Jane  Urquhart,  d.  i757=fCapt.    John    Urquh; 
I  Craigstc ^  -'■--' 

Mary  Urquh; 

Sir  wii 

not,  c.  .  barone.',  M.D.,  of  Ship-  El, 
Apl.  iBjj,  il.  18  Sept.  Und.oi.  13  5ept.  i3oo,  bat 
1829.  I  fi.  19  Jul),  1846.  3  f 

Robert  Arbuthnot,  of  Peter- 
head, mercht.,  d.  5  Nov. 

Barb«.=5U      John     Humer, 
I  ,n  Spain,  d.  3  Jui), 

Anr,..dau.of        ..George,         ;.  Jobnde  =  E.lher  Jan 
FieldM.  ^tr  of  Elderilie,      Nlonte,  of  ,  of  Rev.  Sir 

joho  torster  Surrey.  tendon,       I  Murray,  Bj 

trilliam  EMaryHellei 
Lenison  1  dau.  of  Rt. 
LrbuthDOl.   I  Hon.  Phili 

j        *  "        buihnoi.' 


John   de        Ediih  ]: 

am    Hy 

Cgmr.  R.N.,  b.  ; 

io  July.  iflSj.d.     btose,  of  Lumioi 

y,  b   as  Apt.  i36o. 
.id.  b.  a9  OtI.  1B7S. 

As  tlic  I'edigree  of  King  Eduuir.i   VII.  will  appear  in  this  work,  a  few  Royal  Dcsattts,  simtla 
b\  special  arrangem-nl,  early  tn.truclions  shiuld  l';  sent  to  J.  Foster,  Hon.    M.A.    0.\on.,    21 

to  the  ahiK-e,  will  also  be  inserted 
^onndarv  Rind,   London.   N'.ll'. 

\.n'.      .-.-r^t^' 

ACLAND.  Sir  Charles  Thomas  Dykp, 
12th  ba , 

..^usin.     k,-.u-AJm,ml    Mr     WiU 
baronfl)   --   Ijcar,     as     did      their 
in  the   age  of  Chivalry;   chccquy  arprnt  and 
bable,    a  fess  gules;  glh  and   8th  in    descent 
from  Sir  Arthur,  /  Hugh,    1620.    brother  of 

Nr  John,  of  Colunib  John,  Kl.,/Jolf *-- 

:  from  Ilald' 
.Baldwin  Ec«lin.  ancestor  also  of  the  f: 
seated   at   Hawkridge.    Chittlehanipton 
tioodleigh.     The 

A'Court-Repington,  Charles  Henry 
"Wyndham,  Ani.ngion  H.dl.  in  W  arvuck- 
bhire,  m.a.  m  r.  Wilion.  185'^-;^.  (OnU  sun 
of  late  Lt.-Gen.  Charles,  who  assuni-.-d 
the  n.iiiie  of  Repington  1855)— bears, 
by   right  heraldic:  quarterly  i  and  4,  gules 

I  fess    da  I 


Acres,  George,  /  Rol>ert.  of  Acres  HtII, 
Lane,  gem  ./ Ulster  Kingof  Arms.  ibMnrch. 
1576-7  -bore,  by  right-heraldic;  gules,  three 
eicallops  argent.  ^wrt/7tr/i' «'///'  (.='bend\ )  wavy 
argent  and  azure,  a  coat  of  augnientatmn  for 
"  good  service  done  as  well  in  Ireland  as  also 
in  France,  Flanders,  and  other  places.' 

Acton,  Edward— bore,  as  in  ihe  age  of  Chi- 
valry, quarlorly  per  fes:^  indeiiled  argent  anrl 
gules. in  tht-tir;.!  quarter  a  ntanlet  of  the  seecinfl. 


of  Willia 

Ludlow  ^ .     ^ 

Scott,  who  was  (iih  in  descent  from  Reginald 
le  Scot,  anno  27   Ed.  l.,   by  Isobell,   d.iughter 
of  Thomas  Had 
Acton,  Edward  William  Frederick,  of 

t.niacre    I'.Lrl^.    s.ilop.  J. I'.,    D.i..,    Capt.,  l.tte 
761I1  fool,  b^.ir;  traditionally  the  same  p^Uernal 

Acton,  Henry— bore,  bv  right-heraldic 

a  fess 

nd  Ixj  Glir'Ucciler.andatSurdham,  in  Hanti. 
t623,/HunilTrev,/lohn,/RKh.ird,  a!l  13I  of 
Burton  ;      /•'  Richard.    /  Sir     V  ■■■■•r      ^-th      >! 

.Suiton.     thiscoat.  wiihih.  t, ■    .1    ' 

was  borne  by  John,  of  L'>m  '  ;     • 

the    king,    in    1634.     by    )>  b 

Suffolk. 'in   1664,   and   by   Uii^   ■ :    I    ;■[  n 

St,  Leonard,  co-  Glouc. .  in  1682 
Acton.   John  1  f  William),   of  Beach,    near 
Macclesfield— l-ore,  by  right-heraldic  ;  guIcs.  a 
fess  ermine  bet\^een  two  lions   passam  arijenl. 
in  each  corner  of  the  field  a  cross  cm^^kt  or 

ACTON;  Sir  John  Emerich  Edward 
Dalberg-Acton,  1st  baron— be'.irs.    as 

didhisancestor^  m  lheai^..'Ol  (  hiv:ilrv  .  -ul.^v, 
crusily  fitch^e  "r  i.v,  l,.  ,,-  .  -,.,[i;  ;.  i...,- 
argent,   armed    uil         j       !  ,    - 

Tci/A  Dalberg;  .1.-.  ...■.:■.■,-  1  ■  .  ■■  .1 
Aldenhnm.  Sal'ip   1. 1 1  ■  ii  ■:  ,1  1  ■  !■■  n-  ■     1  7  i.r'v 

■  643-J.  /Wnli..f,    .0.,,  ,, I,.  ,,„,>.;., ,,..,. 

/  Rolx-rl  of  Ihc  ban.t,  /  /  'II1..11..1S. 
doscendcd  frum  William  of  Actun  Hunifll. 
14  Kd,  ,M- 
Acton,  Sir  Kobert,  and  his  nephew- 
Robert,  a  pftly  captain — bore,  t»y  riglit- 
htraldiCi  gul-i  a  fess  and  a  borduro  en- 
grailed ermine,  and  for  augnienlalinn,  on  .t 
c.nnlon  or,  a  irec  foliated  and  fructud  gules 
leaning  the  arms  of  Monsicui    Hon>  ngeoune. 

Adam.Eich.TKl.   ■  I  .  li      ,     i„„o.  bvnglit. 

luT.ildie;   .1.-.  ;ii   .11,    i.r...    :■■,.,  live  'rnuilets 

Adam,  'William,  1575— boio.  be  righi-h.ral- 
ilie;  \erl,  a  pale  argent,  between  t\ui  griftins 
^eyreant  or.  bv  grant  15  Feb  .  1^58-0,/  L. 
n.ilton,  \orrr,v,an<l  ronlirnied. />  \V.  Harvev, 
I.  lar,  uUct.,  1562  Uuell  at  I'vdd  St.  Giles, 
in  Klv,  /Symuii./,  uf  the  same. 

Adam, William, of. Maryburgh,  .V.B.— bore, 
by  riglit-heraldic,  1765 :  vert,  a  Corinlhiaii 
column  with  capital  and  base  in  pale  proper 
between  two  crosses  crosslet  titcliee  in  fess  or. 
Lyon  re;; 

AdninM.  Chiuies,  1   ,m     !.,.,    ',,■  n^^i,  heral- 

jn.  15^4 1, /Jolin,/' William,  of  the  same 
8,  Francis,    1623  —  Ltore.    by    right- 

taken  prisoner  at  the  siege  of  Bullcyne  I 
nephew  :  proliably  granted  bv  Sir  Christ 
Barker.  1336-50. 

Acton.  William  Robert,  formerly  of 

\ert.,n.iiiWiireestershire.  J.r  .bearstraditii 
the  same  coat  as  I-fenry  .\cton  above-nai 

"Wood-Acton,  Augustus,  of  .\cton 

.Vll..|>,   see  WUOU. 

Acworth,  Abraham  1/ lolinl.  of 
fess  iio\etail.  ermine  and  argent  in  the  i'. 
4tli  on  a  chief  daneeilee  gules  three  c 
argent,  within  a  Imrduro  hable.  bez;int 
the  and  and  3rd,  three  roses  gules. 
ch.irgL-d  vMlh  a  nuiiirt  or,   17^0. 

Adair,   Sir  Hugh  Edward,  3rd  I 

ol    l-hMun     H.dl,     Sufi. ilk— h-Airs.     by 
her.ildiL  ,   per  t)end  or  and    arijent.   ihrc' 
ler  hands  coup-.-d  and  erect  gules. 


/  Thomas,  of  Weni,  Salop.      Roger  .1 
u/im    r.isker,  of  London,  also  descend- 

confirmed  to  him  111  1  :;84  bv 
altered  in  1  J^o  by  thc'same'King  of  .An 

Adams,  Francis,  of  Clifton  and  Co 

i  WI1 



Adams,  Sir  Francis  Ottiwell,  k.c.m.c... 
188c;  .Anibass.idor  to  France,  187;;  to  .Swiss 
Confedn.,  1881— bore,  bv  right-heraldic; 
a7ure  on  a  fess  engrailed  between  two  cats- 
a-mountnin  argent,  another  of  the  field.  .See 
Foster's  ".Skn  .at  the  Itar." 

3,    John    Alexander    Philipps. 

11  N  ,    ol    ll..lvl,iii.l,    e.i 
tradniiiiiallv,    the    .irnis    of    Adams    uf 

r  .illowed  to  kichard  .Adam. 

■y  .:       I 



Is  WixwicK  Chukch  in  Lancashire,   1527 

After  Walkr. 

In    Hu>-staxton    Chukch,    N^'Ki 
After  Col  man. 


J''  /J':' 

1^       , 





BAML.   THOS.  A0AM6. 


Adams,  Joseph  Harrison,  of  rhadudi 

Court.  Staff..  J.i-  ,  and  his  hs.tli.jr.  Thoraas 

Harper   Adams,  of  Kdymond.  .saioi.— 
bore,  by  riglU-heraldic  ;    n/un-     thr.-r  .-ti,:.-.. 
mountain  pasbnni  in  palf 
or.  guttiij  de  larmcs. 

Adams,   Maxwell   Richard   Will 

Poors,     b-irri.ter-al-l.iw.     Middle      T.-i. 
iSfii./laic   General   Henry  AuguMu'; 
by  right-heraldic  ;  gules,  a  heart  t>e[\\tvn  tfuv 
cross*^s crosslci  fitchtfe or, quarterly  with  i't  hks 

Adams,  Philip,  1612— Lore,  hy  ri);hi-her,il 
die  ;  Rules,  ii  lion  rampant  between  ilin-et^.  ^li 
lops  or.  on  a  chief  argent  as  nianv  palltt 
engrailed  sable,  by  grant  11  Aug..  1612,/  R 
St.  George,  Xorroy.  .Scaled  at  Owston  11 
Yorkshire.  /  Henry. /William,  of  the  same 

Kast  Hardwicke.  and  at  Caniblebforih. 


Adams,   Richard,    1634— bore,   by   rig! 

heraldic  ;  ^rm1ne.  a  chevron  chectjuy  or  at 
sa.  between  three  roses  gules.  Of  Londo 

Adams,  Rev.   Richard,    ma.    1  c  n  , 
James.  late  Rector  of  C.i  •::-...;■ ,    .:■...,   .     , 
Meath.     deceased— bearv     S.     1  .        .         i 
gules,  a  heart  bet\\ecn  td" 
f.teh^or;  also  bv  his  rel.ti.r  ,    m,.  r,  ■  .,,,1.  ; 
ill  Capi.     William     Augu^lu?     A.l.uns.     5[h 
Royal   Iribh   Lancers;     ("z|   Herbert  Algernrjn 
Adams.    LieuL   U.S.,   and  (31   Hcnrv  Willi.ini 
Allen  Adams,   onlv  child  of  Col.  'Allen    \ 
Adams,  late  of  the  King's  Own  Morderers. 

Adams,  Robert,  of  Cavendish  Sq..  London. 
b-Dre  by  right-heraldic  ;  argent  on  a  cross 
gules  five  mullets  or,  in  ihe  first  quarter  a 
lygerbalienl  proper,  15  May.  1732. Grts.viii.  148. 

Adams  ia/ias  Tasker),  Roger,  o(  London, 
gent.  i!;84.  altered  in  mgo,  /  Clnr-Cooke.  See 
note  to  Francis  Adams. 

Adams,  Samuel   Allen,  of    Northlands, 

Carrickmacross.  co.  Cavan.  J.r. /John  H-rvev 
of  N'onhlands,  bar.-at-law,  bears,  bv  nght- 
heraldic;  gules  a  heart  between  three  crosses 
crosslct  fitch^-  or. 

Adams,  Samuel  Thomas— bears,  by  right- 

her.ildic  ;  vert,  a  cross  double  parted  .ind 
frel-.ed  between  two  mullets  in  the  1st  and 
4th  quarters,  and  as  many  cinquefoils  in  the 
2nd  and  3rd  quarters  or,  as  granted  tu  Adams,  of  Sible  Hedmgham,  Essex 
and  of  Nottingham,  j.p. 
Adams,    Thcmas,    1614— bore,    by   right- 



by    grant    30   Sept..     1614.    p   Cla.- ur„. 

SeatL-dat  Saffron  Walden.  in  hjsex./ William, 
whoeame  from  the  lord,  nere  Crow,  into 
Satlron  Walden. 

Adams,    Thomas,     of    Hath,    Edward 

Adams,  and  Alfred  (formerlv  Tl-kh  of  H.ill,  CO.  Carmarthen^b^jre,  bv 
right-heraldic  ;  argent,  a  cross  engrailed  gules', 
quarterly  pierced  and  charged  \Mth  four 
uilets  of  the  field,  in  the  centre  point  a  mullet 

of  the   second,    ar 

t  sable. 

Adams,  "William  —  seated  at  Welton 
Nonh.nnts.  1619.  /  Edward,  of  the  same.  / 
John,  of  Braunston.,  nol  tricked. 

Adams,  William,  of  the  Middle  Tempic- 

nore.  by  nght-heraldic  ;  sable,  on  a  bend  or  be- 
tween two  bezants,  three  martlets  of  the  field, 
■•V  grant  14  March,  1639-40,  per  Sir  J.  Borough, 

Adams, William, esquire.of.Sprowsion  Nor- 
folk. 1664-a— bore,  bv  ri-ht-heraldic;  ermine, 
three  Inns  passant  guardaot.  a  label  of  three 

Adams.  William,  of  Drumelton  House 
Contehill,  CO.  Cavan.  j  iv.  high  sheriff  18S8- 
bears.  by  right-hetaldic ;  ^ert,  on  a  palebt:tween 
I*vo  griffins  segre-ant  or,  a  trefoil  slipped  of  the 

Adams,  William  Cokayne    v  \     rector 

of  Dun.mer.  Hants-bore,  by  ripht-h^r.ildic  ; 
or.  on  a  cross  bt-iween  four  martlets  sable. 
five  mullets  of  the  field, 

Adams,  Rev.  William  Pulford  -t-ear^ 

by  right-ht.mldic  ;   or.   ctumIv  filelRv  sable,   a 
Tpant  gules,  a  bordu 



Ion.  I>. 

Liltlernringdon  Ox 

ton.  ONon./ William,  Conmns.inn.r  of  wWls 
and  Foresf;  (brother  of  1. 1  ■(..■n\  -^ir  iieort'e 
K.C.B.)./ William,  Ml-.  I'lymptun  irv^iSoi 
and   loines  1801-1  i,4thin  des-jentfiom  Henry. 


Adamson,  Henry,  of  Kweli.  Snrrev-bears. 

by  right-heraldic,  1883  ;  argent  a  fess  wavy 
between  three  crosses  crosslet  fitch^e  azure 
I-yon  reg. 

Adamson.  Lt.-CoL  Charles  Henry 
Ellison,  (.[.K.,  of  North  Jesmond.  New- 
castle-upon-Tyne. J.P.  —  U-ars.  by 'family 
tradition  ;  argent,  three  crosses  crosilet  fitchC-e 


Adamson,  Laurence    William— bears 

by   right  heraldic  ;    vert,   gutltfe  dean,  a  cross 

Laurence,  seneschal  of  the  Isle  of  .\I; 

Addenbrooke,    Rev.  Edward 

be;Lrs.  by  righl-her.ddic  ;   quarterly 

<>(  }-T 

_,  --.  between  three  ^,^j- 
h.tiig.d.  .Seated  at  the  Lea,  in 
,    aiui    Kingswinford,   co.  Staff., 

Adderley,    Hon.    Henry    Arden.     of 

Fillongley  Hall.  nr.  Coventiv  (/2  Ch.irles. 
isl  baron  N'ortonl,  Hon.  Cap't.  Warwickshire 
Yeomanry  i8f,6-bcars.  by  right  -  heraldu-. 
argent  on  a  bend  aziue  three  niascles  of  tlie 

Adderley,  Raulf— argent,  on  a  bend  azure, 
three  maScles  of  the  held  {borne  of  right- 
heraldic,  by  Samuel,  of  Illackhaugh,  1664). 
Seated  at  Coton,  in  Staffordshire,  .-sq.,  j.p., 
»583.  /  'Ihomas,  of  Blackhaugh.  father  also 
of  Humfrey.  groonie  of  the  Kobes  to  the 
Queen  s  M.ii.-sHe  ;  borne  also  by  the  family 
seated  at  Wcddtngton.  in  Warwiekbhire.  i6ig. 

Addington,  M  \j<.K-GFNK.k.\L  the  Hon. 
Charles  John,  /  5  William.  2nd  Vibcount 

Sidniouth  ;  served  inOrinieaai>d  Indian  Mutiny 
—  bears,  by  nght-heraldic  ;  per  pale  ermine 
and  ermines,  on  a  chevron  five  lozenges  all 
counterchaiiged  between  three  Heurs-de-lis  or. 

Addington ;  E^erton  Hubbard,  2nd 
baron,  Hun.  Col.  ist  Bncks  R,  Vols.  iSo^. 
M  V.  Buckingham  1874-80.  North  Bucks 
1806-9 — bears,  by  right-h^r.^ldie  ;  vert,  a  chev- 
ron engrailed  plain  cotised  argent,  between 
three  eagles'  heads  erased  of  the  second,  each 
gorged  with  a  collar  deureltc  guies. 

Addington,  Thomas,  1620— bore,  by  right- 
heraldic;  per  pale  ermine  and  ermines,  on  .1 
chevron  between  thiee  fleurs-de-lis  or,  five 
lozenges  all  counterehanged.  Seated  at  Lei<^h 
in  Devon./  Wil.iani.  of  Buleford./  John!  f 
Christopher,  pedigree  entered  but  not  signed 
In  the  coat  allowed  by  C.  Barker.  G.irter. 
to  Thomas  Addington,  of  London,  skinner, 
(here  are  four  lozenges,  and  the  fleurs-de-lis 
are  also  counlerchanged. 

Addis,  W^illiam,i633— iKirc,  by  right-heral- 
die  ,  .irgent,  a  chevron  coiiped  gules,  between 
three  trusses  pat^-  of  the  of  London 
fishmonger,  /  William,  of  Norton,  in  H^r^. 
fordshire.  /  lohn,  of  Kiiigsland.  aino  in  that 
county—"  thearnics  respil"  till  the  ne.\  teamie. 
&  brought  in  according  to  the  tvnie." 

Addison,  Edward  (/Charles),  of  London, 
bore,  by  nght-heraldic ;  emiine.  an  ancient 
galley  sable  surmounted  of  a  lieiid  gules 
charged    with    three  annulets  or,    on    a  chief 


lany  leopards'  faces  of  the  fourth 

Francis,  1666— bore,  by  nght- 
ici.iiuii.  ,  sablr.  a  chevron  argent,  between 
hree  eagles  displayed  or.  Se.iled  at  Oving- 
lam.  in  Northunit>erlnnd.  aged  2;.  27  Ar.gii^t. 
666. /John. /John,  both  of  the  same. 



.1     \ 






WARDEN    OF   ALL   SOULS'    COLLEGE,    i8Si  ; 

,  AND 


I        V 

■    .'  ■'■■■'' 

i    ,■ 





•  Addison,  Samuel  (/SamueH.  of  CU. 
i  Old  U.ill.  St.ifl  .  j.P'.-boro.  bvrighthcni 

I  argent,  a  pilt-  gulrs,  ihrt-e  annulets  oneiuic 

LOuntert.h.ingi.d,  on  a  chief  of  tlic  second  i 

garbi  or. 

Addison,  William   Henry,  of  No 

House.  Maidstone.  Kini.  and  KoherisMti. » 
Colony,  .So.  Afriui— IxMrs.  by 
sable,  a  bend  ermine  between  i^osri.ik.- 
on  a  chief  arjjont,  three  leopards'  faces  ^u 
g.ant.-d  to  John  Runi.uus  Addison  (  /  Ulf 
of  Newark  Mouse,  Maidstone,  then  a  stu 
at  hdinburyh  Lniveriiiy. 

Addison-Fountaine.  "William,  b  .\ 

Middleton  St  liwr-e,  co.  Durham— t>ou 
nghl-heraldii.  ;  (|uarleriy,  i  and  4,  or,  on  a 

tend  gules  ihr 

Adeane,  Charles  Robert  Whorw^ood, 

of  Kibraham.  in  Onil.ndge— bears,  ir.uli- 
tionatly;  the  arms  of  Deane.  of  \Valhnijl>.rd, 
in  Berkshire.andof  .NUltingley.  in  Hampshire, 
i.x)ntirnied  by  Camden,  1623,  stx  fii'S/. 

A'Deane,  John,oFA5hcotl.  near  Xapler.Xcw 
■  Zealand  (formerly  1  LCKtiRj— bears,  by  right- 
heraldic  :   per  pale  argent  and  or.  a  lion  ram- 
pant purpure,  a  border  crenelle  of  the  la; 

and  (for  1 

Adlam.  Will^ 

1  of  the  second. 

bears,  by  righl-heraidic  ; 
a/urt-.  Ill  tlif  deMer  chief  point  a  sun  (seven 
rays  issLi.intl  or,  the  centre  one  between  two 
estoiles  in  t«iui  smiiter  argent ;  quarterly  with 
MfX'KK.  Stated  at  Manor  House,  Chew 
Magna,  Bristol  (/John),  jr..  D.r..,  Somerset. 

Adlinpton,  Henrv  Smith,  of  Holme  Hale 

Hall,  Norfolk.  l.ateCapt.  4lh  Light  Dragoons 
-bears,    inad\ericntly,   the  coat   of   the  next 

Adlington,  Peter,  1567— [>ore.    by  nght- 

heraldic  ;  sable,  a  chevron  iwlwecn  three  goats* 
heads  erased  argent,  attires  or ;  descnlifd  as 
heraldic  antelopes  heads  in  1664.  :seated  at 
.\dlington,  in  Lancashire,  aged  36.  22  Sept., 
1064.  /  Hugh.  /  Hugh,  1613.  /  John.  1567. 
who  was  8ih  in  descent  from  Thomas. 

Adlyn,  John,  of  London — bore,  by  right- 
heraldic  :  gules,  nine  martlets  3.  3.  2,  1,  or;  by 
grant  in  1590.  />  CUr-Cooke. 

Adrian,  John,  of  London,  merchant.  1664 — 
claimed  to  bear.  vert,  three  estoiles  argent,    on 
chief  of  the  second  a  lion  passant  sable  : 



J  bring  his  originall.' 

.\de),  John,  1613— l)ore.  by  nght- 
a^ure  a  fess  indented  between  three 
cheruliims'  heads  or.  their  faces  silver.  .Sealed 
at  U'jdington,  Kent,  gent.. /John,  of  Sitting- 
bourne,  gent.,  deed..  /  John,  of  (irecte.  in 
Dodington.  whose  youngest  brother  was 
Nicholas,  &c.  Crest  granted  to  the  posterity 
of  his  grandfather  John,  of  Greete.  and  lo 
his  younger  brother  Nicholas— 20  .May,  1^13, 
p  Mr  W.  Segar,  Garter.  Copy  of  grant  Hni 

Affleck,  Sir  Robert,  7th  bart.,  of  D.^lham 

Hall,     in    Suffolk  -bears,     by    nght-heraldi 
argent,   three    bars  sable  guti^  d 

Affordby,  Edw^ard,  1564— bore,  by  ri-^ht- 
heraldic;  or.  a  saliire  engrailed  sable,  per  CI  a- 
renccux.  Seated  at  Billusbv.  in  Lincolnshire. 
/.Andrew, /John,  of  .\l^'ordby.  8lh  in  descent 
from  Sir  William,  lord  of  .Afi'ordby. 


/George,  who  was  6th  in  iKbi-i-Tit  fr.,ni  TJK.n 
.■\card,  1339.  brother  of  l-hn     of  •^-  n,.  .^ 
H.  VI  .  who  were  Sth  m  ■!         ■  :  ■■ 
dtis  Acardus  de  \  ilia  I-\iriir  ;  -,.■■> 

Doniesdai,"       Clar-H.u  . 

with    the    chevron    en/r  ,i;.-l  .,n.l  u,[|., 


— .  Derbv:  and  Kln-'s  Hromlev 
....  When  John  .Agard.  of  Huntini;t..h. 
\urks.  entered  his  pedigree  in  1666,  the  arms 
were  -Tespited  for  proof.  '  The  uiidifferenced 
coat  was  allowc.l  in  1662  lo  Charles,  of  Fo^ton. 
and  to  Sir  H.-nry,  /Udliam.  /  Clemens,  ot 
Derby  and  .\Kevon.  as  mentioned  alKJve. 

ARbrowe,    Edward     and    Robert,  /" 

William— bore,  by  nght-heraldK  ,  guks,  six 
martlets  pierced  3.  2  i,  lx.t"een  two  bar^ 
gemelles  argent,  granted  in  1656  /.Sir  Edward 
Hysshe,  Garter.  Sir  Robert  .A gl>ori»ugh  tnokihe 
name  and  arms  of  Townsend  in  1663,  ^tz. 
chevron  engrailed  between  three 
>callops  ermine,  ft  Sir  K.  Walker.  Garter.  27 

Seated  at  tdniarsh. 
i:ird.  When  John 
riifd  hii  petligrec  m 

Aglionby,  Rev.  Francis  Keyes  (pater- 
named;  his  grandmothei 
[  dan.  of  Henry  .\gliunby 
nd   coheir  of  her   brothei 

Agar.   Hon.  Herbert  "Welbore  Ellis 

I  /Welliore.  2nd  Karl  of  Normanton).  of 
Manlon  House,  Wilts  —  bore,  by  right- 
herahlic  ;  a^ure  a  lion   rampant  or,  with  due 

A»ar-RobarteB,  Hon. Thomas  Charles 

,  for  R.. 

■  thrt 

Atjard,  Nicholas,    1566-lMjre.    by    nght- 

heraldie  ;  aryent.  a  chevron  gules  l>etween 
I'lree  boars  heads  cuuped  s;tble.  Seated  at 
Sudburv.  in  Derby. /John.  /John,  l^th  of 
the  ^ame.  In  1662  these  arms  were  allowed 
to  (  harles.  of  Foston,  /  ?ohn,  of  O^haston.  and 
in  it*3to.Sir  Henrv, /William,  y  Clemens,  of 
Derby  and  Alveston. 
Agard,    William,    1611— bore,    by    right- 


-tiis  uf  the  lasl.tiaiiK-Ll  ;  his  gr.Tndiilothe, 
Mary  Ixing  y.)unsf»l  il.iii.  of' Henrv  Aiilionhy, 
«ho  dkcl  in  1770    .     ■       ■  -  '  ■ 

Chrislophur.  Mho  ih, 

Agmondesham,  John,  1572  — bore,  by 
right-heraldic  ;  nrgcnt.  un  .1  chL-\Toii  a^ure 
between  three  bo.irs'  he,\ds  sable,  .is  many 
cintjue^oils  or.  .Vated  at  Kov\ebarncs  Surrey 
/Henry  of  tast  Horsley.  «ho  was  7th  In 
descent  from  Walter,  temp.  H.  11].— John  s 
m  J.,hn.   ..ijed  29,    1572.  »as  of  the  Middle 


Agnew,    Hon.    Sir  James    Willson, 

KC.M.t;..  1S91;.  .M.I..,  I'remier  and  ehlel 
secretary  l.asmania  1886-7  l/Jas.  Wm..  .M... 
nf  Kallvcl.ire.  eo.  .\ntrini)-lH;ars.  bv  right- 
h-'-.ldic.  Ireland  ;  gules  un  a  che\ ron  between 
two  cmquefoils  and  a  saltorelle  argent,  a  tre 
foil  slipped  vert.     VIsters  Office. 

Agnew,  Sir  WilUam,  of  London,  ist 
b.ironel— Ijears,  by  njjht-heraldic  ;  per  saltire 
argent  and  gules  two  em(|uefoils  in  pale,  and 
as  manysaltorelles  in  fe.i  .all  eo-interchanged. 

Agullar,  Diego  ds,  ..f  .Mdennan  5  Walk 
London,  a  Haronoflhe  HoU  Koinan  Empire 
i7;6-bore.  by  righl-heraldie  :  gules,  an  eagl.- 
displayed  or,  over  the  head  a  plate,  on  a  cluef 
argent  three  mounts  vert,  on  each  a  pear  of  ihe 
last  fructed  of  the  seeotid. 

Aiken  ( 1,  of  Dalmoalc,  CO.    Dunibatlon— 

biire.  by  right-heraldic.  1803 ;  or  ihre-e  oak 
shps  fructed  proper,  a  chief  vair.      Lyon  reg. 

Aikenhead,  Francis  (/  Kobertl.  of  Otter- 

ington  Hall.  Yorkshire- bears,  by 
dic;  argent  three  acorns  slijiped  and  leaved 
vert,  two  Haunches  gule>,  e.ich  charged  will-  a 
thistle  leaved  and  slipped  or. 
Aikenhead,  James,  advocate— bore,  by 
nght-heraldic  ;  argent,  three  acorns  slippc-it 
vert.     Lyon  reg. 






\  ■  ,    -  ..':,.f 

'^\.^  ■■•V 

/J  \A  .... 

^•.•.:i::j   3H 



engrailed  gulos. 
Aikman,  Thomas  Stokes  Geo.  Hu^h 

Robertson,  of  Ross  ami  Hrnc,mli(U..n. 
Hanultun.  yv..  n.I...  M.iJ't  4lh  I'ui  Hi-li- 
l.-ind  1.1.  (/Hush  H.  K-1-tH.Mrb.  l.\  riLjlu- 
hcrrtldic(i893);  arstnt.  a  sinister  h.iml  lioMtri'; 
a  braiichof  onk  palew.iys  proper,  siiniiuuntcil 
of  a  bend  engrailed  guies.  Lyon  rcj;. 
Aileeburv;  Henry  Augustus  Bru- 
denell-Bruce,  5th  Marquis  of— bu^irs, 

by  right-hcr.ildic:   quarterly  i  and  4,  ui,  .1 

gulfsV>elwcen  th 
(or  knigbts"  caps)  azure.  IJhldKNKLI. 

AILSA;    Arohibald    Kennedy,     3rd 

MarqU'B  of— l>car?i.  :\s  did  his  ancestors  in 
the  age  of  Chivatrv  ;  argent,  a  chevron  i;uies 
between  three  crosses  crobslet  fitctitfe,  all 
within  the  royal  tressure  of  Scotland  of  the 

Ainslie,  liieut.-Gen.  George  Robert- 
bore,  by  right-heraldic,  iSjt) 
gules.     Lyoci  reg. 

Ainslie,  Sir  Robert,  hart.— bore,  by  right- 
heraldic.  1804;  or,  a  cross  tieury  gules,  charged 
a  mullet  argent.      Lyon  reg. 

Ainslie,Thomas,of  Quebec— bore,  by  nght- 
heraldic.  1760  ;  or.  a  cross  rtcury  gules  within 
a  bordure  of  the  last.     L>on  reg, 

Ainsworth,  Col.  R-ehard  Henry,  of 
Smilhhills  Hall  and  Moss  Bank,  en  1  ,uic  , 
High  SherifT.  N'orlhts  —  ina>lvLrt.i.ll\ , 
the  arms  of  Thomas  Ainsworth.  next  n.Tnu.i 

Ainsworth,  Thomas,  1^67— hnrc.  byrn;ht- 
hcraldic  ;  gules,  three  battle  axes  or.  .Si-.u-d 
ai  Plessinglon,  in  Lancashire,  and  aged  55. 
13  Sept.,  1664./ Thomas,  of  the  same,  brother 
of  John,  aged  4.  1613  (  /'  Thomas,  who  was 
qrd  in  descent  from  Lawrence.  1567,  /  Henrv. 
7  Lawrence,  all  of  the  same),  who  t.ore.  azure, 
three  spades  .argent  within  a  bordure  or 

A'rey,  Lieut.-Col.    Henry    Parke,  of 

Sydney,  N.s.w..  fz  Capt.  Henry  Conksnn 
Airev,     deed,    —    bears,      by     nght-herald  c : 

three  mullets  of  the  last,  and  in  base  the  l>.nitle- 
nieiiis  of  a  tower  or,  three  cinquefuiU  of  the 

AIRIilE;  David  Lvulph  Go'-e 
Wolseley  ORilvy,  9th  Earl  of- 
bears,  as  did  his  ancelor-  in  the  age  of 
Chivalrv:  argent,  a  lion  passant  guardant gules 
crowned  with  an  imperial  crown  and  gorged 
with  an  open  one  tcth  ppr. 

Aislabv,  Georg«,  principal  registrar  of  the 
Archbishcpnck  of  Y  ,rk,/Robert.  of  Osgodby,  . 
in  Ycikshire—boie.  by  nght-heraldic  .  gules, 
three  lorenges  in  fess  argent,  fictween  as 
iu;.ny  lyor.s'  heads  erased  or.  by  grant  25 
OcL.  16S3. /Sir  E   Walker,  Gr. 

Aitchison.   Sir   John,   k.c,  b.— bore,    by 

right-heraldic.  1867;  argent,  a  dnuhlc-h  adcd 
eagle  displayed  sable,  armed  gules,  charged 
on  the  breast  with  a  garland  of  burel  or, 
withm  a  bordure  eniUatlled  of  the  third,  on  a 
chief  of  the  same  a  mural  crown  between  two 
mullets  of  the  fourth-  Lyon  leg. 
AitchiFon,  Cept.  John,  -f  Piittn«eem. 

N.D— Uire,  by  nght-h-raldic ;  argent,  a 
dnuble-hf^ded  eagle\ed  s.ible.  nn  a 
chief  vert  a  cross  slafi  between  two  spur-revels, 
or,     Lyon  reg. 


-•      fellow 
,•  Henry 
■  i   ird    10 
1-   .  niond. 



liinl,  of  Mil, 


CI.  liii.l^i.  in  V, 

Aretaa,  I'X. 

U-U.iri.  by  risl 

l-furaldic ; 

chief  a/ure  three   mullets  of 
the  held  cnsigned  by  an  imperial  crov\n- 

Akroyd,    Charles   Henry,  of  Kempsey 

Lodge.  CO.  Wore— be,»rs,    by  right-lKraldic; 

a^ure,  a    che\r'Mi  and   in    Uise  a  slac  5  head 

erased  argent,    on    a    chief   of    the    two 

stags'  heads  cr,ised  tjf  the  Held. 
Alanf i,of  Si.imford.m  Lincolnshire— tore, 

.ugent.  three  b;irs   guies,  o\er  all  ihn-e  towers, 
1  by  W.  Dethick,  Garter,  illicith  .iceord- 

I'ng  to  Ralph  Urooke,  York   Herald,  see  Harl. 

MS..  1453. /3i'- 

,   Petor,   of    London,    1752— bore 

in    each    of  thei 

be.iks  ,it»  >.<.n   hl.ide  frucled  proper,   three  oa 
g.irbs  or:    imp,ilins,    for    Delamere : 

dolphin  naiant  argent." 

Albaney.  Sir  Robert,  1623— bore, 

heraldic;  argent,  on  a  feis  belWii 
cinquefoils  gules,  a  greyhound  com 
Seated     at    Hagshot.    Surrey,  /  Wil 


London,  merchant  i.iylor,  /  William,  ;'ather  of 
Henry,  ancestor  of  the  family  se.ited  in  Beds. 

Albaney,  William,  1563— bore,  by  nghi- 

first  of  LondOTi.    a 
of  Bedford.     This 

tington,  in  Salop, 

Aitchison,  Robert  Swan,  m  i»,  .  74  (in-.u 

King  Street.  Edinburgh -burc,  bv  rii^tn- 
heraldic  (iB^Sj;  or.  a  duuble-headed  eagle 
displayed  sable  bt-nked,  ice.  gules,  on  a 
chief  engrailed  vert,  a  plieon  betwee.i  t\\o 
spur-revels  of  the  first,  In  the  centre  of  the 
shield  .an  escutcheon  of  pretence :  gules,  on 
a  clievrun  between  three  demi-Iiuns  rampant, 
and  in  chief  a  cro>s  crosslet  titchOe  or,  a 
trefoil  between  tMo  anchors  sable.  Lyon 
reg.  XV.  13. 

AUken.  James,  shipowner,  of  Glasgow- 
bore,  by  right-heraldic.  1874  ;  urgent,  a  chevron 
aj:ure.  l)ctween  two  cocks  in  chief  sable,  and  an 
oak  tree  eradicated  proper  in  base,    Lyon  reg. 

sable.      Lyon  reg. 

Rul*n.    of  Bagshi.T,    -i-    ■.     I ,  ^     /  ■A-illiam. 
of  London,  meri.!i,.t     ■.  '  >'  .    father 

uf  Henry,  ancest'.r  .^   '1         -     ■- -  ileds. 

Albemarle;  Arnold  Allen  Cecil  Kep- 
pel,   8ih    Ear'    of— U.Us     by   right-r.eraldic  ; 

Albert.  Hu?h  Lawis,  and  his  brother. 
Will  am  John, uf  London -bore  by  nght- 
hec.ildic  :  per  ^altire  sable  and  a^iir-  a  griffin  ernnnuis  beH\een  two  plK'OTis  in  pale 
argent.      See  aUo  CuURTAll- 

Alberye,  Thomas,  of  \^"okingha.^l.   Berks 

—bore,  by  rtght-her.Udic  ;   argent,    a   cross  en- 
praik'd  between  four    "  stuck  doves  '     azure,  / 



Alchorne,  John— bore,    by    riglu-heraldic; 
danceli^   ot   the    last.       ^eated    at    Bought. -n 




U -'>•■"■  ^y  nght- 
hei.ildic  ;  argent,  .i  blig  s  head  ealn.-sed  sable, 
a  chief  daneeltt-e  guies  Se.ited  at  Catstield. 
m  Sussex,/ Robert,  of  Mardm.  /  2  John,  of 
Hrenchley.  Kent;  "the  Manor  of  Alchorne 
Iveth  in  Kotherfield.  in  Sussex,  and  in  that 
ch'jrch  is  this  auntient  Coat  of  the  .Akhorncs  " 

H  H 

S        V 

'VN    / 







r    yfj 



i  .1.   .-1  i !  r 

•f    !■• 



Alcock,  Philip  ClaytoJ 

CO.  Wexford,  J.l'..  Oipt,  l.ik-  (ll 
(/  Philip  SnvaHt;.  of  P.T-k  Hi 
regi  1  -t»fars,h>  nyhl-hcraldic.  I 
a  fess  Ifctweeii  ihrec  cocks'  h*\ii]' 

Alcock,  Thomas    t    ^     i     i 

T  W'll 



hahrrdnshrr,  1634./ \^  '■'••    n,       :  .      ;  ;;:    ' 
cHI  of  ttif  Ciiv     of   I  hL;,i^i.    .■  2      1  h.u.  I 
WiUnm.  of  Chester.  ,11  H.  \[ii 

Alcock-Beck,  ■William,  of  Ksihw 
Lodge  and  Sawrcy  Heck,  in  L-iiicii^lnre.  j 
B.A.  Cantab..  Major  lit  •  lotli  I  hi,  ^  I:  \ 
(/Will.  Towers,  of  ^.l^^r■  >  '  ...r,  ■l  „, 
of  AIcock-Beck.  in  li.  n  ■  1  '  s  :  >  n 
hcraldic.1856— bear;,.  b\  n-h:  :  >!  1  u- 
on  a  ftrss  indented  -muu.  in;!  ;i  'uiii. 
heads  erased  gules 

iiinu'et  enclosed  byt 

Alcock -Slawell,    Jonas    "WillJi 

Kilbnuain  Castle,  co  Cork  (  /  Ll  r 
liani,/2Col.Thus.)-bears,  In  n-lu-l 
Ireland;  quarterly  I  and4,  puli'>.  sev-n 




Alcock-Stawell  -  Riversdale,       Wm. 

Thos.  Jonas,  of  Li.nep^ir,  CO  Cork  ( z'  2  C.  1. 
Will.)  —  t)cars.  by  risht-hcraldic.  Irelan.l  ; 
quarterly  i  and  4.  gules,  on  a  fess  between 
two  Ciistles  and  a  dexter  gauntlet  argent,  three 
pellets.  K1VF.RSDAI.E  2.  SfAWELL  and  3 
.\LCacK  as  above. 


■  W^ 

Aldborough.  or  Aldeburgh,  Richard, 

1530— bore,  by  right-herahlic  ;  ;\/ure  .\  fess 
argent,  between  three  crosses  crossiet  lic'lonnee 
or.  S-ated  at  Aldborough.  in  Yorkshire,  / 
Sir  Richard.  /  Sir  Richard,  both  of  the  s.ini--. 
recnrded  to  his  son  Richard  in  1585  and  to 
his  son  William  in  i6ia. 

Alden,  Charles,  1634— bore,  by  right-heral- 
dic :   gules,   three  crescents    within  a    bnrdiire 
engrailed  ermine,  in  the  fess  point  an  annule 
or.     Sealed   at    Rickmansworth,    m    Herts, 
Charles,   /  Edward,  /    all    of   thi 


of  tl 

Middle  Temple,  by  Clar-Camd.-n.  I'.iul  Alden, 
of  Newton  Longuevillc.  in  Bucks.  1634.  / 
Alexander,  of  Rickmansworth,  "'  no  arms   ' 

Aldenham;  Henry  Hucks  Gibbs.  1st 

baron — bears,  by  right-herald ii.  ;  ari^ent, 
three  battle  axes  erect  sabie,  a  b-»rdurc  nebulec 


Aldenn,  Ga^n  Van,  a  native  of  Coloijne. 
bore,  by  cunhrmationfrom  Sir  t;.  Dediick.  ijr  ; 
or,  a  fess  between  three  stays  heads  erased 
sable,  attires  gules.  Copy  of  eonfinn.mon  in 
Latm-QueensCotl.  Ox..  MS    36,  p.  125. 

Alder,  Francis,  1615— bore,  bv  nghi-heral- 
die;  a^ure.  on  a  bend  argent  three  billets  of 
the  field  Seated  at  Alnwick,  /  (.leorije.  /' 
Oeorge,/  Rich.ard,  all  of  the  s.jme.  /  Kubert, 
of  Hobberlawe.  in  Northumberland,  ^kM.. 

Alderford,  John,  1569— bore,  by  nght- 
hcraldic ;  argent,  on  a  saliire  ,izure.  a 
griffins  head  erased  or.  Seated  at  Knii,'ht- 
v.ick.  in  Worcester,  and  at  Ndford.  in  Wnr- 
wuk,  /  John,  /  Walter,  of  Knighlwick.  / 
William,  of  Luckton,  /John,  of  Salfnrd  (ur 
Surfurd)  ;  entered  also  in  W,u■^Mckshl^e,   1619. 

Spursljw    Hall.    Chesh!r.--U-ars,    .is 

bend  engrailed  between  I 
artjeni,  three  leojiards   1 
John,  of  Middle  Alder-  v        ,   < 
/  lohn,  of  the  same,  /I.  I 

sev:  an.l  allowe<l  to   Ih 

haU-rdashcr.of  I..>ml..i,    ■■     \    ■  ■      ■■  - 
in   Cheshire,    i  ;Ho.    .in,!     ,  ,       1     . 

Valence,   m    Kent,   and   to   John,  of  I.,Qridan. 
merchant.  1033, 

Alderson,  Christopher,  rector  of  Oddtng- 

ton,    in  i;i.>ucestershire— bore,  bv 

Utween  three  suns. .r, 
Alderson,  Christophe 

, h  H.irker 

right  heraldic;  ardent,   thn 

_  .uped 

shimlders    pniper     wreathed    of   the    h 

U>ars   heads  in  pole  c 01 



Aldham.  John  U5631- 

flaulnh.   .  .'",       '■'     ,, 

by  the  Ke\.  Veinon  M.iti 

Aldhoiis,  John,  of  Mo 

three  doves*  wings 


Aldred,    John 

Aldrich,  Gregory,  t.  iboo— bore, 
heraldic;  or.  on  a  feiS  vert,  a  bull 
argent,    armed    tKnr\    uniruled    of    the 

of  the  sam 


Aldridge,  Charles  Powlett— b--ir5,   by 

three  garbs  or,  banded  gules,  tw  :>  <jlivr- 
branches  in  saliirc  eneircledbya  ducal  :oronet 
gold  between  two  robins  proper,  all  vwlhm  j 
bordure  engrailed  erminois  charged  vMtli  3 
lorteaux  (;> -rant  1820K  /iV.  John, /' KnU-ri.  / 
John.   /  John,    all    of   St.    Leonard  s    Forest. 

Aldr'dge,  Henry,  afterwards  Bi.tsi.  See 
I)K  Bakrkto, 

Aldridge,  John,  of  King's  Clecre.  Hants, 
1772 — bore,  by  righl-heraldic;  argent  a  bor- 
dure a/ure  bezantte,"  on  a  canton  guh-s 
three  sword>  barways  in  pale  of  the  rrst.  hdt 
and  poniniel  or,  points  to  the  dexter  Her. 
Coll.  Grants  Bookxii..  125, 

Aldridge.  John  1/  WiUiami,  of  Ronisey. 
Hants.  1820 -bore,  by  righi-heraldic  or,  nn 
a  fess  azure  betwei-n  two  robins  proper  a  croji 
fiory  between  t«o  garbs  of  the  held. 

Aldrydge,  Robert,  Doctor,  re^'istrsr  of  the 
Order  of  the  Uaner  (afterwards  Bishop  of  Car-  by  riyht-hcraldic  ;  vert.  ..n  a  fess 
ari^ent  bet^^ee^  tlirte  garbs  or  bandrd  gulei. 
two  branches  of  hawthorn  fretie  (?  fr-Jtedl  in 
saltire  of  the  field  encircled  by  a  crowr  or.  en- 
compa-sed  bv  a  mound  azure  and  ,1  r<ibin 
proper,  all  svithm  a  bordure  engr.''.  led  or, 
pomeis./SirC.  Barker.Garter.25 Jan.,  1530-7 

Aldworth,  R'chard,  1666— t>ore.  bv  nght- 

heraUlic;  argent,  a  chevron  belW(.-en  thre-'Uiars 
heads  erect  and  two  crosses  crosslci  htchte 
gules.  Seated  at  Ruscombe.  in  Berks..  J.l'.. 
M.P.  Reading,  and  one  of  the  aii(::inr5  of 
H.M.'s  Exchequer,  aged  51,  8  March.  i66^-(>. 
■      ■  '■   admg. 



oke  and  his  collaterals 

Aldworth.    Lt.-Col     Will- am,    c 

Duke   of  Cornwall  s    Lii,'ht    Inf.mtrv    ■  r' 
Robert,  of  Gh-uncaume,  co.  Cork)  — b^a 
nght -heraldic;   argent,  a  fess  engrailed  *>e 
SIX  billets  pules. 
Alefounder.  Robert,  seeALFOUNDKi 

'•  J 






17   H.  VII.  1501. 
In  L.ACOCK  Church,  Wilts. 


In  Frense  Church,  Norfolk,  1531. 

After  Cotman. 

In  I.MPiNGTON  Church, 

C.^MERIDGESHIRE,    1505. 

n      i    I 





^TIlV/      M   I.    ,        (     fX 

'  Alers-Hankey .William  (forn 

of  Hackney,  London  -  bon.-,  by  ni 
per  pnlu  azure  and  guli's  a  wolf  sal 

Alexander,  Boyd— bore,  by 

1784;  paned  per  pale  argent 
chi'vron,  in  base  a  crescent,  : 
wTHini;-pen  countercliansed.  wit 
parted  per  pale  gules  and  ur.      Lyon  rey. 

Alexander,  M.-GenL  Sir  Claud,  1st 
baronet— lionrs.  by  :  p.-r  pale 
argent  and  -,.11,1.  .i  clie.r.-ri.  \n■:^■.,fru  ari.;ur-do 

lis  inchiet  .11. 1  A  .-  -  '.■  ■■    ■■    ■■      ■.  '  ■    ■'■nt.T- 
changed  with.      ■  ■■■  1  1    ■  .  .'   ■  -md 

Ayrshire  1874-^5  KubtTi  .\[v  .iml'T,  '>l  Hoi 
hall  and  HInckhouse,  ib04  igr.iiulion  ot  kolier 
1579I,  registered  his  arms  a'  the  Lyun  oifif 
1672.      Mis  great  grandson.  Cl.iud  of  Kallucl 

iiyle.  added  the  bordurc 



Alexander,  Francis,  1613— bore,  by  righi- 
heratdic ;  aziin*  a  che\Ton  between  three  tatbots' 
hcj-di  erased  argent,  collared  gu.  Doctor  uf 
Divinity,  prebendary  of  Winchester./ John, 
/John,  both  of  Hampshire.  Here  is  a  curious 
blunder  in  the  Doctors  faculty— he  w  as  of  New 
College,  and  probably  a  \Vykchanii5i.  B.c.l.. 
1605.  D.C.L.  1610.  preb.  1613.  sequestered 
about  1646,  sec  Foster's  Alumm  Uxonifmes. 
The  same  coal,  sable,  was  allowed  to 
Thomas  Alex.inder.  of  Fr.iinlingham.  buff.. 
6  July.  1664,  /  Sir  K.  Kysshe,  Garter. 

Alexander,  Granville  Hy.  Jackson,  of 

Forkhill  Ho.,  CO.  Armagh.  Hifih  Sheriff.  1S83 
lyiate  Henry)— bears,  by  righl-heraldic.  Ire- 
land ;  per  pale  argent  and  sable,  a  chtvron 
between  an  annulet  and  a  crescent,  all  counter- 
changed— see  Foster's  "  Peerage,"  E.  Caledon 
and  Ulster's  reg. 

bank.  Sevcnoaks)— bears,  by  right-heraldic,  the 
same  coat  as  Lord  Caledon,  viz..  per  pale 
argent  and  sable,  a  chevron,  and  in  basi-  a 
crescent  all  counterchanged  on  a  canton 
azure,  a  harp  or  stringed  argent — see  Fosters 
■■  Peerage  "  and  Ulster's  rcg. 

Alexander,  John,   1580— bore,    bv   ri?ht- 

heraldic  .  barry  of  ten  argent  and  azure,  a  lion 
rampant  g\iles  holding  a  battle  or.  the 
blade  charged  with  a  cross  patli^e  of  the  third. 
Seated  at  Wistasion.  in  Cheshire. /Nicholas, 
of  Dover  ;  cunftrmcd  by  Segar,  Garter  (1607- 
33).  Add.  MS.  12.225.  ''•  2''. 

Alexander.  John,  merchant,  of  Glasgow- 
bore,  by  nght-htraldic.  t86i  ;  parted  per  pale 
argent  and  sable,  a  chevron  counterchanged 
between  a  cross  crosslet  filch^e  gules  anri  a 
galley  sail  furled  or  in  chief,  and  in  base  a 
crescent  counterchanged  of    the  held.      Lvon 


Alexander,  Sir  Lionel  Cecil  "WilliaE 
eth  baronet— iiears,  by  right-heraldic  ;  p 
pale  argent  and  sahic  a  chevron  belwei 
a  mullet  in  the  sinister  chirf  point  and 
crescent  in  base,  all  counterchanged  ;  on 
canton  azure  a  harp  or  stringed  of  the  first. 

Alexander,  Hon.  'Walter  Philip. 
James.  3rd  Karl  of  Caledon.  Lt.-Co!.  21 
Dragoons.  1896— bears,  by  nght-heraldn 
per  pale  argent  and  sable  a  chevron,  and 
base  a  crescent  counterchanged,  on  a  canti 
azure  a  harp  or.  stringed  argent. 


Josiah    George, 


..    Co 

\'icar    of    Stoke     M 


s   Richard,   IM>.,    Bish 

ip  0 


iy  right-heraklic  :  or. 

3n  a 

a/urc   between  three 

paltiie  and  three  Heurs- 



Alford.  Sir  Lancelot,  i6i2-l)orc.  by  r;hi. 
her.ildic  ;  pults,  SIX  pears  slipped,  3  and  :  "r, 
a  cliittot  Ihi:  lasl.  Sdled  .11  .Me.iuv.  ■"  \.  f*'- 
shire  I  his  son  Sir  of  Hilion,  kr  1, 
/  John.  /  John. /Thoni.ns.  all  t3l  of  hJlt. 
CO.  Denbigh.  These  arms  were  allowe :  in 
1623  10  Henry,  of  Hall  I'lace,  parish  of  hur- 
lev,  Berks,  '  John,  of  lawley.  Bucks,  -he 
so'ld  Ihe  caslle  of  Holt  and  the  loivn  of  M^  rd, 
brother  ofSir  Lancelot  first  n.inicd.  .  .-.ey 
were  also  allowed  in  1634  to  Sir  l-.dward  ol 
Cashiobury,  Herts,  til.  tidivard.  of  Sussex 

Alfounder,  Hobert,  1664— I 


four  Cornish  choughs  sabli 

f  Ue, 
of  Th 

in  IJ'.Mefound-'. 
\\'riolhesle>  Garter.  Se-i:e 
ot  John,  of  Dcdiarn 
■  ■■        ■■  rehit, 
1  Uol-rl 

/"John,/kol.ert,  both  of  Dedham. 
Alfrey,  Edward.  1634— bore,  by  right-h»ral- 
dic  .  argent,  on  a  chevron  sable,  a  tlcur  c:  lis 
of  the  held.  Seated  at  Gullcge.  in  li.ast  Orin- 
stead.  Sussex,  gent— .arms  and  descent  eni;red 
in    the  register    booke    of    the   Visitatior.    of 

Alfrey,  Kiohard.  1634  — bore,  by 
heraldic  ;  per  fess  sable  and  ermine,  on 
counterchanged.  three  ostriches'  head 
necks  erased  argent,  gorged  with  cro«r 
chains  or.  by  grant  to  John  .Alfrey,  i  .\ 
i4^Q-6o,  p  John  Smart.  Garter,  com 
in  ,591  by  Clar-Cooke  to  Thomas  .\lfr 
B.attell.  SirC.  Barker.  .Or,  granted  a 
which    vvas  altered    by    m 


Seated  at  Potn 
of  Kr. 

heads  erased  ; 


in  C.i 

of  Guestling.  /  rh..~ias. 
s.  of  H.attell.  .all  inSu:ie.v. 
,  1618— bore,  by  rghl- 
bior.  in  chief  three  c.cks' 
.  combed  and  wattl.-l  of 
(the   fess    Ijetween    :nree 

cocks'  heads)  connrmcd  and  crest  gra 
June.  1616.  p  W.  Segar,  liarler.  and 
(jeorge  .Norrov.  Seated  at  .Sibertofi,  in 
ants.  /  John.'  of  the  same.  /  \\'i«..< 
West  Broniwich,  /Bartholomew,  of  Ha 
■  SlalVs. 

Hichard.  of  Lo 


Alexander,  John  Staples,  of  Ponslcnonr. 

Ballymcna.  co,  .Antrim — liears.  hy  nplit-heral- 
dic  .  per  pale  argent  and  sal.le.  a  ch.j.rr.n  ind 
in  base  a  crescent  Ijolh  counnrchanc'ed,  on  a 

sinister,  chief  point  a  trefoil  of  the  hrsl, 

Alexander.  Lesley  William,  of  .Ahilly. 

CO  Llonegal.  Jr.- bears,  hy  right-hcraldic  . 
per  pale  argent  and  sable  a  chevron  .and  in  base 

pean.    on   a  chic^f  gules    three    crosses   Hi 

Alford.  John.  1634— bore,  by  right-herald 
gules.  SIX  pears  slipped.  3.  2.  1  or.  on  a  el 
of  the  Last  a  crescent  lordlli'erence-ol  I.ond- 
mercer.  /  Thomas,  of  the  Cillie  ol  (..■>.  ni 
gent,  father  also  of  Thou.. is.  of  Lmman 
Coll..  C.imbudge. 


.*  x^^, 




Constable  of  Wisbech  Casti  k. 

In  WrsHECii  Church,  1401. 

AJler  BouUll. 


In  Oravcot  Cerne  Church, 

Wilts,  c.  1380. 

AJter  BouUtl. 


In  I.itti  k  Casterton  Church, 

Rutland,    138^. 

AfUr  BouUll. 


I  of  the 
i  head  coupcd  or     Lynn  reg 
Allan,  Robert  Henry,  of  Rl.-i 

-   and   HUck«dl   H.ill,    CO.    Durh; 

pk-rced  or   charged  with  four  Kultt's  < 
hons'  hej(Js  erased  of  ihe 
lin  a  bordurc  fngrailcd  erminuis, 
■ed  by  Ur.  E,  H.  Sinhiigof -Siinderl. 

1800— bore,  by 
■  bend  indenled  .nri^eiil  and  gule; 
:   of  the  sec.ind.  and  in  ba' 
head  cou[>ed  or. 

Allan-Fraaer,  Pat 

Hall.   Co.    Warwick,     and      Hospital 
Korfar.    N.B.    (/  Robert,    of  .\rbroath). 
1890     bore,    by    nsht-heraldic ;     azure, 
frames  argent,  a  cantoa  ermine  quartfrly 
gules,  aliun  rampant  .ixid  a  bordureim 

Allan  (formi 

l...iidon     ViMiahoii      16:53     p^-r 
Lorulun.  /I-Alvv.ird.   of    Iluby.   Yo 
lophcr.  uf  LD    (Ml.  iJiirham. 

Allen  (Alevni.  Giles, 

158Q— bore,    bv   ritihl- 

h^raldm  ;    or.  on    a   fes 

vert,  f\ciiif.lilit-d  by  C!. 

r-Couke  1^89      Se.-ited 

at    Ha.,j|.-igh.     in     K.> 

e\,   /  i_hnstoph.'r,    of 

ofticc  of  the    same    cit 

V.    vouiiger    brother   of 

Sir  Juhn.  Kt,,  t«ice  fiia 

lor.  and  a  privy    coud- 






Aikenhead  of  Yorkshire- 

rt[kivr.ii-Hi  B  if.rrmrlv  H 

Franci".  (fil  R.>BEKTI,  of  Ottmngton 

Garsdale.i!   :    \   ;  r     ■:    ,.  ,k 

Hall.    Capt.    R.A  .    bears    hv    ris:ht- 

of    Hnn.-.^.  :.      XI.  :■-    .  . 

heraldic  ,  argent,  three  acorns  slipped 


and  leaved  vert  t«o  Haunches  ^iiles 

hends  afir..i,' ■[..  ■,    ,i 

each  charged  with  a  thistle   slipped 

rlers  proper  ivrc.ithctl   uf  th 

and  leaved  or. 

sable,  quarltrlv  ictth,    Ll.f> 

three  boars'  heads  in  pale  c 

^Uen  of  Yorkshire -Chkis- 
'HF.R  Al.RW,  hore  by  right-heraldic 
!a  1550;  s.ihlc,  a  fess  engrailed 
line  between  three  taibots  passant 
collared  gules  genimed  and  ringed 

AiBlaby    of    Yorkshire  - 
UtuKUt,     bore     by     right-heraldic 
giiles.  three  lozenges  conjoined  in  fes; 
argent,  between  as  many  lyons'  h' 
erased  or,    25    Oct.    1663  per  Si 
Walker,  Garter.  Pnncipal  kegi: 
of  the  Archbishoprick  of  Vork- 
oT  RuBtRTof  Osgodby. 


■e  stags 

leads    cal 

oshe'l    a 


rlerly   u 

lit    H-VKk 


on  a  bend  sable 

of  the  field. 



n./Tho    liF.O 

k<:E  li^r.i 


ohn.    i; 

jol  reeorc 


5S5  and 

1612,   bu 

his  gr.i 


ecorded  in 
ell    onlv 

t666  ihi 






1,833  to 

he  nevl. 



Alexander  of  Yorkshire 

^'lM-l.\.M  of  M.iUriv,  M.I.  ,  bore, 
ghl-heraldic  ,  paly  wavy  (6)  or  a 
lyon  rampant  pean,  on  a  ch 
■ee  crosses  liuo'  ermine. 

AUott  of  Yo 



-    of   South 

Kirbv,    b< 


raldic;     or. 

a     fess 


he    se 

nnd     two 



with   three 


2  and  I 

sable,  per  g 


0    R.lB 

.HT.  Fellow 

St.  John 


Vicar  of  So 


The  Volume,  price  £2.  125.  (>d.,  -will  contain  iip-d'ards  of  \, 000  Coats  of  Arms  as  on  this  page ^ 

^0-^^^'  ^ 



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6505    1